// Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler // Type: . // Assembly: syncuiLoader, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null // MVID: F112AE9C-7564-463C-8834-3BB2BC4FBE1B // Assembly location: C:\Users\Administrateur\Downloads\Virusshare-00001-msil\Trojan.Win32.Llac.aamy-d1153c91831872cfeacf510426d9b4752eab5933102816559dcd2628b12a7253.exe using \u0003; using \u0004; using \u0005; using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace \u0006 { internal sealed class \u0002 : Form { private \u0003.\u0003 \u0001; private \u0001 \u0001; private Thread \u0001; private CheckBox \u0001 = new CheckBox(); private Label \u0001 = new Label(); private Button \u0001 = new Button(); private Button \u0002 = new Button(); private Label \u0002 = new Label(); private \u0002.\u0005 \u0001 = new \u0002.\u0005(); private Panel \u0001 = new Panel(); private Panel \u0002 = new Panel(); private Button \u0003 = new Button(); private \u0001 \u0001 = new \u0001(); private \u0004.\u0005 \u0001 = new \u0004.\u0005("Preparing the error report."); private \u0004.\u0005 \u0002 = new \u0004.\u0005("Connecting to server."); private \u0004.\u0005 \u0003 = new \u0004.\u0005("Transferring report."); private \u0004.\u0005 \u0004 = new \u0004.\u0005("Error reporting completed. Thank you."); private Button \u0004 = new Button(); private Button \u0005 = new Button(); private \u0003.\u0004 \u0001 = new \u0003.\u0004(string.Format("{0} has encountered a problem.\nWe are sorry for the inconvenience.", (object) "Morph_12.06.2011_224918")); private \u0003.\u0004 \u0002 = new \u0003.\u0004(string.Format("Please wait while {0} is sending the report to {1} through the Internet.", (object) "Morph_12.06.2011_224918", (object) "[Unknown Company]")); private \u0005.\u0003 \u0001 = new \u0005.\u0003(); private Button \u0006 = new Button(); private void \u0003() { this.\u0001.SuspendLayout(); this.\u0002.SuspendLayout(); this.SuspendLayout(); this.\u0001.\u0003(\u0005.\u0004.\u0002); this.\u0002.\u0003(\u0005.\u0004.\u0002); this.\u0001.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left; this.\u0001.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System; this.\u0001.Location = new Point(22, 98); this.\u0001.Size = new Size(226, 16); this.\u0001.TabIndex = 13; this.\u0001.Text = "Ignore this error and attempt to &continue."; this.\u0001.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(this.\u0007); this.\u0001.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right; this.\u0001.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System; this.\u0001.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25f, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, (byte) 0); this.\u0001.Location = new Point(20, 124); this.\u0001.Size = new Size(381, 16); this.\u0001.Text = string.Format("Please tell {0} about this problem.", (object) "[Unknown Company]"); this.\u0001.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right; this.\u0001.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System; this.\u0001.Size = new Size(75, 24); this.\u0001.Location = new Point(400 - this.\u0001.Width, 205); this.\u0001.TabIndex = 4; this.\u0001.Text = "&Don't Send"; this.\u0001.Click += new EventHandler(this.\u0004); this.\u0002.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right; this.\u0002.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System; this.\u0002.Size = new Size(105, 24); this.\u0002.Location = new Point(this.\u0001.Left - this.\u0002.Width - 6, 205); this.\u0002.TabIndex = 3; this.\u0002.Text = "&Send Error Report"; this.\u0002.Click += new EventHandler(this.\u0003); this.\u0006.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right; this.\u0006.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System; this.\u0006.Size = new Size(64, 24); this.\u0006.Location = new Point(this.\u0002.Left - this.\u0006.Width - 6, 205); this.\u0006.TabIndex = 14; this.\u0006.Text = "De&bug"; this.\u0006.Visible = false; this.\u0006.Click += new EventHandler(this.\u0010); this.\u0002.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right; this.\u0002.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System; this.\u0002.Location = new Point(20, 140); this.\u0002.Size = new Size(381, 55); this.\u0002.Text = string.Format("To help improve the software you use, {0} is interested in learning more about this error. We have created a report about the error for you to send to us.", (object) "[Unknown Company]"); this.\u0001.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right; this.\u0001.Location = new Point(20, 69); this.\u0001.Size = new Size(381, 13); this.\u0003.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right; this.\u0003.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System; this.\u0003.Size = new Size(80, 24); this.\u0003.Location = new Point(400 - this.\u0003.Width, 205); this.\u0003.TabIndex = 7; this.\u0003.Text = "&Cancel"; this.\u0003.Click += new EventHandler(this.\u0005); this.\u0004.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right; this.\u0004.Enabled = false; this.\u0004.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System; this.\u0004.Size = new Size(80, 24); this.\u0004.Location = new Point(this.\u0003.Left - this.\u0004.Width - 6, 205); this.\u0004.TabIndex = 6; this.\u0004.Text = "&OK"; this.\u0004.Click += new EventHandler(this.\u0006); this.\u0005.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right; this.\u0005.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System; this.\u0005.Location = this.\u0004.Location; this.\u0005.Size = this.\u0004.Size; this.\u0005.TabIndex = 5; this.\u0005.Text = "&Retry"; this.\u0005.Visible = false; this.\u0005.Click += new EventHandler(this.\u000F); this.\u0001.Location = new Point(87, 146); this.\u0001.Visible = false; this.\u0001.SetBounds(24, 72, 368, 16); this.\u0002.SetBounds(24, 96, 368, 16); this.\u0003.SetBounds(24, 120, 368, 16); this.\u0004.SetBounds(24, 144, 368, 16); this.\u0001.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left; this.\u0001.SetBounds(6, 450, 120, 32); this.\u0001.Controls.AddRange(new Control[8] { (Control) this.\u0006, (Control) this.\u0001, (Control) this.\u0001, (Control) this.\u0001, (Control) this.\u0002, (Control) this.\u0002, (Control) this.\u0001, (Control) this.\u0001 }); this.\u0001.Size = new Size(413, 240); this.\u0001.TabIndex = 0; this.\u0002.Controls.AddRange(new Control[9] { (Control) this.\u0003, (Control) this.\u0004, (Control) this.\u0005, (Control) this.\u0001, (Control) this.\u0002, (Control) this.\u0001, (Control) this.\u0002, (Control) this.\u0003, (Control) this.\u0004 }); this.\u0002.Size = new Size(413, 240); this.\u0002.TabIndex = 2; this.\u0002.Visible = false; this.AutoScaleBaseSize = new Size(5, 13); this.ClientSize = new Size(434, 488); this.ControlBox = false; this.Controls.AddRange(new Control[3] { (Control) this.\u0001, (Control) this.\u0001, (Control) this.\u0002 }); this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; this.ShowInTaskbar = false; this.MinimizeBox = false; this.MaximizeBox = false; this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; this.Text = "Morph_12.06.2011_224918"; if (this.Text.Length == 0) this.Text = "Error Reporting"; try { this.TopMost = true; } catch { } this.\u0001.ResumeLayout(false); this.\u0002.ResumeLayout(false); this.ResumeLayout(false); this.\u0005.BringToFront(); this.Size = new Size(419, 264); this.\u0002.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; this.\u0001.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; } private void \u0003([In] object obj0, [In] EventArgs obj1) { try { this.\u0001.Visible = false; this.\u0002.Visible = true; this.\u0001.Visible = true; if (this.\u0001 == null) return; this.\u0003(new ThreadStart(this.\u0004)); } catch { } } private void \u0003([In] ThreadStart obj0) { this.\u0001 = new Thread(obj0); this.\u0001.Start(); } private void \u0004([In] object obj0, [In] EventArgs obj1) => this.Close(); private void \u0005([In] object obj0, [In] EventArgs obj1) { try { if (this.\u0001 != null) this.\u0001.Abort(); } catch { } this.Close(); } private void \u0006([In] object obj0, [In] EventArgs obj1) => this.Close(); private void \u0007([In] object obj0, [In] EventArgs obj1) => this.\u0001.\u0003(this.\u0001.Checked); private void \u0003([In] object obj0, [In] \u0001 obj1) { try { // ISSUE: method pointer this.Invoke((Delegate) new \u0003.\u0005((object) this, __methodptr(\u0004)), obj0, (object) obj1); } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { } } private void \u0008([In] object obj0, [In] EventArgs obj1) { try { // ISSUE: method pointer this.Invoke((Delegate) new EventHandler((object) this, __methodptr(\u000E)), obj0, (object) obj1); } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { } } protected override void OnClosing([In] CancelEventArgs obj0) { if (this.\u0001 != null && this.\u0001.IsAlive) this.\u0001.Abort(); base.OnClosing(obj0); } private void \u0004([In] object obj0, [In] \u0001 obj1) { switch (obj1.\u0003()) { case \u0002.\u0004.\u0001: if (obj1.\u0003()) { this.\u0001.\u0003(obj1.\u0003()); this.\u0005.Visible = true; this.\u0005.Focus(); break; } this.\u0001.\u0004(); break; case \u0002.\u0004.\u0002: if (obj1.\u0003()) { this.\u0002.\u0003(obj1.\u0003()); this.\u0005.Visible = true; this.\u0005.Focus(); break; } this.\u0001.\u0005(); this.\u0002.\u0004(); break; case \u0002.\u0004.\u0003: if (obj1.\u0003()) { this.\u0001.Visible = false; this.\u0003.\u0003(obj1.\u0003()); this.\u0005.Visible = true; this.\u0005.Focus(); break; } this.\u0002.\u0005(); this.\u0003.\u0004(); this.\u0001.Visible = true; break; case \u0002.\u0004.\u0004: this.\u0001.Visible = false; this.\u0003.\u0005(); this.\u0004.\u0005(); this.\u0004.Enabled = true; this.\u0004.Focus(); this.\u0003.Enabled = false; break; } } private void \u000E([In] object obj0, [In] EventArgs obj1) => this.Close(); private void \u000F([In] object obj0, [In] EventArgs obj1) { this.\u0005.Visible = false; this.\u0001.\u0003(); this.\u0002.\u0003(); this.\u0003.\u0003(); if (this.\u0001 == null) return; this.\u0003(new ThreadStart(this.\u0004)); } private void \u0004() => this.\u0001.\u0007(); private void \u0010([In] object obj0, [In] EventArgs obj1) { if (this.\u0001 == null) return; this.\u0003(new ThreadStart(this.\u0001.\u0006)); } public \u0002([In] \u0003.\u0003 obj0, [In] \u0001 obj1) { this.\u0003(); int height = this.Height; this.\u0001 = obj1; this.\u0001 = obj0; this.\u0001.Text = obj1.\u0003().Message; int num = height + (this.\u0001.Height - this.FontHeight); if (!obj1.\u0005()) { this.\u0001.Visible = false; num -= this.\u0001.Height; } if (num > this.Height) this.Height = num; if (obj1.\u0003()) { obj0.\u0003(new EventHandler(this.\u0008)); this.\u0006.Visible = true; if (this.\u0006.Left < this.\u0001.Right) this.\u0001.Visible = false; } if (!obj1.\u0004()) { this.\u0002.Enabled = false; if (this.\u0001.CanFocus) this.\u0001.Focus(); } obj0.\u0003(new \u0003.\u0005(this.\u0003)); } } }