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; ÚÄ Benny's Compression Engine for Win32 Ä¿ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ
;Hello everybody,
;let me introduce my second compression engine for Win32 enviroment (u can
;find my first engine in Win32.Benny and Win98.Milennium). This engine
;worx on "compressin' bit groups" base. When I started to write this stuff,
;i wanted to write engine, that would work on Huffmann base. Then I decided
;it's not needed to implement this complicated algorithm here, coz I wanna
;be this engine small and effective.
;Not only this is truth. This engine is very fast, very small (only 478 bytes)
;and has implemented my special compression algorithm, that is simple and has
;very, ehrm, let's call it "interesting" compression ratio X-D.
;So how does it work ?
;I said, this engine worx on "compressin' bit groups" base. What does it mean ?
;Bit group (as I call it) is group of two bits. U know, every byte has 8 bits.
;Example: byte 9Ah group0 group1 group2 group3
; 10011010 ===> 10 10 01 10
;As u can see, every byte has 4 bit groups and I said, it compresses
;bit groups. Heh, u think i'm crazy when im tryin' to compress
;two bits, yeah :?)
;This engine will (on the beginnin') calculate, which bit group has
;the biggest count of repetency, which second biggest, etc...
;Example: group count
; 00 ===> 74
; 01 ===> 32
; 10 ===> 12
; 11 ===> 26
;That's not all. It has to sort items to know, which group has the biggest
;count. I decided it's best to use "bubble sort algorithm". Then there isn't
;any problem to use "our algorithm".
;Look at this table, when in first column r sorted groups and in second
;comlumn r <another> bits, which will represent new compressed data.
;Sorted by count: 1. ===> 1
; 2. ===> 00
; 3. ===> 010
; 4. ===> 011
;Finally, engine will replace bit groups with these bits.
;Gewd thing on this algorithm is that there aren't needed same bytes to have
;good compression ratio, but only some bits.
;So now u know whole secret of my compression algorithm. U also know, why
;I said, it has "interesting compression ratio". Look at the table and u will
;see, what type of files can we strongly compress. They r both of binaries
;and texts, but not every binaries or texts can be compressed as well as otherz.
;We can compress some binaries again with the same or better ratio. Why ?
;Imagine, u have file with 1000x 0x0s. After compression we have 125x 0xFFs, that
;can be compressed again. Some files can be after compression (negative even -
;file is bigger) compressed again with positive compression (file is smaller).
;Heh, crazy, isn't it ? X-DDD.
;How can I use BCE32 in my virus ?
;BCE32 is placed in two procedures called BCE32_Compress and BCE32_Decompress.
;a) BCE32_Compress:
;Input state:
; 1) ESI register - pointer to data, which will be compressed
; 2) EDI register - pointer to memory, where will be placed compressed data
; 3) ECX register - number of bytes to compress + 1 (do not forget "+ 1" !)
; 4) EBX register - work memory (16 bytes)
; 5) EDX register - work memory (16 bytes). MUST NOT be same as EBX !
; call BCE32_Compress
;Output state:
; 1) EAX register - new size of compressed data
; 2) CF set, if negative compression
; 3) Other registers r preserved (except FLAGS)
;b) BCE32_Decompress:
;Input state:
; 1) ESI register - pointer to compressed data
; 2) EDI register - pointer to memory, where will be placed decompressed data
; 3) ECX register - number of bytes to decompress (EAX value returned by
; BCE32_Compress) - 1 (do not forget "- 1" !)
; call BCE32_Decompress
;Output state:
; 1) All registers r preserved
;WARNING: Be sure, u have enought memory for case of negative compression.
;NOTE: U can compress (in some special cases) already compressed data.
; For this purpose exists output parameters EAX and CF.
;Do u like this (or my another work) ?
;Gimme know. If u have some notes or commentz for this, for another work,
;or if u simply like it, mail me to benny@post.cz. Thanx.
;Don't u like it ?
;Fuck u.
;(c) by Benny/29A May 1999.
BCE32_Compress Proc ;compression procedure
pushad ;save all regs
;stage 1
pushad ;and again
push ecx ;save for l8r usage
push 4
pop ecx ;ECX = 4
lodsb ;load byte to AL
l_table:push eax ;save it
xor edx, edx ;EDX = 0
and al, 3 ;this stuff will separate and test
je st_end ;bit groups
cmp al, 2
je st2
cmp al, 3
je st3
st1: inc edx ;01
jmp st_end
st2: inc edx ;10
inc edx
jmp st_end
st3: mov dl, 3 ;11
st_end: inc dword ptr [ebx+4*edx] ;increment count in table
pop eax
ror al, 2 ;next bit group
loop l_table
pop ecx ;restore number of bytes
loop create_table ;next byte
push 4 ;this will check for same numbers
pop ecx ;ECX = 4
re_t: cdq ;EDX = 0
t_loop: mov eax, [ebx+4*edx] ;load DWORD
inc dword ptr [ebx+4*edx] ;increment it
cmp eax, [ebx] ;test for same numbers
je _inc_ ;...
cmp eax, [ebx+4] ;...
je _inc_ ;...
cmp eax, [ebx+8] ;...
je _inc_ ;...
cmp eax, [ebx+12] ;...
jne ninc_ ;...
_inc_: inc dword ptr [ebx+4*edx] ;same, increment it
inc ecx ;increment counter (check it in next turn)
ninc_: cmp dl, 3 ;table overflow ?
je re_t ;yeah, once again
inc edx ;increment offset to table
loop t_loop ;loop
popad ;restore regs
;stage 2
pushad ;save all regs
mov esi, ebx ;get pointer to table
push 3
pop ebx ;EBX = 3
mov ecx, ebx ;ECX = 3
rep_sort: ;bubble sort = the biggest value will
;always "bubble up", so we know number
push ecx ;save it
mov ecx, ebx ;set pointerz
mov edi, edx ;...
push edx ;save it
lodsd ;load DWORD (count)
mov edx, eax ;save it
sort: lodsd ;load next
cmp eax, edx ;is it bigger
jb noswap ;no, store it
xchg eax, edx ;yeah, swap DWORDs
noswap: stosd ;store it
loop sort ;next DWORD
mov eax, edx ;biggest in EDX, swap it
stosd ;and store
lea esi, [edi-16] ;get back pointer
pop edx ;restore regs
pop ecx
loop rep_sort ;and try next DWORD
;stage 3
pushad ;save all regs
xor eax, eax ;EAX = 0
push eax ;save it
push 4
pop ecx ;ECX = 4
push edx ;save regs
push ecx
lea esi, [ebx+4*eax] ;get pointer to table
push eax ;store reg
lodsd ;load DWORD to EAX
push 3
pop ecx ;ECX = 3
mov edi, ecx ;set pointerz
search: mov esi, edx
push eax ;save it
lodsd ;load next
mov ebp, eax
pop eax
cmp eax, ebp ;end ?
je end_search
dec edi ;next search
add edx, 4
loop search
pop eax ;and next step
inc eax
pop ecx
pop edx
add [esp], edi
rol byte ptr [esp], 2
loop n_search
pop [esp.Pushad_ebx] ;restore all
popad ;...
;stage 4
xor ebp, ebp ;EBP = 0
xor edx, edx ;EDX = 0
mov [edi], bl ;store decryption key
inc edi ;increment pointer
xor eax, eax ;EAX = 0
push ecx
lodsb ;load next byte
push 4
pop ecx ;ECX = 4
push ecx ;store regs
push eax
and al, 3 ;separate bit group
push ebx ;compare with next group
and bl, 3
cmp al, bl
pop ebx
je cb0
push ebx ;compare with next group
ror bl, 2
and bl, 3
cmp al, bl
pop ebx
je cb1
push ebx ;compare with next group
ror bl, 4
and bl, 3
cmp al, bl
pop ebx
je cb2
push 0 ;store bit 0
call copy_bit
push 1 ;store bit 1
call copy_bit
cb0: push 1 ;store bit 1
end_cb1:call copy_bit
pop eax
pop ecx
ror al, 2
loop next_bits ;next bit
pop ecx
loop next_byte ;next byte
mov eax, edi ;save new size
sub eax, [esp.Pushad_edi] ;...
mov [esp.Pushad_eax], eax ;...
popad ;restore all regs
cmp eax, ecx ;test for negative compression
jb c_ok ;positive compression
stc ;clear flag
ret ;and quit
c_ok: clc ;negative compression, set flag
ret ;and quit
cb1: push 0 ;store bit 0
end_cb2:call copy_bit
push 0 ;store bit 0
jmp end_cb1
cb2: push 0 ;store bit 0
call copy_bit
push 1 ;store bit 1
jmp end_cb2
mov eax, ebp ;get byte from EBP
shl al, 1 ;make space for next bit
or al, [esp+4] ;set bit
cbit: inc edx ;increment counter
cmp dl, 8 ;byte full ?
jne n_byte ;no, continue
stosb ;yeah, store byte
xor eax, eax ;and prepare next one
cdq ;...
n_byte: mov ebp, eax ;save back byte
ret Pshd ;quit from procedure with one parameter on stack
db '[BCE32]', 0 ;little signature
BCE32_Compress EndP ;end of compression procedure
BCE32_Decompress Proc ;decompression procedure
pushad ;save all regs
xor eax, eax ;EAX = 0
xor ebp, ebp ;EBP = 0
cdq ;EDX = 0
lodsb ;load decryption key
push eax ;store it
lodsb ;load first byte
push 8 ;store 8
push edx ;store 0
d_bits: push ecx ;store ECX
test al, 80h ;test for 1
jne db0
test al, 0c0h ;test for 00
je db1
test al, 0a0h ;test for 010
je db2
mov cl, 6 ;its 011
jmp tb2
testb: test bl, 1 ;is it 1 ?
jne p1
push 0 ;no, store 0
_tb_: mov eax, ebp ;load byte to EAX
or al, [esp] ;set bit
ror al, 1 ;and make space for next one
call cbit ;end of procedure
ret ;...
p1: push 1 ;store 1
jmp _tb_ ;and continue
db0: xor cl, cl ;CL = 0
mov byte ptr [esp+4], 1 ;store 1
push eax ;store it
push ebx ;...
mov ebx, [esp+20] ;load parameter
ror bl, cl ;shift to next bit group
call testb ;test bit
ror bl, 1 ;next bit
call testb ;test it
pop ebx ;restore regs
pop eax
mov ecx, [esp+4] ;load parameter
bcopy: cmp byte ptr [esp+8], 8 ;8. bit ?
jne dnlb ;nope, continue
mov ebx, eax ;load next byte
xchg eax, ebx
mov byte ptr [esp+8], 0 ;and nulify parameter
dec dword ptr [esp] ;decrement parameter
dnlb: shl al, 1 ;next bit
test bl, 80h ;is it 1 ?
je nb ;no, continue
or al, 1 ;yeah, set bit
nb: rol bl, 1 ;next bit
inc byte ptr [esp+8] ;increment parameter
loop bcopy ;and align next bits
pop ecx ;restore ECX
inc ecx ;test flags
dec ecx ;...
jns d_bits ;if not sign, jump
pop eax ;delete pushed parameters
pop eax ;...
pop eax ;...
popad ;restore all regs
ret ;and quit
db1: mov cl, 2 ;2. bit in decryption key
mov [esp+4], cl ;2 bit wide
jmp testbits ;test bits
db2: mov cl, 4 ;4. bit
tb2: mov byte ptr [esp+4], 3 ;3 bit wide
jmp testbits ;test bits
BCE32_Decompress EndP ;end of decompression procedure