mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 06:47:28 +00:00
500 lines
12 KiB
500 lines
12 KiB
; +---------------------------------------------------+ ;
; | Sample program DIARY for use with Magic Assembler | ;
; +---------------------------------------------------+ ;
mov ah,09
mov dx,offset(headtxt)
int 21
cmp byte [0081],0d
jne @1
mov dx,offset(syntax)
jmp error
@1 cmp byte [0082],'A'
je @2
cmp byte [0082],'a'
je @2
cmp byte [0082],'!'
jne @10
jmp @f
@10 cmp byte [0082],'D'
je @1a
cmp byte [0082],'d'
je @1a
jmps @1b
@1a jmp @1d
@1b cmp byte [0082],'O'
je @1e
cmp byte [0082],'o'
je @1e
jmps @29
@1e jmp @1f
@29 cmp byte [0082],'S'
je @2c
cmp byte [0082],'s'
je @2c
jmps @2d
@2c jmp @2e
@2d mov dx,offset(unpar)
jmp error
; Add item
@2 mov ah,3c
mov cx,0020
mov dx,offset(tempnam)
int 21
mov thandle,ax
mov ax,3d00
mov dx,offset(datanam)
int 21
jc @3
;Copy the data
mov bx,ax
@5 mov ah,3f
mov cx,0003
mov dx,offset(date)
int 21
cmp ax,cx
jne @4
mov ah,3f
mov cx,0001
mov dx,offset(tsize)
int 21
mov ah,3f
mov ch,0
mov cl,tsize
mov dx,offset(txt)
int 21
push bx
mov ah,40
mov bx,thandle
mov ch,00
mov cl,tsize
add cx,0004
mov dx,offset(date)
int 21
pop bx
jmps @5
;Close and delete DIARY.DAT
@4 mov ah,3e
int 21
mov ah,41
mov dx,offset(datanam)
int 21
;Ask for data
@3 mov ah,09
mov dx,offset(askdate)
int 21
@9 call readdat
mov ah,09
mov dx,offset(message)
int 21
mov tsize,00
mov di,offset(txt)
@e mov ah,00
int 16
cmp al,0d
je @c
cmp al,08
jne @d
cmp tsize,00
je @e
mov ah,09
mov dx,offset(bs)
int 21
dec di
dec tsize
jmps @e
@d inc tsize
mov ah,0e
mov bx,0007
int 10
jmps @e
;End of lineread
@c mov ah,40
mov bx,thandle
mov ch,00
mov cl,tsize
add cx,0004
mov dx,offset(date)
int 21
mov ah,3e
int 21
mov ah,56
mov dx,offset(tempnam)
mov di,offset(datanam)
int 21
int 20
;Look for warning
@f mov ah,2a
int 21
sub cx,076c
mov byte [offset(cdate)],dl
mov byte [offset(cdate)+1],dh
mov byte [offset(cdate)+2],cl
@1c mov ax,3d00
mov dx,offset(datanam)
int 21
jnc @11
mov dx,offset(datanf)
jmp error
@11 push ax
mov ah,3c
mov cx,0020
mov dx,offset(tempnam)
int 21
mov thandle,ax
pop ax
mov bx,ax
@19 mov ah,3f
mov cx,0003
mov dx,offset(date)
int 21
cmp ax,cx
jne @12
mov ah,3f
mov cx,0001
mov dx,offset(tsize)
int 21
mov ah,3f
mov ch,00
mov cl,tsize
mov dx,offset(txt)
int 21
mov si,offset(cdate)
mov di,offset(date)
mov cx,0003
@13 cmpsb
jne @14
loop @13
call delit
cmp al,01
jne @14
jmps @19
@14 push bx
mov ah,40
mov bx,thandle
mov ch,00
mov cl,tsize
add cx,0004
mov dx,offset(date)
int 21
pop bx
jmps @19
;End of file
@12 mov ah,3e
int 21
mov ah,41
mov dx,offset(datanam)
int 21
mov ah,3e
mov bx,thandle
int 21
mov ah,56
mov dx,offset(tempnam)
mov di,offset(datanam)
int 21
int 20
;Delete item
@1d mov ah,09
mov dx,offset(wdel)
int 21
call readdat
mov si,offset(date)
mov di,offset(cdate)
mov cx,0003
@3c movsb
loop @3c
jmp @1c
;Delete old dates
@1f mov ah,2a
int 21
mov bx,offset(cdate)
mov [offset(cdate)],dl
mov [offset(cdate)+1],dh
sub cx,076c
mov [offset(cdate)+2],cl
mov ax,3d00
mov dx,offset(datanam)
int 21
jnc @21
mov dx,offset(datanf)
jmp error
@21 push ax
mov ah,3c
mov cx,0020
mov dx,offset(tempnam)
int 21
mov thandle,ax
pop bx
@25 mov ah,3f
mov cx,0003
mov dx,offset(date)
int 21
cmp ax,cx
jne @22
mov ah,3f
mov cx,0001
mov dx,offset(tsize)
int 21
mov ah,3f
mov ch,00
mov cl,tsize
mov dx,offset(txt)
int 21
mov si,offset(date)+2
mov di,offset(cdate)+2
mov cx,0003
@23 std
ja @20
jb @24
loop @23
@24 call delit
cmp al,01
je @25
;Still future
@20 push bx
mov ah,40
mov bx,thandle
mov ch,00
mov cl,tsize
add cx,0004
mov dx,offset(date)
int 21
pop bx
jmps @25
;End of file
@22 mov ah,3e
int 21
mov ah,3e
mov bx,thandle
int 21
mov ah,41
mov dx,offset(datanam)
int 21
mov ah,56
mov dx,offset(tempnam)
mov di,offset(datanam)
int 21
int 20
;Show dates
@2e mov ax,3d00
mov dx,offset(datanam)
int 21
jnc @2f
mov dx,offset(datanf)
jmp error
@2f mov bx,ax
@3b mov ah,3f
mov cx,0003
mov dx,offset(date)
int 21
cmp ax,cx
jne @30
mov ah,3f
mov cx,0001
mov dx,offset(tsize)
int 21
mov cl,tsize
mov ch,00
mov ah,3f
mov dx,offset(txt)
int 21
mov si,ax
mov byte [offset(txt)+si],'$'
mov al,date
call shownum
push bx
mov ah,09
mov dx,offset(slash)
int 21
mov al,[offset(date)+01]
call shownum
mov ah,09
mov dx,offset(slash)
int 21
mov al,[offset(date)+02]
call shownum
mov ah,09
mov dx,offset(space)
int 21
mov ah,09
mov dx,offset(txt)
int 21
mov ah,09
mov dx,offset(crlf)
int 21
pop bx
jmps @3b
@30 mov ah,3e
int 21
int 20
delit push bx
mov al,date
call shownum
mov ah,09
mov dx,offset(slash)
int 21
mov al,[offset(date)+01]
call shownum
mov ah,09
mov dx,offset(slash)
int 21
mov al,[offset(date)+02]
call shownum
mov ah,09
mov dx,offset(space)
int 21
mov bh,00
mov bl,tsize
mov byte [offset(txt)+bx],'$'
pop bx
mov ah,09
mov dx,offset(txt)
int 21
mov ah,09
mov dx,offset(delete)
int 21
call flag
push ax
mov ah,09
mov dx,offset(crlf)
int 21
pop ax
error mov ah,09
int 21
int 20
flag push bx
@16 mov ah,00
int 16
mov ah,0e
mov bx,0007
int 10
cmp al,'Y'
je @15
cmp al,'y'
je @15
cmp al,'N'
je @17
cmp al,'n'
je @17
mov ah,09
mov dx,offset(bs)
int 21
jmps @16
@15 mov al,01
jmps @18
@17 mov al,00
@18 pop bx
readdat mov di,offset(date)
@2a call readnum
cmp al,1f
jna @a
mov ah,09
mov dx,offset(backerr)
int 21
jmps @2a
@a stosb
mov ah,09
mov dx,offset(slash)
int 21
@2b call readnum
cmp al,0c
jna @8
mov ah,09
mov dx,offset(backerr)
int 21
jmps @2b
@8 stosb
mov ah,09
mov dx,offset(slash)
int 21
call readnum
mov ah,09
mov dx,offset(crlf)
int 21
shownum push ax
push bx
mov ah,00
mov bl,0a
div bl
cmp al,00
je @31
push ax
mov ah,0e
add al,30
mov bx,0007
int 10
pop ax
@31 mov al,ah
add al,30
mov ah,0e
mov bx,0007
int 10
pop bx
pop ax
readnum mov ah,00
@6 int 16
cmp al,30
jb @6
cmp al,39
ja @6
mov ah,0e
mov bx,0007
int 10
sub al,30
mov bl,0a
mul bl
mov bl,al
mov ah,00
@7 int 16
cmp al,30
jb @7
cmp al,39
ja @7
mov ah,0e
push bx
mov bx,0007
int 10
pop bx
sub al,30
add al,bl
backerr db 07 08 08 '$'
bs db 08 20 08 '$'
crlf db 0a 0d '$'
datanam db 'DIARY.DAT' 00
datanf db 'DIARY.DAT not found' 0a 0d '$'
delete db 0a 0d 'Delete this entry? $'
askdate db 'Enter date (DD/MM/YY): $'
headtxt db 'Diary - Written by Bert Greevenbosch for Magic Software' 0a 0d
db 'Public Domain Version' 0a 0d '$'
message db 'Enter message to display on that date: $'
slash db '/$'
space db ' $'
syntax db 0a 0d 'Syntax: DIARY [A/D/O/S/!]' 0a 0a 0d 'A = Add' 0a 0d 'D = Delete' 0a 0d 'O = Delete all decayed dates' 0a 0d 'S = Show all dates' 0a 0d '! = Warn' 0a 0d '$'
tempnam db 'DIARY.TMP' 00
unpar db 'Unknown parameter' 0a 0d '$'
wdel db 'Enter date to delete from (DD/MM/YY): $'
cdate ds 3
thandle dw ?
;the record
date ds 3
tsize db ?
txt ds 100