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; grafix --- egagrafa.asm
; stuff to plot points fast in 8086 assembler (BLEECH!!!)
; Written 4/87 by Scott Snyder (ssnyder@romeo.caltech.edu or @citromeo.bitnet)
; Modified 5/29/87 by sss to allow for different memory models
title egagrafa
include macros.ah
g_linsiz equ 80
g_pixbyte equ 8
ega_gr_data equ 03cfh
ex g_drawbuf, dword
ex g_xor, word
ex g_xcliplo, word
ex g_xcliphi, word
ex g_ycliplo, word
ex g_ycliphi, word
exProc EGA_point_set
exProc EGA_point_res
cseg _egagrafa
EGA_plot label byte ; to get accurate profiling data
; plot a point. ax = y; bl = c; cx = x;
pBegin plot
les si, g_drawbuf ; get address of buffer
mov dx, g_linsiz ; y * g_linsiz
mul dx
add si, ax ; add to offset
mov ax, cx ; x to AC (ohhh... what symmetry!)
mov cx, g_pixbyte ; move it to use it...
div cx
add si, ax ; add quotient to offset (now complete)
mov al, 80h ; make mask
mov cx, dx
shr ax, cl ; shift it
mov dx, ega_gr_data ; shove it out to the mask register
out dx, al
mov al, es:[si] ; read data into latches
mov es:[si], al ; and do a write
pEnd plot
; C interface for point plotter
; EGA_point(x, y, c)
pBegin EGA_point
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
push di
push [bp+argbase+4] ; call setup routine
call EGA_point_set
add sp, 2
mov ax, [bp+argbase+2]
mov bx, [bp+argbase+4]
mov cx, [bp+argbase]
call plot
call EGA_point_res ; reset EGA
pop di
pop si
mov sp, bp
pop bp
pEnd EGA_point
; write for pixels for circle drawing
; void EGA_write_pix(x1, y1, x2, y2, c)
; can just ignore color here 'cause that's all setup at setup time...
pBegin EGA_write_pix
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
push di
mov cx, [bp+argbase] ; cx = x1
cmp cx, g_xcliplo ; check for clipping
jb w2
cmp cx, g_xcliphi
ja w2
mov ax, [bp+argbase+2] ; ax = y1
cmp ax, g_ycliplo ; do clipping
jb w1
cmp ax, g_ycliphi
ja w1
push cx ; plot (x1, y1)
call plot
pop cx
w1: mov ax, [bp+argbase+6] ; ax = y2
cmp ax, g_ycliplo
jb w2
cmp ax, g_ycliphi
ja w2
call plot ; plot (x1, y2)
w2: mov cx, [bp+argbase+4] ; cx = x2
cmp cx, g_xcliplo
jb w4
cmp cx, g_xcliphi
ja w4
mov ax, [bp+argbase+2] ; ax = y1
cmp ax, g_ycliplo ; do clipping
jb w3
cmp ax, g_ycliphi
ja w3
push cx ; plot (x2, y1)
call plot
pop cx
w3: mov ax, [bp+argbase+6] ; ax = y2
cmp ax, g_ycliplo
jb w4
cmp ax, g_ycliphi
ja w4
call plot ; plot (x2, y2)
w4: pop di
pop si
mov sp, bp
pop bp
pEnd EGA_write_pix
df_ EGA_point
df_ EGA_write_pix
df_ EGA_plot
endcs _egagrafa