// Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler // Type: TaskScheduler.Task // Assembly: AutoKMS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null // MVID: D1CED9E3-1FC7-49B8-B3AC-44976AB7F6E4 // Assembly location: C:\Users\Administrateur\Downloads\Virusshare-00000-msil\HackTool.Win32.KMSAuto.i-f317ba4d4051fad64a0aa45b587fa3dcea795bac30acec2872779abe31a07cbe.exe using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.Security; using TaskSchedulerInterop; namespace TaskScheduler { public class Task : IDisposable { private ITask iTask; private string name; private TriggerList triggers; internal Task(ITask iTask, string taskName) { this.iTask = iTask; this.name = !taskName.EndsWith(".job") ? taskName : taskName.Substring(0, taskName.Length - 4); this.triggers = (TriggerList) null; this.Hidden = this.GetHiddenFileAttr(); } public string Name => this.name; public TriggerList Triggers { get { if (this.triggers == null) this.triggers = new TriggerList(this.iTask); return this.triggers; } } public string ApplicationName { get { IntPtr ApplicationName; this.iTask.GetApplicationName(out ApplicationName); return CoTaskMem.LPWStrToString(ApplicationName); } set => this.iTask.SetApplicationName(value); } public string AccountName { get { IntPtr AccountName = IntPtr.Zero; this.iTask.GetAccountInformation(out AccountName); return CoTaskMem.LPWStrToString(AccountName); } } public string Comment { get { IntPtr Comment; this.iTask.GetComment(out Comment); return CoTaskMem.LPWStrToString(Comment); } set => this.iTask.SetComment(value); } public string Creator { get { IntPtr Creator; this.iTask.GetCreator(out Creator); return CoTaskMem.LPWStrToString(Creator); } set => this.iTask.SetCreator(value); } private short ErrorRetryCount { get { ushort RetryCount; this.iTask.GetErrorRetryCount(out RetryCount); return (short) RetryCount; } set => this.iTask.SetErrorRetryCount((ushort) value); } private short ErrorRetryInterval { get { ushort RetryInterval; this.iTask.GetErrorRetryInterval(out RetryInterval); return (short) RetryInterval; } set => this.iTask.SetErrorRetryInterval((ushort) value); } public int ExitCode { get { uint ExitCode = 0; this.iTask.GetExitCode(out ExitCode); return (int) ExitCode; } } public TaskFlags Flags { get { uint Flags; this.iTask.GetFlags(out Flags); return (TaskFlags) Flags; } set => this.iTask.SetFlags((uint) value); } public short IdleWaitMinutes { get { ushort IdleMinutes; this.iTask.GetIdleWait(out IdleMinutes, out ushort _); return (short) IdleMinutes; } set { ushort waitDeadlineMinutes = (ushort) this.IdleWaitDeadlineMinutes; this.iTask.SetIdleWait((ushort) value, waitDeadlineMinutes); } } public short IdleWaitDeadlineMinutes { get { ushort DeadlineMinutes; this.iTask.GetIdleWait(out ushort _, out DeadlineMinutes); return (short) DeadlineMinutes; } set => this.iTask.SetIdleWait((ushort) this.IdleWaitMinutes, (ushort) value); } public TimeSpan MaxRunTime { get { uint MaxRunTimeMS; this.iTask.GetMaxRunTime(out MaxRunTimeMS); return new TimeSpan((long) MaxRunTimeMS * 10000L); } set { double totalMilliseconds = value.TotalMilliseconds; if (totalMilliseconds >= (double) uint.MaxValue) this.iTask.SetMaxRunTime(uint.MaxValue); else this.iTask.SetMaxRunTime((uint) totalMilliseconds); } } public bool MaxRunTimeLimited { get { uint MaxRunTimeMS; this.iTask.GetMaxRunTime(out MaxRunTimeMS); return MaxRunTimeMS == uint.MaxValue; } set { if (value) { uint MaxRunTimeMS; this.iTask.GetMaxRunTime(out MaxRunTimeMS); if (MaxRunTimeMS != uint.MaxValue) return; this.iTask.SetMaxRunTime(25920000U); } else this.iTask.SetMaxRunTime(uint.MaxValue); } } public DateTime MostRecentRunTime { get { SystemTime LastRun = new SystemTime(); this.iTask.GetMostRecentRunTime(ref LastRun); return LastRun.Year == (ushort) 0 ? DateTime.MinValue : new DateTime((int) LastRun.Year, (int) LastRun.Month, (int) LastRun.Day, (int) LastRun.Hour, (int) LastRun.Minute, (int) LastRun.Second, (int) LastRun.Milliseconds); } } public DateTime NextRunTime { get { SystemTime NextRun = new SystemTime(); this.iTask.GetNextRunTime(ref NextRun); return NextRun.Year == (ushort) 0 ? DateTime.MinValue : new DateTime((int) NextRun.Year, (int) NextRun.Month, (int) NextRun.Day, (int) NextRun.Hour, (int) NextRun.Minute, (int) NextRun.Second, (int) NextRun.Milliseconds); } } public string Parameters { get { IntPtr Parameters; this.iTask.GetParameters(out Parameters); return CoTaskMem.LPWStrToString(Parameters); } set => this.iTask.SetParameters(value); } public ProcessPriorityClass Priority { get { uint Priority; this.iTask.GetPriority(out Priority); return (ProcessPriorityClass) Priority; } set { if (value == ProcessPriorityClass.AboveNormal || value == ProcessPriorityClass.BelowNormal) throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported Priority Level"); this.iTask.SetPriority((uint) value); } } public TaskStatus Status { get { int Status; this.iTask.GetStatus(out Status); return (TaskStatus) Status; } } private int FlagsEx { get { uint Flags; this.iTask.GetTaskFlags(out Flags); return (int) Flags; } set => this.iTask.SetTaskFlags((uint) value); } public string WorkingDirectory { get { IntPtr WorkingDirectory; this.iTask.GetWorkingDirectory(out WorkingDirectory); return CoTaskMem.LPWStrToString(WorkingDirectory); } set => this.iTask.SetWorkingDirectory(value); } public bool Hidden { get => (this.Flags & TaskFlags.Hidden) != (TaskFlags) 0; set { if (value) this.Flags |= TaskFlags.Hidden; else this.Flags &= ~TaskFlags.Hidden; } } public object Tag { get { ushort DataLen; IntPtr Data; this.iTask.GetWorkItemData(out DataLen, out Data); byte[] numArray = new byte[(int) DataLen]; Marshal.Copy(Data, numArray, 0, (int) DataLen); return new BinaryFormatter().Deserialize((Stream) new MemoryStream(numArray, false)); } set { if (!value.GetType().IsSerializable) throw new ArgumentException("Objects set as Data for Tasks must be serializable", nameof (value)); BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter(); MemoryStream serializationStream = new MemoryStream(); binaryFormatter.Serialize((Stream) serializationStream, value); this.iTask.SetWorkItemData((ushort) serializationStream.Length, serializationStream.GetBuffer()); } } private void SetHiddenFileAttr(bool set) { string ppszFileName; ((IPersistFile) this.iTask).GetCurFile(out ppszFileName); FileAttributes attributes = File.GetAttributes(ppszFileName); FileAttributes fileAttributes = !set ? attributes & ~FileAttributes.Hidden : attributes | FileAttributes.Hidden; File.SetAttributes(ppszFileName, fileAttributes); } private bool GetHiddenFileAttr() { string ppszFileName; ((IPersistFile) this.iTask).GetCurFile(out ppszFileName); try { return (File.GetAttributes(ppszFileName) & FileAttributes.Hidden) != (FileAttributes) 0; } catch { return false; } } public DateTime NextRunTimeAfter(DateTime after) { after = after.AddSeconds(1.0); SystemTime Begin = new SystemTime(); Begin.Year = (ushort) after.Year; Begin.Month = (ushort) after.Month; Begin.Day = (ushort) after.Day; Begin.DayOfWeek = (ushort) after.DayOfWeek; Begin.Hour = (ushort) after.Hour; Begin.Minute = (ushort) after.Minute; Begin.Second = (ushort) after.Second; SystemTime systemTime1 = new SystemTime(); SystemTime End = Begin with { Year = (ushort) DateTime.MaxValue.Year, Month = 1 }; ushort Count = 1; IntPtr TaskTimes; this.iTask.GetRunTimes(ref Begin, ref End, ref Count, out TaskTimes); if (Count != (ushort) 1) return DateTime.MinValue; SystemTime systemTime2 = new SystemTime(); SystemTime structure = (SystemTime) Marshal.PtrToStructure(TaskTimes, typeof (SystemTime)); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(TaskTimes); return new DateTime((int) structure.Year, (int) structure.Month, (int) structure.Day, (int) structure.Hour, (int) structure.Minute, (int) structure.Second); } public void Run() => this.iTask.Run(); public void Save() { ((IPersistFile) this.iTask).Save((string) null, false); this.SetHiddenFileAttr(this.Hidden); } public void Save(string name) { IPersistFile iTask = (IPersistFile) this.iTask; string ppszFileName; iTask.GetCurFile(out ppszFileName); string pszFileName = Path.GetDirectoryName(ppszFileName) + (object) Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + name + Path.GetExtension(ppszFileName); iTask.Save(pszFileName, true); iTask.SaveCompleted(pszFileName); this.name = name; this.SetHiddenFileAttr(this.Hidden); } public void Close() { if (this.triggers != null) this.triggers.Dispose(); Marshal.ReleaseComObject((object) this.iTask); this.iTask = (ITask) null; } public void DisplayForEdit() => this.iTask.EditWorkItem(0U, 0U); public bool DisplayPropertySheet() => this.DisplayPropertySheet(Task.PropPages.Task | Task.PropPages.Schedule | Task.PropPages.Settings); public bool DisplayPropertySheet(Task.PropPages pages) { PropSheetHeader psh = new PropSheetHeader(); IProvideTaskPage iTask = (IProvideTaskPage) this.iTask; IntPtr[] numArray = new IntPtr[3]; int num1 = 0; IntPtr phPage; if ((pages & Task.PropPages.Task) != (Task.PropPages) 0) { iTask.GetPage(0, false, out phPage); numArray[num1++] = phPage; } if ((pages & Task.PropPages.Schedule) != (Task.PropPages) 0) { iTask.GetPage(1, false, out phPage); numArray[num1++] = phPage; } if ((pages & Task.PropPages.Settings) != (Task.PropPages) 0) { iTask.GetPage(2, false, out phPage); numArray[num1++] = phPage; } if (num1 == 0) throw new ArgumentException("No Property Pages to display"); psh.dwSize = (uint) Marshal.SizeOf((object) psh); psh.dwFlags = 128U; psh.pszCaption = this.Name; psh.nPages = (uint) num1; GCHandle gcHandle = GCHandle.Alloc((object) numArray, GCHandleType.Pinned); psh.phpage = gcHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(); int num2 = PropertySheetDisplay.PropertySheet(ref psh); gcHandle.Free(); if (num2 < 0) throw new Exception("Property Sheet failed to display"); return num2 > 0; } public void SetAccountInformation(string accountName, string password) { IntPtr coTaskMemUni = Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemUni(password); this.iTask.SetAccountInformation(accountName, coTaskMemUni); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(coTaskMemUni); } public void SetAccountInformation(string accountName, SecureString password) { IntPtr coTaskMemUnicode = Marshal.SecureStringToCoTaskMemUnicode(password); this.iTask.SetAccountInformation(accountName, coTaskMemUnicode); Marshal.ZeroFreeCoTaskMemUnicode(coTaskMemUnicode); } public void Terminate() => this.iTask.Terminate(); public override string ToString() => string.Format("{0} (\"{1}\" {2})", (object) this.name, (object) this.ApplicationName, (object) this.Parameters); public void Dispose() => this.Close(); [System.Flags] public enum PropPages { Task = 1, Schedule = 2, Settings = 4, } } }