// Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler // Type: Bmc.Services.Ticket.ActivationManager // Assembly: ticketservice, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null // MVID: 3DFB8186-7053-43AF-8B45-70866071B1F2 // Assembly location: C:\Users\Administrateur\Downloads\Virusshare-00001-msil\Trojan.Win32.Patched.mf-fd200e64412b6be5c177c3cfa7b94e83e807ff04211ce324f12e2ffa5537eb36.exe using Bmc.Broker.ResourceSystem; using Bmc.RegistryAccess.Ticket; using Net.LShift.SPKI; using System; using System.IO; namespace Bmc.Services.Ticket { public class ActivationManager { private SignatureChecker ticket_checker; private SPKISexp current_ticket; private SecureStateManager _secureStateManager; private ResourceManager _resourceManager; private ResourceManager _legacyResourceManager; private static byte[][] key_hashes = new byte[1][] { new byte[20] { (byte) 97, (byte) 170, byte.MaxValue, (byte) 55, (byte) 144, (byte) 148, (byte) 75, (byte) 50, (byte) 153, (byte) 84, (byte) 55, (byte) 229, (byte) 122, (byte) 62, (byte) 108, (byte) 42, (byte) 66, (byte) 9, (byte) 74, (byte) 148 } }; public ActivationManager( SecureStateManager secureStateManager, ResourceManager resourceManager, ResourceManager legacyResourceManager) { this.ticket_checker = new SignatureChecker(ActivationManager.key_hashes); this._secureStateManager = secureStateManager; this._resourceManager = resourceManager; this._legacyResourceManager = legacyResourceManager; } private void CheckTicket(SPKISexp ticket) { try { SPKISexp spkiSexp = ticket[nameof (ticket)]; this.ticket_checker.CheckSequence(ticket, spkiSexp); if (!spkiSexp.Get("version").Name.Equals("00003")) throw new BadTicketException("cannot be parsed by this version of the software"); if (!new SPKISexp(new SPKISexp[2] { new SPKISexp("name"), new SPKISexp(this._secureStateManager[(SECURE_FIELD) 0]) }).Equals((object) spkiSexp.Get("subject"))) throw new WrongUserException(); } catch (AccessException ex) { throw new BadTicketException("missing field", (Exception) ex); } } private static string IdOfTicket(SPKISexp ticket) { try { return ticket[nameof (ticket)].Get("id").Name; } catch (AccessException ex) { throw new BadTicketException("missing field", (Exception) ex); } } private void CheckAndStoreTicket(Stream ts, string id) { SPKISexp sexp; try { sexp = SPKISexp.ParseSexp(ts); } catch (ParseException ex) { throw new BadTicketException("Ticket parse failure", (Exception) ex); } ts.Close(); this.CheckTicket(sexp); this.current_ticket = id == null || id.Equals(ActivationManager.IdOfTicket(sexp)) ? sexp : throw new BadTicketException("Unexpected ticket ID"); } public FileInfo TicketFile => this._resourceManager.GetData("ticket.spki"); public FileInfo LegacyTicketFile => this._legacyResourceManager.GetData("ticket.spki"); private void LoadTicket() { string id = this._secureStateManager[(SECURE_FIELD) 3]; if (id != null) { if (!(id == "none")) { try { lock (this) { using (FileStream ts = this.TicketFile.Exists ? this.TicketFile.OpenRead() : this.LegacyTicketFile.OpenRead()) { this.CheckAndStoreTicket((Stream) ts, id); return; } } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new BadTicketException("IO error reading ticket: " + (object) this.TicketFile, (Exception) ex); } } } throw new NoTicketException(); } private void WriteDebugTicket(SPKISexp ticket) { this._resourceManager.EnsureDataDirectoryExists("debug"); using (Stream stream = (Stream) this._resourceManager.GetData("debug\\ticket.txt").OpenWrite()) { using (TextWriter textWriter = (TextWriter) new StreamWriter(stream)) ticket.PrettyPrint(textWriter); } } private void SaveTicket() { this._resourceManager.EnsureDataDirectoryExists(""); this.TicketFile.Delete(); using (FileStream fileStream = this.TicketFile.OpenWrite()) this.current_ticket.Marshal((Stream) fileStream); this._secureStateManager[(SECURE_FIELD) 3] = ActivationManager.IdOfTicket(this.current_ticket); this._secureStateManager.Flush(); } public void SetTicket(Stream ticket) { lock (this) { this.CheckAndStoreTicket(ticket, (string) null); this.SaveTicket(); } } public SPKISexp Ticket { get { if (this.current_ticket == null) this.LoadTicket(); return this.current_ticket; } } public string TicketId => ActivationManager.IdOfTicket(this.Ticket); public bool TicketOK { get { try { return this.TicketId != "none"; } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } } } public void PrintTicket(TextWriter tw) => this.Ticket.PrettyPrint(tw); public string TicketString() { StringWriter tw = new StringWriter(); this.PrintTicket((TextWriter) tw); return tw.ToString(); } } }